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Lookup Free Quantization
Proposed in
basically a 2-level FSQ (Finite Scalar Quantization) with entropy loss
from math import log2, ceil
from collections import namedtuple
import torch
from torch import nn, Tensor, einsum
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.nn import Module
from einops import rearrange, reduce, pack, unpack
# constants
# Return = namedtuple('Return', ['quantized', 'indices', 'entropy_aux_loss'])
LossBreakdown = namedtuple('LossBreakdown', ['per_sample_entropy', 'batch_entropy', 'commitment'])
# helper functions
def exists(v):
return v is not None
def default(*args):
for arg in args:
if exists(arg):
return arg() if callable(arg) else arg
return None
def pack_one(t, pattern):
return pack([t], pattern)
def unpack_one(t, ps, pattern):
return unpack(t, ps, pattern)[0]
# distance
def euclidean_distance_squared(x, y):
x2 = reduce(x ** 2, '... n d -> ... n', 'sum')
y2 = reduce(y ** 2, 'n d -> n', 'sum')
xy = einsum('... i d, j d -> ... i j', x, y) * -2
return rearrange(x2, '... i -> ... i 1') + y2 + xy
# entropy
def log(t, eps = 1e-20):
return t.clamp(min = eps).log()
def entropy(prob):
return -prob * log(prob)
# class
class LFQ(Module):
def __init__(
dim = None,
codebook_size = None,
entropy_loss_weight = 0.1,
commitment_loss_weight = 1.,
diversity_gamma = 2.5,
straight_through_activation = nn.Identity(),
num_codebooks = 1,
keep_num_codebooks_dim = None,
codebook_scale = 1. # for residual LFQ, codebook scaled down by 2x at each layer
# some assert validations
assert exists(dim) or exists(codebook_size), 'either dim or codebook_size must be specified for LFQ'
assert not exists(codebook_size) or log2(codebook_size).is_integer(), f'your codebook size must be a power of 2 for lookup free quantization (suggested {2 ** ceil(log2(codebook_size))})'
codebook_size = default(codebook_size, lambda: 2 ** dim)
codebook_dim = int(log2(codebook_size))
codebook_dims = codebook_dim * num_codebooks
dim = default(dim, codebook_dims)
self.project_in = nn.Linear(dim, codebook_dims) if dim != codebook_dims else nn.Identity()
self.project_out = nn.Linear(codebook_dims, dim) if dim != codebook_dims else nn.Identity()
self.dim = dim
self.codebook_dim = codebook_dim
self.num_codebooks = num_codebooks
keep_num_codebooks_dim = default(keep_num_codebooks_dim, num_codebooks > 1)
assert not (num_codebooks > 1 and not keep_num_codebooks_dim)
self.keep_num_codebooks_dim = keep_num_codebooks_dim
# straight through activation
self.activation = straight_through_activation
# entropy aux loss related weights
self.diversity_gamma = diversity_gamma
self.entropy_loss_weight = entropy_loss_weight
# codebook scale
self.codebook_scale = codebook_scale
# commitment loss
self.commitment_loss_weight = commitment_loss_weight
# for no auxiliary loss, during inference
self.register_buffer('mask', 2 ** torch.arange(codebook_dim - 1, -1, -1))
self.register_buffer('zero', torch.tensor(0.), persistent = False)
# codes
all_codes = torch.arange(codebook_size)
bits = ((all_codes[..., None].int() & self.mask) != 0).float()
codebook = self.bits_to_codes(bits)
self.register_buffer('codebook', codebook, persistent = False)
def bits_to_codes(self, bits):
return bits * self.codebook_scale * 2 - self.codebook_scale
def dtype(self):
return self.codebook.dtype
def indices_to_codes(
project_out = True
is_img_or_video = indices.ndim >= (3 + int(self.keep_num_codebooks_dim))
if not self.keep_num_codebooks_dim:
indices = rearrange(indices, '... -> ... 1')
# indices to codes, which are bits of either -1 or 1
bits = ((indices[..., None].int() & self.mask) != 0).to(self.dtype)
codes = self.bits_to_codes(bits)
codes = rearrange(codes, '... c d -> ... (c d)')
# whether to project codes out to original dimensions
# if the input feature dimensions were not log2(codebook size)
if project_out:
codes = self.project_out(codes)
# rearrange codes back to original shape
if is_img_or_video:
codes = rearrange(codes, 'b ... d -> b d ...')
return codes
def forward(
inv_temperature = 1.,
return_loss_breakdown = False
einstein notation
b - batch
n - sequence (or flattened spatial dimensions)
d - feature dimension, which is also log2(codebook size)
c - number of codebook dim
is_img_or_video = x.ndim >= 4
# standardize image or video into (batch, seq, dimension)
if is_img_or_video:
x = rearrange(x, 'b d ... -> b ... d')
x, ps = pack_one(x, 'b * d')
assert x.shape[-1] == self.dim, f'expected dimension of {self.dim} but received {x.shape[-1]}'
x = self.project_in(x)
# split out number of codebooks
x = rearrange(x, 'b n (c d) -> b n c d', c = self.num_codebooks)
# quantize by eq 3.
original_input = x
codebook_value = torch.ones_like(x) * self.codebook_scale
quantized = torch.where(x > 0, codebook_value, -codebook_value)
# use straight-through gradients with tanh (or custom activation fn) if training
x = self.activation(x)
x = x - x.detach() + quantized
x = quantized
# calculate indices
indices = reduce((x > 0).int() *, 'b n c d -> b n c', 'sum')
# entropy aux loss
distance = euclidean_distance_squared(original_input, self.codebook)
prob = (-distance * inv_temperature).softmax(dim = -1)
per_sample_entropy = entropy(prob).mean()
avg_prob = reduce(prob, 'b n c d -> b c d', 'mean')
codebook_entropy = entropy(avg_prob).mean()
# 1. entropy will be nudged to be low for each code, to encourage the network to output confident predictions
# 2. codebook entropy will be nudged to be high, to encourage all codes to be uniformly used within the batch
entropy_aux_loss = per_sample_entropy - self.diversity_gamma * codebook_entropy
# if not training, just return dummy 0
entropy_aux_loss = per_sample_entropy = codebook_entropy =
# commit loss
commit_loss = F.mse_loss(original_input, quantized.detach())
commit_loss =
# merge back codebook dim
x = rearrange(x, 'b n c d -> b n (c d)')
# project out to feature dimension if needed
x = self.project_out(x)
# reconstitute image or video dimensions
if is_img_or_video:
x = unpack_one(x, ps, 'b * d')
x = rearrange(x, 'b ... d -> b d ...')
indices = unpack_one(indices, ps, 'b * c')
# whether to remove single codebook dim
if not self.keep_num_codebooks_dim:
indices = rearrange(indices, '... 1 -> ...')
# complete aux loss
aux_loss = entropy_aux_loss * self.entropy_loss_weight + commit_loss * self.commitment_loss_weight
ret = x, aux_loss, indices
if not return_loss_breakdown:
return ret
return ret, LossBreakdown(per_sample_entropy, codebook_entropy, commit_loss)
def get_codebook_entry(self, encoding_indices):
return self.indices_to_codes(encoding_indices)