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import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np
from torch import nn
from modules.real3d.facev2v_warp.layers import ConvBlock2D, DownBlock2D, DownBlock3D, UpBlock2D, UpBlock3D, ResBlock2D, ResBlock3D, ResBottleneck
from modules.real3d.facev2v_warp.func_utils import (
class AppearanceFeatureExtractor(nn.Module):
# 3D appearance features extractor
# [N,3,256,256]
# [N,64,256,256]
# [N,128,128,128]
# [N,256,64,64]
# [N,512,64,64]
# [N,32,16,64,64]
def __init__(self, in_dim=3, model_scale='standard', lora_args=None):
use_weight_norm = False
down_seq = [64, 128, 256]
n_res = 6
C = 32
D = 16
self.in_conv = ConvBlock2D("CNA", in_dim, down_seq[0], 7, 1, 3, use_weight_norm)
self.down = nn.Sequential(*[DownBlock2D(down_seq[i], down_seq[i + 1], use_weight_norm) for i in range(len(down_seq) - 1)])
self.mid_conv = nn.Conv2d(down_seq[-1], C * D, 1, 1, 0)
self.res = nn.Sequential(*[ResBlock3D(C, use_weight_norm) for _ in range(n_res)])
self.C, self.D = C, D
def forward(self, x):
x = self.in_conv(x)
x = self.down(x)
x = self.mid_conv(x)
N, _, H, W = x.shape
x = x.view(N, self.C, self.D, H, W)
x = self.res(x)
return x
class CanonicalKeypointDetector(nn.Module):
# Canonical keypoints detector
# [N,3,256,256]
# [N,64,128,128]
# [N,128,64,64]
# [N,256,32,32]
# [N,512,16,16]
# [N,1024,8,8]
# [N,16384,8,8]
# [N,1024,16,8,8]
# [N,512,16,16,16]
# [N,256,16,32,32]
# [N,128,16,64,64]
# [N,64,16,128,128]
# [N,32,16,256,256]
# [N,20,16,256,256] (heatmap)
# [N,20,3] (key points)
def __init__(self, model_scale='standard'):
if model_scale == 'standard' or model_scale == 'large':
down_seq = [3, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024]
up_seq = [1024, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32]
D = 16 # depth_channel
K = 15
elif model_scale == 'small':
down_seq = [3, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512]
up_seq = [512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16]
D = 6 # depth_channel
K = 15
self.down = nn.Sequential(*[DownBlock2D(down_seq[i], down_seq[i + 1], use_weight_norm) for i in range(len(down_seq) - 1)])
self.mid_conv = nn.Conv2d(down_seq[-1], up_seq[0] * D, 1, 1, 0)
self.up = nn.Sequential(*[UpBlock3D(up_seq[i], up_seq[i + 1], use_weight_norm) for i in range(len(up_seq) - 1)])
self.out_conv = nn.Conv3d(up_seq[-1], K, 3, 1, 1)
self.C, self.D = up_seq[0], D
self.scale_factor = scale_factor
def forward(self, x):
x = F.interpolate(x, mode="bilinear", scale_factor=self.scale_factor, align_corners=False, recompute_scale_factor=True)
# [1, 3, 256, 256] ==> [1, 3, 64, 64]
x = self.down(x) # ==> [1, 1024, 2, 2]
x = self.mid_conv(x) # ==> [1, 16384, 2, 2]
N, _, H, W = x.shape
x = x.view(N, self.C, self.D, H, W) # ==> [1, 1024, 16, 2, 2]
x = self.up(x) # ==> [1, 32, 16, 64, 64]
x = self.out_conv(x) # ==> [1, 15, 16, 64, 64]
heatmap = out2heatmap(x)
kp = heatmap2kp(heatmap)
return kp
class PoseExpressionEstimator(nn.Module):
# Head pose estimator && expression deformation estimator
# [N,3,256,256]
# [N,64,64,64]
# [N,256,64,64]
# [N,512,32,32]
# [N,1024,16,16]
# [N,2048,8,8]
# [N,2048]
# [N,66] [N,66] [N,66] [N,3] [N,60]
# [N,] [N,] [N,] [N,3] [N,20,3]
def __init__(self, model_scale='standard'):
if model_scale == 'standard' or model_scale == 'large':
n_filters=[64, 256, 512, 1024, 2048]
n_blocks=[3, 3, 5, 2]
elif model_scale == 'small':
n_filters=[32, 128, 256, 512, 512]
n_blocks=[2, 2, 4, 2]
self.pre_layers = nn.Sequential(ConvBlock2D("CNA", 3, n_filters[0], 7, 2, 3, use_weight_norm), nn.MaxPool2d(3, 2, 1))
res_layers = []
for i in range(len(n_filters) - 1):
