{"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The Apache httpd module API is unchanged between the Unix and Windows versions.", "out": "Apache httpd のモジュール API は UNIX と Windows 間では変更されていません。", "pred": "The Apache httpd module API is the Unix and Windows version."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: section directive can be one of two forms: parameter-name ! parameter-name In the former case, the directives between the start and end markers are only processed if the parameter named parameter-name is defined.", "out": "セクションディレクティブに 指定する test は、 次の二つの形式のうちの一つをとります: parameter-name ! parameter-name 前者の場合には、 parameter-name と名付けられたパラメータが 定義されていれば開始と終了の間のディレクティブが処理されます。", "pred": "セクションディレクティブ can be one of two forms: parameter-name ! parameter-name In the former case, the directives between the start and end markers are only processed if the parameter named parameter-name defined."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: MD5 is an algorithm for computing a \"message digest\" (sometimes called \"fingerprint\") of arbitrary-length data, with a high degree of confidence that any alterations in the data will be reflected in alterations in the message digest.", "out": "MD5 は、任意長のデータの「メッセージダイジェスト 」 ( 「指紋」 と表現されることもある) を計算するアルゴリズムで、 データの変更があった場合には非常に高い信頼度でメッセージダイジェストに変更が 反映されます。", "pred": "MD5 is an algorithm for コンピューティング a \"message digest\" (sometimes called \"指print\") of arbitrary-length data, with a high degree of自信を持ってce that any alterations in the data will be reflected in alterations in the message digest."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The flastmod Element This command prints the last modification date of the specified file, subject to the timefmt format specification.", "out": "flastmod 要素 このコマンドは指定されたファイルの最終修正時刻を timefmt 書式指定に従って表示します。", "pred": "The flastmod Element This command prints the last modification date of the specified file, subject to the timefmt format specification."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For a more concrete example, consider the following.", "out": "もっと具体的な、次の例を考えてみましょう。", "pred": "For a more concrete example, consider the following."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: All regular expression evaluation now uses the more powerful Perl 5 syntax.", "out": "正規表現の評価には、より強力になった Perl 5 構文を使用します。", "pred": "All regular expression evaluation now uses the more powerful Perl 5 syntax."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note, that strings are compared literally (using strcmp(3) ).", "out": "文字列として 比較される ( strcmp(3) を使用) ことに注意してください。", "pred": "Note, that strings are comparable to the strcmp(3) )."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: QUERY_STRING_UNESCAPED If a query string is present in the request for the active SSI document, this variable contains the (%-decoded) query string, which is escaped for shell usage (special characters like & etc. are preceded by backslashes).", "out": "QUERY_STRING_UNESCAPED クエリー文字列がある場合、この変数には ( % -デコードされた) クエリー文字列が代入されていて、shell で使用できるように エスケープ されています ( & といった特殊文字にはバックスラッシュが直前に置かれます ) 。", "pred": "QUERY_STRING_UNESCAPED If aクエリ string present in the request for the active SSI document, this variable contains the (%-decoded)クエリ string, which escaped for shell usage (special characters like & etc. are preceded by backslashes)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the registry keys cannot be found, Apache httpd falls back to the behavior of the Script option.", "out": "レジストリキーが見つからないときは、Apache は Script オプションが指定されたときの動作に戻ります。", "pred": "If the レジストリ key is found, Apache httpd が back to the behavior of the Script option."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Dealing with proxy servers The mod_deflate module sends a Vary: Accept-Encoding HTTP response header to alert proxies that a cached response should be sent only to clients that send the appropriate Accept-Encoding request header.", "out": "Proxy サーバでの扱い mod_deflate モジュールは Vary: Accept-Encoding HTTP 応答ヘッダを送信して、適切な Accept-Encoding リクエストヘッダを送信するクライアントに対してのみ、 プロクシサーバがキャッシュした応答を送信するように注意を喚起します。", "pred": "Dealing with proxy servers The mod_deflate module sends a Vary: Accept-Encoding HTTP response header to alert proxies that a cached response should be sent only to clients that send the appropriate Accept-Encoding request header."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The second line prints the content-type declaration we talked about, followed by two carriage-return newline pairs.", "out": "2 行目は、前述したとおり content-type の定義を印字します。 これには復帰改行の二つの組を後に付加します。", "pred": "The second line prints the content-type declaration we talked about, followed by two carriage-return HTML pairs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: There are two basic types of containers.", "out": "コンテナには二つの基本となる種類があります。", "pred": "2 basic types of containers."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Benny Goodman was the first celebrated bandleader of the Swing Era, dubbed \"The King of Swing,\" his popular emergence marking the beginning of the era.", "out": "口コミや評価、写真など、ユーザーによるリアルな情報が満載です ! . ベニー・グッドマン物語 オリジナル・サウンドトラック. ベニー・グッドマン は1935年から1940年代半ばにかけてアメリカの大衆を 熱狂させた スウィング・ジャズ の名実ともに王様だった 、 、 、 !", "pred": "Benny Goodman was the first celebrated bander of the Swing Era, dubbed \"The King of Swing,\" his popular emergence marking the beginning of the era."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It was wonderful lecture.", "out": "素晴らしい講演でした。", "pred": "It is a wonderful lecture."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The remote_user and auth_type presumably refer to HTTP-level authentication, and communicate the remote user's username and the type of authentication used to establish their identity (e.g. Basic, Digest).", "out": "remote_user と auth_type はおそらく HTTP レベルの認証を参照していて、リモートユーザのユーザ名と認証に使用した タイプ (例 Basic, Digest) についてやり取りします。", "pred": "The remote_user and auth_type presumably refer to HTTP-level authentication, and communicate the remote user's username and the type of authentication used to確立 their identity (e.g. Basic, Digest)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See the RewriteCond directive of mod_rewrite for extra information on how to match your query string.", "out": "追加の情報として、クエリーストリングにマッチさせる場合については RewriteCond ディレクティブを参照してください。", "pred": "See the RewriteCond ディレクティブ of mod_rewrite for extra information on how to match yourクエリ string."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: There are some exceptions, however: The AllowOverride directive works only in ", "out": "しかしながら幾つか例外も存在します。 AllowOverride ディレクティブは ", "pred": "しかしながら some exceptions are: The AllowOverride ディレクティブ works only in "} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note that the default access for is to permit all access.", "out": "Apache のデフォルトでは へのアクセスは Allow from All になっていることに注意してください。", "pred": "Note that the default access for is to permit allアクセス."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note that the URL is only tested for whether access would be granted, not whether the URL exists. Example", "out": "検査では URL へアクセスできるかの権限のみが行われ、URL が存在するかどうかについては検査されないことに注意してください。 Example", "pred": "Note that the URL is only tested for whether access is granted, not the URL exists. Example"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note that script logging is meant to be a debugging feature when writing CGI scripts, and is not meant to be activated continuously on running servers.", "out": "スクリプトのログ収集は CGI スクリプトを書くときの デバッグ用の機能として意図されていて、通常のサーバで 常に使用されるようには意図されていないということに注意してください。", "pred": "Note that script ログは CGI scriptsを書くときに meant to be a debugging feature, and not meant to be activated continuously on runningサーバー."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (In fact, the code to invoke ld.so is part of the run-time startup code which is linked into every executable program which has been bound non-static).", "out": "(実際のところ、静的でない方法でリンクされている すべての実行プログラムに組み込まれている開始用のコードの一部に ld.so を起動するコードが含まれています ) 。", "pred": "(In fact, the code to invoke ld.so is part of the run-time startup code which has been bound to be every executable program which has been bound to be)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It is changed when internal Apache structures, function calls and other significant parts of API change in such a way that binary compatibility cannot be guaranteed any more.", "out": "バイナリ互換性が保てなくなるような Apache 内部の構造体や、 関数呼び出し、その他の API の重要な部分の変更があったときに変更されます。", "pred": "CHANGES OF STATES, CHANGES AND CHANGES OF CHANGES OF CHANGES OF CHANGES OF CHANGES OF CHANGES OF CHANGES OF CHANGES OF CHANGES OF CHANGES OF CHANGES OF CHANGES OF CHANGES OF CHANGES OF CHANGES OF CHANGES OF CHANGES OF CHANGES OF CHANGES"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Make sure that the chosen provider module is present in the server. Example", "out": "指定したプロバイダを実装しているモジュールが、 必ずサーバに組み込まれているようにしてください。 Example", "pred": "Make sure that the chosen provider module is present in the server. Example"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The HTTP response header Vary is set to indicate the dimensions of negotiation (browsers and caches can use this information when caching the resource).", "out": "ネゴシエーションの次元を指定するために HTTP レスポンスヘッダ Vary が設定されます (リソースのキャッシュをする時に、 ブラウザやキャッシュはこの情報を使うことができます ) 。", "pred": "The HTTP response header Vary is set to indicate the dimensions of negotiation (browsers and caches can use this information when caching the resource)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: There are two implementations of this.", "out": "この実装は二つあります。", "pred": "2 implementations of this."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Filename is either an absolute path or relative to ServerRoot .", "out": "Filename は絶対パスか、 ServerRoot からの相対パスです。", "pred": "Filename is either an absolute path or relative to ServerRoot ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Regardless of the setting, when mod_authz_host is used for controlling access by hostname, a double reverse lookup will be performed.", "out": ") mod_authz_host でホスト名によるアクセス 制御を行なう場合には、 設定の如何によらず 2 重の逆引きが実行されます。", "pred": "Regardless of the setting, when mod_authz_host is used for controlling access by hostname, a double reverse lookup will be performed."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This will start Apache as root.", "out": "この方法では Apache を root 権限で起動します。", "pred": "This will start Apache as root."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If it is not set, then no last-modified date is sent.", "out": "それが設定されていないときは、 last-modified の日付は送られません。", "pred": "If it is not set, then no last-modified date sent."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The Akashi Kaikyō Bridge in Japan is presently considered the longest suspension bridge in the world.", "out": "妻は吊り橋は怖いと言って、歩いてでも渡りません。", "pred": "The Akashi Kaikyō Bridge in Japan is presently considered the longest suspension bridge in the world."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If one such file is found, mod_speling will send an HTTP redirect to the client informing it of the correct location.", "out": "もし一つだけ見つかった場合は mod_speling はクライアントに正しい位置を知らせるために HTTP リダイレクトを 送ります。", "pred": "もし一つのファイルが見つかった場合, mod_speling will send an HTTP redirect to the client informing it of the correct location."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If you are upgrading from one minor version to the next (for example, 2.4.9 to 2.4.10), please skip down to the upgrading section.", "out": "マイナーバージョンからその次のバージョンにアップグレードする (2.2.50 から 2.2.51 へ等) 場合は、まず アップグレード をご覧下さい。", "pred": "2.4.9 to 2.4.10 (例えば, 2.4.9 to 2.4.10), please skip down to the upgrading section."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: What this means is that the Require directive not only specifies which authorization methods should be used, it also specifies the order in which they are called.", "out": "つまり、 Require ディレクティブは単にどの承認手法が使われるかを指定するだけではなく、 それらの呼び出し順序も指定できるようになりました。", "pred": "これは、この手段は、 Require ディレクティブ not only Nexts which承認手法を使用するべきか、それ also Nexts the order in which they are called."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Extension A module with \"Extension\" status is not normally compiled and loaded into the server.", "out": "Extension ステータスが \"Extension\" のモジュールは、 デフォルトではコンパイルされず、サーバにも読み込まれません。", "pred": "Extension A module with \"Extension\" status is not normally compiled and loaded into the server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The HTTP protocol requires that requests which include a body either use chunked transfer encoding or send a Content-Length request header.", "out": "HTTP プロトコル仕様によると、ボディのあるリクエストは chunked 転送を使うか、 Content-Length ヘッダを送信しなければなりません。", "pred": "The HTTP protocol requires that the request which include a body includes chunked transfer encoding or send a Content-Length request header."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note There is a hard limit of ServerLimit 20000 compiled into the server (for the prefork MPM 200000).", "out": "注意 ServerLimit 20000 という制限付きでコンパイルされています ( prefork MPM では 200000 ) 。", "pred": "Note There is a hard limit of ServerLimit 20000 compiled into the server (for the prefork MPM 200000)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In addition to merely setting values literally like that, you can use any other variable, including environment variables or the variables discussed above (like LAST_MODIFIED , for example) to give values to your variables.", "out": "このように単純に文字どおりに設定することに加え、 環境変数 や上記の変数 (例えば LAST_MODIFIED のような) を含む他のあらゆる変数を値を設定するのに使用することができます。", "pred": "In addition to merely set values formly like that, you can use any other variable, including環境変数 or the variables discussed above (like LAST_MODIFIED , for example) to give values to your variables."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, rewrite_module is the identifier and mod_rewrite.c is the file name.", "out": "例えば、 rewrite_module は識別子で mod_rewrite.c はファイル名です。", "pred": "例えば、 rewrite_module is the identifier and mod_rewrite.c is the file name."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: configuration sections provide more readable (and internally faster) control of proxied sites; overloaded configuration are not supported.", "out": "設定セクションがproxy されるサイトのより読みやすく (内部的にもより速い) 設定を提供します。 オーバーロードされた ", "pred": "Configuration sections provide more readable (and internally faster) control of proxied sites; overloaded configuration are not supported."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: On the other hand, on some platforms, such as Linux and Tru64, the only way to handle both IPv6 and IPv4 is to use mapped addresses.", "out": "一方で、Linux や Tru64 といったプラットホームで IPv4 と IPv6 の両方を扱うには、マップドアドレスを使用する 以外の方法はありません 。", "pred": "On the other hand, on some platforms, such as Linux and Tru64, the only way to handle both IPv6 and IPv4 to use mappedアドレス."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If no status argument is given, the redirect will be \"temporary\" (HTTP status 302).", "out": "もし status 引数が与えられていなければ、リダイレクトは \"temporary \" ( HTTP ステータス 302) になります。", "pred": "If no status argument is given, the redirect will be \"temporary\" (HTTP status 302)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Topics Configuration Examples Directives This module provides no directives.", "out": "トピック 設定例 ディレクティブ このモジュールにディレクティブはありません。", "pred": "Topics Configuration Examples ディレクティブ このモジュールに no ディレクティブs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In normal everyday context, STDIN means the keyboard, or a file that a program is given to act on, and STDOUT usually means the console or screen.", "out": "通常の文脈において、 STDIN はキーボードやプログラムが動作するために与えられるファイルを意味し、 STDOUT は通常コンソールまたはスクリーンを意味します。", "pred": "STDIN means theキーボード, or a file that a program given to act on, and STDOUT usually means theコンソール or screen."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The Redirect directives are used to instruct clients to make a new request with a different URL.", "out": "Redirect ディレクティブは クライアントに違った URL に新しいリクエストを送るように指示します。", "pred": "The Redirect directives are used to instruct clients to make a new request with a different URL."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You must have the names in DNS, resolving to your IP address, or nobody else will be able to see your web site.", "out": "そのサーバの IP アドレスに解決される ように DNS に名前を登録しなければ なりません 。 そうでないと誰もあなたのウェブサイトを見ることはできません。", "pred": "You must have the name in DNS, resolving to your IP address, or nobody else will be able to see your web site."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It is said to always be made with Swedish milk.", "out": ". やさしい植物ミルクでつくったミルクティーです。", "pred": "僕はいつも僕の牛乳をしたんだ。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: She talked with the theme \"Power of Word\", about Philosophy of the brand name development, Case Study, Introduction of the contribution activities of a nonprofit organization XYZ (crosswise) and so on, and it could be received really good reviews from many participants.", "out": "ブランド名開発の哲学、ケーススタディ、NPO法人クロスワイズにおける貢献活動のご紹介など、「言葉の力」をテーマとした講演は、受講者の皆様からたいへんご好評をいただくことができました。", "pred": "She talked with the theme \"Power of Word\", about Philosophy of the brand name development, Case Study, Introduction of the contribution activities of a nonprofit organization 哲 (crosswise) and so on, and it could be received really good reviews from many participants."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You will notice many httpd executables running on your system, but you should not send signals to any of them except the parent, whose pid is in the PidFile .", "out": "システムを見ればたくさんの httpd が 実行されているのに気が付くでしょうが、シグナルを送るのは 親プロセスだけで、それ以外の個々のプロセスには シグナルを送らないで下さい。", "pred": "You will notice many httpd executables running on your system, but you should not send signals to any of them except the parent, that pid is in the PidFile ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If you want to disable suEXEC you should kill and restart httpd after you have removed the suexec file.", "out": "suEXEC を無効にする場合は、 suexec ファイルを削除してから Apache を kill して再起動します。", "pred": "If you want to disable suEXEC You need to kill and restart httpd after you have removed the suexec file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Is the target CGI/SSI program NOT setuid or setgid?", "out": "対象となる CGI/SSI プログラムが setuid または setgid されて いない か?", "pred": "Is the target CGI/SSI program NOT setuid or setgid?"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The optional virtual modifier turns off the check whether the requested file really exists.", "out": "オプションの virtual 修飾子を使用すると、 リクエストされたファイルが実際に存在するかどうかを検査しないようにできます。", "pred": "The optional virtual 修飾子 turns off the check whether the request file is really present."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: the SSL FAQ and RFC 3546 Server Side Includes (SSI) A technique for embedding processing directives inside HTML files.", "out": "参照: SSL/TLS 暗号化 Server Side Includes (SSI) HTML ファイル中に処理ディレクティブを埋め込む技術の一つ。", "pred": "See: the SSL FAQ and RFC 3546 Server Side Includes (SSI) A technique for embedding processing directives inside HTML files."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The default value is Off - therefore, the path_info component is ignored.", "out": "デフォルトでは「 Off 」で、 path_info コンポーネントは無視されます。", "pred": "The default value is Off - so the path_info component is ignored."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The full list of headers recognized is available in the mod_negotiation typemap documentation.", "out": "認識されるヘッダの一覧は mod_negotiation ドキュメントにあります。", "pred": "The full list of headers recognized is available in the mod_negotiation typemap documentation."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The printenv Element This prints out a plain text listing of all existing variables and their values.", "out": "printenv 要素 これは、存在するすべての変数とその値を表示します。", "pred": "The printenv Element This prints out a plain text listing of all existing variables and their values."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The name \"ZYXYZ\" was designed with such a thought.", "out": "私たちはこの想いを「ZYXYZ/ジザイズ」という社名に込めました。", "pred": "The name \"ZY Warehouse\" was designed with such a thought."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: I felt that I want to think about the meaning of the words which are used ordinary unintentionally.", "out": "日常何気なく使われている言葉の意味を今一度考えてみる気になりました。", "pred": "私は felt that I want to think about the meaning of the word which used ury unintentionally."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: By default, no file descriptions are defined, and so the use of this option will regain 23 characters of screen space to use for something else.", "out": "デフォルトでは、説明は定義されておらず、 このオプションを使うと他のために 23 文字の空白を稼ぐことができます。", "pred": "By default, no file descriptions are defined, and so the use of this option will regain 23 characters of screen space to use for何か else."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: All hosts not in the example.org domain are denied access because the default state is to Deny access to the server.", "out": "apache.org ドメインでないホストは、デフォルトの状態が Deny のため、 サーバへのアクセスを拒否されます。", "pred": "All hosts not in the example.org domain are denied access because the default state is to Deny access to the server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The following arguments are possible: IsError Abort the request and end up with a 502 (Bad Gateway) response.", "out": "以下の引数を 取ることができます: IsError リクエストを中止して 502 (Bad Gateway) 応答を返す。", "pred": "The following arguments are possible: IsError Abort the request and end up with a 502 (Bad Gateway) response."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: Access Control Dynamic Content with CGI The CGI (Common Gateway Interface) defines a way for a web server to interact with external content-generating programs, which are often referred to as CGI programs or CGI scripts.", "out": "参照: アクセス制御 CGI による動的コンテンツ CGI (Common Gateway Interface) はウェブサーバが外部のコンテンツ 生成プログラムとどのように相互動作をするかを定義します。 その外部プログラムは通常 CGI プログラムや CGI スクリプトと呼ばれます。", "pred": "参照: Access Control Dynamic Content with CGI The CGI (Common Gateway Interface) defines a way for a web server to interact with external content-generating programs, which are often referred to as CGI programs or CGI scripts."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (Note: this is unrelated to HTTP chunked transfer).", "out": "(注: HTTP のチャンク転送とは関連ありません。", "pred": "(Note: this is unrelated to HTTP chunked transfer)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The colon and the data following it will be ignored by the server.", "out": "コロンとその後のデータはサーバは 無視します。", "pred": "The colon and the data following it will be ignored by the server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It's only possible to Listen to the \"wildcard\" address, or to specific addresses.", "out": "Listen は「ワイルドカード」 アドレスか、特定のアドレスのみを listen することができます。", "pred": "It's only possible to Listen to the \"ワイルドカード\" address, or to the specific address."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The .htaccess files follow the same syntax as the main configuration files.", "out": ".htaccess ファイルは、メインの設定ファイルと同じ 構文を使います。", "pred": "The .htaccess files follow the same syntax as the main configuration files."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: New Apache httpd API The API for modules has changed significantly for 2.0.", "out": "新しい Apache API 2.0 ではモジュールの API が大きく変わりました。", "pred": "New Apache httpd API The API for modules has changed significantly for 2.0."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Usually, the way to give a file sufficient permissions to be executed by nobody is to give everyone execute permission on the file: chmod a+x first.pl Also, if your program reads from, or writes to, any other files, those files will need to have the correct permissions to permit this.", "out": "通常、 nobody が実行するのに十分なパーミッションを与える方法は、 ファイルに誰でも実行可能とするパーミッションを与えることです: chmod a+x first.pl また、もしあなたのプログラムが他のファイルを読み書きするならば、 それらのファイルは、これが可能となる正しいパーミッション を持っている必要があります。", "pred": "通常は, the way to giv a file 十分なパーミッション to be executed by nobody is to give everyone execute permission on the file: chmod a+x first.pl また、プログラムが reads from, or writes to, any other file, ifそれらの Files need to have the正しいパーミッション to許可 this."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You only need to set the protocol if you are running on non-standard ports.", "out": "非標準なポートで運用している際にのみ protocol 指定が必要になります。", "pred": "You only need to set the protocol if you are running on non-standard ports."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the header name is not in the list of basic headers, it is encoded normally (as a string, with prefixed length).", "out": "ヘッダ名が基本ヘッダの一覧に無い場合は、通常通り (文字列として、長さ プレフィックス付きで) 転送されます。", "pred": "If the ヘッダ name is not in the list of basic headers, it is normally encoded (as a string, with prefixed長さ)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The server administrator further controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files by configuring the AllowOverride directive in the main configuration files.", "out": "サーバ管理者はさらにメイン設定ファイルの AllowOverride を設定することでどのディレクティブを .htaccess ファイルに書けるようにするかを制御することができます。", "pred": "The server administrator further controls whatディレクティブ may be placed in .htaccess files by configuring the AllowOverride directive in the main configuration file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The name, which accurately represents the concept, serves an important driving power for brand cultivation and progress, if it is comprehensively developed in connection with design or communication performance in later stages.", "out": "コンセプトが的確に表現され、かつその後のデザインやコミュニケーション展開を踏まえて開発された包括的な名前は、ブランドの成長・育成を牽引し得るものとなります。", "pred": "The name, which正確ly represents the concept, serves an重要な driving power for brand cultivation and progress, if it is comprehensively developed in connection with design or communication performance in later stages."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the variant contains more than one language, they are separated by a comma.", "out": "複数の言語が格納される場合はコンマで区切られます。", "pred": "If the variant contains more than one language, they are separated by a comma."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The quadruple ( ip_addr, pid, time_stamp, counter ) is sufficient to enumerate 65536 requests per second per httpd process.", "out": "四つの値 ( ip_addr, pid, time_stamp, counter ) で各 httpd プロセスで一秒の間に 65536 リクエストを数えあげることができます。", "pred": "The quadruple ( ip_addr, pid, time_stamp, counter ) is sufficient to enumerate httpd プロセスで一秒の間に 65536 requests."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The jvm_route , is used to support sticky sessions -- associating a user's sesson with a particular Tomcat instance in the presence of multiple, load-balancing servers.", "out": "jvm_route はスティッキーセッションのサポート ― ― ロードバランスしている複数のサーバ中の特定の Tomcat インスタンスと、 ユーザのセッションとを紐付ける機能 ― ― に使われます。", "pred": "The jvm_route , used to support sticky sessions -- associating a user's sesson with a particular Tomcat context in the presence of multiple, load-バランスサーバー."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: As noted there, one of the benefits in SSL 3.0 is that it adds support of certificate chain loading.", "out": "表にも書かれているように、SSL 3.0 の利点の一つは 証明書階層構造をサポートすることです。", "pred": "As noted there, one of the benefits in SSL 3.0 is that it adds support of 証明書 chain loading."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, if .gif maps to the media-type image/gif and .html maps to the media-type text/html , then the file welcome.gif.html will be associated with the media-type text/html .", "out": "たとえば 、 . gif が MIME タイプ image/gif にマップされ 、 . html が MIME タイプ text/html にマップされる場合は、ファイル welcome.gif.html は MIME タイプ text/html に関連付けられます。", "pred": "例えば、 if .gif maps to the media-type image/gif and .html maps to the media-type text/html , then the file welcome.gif.html will be associated with the media-type text/html ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: But if the CGI is only using SERVER_NAME to construct self-referential URLs, then it should be just fine.", "out": "CGI が SERVER_NAME を使って自己参照 URL を作成することしかしない 場合は、どの設定を行なっても大丈夫なはずです。", "pred": "But if the CGI is only using SERVER_NAME to construct self-referential URLs, then it is just fine."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Normally the return value will be APR_SUCCESS unless there is some need to signal an error in the cleanup.", "out": "クリーンナップ中のエラーを通知する必要がなければ、返り値は普通、 ARP_SUCCESS です。", "pred": "The return value will be APR_SUCCESS unless there is some need to signal an error in the cleanup."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: When a program runs through the web server as a CGI program, it may not have the same PATH .", "out": "プログラムが CGI プログラムとしてウェブサーバによって実行されるとき、 それは同じ PATH ではないかもしれません。", "pred": "When a program runs through the web server as a CGI program, it may not have the same PATH ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Multilanguage Error Responses Error response messages to the browser are now provided in several languages, using SSI documents.", "out": "多言語エラー応答 ブラウザへのエラー応答のメッセージが、SSI の文書を使って 複数の言語で提供されるようになりました。", "pred": "Multilanguage Error Responses Error response message to the browser are now provided in several languages, using SSI documents."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: No new Via: header will be generated.", "out": "新たに Via: が 生成されることはありません。", "pred": "No new Via: header will be generated."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The method names listed can be one or more of: GET , POST , PUT , DELETE , CONNECT , OPTIONS , PATCH , PROPFIND , PROPPATCH , MKCOL , COPY , MOVE , LOCK , and UNLOCK .", "out": "メソッド名には以下の中から一つ以上を列挙することができます: GET , POST , PUT , DELETE , CONNECT , OPTIONS , PATCH , PROPFIND , PROPPATCH , MKCOL , COPY , MOVE , LOCK , UNLOCK . メソッド名は 大文字小文字を区別します。", "pred": "The method name listed can be one or more of: GET , POST , PUT , DELETE , CONNECT , OPTIONS , PATCH , PROPFIND , PROPPATCH , MKCOL , COPY , MOVE , LOCK , and UNLOCK ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: ErrorLog \"/var/log/httpd/error_log\" If the file-path begins with a pipe character \" | \" then it is assumed to be a command to spawn to handle the error log.", "out": "例 ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/error_log file-path がパイプ (|) から始まる場合は、 エラーログを処理するために実行されるコマンドが 指定されていると解釈されます。", "pred": "ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/error_log\" If the file-path begins with a pipe character \" | \" then it is nothing to be a command to spawn toハンドル the error log."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: That means that it cannot be an absolute file path (starting with /), nor can it contain ../ as part of that path.", "out": "それは / で始まる絶対ファイルパスにはできず、また、そのパスの一部に . . / を含むことができないことを意味します。", "pred": "つまり、それが absolute file path (starting with /), nor can it contain ../ as part of the given path."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In addition, unless suexec is used, these directives also set the privileges which will be inherited by CGI scripts.", "out": "さらに、 suexec が使用されていない限り、これらのディレクティブは CGI スクリプトで継承される権限も設定します。", "pred": "さらに、 suexec が使用されていない限り、 これらのディレクティブは CGI スクリプトs which will be inherited by CGI scripts set the privileges which will be inherited by CGI scripts."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: New files created will also be owned by this User and Group .", "out": "新しく作成されるファイルもこの User と Group に所有される ことになります。", "pred": "New files created will also be owned by this User and Group ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To address files found in a particular part of the filesystem, the ", "out": "ファイルシステムの特定の場所にあるファイルを指定するために、 ", "pred": "To address files found in a particular part of the filesystem, the "} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Many modules are available for Apache that are not distributed as part of the Apache HTTP Server tarball .", "out": "Apache HTTP サーバの tarball の一部としては配られていない Apache 用のモジュールがあります。", "pred": "Many modules are available for Apache that are not thrown away as part of the Apache HTTP Server tarball ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Given those assumptions, at a single point in time we can identify any httpd process on any machine in the cluster from all other httpd processes.", "out": "これらの仮定が満たされていると、ある時点において、 クラスタ内のどのマシンのどの httpd プロセスでも、一意に同定することができます。", "pred": "Hey the contents assumptions, at a single point in time we can identify any httpd process on any machine in theクラスター from all other httpd processes."