import json |
import numpy as np |
import os |
import nibabel as nib |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
import cv2 |
import pandas as pd |
from sklearn.model_selection import ParameterGrid |
def rotate_image_to_horizontal(binary_image): |
""" |
Rotates the image to make the major axis of the object horizontal. |
""" |
binary_image = binary_image.astype(np.uint8) |
contours, _ = cv2.findContours(binary_image, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) |
contour = max(contours, key=cv2.contourArea) |
rect = cv2.minAreaRect(contour) |
box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) |
box = np.int0(box) |
angle = rect[2] |
if angle < -45: |
angle += 90 |
if angle > 45: |
angle-=90 |
(h, w) = binary_image.shape[:2] |
center = (w // 2, h // 2) |
M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, 1.0) |
rotated_image = cv2.warpAffine(binary_image, M, (w, h), flags=cv2.INTER_CUBIC, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT) |
return rotated_image |
def calculate_heights(segmentation_fake,segmentation_label,height_threshold): |
all_heights_fake = [] |
all_heights_label = [] |
pre_heights_fake = [] |
pre_heights_label = [] |
mid_heights_fake = [] |
mid_heights_label = [] |
post_heights_fake = [] |
post_heights_label = [] |
for z in range(segmentation_label.shape[2]): |
if np.any(segmentation_label[:, :, z]) and np.any(segmentation_fake[:, :, z]): |
segmentation_label_slice = segmentation_label[:, :, z] |
segmentation_fake_slice = segmentation_fake[:, :, z] |
loc = np.where(segmentation_fake_slice)[1] |
y_min = int(np.min(loc)) |
y_max = int(np.max(loc)) |
y_range = y_max-y_min |
one_third_y = int(y_min + y_range/3) |
two_third_y = int(y_min + 2*y_range/3) |
center_height_fake = np.count_nonzero(segmentation_fake_slice[:, int(np.mean(loc))]) |
all_height_fake = np.count_nonzero(segmentation_fake_slice, axis=0) |
pre_height_fake = np.count_nonzero(segmentation_fake_slice[:,:one_third_y], axis=0) |
mid_height_fake = np.count_nonzero(segmentation_fake_slice[:,one_third_y:two_third_y], axis=0) |
post_height_fake = np.count_nonzero(segmentation_fake_slice[:, two_third_y:], axis=0) |
loc = np.where(segmentation_label[:, :, z])[1] |
center_height_label = np.count_nonzero(segmentation_label_slice[:, int(np.mean(loc))]) |
all_height_label = np.count_nonzero(segmentation_label_slice, axis=0) |
pre_height_label = np.count_nonzero(segmentation_label_slice[:, :one_third_y], axis=0) |
mid_height_label = np.count_nonzero(segmentation_label_slice[:, one_third_y:two_third_y], axis=0) |
post_height_label = np.count_nonzero(segmentation_label_slice[:, two_third_y:], axis=0) |
all_scale_ratio = 1 |
pre_scale_ratio = 1 |
mid_scale_ratio = 1 |
post_scale_ratio = 1 |
if all_height_label.size > 0 and all_height_fake.size > 0: |
if all_height_label.max()>all_height_fake.max(): |
all_scale_ratio = all_height_label.max()/(all_height_fake.max()+1e-6) |
if pre_height_label.size > 0 and pre_height_fake.size > 0: |
if pre_height_label.max()>pre_height_fake.max(): |
pre_scale_ratio = pre_height_label.max()/(pre_height_fake.max()+1e-6) |
if mid_height_label.size > 0 and mid_height_fake.size > 0: |
if mid_height_label.max()>mid_height_fake.max(): |
mid_scale_ratio = mid_height_label.max()/(mid_height_fake.max()+1e-6) |
if post_height_label.size > 0 and post_height_fake.size > 0: |
if post_height_label.max()>post_height_fake.max(): |
post_scale_ratio = post_height_label.max()/(post_height_fake.max()+1e-6) |
all_height_fake = all_height_fake*all_scale_ratio |
center_height_fake = center_height_fake*all_scale_ratio |
pre_height_fake = pre_height_fake*pre_scale_ratio |
mid_height_fake = mid_height_fake*mid_scale_ratio |
post_height_fake = post_height_fake*post_scale_ratio |
all_heights_fake.extend(all_height_fake[all_height_fake > (center_height_fake*height_threshold)]) |
all_heights_label.extend(all_height_label[all_height_label > (center_height_label*height_threshold)]) |
pre_heights_fake.extend(pre_height_fake[pre_height_fake > (center_height_fake*height_threshold)]) |
pre_heights_label.extend(pre_height_label[pre_height_label > (center_height_label*height_threshold)]) |
mid_heights_fake.extend(mid_height_fake[mid_height_fake > (center_height_fake*height_threshold)]) |
mid_heights_label.extend(mid_height_label[mid_height_label > (center_height_label*height_threshold)]) |
post_heights_fake.extend(post_height_fake[post_height_fake > (center_height_fake*height_threshold)]) |
post_heights_label.extend(post_height_label[post_height_label > (center_height_label*height_threshold)]) |
all_heights_fake = np.array(all_heights_fake) |
