{ "title": "Pur Hu HaGoral; Homilies for Purim", "language": "en", "versionTitle": "merged", "versionSource": "https://www.sefaria.org/Pur_Hu_HaGoral;_Homilies_for_Purim", "text": { "Introduction": [], "Preface": [], "Part I; Shabbat Zakhor": { "Between the Two \"Remember\"s; Shabbat and Amalek": [] }, "Part II; Purim": { "The Knowledge of Not Knowing": [], "Amalek; Will to Power": [], "The Secret of the Mask": [], "\"They accepted it willingly in the time of Ahasuerus\"": [], "The Canonizing of Esther and the Redemption of Purim": [], "Flashes of Fire": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "More than once, joy has been perceived as superficial in comparison to tragedy and melancholy: Connection to depth usually passes through the abysmal, and dwells in the desolation of the pining away of the soul. Yet it appears that the profundity of Jewish joy is found specifically in the abyss of the broken heart. However this is a broken heart that overpowers itself and does not allow itself to fall, that knows how to turn hopelessness into faith and sadness into ecstasy. Behold ecstasy is the opposite of hopelessness and it has no center without it [as its opposite]. The difference between Purim and other holidays is the difference between joy and ecstasy." ], "The Palace Parable; Humor as Self Negation": [] }, "Part III; Breslov Style Purim Torah": { "\"Give strong drink\"": [], "A Tale of Yesh and Ayin Which Got Confused": [] }, "Epilogue; Faith, Is or Is Not": [], "Endnotes": [] }, "versions": [ [ "Sefaria Community Translation", "https://www.sefaria.org" ] ], "heTitle": "פור הוא הגורל; דרשות לפורים", "categories": [ "Jewish Thought" ], "schema": { "heTitle": "פור הוא הגורל; דרשות לפורים", "enTitle": "Pur Hu HaGoral; Homilies for Purim", "key": "Pur Hu HaGoral; Homilies for Purim", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "הקדמה", "enTitle": "Introduction" }, { "heTitle": "פתח דבר", "enTitle": "Preface" }, { "heTitle": "חלק א; שבת זכור", "enTitle": "Part I; Shabbat Zakhor", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "בין זכירה לזכירה; שבת ועמלק", "enTitle": "Between the Two \"Remember\"s; Shabbat and Amalek" } ] }, { "heTitle": "חלק ב; פורים", "enTitle": "Part II; Purim", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "הידיעה שאינה יודעת", "enTitle": "The Knowledge of Not Knowing" }, { "heTitle": "עמלק כרצון לעוצמה", "enTitle": "Amalek; Will to Power" }, { "heTitle": "סוד ההתחפשות", "enTitle": "The Secret of the Mask" }, { "heTitle": "הדור קבלוה בימי אחשוורוש", "enTitle": "\"They accepted it willingly in the time of Ahasuerus\"" }, { "heTitle": "כתיבת המגילה וגאולת פורים", "enTitle": "The Canonizing of Esther and the Redemption of Purim" }, { "heTitle": "רשפי אש", "enTitle": "Flashes of Fire" }, { "heTitle": "סיפור הפלטין; הבדיחה כביטול היש", "enTitle": "The Palace Parable; Humor as Self Negation" } ] }, { "heTitle": "חלק ג; \"פורים תוירע\" נוסח ברסלב", "enTitle": "Part III; Breslov Style Purim Torah", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "תנו שכר", "enTitle": "\"Give strong drink\"" }, { "heTitle": "מעשה ביש ואין שנתחלפו", "enTitle": "A Tale of Yesh and Ayin Which Got Confused" } ] }, { "heTitle": "אפילוג; האמונה, יש או אין", "enTitle": "Epilogue; Faith, Is or Is Not" }, { "heTitle": "הערות והוספות", "enTitle": "Endnotes" } ] } }