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: When present, its value indicates what additional content codings have been applied to the entity-body, and thus what decoding mechanisms must be applied in order to obtain the media-type referenced by the Content-Type header field.", "out": "それが存在していれば、値はエンティティボディに どの追加の符号化が適用されたかを示し、Content-Type ヘッダフィールドに 書かれているメディアタイプを得るためにどの復号機構を適用すべきか、も 示していることになります。", "pred": "When present, its value indicates what追加の content codings have been applied to the entity-body, and thus what decoding mechanisms must be applied in order to get the media-type referenced by the Content-Type ヘッダフィールド."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: 37 as the better part of it is composed not by Mozart but by Michael Haydn as the result of a backroom trade of compositions.", "out": "モーツァルト:交響曲第40番は、はじめ、この「クラリネット」のパートはありませんでしたが、後にモーツァルト自身の手によって、書き加えられています。", "pred": "37 as the better part of it is composed not by Mozart but by Michael Haydn as the result of a backroom trade of compositions."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The above configuration will write log entries in a format known as the Common Log Format (CLF).", "out": "上の設定は Common Log Format (CLF) と呼ばれる形式で ログエントリを書きます。", "pred": "The above configuration will write log entries in a format known as the Common Log Format (CLF)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Or Back to the future.", "out": "作品情報のご紹介です。", "pred": "Or Back to the future."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Of course, you can't just make up names and place them in ServerName or ServerAlias .", "out": "もちろん思いつきの名前を作って、 ServerName や ServerAlias にその名前を書くといったことはできません。", "pred": "Of course, you can't just make up name and place them in ServerName or ServerAlias ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the wrapper is not receiving the proper number of arguments, it is either being hacked, or there is something wrong with the suEXEC portion of your Apache httpd binary.", "out": "適切な数の引数を受け取らなければ、攻撃をされたか あなたの Apache バイナリの suEXEC の部分が どこかおかしい可能性があります。", "pred": "If the wrapper is not receiving the proper number of arguments, it is one being hacked, or there is something wrong with the suEXEC portion of your Apache httpd binary."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (Commercial pursuits: Human affairs manager) I was really interested in interest and hardship, how Ms.Yokoi let the wonder angleof the word has the power with effective practical use.", "out": "(商業:人事部長) 言葉が持つ不思議な面、それをいかに有効に活かして力を持たせるかというところの面白さ、大変さに興味を覚えました。", "pred": "(Commercial pursuits: Human affairs manager) I was really interested in interest and hardship, how Ms.Yokoi let the wonder angleof the word has the power with効果的な practical use."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: s and .htaccess files have been applied.", "out": " と .htaccess の適用が終わるまで考慮されません。", "pred": " s and .htaccess files have been applied."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: section will be evaluated last and will allow unrestricted access to the server.", "out": "セクションが最後に評価されて、サーバへのアクセスは制限されません。", "pred": "セクション will be evaluated last and will allow unrestricted access to the server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Free shipping for many products!", "out": "1500円以上のご注文で送料無料。", "pred": "Free shipping for many products!"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The error log is usually written to a file (typically error_log on Unix systems and error.log on Windows and OS/2).", "out": "エラーログは普通はファイルに書かれます (通常 Unix システムでは error_log 、Windows と OS/2 では error.log ) 。", "pred": "The error log is usually written to a file ( deniedly error_log on Unix systems and error.log on Windows and OS/2)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Combined with other (database) access control methods, this allows for effective user tracking and customization according to a user profile while still keeping the site open for 'unregistered' users.", "out": "他の (データベースによる) アクセス制御方法と組み合わせることで 、 「 未登録」ユーザに対してサイトを公開しつつ、効率よくユーザ追跡したり、 ユーザのプロファイルに応じたカスタマイズをしたりできます。", "pred": "Combined with other (database) access control methods, this allows for効果的な user tracking and customization according to a user profile while still keeping the site open for 'unregistered' users."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If there aren't enough idle threads in the server then child processes are created until the number of idle threads is greater than number .", "out": "もしサーバに十分な数のアイドルスレッドがなければ、 アイドルスレッド数がこの数 number よりも大きくなるまで 新しい子プロセスが生成されます。", "pred": "If there aren't enough idleスレッド in the server then the child process is created until the number of idleスレッド is greater than number ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The default database type is determined at compile time.", "out": "デフォルトのデータベースの種類はコンパイル時に決まります。", "pred": "The defaultデータベース type is determined at compile time."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: There are two steps to allowing CGI execution in an arbitrary directory.", "out": "任意のディレクトリで CGI の実行を許可するには二段階の設定が必要です。", "pred": "There are two steps to allowing CGI execution in an arbitrary directory."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It is important to be aware, however, that Basic authentication sends the password from the client to the server unencrypted.", "out": "しかしながら、 これは気を付けるべき重要なポイントなのですが、 Basic 認証はクライアントからサーバへ、 パスワードを暗号化せずに送ります。", "pred": "重要 to be aware, however, that Basic 認証は the password from the client to the server unencrypted."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The minimum user ID number is specified during configuration.", "out": "最小ユーザ ID 番号は設定時に指定されます。", "pred": "The minimum user ID number is specified during configuration."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Alternatively, a message can be provided to be displayed by the browser.", "out": "もしくは、ブラウザに表示されるメッセージを指定できます。", "pred": "Alternatively, a message can be off to be displayed by the browser."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: 3 miles from Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse) Located in Yokohama, 1.", "out": "02 (木 ) / TOKYO, JAPAN | 横浜赤レンガ倉庫1号館.", "pred": "3 miles from Yokohama Red Brick Conference) Located in Yokohama, 1."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: directive to make a particular subdirectory of a user's home directory cgi-enabled.", "out": "を使ってユーザのホームディレクトリの指定された領域に対して CGI を有効に することができます。", "pred": "ディレクティブ to make a particular subdirectory of a user's home directory cgi-enabled."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: Manual Page: apxs Apache Portable Runtime (APR) A set of libraries providing many of the basic interfaces between the server and the operating system.", "out": "参照: マニュアルページ: apxs Apache Portable Runtime (APR) サーバ ( 訳注: Apache HTTP Server) と OS の 間の基本的なインターフェースの多くを提供する ( 訳注: OS の差を吸収する) ライブラリのセット。", "pred": "See: Manual Page: apxs Apache Portable Runtime (APR) A set of libraries providing many of the basic interfaces between the server and the operating system."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The single argument can specify an explicit format as discussed in the custom log formats section above.", "out": "この単独の引数では 上の カスタムログ書式 で説明されているように format を明示的に指定することができます。", "pred": "The single argument can specify an interpreter format as discussed in the custom log format section."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: Authentication, Authorization Access Control Access control refers to the process of restricting, or granting access to a resource based on arbitrary criteria.", "out": "参照: 認証と承認 アクセス制御 アクセス制御は、さまざまな条件でリソースに対するアクセスを 許可したり制限したりすることを指します。", "pred": "See: Authentication, Authorization Access Control アクセス制御 refers to the process of restricting, or granting access to a resource based on arbitrary criteria."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The results of this sequence are completely thrown away after the translation has completed.", "out": "これらを適用した結果は変換が終わった後に完全に捨てられます。", "pred": "The result of this necessarily thrown away after the translation has completed."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This all depends on what OS and resolver libraries you are using.", "out": "以上これらの事柄は、どんな OS 、レゾルバライブラリを使用しているかに依存します。", "pred": "This all depends on what OS and resolver libraries you are using."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It is best to grab an existing module .dsp file from the tree to assure the build environment is configured correctly, or alternately compare the compiler and link options to your .dsp.", "out": "ビルド環境が正しく設定されるように、既存のモジュール用の .dsp を 取ってくるのが一番良いでしょう。 もしくは、あなたの .dsp と コンパイラとリンクのオプションを比較する、というものでも良いです。", "pred": "It is best to grab an existing module .dsp file from the tree to assure the build環境 is configured correctly, or alternately compare the compiler and link options to your .dsp."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Override This directive attribute indicates which configuration override must be active in order for the directive to be processed when it appears in a .htaccess file.", "out": "上書き このディレクティブの属性は 、 . htaccess ファイル中に ディレクティブが現れたときに、それの処理を有効にするために どの設定の上書きが必要かを示します。", "pred": "上書き このディレクティブ attribute indicates that configuration added must be active in order for the directive to be processed when it appears in a .htaccess file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: That is, when the server starts up, it is running with the permissions of an unprivileged user - usually nobody , or www - and so it will need extra permissions to execute files that are owned by you.", "out": "つまり、起動するとき、サーバは特権をもたないユーザ - 通常 nobody や www の権限で実行されます。 したがって、あなたが所有する ファイルを実行するには別のパーミッションが必要となります。", "pred": "That is, when the server starts up, it running with theパーミッション of an unprivileged user - usually nobody , or www - and so it will need extraパーミッション to execute files that are owned by you."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Select the variants with the highest language quality factor.", "out": "言語品質数値が最高の variant を選びます。", "pred": "Select the variants with the highest language quality factor."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is often combined with the Virtual Host feature, which determines how httpd responds to different IP addresses, hostnames and ports.", "out": "異なる IP アドレス、ホスト名、ポートに対して Apache がどのように 応答するかを制御するバーチャルホスト機能と組み合わせてよく使われます。", "pred": "これはしばしば combined with the Virtual Host feature, which determines how httpd responds to different IP アドレス,ホスト名s and ports."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Some comments from the participants are as follows.", "out": "以下、受講者の方々からお寄せいただいたコメントの一部を掲載させていただきます。", "pred": "Some comments from the 参加者s are as below."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Specifying this directive causes Apache httpd to always create the file on the disk.", "out": "このディレクティブを指定すると、Apache は必ずディスクにファイルを生成します。", "pred": "Options ディレクティブは Apache httpd に all the files on the disk ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: All files in the /web/htdocs/asis/ directory will be processed by the send-as-is handler, regardless of their filename extensions.", "out": "ここでは、拡張子に関わらず 、 / web/htdocs/asis ディレクトリにある全てのファイルは send-as-is ハンドラによって扱われます。", "pred": "All files in the /web/htdocs/asis/ directory will be processed by the send-as-is handler, regardless of their filename extensions."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Directives placed in .htaccess files apply to the directory where you place the file, and all sub-directories.", "out": ".htaccess ファイルに書かれたディレクティブはファイルを置いた ディレクトリとその全てのサブディレクトリに適用されます。", "pred": "ディレクティブ placed in .htaccess files apply to the directory where you place the file, and all sub-directories."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The server provides the ability to set environment variables in a flexible way based on characteristics of the client request using the directives provided by mod_setenvif .", "out": "サーバは mod_setenvif のディレクティブにより、クライアントのリクエスト の特徴に基づいて柔軟に環境変数を設定する機能を提供します。", "pred": "The server provides the ability to set environment variables in a flexible way based on characteristics of the client request using the directives provided by mod_setenvif ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Book your tickets online for Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse, Yokohama: See 2,366 reviews, articles, and 1,779 photos of Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse, ranked No.", "out": "横浜赤レンガLIVE 横浜赤レンガ倉庫で、今年で9回目となる「クリスマスマーケット in 横浜赤レンガ倉庫」が、11月23日から始まった。", "pred": "Book your チケット online for Yokohama Red Brick Conference, Yokohama: See 2,366 reviews, articles, and 1,779 photos of Yokohama Red Brick Conference, ranked No."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Security note Sending error pages without a specified character set may allow a cross-site-scripting attack for existing browsers (MSIE) which do not follow the HTTP/1.1 specification and attempt to \"guess\" the character set from the content.", "out": "セキュリティ 文字セットを指定せずにエラーページを送信すると、 クロスサイトスクリプティング ( 訳注: XSS) 攻撃の危険性がでてきます。 HTTP/1.1 仕様に準拠していなくて、コンテンツの中身から文字セットを \"推測\" しようとするブラウザ (MSIE) が実際にあるからです。", "pred": "Security note Sending error pages without a specified character set may allow a cross-site-scripting attack for existing browsers (MSIE) which do not follow the HTTP/1.1 specification and試み to \"guess\" the character set from the content."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The process-id is for use by the administrator in restarting and terminating the daemon by sending signals to the parent process; on Windows, use the -k command line option instead.", "out": "プロセス ID は管理者が親プロセスに シグナルを送ることでデーモンを再起動したり終了させたりするときに 使用します。 Windows では、代わりに -k コマンドオプションを 使ってください。", "pred": "The process-id is for use by the administrator in restarting and terminating theデーモン by sending signals to the parent process; on Windows, use the -k command line option instead."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The advantage of dynamic loading of common library code is obvious: the library code needs to be stored only once, in a system library like libc.so , saving disk space for every program.", "out": "よく使われる ライブラリの動的ロードの利点は明らかです。 ライブラリのコードは システムライブラリに libc.so のようにして一度保存するだけでよく、 プログラムのために必要なディスクの領域を節約することができます。", "pred": "The advantage of dynamic loading of common library code is obvious: the library code needs to be saved only once, in a system library like libc.so , saving disk space for every program."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Under some circumstances the last-modified date is removed (during mod_include processing for example) or not provided at all.", "out": "(例えば mod_include による処理のときなどに) Last-Modified 時刻が消去されたり、そもそも最初から提供されていない 状況があります。", "pred": "sections under the last-modified date removes (例えば mod_include processing for example) or not provided at all."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This turns off all username-to-directory translations except those explicitly named with the enabled keyword (see below).", "out": "enabled キーワード (下記参照) で明示的に 指定されたユーザ以外の 全ての ユーザ名-ディレクトリ変換を しないようにします。", "pred": "This turns off all username-to-ディレクトリ translations except those given with the enabled キーワード (see below)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: At this time no resolving of symbols from the DSO for the executable program is done.", "out": "この時点では実行プログラムに対して DSO のシンボルの解決は行なわれません。", "pred": "At this time no resolving of symbols from the DSO for the executable program is done."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (This last feature is why we can refer to this technique as \"reliable piped logging\".)", "out": "(この最後の機能がこの技術が「信頼性のあるパイプ経由のロギング」 と呼ばれている理由です。", "pred": "(This最後の feature is why we can refer to this technique as \"reliable piped logging\".)"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: container encloses directives that apply to specific hosts.", "out": "コンテナは特定のホストに適用するディレクティブを格納します。", "pred": "container encloses ディレクティブ , that is to apply to specific hosts."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Interviewed by \"Gainer\" magazine | ZYXYZ An interview article about naming \"yorimo\" for Yomiuri Shimbun was published on \"Gainer\", a Japanese monthly magazine for young businessmen.It is a part of the featured article \"What is the brand name which hits?\".", "out": "月刊誌「Gainer」に掲載されました | ジザイズ 月刊誌「Gainer」の特集「ヒットする商品名とは?」の記事「名付け親の『明確なコンセプト』がヒットを生み出した」に、読売新聞社「yorimo」のネーミングに関するインタビュー記事が掲載されました。", "pred": "Interviewed by \"Gainer\" magazine | ZY SECOND An interview article about naming \"yorimo\" for Yomiuri Shimbun was published on \"Gainer\", a Japanese monthly magazine for young businessmen.It is a part of the featured article \"What is the brand name which hits?\"."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Two similar programs are included in the cgi-bin directory of the Apache distribution.", "out": "同様のプログラムは、 Apache ディストリビューションの cgi-bin ディレクトリに二つ含まれています。", "pred": "Two similarプログラムs are included in the cgi-bin directory of the Apache distribution."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Output Decompression The mod_deflate module also provides a filter for inflating/uncompressing a gzip compressed response body.", "out": "出力の伸長 mod_deflate モジュールは、gzip 圧縮されたレスポンス 本文を inflate/uncompress するフィルタも提供しています。", "pred": "Output Decompression The mod_deflate module also provides a filter for inflating/uncompressing a gzip compressed response body."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In addition, your PATH must contain basic build tools such as make .", "out": "それから、変数 PATH には make といった基本的なビルドツールが含まれている必要があります。", "pred": "加えて, your PATH must contain make , such as basic build tools."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The latter variant of virtual hosts is sometimes also called host-based or non-IP virtual hosts .", "out": "ネームベースのバーチャルホストは、 ホストベース あるいは 非 IP ベース のバーチャルホストと呼ばれることもあります。", "pred": "The latter variant of virtual hosts is sometimes also called host-based or non-IP virtual hosts ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Similar functionality is provided by mod_authn_dbm .", "out": "似たような機能は mod_authn_dbm でも提供されています。", "pred": "Similar functionality is provided by mod_authn_dbm ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To request only French representations, the browser would send Accept-Language: fr Note that this preference will only be applied when there is a choice of representations and they vary by language.", "out": "フランス語のみの表現を要求する場合は、ブラウザは次を送ります。 Accept-Language: fr この優先傾向は、選択可能な表現が存在して、 言語によって様々な表現がある場合にのみ適用される ということに注意してください。", "pred": "To request only French representations, the browser would send Accept-Language: fr Note that this preference will only be applied when there is a choice of representations and they vary by language."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: directive will follow the symbolic link without resetting the pathname.", "out": "ディレクティブはパス名をリセットすることなくシンボリックリンクを 辿ります。", "pred": "ディレクティブは URL until the clipboard directive is set to the link without resetting the pathname."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For more details see the Linux tcp(7) man page.", "out": "詳細については Linux man ページ tcp(7) を参照してください。", "pred": "For more details see the Linux tcp(7) man page."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If an IP address is given as well as a port, the server will listen on the given port and interface.", "out": "IP アドレスとポート番号とが同時に与えられた場合は、 サーバは与えられたインターフェースのポートを Listen します。", "pred": "If an IP address is given as well as a port, the server will listen on the given port and interface."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: There is also documentation on all the modules included with the Apache distribution and the directives that they provide.", "out": "Apache 配布に含まれている全 モジュール 、 それによって提供される ディレクティブ のドキュメントもあります。", "pred": "There is also a document on all the modules included with the Apache distribution and the directives that they provide."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The supported format specifiers are the same as for the Header , please have a look there for details.", "out": "使うことのできるフォーマット指定子は、 Header と同じですので、 詳細はそちらをご覧ください。", "pred": "The supported format specifiers are the same as for the Header , please have a look there for details."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You need to enable mod_logio to use this. %O Bytes sent, including headers.", "out": "これを使用するためには mod_logio が必要 %O ヘッダを含む、送信したバイト数。", "pred": "You need to enable mod_logio to use this. %O Bytes sent, including headers."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Directory-filename is one of the following: The name of a directory or a pattern such as those shown below.", "out": "directory-filename には次のどれかを指定します: ディレクトリ名か下に示すようなパターン。", "pred": "Directory-filename is one of the following: The name of a directory or a pattern such as those shown below."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The AuthType directive selects that method that is used to authenticate the user.", "out": "AuthType ディレクティブはどういう認証方法でユーザの認証を行うかを 選択します。", "pred": "The AuthType ディレクティブは、使用される方法選ばれる To 認証e the user."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In addition, if you wish to have caching enabled, consult the documentation from mod_cache .", "out": "個々のディレクティブの意味は それぞれの説明をお読みください。 またキャッシュ機能を有効にしたい場合は、 mod_cache の説明を読んでください。", "pred": "In addition, if you wish to have caching enabled, the documentation from mod_cache ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Please note that the comparison is case-IN-sensitive .", "out": "ユーザ名の比較は 大文字小文字を区別しない ことに 注意してください。", "pred": "Please note that the comparison is case-IN-sensitive ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note: On the internal network, one can just use the name server rather than the fully qualified host name server.example.com .", "out": "注: 内部ネットワークでは完全なホスト名の server.example.com の代わりに、単に server を使うことができます。", "pred": "Note: On the internal ネットワーク, one can just use the name server rather than the fully qualified host name server.example.com ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The User and Group directives are used to set the privileges of the Apache httpd child processes.", "out": "User と Group ディレクティブは Apache の子プロセスの権限を設定するのに用いられます。", "pred": "The User and Group ディレクティブ are used to set the privileges of the Apache httpd child process."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In particular, it is the name of the external variable of type module in the source file.", "out": "詳しく書くと、ソースファイル内の module タイプの外部変数の名前です。", "pred": "とりわけ、それは the name of the 外部 variable of type module in the source file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note about / (slash) The slash character has special meaning depending on where in a URL it appears.", "out": "/ ( スラッシュ) に関する注 スラッシュ文字は、URL 内に現れる場所に応じて変化する 特別な意味を持っています。", "pred": "Note about / (slash) Theスラッシュ character has special meaning depending on where in a URL it appears."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The Apache HTTP Server provides very comprehensive and flexible logging capabilities.", "out": "Apache HTTP サーバには非常に包括的で柔軟なロギング機能があります。", "pred": "The Apache HTTP Server provides very comprehensive and 柔軟な logging capabilities."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This puts a blank line after the header, to indicate the end of the HTTP headers, and the beginning of the body.", "out": "これにより、ヘッダの終りに空行が置かれ、HTTP ヘッダの終りとボディの始まりを示します。", "pred": "This puts a blank line after the ヘッダ, to indicate the end of the HTTP headers, and the beginning of the body."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, the file welcome.html.en.de will be delivered with Content-Language: en, de and Content-Type: text/html .", "out": "たとえば、ファイル welcome.html.en.de は Content-Language: en, de と Content-Type: text/html として送信されます。", "pred": "For example, the file welcome.html.en.de will be delivered with Content-Language: en, de and Content-Type: text/html ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You will need to link this against the libhttpd.lib export library that is created when the libhttpd.dll shared library is compiled.", "out": "これを、 libhttpd.lib 共有ライブラリがコンパイルされたときに作成された ibhttpd.lib エクスポートライブラリとリンクしてください。", "pred": "You will need to link this against the libhttpd.lib 共有ライブラリ to create the libhttpd.dll shared library to be compiled when created."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Only the HTTP response headers specifically mentioned above will be rewritten.", "out": "ディレクティブで明示されている HTTP 応答ヘッダのみが書き換えられます。", "pred": "Only the HTTP response header is rewritten."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Listen is now a required directive.", "out": "Listen ディレクティブは 現在は必須のディレクティブとなりました。", "pred": "Listen is now a required directive."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1), section 14.45 for an explanation of Via: header lines.", "out": "Via: ヘッダ行の 説明は RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) の 14.45 節を読んでください。", "pred": "See RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1), section 14.45 for an explanation of Via: header lines."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Handling IPv4 connections with an IPv6 socket uses IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses, which are allowed by default on most platforms, but are disallowed by default on FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD, in order to match the system-wide policy on those platforms.", "out": "IPv4 コネクションを IPv6 ソケットで扱う場合は、 IPv4 マップされた IPv6 アドレスを使用していて、 ほとんどのプラットホームではデフォルトで使用可能ですが、 FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD では、システム全体としてのポリシーとの整合性から、 デフォルトでは使用不可に設定されています。", "pred": "IPv4 connections with an IPv6 socket use IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses, which are permitted by default on most platforms, but are disallowed by default on FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD, in order to match the system-wide policy on those platforms."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Configuring Apache to permit CGI In order to get your CGI programs to work properly, you'll need to have Apache configured to permit CGI execution.", "out": "CGI を許可するように Apache を設定する CGI プログラムを正しく動作させるには、CGI を許可するように Apache の設定を行う必要があります。", "pred": "Configuring Apache to permit CGI In order to get your CGI programs to work properly, you'll need to have Apache configured to permit CGI execution."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Conclusion SSI is certainly not a replacement for CGI, or other technologies used for generating dynamic web pages.", "out": "終わりに SSI は確かに CGI や動的なウェブページを生成する他の技術に代わるものではありません。", "pred": "Conclusion SSI is certainly not a replacement for CGI, or other technologies used for generating dynamic web pages."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the conditions are not true, the enclosed directives will be ignored.", "out": "条件が 偽であれば、コンテナ中のディレクティブは無視されます。", "pred": "If the conditions are not true, the likelihooded ディレクティブ will be ignored."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Access can be controlled based on the client hostname, IP address, or other characteristics of the client request, as captured in environment variables .", "out": "クライアントのホスト名、IP アドレスや、 環境変数 などのリクエストの特徴に基づいて アクセス制御を行なうことができます。", "pred": "Access can controlled based on the client hostname, IP address, or other characteristics of the client request, as captured in environment variables ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: There are two main reasons to avoid the use of .htaccess files.", "out": ".htaccess ファイルの使用を避ける理由は主に二つあります。", "pred": "メインの理由s to avoid the use of .htaccess files."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Name resolution in Apache httpd can take a remarkable deal of time when the connection to the name server uses a slow PPP link.", "out": "Apache の名前解決は ネームサーバへの接続が遅い PPP 上の場合などにかなり時間を取られる ことがあります。", "pred": "Name resolution in Apache httpd can take a remarkable deal of time when the connection to the name server uses a slow PPP link."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (See also Files with Multiple Extensions .)", "out": "( 複数の拡張子のあるファイル も参照してください ) 。", "pred": "(See also Files with Multiple Extensions .)"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Chiyoda Actus | ZYXYZ", "out": "千代田アクタス | ジザイズ", "pred": "是非お話しします | ZY哲"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The apache2ctl script is designed to act like a standard SysV init script; it can take the arguments start , restart , and stop and translate them into the appropriate signals to httpd .", "out": "apache2ctl スクリプトは通常は、標準的な SysV init スクリプトとして動作するように設計されています。 start , restart , stop といった引数をとって、 httpd への適切なシグナルに変換します。", "pred": "The apache2ctl script is designed to act like a standard SysV init script; it can take the arguments start , restart , and stop and translate them into the appropriate signals to httpd ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Regular Expression Library Updated Apache httpd 2.0 includes the Perl Compatible Regular Expression Library (PCRE).", "out": "正規表現ライブラリのアップデート Apache 2.0 は Perl 互換正規表現ライブラリ (PCRE) を含んでいます。", "pred": "Regular Expression Library Updated Apache httpd 2.0 includes the Perl Compatible Regular Expression Library (PCRE)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: \"Brand-name Birth Story\" by Keiko Yokoi was published from Chuokoron-Shinsha | ZYXYZ On 25th March 2012, The book \"Brand-name Birth Story\" written by Keiko Yokoi was published from Chuokoron-Shinsha.", "out": "「ブランドネーム誕生物語」が中央公論新社より刊行されました | ジザイズ 2012年3月25日、中央公論新社より「ブランドネーム誕生物語」(横井惠子著)が発売されました。", "pred": "\"Brand-name Birth Story\" by Keiko Yokoi was published from Chuokoron-Shinsha | ZY SECOND On 25th March 2012, The book \"Brand-name Birth Story\" written by Keiko Yokoi was published from Chuokoron-Shinsha."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Parameters are separated from the media type and from one another by a semi-colon, with a syntax of name=value .", "out": "パラメータの構文は name=value で、メディアタイプや他のパラメータとはセミコロンで分離されます。", "pred": "パラメータ can be separated from the media type and from one another by a semi-colon, with a syntax of name=value ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note that when the display is sorted by \"Size\", it's the actual size of the files that's used, not the displayed value - so a 1010-byte file will always be displayed before a 1011-byte file (if in ascending order) even though they both are shown as \"1K\".", "out": "Size\" でソートした場合は、用いられるのは 実際の ファイルのサイズであって、 表示の値ではないことに注意してください - たとえ両方ともが \"1K\" と表示されていたとしても、 1010 バイトのファイルは必ず 1011 バイトのファイルよりも前 (昇順の場合) に表示されます。", "pred": "Note that when the display isソート by \"Size\", it's the actual size of the file that's used, not the displayed value - so a 1010-byte file will always be displayed before a 1011-byte file (if in ascending order) even though they both are shown as \"1K\"."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If not specified, https is the default for port 443 and http the default for all other ports.", "out": "無指定の場合、443 番ポートには https が、他のポートには http がデフォルト値として使用されます。", "pred": "If not specified, https is the default for port 443 and http the default for all other ports."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Output Compression Compression is implemented by the DEFLATE filter .", "out": "圧縮を有効にする Output Compression 圧縮機能は DEFLATE フィルタ により実装されています。", "pred": "Output Compression Compression is implemented by the DEFLATE filter ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For those reasons it is a good music for use during spa and massage to help in the relaxation.", "out": "日本では動物園のふれあいコーナーでよくみかける動物ですし、大人しくのんびりしたイメージを連想させますね。", "pred": "For those reasons it is a good music for use during spa and massage to help in the relaxation."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The directive TypesConfig is used to specify a file which also maps extensions onto media types.", "out": "TypesConfig ディレクティブは拡張子を MIME タイプにマップするファイルを指定するために使用されます。", "pred": "The directive TypesConfig ディレクティブは use to specify a file which also maps extensions onto mediaタイプ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: directive limits the scope of the enclosed directives by URL.", "out": " ディレクティブは、 URL により中に書かれたディレクティブの適用範囲を制限します。", "pred": " ディレクティブ limits the scope of the enclosed directives by URL."