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"language": "en",
"title": "Mishnah Kinnim",
"versionSource": "",
"versionTitle": "Open Mishnah",
"status": "locked",
"license": "CC-BY-SA",
"versionTitleInHebrew": "ืžืฉื ื” ืคืชื•ื—ื”",
"actualLanguage": "en",
"languageFamilyName": "english",
"isBaseText": false,
"isSource": false,
"direction": "ltr",
"heTitle": "ืžืฉื ื” ืงื™ื ื™ื",
"categories": [
"Seder Kodashim"
"text": [
"[The blood of] a bird sin-offering is placed below [the Altar's mid-line], and [the blood of] an animal sin-offering [is placed] above [the Altar's mid-line]. [The blood of] a bird burnt-offering is placed above, and [the blood of] an animal burnt-offering [is placed] below. If he [the Kohen] altered [the service] of either one, he has invalidated it. The arrangement of the pairs of birds is as follows: [With regard to] obligatory [offering], one [bird] is a sin-offering, and one is a burnt-offering. [With regard to] vowed offerings and donated offerings, all of them [the birds] are all burnt-offerings. What is a vowed offering? One who says, \"I hereby obligate myself to bring a burnt-offering.\" What is a donated offering? One who says, \"This [bird] is hereby [sanctified as] a burnt-offering.\" What is the [practical] difference between vowed offerings and donated offerings? [In the case of] vowed offering, if they [the birds] died or were stolen, [the owner] is accountable for their replacement. [In the case of] a donated offering, if they [the birds] died or were stolen, [the owner] is not accountable for their replacement.",
" A sin-offering [bird] that became mixed with burnt-offering [birds], or a burnt-offering [bird] that became mixed with sin-offering [birds], even if one [bird got mixed with] ten thousand [birds of another type of offering] they must all be left to die. A sin-offering that became mixed with a [pair of] obligatory [birds], only the number of sin-offerings [contained] in the obligatory [pair] are permitted [to be sacrificed]. Similarly, an burnt-offering that became mixed with with obligatory a [pair of] obligatory [birds], only the number of burnt-offerings [contained] in the obligatory [pair] are permitted [to be sacrificed]. [This is true] whether the obligatory [birds] are many and the donated are fewer, [or] whether the donated are many and the obligatory [birds] are fewer, [or] whether they are both equal.",
"In what [case] were these words [rules in the previous mishnah] stated? When obligatory [bird offerings] and donated [bird offerings became mixed]. But if obligatory [bird offerings] became mixed with each other, one [pair] from this one [woman] and one [pair] from this one [woman], two [pairs from this one [woman] and two [pairs] from this one [woman], three [pairs from this one [woman] and three [pairs] from this one [woman]; half are permitted [to be sacrificed] and half are invalid. [However if] this one [woman] had one [pair], and this one [woman] had two [pairs], [or] three for this one, [or] ten for this one [or] one hundred for this one, [only] the smaller number [of birds] are permitted [to be sacrificed]. Whether [they are all] from one designation or whether [they are] from two designations, [and] whether [they are all] from one woman or whether [they are] from two women.",
"How is it [that two groups are brought] for one from one designation? [One pair brought for] a birth and [another pair brought for] a birth, [or for] a <i>zivah</i> [an atypical genital discharge, which renders a person impure] and another <i>zivah</i> [this is considered] from one designation. From two designations? [A pair brought for] a birth and [another brought for] a <i>zivah</i>. How is it [that two groups are brought] from two women? [A pair brought for] a birth for this one [woman] who gave birth, and [one brought for] this one ]woman] who gave birth, [or for] a <i>zivah</i> for this one [woman] and a <i>zivah</i> for the this one[woman] โ€“ [this is considered] from one designation. From two designations? [A pair brought for] a birth for one [woman] and [one brought for] a <i>zivah</i> for the other [woman]. Rabbi Yosi says: Two women who purchased their birds as a mixed group [without specifying which pair belongs to which woman], or they gave the money [to the Kohen without specifying which money is for which woman] he [the Kohen] may offer whichever pair he wants as a sin-offering and whichever pair he wants as an burnt offering. Regardless whether [they are all] from one designation or whether [they are] from two designations."
"sectionNames": [