{ "language": "en", "title": "Likutei Halakhot", "versionSource": "http://sefaria.org", "versionTitle": "Ami Silver, 2020", "shortVersionTitle": "Ami Silver, 2020", "actualLanguage": "en", "languageFamilyName": "english", "isBaseText": false, "isSource": false, "direction": "ltr", "heTitle": "ליקוטי הלכות", "categories": [ "Chasidut", "Breslov" ], "text": { "Author's Introduction": [], "Orach Chaim": { "Laws of Morning Conduct": [], "Laws of Morning Hand Washing": [], "Laws of Fringes": [], "Laws of Phylacteries": [], "Laws for Morning Blessings": [], "Laws of Torah Blessings": [], "Laws of Kaddish": [], "Laws of Reciting Shema": [], "Laws of Prayer": [], "Laws of Priestly Blessings": [], "Laws of Tachanun": [], "Laws of Sidra Kaddish": [], "Laws of Reading the Torah": [], "Laws of the Synagogue": [], "Laws of Business": [], "Laws of Washing One's Hands for a Meal": [], "Laws of Meals": [], "Laws of Grace After Meals and Washing after Meals": [], "Laws of Blessings Over Fruit": [], "Laws of Blessing on Fragrance": [], "Laws of Thanksgiving Blessings": [], "Laws of Blessing on Sights and Other Blessings": [], "Laws for Afternoon Prayer": [], "Laws for Evening Prayer": [], "Laws of Reciting Shema Before Retiring": [], "Laws of the Sabbath": [], "Laws of Joining Domains": [], "Laws of the New Moon": [], "Laws of Passover": [], "Laws of Counter the Omer": [], "Laws of the Shavuot Festival": [], "Laws of the Festival Day": [], "Laws of the Week Days of a Festival": [], "Laws of the Ninth of Av and Other Fast Days": [], "Laws of the New Year": [], "Laws of the Day of Atonement": [], "Laws of the Festival of Booths": [], "Laws of the Palm Branch": [], "Laws of the Hoshana Rabba Festival": [], "Laws of the Hannukah Festival": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ [ "", "", "3. This is a wondrous piece of advice that is applicable to every person to help them get out of the depths of darkness and obscurity, by means of truth - which is God’s own light, as it were, in the manner of, “God is my light.” For the Blessed God is the essence of truth.", "4. And this is the nature of the Chanukah candles. For Chanukah is a time of prayer and praise of the Blessed God, as it is written, “they established these eight days of Chanukah to give thanks and praise etc.” For at that time, great miracles occurred and we say [the prayer] Al Hanissim (for all of the miracles) etc. And miracles are the quality of prayer which is beyond nature, as was explained above, and the main essence of prayer is truth, which is a light that shines to bring a person out of darkness, as explained above. And this is the quality of the Chanukah candles, which is the quality of “send Your light and Your truth etc.” (Psalms 43:3). For it is known that the miracle of Chanukah, and likewise all miracles that similarly occur in all periods and each and every year - that is, when the “wicked kingdom grew in power to cause them to forget Your Torah and to turn them away from Your desired laws.” And likewise in each and every individual in every time, when the Other Side grows in power and spreads itself out upon the individual, seeking to overcome them and prevent them from serving God in any which way, God forbid, and they said “write for yourselves on the horn of an ox that ‘you have no portion [with the God of Israel]’ etc.” then, there is no advice or strategy to save one’s soul other than [turning to] the truth. Meaning, that one ensures, according to their own level, to draw themselves only toward the truth of truth, and to look only to truth - in truth. And likewise in prayer, even if it is impossible for someone to pray at all, even so they may nonetheless seek to speak an utterance of prayer truthfully. And then the truth will illuminate a way for this person to lead them out of their darkness, as explained above. And this is the quality of the Chanukah candles, which is the quality of the light of truth, in the manner of “send Your light and Your truth etc.” (Psalms 43:3), as explained above. For by means of this one can step out of the darkness and be able to pray, which is the aspect of the days of Chanukah that were established [as days of] prayer, “to give thanks and praise” etc. And for this reason, the Chanukah candles [are positioned] lower than ten handbreadths, for the Shechina [Divine Presence] never lowered itself beneath ten [handbreadths], and therefore that is the place where they grab hold. And it is there specifically that we light the Chanukah candles close to the doorway, in the manner of “the opening of your words will shine, etc.” (Psalms 119:130) to show that it is specifically below ten handbreadths - in the very place that the Other Side grabs hold - that there too we can find the doorway to draw close to holiness through the light of truth. That we can draw the truth to there as well, and through the light of truth - which is the Chanukah candles - we can come close to the Blessed God in every place, even below ten handbreadths where there is no presence of the Shechina; there too we can find the opening by means of the light of truth...