VxPhotoTalk / thirdparty /face_of_art /logging_functions.py
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import numpy as np
import os
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.ndimage import zoom
def print_training_params_to_file(init_locals):
"""save param log file"""
del init_locals['self']
with open(os.path.join(init_locals['save_log_path'], 'Training_Parameters.txt'), 'w') as f:
f.write('Training Parameters:\n\n')
for key, value in init_locals.items():
f.write('* %s: %s\n' % (key, value))
def heat_maps_to_landmarks(maps, image_size=256, num_landmarks=68):
"""find landmarks from heatmaps (arg max on each map)"""
landmarks = np.zeros((num_landmarks,2)).astype('float32')
for m_ind in range(num_landmarks):
landmarks[m_ind, :] = np.unravel_index(maps[:, :, m_ind].argmax(), (image_size, image_size))
return landmarks
def heat_maps_to_landmarks_alloc_once(maps, landmarks, image_size=256, num_landmarks=68):
"""find landmarks from heatmaps (arg max on each map) with pre-allocation"""
for m_ind in range(num_landmarks):
landmarks[m_ind, :] = np.unravel_index(maps[:, :, m_ind].argmax(), (image_size, image_size))
def batch_heat_maps_to_landmarks_alloc_once(batch_maps, batch_landmarks, batch_size, image_size=256, num_landmarks=68):
"""find landmarks from heatmaps (arg max on each map) - for multiple images"""
for i in range(batch_size):
maps=batch_maps[i, :, :, :], landmarks=batch_landmarks[i, :, :], image_size=image_size,
def normalize_map(map_in):
map_min = map_in.min()
return (map_in - map_min) / (map_in.max() - map_min)
def map_to_rgb(map_gray):
cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet')
rgba_map_image = cmap(map_gray)
map_rgb = np.delete(rgba_map_image, 3, 2) * 255
return map_rgb
def create_img_with_landmarks(image, landmarks, image_size=256, num_landmarks=68, scale=255, circle_size=2):
"""add landmarks to a face image"""
image = image.reshape(image_size, image_size, -1)
if scale is 0:
image = 127.5 * (image + 1)
elif scale is 1:
image *= 255
landmarks = landmarks.reshape(num_landmarks, 2)
landmarks = np.clip(landmarks, 0, image_size-1)
for (y, x) in landmarks.astype('int'):
cv2.circle(image, (x, y), circle_size, (255, 0, 0), -1)
return image
def heat_maps_to_image(maps, landmarks=None, image_size=256, num_landmarks=68):
"""create one image from multiple heatmaps"""
if landmarks is None:
landmarks = heat_maps_to_landmarks(maps, image_size=image_size, num_landmarks=num_landmarks)
x, y = np.mgrid[0:image_size, 0:image_size]
pixel_dist = np.sqrt(
np.square(np.expand_dims(x, 2) - landmarks[:, 0]) + np.square(np.expand_dims(y, 2) - landmarks[:, 1]))
nn_landmark = np.argmin(pixel_dist, 2)
map_image = maps[x, y, nn_landmark]
map_image = (map_image-map_image.min())/(map_image.max()-map_image.min()) # normalize for visualization
return map_image
def merge_images_landmarks_maps_gt(images, maps, maps_gt, landmarks=None, image_size=256, num_landmarks=68,
num_samples=9, scale=255, circle_size=2, fast=False):
"""create image for log - containing input face images, predicted heatmaps and GT heatmaps (if exists)"""
images = images[:num_samples]
if maps.shape[1] is not image_size:
images = zoom(images, (1, 0.25, 0.25, 1))
image_size /= 4
if maps_gt is not None:
if maps_gt.shape[1] is not image_size:
maps_gt = zoom(maps_gt, (1, 0.25, 0.25, 1))
cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet')
row = int(np.sqrt(num_samples))
if maps_gt is None:
merged = np.zeros([row * image_size, row * image_size * 2, 3])
merged = np.zeros([row * image_size, row * image_size * 3, 3])
for idx, img in enumerate(images):
i = idx // row
j = idx % row
if landmarks is None:
img_landmarks = heat_maps_to_landmarks(maps[idx, :, :, :], image_size=image_size,
img_landmarks = landmarks[idx]
if fast:
map_image = np.amax(maps[idx, :, :, :], 2)
map_image = (map_image - map_image.min()) / (map_image.max() - map_image.min())
map_image = heat_maps_to_image(maps[idx, :, :, :], img_landmarks, image_size=image_size,
rgba_map_image = cmap(map_image)
map_image = np.delete(rgba_map_image, 3, 2) * 255
img = create_img_with_landmarks(img, img_landmarks, image_size, num_landmarks, scale=scale,
if maps_gt is not None:
if fast:
map_gt_image = np.amax(maps_gt[idx, :, :, :], 2)
map_gt_image = (map_gt_image - map_gt_image.min()) / (map_gt_image.max() - map_gt_image.min())
map_gt_image = heat_maps_to_image(maps_gt[idx, :, :, :], image_size=image_size,
rgba_map_gt_image = cmap(map_gt_image)
map_gt_image = np.delete(rgba_map_gt_image, 3, 2) * 255
merged[i * image_size:(i + 1) * image_size, (j * 3) * image_size:(j * 3 + 1) * image_size, :] = img
merged[i * image_size:(i + 1) * image_size, (j * 3 + 1) * image_size:(j * 3 + 2) * image_size,
:] = map_image
merged[i * image_size:(i + 1) * image_size, (j * 3 + 2) * image_size:(j * 3 + 3) * image_size,
:] = map_gt_image
merged[i * image_size:(i + 1) * image_size, (j * 2) * image_size:(j * 2 + 1) * image_size, :] = img
merged[i * image_size:(i + 1) * image_size, (j * 2 + 1) * image_size:(j * 2 + 2) * image_size,:] = map_image
return merged
def map_comapre_channels(images, maps1, maps2, image_size=64, num_landmarks=68, scale=255):
"""create image for log - present one face image, along with all its heatmaps (one for each landmark)"""
map1 = maps1[0]
if maps2 is not None:
map2 = maps2[0]
image = images[0]
if image.shape[0] is not image_size:
image = zoom(image, (0.25, 0.25, 1))
if scale is 1:
image *= 255
elif scale is 0:
image = 127.5 * (image + 1)
row = np.ceil(np.sqrt(num_landmarks)).astype(np.int64)
if maps2 is not None:
merged = np.zeros([row * image_size, row * image_size * 2, 3])
merged = np.zeros([row * image_size, row * image_size, 3])
for idx in range(num_landmarks):
i = idx // row
j = idx % row
channel_map = map_to_rgb(normalize_map(map1[:, :, idx]))
if maps2 is not None:
channel_map2 = map_to_rgb(normalize_map(map2[:, :, idx]))
merged[i * image_size:(i + 1) * image_size, (j * 2) * image_size:(j * 2 + 1) * image_size, :] =\
merged[i * image_size:(i + 1) * image_size, (j * 2 + 1) * image_size:(j * 2 + 2) * image_size, :] =\
merged[i * image_size:(i + 1) * image_size, j * image_size:(j + 1) * image_size, :] = channel_map
i = (idx + 1) // row
j = (idx + 1) % row
if maps2 is not None:
merged[i * image_size:(i + 1) * image_size, (j * 2) * image_size:(j * 2 + 1) * image_size, :] = image
merged[i * image_size:(i + 1) * image_size, j * image_size:(j + 1) * image_size, :] = image
return merged