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: When the pathname used does not begin with a slash (/), the files are located relative to the ServerRoot .", "out": "パスがスラッシュ ( / ) で始まっていないときは、ファイルは ServerRoot からの相対パスとして 探されます。", "pred": "When the pathname used is not begin with a temp() (/), the files are located relative to the ServerRoot ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Similarly, you can disable modules with the --disable- module option.", "out": "同様に 、 - -disable- module オプションで Base モジュールを無効化することもできます。", "pred": "Similarly, you can disable modules with the --disable- module option."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To cut down on the expensive process of socket creation, the web server will attempt to maintain persistent TCP connections to the servlet container, and to reuse a connection for multiple request/response cycles.", "out": "ソケット生成は重い処理なので、負荷を減らすために、サーブレットコンテナとの TCP 接続を維持し、複数のリクエスト・レスポンス処理サイクルに対して一つの コネクションを使いまわすようになっています。", "pred": "To cut down on the expensive process of socket creation, the web server will attempt to maintain persistent TCP connections to the servlet container, and to reuse a connection for multiple request/responseサイクル."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The use of HTTP Basic Authentication is not recommended.", "out": "HTTP 基本認証の使用は推奨できません。", "pred": "The use of HTTP Basic Authentication is not recommended."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Multiple IndexOptions directives for a single directory are now merged together. The result of:", "out": "特に、 一つのディレクトリに対する複数の IndexOptions ディレクティブは、現在では一つにマージされます。", "pred": "Multiple IndexOptions ディレクティブ for a single directory are now merged together. The result of:"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Jazz Futures Live in Concert.", "out": "More ジャズ フューチャーズ images.", "pred": "Jazz Futures Live in Concert."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Therefore, for the highest level of security, symbolic links should be disabled with the appropriate Options directive.)", "out": "ですから、高度なセキュリティが要求される場合は、 適切に Options ディレクティブを使用してシンボリックリンクを無効にするべきです。", "pred": "ですから、for the highest level of security, symbolic links should be disabled with the appropriate Options ディレクティブ.)"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The webspace need not map directly to the filesystem, since webpages may be generated dynamically from databases or other locations. Filesystem Containers The ", "out": "ウェブページはデータベースや他の場所から動的に生成することもできますので、 ウェブ空間はファイルシステムに直接マップする必要はありません。 ファイルシステムコンテナ ", "pred": "The webspace must not map directly to the filesystem, since webpages can be generated from データベースs or other locations. Filesystem Containers The "} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The fsize Element This command prints the size of the specified file, subject to the sizefmt format specification.", "out": "fsize 要素 このコマンドは指定されたファイルの大きさを sizefmt の 書式指定に基づいて出力します。", "pred": "The fsize Element This command prints the size of the specified file, subject to the sizefmt format specification."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Errors During Start-up If Apache suffers a fatal problem during startup, it will write a message describing the problem either to the console or to the ErrorLog before exiting.", "out": "起動時のエラー Apache は、起動時に致命的な問題に遭遇すると、 終了する前に、コンソールか ErrorLog のどちらかに問題を記述したメッセージを出力します。", "pred": "Errors During Start-up If Apache suffers a 致命的な problem during startup, it will write a message founding the problem either to theコンソール or to the ErrorLog before stop."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: When an httpd child is created, the counter is initialized with ( current microseconds divided by 10 ) modulo 65536 (this formula was chosen to eliminate some variance problems with the low order bits of the microsecond timers on some systems).", "out": "httpd の子プロセスが作成されると、カウンタは (その時点のマイクロ秒 ÷ 10) modulo 65536 で初期化されます (この式はいくつかのシステムにある、マイクロ秒の タイマの下位ビットが異なるという問題を解決するために選ばれました ) 。", "pred": "When an httpd child is created, the counter is initialized with ( current microseconds divided by 10 ) modulo 65536 (this formula was chosen to eliminate some variance problems with the low orderビット of theを行なう timers on some systems)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: With the introduction of platform-specific multi-processing modules (MPMs) and the Apache Portable Runtime (APR), these platforms are now implemented in their native API, avoiding the often buggy and poorly performing POSIX-emulation layers.", "out": "プラットフォーム特有の マルチプロセッシングモジュール (MPM) と Apache Portable Runtime (APR) の導入により、 ネイティヴの API で実装されるようになり、 バグが多く、性能の悪いことが多い POSIX エミュレーションレイヤの使用を 回避することができました。", "pred": "With the introduction of platform-specific multi-processing modules (MPMs) and the Apache Portable Runtime (APR), the platform is now implemented in their native API, avoiding the 多くの場合 buggy and poorly performing POSIX-emulation layers."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: User jones would not be allowed to access files in /home/smith/public_html/private unless they were owned by jones instead of smith .", "out": "/home/smith/public_html/private の中のファイルは、所有者が smith の代わりに jones になっていない限り、 jones にはアクセスは許可されません。", "pred": "User jones would not be allowed to access files in /home/smith/public_html/private unless they were owned by jones instead of smith ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Omitting this option should not be considered a security restriction, since symlink testing is subject to race conditions that make it circumventable.", "out": "このオプションを省略したからといってセキュリティの強化にはなりません。 なぜなら symlink の検査はレースコンディションを引き起こす可能性があり、 そのため回避可能になるからです。", "pred": "Omitting this option should not considered a security limit, since symlink testing is subject to race conditions that make it circumventable."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Select the variants with the best encoding.", "out": "最適なエンコーディングの variant を選びます。", "pred": "Select the variants with the best encoding."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: While the parent process is usually started as root under Unix in order to bind to port 80, the child processes are launched by Apache httpd as a less-privileged user.", "out": "通常 Unix では親プロセスは 80 番ポートにバインドするために root で起動されますが、子プロセスやスレッドは もっと低い権限のユーザで Apache によって起動されます。", "pred": "通常は the parent process started as root under Unix in order to bind to port 80, the child process is launched by Apache as a less-privileged user."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Results from regular expression parsing and grouping (now based on Perl's regular expression syntax) can be retrieved using mod_include 's variables $0 .. $9 . mod_auth_dbm Now supports multiple types of DBM-like databases using the AuthDBMType directive.", "out": "正規表現の解析とグループ化の結果 (Perl の正規表現の構文に 基づいたものになりました) を mod_include の変数 $0 . . $9 により取得できるようになりました。 mod_auth_dbm AuthDBMType ディレクティブにより、複数の DBM 型のデータベースをサポートする ようになりました。", "pred": "Results from regular expression parsing and printing (now based on Perl's regular expression syntax) can be retrieved using mod_include 's variables $0 .. $9 . mod_auth_dbm Now supports multiple types of DBM-like データベースs using the AuthDBMType ディレクティブ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: CGI example Finally, you may wish to use a .htaccess file to permit the execution of CGI programs in a particular directory.", "out": "CGI の例 最後に、特定のディレクトリで CGI プログラムの実行を許可したいことが あるでしょう。", "pred": "CGI example 最後に、あなたは may wish to use a .htaccess file to permit the execution of CGI programs in a particular directory."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: These must be evaluated to fill in the backreference variables ( $1 .. $9 ).", "out": "後方参照する変数 ( $1 . . $9 ) を埋めるために、実際に評価する必要があるからです。", "pred": "These must be evaluated to fill in the backreference variables ( $1 .. $9 )."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: section, all requests or errors for that virtual host will be logged only to the specified file.", "out": "の中に 置かれた場合は、そのバーチャル ホストへのすべてのリクエストやエラーがそこで指定されたファイルにのみ ログ収集されます。", "pred": "section, all requests or errors for that virtual host will be logged only to the specified file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To check if you are using suexec, run apache2ctl -V and check for the location of SUEXEC_BIN .", "out": "suexec を使っているかどうかを調べためには apache2ctl -V を実行して、 SUEXEC_BIN の場所を調べてください。", "pred": "To check if you are using suexec, run apache2ctl -V and check for the location of SUEXEC_BIN ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Apache also has the ability to store user information in fast database files.", "out": "Apache ではユーザ情報を高速なデータベースファイルに 保管することもできます。", "pred": "Apache also has the ability to store user information in fast database files."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Case is ignored for set , append , merge , add , unset and edit .", "out": "set , append , add , unset では大文字小文字は 区別されません。", "pred": "Case is ignored for set , append , add , unset and edit ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: These companies provide the following services: Verifying certificate requests Processing certificate requests Issuing and managing certificates It is also possible to create your own Certificate Authority.", "out": "このような会社は以下のサービスを提供します: 証明書申請の確認 証明書申請の処理 証明書の発行と管理 自分で認証局を作ることも可能です。", "pred": "These companies provide the following services: Verifying 証明書 requests Processing 証明書 requests Issuing and managing certificates It also possible to create your own Certificate Authority."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Intranet Proxy An Apache httpd proxy server situated in an intranet needs to forward external requests through the company's firewall (for this, configure the ProxyRemote directive to forward the respective scheme to the firewall proxy).", "out": "イントラネットプロキシ イントラネットにある Apache プロキシサーバは外部へのリクエストを 会社のファイアウォールを通して送らなければなりません。 (このためには 個々の scheme についてそれぞれ、ファイアウォールの プロキシにフォワードされるように ProxyRemote ディレクティブを 設定してください ) 。", "pred": "Intranet Proxy An Apache httpd proxy server situated in an intranet needs to forward 外部 requests through the company's firewall (for this, configure the ProxyRemote directive to forward the respective scheme to the firewall proxy)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Each item can have a quality factor.", "out": "要素それぞれに品質数値を持たせることができます。", "pred": "Each item can have a quality factor."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The server does not add a Last-Modified header; it probably should.", "out": "サーバは Last-Modified ヘッダを追加 しません 。", "pred": "The server does not add a Last-Modified header; it probably should."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Use multiple daemons when: There are security partitioning issues, such as company1 does not want anyone at company2 to be able to read their data except via the web.", "out": "以下のときには複数のデーモンを使うと良いでしょう: 会社1 はウェブ経由以外では会社2 からはデータを読まれたくない、 といったセキュリティの分離の問題があるとき。", "pred": "Use multipleデーモンs when: There are security partitioning issues, such as company1 not want anyone at company2 to be able to read their data except via the web."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: When you POST a web form to a CGI program, the data in that form is bundled up into a special format and gets delivered to your CGI program over STDIN .", "out": "ウェブフォームから CGI プログラムへ POST したとき、フォームのデータは特別なフォーマットで束ねられ、 STDIN を通して、CGI プログラムに引き渡されます。", "pred": "When you POST a web form to a CGI program, the data in that form is intercepted up into a special format and gets delivered to your CGI program over STDIN ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The last example will set environment variable HAVE_TS if the request contains any headers that begin with \"TS\" whose values begins with any character in the set [a-z].", "out": "最後の例は、リクエストに \"TS\" で始まり、値が集合 [a-z] のどれかで 始まるヘッダがあるときに HAVE_TS を設定します。", "pred": "The last example will set environment variable HAVE_TS if the request contains any headers that begin with \"TS\" whose value begins with any character in the set [a-z]."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Ensure that you have set AllowOverride to a value sufficient for the directives that you want to permit the users to modify.", "out": "AllowOverride の値を ユーザが変更することを許可したいディレクティブに対して十分なものに 設定していることを確認してください。", "pred": "Note that you have set AllowOverride to a value 十分な for the directives that you want to許可 the user to modify."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is done by sending a SIGHUP (kill -1) signal to the process id listed in the PidFile .", "out": "これは SIGHUP (kill -1) シグナルを PidFile に書かれているプロセス ID に送ることでできます。", "pred": "This is done by sending a SIGHUP (kill -1) signal to the process id listed in the PidFile ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The include Element This command inserts the text of another document or file into the parsed file.", "out": "include 要素 このコマンドは別の文書やファイルのテキストを解析しているファイルに 挿入します。", "pred": "The include Element This command inserts the text of another document or file into the parsed file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Therefore, the UserDir directive specifies a directory underneath the user's home directory where web files are located.", "out": "ですから、 UserDir ディレクティブには ユーザのホームディレクトリの下の、ウェブファイルの 置かれているディレクトリを指定します。", "pred": "Thus, the UserDir ディレクティブ may be attributed to the directory underneath the user's home directory where web files are located."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is a list of songs/tracks that have been featured in the show. Heartbeat (1992–.", "out": "実は、赤ちゃんの笑顔には、身を守るための本能が隠されているともいいます。", "pred": "Heartbeat (1992–."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: First, the method used by the client is GET .", "out": "まず、この場合クライアントが 使ったメソッドは GET です。", "pred": "First, the method used by the client is GET ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: directive, in contrast, will apply to any content served from that location, regardless of how it is called.", "out": " ディレクティブを使用すると、どのように呼び出されたかに関わらず その場所から提供される内容に適用されます。", "pred": " ディレクティブ, inコントラスト, will apply to any content served from that location, regardless of how it is called."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If set to Off , the headers will not be generated for any document in the realm (unless overridden at a lower level, such as an .htaccess file overriding a server config file).", "out": ") Off に 設定された場合は対応領域でそれらのヘッダは 生成されません ( . htaccess がサーバ設定ファイルの設定を 上書きする、というような下位レベルでの上書きがされていなければ ) 。", "pred": "If set to Off , the ヘッダ will not be generated for any document in the realm (unless overridden at a lower level, such as an .htaccess file isoing a server config file)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The \"main server\" Address Name-based virtual host support requires httpd to know the IP address(es) of the host that httpd is running on.", "out": "「主サーバ」アドレス Apache 1.1 での 名前ベースのバーチャルホストのサポート 追加の際に、 Apache は httpd の実行されているホストの IP アドレスを知る必要が出てきました。", "pred": "The \"main server\" Address Name-based virtual host support requires httpd to know the IP address(es) of the host that httpd would be running on."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is necessary because the packets have a fixed maximum size and arbitrary amounts of data can be included the body of a request (for uploaded files, for example).", "out": "パケットにある定まった最大長があり、任意の 大きさのデータがリクエストのボディとして含まれうる場合 (例えばファイルのアップロードの場合) に必要となります。", "pred": "これは、パケットが一定の大きさで任意の大きさで任意の大きさで データに含まれているので、必要になります。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If you require a more flexible reverse-proxy configuration, see the RewriteRule directive with the [P] flag.", "out": "より柔軟なリバースプロキシの設定が必要な場合は 、 [ P] フラグ付きの RewriteRule ディレクティブを参照してください。", "pred": "If you require a more flexible reverse-proxy configure, see the RewriteRule ディレクティブ with the [P] フラグ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Multiple Access Logs Multiple access logs can be created simply by specifying multiple CustomLog directives in the configuration file.", "out": "複数のアクセスログ 複数のアクセスログは単に設定ファイルに複数の CustomLog ディレクティブを書くことで作成されます。", "pred": "複数の アクセス Logs 複数のアクセスログ can be created simply by specifying multiple CustomLog ディレクティブ in the configuration file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If a server error is not generated, then you almost certainly have AllowOverride None in effect.", "out": "サーバのエラーが生成されないときは、ほぼ確実に AllowOverride None が設定されている状態になっています。", "pred": "If a server error is not generated, then you almost certainly have AllowOverride None in effect."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: More information You should also read the documentation for mod_auth_basic and mod_authz_host which contain some more information about how this all works.", "out": "追加情報 これら全てがどのように動作するかについて もっと多くの情報が書かれている mod_auth_basic と mod_authz_host の文書も読むとよいでしょう。", "pred": "More information You should also read the documentation for mod_auth_basic and mod_authz_host which contain some more information about how this all works."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To unconditionally set the IndexOptions for a particular directory, clearing the inherited settings, specify keywords without any + or - prefixes.", "out": "あるディレクトリにおいて上位のディレクトリに指定された設定に影響されることなく IndexOptions を設定したい場合、 + や - 接頭辞の付かないキーワードで設定してください。", "pred": "To unconditionally set the IndexOptions for a particular directory, clearing the inherited settings, specify without any + or - prefixes."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Apache httpd will sometimes offer additional information regarding the problem/error.", "out": "Apache が問題もしくはエラーに関する追加情報を提供することがあります。", "pred": "Apache httpd will sometimes offer additional information regarding the problem/error."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: \"OAZO\" also means \"oasis, place of relaxation\" in Esperanto, so it can be the place as the oasis of new Marunouchi, which attracts many topics.", "out": "また、「OAZO」はエスペラントで「オアシス、憩いの地」の意味でもあり、新たな丸の内のオアシスとして、多くの話題を集める場所となっていくことでしょう。", "pred": "\"OAZO\" also means \"oasis, place of relaxation\" in Esperanto, so it can be the place as the oasis of new Marunouchi, which attracts many topics."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The core will reflect the full headers and all chunk headers with the response body.", "out": "Apache のコアは、ヘッダと全ての chunk ヘッダをレスポンスの ボディとして返却します。", "pred": "The core will reflect the full headers and all chunk ヘッダ with the response body."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Because this type of request could constitute a denial-of-service attack, by default it is not allowed.", "out": "このタイプのリクエストは denial-of-service アタックとなりうるので、 デフォルトでは許可されていません。", "pred": "This type of request could constitute a denial-of-service attack, by default it is not allowed."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Method names are case-sensitive , so Script PUT and Script put have two entirely different effects.", "out": "メソッド名は大文字小文字を区別します 。 ですから、 Script PUT と Script put はまったく違った効果になります。", "pred": "Method names are case-sensitive , so Script PUT and Script put have two entirely different effects."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Message digests are designed to make it impractically difficult to determine the message from the digest and (in theory) impossible to find two different messages which create the same digest -- thus eliminating the possibility of substituting one message for another while maintaining the same digest.", "out": "メッセージダイジェストはダイジェストから元のメッセージを 判定するのがとても難しいようにできていて、 同じ要約を作成する二つのメッセージを探すのは(理論上)不可能です。 これによって、要約を変更することなくメッセージを置き換えられる 可能性を排除しています。", "pred": "Message digests are designed to make it impractically difficult to determine the message from the digest and (in theory) impossible to find two different messages which create the same digest -- thus eliminating the possibility of substituting one message for another while maintaining the same digest."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In order to match the correct virtual host a client must send the correct Host: header.", "out": "正しいバーチャルホストを得るためにはクライアントは正しい Host: ヘッダを送らなければなりません。", "pred": "In order to match the correct virtual host a client must send the correct Host: header."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The rewriting engine is capable of performing all three types of mappings discussed above: internal redirects (aliases), external redirects, and proxying.", "out": "リライトエンジンは上で挙げられている三つのマッピング すべてを行なうことができます: 内部のリダイレクト (エイリアス ) 、 外部のリダイレクト、プロキシです。", "pred": "The rewriting engine is capable of performing all three types of mappings discussed above: internal redirects (aliases), external redirects, and proxying."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For backward-compatibility, the cgi-script handler will also be activated for any file with the mime-type application/x-httpd-cgi .", "out": "後方互換性のため、 MIME タイプが application/x-httpd-cgi であるファイルでも cgi-script ハンドラが有効になります。", "pred": "For backward-compatibility, the cgi-script handler will also be activated for any file with the mime-type application/x-httpd-cgi ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: section), or in per-directory configuration files ( .htaccess files).", "out": "セクション中) か、あるいはディレクトリ毎の設定ファイル ( . htaccess ファイル) かで用います。", "pred": "セクション中) か、あるいはディレクトリ毎の設定ファイル ( .htaccess files) に 注意してください。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: EnableSendfile Directive Description: Use the kernel sendfile support to deliver files to the client Syntax: EnableSendfile On|Off Default: EnableSendfile Off Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess Override: FileInfo Status: Core Module: core Compatibility: Default changed to Off in version 2.3.9.", "out": " EnableSendfile ディレクティブ 説明: ファイルのクライアントへの配送時にカーネルの sendfile サポートを 使うかどうか 構文: EnableSendfile On|Off デフォルト: EnableSendfile On コンテキスト: サーバ設定ファイル, バーチャルホスト, ディレクトリ , . htaccess 上書き: FileInfo ステータス: Core モジュール: core 互換性: バージョン 2.0.44 以降で使用可能 このディレクティブはクライアントにファイルの内容を送るときに httpd がカーネルの sendfile サポートを使うかどうかを制御します。", "pred": " EnableSendfile ディレクティブ 説明: Use the kernel sendfile support to deliver files to the client 構文: EnableSendfile On|Off Default: EnableSendfile Off Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess 上書き: FileInfo ステータス: Core モジュール: core 互換性: Default changed to Off in version 2.3.9."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This may be set to prevent infinite proxy loops or a DoS attack.", "out": "これは プロキシの無限ループや DoS 攻撃を防ぐために設定されています。", "pred": "This may be set to prevent infinite proxy loops or a DoS attack."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For there you have been, and there you will long to return.", "out": "先に進むしかなくなるので、ご注意ください。", "pred": "僕は、この恋愛を拾うんだ。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The basic premise is for the kernel to not send a socket to the server process until either data is received or an entire HTTP Request is buffered.", "out": "大前提となる条件は、データが受信されるか HTTP リクエスト全体がバッファされるかするまで、カーネルがサーバプロセスに ソケットを送らないようになっている、ということです。", "pred": "The basic premise is for theカーネル to not send a socket to the server process until the data received or an entire HTTP Request is カーネル."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This file sets the default list of mappings from filename extensions to content types.", "out": "このファイルはファイルの拡張子からコンテントタイプへの デフォルトのマッピングを設定します。", "pred": "This file sets the default list of mappings from filename extensions to content type."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See AddDescription for information about setting the file description.", "out": "ファイルの説明に関する情報は、 AddDescription をご覧下さい。", "pred": "See AddDescription for information about setting the file description."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Directives defined using the early keyword are set right at the beginning of processing the request.", "out": "early キーワード指定されたディレクティブによって、 リクエスト処理の開始地点になります。", "pred": "The early キーワード used by ディレクティブ are set right at the beginning of processing the request."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The Listen directive tells the server to accept incoming requests on the specified port or address-and-port combination.", "out": "Listen ディレクティブでは、特定のポートあるいは アドレスとポートの組み合わせから入ってくるリクエストに対して 応答するように指定します。", "pred": "The Listen ディレクティブ tells the server to accept incoming requests on the specified port or address-and-port 組み合わせ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This will often be limited to a smaller number by the operating system.", "out": "この値は OS により、小さな数に抑えられます。", "pred": "This willしばしば be limited to a smaller number by the operating system."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If ServerLimit is set to a value much higher than necessary, extra, unused shared memory will be allocated.", "out": "ServerLimit が必要以上に大きな値に 設定された場合は、余計な未使用共有メモリが割り当てられます。", "pred": "If ServerLimit is set to a value much higher than the value, extra, given shared memory will be allocated."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The first line logs the forensic ID, the request line and all received headers, separated by pipe characters ( | ).", "out": "最初の行は forensic ID、リクエスト行と受け取ったすべてのヘッダを パイプ文字 ( | ) で分離してログ収集します。", "pred": "The first line logs the forensic ID, the request line and all received headers, separated by pipe characters ( | )."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: TraceEnable off causes the core server and mod_proxy to return a 405 (Method not allowed) error to the client.", "out": "TraceEnable off と設定すると、コアサーバと mod_proxy は 405 (メソッド不許可) エラーをクライアントに返します。", "pred": "TraceEnable off causes the core server and mod_proxy to return a 405 ( Method not allowed) error to the client."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Additional Information Additional information about the command-line options of httpd and apache2ctl as well as other support programs included with the server is available on the Server and Supporting Programs page.", "out": "追加情報 httpd や apache2ctl 、サーバに含まれていたその他補助プログラムの、 コマンドラインオプションに関する追加情報は、 サーバと補助プログラム ページに 記載されています。", "pred": "追加情報 Information about the command-line options of httpd and apache2ctl as well as other support programs included with the server will be available on the Server and Supporting Programs page."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This mapping is merged over any already in force, overriding any mappings that already exist for the same extension .", "out": "このマッピングはすでにあるものより優先されてマージされ、 同じ extension に対する既存のマッピングを上書きします。", "pred": "This mapping is merged over any already in force,defaulting any mappings that already exist for the same extension ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You can do this either by editing the apache2.conf file or using an .htaccess file.", "out": "apache2.conf を編集するか .htaccess ファイルを使用するかで 設定します。", "pred": "You can do this either by editing the apache2.conf file or using an .htaccess file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Apache httpd uses libtool and autoconf to create a build environment that looks like many other Open Source projects.", "out": "Apache 2.0 では他の Open Source プロジェクトと同様、 ビルド環境構築に libtool と autoconf を使うようになっています。", "pred": "Apache httpd uses libtool and autoconf to create a build環境 that looks like many other Open Source projects."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Is the target userid ABOVE the minimum ID number?", "out": "対象となるユーザ ID は、最小の ID 番号よりも 大きい か?", "pred": "Is the target userid ABOVE the minimum ID number?"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You can redirect clients to any server, not only the origin server. httpd also provides a RedirectMatch directive for more complicated rewriting problems.", "out": "サーバは自分自身のサーバだけでなく、どのサーバにでもクライアントを リダイレクトすることができます。 Apache はより複雑な書き換えの問題のために、 RedirectMatch ディレクティブを 提供しています。", "pred": "Apache also provides a RedirectMatch directive for more complicated rewriting problems."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Here is an example of enabling compression only for the html files of the Apache documentation:", "out": "次に Apache のドキュメントの html ファイルのみの圧縮を有効にする例を示します。", "pred": "Here is an example of enabling 圧縮 only for the html files of the Apache documentation:"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Either by running a separate httpd daemon for each hostname, or by running a single daemon which supports all the virtual hosts.", "out": "別の httpd デーモンを各ホスト毎に実行するか、 すべてのバーチャルホストをサポートするデーモンを一つ実行するかです。", "pred": "Either by running a separate httpdデーモン for each hostname, or by running a singleデーモン which supports all the virtual hosts."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To implement a VirtualHost, the server must first be told to listen to the address and port to be used.", "out": "VirtualHost を実装するには、まず初めに使用したいアドレスとポートに対して サーバが Listen していなければなりません。", "pred": "To implement a VirtualHost, the server must first be told to listen to the address and port to be used."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The next step is to analyze this information to produce useful statistics.", "out": "次の段階は有用な統計を取るためにこの情報を 解析することです。", "pred": "The next step is to analyze this information to produce useful statistics."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: A Cipher Suite is defined by the following components: Key Exchange Method Cipher for Data Transfer Message Digest for creating the Message Authentication Code (MAC) These three elements are described in the sections that follow.", "out": "暗号スイートは以下のコンポーネントにより定義されています: 鍵の交換手段 データ通信の暗号術 Message Authentication Code (MAC) 作成のための メッセージダイジェスト これらの三つの要素は以下のセクションで説明されています。", "pred": "A Cipher Suite is defined by the following components: Key Exchange Method Cipher for Data Transfer Message Digest for creating the Message Authentication Code (MAC) These three elements are described in the sections that follow."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Can we successfully become the target CGI/SSI program and execute? Here is where suEXEC ends and the target CGI/SSI program begins.", "out": "対象となる CGI/SSI プログラムを exec して実行できるか? ここで suEXEC が終了し、対象となるプログラムが開始されます。", "pred": "Can we successfully become the target CGI/SSI program and execute? Here is where suEXEC ends and the target CGI/SSI program begins."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: A perl script called dbmmanage is included with Apache.", "out": "Apache には dbmmanage という perl スクリプトが含まれています。", "pred": "A dbmmanage (or perl) called A perlスクリプト is included with Apache."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (Building industry: Executive) It's really great results for 30 years of President Ms.Yokoi!", "out": "(建設業:役員) 横井社長の30年の実績は素晴らしい!", "pred": "(Building industry: Executive) It's really great results for 30 years of President Ms. Yokoi!"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The header file must contain appropriate HTML instructions in this case.", "out": "この場合、ヘッダーファイルは正しい HTML 命令を含んでいなければなりません。", "pred": "The header file must contain the best HTML instructions in this case."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Apply directive AllowOverride FileInfo (for directory /home ).", "out": "( . htaccess ファイルは無効になる) AllowOverride FileInfo が適用される ( / home ディレクトリに対して ) 。", "pred": "The Apply directive AllowOverride FileInfo (for directory /home )."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: CGI outside of ScriptAlias directories CGI programs are often restricted to ScriptAlias 'ed directories for security reasons.", "out": "ScriptAlias ディレクトリ外の CGI CGI プログラムは、セキュリティ上の理由から ScriptAlias されたディレクトリに制限されることがしばしばあります。", "pred": "CGI の外 of ScriptAlias ディレクトリ CGI programs are often restricted to ScriptAlias 'ed directories for security reasons."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Except in early mode, the RequestHeader directive is processed just before the request is run by its handler in the fixup phase.", "out": "early モードでない場合に限り、 RequestHeader ディレクティブは fixup フェーズでリクエストがハンドラに扱われる直前に 処理されます。", "pred": "Except in early mode, the RequestHeader ディレクティブはちょうど before the request is run by its handler in the fixup phase."