res_layers.extend(self._make_layer(i, n_filters[i], n_filters[i + 1], n_blocks[i], use_weight_norm))
self.res_layers = nn.Sequential(*res_layers)
self.fc_yaw = nn.Linear(n_filters[-1], n_bins)
self.fc_pitch = nn.Linear(n_filters[-1], n_bins)
self.fc_roll = nn.Linear(n_filters[-1], n_bins)
self.fc_t = nn.Linear(n_filters[-1], 3)
self.fc_delta = nn.Linear(n_filters[-1], 3 * K)
self.n_bins = n_bins
self.idx_tensor = torch.FloatTensor(list(range(self.n_bins))).unsqueeze(0).cuda()
def _make_layer(self, i, in_channels, out_channels, n_block, use_weight_norm):
stride = 1 if i == 0 else 2
return [ResBottleneck(in_channels, out_channels, stride, use_weight_norm)] + [
ResBottleneck(out_channels, out_channels, 1, use_weight_norm) for _ in range(n_block)
def forward(self, x):
x = self.pre_layers(x)
x = self.res_layers(x)
x = torch.mean(x, (2, 3))
yaw, pitch, roll, t, delta = self.fc_yaw(x), self.fc_pitch(x), self.fc_roll(x), self.fc_t(x), self.fc_delta(x)
yaw = torch.softmax(yaw, dim=1)
pitch = torch.softmax(pitch, dim=1)
roll = torch.softmax(roll, dim=1)
yaw = (yaw * self.idx_tensor).sum(dim=1)
pitch = (pitch * self.idx_tensor).sum(dim=1)
roll = (roll * self.idx_tensor).sum(dim=1)
yaw = (yaw - self.n_bins // 2) * 3 * np.pi / 180
pitch = (pitch - self.n_bins // 2) * 3 * np.pi / 180
roll = (roll - self.n_bins // 2) * 3 * np.pi / 180
delta = delta.view(x.shape[0], -1, 3)
return yaw, pitch, roll, t, delta
class MotionFieldEstimator(nn.Module):
# Motion field estimator
# (4+1)x(20+1)=105
# [N,105,16,64,64]
# ...
# [N,32,16,64,64]
# [N,137,16,64,64]
# 1.
# [N,21,16,64,64] (mask)
# 2.
# [N,2192,64,64]
# [N,1,64,64] (occlusion)
def __init__(self, model_scale='standard', input_channels=32, num_keypoints=15, predict_multiref_occ=True):
if model_scale == 'standard' or model_scale == 'large':
down_seq = [(num_keypoints+1)*5, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024]
up_seq = [1024, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32]
elif model_scale == 'small':
down_seq = [(num_keypoints+1)*5, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512]
up_seq = [512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16]
K = num_keypoints
D = 16
C1 = input_channels # appearance feats channel
C2 = 4
self.compress = nn.Conv3d(C1, C2, 1, 1, 0)
self.down = nn.Sequential(*[DownBlock3D(down_seq[i], down_seq[i + 1], use_weight_norm) for i in range(len(down_seq) - 1)])
self.up = nn.Sequential(*[UpBlock3D(up_seq[i], up_seq[i + 1], use_weight_norm) for i in range(len(up_seq) - 1)])
tgt_head_in_dim = 3 + 1
tgt_head_hid_dim = 32
tgt_head_layers = [ConvBlock2D("CNA", tgt_head_in_dim, tgt_head_hid_dim, 7, 1, 3, use_weight_norm)] + [ResBlock2D(tgt_head_hid_dim, use_weight_norm) for _ in range(3)]
self.tgt_head_encoder = nn.Sequential(*tgt_head_layers)
self.tgt_head_fuser = nn.Conv3d(tgt_head_hid_dim + down_seq[0] + up_seq[-1], tgt_head_hid_dim, 7, 1, 3)
self.mask_conv = nn.Conv3d(tgt_head_hid_dim, K + 1, 7, 1, 3)
self.predict_multiref_occ = predict_multiref_occ
self.occlusion_conv = nn.Conv2d(tgt_head_hid_dim * D, 1, 7, 1, 3)
self.occlusion_conv2 = nn.Conv2d(tgt_head_hid_dim * D, 1, 7, 1, 3)
self.C, self.D = down_seq[0] + up_seq[-1], D
def forward(self, fs, kp_s, kp_d, Rs, Rd, tgt_head_img, tgt_head_weights):
# the original fs is compressed to 4 channels using a 1x1x1 conv
fs_compressed = self.compress(fs)
N, _, D, H, W = fs.shape
# [N,21,1,16,64,64]
heatmap_representation = create_heatmap_representations(fs_compressed, kp_s, kp_d)
# [N,21,16,64,64,3]
sparse_motion = create_sparse_motions(fs_compressed, kp_s, kp_d, Rs, Rd)
