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"title": "Megillat Ta'anit",
"language": "en",
"versionTitle": "merged",
"versionSource": "'anit",
"text": {
"Nisan": [
"These are the days on which one is not allowed to fast, and on some of them it is not permitted to mourn.",
"From [on] the 1st [until the 8th] of Nisan was established the Daily offering,- mourning is forbidden.",
"From the 8th thereof until the close of the festival (of Passover) a holiday (of a week) was declared during which it is forbidden to mourn."
"Iyar": [
"On the 7th of Iyyar was the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem, and it is forbidden to mourn thereon. ",
"On the 14th thereof (was slaughtered) the Minor Passover, on which it is forbidden to mourn. ",
"<b>On the twenty-third of Iyar the residents of the Chakra</b> <small>(the fortress built by the Greeks in the time of Antiochus to dominate the Temple Mount)</small> <b>went out from Jerusalem.</b>",
"This is what is written “And David conquered the stronghold of Zion which is the city of David.” (Shmuel I 5:7) this is the place of the karaites (?) right now. Since they were troubling the people of Jerusalem and they were unable to go out or in except at night, they declared the day they were driven out as a holiday.",
"On the 27th thereof was discontinued payment of the tribute (from Judah and Jerusalem). "
"Sivan": [
" On the 14th of Sivan the tower of the Fort was captured. ",
"On the 15th and 16th thereof the people of Bethshean {Scythopolis} and the valley were exiled. ",
"On the 25th thereof the publicans were removed from Judah and Jerusalem."
"Tammuz": [
"On the 4th (10th) of Tammuz the book of decrees was removed (on which it is not allowed to mourn). ",
"<i>The Tzaddukim had a book of laws - \"These are stoned, these are burned, these are killed by sword, these are stangled.\"  When it was written, a person would ask (what to do) and go look in the book.  If you asked them, \"How do you know this one is stoned or burned or decapitated or strangled?\", they wouldn't be able to bring a proof from the \"the instructions given to you\" (Devarim 17:11).  Because we don't write laws in a book. ... The day that it was destroyed, they made a holiday.</i>"
"Av": [
"On the 15th of Ab, the day of Xylophoria, it is forbidden to mourn.",
"On the 24th thereof we returned to our Law."
"Elul": [
"On the 7th of Elul was the day of the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem, on which it is forbidden to mourn. ",
"On the 17th thereof the Romans evacuated Judah and Jerusalem.",
"On the 22nd thereof we began to slay the wicked."
"Tishrei": [
"On the 3rd of Tishri were removed the 'mentions' on documents."
"Cheshvan": [
"On the 23rd of Heshvan the Sorega was torn away from the 'Azarah. ",
"On the 25th thereof the wall of Samaria was captured. ",
"On the 27th thereof they began again to bring the offerings of fine flour upon the altar. "
"Kislev": [
"On the 3rd of Kislev the ensigns were removed from the Court. ",
"On the 7th thereof (a holiday).",
"On the day that Herod died, it was a day of joy because Herod hated the sages. Joy is before the Almighty when the wicked are removed from the world, as it is stated: 'And also the hand of the Lord was upon them to destroy them.' It is written: 'And it came to pass when all the men of war had completely died from among the people.' And it is written: 'And the Lord spoke to me, saying.' Similarly, it is said: 'A good man brings forth good tidings.' And he said: 'So too, the king commanded Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada, and he went out and struck him, and he died.' On that very day, when Herod died, they made it a holiday.",
"On the 21st thereof was the day of Mt. Gerizim (on which it is not allowed to mourn). ",
"<b>On the twenty fifth of the month is Channuka, eight days on which one does not eulogize</b> ",
