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"""General-purpose training script for image-to-image translation.
This script works for various models (with option '--model': e.g., pix2pix, cyclegan, colorization) and
different datasets (with option '--dataset_mode': e.g., aligned, unaligned, single, colorization).
You need to specify the dataset ('--dataroot'), experiment name ('--name'), and model ('--model').
It first creates model, dataset, and visualizer given the option.
It then does standard network training. During the training, it also visualize/save the images, print/save the loss plot, and save models.
The script supports continue/resume training. Use '--continue_train' to resume your previous training.
Train a CycleGAN model:
python --dataroot ./datasets/maps --name maps_cyclegan --model cycle_gan
Train a pix2pix model:
python --dataroot ./datasets/facades --name facades_pix2pix --model pix2pix --direction BtoA
See options/ and options/ for more training options.
See training and test tips at:
See frequently asked questions at:
import time
from options.train_options import TrainOptions
from data import create_dataset
from models import create_model
from util.visualizer import Visualizer
from options.test_options import TestOptions
from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter
import torchvision.utils as vutils
import os
import torch
from skimage.metrics import structural_similarity as ssim
from skimage.metrics import peak_signal_noise_ratio as psnr
import numpy as np
import torch.nn.functional as F
import math
def dice_score(pred, target, smooth=1e-5):
pred_flat = pred.contiguous().view(-1)
target_flat = target.contiguous().view(-1)
intersection = (pred_flat * target_flat).sum()
return (2. * intersection + smooth) / (pred_flat.sum() + target_flat.sum() + smooth)
def iou_score(pred, target, smooth=1e-5):
pred_flat = pred.contiguous().view(-1)
target_flat = target.contiguous().view(-1)
intersection = (pred_flat * target_flat).sum()
union = pred_flat.sum() + target_flat.sum() - intersection
return (intersection + smooth) / (union + smooth)
def evaluate_model(model, test_loader, device,checkpoint_path, iteration):
model.eval() # 将模型设置为评估模式
with torch.no_grad(): # 关闭梯度计算
ssim_scores, psnr_scores, dice_scores, iou_scores = [], [], [], []
Diff_hs = []
for batch in test_loader:
ground_truths, labels, normal_vert_labels, masks,CAMs,heights,x1,x2,slice_ratio = \
maxheight = model.maxheight
ct_upper_list = []
ct_bottom_list = []
for i in range(ground_truths.shape[0]):
ct_upper = ground_truths[i, :, :x1[i], :]
ct_bottom = ground_truths[i, :, x2[i]:, :]
ct_upper_list.append(ct_upper.unsqueeze(0)) # 添加批次维度以便合并
# 模型推理
CAM_temp = 1-CAMs
inputs = model.real_A
outputs = model.netG(inputs,masks,CAM_temp,slice_ratio) # 根据你的模型调整
coarse_seg_sigmoid,fine_seg_sigmoid, stage1, stage2, offset_flow,pred1_h,pred2_h = outputs # 根据你的输出调整
pred1_h = pred1_h.T*maxheight
pred2_h = pred2_h.T*maxheight
coarse_seg_binary = torch.where(coarse_seg_sigmoid>0.5,torch.ones_like(coarse_seg_sigmoid),torch.zeros_like(coarse_seg_sigmoid))
fine_seg_binary = torch.where(fine_seg_sigmoid>0.5,torch.ones_like(fine_seg_sigmoid),torch.zeros_like(fine_seg_sigmoid))
fake_B_raw_list = []
for i in range(stage2.size(0)):
height = math.ceil(pred2_h[0][i].item()) # 获取当前图片的目标高度
if height<heights[i]:
height = heights[i]
height_diff = height-heights[i]
x_upper = x1[i]-height_diff//2
x_bottom = x_upper+height
single_image = torch.zeros_like(stage2[i:i+1])
single_image[0,:,x_upper:x_bottom,:] = stage2[i:i+1,:,x_upper:x_bottom,:]
ct_upper = torch.zeros_like(single_image)
ct_upper[0,:,:x_upper,:] = ground_truths[i, :, height_diff//2:x1[i], :]
ct_bottom = torch.zeros_like(single_image)
ct_bottom[0,:,x_bottom:,:] = ground_truths[i, :, x2[i]:x2[i]+256-x_bottom, :]
interpolated_image = single_image+ct_upper+ct_bottom
inpainted_result =, dim=0)
# 计算评估指标
# 注意:你需要将Tensor转换为适合评估函数的numpy数组,且可能需要处理多个样本的batch
for i in range(inputs.size(0)): # 遍历batch中的每个样本
# 这里添加从Tensor到numpy的转换,以及任何必要的预处理步骤
# 假设ground_truth, label, normal_vert_label已经是正确格式的numpy数组
ground_truth = ground_truths[i].cpu().numpy()
label = labels[i].cpu().numpy()
normal_vert_label = normal_vert_labels[i].cpu().numpy()
height = heights[i].cpu()
pred_h = pred2_h[0][i].cpu()
# 假设函数inpainted_result_to_numpy等可以正确转换模型输出
inpainted_result_np = inpainted_result[i].cpu().numpy()
coarse_seg_binary_np = coarse_seg_binary[i].cpu().numpy()
fine_seg_binary_np = fine_seg_binary[i].cpu().numpy()
mask = masks[i].cpu().numpy()
# 示例:计算SSIM
# 注意,直接把整张图像输入计算SSIM会导致背景区域影响很大
# 可以结合二值化mask只对前景区域计算SSIM指数
ssim_score = ssim((ground_truth*mask).squeeze(), (inpainted_result_np*mask).squeeze(), data_range=inpainted_result_np.max() - inpainted_result_np.min(), multichannel=True)
image_psnr = psnr((ground_truth*mask).squeeze(), (inpainted_result_np*mask).squeeze(), data_range=inpainted_result_np.max() - ground_truth.min())
dice_value_coarse = dice_score(torch.tensor(coarse_seg_binary_np).float(), torch.tensor(normal_vert_label).float())
iou_value_fine = iou_score(torch.tensor(fine_seg_binary_np).float(), torch.tensor(label).float())
# 示例:计算PSNR, Dice, IoU等
Diff_h = (abs(pred_h-height)/height)*100
# 在这里计算整个测试集上的评估指标平均值
avg_ssim = np.mean(ssim_scores)
avg_psnr = np.mean(psnr_scores)
avg_dice = np.mean(dice_scores)
avg_iou = np.mean(iou_scores)
avg_diffh = np.mean(Diff_hs)
