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Update export (#5)
26efbe2 verified
"language": "en",
"title": "Ibn Ezra on Psalms",
"versionSource": "",
"versionTitle": "Sefaria Community Translation",
"versionTitleInHebrew": "转专讙讜诐 拽讛讬诇转 住驻专讬讗",
"actualLanguage": "en",
"languageFamilyName": "english",
"isBaseText": false,
"isSource": false,
"direction": "ltr",
"heTitle": "讗讘谉 注讝专讗 注诇 转讛讬诇讬诐",
"categories": [
"Rishonim on Tanakh",
"Ibn Ezra",
"text": {
"Introduction": [],
"": [
"Kiss the son - Behold and serve the Lord in contrast to. . .",
". . .Kiss the son against his anointed; and behold the interpretation 'How pure and also how pure my insides' (Proverbs 31:2); and it is also written 'you are my son.' It is a custom in the nations of the world to place their hands under the hand of the king as the brother of Solomon or the slave under the thigh of his master or to kiss the king. This is the custom in India to this day."
"Magnifying: \"And to Your name shall I sing,\" (Psalm 18:50) for it \"magnifies\" (Psalm 18:51)."
"\"To the conductor, listen to this all nations\" - this psalm is very important, because it explains the light of the afterlife (lit. World to come) and the undying soul of wisdom."
"\"Listen\" - to the message he gives, that addresses all in whose nostrils G-d (lit. hashem, the name) blew the breath of life. Therefore, \"listen all who dwell on Earth\"."
"\"Also\" - calling the sons of Adam who aren't wealthy, or who are and are well known. That is the reason for also having \"sons of man\", to include the rich and the poor."
"\"My mouth\" - to teach all the wisdom hidden from them, which those wise of heart explain by riddles.",
"And \"thoughts and insights\" - that my heart thought."
"\"And he shall live\" - that is how he who works to gain treasure thinks"
"And the word \"laanot\"-- is like the phrase \"qol anot\" (Ex. 32:18). Said Yeshua b. Yehuda: \"This is Heman the son of Samuel and the Bible calls him Ezrahi because he was a native of the bards, for most bards were his children and grandchildren as it is written in Chronicles.\" And some say that the aleph is prosthetic and he was the son of Zerah and his brother was Ethan. And others say that Heman and Ethan were brothers whose father was called Ezrah."
"He who was rescued, he is obligated to thank Him. This is righteousness."
"Why does it say \"from the depth\"? Because of the depth of poverty and low status in the diaspora."
"\"Who stand\" - those are the priests who perform the sacrifices and those who play the trumpets"
"\"Thank the God of gods\" - the God of the high angels, who don't have bodies [and are therefore called gods]."
"\"Thank the Lord of lords\" - the angels are the lords of the earth."
"\"Open\" - and the \"you\" that's written in the prior verse (Psalm 145:15) is also here, thus [the verse should read] \"and You open Your hand,\" and thus: because the God of my father is my help. ",
"And the meaning of \"will\" -- what is sufficient for them."
"schema": {
"heTitle": "讗讘谉 注讝专讗 注诇 转讛讬诇讬诐",
"enTitle": "Ibn Ezra on Psalms",
"key": "Ibn Ezra on Psalms",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "讛拽讚诪讛",
"enTitle": "Introduction"
"heTitle": "",
"enTitle": ""