"because when the Greeks entered the Temple they defiled all the oil there. When the hand of the Hasmoneans was made strong and they defeat the Greeks, they checked (in the Temple) and only found one jar of oil sealed with the mark of the High Priest which remained undefiled. Though there was only enough in it to light for one day, a miracle occurred through it and they lit the Temple lamps from it for eight days. The following year they decreed these to be eight days of celebration. And what justification did they see for making Channuka eight days? Wasn’t the dedication (channuka) which Moshe did in the wilderness only seven days? As it says “And you shall not leave the entrance of the Tent of Meeting for seven days…” (Vayikra 8:33) And it says “The one who brought his offering on the first day was…” (Bamidbar 7:12) and on the seventh day Ephraim made his offering. So too we find at the dedication which Shlomo made that it only lasted seven days, as it says “…for the inauguration of the altar they made seven days, and the feast seven days.” (Divre HaYamim II 7:9) So what reason did they see to make this dedication eight days? In the days of the kingdom of Greece the Hasmoneans entered the Temple, built the altar, plastered it with plaster and for seven days they were preparing the vessels for service. The re-dedication done by the Hasmoneans it to be marked for all generations. And why is it a practice for all generations? They fixed it when they came out from a narrow place into broad spaces, and they said praises and thanksgiving, lighting lamps in purity. Since the Greeks had gone into the Temple and defiled all the vessels, there was nothing with which to light. When the Hasmoneans were victorious, they brought seven skewers of iron, covered them with tin and began to light. "
"Tevet": [
"On the 28th of Tebeth the Sanhedrin sat in judgement. "
"Shevat": [
"On the (7th) [2nd] of Shebat is a holiday, whereon it is not allowed to mourn.",
"On the 22nd thereof the work on what the enemy commanded to bring into the Temple was stopped; not allowed to mourn.",
"On the 28th thereof Antiochus (the king) departed from Jerusalem. "
"Adar": [
"The 8th and 9th of Adar they supplicated and sounded blasts for rain.",
"On the 12th thereof is the day of Tyrian. ",
"<b>On the thirteenth of that month is the Day of Nikanor.</b>",
"Nikanor, general of the Greek kings, when passing through to Alexandria daily would wave his hand against Jerusalem and the Holy Temple blaspheming, insulting and disparaging them, saying ‘when will she fall into my hands that I may destroy her?’ When the hand of the Hasmoneans became strong they went down amongst his soldiers and killed until they came to those closest to him. They cut off their heads and chopped off their thumbs and big toes, and then cut off his head, chopped off his limbs and hung them across from the Holy Temple. They said ‘the mouth that spoke arrogantly and the hand which waved against Yehudah, Jerusalem and the Holy Temple – let this revenge be done to them. They made the day that they did this a day of celebration.",
"On the 14th and 15th thereof (are the days of) Purim, on which it is not allowed to mourn.",
"On the 16th thereof was begun the building of the wall of Jerusalem; it is forbidden to mourn thereon.",
"On the 17th thereof the Gentiles arose against the refugees of (?) Sepphoris in the province of Chalcis and in Beth Zabdain, but there came salvation (to the Jews). ",
"On the 20th thereof the people fasted for rain (and it descended).",
"On the 28th thereof the glad tidings reached the Jews that they were not to be restrained from the study of the Law. It is not permitted to mourn thereon. ",
"One final word:",