# [N,21,4,16,64,64]
deformed_source = create_deformed_source_image(fs_compressed, sparse_motion)
input =[heatmap_representation, deformed_source], dim=2).view(N, -1, D, H, W)
output = self.down(input)
output = self.up(output)
x =[input, output], dim=1)
tgt_head_inp =[tgt_head_img, tgt_head_weights], dim=1)
tgt_head_inp = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(tgt_head_inp, size=(128,128), mode='bilinear')
tgt_head_feats = self.tgt_head_encoder(tgt_head_inp) # [B, C=3+1, H=256, W=256]
tgt_head_feats = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(tgt_head_feats, size=(64,64), mode='bilinear')
fused_x =[x, tgt_head_feats.unsqueeze(2).repeat([1,1,x.shape[2],1,1])], dim=1)
x = self.tgt_head_fuser(fused_x)
mask = self.mask_conv(x)
# [N,21,16,64,64,1]
mask = F.softmax(mask, dim=1).unsqueeze(-1)
# [N,16,64,64,3]
deformation = (sparse_motion * mask).sum(dim=1)
if self.predict_multiref_occ:
occlusion, occlusion_2 = self.create_occlusion(x.view(N, -1, H, W))
return deformation, occlusion, occlusion_2
return deformation, x.view(N, -1, H, W)
# x: torch.Tensor, N, M, H, W
def create_occlusion(self, x, deformed_source=None):
occlusion = self.occlusion_conv(x)
occlusion_2 = self.occlusion_conv2(x)
occlusion = torch.sigmoid(occlusion)
occlusion_2 = torch.sigmoid(occlusion_2)
return occlusion, occlusion_2
class Generator(nn.Module):
# Generator
# [N,32,16,64,64]
# [N,512,64,64]
# [N,256,64,64]
# [N,128,128,128]
# [N,64,256,256]
# [N,3,256,256]
def __init__(self, input_channels=32, model_scale='standard', more_res=False):
if model_scale == 'large':
n_res = 12
up_seq = [256, 128, 64]
D = 16
use_up_res = True
elif model_scale in ['standard', 'small']:
n_res = 6
up_seq = [256, 128, 64]
D = 16
use_up_res = False
self.in_conv = ConvBlock2D("CNA", C * D, up_seq[0], 3, 1, 1, use_weight_norm, nonlinearity_type="leakyrelu")
self.mid_conv = nn.Conv2d(up_seq[0], up_seq[0], 1, 1, 0)
self.res = nn.Sequential(*[ResBlock2D(up_seq[0], use_weight_norm) for _ in range(n_res)])
ups = []
for i in range(len(up_seq) - 1):
ups.append(UpBlock2D(up_seq[i], up_seq[i + 1], use_weight_norm))
if use_up_res:
ups.append(ResBlock2D(up_seq[i + 1], up_seq[i + 1]))
self.up = nn.Sequential(*ups)
self.out_conv = nn.Conv2d(up_seq[-1], 3, 7, 1, 3)
def forward(self, fs, deformation, occlusion, return_hid=False):
deformed_fs = self.get_deformed_feature(fs, deformation)
return self.forward_with_deformed_feature(deformed_fs, occlusion, return_hid=return_hid)
def forward_with_deformed_feature(self, deformed_fs, occlusion, return_hid=False):
fs = deformed_fs
fs = self.in_conv(fs)
fs = self.mid_conv(fs)
fs = self.res(fs)
fs = self.up(fs)
rgb = self.out_conv(fs)
if return_hid:
return rgb, fs
return rgb
def get_deformed_feature(fs, deformation):
N, _, D, H, W = fs.shape
fs = F.grid_sample(fs, deformation, align_corners=True, padding_mode='border').view(N, -1, H, W)
return fs
class Discriminator(nn.Module):
# Patch Discriminator
def __init__(self, use_weight_norm=True, down_seq=[64, 128, 256, 512], K=15):
layers = []
layers.append(ConvBlock2D("CNA", 3 + K, down_seq[0], 3, 2, 1, use_weight_norm, "instance", "leakyrelu"))
ConvBlock2D("CNA", down_seq[i], down_seq[i + 1], 3, 2 if i < len(down_seq) - 2 else 1, 1, use_weight_norm, "instance", "leakyrelu")
for i in range(len(down_seq) - 1)
layers.append(ConvBlock2D("CN", down_seq[-1], 1, 3, 1, 1, use_weight_norm, activation_type="none"))
self.layers = nn.ModuleList(layers)
def forward(self, x, kp):
heatmap = kp2gaussian_2d(kp.detach()[:, :, :2], x.shape[2:])
x =[x, heatmap], dim=1)
res = [x]
for layer in self.layers:
x = res[-1]
output = res[-1]
features = res[1:-1]
return output, features