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Benjamin David \"Benny\" Goodman ( – J) was an American jazz and swing musician, clarinetist and bandleader, known as the \"King of Swing\".", "out": "庄内ハーモニーオーケストラ サマーコンサート 第2部 4曲目. ベニー・グッドマン ( Benny Goodman, 本名:ベンジャミン・デイヴィッド・グッドマン(Benjamin David Goodman ) 、 1909年 5月30日 - 1986年 6月13日 )は、 クラリネット 奏者、バンドリーダー。", "pred": "Benjamin David \"Benny\" Goodman ( – J) was an American jazz and swing musician, clarinetist and banderリーダー, known as the \"King of Swing\"."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is not the case.", "out": "これは正しくありません。", "pred": "This is not the case."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: A certificate contains X.509 information pieces about its owner (called the subject) and the signing Certification Authority (called the issuer), plus the owner's public key and the signature made by the CA.", "out": "証明書には (subject と呼ばれる) 所有者と 、 ( issuer と呼ばれる) 認証局 の署名、所有者の 公開鍵 と、CA による署名という X.509 の情報が含まれます。", "pred": "A証明書 contains X.509 information pieces about its owner (called the subject) and the signing Certification Authority (called the issuer), plus the owner's public key and the署名 made by the CA."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (Commercial pursuits: President) I felt that the lecture was filled with her talent.", "out": "(商業:社長) 溢れる才能を感じる講演でした。", "pred": "(Commercial pursuits: President) I felt that the lecture was filled with her talent."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Once the CSR is signed, it becomes a real certificate.", "out": "一旦 CSR に署名がなされると、それは本物の証明書になります。", "pred": "Once the CSR is signed, it is a real certificate."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Require file-group Consider a system similar to the one described above, but with some users that share their project files in ~/public_html/project-foo .", "out": "Require file-group 上記のようなシステムで、数人のユーザがプロジェクトのファイルを ~/public_html/project-foo で共有しているとします。", "pred": "Require file-group Consider a system similar to the one described above, but with some users that share their project files in ~/public_html/project-foo ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Any information written to stderr by a CGI script will be copied directly to the error log.", "out": "CGI スクリプトが stderr に書いた すべての情報は直接エラーログにコピーされます。", "pred": "Any information written to stderr by a CGI script will be copied directly to the error log."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Be careful with the directory-path arguments: They have to literally match the filesystem path which Apache httpd uses to access the files.", "out": "directory-path 引数には注意してください: その引数は Apache がファイルをアクセスするために使うファイルシステムのパスに そのままマッチする必要があります。", "pred": "Be careful with the directory-path arguments: They have to文字ly match theファイルシステム path which Apache uses to access the files."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Variables may also be passed from the environment of the shell which started the server using the PassEnv directive.", "out": "PassEnv ディレクティブにより、Apache が起動されたシェルの 環境変数を渡すこともできます。", "pred": "Variables also be passed from the environment of the shell which started the server using the PassEnv ディレクティブ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Only complete components are matched, so the above example will match foo.example.org but it will not match fooexample.org .", "out": "各部分が完全に合うものだけに適用されますので、上の例は foo.apache.org にはマッチしますが、 fooapache.org にはマッチしません。", "pred": "Only complete components are matched, so the upper example will match foo.apache.org but it will not match fooapache.org ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It operates as follows: First, for each dimension of the negotiation, check the appropriate Accept* header field and assign a quality to each variant.", "out": "次のように動作します: まずはじめに、ネゴシエーションの次元それぞれについて適切な Accept* ヘッダフィールドを調べ、 variant それぞれに品質を割り当てます。", "pred": "It operates as follows: まず, for each observe of the negotiation, check the appropriate Accept* header field and assign a quality to each variant."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Topics Enabling Status Support Automatic Updates Machine Readable Status File Using server-status to troubleshoot Directives This module provides no directives.", "out": "トピック Status を使用可能にする 自動更新 機械読み取り可能なステータスファイル ディレクティブ このモジュールにディレクティブはありません。", "pred": "Topics Enabling Status Support Automatic Updates Machine Readable Status File Using server-status to troubleshoot ディレクティブ このモジュールに no ディレクティブs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In other words, naming is an operation to integrate the intentions of both corporations and their customers into one word.", "out": "すなわち、ブランド名開発とは、企業と顧客双方の想いを一つの言葉に集約していく作業なのです。", "pred": "言い換えれば, naming is an operation to integrate the intentions of both corporations and their customers into one word."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the specified URL is a CGI program, the program will be executed and its output inserted in place of the directive in the parsed file.", "out": "指定された URL が CGI プログラムであった場合は、 プログラムが実行され、その出力が解析しているファイル中の ディレクティブがあった位置に挿入されます。", "pred": "If the specified URL is a CGI program, the program will be executed and its output inserted in place of the directive in the parsed file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Rather, it is intended to provide a common background to mod_ssl users by pulling together various concepts, definitions, and examples as a starting point for further exploration.", "out": "むしろ、更なる研究への出発点として色々な概念、定義、例を並べることで mod_ssl のユーザに基礎知識を提供する事を目的としています。", "pred": "Rather, it is intended to provide a common background to mod_ssl users by pulling together various flavors, definitions, and examples as a starting point for further exploration."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In that case, the Satisfy directive is used to determine how the two sets of restrictions interact.", "out": "この場合、その二つの制限の関係を指定するために Satisfy ディレクティブを使用します。", "pred": "In that case, the Satisfy ディレクティブ is used to determine how the two sets of restrictions interact."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: when trying to restrict access to objects in the filesystem.", "out": " を使用します。 ファイルシステム上のオブジェクトへのアクセスを制限するために、", "pred": " when trying to restrict access to objects in the filesystem."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Outside of the network, the name server.example.com resolves to the external address ( ), but inside the network, that same name resolves to the internal address ( ).", "out": "server.example.com はネットワークの外からは 外部アドレス ( ) として解決されますが、 ネットワークの中からは内部アドレス ( ) として解決されます。", "pred": "Outside of the network, the name server.example.com resolves to the 外部 address ( ), but inside the network, that same name resolves to the internal address ( )."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Instead, the log format can be specified directly in the CustomLog directive.", "out": "ニックネームの代わりに、 CustomLog ディレクティブに 直接ログの書式を指定することができます。", "pred": "directive, instead, the log format can be used directly in the CustomLog ディレクティブ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: However, who could expect our thought \"We want to create the worth and happiness with the collaboration with the clients, the business partners, and our company\", can be phrased with the company's name \"SIGMAXYZ\"?", "out": "それにしても「お客様、ビジネスパートナー、そして自社のコラボレーションで価値と喜びを創造したい」という我々の想いが、SIGMAXYZという社名で表現されるとは、一体誰が予想できただろう。", "pred": "And, who can 期待 our thought \"We want to create the worth and happiness with the collaboration with the clients, the business partners, and our company\", can be フレーズd with the company's name \"SIGMA■\"?"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Each of the following tests is applied in order.", "out": "次のテストが順番に適用されます。", "pred": "Each of the following tests is applied in order."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: There are four basic things that you may see in your browser when you try to access your CGI program from the web: The output of your CGI program Great!", "out": "しかし、まだ動かない ! ウェブから CGI プログラムへのアクセスを行なったとき、 ブラウザで見る可能性がある四つの基本的なことがあります: CGI プログラムの出力 素晴らしい ! それはすべてがうまく動いたことを意味します。", "pred": "There are four basic things that you may see in your browser when you try to access your CGI program from the web: The output of your CGI program Great!"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The algorithm has now selected one 'best' variant, so return it as the response.", "out": "アルゴリズムを使って一つの「最適な」variant を選びましたので、 それを応答として返します。", "pred": "The algorithm has now selected one 'best' variant, so return it as the response."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The last two CustomLog lines show how to mimic the effects of the ReferLog and AgentLog directives.", "out": "最後二つの CustomLog は ReferLog ディレクティブと AgentLog ディレクティブの効果をまねる方法を示しています。", "pred": "The last two CustomLog lines show how to mimic the effects of the ReferLog and AgentLog ディレクティブs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, the following example shows how to map a particular URL to an internal Apache HTTP Server handler provided by mod_status .", "out": "たとえば次の例では、どのようにして特定の URL を mod_status で提供されている Apache 内部ハンドラにマップするかを示しています。", "pred": "For example, the following example shows how to map a particular URL to an internal Apache HTTP Server handler provided by mod_status ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: HTTP Digest Authentication is provided by mod_auth_digest .", "out": "HTTP ダイジェスト認証については mod_auth_digest で提供されます。", "pred": "HTTP Digest Authentication is provided by mod_auth_digest ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The counter is incremented every time an identifier is generated (and allowed to roll over).", "out": "カウンタは識別子が生成されるたびに増加します (あふれた場合は 0 に戻ります ) 。", "pred": "The counter is incremented every time an identifier generated (and allowed to roll over)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: SSI (Server Side Includes) are directives that are placed in HTML pages, and evaluated on the server while the pages are being served.", "out": "SSI (Server Side Includes) は、HTML ページ中に配置されるディレクティブであり、 サーバでページを提供する時に評価されます。", "pred": "SSI (Server Side Includes) are ディレクティブ決める and evaluated on the server while the page is being served."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the directory containing the parsed file has Options IncludesNOEXEC set, then only documents with a text MIME-type ( text/plain , text/html etc.) will be included.", "out": "解析しているファイルの存在するディレクトリに Option IncludesNOEXEC が設定されている場合、text MIME タイプ ( text/plain , text/html 等) のドキュメントのみインクルードが行なわれます。", "pred": "If the directory containing the parsed file has Options IncludesNOEXEC set, then only documents with a text MIME-type ( text/plain , text/html etc.) will be included."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It can specify either a nickname defined by a previous LogFormat directive, or it can be an explicit format string as described in the log formats section.", "out": "前にある LogFormat ディレクティブにより 定義された nickname か、 ログの書式 のところで説明されている、明示的な format 文字列の どちらかを指定することができます。", "pred": "It can specify either a nickname defined by a previous LogFormat ディレクティブ, or can be an interpreter format string as described in the log format section."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: HeaderName HEADER.html Both HeaderName and ReadmeName now treat Filename as a URI path relative to the one used to access the directory being indexed.", "out": "例 HeaderName HEADER.html HeaderName も ReadmeName も両方とも現在は、 filename をインデックスされているディレクトリに用いられた URI に対する相対 URI パスとして扱います。", "pred": "HeaderName HEADER.html Both HeaderName and ReadmeName now treat Filename as a URI path relative to the one new to the access the directory being indexed."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Most look similar to the example above.", "out": "たいていのものは 上の例のような感じです。", "pred": "ほとんど above the example above."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: There are two ways to send the signals.", "out": "シグナルを送るには二つの方法があります。", "pred": "There are two ways to send the signals."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: 5 End Response Marks the end of the response (and thus the request-handling cycle).", "out": "5 End Response レスポンス (つまりリクエスト処理サイクル) 終了の目印を送る。", "pred": "5 End Response Marks the end of the response (and thus the request-handling サイクル)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: ScanHTMLTitles This enables the extraction of the title from HTML documents for fancy indexing.", "out": "ScanHTMLTitles FancyIndexing のために、 HTML ドキュメントからタイトルを取り出すことを可能にします。", "pred": "ScanHTMLTitles This enables the抽出ion of the title from HTML documents for fancy indexing."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: At the start of an echo element, the default is set to entity , resulting in entity encoding (which is appropriate in the context of a block-level HTML element, e.g. a paragraph of text).", "out": "echo 要素の開始時は、デフォルトは entity に設定されています。 これはエンティティエンコード (段落やテキストなどのブロックレベルの HTML エレメントのコンテキストに 適しています) を行ないます。", "pred": "At the start of an echo Element, the default is set to entity , resulting in entity encoding (which is適切な in the context of a block-level HTML Element, e.g. a段落 of text)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: CGI Debugging Debugging CGI scripts has traditionally been difficult, mainly because it has not been possible to study the output (standard output and error) for scripts which are failing to run properly.", "out": "CGI のデバッグ CGI スクリプトのデバッグは、正しく動作していないスクリプトの出力 (標準出力とエラー) を調べることができないために、難しい状態が続いていました。", "pred": "CGI デバッグ CGI スクリプトs have traditionally been difficult, mainly because it has not been possible to study the output (standard output and error) for scripts which are failing to run properly."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If any media type on the Accept: header contains a q factor, these special values are not applied, so requests from browsers which send the explicit information to start with work as expected.", "out": "もし Accept: ヘッダ中のメディアタイプのどれかが q 値を含んでいれば、これらの特殊な値は適応 されず 、 正しい情報を送るブラウザからのリクエストは期待通りに 動作するようになります。", "pred": "If any media type on the Accept: header contains a q factor, then the special value is not applied, so requests from browsers which send the明示的な information to start with work as expected."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The URL and file path of the requested document is sent using the standard CGI PATH_INFO and PATH_TRANSLATED environment variables.", "out": "リクエストされたドキュメントの URL とファイルのパスは標準 CGI 環境変数 PATH_INFO と PATH_TRANSLATED を使って伝えられます。", "pred": "The URL and file path of the request document is the standard CGI PATH_INFO and PATH_TRANSLATED environment variables using the request."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note When entering a file path on non-Unix platforms, care should be taken to make sure that only forward slashes are used even though the platform may allow the use of back slashes.", "out": "注 Unix 以外のプラットフォームでファイル名を入力するときは、 プラットフォームがバックスラッシュの使用を許可している場合でも、 スラッシュのみが使われるように気をつけてください。", "pred": "Note When entering a file path on non-Unix platforms, care should be taken to make sure that only forwardスラッシュ is used even the platform may allow the use of backスラッシュes."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Use a single daemon when: Sharing of the httpd configuration between virtual hosts is acceptable.", "out": ") 以下のときには単独のデーモンを使うと良いでしょう: バーチャルホスト間での httpd の設定を共有してもよいとき。", "pred": "Use a singleデーモン when: Virtual Hosts 間で the httpd configure of Sharing of the acceptable."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The ScriptAlias directive looks like: ScriptAlias \"/cgi-bin/\" \"/usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin/\" The example shown is from your default apache2.conf configuration file, if you installed Apache in the default location.", "out": "ScriptAlias ディレクティブは以下のように使用します: ScriptAlias /cgi-bin / / usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin/ デフォルト位置に Apache をインストールしたならば、 この例はデフォルト状態の apache2.conf 設定ファイルに含まれています。", "pred": "The ScriptAlias ディレクティブ looks like: ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/\" /usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin/\" The example shown is from your default apache2.conf configuration file, if you installed Apache in the default location."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Lectured at the lecture meeting under the auspices of Japan Management Association. | ZYXYZ On 22nd November 2013, our president Ms.Keiko Yokoi lectured at \"Joint Lecture Meeting for JMI Annual Workshop & Ichigukai member\" under the auspices of Japan Management Association held at the meeting room in Shinagawa Front Building.", "out": "日本能率協会主催の講演会で講演を行いました | ジザイズ 2013年11月22日、品川フロントビル会議室にて開催された、日本能率協会主催の「JMI年次研修会・一隅会合同講演会」において、弊社代表 横井恵子が講演を行いました。", "pred": "Lectured at the lecture meeting under the auspices of Japan Management Association. | ZY SECOND On 22nd November 2013, our president Ms.Keiko Yokoi lectured at \"Joint Lecture Meeting for JMI Annual Workshop & Ichigukai member\" under the auspices of Japan Management Association held at the meeting room in Shinagawa Front 2013, 2013"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Then any request beginning with URL-path will return a redirect request to the client at the location of the target URL .", "out": "URL-path ( % が復号された) パスで始まるドキュメントへの すべてのリクエストは URL で始まる新しい ( % が符号化された) URL へのリダイレクトエラーが返されます。", "pred": "Then any request beginning with URL-path will return a redirect request to the client at the location of the target URL ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Security: If a program is used, then it will be run as the user who started httpd .", "out": "セキュリティ: プログラムを使う場合、そのプログラムは httpd を起動したユーザで 実行されます。", "pred": "Security: If a program is used, then it will be run as the user who started httpd ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This functionality is a large part of what mod_ssl provides for the Apache webserver.", "out": "これが主に mod_ssl が Apache ウェブサーバに提供する機能です。", "pred": "This feature is a large part of what mod_ssl provides for the Apache webserver."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In addition, on some platforms, like Win32, and on unix when using suexec , you cannot pass arguments to a command in an exec directive, or otherwise include spaces in the command.", "out": "さらに、Win32 のようないくつかのプラットフォームや、 suexec を使っている unix では、 exec ディレクティブのコマンドに 引数を渡したり、コマンドに空白を入れることはできません。", "pred": "In addition, on some platforms, like Win32, and on unix when using suexec , you cannot pass arguments to a command in an exec , or otherwise include spaces in the command."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Windows NT, 2000 and XP users should see Running httpd as a Service and Windows 9x and ME users should see Running httpd as a Console Application for information on how to control httpd on those platforms.", "out": "Windows NT, 2000, XP ユーザは サービスとして httpd を実行する で、Windows 9x, MEユーザは コンソールアプリケーションとして httpd を実行する で、 これらのプラットホームでの使用方法をご覧下さい。", "pred": "Windows NT, 2000 and XP users should see Running httpd as a Service and Windows 9x and ME users should see Running httpd as a Console Application for information on how to control httpd on those platforms."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This header must contain a string that designates a delimiter for the body content.", "out": "このヘッダは本文の内容の区切りとなる文字列で始まる必要があります。", "pred": "このヘッダは、それが the string that designates a delimiter for the body content."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: SSL/TLS Encryption Certificate Signing Request (CSR) An unsigned certificate for submission to a Certification Authority , which signs it with the Private Key of their CA Certificate .", "out": "参照: SSL/TLS 暗号化 証明書署名リクエスト ( 訳注: Certificate Signing Request ) ( CSR) 認証局 に提出 する未署名の 証明書 。 認証局は CA 証明書 の 秘密鍵 で署名します。", "pred": "参照: SSL/TLS Encryption Certificate Signing Request (CSR) An logging証明書 for submission to a Certification Authority , which signs it with the Private Key of their CA Certificate ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Also called Asymmetric Cryptography.", "out": "非対称暗号とも呼ばれます。", "pred": "Asymmetric Cryptography called."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: They let you add dynamically generated content to an existing HTML page, without having to serve the entire page via a CGI program, or other dynamic technology.", "out": "SSI は、CGI プログラムやその他の動的な技術で全てのページを提供せずに、 動的に生成されたコンテンツを現在の HTML ページに加えます。", "pred": "They let you add dynamically generated content to an existing HTML page, without having to serve the entire page via a CGI program, or other dynamic technology."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To this end, suEXEC configuration requires of the administrator careful attention to details.", "out": "これは、suEXEC の設定には管理者の詳細にわたる慎重な注意が必要だからです。", "pred": "To this end, suEXEC Configuration requires of the administrator慎重な注意 to details."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This leads to fewer errors, and faster development.", "out": "これはエラーを減らし、早い開発につながります。", "pred": "This leads to fewerエラー, and faster development."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If it is set to 0 , unlimited requests will be allowed.", "out": "0 に設定していれば、受け付けるリクエストは無制限になります。", "pred": "If it is set to 0 , then the request is allowed to be activated."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In any cases, the name is the most effective instrument to deliver its own value.", "out": "いずれのケースにおいても、名前はアイデンティティを表明する最たる手段であり、わずか数文字で自己を語ることが求められます。", "pred": "In any case, the name is the most effective instrument to deliver its own value."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The data logging is done right after SSL decoding (for input) and right before SSL encoding (for output).", "out": "データのロギングは、SSL 復号化の直後 (入力) と SSL 暗号化の直前 (出力) に行なわれます。", "pred": "The data logging is done right after SSL 復号化 (for input) and right before SSL encoding (for output)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It acts as a support module for mod_dav and provides access to resources located in the server's file system.", "out": "mod_dav のサポートモジュールとして動作し、サーバファイルシステム上に 位置するリソースへのアクセスを提供します。", "pred": "It acts as a support module for mod_dav and provides access to resources located in the server's file system."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This can slow things down quite a bit, and is not a good idea.", "out": "この方法はかなり処理を遅くするものであり、良くないアイデアです。", "pred": "僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: A number of companies, such as Thawte and VeriSign have established themselves as Certificate Authorities.", "out": "Thawte や VeriSign のような多くの会社が認証局として開設しました。", "pred": "A number of companies, such as Thawte and VeriSign have確立ed themselves as Certificate Authorities."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: , which allows a flexible version checking including numeric comparisons and regular expressions.", "out": "これを使うと、数字の比較や正規表現による柔軟な バージョンチェックができるようになります。", "pred": ", which allows a flexible version checking to be numeric comparisons and regular expression."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: On Unix systems, symbolic links can bring other parts of the filesystem under the DocumentRoot .", "out": "Unix システムでは、ファイルシステムの他の部分をシンボリックリンクを 使って DocumentRoot の下に持ってくることができます。", "pred": "On Unix systems, symbolic links can bring other parts of the filesystem under the DocumentRoot ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This option also supports reverse proxy configuration; a backend webserver can be embedded within a virtualhost URL space even if that server is hidden by another forward proxy.", "out": "このオプションはリバースプロキシの設定もサポートします。 サーバが別のフォワードプロキシの後ろに隠されている場合でも バックエンドウェブサーバをバーチャルホストの URL 空間に入れることが できます。", "pred": "このオプションは the逆プロキシ configuration they support; a backend webserver can be embedded within a virtualhost URL space even if that server hidden by another forward proxy."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: That is, we assume the system does not spawn 65536 processes in a one second interval (it may even be 32768 processes on some Unixes, but even this isn't likely to happen).", "out": "つまり、我々はシステムが一秒間 に 65536 個のプロセスを起動しないと仮定しています (いくつかの Unix では 32768 プロセスですが、それですらほとんどあり得ないでしょう ) 。", "pred": "つまり、我々は system does not spawn 65536 processes in a one second interval (it may even be 32768 processes on some Unixes, but even this isn't likely to happen)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The name expresses that, being a super regional bank, resonating with customers, it will build strong bond and trusted partnership, and become a \"Riso-teki\" (ideal) bank.", "out": "スーパーリージョナルバンクとして「地域 (regional)」に密着し、お客様の想いに耳を傾け、共に響き合いながら揺るぎない信頼と絆を築き、理想的な銀行となっていく姿勢を表現した。", "pred": "The name expresses that, being a super regional bank, resonating with customers, It will build 強い bond and trusted partnership, and become a \"Riso-teki\" (ideal) bank."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: But in some environments, it is better to disable the memory-mapping to prevent operational problems: On some multiprocessor systems, memory-mapping can reduce the performance of the httpd .", "out": "しかし、環境によっては運用上の問題を防ぐためにメモリマッピングを 使用しないようにした方が良い場合もあります: マルチプロセッサシステムの中にはメモリマッピングをすると httpd の性能が落ちるものがあります。", "pred": "But in some環境s, it is better to disable the memory-mapping to prevent operational problems: いくつかの multiプロセッサー systems, memory-mapping can reduce the performance of the httpd ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It's the multilingual language dictionary with 7,700 items, and which the useful key words for naming were collected.", "out": "ネーミングの際に有用なキーワードを集めた、項目数7,700のマルチリンガル辞典。", "pred": "It's the multilingual language辞書 with 7,700 items, and which the useful key words for naming were collected."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This support does not extend to Windows 95, 98 or ME, which continue to use the machine's local codepage for filesystem access.", "out": "このサポートは、ファイルシステムのアクセス時にローカルの コードページを使う Windows 95, 98, ME には適用されません。", "pred": "This support does not extend to Windows 95, 98 or ME, which continue to use the machine's local codepage for filesystem access."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For this purpose, we have to share the idea and thought with our clients, understanding the characteristics of the object.", "out": "そのためには、まずクライアントと想いを共有し、名前をつける対象の特性を把握しなければなりません。", "pred": "For this purpose, we have to share the idea and thought with our clients, understanding the characteristics of the object."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This information, also, is transmitted in HTTP headers.", "out": "この情報もまた、HTTP ヘッダで 送信されます。", "pred": "This information, also, is transmitted in HTTP headers."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: First, it is important to understand the difference between the two.", "out": "まず、この二つの違いを理解することが 大切です。", "pred": "1.1.1 – 1.1.1 – 1.1.1 – 1.1.1 – 1.1.1 – 1.1.1 – 1.1.1 – 1.1.1 – 1.1.1 – 1.1.1 – 1.1.1 – 1.1.1 – 1.1.1 – 1.1.1 – 1."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note Creating virtual host configurations on your Apache server does not magically cause DNS entries to be created for those host names.", "out": "注 Apache サーバの設定でバーチャルホストの設定をしただけで、 知らない間にそのホスト名に対応する DNS のエントリが 作成されたりはしません。", "pred": "Note Creating virtual host configurations on your Apache server does not magically cause DNS entries to be created for those host names."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is a good way to crash your system within a minute or so.", "out": "これは、一分内くらいで システムをクラッシュさるための良い方法です。", "pred": "僕は、このブログは、あなたのシステムを僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の��"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For backwards compatibility with the mod_access, there is a new module mod_access_compat .", "out": "mod_access との後方互換性のため、 新しいモジュールの mod_access_compat があります。", "pred": "For backwards compatibility with the mod_access, there is a new module mod_access_compat ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If no variants remain, go to step 4.", "out": "variant が一つも残っていなければ、ステップ 4 に行きます。", "pred": "If no variants remain, go to step 4."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Return a 406 status (meaning \"No acceptable representation\") with a response body consisting of an HTML document listing the available variants.", "out": "406 ステータス ( \" No Acceptable representation\" を意味する) が、利用可能な variant のリストのついた HTML ドキュメントとともに返されます。", "pred": "Return a 406 status (meaning \"No acceptable representation\") with a response body consisting of an HTML document listing the available variants."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Other views of the configuration information are available by appending a query to the server-info request.", "out": "server-info リクエストへクエリーを追加することで、 設定情報の他の表示形式を選ぶことができます。", "pred": "Other views of the configuration information are available by appending a query to the server-info request."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It can contain literal characters copied into the log files and the C-style control characters \"\\n\" and \"\\t\" to represent new-lines and tabs.", "out": "その文字列には ログファイルにそのまま 書かれる文字列や、それぞれ改行とタブを表す C 言語 形式の制御文字 \" \\ n\" と \" \\ t\" とを含めることができます。", "pred": "It can contain a literal characters to the log files and the C-style control characters \"\\n\" and \"\\t\" to represent new-lines and tabs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (See mod_log_config for more about customizing your log files.)", "out": "(ログファイルのカスタマイズの詳細については Custom Log Formats を 読んでください。", "pred": "(See mod_log_config for more about customizing your log files.)"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See also the DescriptionWidth index option to limit the size of the description column.", "out": "また、説明のコラムサイズを制限する DescriptionWidth インデックスオプションもご覧下さい。", "pred": "See also the DescriptionWidth index option to limit the size of the description column."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Advantages and Disadvantages The above DSO based features have the following advantages: The server package is more flexible at run-time because the server process can be assembled at run-time via LoadModule apache2.conf configuration directives instead of configure options at build-time.", "out": "利点と欠点 上記の DSO に基づいた機能は以下の利点があります: 実際のサーバプロセスを組み立てるために、 ビルド時に configure のオプションを使う代わりに 実行時に apache2.conf の設定用コマンド LoadModule を使うことができますので、サーバパッケージの柔軟性が高まりました。", "pred": "Advantages and Disadvantages The above DSO based features have the following advantages: The server package is more flexible at run-time because the server process can be assembled at run-time via LoadModule apache2.conf configuration directives instead of configure options at build-time."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Details on all the different configure options are available on the configure manual page.", "out": "個々の configure オプションの詳細に関しては configure マニュアルページ をご覧ください。", "pred": "Details on all the different configure options are available on the configure manual page."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The charset is the name of the particular character set which should be used.", "out": "charset が 使用すべき文字セットの名前です。", "pred": "The charset is the name of the particular character set which should be used."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Server Side Includes example Another common use of .htaccess files is to enable Server Side Includes for a particular directory.", "out": "SSI の例 もう一つの .htaccess ファイルのよくある利用法は 特定のディレクトリで SSI を有効にすることです。", "pred": "Server Side Includes example もう一つの common use of .htaccess files is to enable Server Side Includes for a particular directory."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: SSL/TLS Encryption MIME-type A way to describe the kind of document being transmitted.", "out": "参照: SSL/TLS 暗号化 MIME タイプ 送信されているドキュメントの種類を表すための方法。", "pred": "See: SSL/TLS Encryption MIME-type A way to describe the sub学術 document being transmitted."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The first Data packet is send immediately after the Forward Request by the web server.", "out": "最初の Data パケットは、 Forward Request の直後にウェブサーバから送られます。", "pred": "The first Dataパケット is sent immediately after the Forward Request by the web server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: When this directive is set to All , then any directive which has the .htaccess Context is allowed in .htaccess files.", "out": "このディレクティブが All に設定されている時には 、 . htaccess という コンテキスト を持つ 全てのディレクティブが利用できます。", "pred": "When this directive set to All , then any directive which have the .htaccess コンテキスト is allowed in .htaccess files."