all_heights_label = np.array(all_heights_label) |
pre_heights_fake = np.array(pre_heights_fake) |
pre_heights_label = np.array(pre_heights_label) |
mid_heights_fake = np.array(mid_heights_fake) |
mid_heights_label = np.array(mid_heights_label) |
post_heights_fake = np.array(post_heights_fake) |
post_heights_label = np.array(post_heights_label) |
return all_heights_fake, all_heights_label,pre_heights_fake, pre_heights_label,mid_heights_fake, mid_heights_label,post_heights_fake, post_heights_label |
def calculate_rhlv(segmentation_fake, segmentation_label, center_z, length,vertebra,height_threshold): |
""" |
Calculate the Relative Height Loss Value (RHLV) between fake and label segmentations. |
""" |
seg_fake_filtered = segmentation_fake[:, :, center_z-length:center_z+length] |
seg_label_filtered = segmentation_label[:, :, center_z-length:center_z+length] |
all_heights_fake, all_heights_label,pre_heights_fake, pre_heights_label,mid_heights_fake, mid_heights_label,post_heights_fake, post_heights_label\ |
= calculate_heights(seg_fake_filtered, seg_label_filtered,height_threshold) |
all_height_fake = np.mean(all_heights_fake) if all_heights_fake.size > 0 else 0 |
all_height_label = np.mean(all_heights_label) if all_heights_label.size > 0 else 0 |
pre_height_fake = np.mean(pre_heights_fake) if pre_heights_fake.size > 0 else 0 |
pre_height_label = np.mean(pre_heights_label) if pre_heights_label.size > 0 else 0 |
mid_height_fake = np.mean(mid_heights_fake) if mid_heights_fake.size > 0 else 0 |
mid_height_label = np.mean(mid_heights_label) if mid_heights_label.size > 0 else 0 |
post_height_fake = np.mean(post_heights_fake) if post_heights_fake.size > 0 else 0 |
post_height_label = np.mean(post_heights_label) if post_heights_label.size > 0 else 0 |
all_rhlv = (all_height_fake - all_height_label) / (all_height_fake +1e-6) |
pre_rhlv = (pre_height_fake - pre_height_label) / (pre_height_fake +1e-6) |
mid_rhlv = (mid_height_fake - mid_height_label) / (mid_height_fake +1e-6) |
post_rhlv = (post_height_fake - post_height_label) / (post_height_fake +1e-6) |
min_height = min(pre_height_label,mid_height_label,post_height_label) |
max_height = max(pre_height_label,mid_height_label,post_height_label) |
relative_height_label = min_height/(max_height+1e-6) |
return all_rhlv,pre_rhlv,mid_rhlv,post_rhlv,relative_height_label |
def process_datasets_to_excel(dataset_info, label_folder, fake_folder, output_file,length_divisor=5, height_threshold=0.64): |
results = [] |
for dataset_type, data in dataset_info.items(): |
for vertebra, label in data.items(): |
label_path = os.path.join(label_folder, vertebra + '.nii.gz') |
fake_path = os.path.join(fake_folder, vertebra + '.nii.gz') |
if not os.path.exists(label_path) or not os.path.exists(fake_path): |
continue |
segmentation_label_temp = nib.load(label_path).get_fdata() |
segmentation_label = np.zeros_like(segmentation_label_temp) |
segmentation_fake_temp = nib.load(fake_path).get_fdata() |
segmentation_fake = np.zeros_like(segmentation_fake_temp) |
label_index = int(vertebra.split('_')[-1]) |
segmentation_label[segmentation_label_temp == label_index] = 1 |
segmentation_fake[segmentation_fake_temp == label_index] = 1 |
loc = np.where(segmentation_label)[2] |
if loc.size == 0: |
continue |
min_z = np.min(loc) |
max_z = np.max(loc) |
center_z = int(np.mean(loc)) |
length = (max_z - min_z) // length_divisor |
all_rhlv, pre_rhlv, mid_rhlv, post_rhlv, relative_height_label = calculate_rhlv( |
segmentation_fake, segmentation_label, center_z, length, vertebra,height_threshold |
) |
results.append({ |
"Vertebra": vertebra, |
"Label": label, |
"Dataset": dataset_type, |
"All RHLV": all_rhlv, |
"Pre RHLV": pre_rhlv, |
"Mid RHLV": mid_rhlv, |
"Post RHLV": post_rhlv, |
"Relative Height Label": relative_height_label |
}) |
df = pd.DataFrame(results) |
df.to_excel(output_file, index=False) |
def main(): |
with open('vertebra_data_local.json', 'r') as file: |
json_data = json.load(file) |
label_folder = '/dssg/home/acct-milesun/zhangqi/Dataset/HealthiVert_straighten/label' |
output_folder = '/dssg/home/acct-milesun/zhangqi/Project/HealthiVert-GAN_eval/output' |
result_folder = '/dssg/home/acct-milesun/zhangqi/Project/HealthiVert-GAN_eval/evaluation/RHLV_quantification' |
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(output_folder): |
for dir in dirs: |
exp_folder = os.path.join(root,dir) |
fake_folder = os.path.join(exp_folder,'label_fake') |
result_file = os.path.join(result_folder,dir+'.xlsx') |
process_datasets_to_excel(json_data, label_folder, fake_folder, result_file, length_divisor=5, height_threshold=0.7) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main() |