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Sefaria Community Translation
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Ed il Signore parlò a Mosè e ad Aronne, con dire:
E i figli d'Israel s'accamperanno, ciascheduno presso il suo corpo d'ersicito; non insegne [differenti] pei varj casati; accamperannosi intorno al padiglione di congregazione, in distanza (da esso).
Quelli che accamperannosi dalla parte di levante saranno quelli del corpo d'esercito, detto il campo di Giuda, divisi nelle varie loro schiere; ed il principe dei figli di Giuda è Nahhsciòn figlio d'Amminadàv.
Ed il suo esercito consta di registrati settantaquattro mila e seicento.
E gli accampati vicino a lui (saranno) quelli della tribù d'Issachàr; ed il principe dei figli d'Issachàr e Nethanèl figlio di Ssuàr.
Ed il suo esercito consta di registrati cinquanta mila e quattrocento,
(Come pure) la tribù di Zevulùn, ed il principe della tribù di Zevulùn e Eliàv figlio di Hhelòn.
Ed il suo esercito consta di registrati cinquantasette mila e quattrocento.
Tutti i registrati appartenenti al campo (detto) di Giuda sono centottantasei mila, e quattrocento, divisi nelle varie loro schiere. (Questi) si moveranno i primi.
Il corpo d'esercito, (detto) il campo di Ruben, (starà) dalla parte di mezzodì, diviso nelle varie sue schiere, ed il principe dei figli di Ruben è Elissùr figlio di Scedeùr.
Ed il suo esercito consta di registrati quarantasei mila e cinquecento.
E gli accampati vicino a lui (saranno): la tribù di Simeone, ed il principe della tribù di Simeone è Scelumièl figlio di Ssurisciaddài.
Ed il suo esercito consta di registrati cinquantanove mila e trecento.
E la tribù di Gad, ed il principe dei figli di Gad è Eljassàf figlio di Reuèl.
Ed il suo esercito consta di registrati quarantacinque mila, seicento e cinquanta.
Tutt'i registrati appartenenti al campo dei Ruben sono cinquantun mila, quattrocento e cinquanta, divisi nelle varie loro schiere; e si moveranno i secondi.
Indi si moverà il padiglione di congregazione, il campo (cioè) di Leviti, nel mezzo dei (quattro) campi; come si moveranno, ognuno al suo luogo nei loro corpi d'esercito.
Il corpo, detto il campo d'Efraim, diviso nelle varie sue schiere, (starà) dalla parte di ponente, ed il principe dei figli d'Efraim è Elisciamà figlio di Ammihùd.
Ed il suo esercito consta di registrati quaranta mila e cinquecento.
E vicino a lui (starà) la tribù di Manasse, ed il principe dei figli di Manasse è Gamliel figlio di Pedassùr.
Ed il suo esercito consta di registrati trentadue mila e dugento.
Come pure la tribù di Binjamin, ed il principe dei figli di Binjamin è Avidàn figlio di Ghideonì.
Ed il suo esercito consta di registrati trentacinque mila e quattrocento.
Tutt'i registrati dal compo d'Efraim sono centottomila e cento, divisi nelle varie loro schiere; e si moveranno i terzi.
Il corpo, detto il campo di Dan, (starà) dalla parte di settentrione, diviso nelle varie sue schiere; ed il principe dei figli di Dan è Ahhièzer figlio d'Ammisciaddài.
Ed il suo esercito consta di registrati sessantadue mila e settecento.
E gli accampati vicino a lui (saranno) quelli della tribù d'Ascèr, ed il principe dei figli d'Ascèr è Paghièl figlio di Ochràn.
Ed il suo esercito consta di registrati quarantun mila e cinquecento.
Come pure la tribù di Naftalì, ed il principe dei figli di Naftalì è Ahhirà figlio di Enàn.
Ed il suo esercito consta di registrati cinquantatrè mila e quattrocento.
Tutt'i registrati appartenenti al campo di Dan son cencinquantasette mila e seicento; e, divisi nelle varie loro schiere, si moveranno gli ultimi.
Quest'è la recensione dei figli d'Israel, distinti nei loro casati. Tutt'i registrati dei (quattro) campi, divisi nelle varie loro schiere, sono seicentotrè mila, cinquecento e cinquanta.
Ed i Leviti non furono enumerati in mezzo ai figli d'Israel, come il Signore comandò a Mosè.
E gl'Israeliti eseguirono. Pienamente come il signore comandò a Mosè, così s'accamparono, divisi nei loro corpi d'esercito, e così si mossero; distinto ciaschedun corpo nelle sue famiglie e nei suoi casati.