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess Override: All Status: Extension Module: mod_version The", "out": "コンテキスト: サーバ設定ファイル, バーチャルホスト, ディレクトリ , . htaccess 上書き: All ステータス: Extension モジュール: mod_version", "pred": "コンテキスト: サーバ設定ファイル,バーチャルホスト, ディレクトリ , .htaccess 上書き: All ステータス: Extension モジュール: mod_version The"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is controlled by mod_dir .", "out": "これは mod_dir で制御されます。", "pred": "This is controlled by mod_dir ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: There are a few limitations as a result of the way the parsed configuration tree is created: Directives which are executed immediately rather than being stored in the parsed configuration are not listed.", "out": "従って、 パース済みの設定情報の木が生成される方法による制限がいくつかあります: パースされた設定に保存されずに、すぐに実行されるディレクティブは 一覧に現れません。", "pred": "There are a few limitations as a result of the way the parsed configuration tree is created: ディレクティブ which are executed immediately rather than being saved in the parsed configuration are not listed."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Module Identifier This is a string which identifies the module for use in the LoadModule directive when dynamically loading modules.", "out": "モジュール識別子 この文字列は、モジュールの動的読み込みを行なうときに使用する LoadModule ディレクティブにおいて使用されるモジュールの識別子です。", "pred": "モジュール識別子 これは is a string which identifies the module for use in the LoadModule ディレクティブ when dynamically loading modules."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This can be accomplished by testing the downloaded tarball against the PGP signature.", "out": "これはダウンロードした tarball の PGP 署名を テストすることによって検証します。", "pred": "This can be accomplished by のテスト the downloaded tarball against the PGP署名."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Therefore a request with trailing pathname information after the true filename such as /test/here.html/more in the above example will return a 404 NOT FOUND error.", "out": "ですから、上の例の /test/here.html/more のように、本当のファイル名の 後にパス名情報が続くリクエストには 404 NOT FOUND エラーが返ります。", "pred": "ですから a request with trailing pathname information after the true filename such as /test/here.html/more in the upper example will return a 404 NOT FOUND error."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Some of the most popular browsers send Accept header information which would otherwise result in the selection of the wrong variant in many cases.", "out": "かなりポピュラーなブラウザで、もしないと間違った variant を選択する結果になってしまうような Accept ヘッダ情報を送るものもあります。", "pred": "Some of the most popular browsers send Accept ヘッダ information which would probably result in the selection of the wrong variant in many cases."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For an introduction to using CGI scripts with Apache, see our tutorial on Dynamic Content With CGI .", "out": "Apache で CGI スクリプトを使用するためのイントロダクションは、 CGI による動的コンテンツ を参照してください。", "pred": "For an introduction to using CGI scripts with Apache, see our tutorial on Dynamic Content With CGI ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Hence the code tries to maintain both the number of children appropriate for the current load on the server, and respect your wishes with the StartServers parameter.", "out": "この挙動は現在の負荷に対して適切な子プロセスの数と StartServers パラメータでの 希望の数の両方を維持しようとしています。", "pred": "Hence the code tries to maintain both the number of children appropriate for the current load on the server, and respect your wishes with the StartServers parameter."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The use of the magic mime-type is deprecated.", "out": "この特殊な MIME タイプを 使う方法は非推奨です。", "pred": "The use of the magic mime-type is deprecated."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Therefore, you can prevent a user from being prompted more than once for a password by letting multiple restricted areas share the same realm.", "out": "このおかげで、複数の制限領域に同じ realm を共有させて、 ユーザがパスワードを何度も要求される事態を 防ぐことができます。", "pred": "And so, you can prevent a user from being prompted more than once for a password by letting multiple restricted areas share the same realm."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Setting this variable also implies force-response-1.0 . force-response-1.0 This forces an HTTP/1.0 response to clients making an HTTP/1.0 request.", "out": "force-response-1.0 これが設定されていると、HTTP/1.0 リクエストを発行するクライアントに対しては 常に HTTP/1.0 で応答するようになります。", "pred": "Setting this variable also implies force-response-1.0 . force-response-1.0 This forces an HTTP/1.0 response to clients making an HTTP/1.0 request."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For server configurations that are vulnerable to these problems, you should disable memory-mapping of delivered files by specifying: EnableMMAP Off For NFS mounted files, this feature may be disabled explicitly for the offending files by specifying:", "out": "これらの問題に当てはまるサーバの設定の場合は、以下のようにして ファイルの配送時のメモリマッピングを使用不可にしてください: EnableMMAP Off NFS マウントされたファイルには、問題のあるファイルにのみ明示的に この機能を使用不可にします:", "pred": "For server configurations that are vulnerable to these problems, you should disable memory-mapping of delivered files by specifying: EnableMMAP Off For NFS マウントed files, this feature may be disabled compared for the offending files by specifying:"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Various versions of Apache httpd have used other modules and directives to control access logging, including mod_log_referer, mod_log_agent, and the TransferLog directive.", "out": "いろんなバージョンの Apache httpd が mod_log_config, mod_log_agent, TransferLog ディレクティブといった、 他のモジュールやディレクティブを使ってアクセスのロギングを 制御してきました。", "pred": "Various versions of Apache httpd have used other modules and directives to control access logs, including mod_log_referer, mod_log_agent, and the TransferLog ディレクティブ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Can we change directory to the one in which the target CGI/SSI program resides? If it doesn't exist, it can't very well contain files.", "out": "CGI/SSI プログラムが置かれているディレクトリに移動 (change directory) できるか? ディレクトリが存在しないなら、そのファイルも存在しないかもしれません。", "pred": "Can we change directory to the one in which the target CGI/SSI program resides? If it doesn't exist, it can't very well contain files."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: DescriptionWidth=* grows the column to the width necessary to accommodate the longest description string.", "out": "DescriptionWidth=* は、最長の説明に合わせて必要な長さまでコラムを延ばします。", "pred": "DescriptionWidth=* grows the column to the width necessary to accommodate the longest description string."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: IPAddr A IPAddr represents a fully qualified internet address in numeric (dotted quad) form.", "out": "IPAddr IPAddr は数値形式 (ドットで区切られた四つの数字) の 完全インターネットアドレスです。", "pred": "IPAddr A IPAddr represents a fully qualified internet address in numeric (dotted quad) form."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Listen When httpd starts, it binds to some port and address on the local machine and waits for incoming requests.", "out": "Listen Apache は起動時に、ローカルマシンのあるポートおよびアドレス に対して接続し、リクエストが来るのを待ちます。", "pred": "Listen When httpd starts, it binds to some port and address on the local machine and waits for incoming requests."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: I felt strength of special feeling for Word and Name.", "out": "言葉、名前への思い入れの強さを感じました。", "pred": "I felt strength of special feeling for Word and Name."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved.", "out": "ご指定のページは削除されたか、移動された可能性があります。", "pred": "You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: However, if suEXEC is improperly configured, it can cause any number of problems and possibly create new holes in your computer's security.", "out": "しかし、suEXEC の設定が不適切だと、 多くの問題が生じ、あなたのコンピュータに新しいセキュリティホールを 作ってしまう可能性があります。", "pred": "However, if suEXEC is improperly configured, it can cause any number of problems and possibly created new holes in your computer's security."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To override the default MPM choice, use the --with-mpm= NAME option of the configure script.", "out": "望みの MPM を実際に選ぶためには、 configure スクリプトで - - with-mpm= NAME 引数を用いてください。", "pred": "To override the default MPM choice, use the --with-mpm= NAME option of the configure script."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Many commands only allow a single attribute-value pair.", "out": "多くのコマンドは属性-値 ( 訳注: attribute-value) の組を一つだけ指定できます。", "pred": "Many commands only allow a single attribute-value pair."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Do not enable WebDAV until you have secured your server.", "out": "サーバのセキュリティが確保できるまで WebDAV を有効にしないでください。", "pred": "You have secured your server until do not enable WebDAV ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Changes to the size or date stamp of an existing file will not update the Last-Modified header on all Unix platforms.", "out": "既に存在するファイルのサイズや日付のスタンプが変化しても、 全ての Unix プラットホームでは、 Last-Modified ヘッダーを更新しません。", "pred": "Changes to the size or date stamp of an existing file will not update the Last-Modified header on all Unix platforms."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This allows you to set the lowest possible groupid that will be allowed to execute CGI/SSI programs.", "out": "これは、 CGI/SSI プログラム実行を許可されるグループ ID のとりうる最小値です。", "pred": "This allows you to set the lowest possible groupid that will be allowed to execute CGI/SSI programs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This can happen for several reasons.", "out": "これが起こるのにはいくつかの理由があります。", "pred": "This can happen for several reasons."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the regex matches against the attribute , then the remainder of the arguments are evaluated.", "out": "regex が attribute にマッチする場合は、残りの引数が評価されます。", "pred": "If the regex matches against the attribute , then the remainder of the arguments are evaluated."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note that == is just an alias for = and behaves exactly the same way.", "out": "== は単に = の別名で、まったく同じ動作を します。", "pred": "Note that == is just an alias for = and behaves正確に the same way."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: section, but this directive is also valid in .htaccess files if AllowOverride Options is set): Options +Includes For backwards compatibility, the server-parsed handler also activates the INCLUDES filter.", "out": "セクションで指定しますが、 AllowOverride Options が設定されていると 、 . htaccess ファイルに書くこともできます ) : Options +Includes 互換性を保つために、 server-parsed ハンドラ も INCLUDES フィルタを 有効にします。", "pred": "セクションで指定しますが、このディレクティブも有効です: Options +Includes For backward compatibility, the server-parsed handler also activates the INCLUDES filter."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The status module will also use a G to indicate those children which are still serving requests started before the graceful restart was given.", "out": "status モジュールは、緩やかな再起動以前から開始して リクエストに応答し続けている子プロセスを特定するために、 G を使うこともします。", "pred": "The status module will also use a G to indicate those children which are still serving requests started before the graceful restart was given."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is called redirection and is implemented by the Redirect directive.", "out": "これは リダイレクション と 呼ばれていて、 Redirect ディレクティブにより実装されています。", "pred": "これは redirection and implemented by the Redirect ディレクティブと呼ばれます。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: His One And Only Song (Live At The BBC Sessions) Album Complete BBC Sessions Vol.", "out": "Buy from Yahoo Japan Auctions (Japanese equivalent of eBay ) , Amazon Japan and Rakuten by using Jauce, and have them shipped to you internationally . 『 BBCライヴ 』 ( BBC Sessions)は、イギリスのロックグループ、レッド・ツェッペリンがBBC向けに録音したスタジオセッションとライブを収録したコンピレーション・アルバムである。", "pred": "His One And Only Song (Live At The BBC Sessions) Album Complete BBC Sessions Vol."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Set this value to On if backend servers do not support session replication. stickysession - Balancer sticky session name.", "out": "バックエンドサーバがセッションレプリケーションをサポートしていない場合は、 On にしてください。", "pred": "Set this value to On if backend server will not support session replication."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Alternatively Require valid-user can be used to grant access to all successfully authenticated users.", "out": "認証に成功したユーザすべてにアクセスを 許可するには、代わりに Require valid-user を 使うことができます。", "pred": "Alternatively Require valid-user can use to grant access to all successfully authenticated users."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Important compatibility note: The implementation of dbmopen in the Apache modules reads the string length of the hashed values from the DBM data structures, rather than relying upon the string being NULL-appended.", "out": "重要な互換性に関する注意: apache module の dbmopen の実装は 文字列が NULL で終わっていることに依存するのではなく、DBM データストラクチャ のハッシュ値の文字列の長さを読み取ります。", "pred": "Existing compatibility note: The implementation of dbmopen in the Apache modules reads the string length of the hashed value from the DBM data structures, rather than relying upon the string being NULL-appended."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The request line contains a great deal of useful information.", "out": "リクエストには多くの有用な情報があります。", "pred": "The request line contains a great deal of useful information."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It is possible to use the ' and \" quotes to allow a space in a userID as well as the \\ escape character.", "out": "userID 中に空白を使えるようにするため、 エスケープ文字 \\ による方法と、引用符 ' と \" によるクオーティング を使うことができます。", "pred": "It is possible to use the ' and \"引用符 to allow a space in a userID as well as the \\ escape character."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This experimental module allows for character set translation or recoding. mod_file_cache New module in Apache httpd 2.0.", "out": "この実験的なモジュールは キャラクタセットの変換や再符号化を可能にします。 mod_file_cache Apache 2.0 の新モジュール。", "pred": "This experimental module allows for character set translation or reコーディングing. mod_file_cache New module in Apache httpd 2.0."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If you fear that this lookup might fail because your DNS server is down then you can insert the hostname in /etc/hosts (where you probably already have it so that the machine can boot properly).", "out": "DNS サーバがダウンして、この検索ができない事態が起こることを 恐れているのであれば 、 / etc/hosts にホスト名を記述しておくことができます (マシンが正常に起動するように既に設定されているかもしれません ) 。", "pred": "If you fear that this lookup may fail because your DNS serverダウン then you can insert theホスト名 in /etc/hosts (where you probably already have it so that the machine can boot properly)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: ( Anonymous ) And the Email addresses entered in the passwd field are logged to the error log file.", "out": "パスワード欄に入力された電子メールアドレスはエラーログファイルに ロギングされます。", "pred": "( Anonymous )And the Email address entered in the Start field are logged to the error log file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: With this option, Apache httpd does a reverse DNS lookup on the server IP address that the client connected to in order to work out self-referential URLs.", "out": "このオプションでは Apache は、クライアントが接続した IP アドレスに対して DNS の逆引きを行なって、自己参照 URL を作成します。", "pred": "With this option, Apache httpd does a reverse DNS lookup on the server IP address that the client connected to in order to work out self-referential URLs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If set to Block , every proxy request will have all its Via: header lines removed.", "out": "Block に設定されていれば、すべてのプロキシリクエストから Via: ヘッダが取り除かれます。", "pred": "If set to Block , every proxy request will have all its Via: header line removed."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The values for these settings need to be carefully determined and specified by the administrator to properly maintain system security during the use of suEXEC functionality.", "out": "これらの設定値は、suEXEC 機能の使用中にシステムセキュリティを適切に保つために、 管理者によって慎重に決定され指定されることが必要です。", "pred": "The value for これらの設定 must be carefully determined and specified by the administrator to properly maintain system security during the use of suEXEC functionality."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In the second way the DSO's are usually called shared objects or DSO files and can be named with an arbitrary extension (although the canonical name is foo.so ).", "out": "二つめの方法では DSO は普通は 共有オブジェクト や DSO ファイル と呼ばれていて、任意の拡張子を付けることができます (ただし、標準的な名前は foo.so です ) 。", "pred": "In the second way the DSO's are usually called shared object or DSO files and can be named with an arbitrary extension (ただし、 dependence on foo.so ) ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Once a request has been received, the timeout value specified by the Timeout directive applies.", "out": "リクエストを受け付けた後は、 Timeout ディレクティブによって 指定されたタイムアウト値が使われます。", "pred": "Once a request has been received, the timeout value specified by the Timeout ディレクティブ apply."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the operating system uses more than 32-bits for a pid, the fix is trivial but must be performed in the code.", "out": "オペレーティングシステムの pid が 32 ビットを超える場合は、簡単な修正ではありますが、 コードを変更する必要があります。", "pred": "If theオペレーティングシステム use more than 32-bits for a pid, the fix is careful but must be performed in the code."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: So, the example above tells Apache that any request for a resource beginning with /cgi-bin/ should be served from the directory /usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin/ , and should be treated as a CGI program.", "out": "従って、上記の例では 、 / cgi-bin/ で始まるリソースへのあらゆるリクエストに対して、ディレクトリ /usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin/ から提供し、それらを CGI プログラムとして扱うよう Apache に示します。", "pred": "So, the example tells Apache that any request for a resource beginning with /cgi-bin/ should be served from the directory /usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin/ , and should be treated as a CGI program."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Charset Browser indicates preference with the Accept-Charset header field.", "out": "文字セット ブラウザは Accept-Charset ヘッダフィールドで優先傾向を指定します。", "pred": "Charset Browser indicates preference with the Accept-Charset ヘッダフィールド."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: SSL/TLS Encryption Proxy An intermediate server that sits between the client and the origin server .", "out": "参照: SSL/TLS 暗号化 プロキシ クライアントと オリジンのサーバ の間に存在する中間サーバ。", "pred": "See: SSL/TLS Encryption Proxy An a中間 server that sits between the client and the origin server ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The first time is before it's processed further (that is, after receiving the headers).", "out": "最初はリクエストが処理される 前 (つまり、ヘッダを受け取った後) です。", "pred": "The first time is before it's processed further (that is, after receiving the headers)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In particular, this will control resources used by CGI scripts and SSI exec commands.", "out": "特に、これは CGI スクリプトと SSI exec コマンドで使われるリソースを制御します。", "pred": "とりわけ, this will use the resource used by CGI scripts and SSI exec commands."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The ScriptAlias directive is much like the Alias directive, which defines a URL prefix that is to mapped to a particular directory.", "out": "ScriptAlias ディレクティブは、URL の前に付加するディレクトリを定義する Alias ディレクティブとかなり似ています。", "pred": "The ScriptAlias ディレクティブは、 much like the Alias ディレクティブ, which defines a URL prefix that is to mapped to a particular directory."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: There are issues however with pid reuse over time, and the counter is used to alleviate this issue.", "out": "時間が経つと pid が再利用されるという問題がありますが、 この問題を解決するためにカウンタが使用されます。", "pred": "While there are problems however with pid reuse over time, and the counter is used to alleviate this issue."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: and the request is to /abc//def then it will match.", "out": "と指定し 、 / abc / / def というリクエストがあれば、 マッチすることになります。", "pred": "The request is to /abc /abc / then it will match."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The number of request header fields used by a client rarely exceeds 20, but this may vary among different client implementations, often depending upon the extent to which a user has configured their browser to support detailed content negotiation.", "out": "クライアントにより使われた要求ヘッダーフィールドの数が 20 を超えることはほとんどありませんが、 これは種々のクライアントの実装によって変わり、 詳細なコンテントネゴシエーションをするためのブラウザの設定までにも 影響されることがあります。", "pred": "The number of request header fields used by a client recognizes 20, but this may vary among different client implementations, often depending on the extent to which a user has configured their browser to support detailed content negotiation."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: However, it is important to also remember that there may have been .htaccess files in directories higher up.", "out": "しかし、上の階層のディレクトリにも .htaccess ファイルが 存在するかもしれないことを覚えておくことは大切です。", "pred": "それにもかかわらず、それは重要であり、それも .htaccess files in general have been より高い up."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Variant description can also have a quality factor (the \"qs\" parameter).", "out": "variant の説明も品質数値を持つことができます ( \" qs\" パラメータをご覧下さい ) 。", "pred": "Variant description can also have a quality factor (the \"qs\" parameter)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: then only Includes will be set for the /web/docs/spec directory.", "out": " /web/docs/spec というディレクトリには、 Includes だけが適用されます。", "pred": " then only Includes will be set for the /web/docs/spec directory."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: URI: foo URI: foo.en.html Content-type: text/html Content-language: en URI: foo.fr.de.html Content-type: text/html;charset=iso-8859-2 Content-language: fr, de Note also that a typemap file will take precedence over the filename's extension, even when Multiviews is on.", "out": "URI: foo URI: foo.en.html Content-type: text/html Content-language: en URI: foo.fr.de.html Content-type: text/html;charset=iso-8859-2 Content-language: fr, de たとえ MultiViews を使用するようになっていたとしても、 ファイル名の拡張子よりタイプマップの方が優先権を持つということにも 注意してください。", "pred": "URI: foo URI: foo.en.html Content-type: text/html Content-language: en URI: foo.fr.de.html Content-type: text/html;charset=iso-8859-2 Content-language: fr, de Note also that a typemap file will take precedence over the filename's extension, even when Multiviews on."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Additional examples Following are some specific examples of things you can do in your HTML documents with SSI.", "out": "追加の例 以下は、SSI を使用して HTML ドキュメントにおいてできることのいくつかの特別な例です。", "pred": "Additional Example Following are some specific Example of things you can do in your HTML documents with SSI."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The actual ordering of the encoding is: time stamp, IP address, pid, counter.", "out": "実際の符号化の順番は: タイムスタンプ、IP アドレス、pid, カウンタです。", "pred": "The actual ordering of the encoding is: time stamp, IP address, pid, and counter."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Normally, when a CGI or SSI program executes, it runs as the same user who is running the web server.", "out": "CGI プログラムまたは SSI プログラムを実行する場合、通常は web サーバと同じユーザで実行されます。", "pred": "通常は, when a CGI or SSI program executes, it runs as the same user who running the web server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This time httpd needs to use reverse DNS to find the ServerName for this virtualhost.", "out": "現在のリリースでは Apache は DNS 逆引きを使用して このバーチャルホストの ServerName を見つけます。", "pred": "今回は、Apache 1.0.211 から 1.11 .0.21 .0.21 .0.21 .0.21 .0.21 .0.21 .0.21 .0.21 .0.21 ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Users of mod_status will notice that the server statistics are not set to zero when a USR1 is sent.", "out": "mod_status を 使用している場合は、 USR1 シグナルが送られた際に サーバ統計がゼロに 設定されない ことに 注意してください。", "pred": "Users of mod_status will notice that the server statistics are not set to zero when a USR1 sent."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Modules that are included by default are called base modules .", "out": "デフォルトで含まれているモジュールは base モジュール と呼ばれます。", "pred": "Modules that are included by default are set to base modules ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The following AddHandler directive tells the server to treat all files with the cgi or pl extension as CGI programs: AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl .htaccess files The .htaccess tutorial shows how to activate CGI programs if you do not have access to apache2.conf .", "out": "次の AddHandler ディレクティブの例では、 cgi または pl を拡張子に持つすべてのファイルを CGI プログラムとしてみなすことをサーバに伝えます: AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl .htaccess ファイル .htaccess チュートリアル は apache2.conf を変更できない場合にどうやって CGI プログラムを 使えるようにするかを説明しています。", "pred": "The following AddHandler ディレクティブ tells the server to treat all files with the cgi or pl extension as CGI プログラムs: AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl .htaccess files The .htaccess チュートリアル shows how to activate CGI programs if you do not have access to apache2.conf ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: LAST_MODIFIED The last modification date of the document requested by the user.", "out": "LAST_MODIFIED ユーザがリクエストしたドキュメントの最終修正時刻。", "pred": "LAST_MODIFIED The last modification date of the document requested by the user."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In Apache 2.2 a provider-based authentication mechanism was introduced to decouple the actual authentication process from authorization and supporting functionality.", "out": "Apache 2.2 ではプロバイダベースの認証メカニズムが導入され、 承認処理から認証処理とサポート機能とが切り分けられました。", "pred": "In Apache 2.2 a provider-based authentication mechanism was introduced to decouple the actual authentication process from authorization and supporting functionality."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Combined Log Format Another commonly used format string is called the Combined Log Format.", "out": "Combined Log Format もう一つのよく使われる書式は Combined Log Format と呼ばれています。", "pred": "Combined Log Format Another commonly used format string is the Combined Log Format."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: After downloading, it is important to verify that you have a complete and unmodified version of the Apache HTTP Server.", "out": "ダウンロード後、ダウンロードしたものが Apache HTTP サーバの完全で改竄されていないバージョンであることを 検証することが重要です。", "pred": "After downloading, it is important to verify that you have a complete and unmodified version of the Apache HTTP Server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If you want to use an URL, it should point to another server under your control.", "out": "URL を使う場合は、あなたの管理下にある別サーバを指すようにしてください。", "pred": "If you want to use an URL, it shouldポイント to another server under your control."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: sections apply to the same directory they are processed in the configuration file order.", "out": "セクションが 同じディレクトリに 適用される場合は、設定ファイル中の順番に従って処理されます。", "pred": "セクション apply to the same directory they are processed in the configuration file order."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: Configuration Files CONNECT An HTTP method for proxying raw data channels over HTTP.", "out": "参照: 設定ファイル CONNECT データチャネルをそのまま HTTP 上でプロキシするための HTTP メソッド 。", "pred": "See: Configuration Files CONNECT An HTTP method for proxying raw data channels over HTTP."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If an IP address is given as well as a port, the server will listen on the given port and interface.", "out": "IP アドレスがポートとともに指定された場合は、 サーバは指定されたポートとインターフェースに対して listen します。", "pred": "If an IP address is given as well as a port, the server will listen on the given port and interface."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Blank lines are illegal within an entry. It is conventional to begin a map file with an entry for the combined entity as a whole (although this is not required, and if present will be ignored).", "out": "エントリ中に空行が複数あってはいけません。 習慣的には、マップファイルは全体を結合したもののエントリから始まります (しかしこれは必須ではなく、あったとしても無視されるものです ) 。", "pred": "従来のal to begin a map file with an entry for the combined entity as a whole (this is not required, and if present will be ignored)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You may include a query string in a CGI url:", "out": "CGI の url に クエリー URL を入れることもできます。", "pred": "You may include a query string in a CGI url:"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This should allow headers generated by the browser, or by Apache input filters to be overridden or modified.", "out": "これにより、ブラウザや Apache の入力フィルタにより 生成されたヘッダを上書きしたり修正したりできるようになっています。", "pred": "This will cause the connection to the browser, or by Apache inputフィルタ to be overridden or modified."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: By default, the list contains . (the current directory).", "out": "デフォルトではリストには . ( カレントディレクトリ) が含まれています。", "pred": "デフォルトでは、リストには . (the current directory) が含まれています。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You'll find this program in the support directory of the Apache distribution.", "out": "プログラムは Apache 配布の support ディレクトリにあります。", "pred": "You'll find this program in the support directory of the Apache distribution."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: File-path is the path to the group file.", "out": "file-path はグループファイルへのパスです。", "pred": "File-path is the path to the group file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The headers allowed are: Content-Encoding: The encoding of the file.", "out": "使用可能なヘッダは以下のとおりです: Content-Encoding: ファイルのエンコーディング。", "pred": "The headers allowed are: Content-Encoding: The encoding of the file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It is only valid if the operating system and file system return appropriate stat() results.", "out": "これは、オペレーティングシステムやファイルシステムが 適切な stat ( ) の返り値を返す場合にのみ有効です。", "pred": "It is only valid if theオペレーティングシステム and file system return appropriate stat() results."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Programmer's Note In order to implement the handler features, an addition has been made to the Apache API that you may wish to make use of.", "out": "プログラマ向けのメモ ハンドラの機能を実装するために、利用すると便利かもしれないものが Apache API に追加されました。", "pred": "プログラマティック Usage In order to implement the handler features, an addition has been made to the Apache API that you may want to make use of."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: However, Apache recognizes multiple filename extensions, so if a filename contains more than one dot, each dot-separated part of the filename following the first dot is an extension .", "out": "しかし、Apache は複数のファイルの拡張子を認識しますので、 filename に複数のドットがあると、最初のドットの後の、それぞれのドットで分離された部分が extension (訳注: 拡張子) になります。", "pred": "However, Apacheを認識しs multiple filename extensions, so if a filename contains more than oneドット, each dot-separated part of the filename following the first dot is an extension ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The module mod_authz_host provides authorization and access control based on hostname, IP address or characteristics of the request, but is not part of the authentication provider system.", "out": "mod_authz_host はホスト名、IP アドレスや リクエストの特徴に基づいたアクセス制御を行いますが、 認証プロバイダのシステムの一部ではありません。", "pred": "The module mod_authz_host provides authorization and access control based onホスト名, IP アドレス or characteristics of the request, but not part of the authentication provider system."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In a typical reverse proxy or gateway configuration, this option should be set to Off .", "out": ") 通常のリバースプロキシの設定では、このオプションは Off に設定してください。", "pred": "In a typical reverse proxy or gateway configuration, this option is set to Off ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (Manufacturing industry: Technology manager) I thought everything could be looked as many things with many viewpoints.", "out": "(製造業・技術部長) ものごとは見方次第でどのようにも見ることができるものだと思いました。", "pred": "(Manufacturing industry: Technology Manager) I thought everything could look as many things with many viewpoints."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the file exceeds this size, no more information will be written to it.", "out": "ファイルがこの大きさを超えた場合は、それ以上は書き込まれません。", "pred": "If the file exceeds this size, no more information will be written to it."