\n" ] ] ], "Laws of the Four Festive Torah Portions": [], "Laws of Purim": [] }, "Yoreh Deah": { "Laws of Slaughtering": [], "Laws of Unfit Animals": [], "Laws of Priestly Gifts": [], "Laws of a Limb from a Live Animal": [], "Laws of Meat that was Unobserved": [], "Laws of Fat and Blood": [], "Laws of Blood": [], "Laws of Salting": [], "Laws of Domesticated and Undomesticated Animals": [], "Laws of Things that Come from a Live Animal": [], "Laws of Birds": [], "Laws of Fish": [], "Laws of Insects": [], "Laws of Eggs": [], "Laws of Meat and Milk": [], "Laws of Mixtures": [], "Laws of Non Jewish Food": [], "Laws of Kashering Vessels": [], "Laws of Taste Transfer": [], "Laws of Libational Wine": [], "Laws of Wine Vessels": [], "Laws of Idol Worship": [], "Laws of Interest": [], "Laws of Idolatrous Practices": [], "Laws of Sourcerers and Enchanters": [], "Laws of Shaving and Tatooing": [], "Laws of Shaving": [], "Laws of Forbidden Dresss": [], "Laws of a Menstruant": [], "Laws of Ritual Baths": [], "Laws of Vows": [], "Laws of Oaths": [], "Laws of Honouring One's Father and Mother": [], "Laws of Honouring One's Rabbi and a Torah Scholar": [], "Laws of Teachers": [], "Laws of Torah Study": [], "Laws of Charity": [], "Laws of Circumcision": [], "Laws of Slaves": [], "Laws of Converts": [], "Laws of a Torah Scroll": [], "Laws of a Mezuzah": [], "Laws of Sending Away the Mother Bird": [], "Laws of New Grain": [], "Laws of Three Year Old Trees": [], "Laws of Mixed Crops": [], "Laws of Mixed Breeding": [], "Laws of Fobidden Fabric Blends": [], "Laws of Redeeming the Firstborn": [], "Laws of Firstborn Kosher Animals": [], "Laws of Firstborn Donkey": [], "Laws of Separating From Dough": [], "Laws of Tithes": [], "Laws of First Shearings": [] }, "Even HaEzer": { "Laws of Procreation": [], "Laws of Matrimony": [], "Laws of Sanctification": [], "Laws of a Bill of Marriage": [], "Laws of a Bill of Divorce": [], "Laws of Levirate Marriage": [], "Laws of Adulterer": [], "Laws of Rape and Seduction": [] }, "Choshen Mishpat": { "Laws for Judges": [], "Laws of Testimony": [], "Laws of Loans": [], "Laws of Plaintiffs and Defendants": [], "Laws of Collecting Loans": [], "Laws of Collecting Loans from Orphans": [], "Laws of Collecting Loans from Purchasers and Laws Designated Collection": [], "Laws of an Agent Collecting Debts and Authorisation": [], "Laws of Authorisation": [], "Laws of Guaranteeing": [], "Laws of Movable Property": [], "Laws of Immovable Property": [], "Laws of Neighbor Damages": [], "Laws of Immovable Partnerships": [], "Laws of Divisions of Partnerships": [], "Laws of Boundaries": [], "Laws of Partners": [], "Laws of Emissaries": [], "Laws of Buying and Selling": [], "Laws of Over and Under Charging": [], "Laws of a Deathly Ill Person": [], "Laws of Unloading and Loading": [], "Laws of Ownerless Property and Property of Non Jews": [], "Laws of Inheritance": [], "Laws of an Apotropos": [], "Laws of Deposit and Four Guards": [], "Laws for Paid Guardians": [], "Laws of Artisans": [], "Laws of Hiring": [], "Laws of Leasing and Contract Work": [], "Laws of Hiring Labourers": [], "Laws of Borrowing": [], "Laws of Theft": [], "Laws of Stealing": [], "Laws of Damages": [], "Laws of Causing a Loss and Reporting to Government": [], "Laws of Monetary Damages": [], "Laws of Injuring a Person": [], "Laws of Roof Rails and Preservation of Life": [] } }, "schema": { "heTitle": "ליקוטי הלכות", "enTitle": "Likutei Halakhot", "key": "Likutei Halakhot", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "הקדמת המחבר", "enTitle": "Author's Introduction" }, { "heTitle": "אורח חיים", "enTitle": "Orach Chaim", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "הלכות השכמת הבוקר", "enTitle": "Laws of Morning Conduct" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות נטילת ידים שחרית", "enTitle": "Laws of Morning Hand Washing" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות ציצית", "enTitle": "Laws of Fringes" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות תפילין", "enTitle": "Laws of Phylacteries" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות ברכת השחר", "enTitle": "Laws for Morning Blessings" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות ברכות התורה", "enTitle": "Laws of Torah Blessings" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות קדיש", "enTitle": "Laws of Kaddish" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות קריאת שמע", "enTitle": "Laws of Reciting Shema" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות תפלה", "enTitle": "Laws of Prayer" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות נשיאת כפים", "enTitle": "Laws of Priestly Blessings" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות נפילת אפים", "enTitle": "Laws of Tachanun" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות קדושה דסידרא", "enTitle": "Laws of Sidra Kaddish" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות קריאת התורה", "enTitle": "Laws of Reading the Torah" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות בית הכנסת", "enTitle": "Laws of the Synagogue" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות משא ומתן", "enTitle": "Laws of Business" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות נטילת ידים לסעודה ובציעת הפת", "enTitle": "Laws of Washing One's Hands for a Meal" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות סעודה", "enTitle": "Laws of Meals" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות ברכת המזון ומים אחרונים", "enTitle": "Laws of Grace After Meals and Washing after Meals" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות ברכת הפרות", "enTitle": "Laws of Blessings Over Fruit" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות ברכת הריח", "enTitle": "Laws of Blessing on Fragrance" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות ברכת הודאה", "enTitle": "Laws of Thanksgiving Blessings" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות ברכות הראיה וברכות פרטיות", "enTitle": "Laws of Blessing on Sights and Other Blessings" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות תפלת המנחה", "enTitle": "Laws for Afternoon Prayer" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות תפלת ערבית", "enTitle": "Laws for Evening Prayer" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות קריאת שמע שעל המטה", "enTitle": "Laws of Reciting Shema Before Retiring" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות שבת", "enTitle": "Laws of the Sabbath" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות תחומין וערובי תחומין", "enTitle": "Laws of Joining Domains" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות ראש חדש", "enTitle": "Laws of the New Moon" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות פסח", "enTitle": "Laws of Passover" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות ספירת העמר", "enTitle": "Laws of Counter the Omer" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות שבועות", "enTitle": "Laws of the Shavuot Festival" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות יום טוב", "enTitle": "Laws of the Festival Day" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות חול המועד", "enTitle": "Laws of the Week Days of a Festival" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות תשעה באב ותעניות", "enTitle": "Laws of the Ninth of Av and Other Fast Days" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות ראש השנה", "enTitle": "Laws of the New Year" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות יום הכפורים", "enTitle": "Laws of the Day of Atonement" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות סוכה", "enTitle": "Laws of the Festival of Booths" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות לולב ואתרוג", "enTitle": "Laws of the Palm Branch" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות הושענא רבה", "enTitle": "Laws of the Hoshana Rabba Festival" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות חנוכה", "enTitle": "Laws of the Hannukah Festival" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות ארבע פרשיות", "enTitle": "Laws of the Four Festive Torah Portions" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות פורים", "enTitle": "Laws of Purim" } ] }, { "heTitle": "יורה דעה", "enTitle": "Yoreh Deah", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "הלכות שחיטה", "enTitle": "Laws of Slaughtering" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות טרפות", "enTitle": "Laws of Unfit Animals" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות מתנות כהונה", "enTitle": "Laws of Priestly Gifts" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות אבר מן החי", "enTitle": "Laws of a Limb from a Live Animal" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות הלכות בשר שנתעלם מן העין", "enTitle": "Laws of Meat that was Unobserved" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות חלב ודם", "enTitle": "Laws of Fat and Blood" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות דם", "enTitle": "Laws of Blood" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות מליחה", "enTitle": "Laws of Salting" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות סימני בהמה וחיה טהורה", "enTitle": "Laws of Domesticated and Undomesticated Animals" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות דברים היוצאים מן החי", "enTitle": "Laws of Things that Come from a Live Animal" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות סימני עוף טהור", "enTitle": "Laws of