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
And Hashem Spoke To Moshe Saying
Tell My Dog To Poop On My Lawn
And Moshe Replied Okay I Will Do It For You
And Moshe Sent His Dog To Poop On Hashems Lawn
Moshe Went Back To Hashem And Said
I Told My Dog To Poop On Your Lawn And He Did
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
And hashem spoke to moshe saying
Chapter 9
And Hashem spoke to Moshe, in the Sinai Desert, in the second year from the exodus of Egypt, in the first month saying thus:
And the Children of Yisrael will do the Korban Pesach in its proper time,
On the fourteenth day of this month, in the evening, you shall do it in the proper time, according to all its rules and statutes, you shall do it.
And Moshe spoke to Bnei Yisrael, saying thus: You shall offer the Korban Pesach,
And you shall offer the Korban Pesach on the fourteenth day of this month, in the evening, in the Desert of Sinai, according to all that Hashem has commanded you regarding it you shall do it.
And there were men who were ritually impure from a dead body, and they were therefore not able to offer the Korban Pesach on the proper day, and they therefore came before Moshe and Aharon on that day.
And these impure men said, 'We are ritually impure, from a dead body, but why should we be not allowed to bring the Korban Pesach before Hashem, in the proper time, with all the rest of Bnei Yisrael?'
And Moshe said to them, 'Stand here and I will listen to what Hashem commands me regarding you!'
And Hashem spoke to Moshe saying:
Speak to Bnei Yisrael saying thusly: Any man who is ritually impure or on a distant journey, whether now or in a future generation, he will offer a Korban Pesach to Hashem,
But he will do so in the second month, on the fourteenth day, in the evening, he shall do so, and he shall eat the Korban Pesach along with Matzos and Maror. (Unleavened bread and a bitter herb.)
None should remain from it till morning, and one should not break a bone of the paschal lamb, and you will fulfill the commandment according to all its statutes.
However, a man who is pure and not on a far journey, and he yet fails to offer the Pesach offering, his soul will be cut off from that of his people, because he did not bring the Korban of Hashem at the proper time, and he shall bear the guilt for his sin.
And if there is a stranger living amongst you, and he offers a Korban to Hashem, he must do it according to all the statutes regarding the sacrifice; there shall be one law for all, whether a citizen of the nation of Yisrael, or a stranger amongst the Jews.
And on the day that they erected the Mishkan, the Cloud of Glory covered the Mishkan, and the Tent of the Testimony, and in the evening the Cloud remained over the Mishkan as a pillar of fire, until the morning.
So it was; a cloud in the day, and a pillar of fire in the night.
And when the cloud lifted from the Tent, then would the Children of Yisrael set forth and begin to travel. And in the place where the cloud ceased, there would Bnei YIsrael make camp.
On the word of Hashem they traveled and on the word of Hashem they camped; when the Cloud of Glory covered the Mishkan, they camped.
Yet when the cloud stretched out over the Mishkan for many days, Bnei Yisrael would listen to Hashem and observe his statutes, and not travel.
No matter how long the Cloud stayed above the Mishkan, on the word of Hashem they traveled and on the word of Hashem they made camp.
And there were times when the Cloud was there merely from the evening to the morning, and then it arose, and then the Jews would break camp, or two days and a night and then the Cloud went up, so too then they would travel.
Whether two day, or a month, or years, when the Cloud stayed above the Sanctuary Bnei Yisrael camped and did not leave that spot.
Upon the word of Hashem they camped and on the word of Hashem they broke camp, the word of Hashem they guarded; the word of Hashem through the mouth of Moshe.
Chapter 10
and gaya would encamp in the desert.
and all the people said hello lord gaya
Chapter 11
And the lad ran and told Moshe saying Eldod and Madod are prophesising the camp.
And Yehosha the son of nun answered the servant of Moshe
Chapter 12
Miriam and Aharon spoke about Moshe concerning the Cushite [ fair ] woman that he married, for, he married [ sent away ] a Cushite [ fair ] woman....
They said: “Is it only to Moshe that Hashem has spoken? Did He not also speak with us?” and [ it was heard before ] Hashem heard.
The man, Moshe [was] most humble, more so than any other person on the face of the earth.
Hashem said, suddenly, to Moshe, Aharon and Miriam: “Come out, all three of you, to the Tent of Meeting,” and the three of them went out.
Hashem descended [ appeared ] in a pillar of cloud and He stood at the entrance of the Tent, and He called [to] Aharon and Miriam, and both of them went out.
He said: “Please listen to My words. If there will be a prophet among you, [I,] Hashem, will make [ reveal ] Myself known to him in a vision; in a dream I will speak to him.
That is not the case with My servant, Moshe; in My entire house he is trusted.
Mouth [ speaker ] to mouth [ speaker ] I speak to [ with ] him, in a vision and not in riddles; he gazes at the [ glorious ] likeness of Hashem; so why are you not afraid to speak about My servant, about Moshe?”
Hashem’s anger flared against them and He left.
The cloud departed from atop the Tent and behold! Miriam became afflicted with tzora’as white as snow; and Aharon turned towards Miriam and behold, she was afflicted with tzora’as.