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The default file provider is implemented by the mod_authn_file module.", "out": "デフォルトになっている file プロバイダは mod_authn_file モジュールで実装されています。", "pred": "The default file provider is implemented by the mod_authn_file module."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: DOCUMENT_URI The (%-decoded) URL path of the document requested by the user.", "out": "DOCUMENT_URI ユーザがリクエストした ( % エンコードされた) URL-path。", "pred": "DOCUMENT_URI The (%-decoded) URL path of the document requested by the user."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is the HTTP standard way of giving a header multiple values.", "out": "これはヘッダに複数の値を 指定するときの HTTP の標準の方法です。", "pred": "This is the HTTP standard way of giving a header multiple values."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The following example applies the access control only to the methods POST , PUT , and DELETE , leaving all other methods unprotected:", "out": "以下の例は、 POST , PUT , DELETE のメソッドに対してのみアクセスの制御を行ない、 それ以外のメソッドについては制限しません:", "pred": "The example applies the access control only to the methods POST , PUT , and DELETE , leaving all other methods unprotected:"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Using the ServerPath directive We have a server with two name-based vhosts.", "out": "ServerPath ディレクティブを 使う 名前ベースのバーチャルホストが二つあるサーバがあるとします。", "pred": "Using the ServerPath ディレクティブ We have a server with two name-based vhosts."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Status: Extension Module Identifier: cache_disk_module Source File: mod_cache_disk.c Summary mod_cache_disk implements a disk based storage manager for mod_cache .", "out": "説明: URI をキーにしたコンテンツキャッシュストレージ管理 ステータス: Extension モジュール識別子: cache_disk_module ソースファイル: mod_cache_disk.c 概要 mod_cache_disk はディスクを使用したストレージ 管理機構を実装しています。", "pred": "Status: Extension モジュール識別子: cache_disk_module Source File: mod_cache_disk.c Summary mod_cache_disk is a disk based storage manager for mod_cache ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You just have to make one footer file, and then include it into each page with the include SSI command.", "out": "一つのフッタファイルを作成し、それを include SSI コマンドで各ページに入れるだけで済みます。", "pred": "You just have to make one footer file, and then include it into each page with the include SSI command."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It is strongly recommended that your configuration include a \" UserDir disabled root \" declaration.", "out": "UserDir disabled root \" 宣言を 設定の中に含めておくことを強くお薦めします。", "pred": "強いly recommended your configuration include a \" UserDir disabled root\" declaration."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: directives should not be used to control access to filesystem locations.", "out": " ディレクティブを使うべきではない ということです。", "pred": " ディレクティブは control access to filesystem Location ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: On Unix machines, Apache creates several children, the children process requests one at a time.", "out": "Unix マシンでは Apache はいくつかの子プロセスを作成し、 その子プロセスが一つずつリクエストを処理します。", "pred": "On Unix machines, Apache HTTP Server 2.0, the children process requests one at a time."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: StartThreads Directive Description: Number of threads created on startup Syntax: StartThreads number Default: See usage for details Context: server config Status: MPM Module: mpm_netware Number of threads created on startup.", "out": "StartThreads ディレクティブ 説明: 起動時に生成されるスレッドの数 構文: StartThreads number デフォルト: 詳細は使用方法を参照 コンテキスト: サーバ設定ファイル ステータス: MPM モジュール: beos , mpm_netware , perchild 起動時に生成されるスレッドの数です。", "pred": "StartThreads ディレクティブ 説明: Number of threads created on startup 構文: StartThreads number デフォルト: See usage for details コンテキスト: サーバ設定ファイル ステータス: MPM モジュール: mpm_netware Number of threads created on startup."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Three directives are provided by this module: TransferLog to create a log file, LogFormat to set a custom format, and CustomLog to define a log file and format in one step.", "out": "このモジュールは三つのディレクティブ提供します: ログファイルを作成するための TransferLog , 新しい書式を 定義する LogFormat , ログファイルと 書式を一度に定義する CustomLog です。", "pred": "Three directives are provided by this module: TransferLog to create a log file, LogFormat to set a custom format, and CustomLog to define a log file and format in one step."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note Because SetHandler overrides default handlers, normal behavior such as handling of URLs ending in a slash (/) as directories or index files is suppressed.", "out": "注意: SetHandler はデフォルトのハンドラをオーバーライド しますので、通常の挙動、たとえば、スラッシュ ( / ) で終わる URL が リクエストされたときにディレクトリやインデックスファイルを返すよう取り扱う挙動は、 行われなくなります。", "pred": "Note Because SetHandler overrides default handlers, handling of URLs ending in aスラッシュ (/) as directory or index files is suppressed."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You will probably want to use mod_authz_host to limit access to your server configuration information.", "out": "設定情報へのアクセスを制限するために、 mod_authz_host を 使うのが良いでしょう。", "pred": "You will probably want to use mod_authz_host to limit access to your server configuration information."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The order of merging is: ", "out": "セクションのマージ方法 マージの順番は以下のようになっています: ", "pred": "The order of merging is: "} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is possible with the ServerAlias directive, placed inside the ", "out": "このようなことは、 ServerAlias ディレクティブを ", "pred": "これは possible with the ServerAlias ディレクティブ, placed inside the "} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This allows .htaccess files in subdirectories to undo any associations inherited from parent directories or the server config files.", "out": "これを利用することで、親ディレクトリやサーバ設定ファイルから 継承した関連付けを サブディレクトリ内において .htaccess ファイルで取り消すことができます。", "pred": "This allows .htaccess files in subdirectories to undo any associations inherited from parent directories or the server config files."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: As part of the transparent negotiation process, the browser can ask httpd to run the 'remote variant selection algorithm' defined in RFC 2296.", "out": "Transparent negotiation の処理の過程で、ブラウザは RFC 2296 で 定義されている 'remote variant selection algorithm' を実行するように頼むことができます。", "pred": "As part of the透明ネゴシエーション process, the browser can ask httpd to run the 'remote variant selection algorithm' defined in RFC 2296."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This nickname can then be used in subsequent LogFormat or CustomLog directives rather than repeating the entire format string.", "out": "フォーマット文字列全体を再び書くかわりに、 この nickname を続きの LogFormat ディレクティブや CustomLog ディレクティブで使うことができます。", "pred": "This nickname can then be used in subsequent LogFormat or CustomLog ディレクティブ rather than repeating the entire format string."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is useful for constructing headers in response to some client stimulus.", "out": "これは、クライアントの要求に応えてヘッダを作成するときに 役に立ちます。", "pred": "This is useful for constructing headers in response to some client stimulus."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: One way to avoid this is to map two different URLs to the content, one of which will run the script, and one of which will allow it to be downloaded and manipulated with DAV.", "out": "これを回避する方法には、二つの違う URL を同じコンテンツにマップし、 一つはスクリプトを実行させ、もう一つはダウンロードさせたり、DAV から 操作されたりするように設定するというものがあります。", "pred": "One way to avoid this is to map two different URLs to the content, one of which will run the script, and one of which will allow it to be downloaded and manipulated with DAV."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Upgrading from one minor version to the next (for example, from 2.2.55 to 2.2.57) is easier.", "out": "マイナーバージョンから次のバージョンにアップグレードする場合 (例えば 2.2.55 から 2.2.57 へ) は、もっと簡単です。", "pred": "Upgrading from one minor version to the next (例えば, from 2.2.55 to 2.2.57) is 簡単です。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: DATE_LOCAL The current date in the local time zone.", "out": "DATE_LOCAL ローカルの標準時による現在時刻。", "pred": "DATE_LOCAL The current date in the local time zone."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If you feel you have configured and installed the wrapper properly, have a look at this log and the error_log for the server to see where you may have gone astray.", "out": "wrapper を適切に設定、インストールできていると思う場合、 どこで迷っているか見ようとするならこのログとサーバの エラーログを見るとよいでしょう。", "pred": "If you feel you have configured and installed the wrapper properly, have a look at this log and the error_log for the server to see where you may have gone astray."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Just as multiple authentication providers can be implemented, multiple authorization methods can also be used.", "out": "認証プロバイダを複数実装できるように、承認方法も複数使用できます。", "pred": "Just as the multiple authentication providers can be implemented, and the multiple承認 methods can be used."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Then ensure that your machine is configured to use /etc/hosts in the event that DNS fails.", "out": "その場合、DNS 参照が失敗した場合にマシンが /etc/hosts を使用するように設定していることを確認してください。", "pred": "Then ensure that your machine is configured to use /etc/hosts in the event that DNS fails."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The qs parameter indicates the relative 'quality' of this variant compared to the other available variants, independent of the client's capabilities.", "out": "qs パラメータはクライアントの能力に関係無く、他の variant と 比較したときの variant の相対的な「品質」を示します。", "pred": "The qs parameter indicates the relative 'quality' of this variant compared to the other available variants, independent of the client's capabilities."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: New Build System The build system has been rewritten from scratch to be based on autoconf and libtool .", "out": "新しいビルドシステム ビルドシステムは autoconf と libtool に基づいたものになるように、 新しく書き直されました。", "pred": "New Build System The build system has been rewritten from scratch to be based on autoconf and libtool ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This in turn can confuse web robots and other clients which try to determine if a URL is valid using the status code.", "out": "これにより、ステータスコードを使って URL が有効であるかどうかを決定しようとする ウェブロボットやその他クライアントを、混乱させるかもしれません。", "pred": "This in turn can confuse Web robots and other clients which try to determine if a URL valid using the status code."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Definitions Access Control The restriction of access to network realms.", "out": "定義 アクセス制御 ネットワーク認可領域へのアクセスを制限します。", "pred": "Definitions Access Control The limit of access to network realms."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, the default open command on .htm files on most Windows systems will execute Microsoft Internet Explorer, so any HTTP request for an .htm file existing within the script directory would start the browser in the background on the server.", "out": "例えば、ほとんどの Windows システムで 、 . htm ファイルのデフォルトの「開く」コマンドは Microsoft Internet Explorer を実行しますので、スクリプトに指定された ディレクトリにある .htm ファイルへのリクエストはサーバの バックグラウンドでブラウザを実行することになります。", "pred": "例えば、デフォルト open command on .htm Files on most Windows System will execute Microsoft Internet Explorer, so any HTTP request for an .htm file existing within the script directory would start the browser in the background on the server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The discussion around the name plan with project member of establishment who came from each company, and our abstract thought became verbalizing little by little.", "out": "名前案を囲んで、各社から集まっている設立プロジェクトメンバー全員で議論するうちに、抽象的だった私たちの想いが徐々に言語化されていく。", "pred": "The discussion around the name plan with project member of確立ment who came from each company, and our abstract thought became verbalizing little by little."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Any request to an address other than will be served from the main server.", "out": " 以外のアドレスへのリクエストは主サーバ が扱います。", "pred": "Any request to an address other than will be served from the main server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note that this example requires the services of the mod_setenvif module.", "out": "この例では mod_setenvif モジュールが必要なことに 注意してください。", "pred": "Note that this example is the services of the mod_setenvif module."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Executing commands Here's something else that you can do with the exec function.", "out": "ここではそれとは別に、 exec 要素によって行なうことができることを示します。", "pred": "Executing commands Here's what else that you can do with the exec function."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: When using a multi-threaded MPM under unix, the module mod_cgid should be used in place of this module.", "out": "Unix でマルチスレッドの MPM を使っている場合は、このモジュールの 代わりに mod_cgid を使う必要があります。", "pred": "When using a multi-threaded MPM under unix, the module mod_cgid should be used in place of this module."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: section and can be used to control both standard and nonstandard/unrecognized methods. See the documentation for", "out": "セクションの反対の動作をし、 標準のメソッドと標準外や未認識のメソッドの場合の両方を設定できます。", "pred": "セクション and can use to control both standard and nonstandard/unrecognized methods. See the documentation for"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Default The treatment of requests with trailing pathname information is determined by the handler responsible for the request.", "out": "Default 続きのパス名情報の扱いはリクエストの ハンドラ で決まります。", "pred": "Default The treatment of requests with trailing pathname information is determined by the handler responsible for the request."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The main server communicates with this daemon using a unix domain socket.", "out": "主サーバは unix ドメインソケットを使ってこのデーモンと通信します。", "pred": "The main server communicates with thisデーモン using a unix domain socket."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In order to write logs to a pipe, simply replace the filename with the pipe character \" | \", followed by the name of the executable which should accept log entries on its standard input.", "out": "パイプにログを書くためには、 単にファイル名をパイプ文字 \" | \" に置き換え、その続きに 標準入力からログのエントリを受けとる実行プログラムの名前を書くだけです。", "pred": "In order to write logs to a pipe, simply replace the filename with the pipe character \" | \", followed by the name of the executable which should accept log entries on its standard input."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: sections in the main server context, it is possible to log all requests in the same access log and error log.", "out": "セクションの外に置くことで、 すべてのログを同じアクセスログとエラーログにログ収集することができます。", "pred": "セクション in the main server context, it is possible to log all requests in the sameアクセス log and error log."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Hip-hop originated in the predominantly African American economically depressed South Bronx section of New York City in the late 1970s.", "out": "ヒップホップは、1970年代のニューヨーク、サウスブロンクス地区に居住した黒人たちに端.", "pred": "Hip-hop originated in the predominantly African American economically depressed South Bronx section of New York City in the late 1970s."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The number of processes that will initially launch is set by the StartServers directive.", "out": "起動初期時のプロセス総数は、 StartServers ディレクティブで設定されます。", "pred": "The number of processes that will initially launch is set by the StartServers directive."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Setting up a single daemon with virtual hosts For this case, a single httpd will service requests for the main server and all the virtual hosts.", "out": "複数のバーチャルホストの設定をした デーモンを一つ設定する この場合は、一つの httpd が主サーバとすべてのバーチャルホストのリクエストを 処理します。", "pred": "Setting up a singleデーモン with virtual hosts For this case, a single httpd will service requests for the main server and all the virtual hosts."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: I answered a staff as above, who asked me that he wants to order naming of our company to Ms. Keiko Yokoi of \"ZYXYZ\", when we had been preparing before foundation.", "out": "社名なんぞ、経営者が自分でつけられなくてどうする!」 創業する前、水面下で準備を進めていた時、「ジザイズの横井恵子さんに社名をお願いしたい」と提案してきたスタッフに、こう言い返した。", "pred": "I answered a staff as above, who asked me that he wants to order naming of our company to Ms. Keiko Yokoi of \"ZY Warehouse\", when we had been preparing before foundation."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The ordering was chosen such that it's possible to change the encoding in the future without worrying about collision with an existing database of UNIQUE_ID s.", "out": "この順番は将来、既存の UNIQUE_ID のデータベースとの衝突を心配することなく符号を変更することが 可能になるように選択しています。", "pred": "The ordering is chosen such that it's possible to change the encoding in the future without worrying about衝突 with an existing database of UNIQUE_ID s."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Perl 5 [OPTIONAL] For some of the support scripts like apxs or dbmmanage (which are written in Perl) the Perl 5 interpreter is required (versions 5.003 or newer are sufficient).", "out": "Perl 5 [オプション] 提供されているスクリプト幾つか、例えば apxs や dbmmanage は Perl で書かれているので、Perl 5 インタプリタが必要になります (5.003 以降 ) 。", "pred": "Perl 5 [OPTIONAL] For some of the support scripts like apxs or dbmmanage (which are written in Perl) the Perl 5 interpreter required (versions 5.003 or newer are sufficient)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The counting is done before SSL/TLS on input and after SSL/TLS on output, so the numbers will correctly reflect any changes made by encryption.", "out": "入力では SSL/TLS の前に、出力では SSL/TLS の後に数えるので、 数字は暗号による変化も正しく反映したものになります。", "pred": "The counting is done before SSL/TLS on input and after SSL/TLS on output, so the numbers will correctly reflect any changes made by暗号ion."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: All code for suEXEC has been carefully scrutinized and tested by the developers as well as numerous beta testers.", "out": "suEXEC のコードは、 多くのベータテスタだけでなく、開発者によっても注意深く精査され テストされています。", "pred": "All code for suEXEC has been carefully scrutinized and tested by the developers as well as numerous beta testers."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: When applying directives to objects that reside in the filesystem always use or", "out": "ファイルシステムに依存する オブジェクトにディレクティブを適応する場合は、必ず ", "pred": "ファイルシステムに適応するディレクティブを適応させる 常に "} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If there is a body to the request (content-length > 0) , that is sent in a separate packet immediately after.", "out": "リクエストにボディが存在 (content-length > 0) すれば、 基本的な情報の直後に別パケットで転送されます。", "pred": "If there is a body to the request (content-length > 0) , that sent in a separateパケット immediately after."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: These module DLLs can be distributed and run on any Apache httpd for Windows installation, without recompilation of the server.", "out": "これらのモジュール DLL はそのまま配布することが可能で、サーバを再コンパイルすることなく、Windows 用の Apache httpd のすべてのインストールで実行することができます。", "pred": "These module DLLs can be分散 and run on any Apache for Windows installation, without recompilation of the server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The usage of these providers is specified through the Require directive.", "out": "これらプロバイダの扱いは Require や Reject で 指定されます。", "pred": "The usage of these providers specified through the Require directive."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The purpose of the directive is to restrict the effect of the access controls to the nominated HTTP methods.", "out": " ディレクティブの 目的は、アクセス制御の範囲を 指定された HTTP メソッドに限定するためです。", "pred": "The purpose of the ディレクティブ is to restrict the effect of the access control to the nominated HTTP method."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This does not preclude the use of non-secured HTTP - the secure version (called HTTPS) is the same as plain HTTP over SSL, but uses the URL scheme https rather than http , and a different server port (by default, port 443).", "out": "これは、従来の安全ではない HTTP の使用を除外するものではありません。 安全化されたもの (HTTPS と呼ばれます) は、SSL 上での普通の HTTP で、 URL スキームに http の代わりに https を用い、サーバで別のポートを使うことです (デフォルトでは443 ) 。", "pred": "This does not preclude the use of non-secured HTTP - the secure version (called HTTPS) is the same as plain HTTP over SSL, but use the URL scheme https rather than http , and a different server port (by default, port 443)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: So you can often simply link apache2ctl into the appropriate init directory.", "out": "ですから、通常は単に適切な init ディレクトリ内から apache2ctl へリンクすることができます。", "pred": "So you can often simply link apache2ctl into the appropriate init ディレクトリ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For the access log, there is a very good compromise.", "out": "アクセスログには、非常に良い妥協案があります。", "pred": "For the access log, there is a very good compromise."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example: LoadModule status_module \"modules/mod_status.so\" loads the named module from the modules subdirectory of the ServerRoot.", "out": "例 : LoadModule status_module modules/mod_status.so これは ServerRoot の modules サブディレクトリから指定された名前の モジュールをロードします。", "pred": "For example: LoadModule status_module \"modules/mod_status.so\" load the named module from the modules subdirectory of the ServerRoot."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The document referenced by this path is invoked as a CGI script, even if the server would not normally recognize it as such.", "out": "このパスで参照されているドキュメントは サーバが CGI スクリプトとして扱っていなくても CGI スクリプトとして 起動されます。", "pred": "The document referenced by this path is invoked as a CGI script, even if the server would not normally recognize it as such."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The server will respond to requests from any of the listed addresses and ports.", "out": "サーバは指定されたアドレスやポートからのリクエストすべてに 対して応答します。", "pred": "The server will respond to requests from any of the listed addresses and ports."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: REMOTE_USER This will only be set if the CGI script is subject to authentication.", "out": "REMOTE_USER CGI スクリプトに認証が必要なときにのみ設定されます。", "pred": "REMOTE_USER This will only be set if the CGI script is subject to authentication."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The tempo of her talk was nice, and her voice was easy to catch as it's clear.", "out": "話のテンポもよく、声もスッキリと通るので聞きやすかったです。", "pred": "The tempo of her talk is he who is loveing, and her voice was easy to catch as it's clear."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Typically it will contain the subdirectories conf/ and logs/ .", "out": "通常、 conf/ や logs/ といったサブディレクトリが 存在します。", "pred": "典型的には it will contain the subdirectories conf/ and logs/ ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Most commonly, the problem is that AllowOverride is not set such that your configuration directives are being honored.", "out": "一番よくあることは、設定ディレクティブが考慮されるようには AllowOverride が設定されていない というものです。", "pred": "Most commonly, the problem is that AllowOverride is not set such that your configuration directives are being honored."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note: If your data really needs to be secure, consider using mod_ssl in addition to any authentication.", "out": "注意 データが本当に機密なのであれば、認証に加えてさらに mod_ssl を使うと良いでしょう。", "pred": "Note: If your data really needs to be secure, mod_ssl in addition to any認証を使うかどうかを考えてください。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, a variable could be set only when a specific browser (User-Agent) is making a request, or only when a specific Referer [sic] header is found.", "out": "例えば、特定のブラウザ (User-Agent) のリクエストや特定の Referer [意図的な綴りです ] ( 訳注: 正しい綴りは referrer ですが、HTTP の仕様では Referer となっています) ヘッダが見つかったときのみ変数を設定することができます。", "pred": "例えば、特定のブラウザ (User-Agent) が making a request, or only when a specific Referer [sic] ヘッダが見つかったときのみ変数を設定することができます。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You can insert a literal dollar sign into the string using backslash quoting:", "out": "ドル記号はバックスラッシュを使うことで使うことができます:", "pred": "You can insert a literal dollar sign into the string using backslash quoting:"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For historical reasons, this module will also process any file with the mime type httpd/send-as-is .", "out": "歴史的な理由により、このモジュールは mime タイプ httpd/send-as-is のファイルも処理します。", "pred": "For historical reasons, this module will also process any file with the mime type httpd/send-as-is ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This means that filename may refer to a CGI script if the script's actual file type (as opposed to its output) is marked as text/html such as with a directive like: AddType text/html .cgi Content negotiation will be performed if Options MultiViews is in effect.", "out": "これはつまり、 もし CGI スクリプトの実際のファイルタイプが 次のディレクティブのようにして実際の出力とは異なって text/html としてマークされている場合、 filename は CGI スクリプトを参照するかも知れない、 ということを意味します: AddType text/html .cgi Options MultiViews が 有効になっている場合は、 コンテントネゴシエーション が行なわれます。", "pred": "これは、 filename may refer to a CGI script if the script's actual file type (as opposed to its output) marked as text/html such as with a directive like: AddType text/html .cgi Content negotiation will be performed if Options MultiViews in effect."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: An 8-Language Wordbook For Name-creation (Old Edition) | ZYXYZ This is basic tool for naming.", "out": "ネーミングのための8か国語辞典(旧版) | ジザイズ ネーミングの基本的ツール。", "pred": "An 8-Language Wordbook For Name-creation (Old Edition) | ZY Warehouse This basic tool for naming."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Company's vision and thought were phrased with the name plan, and it became three-dimensional.", "out": "会社のビジョンや想いが様々な名前案に表現されて、立体的になっていく。", "pred": "Company's vision and thought were フレーズd with the name plan, and it became three-dimensional."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: How to set up Apache There are two ways of configuring apache to support multiple hosts.", "out": "Apache の設定方法 複数のホストをサポートするように Apache を設定する方法は 二通りあります。", "pred": "How to set up Apache There are two ways of configuring apache to support multiple hosts."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Members are provided with comprehensive ways to promote their products, maximizing product exposure and increasing return-on-investment.", "out": "ゴールドサプライヤーには、製品の表示機会の最大化と投資利益率の増加を通して、包括的な販売促進が提供されます。", "pred": "Members are provided with comprehensive ways to promote their products, maximizing product exposure and increasing return-on-investment."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Make sure that you don't have a AllowOverride None in effect for the file scope in question.", "out": "該当のファイルのスコープに AllowOverride None が設定されていないことを確認してください。", "pred": "Make sure that you don't have a AllowOverride None in effect for the file scope in question."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The log file entries produced in CLF will look something like this: - frank [10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700] \"GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0\" 200 2326 Each part of this log entry is described below.", "out": "CLF により生成されたログファイルのエントリは以下のようになります: - frank [10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700 ] \" GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0\" 200 2326 このログエントリのそれぞれの部分の意味は以下で説明します。", "pred": "The log file entry produced in CLF will look like this: - frank [10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700] \"GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0\" 200 2326 Theそれぞれのパーツ of this log entry is described below."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Topics Usage Directives This module provides no directives.", "out": "トピック 使用法 ディレクティブ このモジュールにディレクティブはありません。", "pred": "Topics Usage ディレクティブ このモジュールに no ディレクティブs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Encoding Browser indicates preference with the Accept-Encoding header field.", "out": "エンコーディング ブラウザは Accept-Encoding ヘッダフィールドで優先傾向を指定します。", "pred": "Encoding Browser indicates preference with the Accept-Encoding header field."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: As I've never thought about \"Word\" deeply like this lecture, I could make a discovery about the possibility of the word.", "out": "言葉に対してここまで深く考えることはなかったので、言葉の可能性を新たな視点で見つけさせていただきました。", "pred": "As I've never thought about \"Word\" deeply like this lecture, I could make a discovery about the possibility of the word."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: \"NEW An 8-Language Wordbook For Name-creation\" is at the bookshops across Japan, or you can order it online of SANSEIDO.", "out": "「最新 ネーミングのための8か国語辞典」は全国の書店及び三省堂オンラインショップでご注文いただけます。", "pred": "\"NEW An 8-Language Wordbook For Name-creation\" is at the bookshops across Japan, or you can order it online of SANSEIDO."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Default If the directive has a default value ( i.e. , if you omit it from your configuration entirely, the Apache Web server will behave as though you set it to a particular value), it is described here.", "out": "デフォルト ディレクティブにデフォルト値 ( すなわち 、設定ファイルから 省略されていても、Apache ウェブサーバは特定の値に設定されているかのように 動作します) がある場合はここに記述されます。", "pred": "Default If the directive has a default value ( i.e. , if you omit it from your configuration entirely, the Apache Web server will behave as though you set it to a particular value), it is described here."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The most popular usage is HTTPS , i.e. the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) over SSL.", "out": "最もよく使われているものは HTTPS つまり SSL 上での HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) です。", "pred": "The most popular usage is HTTPS , i.e. the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) over SSL."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This module is used by default instead of mod_cgi whenever a multi-threaded MPM is selected during the compilation process.", "out": "コンパイル時にマルチスレッド MPM が選ばれたときは mod_cgi の代わりに必ずこのモジュールが使用されます。", "pred": "module is used by default instead of mod_cgi whenever a multi-threaded MPM is selected during the compilation process."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The LOGO character is designed as a personified \"opening door\".", "out": "【ロゴデザイン】 「TV」のみを大文字で表記し、テレビを介したサービスであることを強調。", "pred": "The LOGO character is designed as a personified \"opening door\"."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In this way, administrators can tightly control who is allowed to use CGI programs.", "out": "この方法により、 CGI プログラムを使用できるユーザを管理者が厳しく制御することができます。", "pred": "この方法により、 CGI プログラムを使用できるユーザを管理者が厳しく制御することができます。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For more information, see the configure manual page.", "out": "詳細に関しては configure マニュアルページ をご覧ください。", "pred": "For more information, see the configuremanual page."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Then stop the server again by running: $ PREFIX /bin/apache2ctl -k stop Upgrading The first step in upgrading is to read the release announcement and the file CHANGES in the source distribution to find any changes that may affect your site.", "out": "サーバを再び 停止 するには、 次のコマンドを実行します: $ PREFIX /bin/apache2ctl -k stop アップグレード アップグレードでまず行なうべきことは、リリースアナウンスと ソースディストリビューションに入っている CHANGES を読んで、 自身のサイトに対して影響を及ぼす変更点を探すことです。", "pred": "Then stop the server again by running: $ PREFIX /bin/apache2ctl -k stop Upgrading The first step in upgrading is to read the release announcement and the file CHANGES in the source distribution to find any changes that may affect your site."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Is the target user name valid?", "out": "対象となるユーザ名は正当なものか?", "pred": "Is the target user name valid?"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: section specifies what hostname must appear in the request's Host: header to match this virtual host.", "out": "セクション内の ServerName はこのバーチャルホストにマッチするために 何がリクエストの Host: ヘッダに現れる必要があるのかを指定します。", "pred": "セクション Nexts what hostname must appear in the request's Host: header to match this virtual host."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Dimensions of Negotiation Dimension Notes Media Type Browser indicates preferences with the Accept header field. Each item can have an associated quality factor.", "out": "ネゴシエーションの次元 次元 説明 メディアタイプ ブラウザは Accept ヘッダフィールドで優先傾向を指定します。 アイテムそれぞれは、関連した品質数値を持つことができます。", "pred": "Dimensions of Negotiation WILLnsion Notes Media Type Browser indicates preferences with the Accept ヘッダフィールド."