{ "language": "en", "title": "Tiferet Yosef", "versionSource": "https://www.sefaria.org", "versionTitle": "Sefaria Community Translation", "actualLanguage": "en", "languageFamilyName": "english", "isSource": false, "direction": "ltr", "heTitle": "תפארת יוסף", "categories": [ "Chasidut", "Izhbitz" ], "text": { "Rosh Hashanah": [], "Vayeilech and Shabbat Shuvah": [], "Ha'azinu and Shabbat Shuvah": [], "Erev Yom Kippur": [], "Motzei Yom Kippur": [], "Sukkot": [], "Shabbat Chol HaMoed Sukkot": [], "Hoshana Rabba": [], "Shemini Atzeret": [], "Simchat Torah": [], "Bereshit": [], "Noach": [], "Tetzaveh": [], "Parashat Zakhor": [], "Purim": [], "Ki Tisa": [], "Parashat Parah": [], "Vayakhel": [], "Pekudei": [], "Parashat HaChodesh": [], "Vayikra": [], "Tzav": [ "", "", "...The Blessed Name flows the light of Divine Will even toward the needs of this world as well, as has been explained “For when I freed your ancestors from the land of Egypt, I did not speak with them or command them concerning burnt offerings or sacrifice (Jeremiah 7:22).” My grandfather questioned how it could be said that they were not commanded about the sacrifices, for isn’t the Torat Kohanim (Leviticus) filled with the laws of sacrifices?", "The matter is that, truthfully, when a person stands with great clarity as at Mt. Sinai, at the moment when God spoke the first commandment “I am Yhvh your God,” at that moment they stood with such clarity that it wasn’t even necessary to say even the second commandment. as we learned in Talmud (Shabbat 88b). All of them recognized that the earth and all that’s in it is God’s and how everything is from God. So there was no need for any [animal] sacrifice since the essential purpose of the sacrifice is that a person takes from their wealth and absorbs it in the supernal fire and so sees how the self is absorbed into its source.", "However, when a person stands in such clarity and knows how s/he is included in the source, there is no need to bring a sacrifice. Thus we learn in the Zohar (Sh’mini 38a), “[One who gives a gift to the king,] Would s/he take it from the house of the king to give to the king?” It’s not necessary to offer a sacrifice when one realizes that it’s not mine to start with." ], "Shabbat HaGadol": [], "Pesach": [], "Shabbat Chol HaMoed Pesach": [], "The Seventh Day of Pesach": [], "The Eighth Day of Pesach": [], "Shmini": [], "Achrei Mot": [], "Emor": [], "Bamidbar": [], "Machar Chodesh Haftarah": [], "Rosh Chodesh Sivan": [], "Shavuot": [], "Nasso": [], "Beha'alotcha": [], "Korach": [], "Ki Teitzei": [], "Ki Tavo": [], "Nitzavim": [], "Talmud Anthology": { "Berakhot": [], "Shabbat": [], "Pesachim": [], "Yoma": [], "Sukkah": [], "Rosh Hashanah": [], "Taanit": [], "Megillah": [], "Chagigah": [], "Sanhedrin": [] } }, "schema": { "heTitle": "תפארת יוסף", "enTitle": "Tiferet Yosef", "key": "Tiferet Yosef", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "ראש השנה", "enTitle": "Rosh Hashanah" }, { "heTitle": "פרשת וילך שבת תשובה", "enTitle": "Vayeilech and Shabbat Shuvah" }, { "heTitle": "פרשת האזינו שבת תשובה", "enTitle": "Ha'azinu and Shabbat Shuvah" }, { "heTitle": "ערב יום הכיפורים", "enTitle": "Erev Yom Kippur" }, { "heTitle": "מוצאי יום הכיפורים", "enTitle": "Motzei Yom Kippur" }, { "heTitle": "סוכות", "enTitle": "Sukkot" }, { "heTitle": "שבת חול המועד סוכות", "enTitle": "Shabbat Chol HaMoed Sukkot" }, { "heTitle": "הושענא רבה", "enTitle": "Hoshana Rabba" }, { "heTitle": "שמיני עצרת", "enTitle": "Shemini Atzeret" }, { "heTitle": "שמחת תורה", "enTitle": "Simchat Torah" }, { "heTitle": "בראשית", "enTitle": "Bereshit" }, { "heTitle": "נח", "enTitle": "Noach" }, { "heTitle": "תצוה", "enTitle": "Tetzaveh" }, { "heTitle": "פרשת זכור", "enTitle": "Parashat Zakhor" }, { "heTitle": "פורים", "enTitle": "Purim" }, { "heTitle": "כי תשא", "enTitle": "Ki Tisa" }, { "heTitle": "פרשת פרה", "enTitle": "Parashat Parah" }, { "heTitle": "ויקהל", "enTitle": "Vayakhel" }, { "heTitle": "פקודי", "enTitle": "Pekudei" }, { "heTitle": "פרשת החדש", "enTitle": "Parashat HaChodesh" }, { "heTitle": "ויקרא", "enTitle": "Vayikra" }, { "heTitle": "צו", "enTitle": "Tzav" }, { "heTitle": "שבת הגדול", "enTitle": "Shabbat HaGadol" }, { "heTitle": "חג הפסח", "enTitle": "Pesach" }, { "heTitle": "שבת חול המועד פסח", "enTitle": "Shabbat Chol HaMoed Pesach" }, { "heTitle": "שביעי של פסח", "enTitle": "The Seventh Day of Pesach" }, { "heTitle": "אחרון של פסח", "enTitle": "The Eighth Day of Pesach" }, { "heTitle": "שמיני", "enTitle": "Shmini" }, { "heTitle": "אחרי מות", "enTitle": "Achrei Mot" }, { "heTitle": "אמור", "enTitle": "Emor" }, { "heTitle": "במדבר", "enTitle": "Bamidbar" }, { "heTitle": "הפטרת מחר חודש", "enTitle": "Machar Chodesh Haftarah" }, { "heTitle": "ראש חודש סיון", "enTitle": "Rosh Chodesh Sivan" }, { "heTitle": "שבועות", "enTitle": "Shavuot" }, { "heTitle": "נשא", "enTitle": "Nasso" }, { "heTitle": "בהעלותך", "enTitle": "Beha'alotcha" }, { "heTitle": "קרח", "enTitle": "Korach" }, { "heTitle": "כי תצא", "enTitle": "Ki Teitzei" }, { "heTitle": "כי תבוא", "enTitle": "Ki Tavo" }, { "heTitle": "נצבים", "enTitle": "Nitzavim" }, { "heTitle": "לקוטי הש\"ס", "enTitle": "Talmud Anthology", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "מסכת ברכות", "enTitle": "Berakhot" }, { "heTitle": "שבת", "enTitle": "Shabbat" }, { "heTitle": "פסחים", "enTitle": "Pesachim" }, { "heTitle": "מסכת יומא", "enTitle": "Yoma" }, { "heTitle": "סוכה", "enTitle": "Sukkah" }, { "heTitle": "ראש השנה", "enTitle": "Rosh Hashanah" }, { "heTitle": "מסכת תענית", "enTitle": "Taanit" }, { "heTitle": "מגילה", "enTitle": "Megillah" }, { "heTitle": "חגיגה", "enTitle": "Chagigah" }, { "heTitle": "מסכת סנהדרין", "enTitle": "Sanhedrin" } ] } ] } }