Aharon said to Moshe: “Oh, my master please do not put iniquity upon us for what we have foolishly done and for what we have transgressed.
Please let her not be like the dead [ separated from among us for she is our sister ]; That, since he came from his mother’s womb, it would be as half of his own flesh was consumed [ pray now for this dead flesh which is in her, so she will be healed ].”
Moshe cried out [in prayer] to Hashem, saying: “Please, God, please heal her.”
Hashem said to Moshe: “If her father were to spit in her face [ strongly chastise her ] would she not be in shame for seven days? She shall be closed off for seven days, beyond the encampment, and after that, she may join again.”
Miriam was closed off beyond the encampment for seven days, and the people did not depart until Miriam was brought in to join them.
After that, the people traveled from Chatzeiros and they camped in the desert of Paran.
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
The Canaanite King of Arad heard—who lived in the south—that Yisroel had come by the route of the spies; he attacked Yisroel, and he took from them a captive....
Yisroel made a vow to Hashem and said, “If You will deliver this people into my hand, I shall consecrate their cities.”
Hashem heard Yisroel’s voice, and He delivered the Canaanites (into Yisroel’s hand), and he (Yisroel) destroyed them and [consecrated] their cities; the region was named Chormo.
They then traveled from Mount Hor by the Reed Sea route, in order to circle around the land of Edom; traveling was insufferable to the people.
The people spoke out against God and Moshe, “Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? There is no food and no water, and we are disgusted with this rotten bread.”
Hashem sent against the people the consuming snakes, and they bit the people, and many people of Yisroel died.
The people came to Moshe and said, “We have sinned by speaking against Hashem and you; pray to Hashem that He remove the snakes from us.” Moshe prayed on behalf of the people.
Hashem said to Moshe, “Make yourself [the image of] a consuming snake, and place it upon a banner; and anyone bitten will look at it and live.”
Moshe made a copper snake and placed it on the banner; whenever a snake bit a person, he would gaze upon the copper snake and live.
Bnei Yisroel traveled on and camped in Ovos.
They traveled from Ovos and camped in the wasteland passes in the wilderness, facing Moav, eastward of the sun.
They traveled from there and camped in the valley of Zered.
They traveled from there and camped opposite Arnon, in the wilderness, extending from the Emorite border; Arnon being the Moav border between Moav and the Emorite.
Concerning this will be told in the Book of the Wars of Hashem, “He gave at the Reeds (Sea) and the valleys of Arnon.
And the spillage in the valleys when it turned to dwell at Ar, and then leaned on the border of Moav.
From there, to the well; this is the well of which Hashem said to Moshe, ‘Gather the people and I will give them water.’”
It was then that Yisroel sang this song : “Arise, O well, sing to it!
The well dug by princes, that the nobles of the nation excavated, through the lawgiver, with their staffs; from the wilderness a gift.
The gift (traveled) to the valley, and from the valley to the heights.
And from the heights to the valley that is in the field of Moav, at the top of the peak that overlooks the wastelands.”
Yisroel sent emissaries to Sichon, King of the Emorite, saying.
“Let me pass through your land, we will not turn aside into the fields and vineyards, we will not drink well water; we will go by the King’s road until we have passed through your territory.”
But Sichon did not allow Yisroel to pass through his territory; Sichon gathered all his people and went out against Yisroel to the wilderness; he came to Yohatz and attacked Yisroel.
Yisroel defeated him with the edge of the sword and took possession of his land; from Arnon to the Yabok, as far as Amon[’s border], because Amon’s border was impregnable.
Yisroel took all these cities; Yisroel settled in all the cities of the Emorite, in Cheshbon and all its daughters.
For Cheshbon was then a city of Sichon, King of the Emorites, and he had waged war against the first king of Moav, and took all his land from his hand, as far as Arnon.
Concerning this, the parable tellers say: “Come to Cheshbon, may it be built and established as the city of Sichon.
For a fire went forth from Cheshbon, a flame from Sichon’s capital; it consumed Ar, of Moav, the masters of Arnon’s heights.
Woe to you, O Moav, you are destroyed, people of Kemosh, he rendered your sons as refugees, and your daughters captives, of Sichon, King of Emori.
Their kingdom was uprooted from Cheshbon as far as Divon; we made them desolate as far as Nofach near Meidva.”
Yisroel settled in the land of the Emorite.
Moshe sent [men] to spy on Ya’zer, and they captured its surrounding villages, and drove out the Emorites that were there.
They then turned and headed toward the Bashan; and Og, King of the Bashan, came out against them he with all his people, to wage war at Edre’i.
Hashem said to Moshe, “Do not be afraid of him, for into your hand I have delivered Ihim and all his people and territory; do to him as you have done to Sichon, King of the Emorite, who lives in Cheshbon.”
And they killed him (Og), his sons, and all his people, leaving no survivors; and they took possession of his land.
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Say, therefore, 'I give him My pact of peace.