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Apache httpd will not rewrite other response headers, nor will it by default rewrite URL references inside HTML pages.", "out": "Apache は他の応答ヘッダを書き換えたり、HTML ページの中の URL 参照を 書き換えたりすることはありません。", "pred": "Apache httpd will not rewrite other response headers, nor will it by default rewrite URL references inside HTML pages."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Normally, if multiple Options could apply to a directory, then the most specific one is used and others are ignored; the options are not merged.", "out": "通常、ディレクトリに対して複数の Options が 適用可能な場合、 最も近いもの一つのみが適用され、他のものは無視されます。 複数の指定がマージされるわけではありません。", "pred": "通常は, if multiple Options could apply to a directory, then the most specific one used and others are ignored; the options are not merged."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In versions prior to 2.0.46, no escaping was performed on these strings so you had to be quite careful when dealing with raw log files.", "out": "2.0.46 以前のバージョンではエスケープ処理は行われませんので、 生ログファイルを扱う際に注意が必要です。", "pred": "In version prior to 2.0.46, no escaping was performed on these strings so you had to be very careful when dealing with raw log files."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See the mod_cgi summary for additional details about Apache and CGI.", "out": "Apache と CGI に関する詳細は mod_cgi の概要を読んでください。", "pred": "See the mod_cgi summary for additional details about Apache and CGI."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: When Allow from env=! env-variable is specified, then the request is allowed access if the environment variable env-variable doesn't exist.", "out": "Allow from env=! env-variable が指定されていると、環境変数 env-variable が存在しない場合にアクセス許可されます。", "pred": "When Allow from env=! env-variable が指定されていると、そのリクエストはアクセスを the環境 variable env-variable doesn't exist."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This way the DSO gets knowledge of the executable program's symbol set as if it had been statically linked with it in the first place.", "out": "こうすることで、DSO は最初から静的にリンクされていたかのように、 実行プログラムのシンボルを知ることができます。", "pred": "This way the DSO gets knowledge of the executable program'sシンボル set as if it had been statically linked with it in the first place."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: CPU resource limits are expressed in seconds per process.", "out": "CPU リソースのリミットはプロセスあたりの秒数で表わされます。", "pred": "CPU resource limits are presented in seconds per process."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Some architectures require a file to facilitate this communication.", "out": "この通信機能にファイルを必要とするアーキテクチャもあります。", "pred": "Some architectures require a file to facilitate this communication."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The file contains lines in the format of the arguments to an AddType directive: media-type [ extension ] ...", "out": "ファイルは、 AddType ディレクティブの引数と同じ形式の行で構成されます。 MIME-type [ extension ] . . .", "pred": "The file contains lines in the format of the arguments to an AddType ディレクティブ: media-type [ extension ] ..."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Old HTTP/1.0 clients do not send such a header and Apache has no clue what vhost the client tried to reach (and serves the request from the primary vhost).", "out": "古い HTTP/1.0 はそのようなヘッダを送らないので、Apache はクライアントが どのバーチャルホストを意図したのかさっぱりわかりません (なので、主バーチャルホストでリクエストを扱います ) 。", "pred": "古い HTTP/1.0 clients do not send such a ヘッダ and Apache has no clue what vhost the client tried to reach (and serves the request from the primary vhost)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Letting more than one person in The directives above only let one person (specifically someone with a username of rbowen ) into the directory.", "out": "複数の人が入れるようにする 上記のディレクティブは、ただ一人 (具体的にはユーザ名 rbowen の誰か) がディレクトリに 入れるようにします。", "pred": "Letting more than one person in The directives above only let one person (specially someone with a username of rbowen ) into the directory."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If no Perl 5 interpreter is found by the configure script, you will not be able to use the affected support scripts.", "out": "configure スクリプトで Perl 5 インタプリタが 見つからない場合は、この影響を受けるサポートスクリプトが使えなくなります。", "pred": "If no Perl 5 interpreter found by the configure スクリプト, you will not be able to use the affected support scripts."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: They are useful things like your path (where the computer searches for the actual file implementing a command when you type it), your username, your terminal type, and so on.", "out": "それらは、パス (コマンドをタイプしたときに実行する実際のファイルを探し出すところ ) 、 ユーザ名、端末型などのような便利なものです。", "pred": "What is the useful thing? (where the computer searches for the actual file implementing a command when you type it), your username, your terminal type, and so on."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It is the only module besides core which cannot be put into a DSO itself.", "out": "それは core.c 以外では DSO にできない唯一の モジュールです。", "pred": "It is the only module besides core which cannot be put into a DSO itself."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This document describes how to invoke httpd .", "out": "この文書ではどのように httpd を起動するかについて記述しています。", "pred": "この文書 describes how to invoke httpd ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The appearance of this page is controlled with the ErrorDocument directive and can be customized in a flexible manner as discussed in the Custom error responses document.", "out": "このエラーページの外観は ErrorDocument ディレクティブで制御され、 カスタムエラーレスポンス で 説明されているように、柔軟な設定を行なうことができます。", "pred": "The appearance of this page is controlled with the ErrorDocument ディレクティブ and can be customized in a flexible manner as discussed in the Custom error responses document."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In addition, the developers make every effort to avoid incompatible changes in the configure options, run-time configuration, or the module API between minor versions.", "out": "さらに、マイナーバージョン間では configure オプション、 実行時の設定、モジュール API に不整合が起こらないように、 開発者は最大限の努力をしています。", "pred": "In addition, the developers make every effort to avoid incompatible changes in the configure options, run-time configuration, or the module API between minor versions."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The server will respond to requests from any of the listed addresses and ports.", "out": "サーバは列挙されたアドレスとポート全てからのリクエストに対して 応答します。", "pred": "The server will respond to requests from any of the listed addresses and ports."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: There are two ways to write it: operator description = or == version has the form / regex / ~ version has the form regex Example", "out": "二種類の書き方があります: operator 説明 = or == version は / regex / 形式 ~ version は regex 形式 例", "pred": "There are two ways to write it: operator description = or == version have the form / regex / ~ version have the form regex Example"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is difficult because a GET request will always run the script, rather than downloading its contents.", "out": "これの実現は、 GET リクエストはスクリプトの内容をダウンロードさせる 代わりに、スクリプトを常に実行させてしまうので難しくなっています。", "pred": "This is difficult because a GET request will always run the script, rather than downloading its contents."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, the following will allow only hosts in yournetwork.example.com to access content via your proxy server:", "out": "例えば、次の設定は yournetwork.example.com の ホストにのみプロキシサーバを経由したアクセスを許可します:", "pred": "For example, the following will allow only hosts in yournetwork.example.com toアクセス content via your proxy server:"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If a CGI script is called, or some other resource that is capable of handling the requested method internally, it will do so.", "out": "もし CGI スクリプトが呼ばれたり、リクエストされた メソッドを内部で扱うことのできる他のリソースがあれば、それが行なわれます。", "pred": "If a CGI スクリプト is called, or some other resource that doesn't depend on the request method that is capable of handling the request, it will do so."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Beyond this list of basic attributes, any number of other attributes can be sent via the req_attribute code 0x0A .", "out": "この基本属性一覧に無いものについては、 req_attribute コード 0x0A 経由で属性を何個でも送ることができます。", "pred": "Beyond this list of basic attributes, any number of other attributes can be sent via the req_attribute code 0x0A ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Browsers indicate their preferences by headers in the request.", "out": "ブラウザはリクエストのヘッダで自分の優先傾向を知らせます。", "pred": "ブラウザs is passed on their preferences by headers in the request."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In this example both file group authorization as well as LDAP group authorization is being used.", "out": "この例では file グループ承認と ldap グループ承認を使っています。", "pred": "この例では file group承認 – as well as LDAP group承認 – are used."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The server is approximately 5% slower at execution time under some platforms, because position independent code (PIC) sometimes needs complicated assembler tricks for relative addressing, which are not necessarily as fast as absolute addressing.", "out": "位置非依存コード (PIC ) ( 訳注 position independent code) は 相対アドレスのために複雑なアセンブラのトリックが必要なことがあり、 それは必ずしも絶対アドレスと同じくらいの速度がでるわけではありませんので、 プラットフォームによってはサーバの実行速度が約 5% 遅くなります。", "pred": "The server is approximately 5% slower at execution time under some platforms, because position independent code (PIC) sometimes needs complicated assembler tricks for relative addressing, which are not necessarily as fast as absolute addressing."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To prevent this, httpd normally marks all responses that are returned after content negotiation as non-cacheable by HTTP/1.0 clients. httpd also supports the HTTP/1.1 protocol features to allow caching of negotiated responses.", "out": "これを防ぐために、Apache はコンテントネゴシエーションの 後に返された応答全てに、HTTP/1.0 クライアントでは キャッシュ不可能の印をつけます。 また、ネゴシエーションされた応答のキャッシュを可能にする HTTP/1.1 プロトコルの機能も Apache はサポートします。", "pred": "To防止 this, httpd usually marks all responses that are returned after content negotiation as non-cacheable by HTTP/1.0 clients. httpd also supports the HTTP/1.1 protocol features to allow caching of negotiated responses."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Multiprotocol Support Apache HTTP Server now has some of the infrastructure in place to support serving multiple protocols. mod_echo has been written as an example.", "out": "マルチプロトコルサポート Apache に複数のプロトコルを扱うための機構が備わりました。 例として mod_echo が書かれています。", "pred": "Multiprotocol Support Apache HTTP Server now has some of the infrastructure in place to support serving multiple protocols. mod_echo has been written as an example."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: With the default value, Off , such URLs are refused with a 404 (Not found) error.", "out": "通常はそのような URL は 404 (Not found) エラー で拒否されます。", "pred": "With the default value, Off ,そのような URLs are refused with a 404 (Not found) error."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: \"NEW An 8-Language Wordbook For Name-creation\" was published | ZYXYZ On 10th September 2005, \"NEW An 8-Language Wordbook For Name-creation\" edited by Keiko Yokoi was published from SANSEIDO.", "out": "「最新 ネーミングのための8か国語辞典」(横井 惠子編)が三省堂より刊行 | ジザイズ 2005年9月10日、三省堂より「最新 ネーミングのための8か国語辞典」(横井惠子編)が発売されました。", "pred": "\"NEW An 8-Language Wordbook For Name-creation\" was published | ZY SECOND On 10th September 2005, \"NEW An 8-Language Wordbook For Name-creation\" edited by Keiko Yokoi was published from SANSEIDO."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This method is implemented by mod_auth_digest and was intended to be more secure.", "out": "この方法は mod_auth_digest で実装されていて、もっと安全です。", "pred": "This method is implemented by mod_auth_digest and was intended to be more secure."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This timeline of hip hop culture traces the beginning of the movement in the 1970s to the early 1980s.", "out": "ヒップホップ文化が生まれたきっかけは、あるDJがサウスブロンクスのマンションで催したパーティーにあるとされ . & 0183 ; & 32;ヒップホップ・カルチャーが生まれた土地ブロンクス区に、ヒップホップの歴史を後世に伝える博物館を建てようという計画である。", "pred": "1970s to the early 1980s."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The PidFile is subject to the same warnings about log file placement and security .", "out": "PidFile には、ログファイルの設置位置や セキュリティ と全く同じ注意点があります。", "pred": "The PidFile is subject to the same warnings about log file placement and security ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: OAZO | ZYXYZ Mitsubishi Estate, Marunouchi Hotel, Nippon Life Insurance, Chuo FudosanMarunouchi redevelopment area \"Maru\" of \"Marunouchi\" means circle (〇) in Japanese, \"Otemachi\" also has a circle (〇) as an initial letter in it's name.", "out": "オアゾ ♦ OAZO 三菱地所、丸ノ内ホテル、日本生命保険、中央不動産 / 丸の内再開発エリア名 「丸の内」の「丸=」、「大手町」の「大=O」を活かし、2つの「O」を「包括的 (=AZ)」に結ぶ「Office&Amenity ZOne」であることを表現した。", "pred": "OAZO | ZY SECOND Mitsubishi Estate, Marunouchi Hotel, Nippon Life Insurance, Chuo Fudosan Marunouchi redevelopmentエリア \"Maru\" of \"Marunouchi\" means円(〇) in Japanese, \"Otemachi\" also has a円(〇) as an initial letter in it's name."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: SSL 2.0 uses RSA key exchange only, while SSL 3.0 supports a choice of key exchange algorithms including RSA key exchange (when certificates are used), and Diffie-Hellman key exchange (for exchanging keys without certificates, or without prior communication between client and server).", "out": "SSL 2.0 は RSA 鍵交換しか使いませんが、 SSL 3.0 は (証明書が使われるときの) RSA 鍵交換や 、 ( 証明書無しの場合やクライアントとサーバの事前の通信が無い場合の) Diffie-Hellman 鍵交換 など様々な鍵交換アルゴリズムをサポートします。", "pred": "SSL 2.0 uses RSA key exchange only, while SSL 3.0 support a choice of key exchange アルゴリズム including RSA key exchange (when 証明書 is used), and Diffie-Hellman key exchange (for exchanging keys without 証明書, or without prior communication between client and server)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The second will remove the given variable if already defined, and the third will set the variable to the literal value given by value .", "out": "二つ目はもし値が定義されていればそれを取り除きます。 三つ目は変数を value の与えられた値に設定します。", "pred": "The second will remove the given variable if already defined, and the third will set the variable to the literal value given by value ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The arguments for the Deny directive are identical to the arguments for the Allow directive.", "out": "Deny ディレクティブの引数は Allow ディレクティブとまったく同じです。", "pred": "The arguments for the Deny directive are identical to the arguments for the Allow directive."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: User directory substitution is not active by default in versions 2.1.4 and later.", "out": "2.1.4 以降では、ユーザディレクトリ置換機能はデフォルトでは起動しません。", "pred": "User Directory 置換 is not active by default by version 2.1.4 and later."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Please see mod_authz_host Summary The directives provided by mod_access_compat are used in", "out": "mod_authz_host も見てください。 概要 mod_access_compat により提供されるディレクティブは サーバの特定の部分への アクセスを制御するために", "pred": "Please see mod_authz_host Summary The directives provided by mod_access_compat are used in"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In earlier versions, UserDir public_html was assumed if no UserDir directive was present.", "out": "それ以前のバージョンでは、 UserDir ディレクティブが存在しなければ、 UserDir public_html であると仮定されていました。", "pred": "Earlier version, UserDir public_html is assumed if no UserDir ディレクティブ was present."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Altering the suEXEC code Again, this can cause Big Trouble if you try this without knowing what you are doing.", "out": "suEXEC コードの改造 繰り返しますが、何をやろうとしているか把握せずにこれをやると 大きな問題 を引き起こしかねません。", "pred": "Altering the suEXEC code Again, これは cause Big Trouble if you try this without knowing what you are doing."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The 1812 Overture was written by Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. )", "out": "序曲 1812年 はロシアの作曲家 チャイコフスキー が19世紀後半に作曲しました。", "pred": "The 1812 Overture was written by Russian 作曲家 Ilyich Tchaikovsky."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The forward proxy can also use caching (as provided by mod_cache ) to reduce network usage.", "out": "フォワードプロキシはネットワークの使用量を 減らすために ( mod_cache で提供されている) キャッシュ機能を用いることもできます。", "pred": "The forward proxy can also use caching (as provided by mod_cache ) to reduce network usage."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Base A directive labeled as having \"Base\" status is supported by one of the standard Apache modules which is compiled into the server by default, and is therefore normally available unless you've taken steps to remove the module from your configuration.", "out": "Base \"Base\" のディレクティブは デフォルトでサーバに組み込まれている標準モジュールの中の一つでサ ポートされていて、わざわざ設定からモジュールを削除したときを除いて、 通常では使用可能であることを示します。", "pred": "Base A Directoryed as having \"Base\" status is supported by one of the standard Apache modules which compiled into the server by default, and thereforeは通常 available unless you've taken steps to remove the module from your configuration."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Thus the sum of all lbstatus does not change(*) and we distribute the requests as desired.", "out": "ですから、lbstatus の総量は 結果的に変化しません ( * )し、リクエストは期待通りに分散されます。", "pred": "The sum of all lbstatus does not change - and we distribute the requests as desired."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is easily accomplished with the help of environment variables .", "out": "これは 環境変数 の補助により簡単に実現できます。", "pred": "これは is easily accomplished with the help of環境 variables ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Your HTML form specifies whether a GET or a POST is used to deliver the data, by setting the METHOD attribute in the FORM tag.", "out": "HTML フォームでは、データを渡すために GET と POST のどちらを使用するかを、 FORM タグの METHOD 属性の設定で指定します。", "pred": "Your HTML form specifies whether a GET or a POST used to deliver the data, by setting the METHOD attribute in the FORM tag."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For more information see the Stopping and Restarting page.", "out": "詳しい情報は 終了と 再起動 のページを見てください。", "pred": "For more information see the Stopping and Restarting page."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is not only the business book but also the guidebook to the naming world, which is pleasant to read.", "out": "ビジネス書としてのみならず、読んで楽しいネーミングの世界への案内書。", "pred": "僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: IgnoreCase If this option is enabled, names are sorted in a case-insensitive manner.", "out": "IgnoreCase このオプションが有効であると、ファイル名は大文字小文字を区別せずにソートされます。", "pred": "IgnoreCase If this option enabled, name areソート in a case-insensitive manner."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If you want to look how a particular expression is handled, you can recompile mod_include using the -DDEBUG_INCLUDE compiler option.", "out": "特定の式がどのように扱われるかを知りたい場合は 、 - DDEBUG_INCLUDE コンパイラオプションを付けて mod_include をリコンパイルすると良いでしょう。", "pred": "If you want to look how a particular expression is handled, you can recompile mod_include using the -DDEBUG_INCLUDE compiler option."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: After version 2.0.44, this directive also controls the information presented by the ServerSignature directive.", "out": "バージョン 2.0.44 以降ではこのディレクティブは ServerSignature ディレクティブにより表示される情報も制御します。", "pred": "After version 2.0.44, this directive also controls the information presented by the ServerSignature directive."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The directives within an section are only processed if the test is true.", "out": " セクションに 含まれるディレクティブは、 test が 定義されているときのみ処理されます。", "pred": "The directives within an section are only processed if the test true."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Example Note An IPAddr does not need to be resolved by the DNS system, so it can result in more effective apache performance.", "out": "例 注 IPAddr は DNS システムにより解決される必要がないので、 apache の性能が向上するかもしれません。", "pred": "例 Note An IPAddr does not need to be resolved by the DNS system, so it can result in more effective apache performance."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: A resource is a conceptual entity identified by a URI (RFC 2396).", "out": "リソース とは URI で特定される概念上のもののことです (RFC 2396 ) 。", "pred": "A resource is a概念 entity identified by a URI (RFC 2396)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Instead, it is best to use a log post-processor such as logresolve to determine the hostnames.", "out": "そうではなく、 logresolve の ようなログの後処理を行なうプログラムでホスト名を調べるのが良いでしょう。", "pred": "Apache 2.0.23, 2018.01.24 Nov 2018 Nov 2018 Nov 2018 Nov 2018 Nov 2018 Nov 2018 Nov 2018 Nov 2018 Nov 2018 Nov 2018 Nov 2018 Nov 2018 Nov 2018 Nov 2018 Nov 2018"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The MultiviewsMatch directive allows mod_negotiation to consider these file extensions to be included when testing Multiviews matches.", "out": "MultiviewsMatch ディレクティブは これらのディレクティブが指定したファイルの拡張子を mod_negotiation が Multiviews のマッチをとるときに 考慮するようにできます。", "pred": "The MultiviewsMatch directive allows mod_negotiation to use the Multiviews のマッチing when relying on the extensions to the extent given by the"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This hard-codes library references into the executable program file so that at start-time the Unix loader is able to locate libfoo.so in /usr/lib , in paths hard-coded via linker-options like -R or in paths configured via the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH .", "out": "これによりライブラリへの参照が実行プログラムの ファイルに書き込まれて、起動時に Unix のローダが /usr/lib や、 リンカの -R のようなオプションによりハードコードされたパス、 環境変数 LD_LIBRARY_PATH により設定されたパス、の中から libfoo.so の場所を見つけることができます。", "pred": "This hard-codes library references into the executable program file so that at start-time the Unix loader is able to locate libfoo.so in /usr/lib , in paths hard-coded via linker-options like -R or in paths configured via the環境 variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The parameter-name argument is a define as given on the httpd command line via -D parameter at the time the server was started or by the Define directive.", "out": "parameter-name 引数は、サーバを起動する際に httpd のコマンドラインに -D parameter という形で指定するか あるいは Define ディレクティブで指定されると定義されます。", "pred": "The parameter-name argument is a define as given on the httpd command line via -D parameter at the time the server was started or by the Define ディレクティブ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note, that once you have DAV enabled for some location, it cannot be disabled for sublocations.", "out": "一度あるロケーションで DAV を有効にした後は、そのサブロケーションで 無効化することはできない ということに注意してください。", "pred": "Note, that once you have DAV enabled for some location, it cannot be disabled for sub location."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It's the multilingual language dictionary which can be looked up a word with 7 foreign languages (English, Latin, Greek, Spanish, French, Italian, and German) from approx.", "out": "ネーミングに役立つ日本語キーワード約8,000語から7つの外国語(英語、ラテン語、ギリシャ語、スペイン語、フランス語、イタリア語、ドイツ語)の単語を一覧で引くことが可能なマルチリンガル辞書です。", "pred": "It's the multilingual language 辞書 which can be looked up a word with 7 foreign languages (English, Latin, Greek, Spanish, French, Italian, and German) from 句."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Therefore, this directive can be used to allow access based on such factors as the clients User-Agent (browser type), Referer , or other HTTP request header fields.", "out": "ですから、このディレクティブはクライアントの User-Agent (ブラウザの種類 ) 、 Referer や他の HTTP リクエストのヘッダフィールドなどに基づいて アクセス許可をするために使うことができます。", "pred": "ですから、このディレクティブ can use to allow access based on such factors as the clients User-Agent (ブラウザ type), Referer , or other HTTP request header fields."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This means that piped log programs usually run as root.", "out": "これは、パイプ経由のログ用の プログラムは普通 root として実行されることを意味します。", "pred": "This means that the piped log programs are普通は run as root."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Packet Headers Packets sent from the server to the container begin with 0x1234 .", "out": "パケットヘッダ サーバからコンテナに送出されるパケットは 0x1234 で始まります。", "pred": "パケットt Headersパケットts sent from the server to the container begin with 0x1234 ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For more information on access control directives, see mod_authz_host .", "out": " アクセス制御のためのディレクティブのより詳しい情報は mod_authz_host をお読みください。", "pred": " For more information on access control ディレクティブ, see mod_authz_host ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, the cgi-script handler designates files to be processed as CGIs .", "out": "例えば cgi-script はファイルが CGI として処理されるように指定します。", "pred": "例えば、 the cgi-script handler designates file to be processed as CGIs ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Content-Encoding is primarily used to allow a document to be compressed without losing the identity of its underlying media type.", "out": "Content-Encoding は主に、元のメディアタイプの 同一性を失うことなくドキュメントを圧縮することを可能にするために 使用されます。", "pred": "Content-Encoding は主に used to allow a document to be compressed without losing the identity of its underlying media type."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Let's move on! suEXEC Security Model Before we begin configuring and installing suEXEC, we will first discuss the security model you are about to implement.", "out": "では、先へ進みましょう! suEXEC セキュリティモデル suEXEC の設定とインストールを始める前に、 まず実装しようとしているセキュリティモデルについて論じておきます。", "pred": "Let's move on! suEXEC Security Model Before we begin configuring and installing suEXEC, we will first discuss the security model you are about to implement."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Attributes: file The value is a path relative to the directory containing the current document being parsed.", "out": "属性は次の通りです。 file 値は解析されているドキュメントの存在するディレクトリからの 相対パスです。", "pred": "属性は次の通りです: file The value is a path relative to the directory containing the current document being parsed."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Now, create a DLL containing your module.", "out": "さあ、あなたのモジュールの DLL を作成しましょう。", "pred": "Now, create a DLL containing your module."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: What&39;s more, it&39;s an album of Gregorian chants, simply titled \"Chant,\" a one-disc. It also reached 1 of the classical music charts in England, across Europe, and even in the US.", "out": "クラシックの源流ともいわれるグレゴリオ聖歌とは、どのようなものなのでしょうか?この記事では、グレゴリオ聖歌の歴史や楽譜・歌詞について解説します。 あわせてグレゴリオ聖歌と讃美歌との違いについても紹介しています. グレゴリオ聖歌の「アヴェ・マリア」は複数あるが、このテキスト前半部分による「Ave Maria」 1) は最古のアヴェ・マリアの一つである。", "pred": "What & 39;s more, it & 39;s an album of Gregory chants, simply titled \"Chant,\" a one-disc. It also reached 1 of the classical music charts in England, across Europe, and even in the US."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See the NTP homepage for more details about NTP software and public time servers.", "out": "NTP ソフトウェアや公開 NTP サーバに関する詳細は、 NTP ホームページ をご覧下さい。", "pred": "See the NTP homepage for more details about NTP software and public time servers."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Content negotiation is provided by the mod_negotiation module, which is compiled in by default.", "out": "コンテントネゴシエーションは mod_negotiation モジュールによって提供されていて、デフォルトで組み込まれています。", "pred": "Content negotiation is provided by the mod_negotiation module, which is compiled in by default."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Content-Length: The length of the file, in bytes.", "out": "Content-Length: ファイルの長さ (バイト数 ) 。", "pred": "Content-Length: The length of the file, in bytes."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: But if the body is large and the original request used chunked encoding, then chunked encoding may also be used in the upstream request.", "out": "ボディが大きく、オリジナルのリクエストで chunked 転送が使われている場合、上流へのリクエストに chunked 転送も使われます。", "pred": "But if the body is large and the original request used chunked encoding, then chunked encoding also used in the upstream request."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Default value is \" public_html \".", "out": "デフォルトは \"public_html\" です。", "pred": "The default value is \"public_html\"."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In general, the client determines the language preference, not the server.", "out": "一般的には、サーバ側ではなくクライアント側で好みの言語を決定します。", "pred": "Generally, the client is determined by the language preference, not the server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It represents a list of hosts which logically belong to the same DNS domain or zone ( i.e. , the suffixes of the hostnames are all ending in Domain ).", "out": "同一 DNS ドメイン及びゾーン ( すなわち 、ホスト名の末尾がすべて Domain で終わっているということ) に属するホストのリストを 表します ) 。", "pred": "It represents a list of hosts which logically belong to the same DNS domain or ゾーン ( i.e. , the environ of theホスト名s are all ending in Domain )."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You'll occasionally see people recommending that you just tell Apache to parse all .html files for SSI, so that you don't have to mess with .shtml file names.", "out": "時々誰かが、全ての .html ファイルを SSI で解析するよう Apache に伝えれば、 わざわざ .shtml というファイル名にする必要がないといって 薦めるのを見ることでしょう。", "pred": "You'll occasionally see people recommending that you just tell Apache to parse all .html files for SSI, so that you don't have to mess with .shtml file names."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Files with HTTP headers The following directives will enable the send-as-is handler, which is used for files which contain their own HTTP headers.", "out": "HTTP ヘッダのあるファイル 以下のディレクティブは send-as-is ハンドラを使用するように指示します。 このハンドラは自分自身の HTTP ヘッダを持っているファイルに使用されます。", "pred": "Files with HTTP ヘッダ The following directives will enable the send-as-is handler, which for files which contain their own HTTP ヘッダ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For Apache directives, you may specify extension s with or without the leading dot.", "out": "Apache のディレクティブでは、 extension はドット付きでも無しでも指定できます。", "pred": "For Apache ディレクティブ, you may have extension s with or without the leading dot."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Detailed description of the elements of Forward Request Request prefix For all requests, this will be 2.", "out": "Forward Request 要素の詳細な説明 Request prefix リクエストについては全て、この値は 2 になります。", "pred": "Detailed description of the要素 of Forward Request Request prefix For all requests, this will be 2."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Including the results of a CGI program This is one of the more common uses of SSI - to output the results of a CGI program, such as everybody's favorite, a ``hit counter.''", "out": "CGI プログラムの結果を取り込む これは、全ての人のお気に入りである ``ヒットカウンタ ' ' のような CGI プログラムの結果を出力する SSI のより一般的な使用のうちの一つです。", "pred": "Including the results of a CGI program This is one of the more common use of SSI - to output the results of a CGI program, such as everybody's favorite, a ``hit counter.''"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In the event that the filter doesn't modify the length, this keyword should be specified. ftype= filtertype This parameter specifies the numeric value for filter type that the filter should be registered as.", "out": "フィルタが長さを変えないときは、このキーワードを指定すると よいでしょう。 ftype= filtertype このパラメータはフィルタが登録されるべきフィルタタイプの 数値を指定します。", "pred": "In the event that the filter doesn't modify the length, thisキーワード may be specified. ftype= filtertype This parameter specifies the numeric value for filter type that the filter should be registered as."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (27 January 1756 – 5 December 1791), baptised as Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, was a prolific and influential composer of the.", "out": ". ヴォルフガング・アマデウス・モーツァルト ( ドイツ語: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 、洗礼名:ヨハンネス・クリュソストムス・ウォルフガングス・テオフィルス・モザルト Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart、1756年 1月27日 - 1791年 12月5日)はオーストリアの音楽家 。", "pred": "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (27 January 1756 – 5 December 1791), baptised as Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, was a prolific and influential composer of the."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The parent will continue to run, and monitor children which are handling requests.", "out": "親プロセスはどの子プロセスがリクエスト処理中かを監視し続けています。", "pred": "The parent will continue to run, and monitor the children which are handling requests."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Benny Goodman and his Orchestra were the most popular dance band of the Swing era.", "out": ". \" スウィングの神様\"ベニー・グッドマンが1981年にデンマークで行ったライヴをお送りします。", "pred": "Benny Goodman and his Orchestra is the most popular dance band of the Swing era."