Birds" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות דגים", "enTitle": "Laws of Fish" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות תולעים", "enTitle": "Laws of Insects" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות ביצים", "enTitle": "Laws of Eggs" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות בשר בחלב", "enTitle": "Laws of Meat and Milk" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות תערובות", "enTitle": "Laws of Mixtures" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות מאכלי עכו\"ם", "enTitle": "Laws of Non Jewish Food" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות הכשר כלים", "enTitle": "Laws of Kashering Vessels" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות נותן טעם לפגם", "enTitle": "Laws of Taste Transfer" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות יין נסך", "enTitle": "Laws of Libational Wine" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות כלי היין", "enTitle": "Laws of Wine Vessels" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות עבודת אלילים", "enTitle": "Laws of Idol Worship" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות ריבית", "enTitle": "Laws of Interest" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות חוקות העכו\"ם", "enTitle": "Laws of Idolatrous Practices" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות מעונן ומנחש", "enTitle": "Laws of Sourcerers and Enchanters" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות קרחה וכתובת קעקע", "enTitle": "Laws of Shaving and Tatooing" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות גילוח", "enTitle": "Laws of Shaving" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות לא ילבש", "enTitle": "Laws of Forbidden Dresss" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות נדה", "enTitle": "Laws of a Menstruant" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות מקוואות", "enTitle": "Laws of Ritual Baths" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות נדרים", "enTitle": "Laws of Vows" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות שבועות", "enTitle": "Laws of Oaths" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות כבוד אב ואם", "enTitle": "Laws of Honouring One's Father and Mother" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות כבוד רבו ותלמיד חכם", "enTitle": "Laws of Honouring One's Rabbi and a Torah Scholar" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות מלמדים", "enTitle": "Laws of Teachers" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות תלמוד תורה", "enTitle": "Laws of Torah Study" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות צדקה", "enTitle": "Laws of Charity" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות מילה", "enTitle": "Laws of Circumcision" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות עבדים", "enTitle": "Laws of Slaves" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות גרים", "enTitle": "Laws of Converts" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות ספר תורה", "enTitle": "Laws of a Torah Scroll" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות מזוזה", "enTitle": "Laws of a Mezuzah" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות שלוח הקן", "enTitle": "Laws of Sending Away the Mother Bird" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות חדש", "enTitle": "Laws of New Grain" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות ערלה", "enTitle": "Laws of Three Year Old Trees" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות כלאי הכרם ואילן", "enTitle": "Laws of Mixed Crops" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות כלאי בהמה", "enTitle": "Laws of Mixed Breeding" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות כלאי בגדים", "enTitle": "Laws of Fobidden Fabric Blends" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות פדיון בכור", "enTitle": "Laws of Redeeming the Firstborn" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות בכור בהמה טהורה", "enTitle": "Laws of Firstborn Kosher Animals" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות פדיון פטר חמור", "enTitle": "Laws of Firstborn Donkey" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות חלה", "enTitle": "Laws of Separating From Dough" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות תרומות ומעשרות", "enTitle": "Laws of Tithes" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות ראשית הגז", "enTitle": "Laws of First Shearings" } ] }, { "heTitle": "אבן העזר", "enTitle": "Even HaEzer", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "הלכות פריה ורביה ואישות", "enTitle": "Laws of Procreation" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות אישות", "enTitle": "Laws of Matrimony" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות קדושין", "enTitle": "Laws of Sanctification" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות כתובות", "enTitle": "Laws of a Bill of