# 计算其他指标的平均值...
model.train() # 恢复模型到训练模式
viz_images = torch.stack([inputs, inpainted_result,ground_truths,
coarse_seg_binary,normal_vert_labels,fine_seg_binary,labels,CAMs], dim=1)
viz_images = viz_images.view(-1, *list(inputs.size())[1:])
imgsave_pth =os.path.join(checkpoint_path,"eval_imgs")
if not os.path.exists(imgsave_pth):
'%s/nepoch_%03d_eval.png' % (imgsave_pth, iteration),
nrow=3 * 4,
return avg_ssim, avg_psnr, avg_dice, avg_iou, avg_diffh # 返回计算出的平均指标
if __name__ == '__main__':
opt = TrainOptions().parse() # get training options
if not os.path.exists(logdir):
writer = SummaryWriter(logdir=logdir)
dataset = create_dataset(opt) # create a dataset given opt.dataset_mode and other options
dataset_size = len(dataset) # get the number of images in the dataset.
print('The number of training images = %d' % dataset_size)
# test setting
opt_test = TestOptions().parse() # get test options
opt_test.batch_size = 5 # test code only supports batch_size = 1
opt_test.serial_batches = True
opt_test.phase = "test"
dataset_test = create_dataset(opt_test) # create a dataset given opt.dataset_mode and other options
model = create_model(opt) # create a model given opt.model and other options
model.setup(opt) # regular setup: load and print networks; create schedulers
visualizer = Visualizer(opt) # create a visualizer that display/save images and plots
total_iters = 0 # the total number of training iterations
for epoch in range(opt.epoch_count, opt.n_epochs + opt.n_epochs_decay + 1): # outer loop for different epochs; we save the model by <epoch_count>, <epoch_count>+<save_latest_freq>
epoch_start_time = time.time() # timer for entire epoch
iter_data_time = time.time() # timer for data loading per iteration
epoch_iter = 0 # the number of training iterations in current epoch, reset to 0 every epoch
visualizer.reset() # reset the visualizer: make sure it saves the results to HTML at least once every epoch
model.update_learning_rate() # update learning rates in the beginning of every epoch.
for i, data in enumerate(dataset): # inner loop within one epoch
iter_start_time = time.time() # timer for computation per iteration
if total_iters % opt.print_freq == 0:
t_data = iter_start_time - iter_data_time
total_iters += opt.batch_size
epoch_iter += opt.batch_size
model.set_input(data) # unpack data from dataset and apply preprocessing
model.optimize_parameters() # calculate loss functions, get gradients, update network weights
if total_iters % opt.display_freq == 0: # display images on visdom and save images to a HTML file
save_result = total_iters % opt.update_html_freq == 0
visualizer.display_current_results(model.get_current_visuals(), epoch, save_result)
if total_iters % opt.print_freq == 0: # print training losses and save logging information to the disk
losses = model.get_current_losses()
t_comp = (time.time() - iter_start_time) / opt.batch_size
visualizer.print_current_losses(epoch, epoch_iter, losses, t_comp, t_data)
if opt.display_id > 0:
visualizer.plot_current_losses(epoch, float(epoch_iter) / dataset_size, losses)
if total_iters % opt.save_latest_freq == 0: # cache our latest model every <save_latest_freq> iterations
print('saving the latest model (epoch %d, total_iters %d)' % (epoch, total_iters))
save_suffix = 'iter_%d' % total_iters if opt.save_by_iter else 'latest'
iter_data_time = time.time()
if epoch % opt.save_epoch_freq == 0: # cache our model every <save_epoch_freq> epochs
print('saving the model at the end of epoch %d, iters %d' % (epoch, total_iters))
# 经过15个epoch评估一次
if epoch % 15==0:
avg_ssim, avg_psnr, avg_dice, avg_iou,avg_diffh = evaluate_model(model, dataset_test, "cuda:0",os.path.join(opt.checkpoints_dir,,epoch)
# 记录评估指标
writer.add_scalar('Eval/SSIM', avg_ssim, epoch)
writer.add_scalar('Eval/PSNR', avg_psnr, epoch)
writer.add_scalar('Eval/Dice', avg_dice, epoch)
writer.add_scalar('Eval/IoU', avg_iou, epoch)
writer.add_scalar('Eval/DiffH', avg_diffh, epoch)
print(f'epoch[{epoch}/{opt.n_epochs + opt.n_epochs_decay + 1}], SSIM: {avg_ssim}, PSNR: {avg_psnr}, Dice: {avg_dice}, IoU: {avg_iou}, Diffh: {avg_diffh}')
print('End of epoch %d / %d \t Time Taken: %d sec' % (epoch, opt.n_epochs + opt.n_epochs_decay, time.time() - epoch_start_time))