"And these are the days on which we fast from the Torah, and all those who fast on them neither eat nor drink until the evening. On the first of Nisan, the sons of Aaron died. On the second [of Nisan], Miriam the prophetess died and the well was hidden. On the twenty-sixth [of Nisan], Joshua son of Nun died. On the second of Iyar, Eli the priest and his two sons died and the Ark of the Covenant was captured. On the twenty-ninth [of Iyar], Samuel the prophet died and all Israel mourned him. On the twenty-third of Sivan, the first-fruits were nullified from going to Jerusalem in the days of Jeroboam son of Neat. On the twenty-fifth [of Sivan] Rabbi Shimon ben Gamliel and Rabbi Ishmael ben Elisha and Rabbi Ḥanina the vice high priest died. On the twenty-seventh [of Sivan], Rabbi Ḥanina ben Teradion was burned with a Torah scroll. On the seventeenth of Tammuz, the tablets were shattered and the daily-offering was nullified and Apostomos burned the Torah and an idol was placed in the Temple. On the first of Av, Aharon the high priest died. On the ninth of Av, it was decreed that our ancestors would not enter the land, and the first and second Holy Temples were destroyed, and Beitar was taken and the city was plowed. On the eighteenth [of Av], the western light was extinguished in the days of Ahaz. On the seventh of Elul, those who brought bad reports about the land died in a plague. On the third of Tishri, Gedaliah son of Aḥiqam son of Shafan and the Jews who were with him in Mitzvah were killed. On the fifth of [Tishri], the twenty people from [the northern kingdom] Israel died, and R. Akiva son of Joseph was confined in the prison-house and died. On the seventh of [Tishri], sword and famine was ordained on our ancestors. On the tenth of [Tishri, Yom Kippur, there] is atonement for the matter of the Calf. On the sixth of Marḥeshvan, they blinded the eyes of Zedekiah king of Judah and slaughtered his sons before his eyes. On the seventh of Kislev, Jehoiakim burned the scroll that Baruch son of Norah wrote from the mouth of Jeremiah. On the eighth of Tevet, the Torah was written in Greek in the days of King Ptolemy, and darkness came over the earth for three days. On the ninth of [Tevet] our rabbis did not write why [we fast]. On the tenth of [Tevet] the king of Babylon placed his head against Jerusalem to destroy it. On the eighth of Shvat, the righteous people in the days of Joshua son of Nun died. On the twenty-third of [Shvat], all Israel gathered against the tribe of Benjamin and against the concubine in Gibeah and against the idol of Micah. On the seventh of Adar, Moses our master died. On the ninth of [Adar], a fast was established for the debate of the House of Shammai and the House of Hillel. These are the fast days which were received upon Israel from the Torah. And our rabbis also decreed that some would fast on Mondays and Thursdays on account of three things: the destruction of the Temple, the Torah that was burnt, and blaspheming the name. And in the future the Holy Blessed One will turn them to joy and happiness, as it is said, \"And I will turn their mourning to joy, and comfort them, and make them rejoice from their sorrow.\" (Jeremiah 31:12). Rabbi Elazar said Rabbi Ḥanina said, students of the sages increase peace on earth, as is said, \"And all your children are learned of God, and great is the peace of your children.\" (Isaiah 54:13). \"May there be peace in your walls, tranquility in your palaces. For the sake of my brothers and friends, let me speak, please, peace in You. For the sake of the house of the LORD our God let me wish your good.\" (Psalm 122:7-9). \"Great peace to those who love Your torah, they will have no obstacle.\" (Psalm 119:165). \"The LORD grants strength to His people; the LORD bless His people with peace.\" (Psalm 29:11).",
"Finished is the tractate of the scroll of fasts!"
"versions": [
"Rabbi Mike Feuer, Jerusalem Anthology",
"Sefaria Community Translation",
"Megillat Taanit, trans. Solomon Zeitlin",
"heTitle": "מגילת תענית",
"categories": [
"Second Temple"
"schema": {
"heTitle": "מגילת תענית",
"enTitle": "Megillat Ta'anit",
"key": "Megillat Ta'anit",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "ניסן",
"enTitle": "Nisan"
"heTitle": "אייר",
"enTitle": "Iyar"
"heTitle": "סיוון",
"enTitle": "Sivan"
"heTitle": "תמוז",
"enTitle": "Tammuz"
"heTitle": "אב",
"enTitle": "Av"
"heTitle": "אלול",
"enTitle": "Elul"
"heTitle": "תשרי",
"enTitle": "Tishrei"
"heTitle": "חשון",
"enTitle": "Cheshvan"
"heTitle": "כסלו",
"enTitle": "Kislev"
"heTitle": "טבת",
"enTitle": "Tevet"
"heTitle": "שבט",
"enTitle": "Shevat"
"heTitle": "אדר",
"enTitle": "Adar"