#include <cstdio> |
#include <iostream> |
#include <algorithm> |
#include <memory> |
#include <string> |
#include <thread> |
#include <array> |
#include <queue> |
#include <mutex> |
#include <vector> |
#include <filesystem> |
#include <sstream> |
#define CROW_MAIN |
#include <crow.h> |
#include <ranges> |
#include "threadpool.h" |
using std::string; |
using std::mutex; |
using std::lock_guard; |
using std::make_shared; |
using std::queue; |
using std::vector; |
namespace fs = std::filesystem; |
namespace rv = std::ranges::views; |
static inline string exec(const char* cmd) { |
std::array<char, 128> buffer; |
std::unique_ptr<FILE, decltype(&pclose)> pipe(popen(cmd, "r"), pclose); |
string result; |
if (!pipe) |
return "Command failed"; |
else { |
while (fgets(buffer.data(), buffer.size(), pipe.get()) != nullptr) |
result += buffer.data(); |
} |
return result; |
} |
constexpr auto reify(const std::ranges::range auto& r){ return vector(r.begin(), r.end()); } |
constexpr string strip(const string& s){ return s; } |
constexpr string strip(string s, char ch){ |
s.erase(std::remove_if(s.begin(), s.end(), [=](char c){ return c == ch; }), s.end()); |
return s; |
} |
constexpr string strip(string s, char ch, auto... chs){ |
return strip(strip(s, ch), chs...); |
} |
constexpr vector<string> splitOn(const string& s, const string& delim){ |
vector<string> ret; |
long long int start = 0; |
for(size_t dp = s.find_first_of(delim, 0); start >= 0 |
; start = (dp == std::string::npos) ? -1 : dp + 1, dp = s.find_first_of(delim, start)) |
if(auto n = s.substr(start, dp - start); !n.empty()) |
ret.emplace_back(n); |
return ret; |
} |
static inline string reset = "rm -rf trial/checkpoints/*"; |
static inline string train(const string& prompt){ |
return string("python main.py --cuda_ray --save_mesh --text \"") + strip(prompt, '\'', '\"') + "\" --workspace trial -O"; |
} |
static inline string save(const string& name){ return string("zip ") + name + ".zip trial/mesh/*"; } |
template <typename T> |
constexpr auto q_to_v(queue<T> qcopy){ |
vector<T> v; |
v.reserve(qcopy.size()); |
while(!qcopy.empty()) |
v.push_back(qcopy.front()), qcopy.pop(); |
return v; |
} |
int main(){ |
crow::SimpleApp app; |
typedef std::array<string, 2> guy; |
auto commissions = make_shared<queue<guy>>(); |
auto queue_mutex = make_shared<mutex>() |
, train_mutex = make_shared<mutex>(); |
auto pool = make_shared<threadpool<>>(2); |
auto run = [=](const string& cmd){ |
CROW_LOG_INFO << "running \'" << cmd; |
return exec(cmd.c_str()); |
}; |
auto check_queue = [=](const string& name) -> int { |
if(!commissions->empty()){ |
const auto v = q_to_v(*commissions); |
if(auto pos = std::find_if( v.begin(), v.end() |
, [=](const guy& g){ auto& [n,d] = g; return n == name; }); |
pos != v.end()) |
return int(std::distance(v.begin(), pos)); |
} |
return -1; |
}; |
auto poppe = [=](){ |
lock_guard<mutex> qlock(*queue_mutex); |
commissions->pop(); |
CROW_LOG_INFO << commissions->size() << " left in queue"; |
}; |
auto training_loop = [=](){ |
lock_guard<mutex> lock(*train_mutex); |
while(!commissions->empty()){ |
auto& [name, prompt] = commissions->front(); |
CROW_LOG_INFO << "Launched training for " + name; |
run(reset), run(train(prompt)), run(save(name)); |
CROW_LOG_INFO << "Finished training for " + name; |
poppe(); |
} |
}; |
auto enqueue = [=](const guy& thing){ |
lock_guard<mutex> lock(*queue_mutex); |
commissions->push(thing); |
auto& [name, prompt] = thing; |
CROW_LOG_INFO << name << " queued with prompt: " << prompt; |
}; |
CROW_ROUTE(app, "/create/<string>") |
.methods("GET"_method, "POST"_method)([=](const crow::request& req, const string& name){ |
CROW_LOG_INFO << name << " commissioned"; |
if(auto prompt = req.url_params.get("prompt"); prompt == nullptr){ |
CROW_LOG_INFO << "No prompt specified"; |
return "Error: Can't train a NeRF for " + name + " without a prompt!"; |
} else { |
if(auto r = check_queue(name); r < 0){ |
enqueue({name, prompt}); |
pool->enqueue(training_loop); |
CROW_LOG_INFO << "Launched training loop"; |
return "Scheduled training for " + name; |
} else |
return name + " is currently " |
+ (r ? string("in line") : string("training")); |
} |
}); |
CROW_ROUTE(app, "/check/<string>")([=](crow::response& res, const string& name){ |
CROW_LOG_INFO << name << " check'd"; |
if(fs::exists(fs::path(name + ".zip"))){ |
res.write("O I know that guy"); |
res.set_static_file_info(name + ".zip"); |
} else if(auto r = check_queue(name); r < 0) |
res.write("Doesn't look like much of anything to me"); |
else |
res.write(name + " is currently " |
+ (r ? string("in line") : string("training"))); |
res.end(); |
}); |
CROW_ROUTE(app, "/list")([&](){ |
std::vector<string> fin = splitOn(exec("ls *zip"), "\n") |
, q = reify(q_to_v(*commissions) | rv::transform([](const guy& i){ return i[0]; })); |
crow::json::wvalue ret; |
ret["finished"] = fin; |
ret["pending"] = q; |
return ret; |
}); |
app.port(80).run(); |
} |