database_export / schemas /Ahavat_Chesed.json
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"text": "讛拽讚诪讛",
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"text": "驻转讬讞讛 诇注谞讬谞讬 诪讚转 讛讞住讚",
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"text": "讚讬谉 注谞讬讬谞讬 讛注讘讜讟",
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"text": "讞诇拽 专讗砖讜谉",
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"text": "讞转讬诪转 讛住驻专",
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"text": "讛砖诇诪讛",
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"heTitle": "讛砖诇诪讛",
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"titles": [
"text": "Ahavas Chesed ",
"lang": "en"
"text": "讗讛讘转 讞住讚",
"lang": "he",
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"text": "Ahavat Chesed",
"lang": "en",
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"title": "Ahavat Chesed",
"heTitle": "讗讛讘转 讞住讚",
"key": "Ahavat Chesed"
"authors": [
"en": "Israel Meir Kagan",
"he": "专讘讬 讬砖专讗诇 诪讗讬专 讛讻讛谉",
"slug": "israel-meir-kagan"
"enDesc": "Ahavat Chesed is a 19th-century work on performing acts of loving-kindness by Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaKohen Kagan, author of the Mishnah Berurah and the Chafetz Chaim. It details how to properly give loans to the needy, perform hospitality, celebrate with a bride and groom, visit the sick, write a will, comfort the mourning, and bury the dead. It also incorporates talmudic stories and teachings about the greatness of chesed. The work is printed with the Netiv Chesed, an elaborating commentary written by the author.",
"enShortDesc": "19th-century work on acts of kindness, such as giving loans to the needy and visiting the sick.",
"heShortDesc": "讞讬讘讜专 诪谉 讛诪讗讛 讛-19 讛注讜住拽 讘诪注砖讬 讞住讚, 讻讙讜谉 诪转谉 讛诇讜讜讗讜转 诇谞讝拽拽讬诐 讜讘讬拽讜专 讞讜诇讬诐.",
"pubDate": [
"heTitle": "讗讛讘转 讞住讚",
"titleVariants": [
"Ahavas Chesed ",
"Ahavat Chesed"
"heTitleVariants": [
"讗讛讘转 讞住讚"
"heCategories": [
"pubDateString": {
"en": " (1888 CE)",
"he": " (1888 诇住驻讬专讛)"