Marriage" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות גטין", "enTitle": "Laws of a Bill of Divorce" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות יבום", "enTitle": "Laws of Levirate Marriage" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות סוטה", "enTitle": "Laws of Adulterer" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות אונס ומפתה", "enTitle": "Laws of Rape and Seduction" } ] }, { "heTitle": "חושן משפט", "enTitle": "Choshen Mishpat", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "הלכות דינים", "enTitle": "Laws for Judges" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות עדות", "enTitle": "Laws of Testimony" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות הלואה", "enTitle": "Laws of Loans" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות טוען ונטען", "enTitle": "Laws of Plaintiffs and Defendants" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות גבית מלוה", "enTitle": "Laws of Collecting Loans" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות גבית חוב מהיתומים", "enTitle": "Laws of Collecting Loans from Orphans" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות גבית חוב מהלקוחות ואפותיקי", "enTitle": "Laws of Collecting Loans from Purchasers and Laws Designated Collection" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות העושה שליח לגבות חובו", "enTitle": "Laws of an Agent Collecting Debts and Authorisation" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות כח והרשאה", "enTitle": "Laws of Authorisation" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות ערב", "enTitle": "Laws of Guaranteeing" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות חזקת מטלטלין", "enTitle": "Laws of Movable Property" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות חזקת קרקעות", "enTitle": "Laws of Immovable Property" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות נזקי שכנים", "enTitle": "Laws of Neighbor Damages" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות שותפים בקרקע", "enTitle": "Laws of Immovable Partnerships" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות חלקת שתפים", "enTitle": "Laws of Divisions of Partnerships" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות מצרנות", "enTitle": "Laws of Boundaries" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות שתפין", "enTitle": "Laws of Partners" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות שלוחין", "enTitle": "Laws of Emissaries" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות מקח וממכר", "enTitle": "Laws of Buying and Selling" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות אונאה", "enTitle": "Laws of Over and Under Charging" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות מתנה", "enTitle": "Laws of Gifting" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות מתנת שכיב מרע", "enTitle": "Laws of a Deathly Ill Person" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות אבדה ומציאה", "enTitle": "Laws of Lost and Found" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות פריקה וטעינה", "enTitle": "Laws of Unloading and Loading" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות הפקר ונכסי הגר", "enTitle": "Laws of Ownerless Property and Property of Non Jews" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות נחלות", "enTitle": "Laws of Inheritance" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות אפטרופוס", "enTitle": "Laws of an Apotropos" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות פקדון וארבעה שומרים", "enTitle": "Laws of Deposit and Four Guards" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות שומר שכר", "enTitle": "Laws for Paid Guardians" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות אמנין", "enTitle": "Laws of Artisans" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות שוכר", "enTitle": "Laws of Hiring" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות חכירות וקבלנות", "enTitle": "Laws of Leasing and Contract Work" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות שכירות פועלים", "enTitle": "Laws of Hiring Labourers" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות שאלה", "enTitle": "Laws of Borrowing" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות גנבה", "enTitle": "Laws of Theft" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות גזלה", "enTitle": "Laws of Stealing" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות נזיקין", "enTitle": "Laws of Damages" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות מאבד ממון חברו ומסור", "enTitle": "Laws of Causing a Loss and Reporting to Government" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות נזקי ממון", "enTitle": "Laws of Monetary Damages" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות חובל בחברו", "enTitle": "Laws of Injuring a Person" }, { "heTitle": "הלכות מעקה ושמירת הנפש", "enTitle": "Laws of Roof Rails and Preservation of Life" } ] } ] } }