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: So the name gets a small change from mmap_init to mmap_post_config .", "out": "ですから、 mmap_init から mmap_post_config のようにちょっと変更されました。", "pred": "So the name gets a small change from mmap_init to mmap_post_config ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the file does not have a description given by AddDescription then httpd will read the document for the value of the title element.", "out": "もしファイルに AddDescription で説明が与えられていなければ、 httpd は title タグの値を読むためにドキュメントを読み始めます。", "pred": "If the file does not have a description given by AddDescription then httpd will read the document for the value of the title要素."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Transparent content negotiation is used when the browser specifically requests this through the mechanism defined in RFC 2295.", "out": "RFC 2295 で定義されている機構を用いてブラウザが特に指定した場合、 transparent content negotiation が使用されます。", "pred": "Transparent content negotiation is used when theブラウザ specifically requests this through the mechanism defined in RFC 2295."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: ZEPHARMA | ZYXYZ Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical, Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Integration company name for OTC business", "out": "社名・事業ブランド名 | ジザイズ ゼファーマ ♦ ZEPHARMA 山之内製薬、藤沢薬品工業 / 一般用医薬品事業における統合会社名 ギリシャ語で「生きる」を意味する「zen」と、医薬品会社を表す「pharma」をつなげ、さらに「究極 (Z) の価値を探究する(zetima) たゆまぬ熱意 (zeal)」という意味を付加。", "pred": "ZEPHARMA | ZY SECOND Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical, Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Integration company name for OTC business"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Respectively they set the character set, content-encoding, content-language, and media-type (content-type) of documents.", "out": "それぞれ、ドキュメントの文字セット ( 訳注: charset ) 、 content-encoding, content-language, MIME タイプ (content-type) を設定します。", "pred": "Respectively they set the character set, content-encoding, content-language, and media-type (content-type) of documents."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: When (not) to use .htaccess files In general, you should only use .htaccess files when you don't have access to the main server configuration file.", "out": "いつ .htaccess ファイルを使う(使わない)か。 一般的に、サーバの主設定ファイルにアクセスできない場合を除いて 、 . htaccess ファイルの使用は極力避けてください。", "pred": "When (not) to use .htaccess files In general, you may not have access to the main server configuration file when you use .htaccess files."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To provide as much backward compatibility as possible we create a primary vhost which returns a single page containing links with an URL prefix to the name-based virtual hosts.", "out": "可能な限りの下位互換性を得るため、名前ベースのバーチャルホストの URL 接頭辞へのリンクの書かれたページを返す、 主バーチャルホストが作成されます。", "pred": "To provide as much backward compatibility as possible we create a primary vhost which returns a single page containing links with an URL prefix to the name-based virtual hosts."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Setting up multiple daemons Create a separate httpd installation for each virtual host.", "out": "複数デーモンの設定 各バーチャルホストに対して別の httpd のインストールを行ないます。", "pred": "Apache httpd のインストールへの ServerName inside the server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To configure the source tree using all the default options, simply type ./configure .", "out": ") デフォルトオプションを使ってソースツリーを全て設定する のであれば、単純に . / configure とタイプしてください。", "pred": "To configure the source tree using all the default options, simply type ./configure ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This will be located in the bin directory of wherever you installed Apache.", "out": "このコマンドは Apache をどこにインストールしようとも、 インストールディレクトリの bin ディレクトリ以下に置かれます。", "pred": "This will be located in the bin directory of wherever you installed Apache."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You should use at least HTTP Digest Authentication, which is provided by the mod_auth_digest module.", "out": "少なくとも mod_auth_digest モジュールで提供される HTTP ダイジェスト認証を用いるべきです。", "pred": "You should use 少なくとも HTTP Digest Authentication, which provided by the mod_auth_digest module."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: With name-based virtual hosting, the server relies on the client to report the hostname as part of the HTTP headers.", "out": "これに対して名前ベースのバーチャルホストでは、 クライアントが HTTP ヘッダの一部としてホスト名を告げる、 ということに依存します。", "pred": "Name-based virtual hosting, the server relies on the client to report theホスト名 as part of the HTTP headers."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The same effect can be obtained using .htaccess files .", "out": ".htaccess ファイル を 使うことでも同じ効果を得ることができます。", "pred": ".htaccess files containing the same effect as the .htaccess file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: Dynamic Content with CGI Configuration Directive See: Directive Configuration File A text file containing Directives that control the configuration of Apache.", "out": "参照: CGI による動的コンテンツ 設定ディレクティブ 参照: ディレクティブ 設定ファイル Apache の設定を制御する ディレクティブ の書かれたテキストファイル。", "pred": "See: Dynamic Content with CGI Configuration ディレクティブ 参照: ディレクティブ Configuration File A text file containing Directives that control the configuration of Apache."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The DirectoryIndex directive sets the name of this file.", "out": "このファイル名は、 DirectoryIndex ディレクティブで 指定することができます。", "pred": "The DirectoryIndex ディレクティブ sets the name of this file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Suppose that one of your machines serves at most 500 requests per second (which is a very reasonable upper bound at this writing, because systems generally do more than just shovel out static files).", "out": "この対策はどのくらい効果があるでしょうか? ここでは、マシン群の中の一つは最大で一秒に 500 リクエストを扱うと仮定します (これを書いている時点では妥当な上限です。", "pred": "通常、これらのマシンはどのくらい効果があるでしょうか? ここでは、そのようなマシンはどのくらい効果があるでしょうか? ここでは、そのようなマシンはどのくらい効果があるでしょうか? ここでは、そのようなマシンはどのくらい効果があるでしょうか? ここでは、そのようなマシンはどのくらい効果があるでしょうか? ここでは、そのようなマシンはどのくらい効果があるでしょうか? ここでは、そのようなマシンはどのくらい効果があるでしょうか? ここでは、そのようなマシンはどのくらい効果があるでしょうか? ここでは、そのようなマシンはどのくらい効果があるでしょうか? ここでは、そのようなマシンはどのくらい効果があるでしょうか? ここでは、そのようなマシンはどのくらい効果があるでしょうか? ここでは、そのようなマシンはどのくらい効果があるでしょうか? ここでは、そのようなマシンは"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess Override: All Status: Core Module: core Compatibility: Module identifiers are available in version 2.1 and later.", "out": "コンテキスト: サーバ設定ファイル, バーチャルホスト, ディレクトリ , . htaccess 上書き: All ステータス: Core モジュール: core 互換性: モジュール識別子はバージョン 2.1 以降で使用可能。", "pred": "コンテキスト: サーバ設定ファイル,バーチャルホスト, ディレクトリ , .htaccess 上書き: All ステータス: Core モジュール: core 互換性: モジュール identifiers are available in version 2.1 and later."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Some people find the \"~\" symbol (which is often encoded on the web as %7e ) to be awkward and prefer to use an alternate string to represent user directories.", "out": "中にはシンボル \"~ \" ( %7e のように符号化されることが多い) を格好が悪いと思って、ユーザのディレクトリを表すために別の文字列の 使用を好む人がいます。", "pred": "Some people find the Abstractシンボル (which is often encoded on the web as %7e ) to be awkward and prefer to use an alternate string to represent userディレクトリ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (An exception is filesystem links.", "out": "(例外はファイルシステムのリンクです。", "pred": "(An exception is a filesystem link."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Status: Extension Module Identifier: dumpio_module Source File: mod_dumpio.c Summary mod_dumpio allows for the logging of all input received by Apache and/or all output sent by Apache to be logged (dumped) to the error.log file.", "out": "説明: 望むようにすべての I/O をエラーログにダンプする ステータス: Extension モジュール識別子: dumpio_module ソースファイル: mod_dumpio.c 概要 mod_dumpio を使うと、Apache が受け取ったすべての入力と Apache により送られたすべての出力との、両方もしくはどちらか一方を、 エラーログファイルにログ収集 ( 訳注: ダンプ dump) できます。", "pred": "ステータス: Extension モジュール識別子: dumpio_module Source File: mod_dumpio.c Summary mod_dumpio allows for the logging of all input received by Apache and/or all output sent by Apache to be logged (dumped) to the error.log file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: I was impressed by Ms.Yokoi's delicacy.", "out": "横井社長の繊細さには感服しました。", "pred": "僕は、僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: And I also could understand about XYZ and its activities.", "out": "また、クロスワイズの話や活動についても十分理解が進みました。", "pred": "And I also understand about blueberry and its activities."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Apache was one of the first servers to support IP-based virtual hosts right out of the box.", "out": "Apache は、特に手を入れない状態で IP ベースのバーチャルホスト をサポートした最初のサーバの一つです。", "pred": "Apache was one of the first server to support IP-based virtual hosts right out of the box."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Please note that you need root privileges for the installation step.", "out": "インストール時には root 権限が必要なので注意してください。", "pred": "Please note that you need root privileges for the installation step."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Apache sends a Content-encoding header with the resource, in order to tell the client browser about the encoding method.", "out": "クライアントのブラウザにエンコーディング方法を知らせるために、 Apache はリソースと共に Content-Encoding ヘッダを 送ります。", "pred": "Apache httpd sends a Content-encoding header with the resource, in order to tell the client browser about theエンコーディング method."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (group 1 above) is processed in the order shortest directory component to longest.", "out": " (上のグループ 1) はディレクトリが短いものから長いものへと処理されます。", "pred": " (上記の 1) processed in the order shortest directory component to longest."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The handler used for the particular request is passed using the REDIRECT_HANDLER variable.", "out": "特定のリクエストに対して使用されるハンドラへは、 REDIRECT_HANDLER 変数を使って渡せます。", "pred": "The handler used for the particular request is the REDIRECT_HANDLER variable to pass."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Example Content-Type: image/jpeg; qs=0.8 URI: uri of the file containing the variant (of the given media type, encoded with the given content encoding).", "out": "例 Content-Type: image/jpeg; qs=0.8 URI : ( 指定のメディアタイプ、コンテントエンコーディングの) variant の ファイルの uri. これは、マップファイルからの相対 URL として 解釈されます。", "pred": "例 Content-Type: image/jpeg; qs=0.8 URI: uri of the file containing the variant (of the given media type, encoded with the given content encoding)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If Allow from all is specified, then all hosts are allowed access, subject to the configuration of the Deny and Order directives as discussed below.", "out": "Allow from all が指定されていれば、すべてのホストにアクセスを許可し、 アクセス制限は下で説明されているように、 Deny ディレクティブと Order ディレクティブの設定で決まります。", "pred": "If Allow from all が指定されていれば、すべてのホストs are allowed access, subject to the configuration of the Deny and Order ディレクティブ as discussed below."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: These files can be created and manipulated with the dbmmanage and htdbm programs.", "out": "これらのファイルは dbmmanage プログラムで作成したり操作したりできます。", "pred": "These files can be created and manipulated with the dbmmanage and htdbm programs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Is the target group NOT the superuser group?", "out": "対象となるグループはスーパーユーザのグループでは ない か?", "pred": "Is the target group NOT the superuser group?"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: When placed between begin and end delimiter lines (as below), this encoded version is called a PEM (\"Privacy Enhanced Mail\") encoded certificate.", "out": "開始デリミタ行と終了デリミタ行で囲まれた、この形式のことを PEM ( \" Privacy Enhanced Mail \" ) 符号化された証明書と言います。", "pred": "When placed between begin and end delimiter lines (as below), this execute version is called a PEM (\"Privacy Enhanced Mail\") encoded証明書."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This applies to processes forked from Apache httpd children servicing requests, not the Apache httpd children themselves.", "out": "ちなみに、この設定は Apache の子プロセス自体ではなく、 リクエストを受け付けた Apache の子プロセスから fork されたプロセスに 適用されます。", "pred": "This applies to processes forked from Apache httpd children servicing requests, not the Apache httpd children themselves."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Apache httpd cannot determine if the redirect succeeded or not, so if you have the redirect earlier in the list, that will always be the alternative that is used.", "out": "Apache はリダイレクトが成功するかどうかを決めることはできませんので、 リストの前の方にリダイレクトを書くと、それが必ず使用される選択肢に なってしまいます。", "pred": "Apache httpd は if the リダイレクト成功するed or not \", so if you have the リダイレクト earlier in the list, that will always be the alternative that will be used."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The check_forensic script, which can be found in the distribution's support directory, may be helpful in evaluating the forensic log output.", "out": "Forensic ログの出力を検査するためには、 配布物の support ディレクトリにある check_forensic スクリプトが役に立つでしょう。", "pred": "The check_forensic script, which can be found in the distribution's support directory, may be helpful in evaluating the forensic log output."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: AliasMatch Directive Description: Maps URLs to filesystem locations using regular expressions Syntax: AliasMatch regex file-path | directory-path Context: server config, virtual host Status: Base Module: mod_alias This directive is equivalent to Alias , but makes use of regular expressions , instead of simple prefix matching.", "out": "AliasMatch ディレクティブ 説明: 正規表現を使って URL をファイルシステムの位置にマップする 構文: AliasMatch regex file-path | directory-path コンテキスト: サーバ設定ファイル, バーチャルホスト ステータス: Base モジュール: mod_alias このディレクティブは Alias とほとんど同じですが、簡単な先頭からのマッチを行なうのではなく、 標準正規表現を利用します。", "pred": "AliasMatch ディレクティブ 説明: Regular expressions with Maps URLs to filesystem locations 構文: AliasMatch regex file-path | directory-path コンテキスト: サーバ設定ファイル, バーチャルホスト ステータス: Base モジュール: mod_alias This directive is equivalent to Alias , but makes use of regular expressions , instead of simple prefix matching."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For set , append , merge and add a value is specified as the next argument.", "out": "add , append , set では value を三つ目の 引数として指定します。", "pred": "For set , append , merge and add a value specified as the next argument."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The include variables are available to the command, in addition to the usual set of CGI variables.", "out": "コマンドは通常の CGI 変数に加えて include 変数 も使うことができます。", "pred": "The include variables are available to the command, in addition to the usual set of CGI variables."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This module implements the HTTP Distributed Authoring and Versioning (DAV) specification for posting and maintaining web content. mod_deflate New module in Apache httpd 2.0.", "out": "このモジュールはウェブコンテンツを 送り、維持するための規格 HTTP Distributed Authoring and Versioning (DAV) を実装しています。 mod_deflate Apache 2.0 の新モジュール。", "pred": "This module is the HTTP Distributed Authoring and Versioning (DAV) specification for posting and maintaining web content. mod_deflate New module in Apache httpd 2.0."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: So the path /dir/ in the webspace corresponds to the path /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/dir/ in the filesystem of a default Apache httpd install on Unix.", "out": "デフォルトの Unix 上の Apache のインストールではウェブ空間の /dir/ というパスはファイルシステムの /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/dir/ というパスに対応します。", "pred": "So the path /dir/ in the webspace corresponds to the path /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/dir/ in the filesystem of a default Apache httpd install on Unix."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Using this technique, many different hosts can share the same IP address.", "out": "この技術で同一 IP アドレスを異なる多数のホストで共有しています。", "pred": "This technique, many different hosts can share the same IP address."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Suexec The suexec support program allows CGI programs to be run under different user permissions, depending on which virtual host or user home directory they are located in.", "out": "Suexec suexec サポートプログラムは バーチャルホストやユーザのホームディレクトリの場所に依って CGI プログラムを違うユーザ権限の下で走らせることを可能にします。", "pred": "Suexec The suexec support program allows CGI programs to be run under different user permissions, depending on which virtual host or user home directory they are located in."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The Script directive lets you run CGI scripts whenever a particular method is used in a request.", "out": "Script ディレクティブはリクエストで特定のメソッドが使用されたときに CGI スクリプトが実行されるようにします。", "pred": "The Script ディレクティブ lets you run CGI scripts whenever a particular method used in a request."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The Japanese Ambassador in South Africa Mr. Yoshizawa, people about embassy and business-people living in Johannesburg attended that lecture, there Keiko Yokoi held the presentation about Brand-name Development with \"Power of the words\", and our grateful feelings which we want to deliver for Great East Japan Earthquake Recovery Support.", "out": "この講演には、吉澤日本大使をはじめ、大使館関係の方々やヨハネスブルグ在住のビジネスパーソンの皆様が出席され、「言葉の力」を活かしたブランドネーム開発や、震災を通じていただいた支援に対し、世界に届けたい感謝の想いをプレゼンテーションしました。", "pred": "The Japanese Ambassador in South Africa Mr. Yoshizawa, people about embassy and business-people living in Johannesburg attended that lecture, there Keiko Yokoi held the プレゼンテーション about Brand-name Development with \"Power of the words\", and our grateful feelings which we want to deliver for Great East Japanese English – 2018"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: So over time the same pid will be reused.", "out": "ですから、ある程度の時間が経過すると同じ pid が再び使用されます。", "pred": "So over time the same pid will be reused."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The attributes are the same as for the fsize command.", "out": "指定可能な属性は fsize コマンドと同じです。", "pred": "The attributes are the same as for the fsize command."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The elif or else statements are used to put text into the output stream if the original test_condition was false.", "out": "elif や else 文は test_condition が偽のときにテキストを出力に挿入するために使われます。", "pred": "The elif or else statements are used to put text into the output stream if the original test_condition was false."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It can start with a /, but must be on the same server as the file being served.", "out": "それは / で始めることができますが、 提供するファイルと同じサーバ上に存在しなくてはなりません。", "pred": "It can start with a /, but must be on the same server as the file being served."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The default is to use syslog facility local7 , but you can override this by using the syslog: facility syntax where facility can be one of the names usually documented in syslog(1).", "out": "デフォルトでは、 local7 ファシリティとなりますが、 syslog: facility といった形で記述することにより、 通常 syslog(1) のドキュメントで説明されているファシリティの一つを使うように することができます。", "pred": "The default is to use syslog facility local7 , but you can override this by using the syslog: facility syntax where 施設 can be one of the names usually documented in syslog(1)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: File-path is relative to the ServerRoot .", "out": "file-path は ServerRoot からの相対パスです。", "pred": "File-path is relative to the ServerRoot ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The filename argument should include a filename, or a wild-card string, where ? matches any single character, and * matches any sequences of characters.", "out": "filename 引数は、ファイル名かワイルドカード文字列 で、ワイルドカードでは ? は一つの文字 、 * は任意の文字列にマッチします。", "pred": "The filename argument should include a filename, or a wild-card string, where ? matches any single character, and * matches any sequences of characters."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: A sample backend module which actually utilizes mod_dav_lock is mod_dav_svn , the subversion provider module.", "out": "mod_dav_lock を実際に利用するバックエンドモジュールの例としては subversion プロバイダモジュールの mod_dav_svn があります。", "pred": "A sample backend module which actually utilizes mod_dav_lock , the subversion provider module."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The RewriteRule directives are used to make sure that a client which sent a correct Host: header can use both URL variants, i.e. , with or without URL prefix.", "out": "正しい Host: ヘッダを送ったクライアントはどちらの URL、 つまり 接頭辞がある方も無い方も使えるように RewriteRule ディレクティブが 使われています。", "pred": "The RewriteRule ディレクティブ are used to make sure that a client which sent a correct Host: ヘッダ can use both URL variants, i.e. , with or without URL prefix."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For each, there is a single byte code to indicate the type of attribute, and then its value (string or integer).", "out": "それぞれ属性の型を示す 1 バイトのコードと、 値(文字列か整数)が続きます。", "pred": "For each, there is a single byte code to indicate the type of attribute, and then its value (string or integer)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If these numbers are omitted, they are assumed to be zero.", "out": "省略された場合は、 0 を指定したものとみなされます。", "pred": "If the number is omitted, they are仮定 to be zero."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Naming Freely | ZYXYZ From the basic of naming and the trademark, until the technique of naming, it's proved and explained about the examples including the naming which was produced by writer's own.", "out": "ネーミング自由自在 | ジザイズ ネーミングおよび商標の基礎知識からネーミングの手法に至るまで、著者自身が手掛けたネーミングも含め多くの実例をとりあげ分析・解説。", "pred": "ナンガリー | ザ・イー・ザ・イー・ザ・イー・ザ・イー・ザ・イー・ザ・イー・ザ・イー・ザ・イー・ザ・イー・ザ・イー・ザ・イー・ザ・イー・ザ・イー・ザ・イー・ザ・イー・ザ・イー・ザ・イー・ザ・イー・ザ・イー・ザ・イー・ザ・イー・ザ・イー・ザ・イー・ザ・イー・"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: ProxyDomain Directive Description: Default domain name for proxied requests Syntax: ProxyDomain Domain Context: server config, virtual host Status: Extension Module: mod_proxy This directive is only useful for Apache httpd proxy servers within intranets.", "out": "ProxyDomain ディレクティブ 説明: プロキシされたリクエストのデフォルトのドメイン名 構文: ProxyDomain Domain コンテキスト: サーバ設定ファイル, バーチャルホスト ステータス: Extension モジュール: mod_proxy このディレクティブはイントラネット内の Apache プロキシサーバにのみ 有用です。", "pred": "ProxyDomain ディレクティブ 説明: Default domain name for proxied requests 構文: ProxyDomain Domain コンテキスト: サーバ設定ファイル, バーチャルホスト ステータス: Extension モジュール: mod_proxy This directive is only useful for Apache httpd proxyサーバー within intranets."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This implies, for example, that an Allow or Deny directive occurring in a", "out": "これは、たとえば、 Order ディレクティブの設定に関わらず、", "pred": "これは、たとえば、それが Allow or Deny ディレクティブを occurring in a"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It provides a simple echo server.", "out": "単純なエコーサーバを提供します。", "pred": "It provides a simple echo server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the width of the description column should happen to truncate a tagged element (such as cutting off the end of a bolded phrase), the results may affect the rest of the directory listing.", "out": "もし、説明コラムの幅によってタグ付けされた要素が丸め込まれた (太字の語句の最後が切れるといった) 場合、 出力結果は、ディレクトリ一覧の残りの部分に影響を与えるでしょう。", "pred": "もし the width of the description column may happen to truncate a tagged要素 (such as cutting off the end of a bolded 句), the results may affect the rest of the directory listing."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note: The content-length header is extremely important.", "out": "注: content-length ヘッダはとても重要です。", "pred": "Note: The content-length ヘッダ is extremely important."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See the .htaccess tutorial for additional details on how this works.", "out": "この機能がどのようにして動作しているか の詳細は .htaccess チュートリアル を読んで ください。", "pred": "See the .htaccess tutorial for additional details on how this works."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The forensic logger is very strict, which means: The format is fixed.", "out": "これは以下のことを意味します: フォーマットは固定です。", "pred": "The forensic logger is very strict, which means: The format is fixed."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It consists of a major type and a minor type, separated by a slash.", "out": "これはスラッシュで分離された、 主タイプと副タイプからなります。", "pred": "It consists of a major type and a minor type, separated by a temporal."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Usernames that appear in such a list will never have directory translation performed, even if they appear in an enabled clause.", "out": "このリスト中に含まれるユーザ名に対しては、たとえ enabled 節にあったとしても、 決して ディレクトリ変換は行われません。", "pred": "Usernames that appear in such a list will never have directory translation performed, even if they appear in an enabled clause."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: BOOTH The page you were looking for doesn't exist.", "out": "BOOTH お探しのページが見つかりませんでした . . .", "pred": "BOOTH The page you were looking for doesn't exist."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It is necessary for utf-8 enabled platforms or if file names or description text will alternate between left-to-right and right-to-left reading order.", "out": "WinNT やその他 utf-8 が有効なプラットホームのように、ファイル名や説明テキストが 右読みになったり左読みになりえる場合は特に必要です。", "pred": "It is necessary for utf-8 enabled platforms or if file names or description text will be交互に left-to-right and right-to-left reading order."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Apache distributions are stored in compressed tar archives or using pkzip.", "out": "Apache 配布は圧縮された tar アーカイブか pkzip で保管されています。", "pred": "Apache 配布 is saved in compressed tar archives or using pkzip."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If your system is such that it's still likely to occur, then perhaps you should make the counter 32 bits (by editing the code).", "out": "それでもこれが起こる可能性のあるようなシステムなら 、 ( プログラムコードを編集して) カウンタを 32 ビットにするのが良いでしょう。", "pred": "もしあなたのシステムがそのようなものであるならば、それはまだ可能性の高いものです、そしておそらくあなたは make the counter 32 ビット (by editing the code)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See Authorization Containers for an example of how they may be applied.", "out": "これらのディレクティブをどのように使えるか、網羅した例をご覧ください。", "pred": "See Authorization Containers for an example of how they may be applied."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Status: MPM Module Identifier: mpm_winnt_module Source File: mpm_winnt.c Summary This Multi-Processing Module (MPM) is the default for the Windows NT operating systems.", "out": "説明: Windows NT 向けに最適化されたマルチプロセッシングモジュール ステータス: MPM モジュール識別子: mpm_winnt_module ソースファイル: mpm_winnt.c 概要 このマルチプロセッシングモジュール (MPM) は Windows NT でのデフォルトになります。", "pred": "Status: MPM Module Identifier: mpm_winnt_module ソースファイル: mpm_winnt.c 概要 This Multi-Processing Module (MPM) is the default for the Windows NT operating system."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The default location is /etc/apache2/apache2.conf , but it may be moved using run-time or compile-time configuration.", "out": "デフォルトの場所は /etc/apache2/apache2.conf ですが、実行時やコンパイル時の設定により違う場所に移動されて いるかもしれません。", "pred": "The default location is /etc/apache2/apache2.conf , but it may be used to run-time or compile-time configuration."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Among them 'naming' plays a key role, as the core of brand which expresses its own identity.", "out": "戦略とプロセス | ジザイズ 1つのブランドを構築するためには実に様々な要素が必要とされますが、中でも「名前」は、ブランドの核として独自のアイデンティティを表明する重要な役割を担っています。", "pred": "Among them 'naming' plays a key role, as the core of brand which expresses its own identity."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The actual length of the packet is encoded in the header.", "out": "パケットの実際の長さはヘッダに エンコードされて入っています。", "pred": "The actual length of theパケット is encoded in the ヘッダ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The amount of sleep a person needs depends on many things, including their age.", "out": "必要になったら人間は、最低限の睡眠は必ずとりますから 」 。", "pred": "The amount of sleep a person needs depends on many, including their age."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Advanced SSI techniques In addition to spitting out content, Apache SSI gives you the option of setting variables, and using those variables in comparisons and conditionals.", "out": "高度な SSI テクニック コンテンツを出力することに加え、Apache SSI は変数を設定し、 そして比較と条件分岐にその変数を使用できる機能を提供しています。", "pred": "Advanced SSI techniques In addition to spitting out content, Apache SSI gives you the option of setting variables, and using those variables in comparisons and 条件付きs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It may take it several seconds to complete killing off its children.", "out": "子プロセスを完全に kill し終わるまでに数秒かかるかもしれません。", "pred": "It may take it several seconds to complete killing off its children."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Lectured at Centre for Japanese Studies in South Africa. | ZYXYZ On 26th June 2012, our Representative Keiko Yokoi lectured with the theme of \"Power of the words is infinity\" at Centre for Japanese Studies which were opened in Johannesburg.", "out": "南アフリカの日本研究センターにて講演を行いました | ジザイズ 2012年6月26日、弊社代表 横井惠子が、ヨハネスブルグのビジネススクールに開設された日本研究センターにおいて、「言葉の力は無限大」をテーマとして講演を行いました。", "pred": "Lectured at Centre for Japanese Studies in South Africa. | ZY SECOND On 26th June 2012, our consultative Keiko Yokoi lectured with the theme of \"Power of the words無限大\" at Centre for Japanese Studies which were open in Johannesburg."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: She sometimes told us to stop when we started to be enthusiastic about choosing the name itself.", "out": "こちらが名前選びそのものの面白さにひきずられそうになると、逆に彼女から「待った」がかかる、という場面もあった。", "pred": "彼女は時々私たちが始め to be enthusiastic about choosing the name itself."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The directive definition will specify what the regex is matching against. extension In general, this is the part of the filename which follows the last dot.", "out": "ディレクティブの定義が regex が何に対してマッチを行なうのかを指定します。 extension 一般的には filename の最後のドットの後の部分です。", "pred": "The directive definition will specify what the regex is given against. extension In general, this is the part of the filename which the Last dot."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: But instead the Unix loader automatically resolves any (yet unresolved) symbols in the DSO from the set of symbols exported by the executable program and its already loaded DSO libraries (especially all symbols from the ubiquitous libc.so ).", "out": "しかし、その代わりに Unix のローダが DSO の (まだ未解決の) シンボルを 実行プログラムによりエクスポートされたシンボルと既にロードされた DSO ライブラリによりエクスポートされたシンボル (特に、どこにでもある libc.so のすべてのシンボル) で自動的に解決します。", "pred": "But instead the Unix ローダは自動的に resolves any (yet unresolved) symbols in the DSO from the set ofシンボルs exported by the executable program and its already loaded DSO ライブラリ (especially all symbols from the ubiquitous libc.so )."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: CGI modules/libraries When you write CGI programs, you should consider using a code library, or module, to do most of the grunt work for you.", "out": "CGI モジュール/ライブラリ CGI プログラムを書くとき、面倒な仕事の大部分をしてくれる コードライブラリまたはモジュールを使うことを検討すべきです。", "pred": "CGI modules/libraries When you write CGI programs, you may need to consider using a code library, or module, to do most of the grunt work for you."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The parent will then remove its PidFile and cease listening on all ports.", "out": "その後親プロセスは PidFile を削除し、ポートでの Listen を全て停止します。", "pred": "The parent will then remove its PidFile and cease listening on all ports."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If Filename begins with a slash, it will be taken to be relative to the DocumentRoot .", "out": "filename がスラッシュで始まる場合は、 DocumentRoot からの相対パスとなります。", "pred": "If Filename begins with aスラッシュ, it is taken to be relative to the DocumentRoot ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: I'll frequently combine the last two things, putting a LAST_MODIFIED directive inside a footer file to be included.", "out": "私は最後の二つを組み合わせて、 LAST_MODIFIED ディレクティブをフッタファイルの中に置くことがよくあります。", "pred": "I'll frequently combine the last two things, putting a LAST_MODIFIED ディレクティブ inside a footer file to be included."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Users of .asis files might prefer to use the Handler option, if .asis files are associated with the asis-handler .", "out": ".asis ファイルを利用しているユーザは 、 . asis ファイルが asis-handler に関連付けられているときには、 ハンドラオプションの使用を好むでしょう。", "pred": "Users of .asis files prefer to use the Handler option, if .asis files are associated with the asis-handler ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: \"The method of idea for Naming (Japanese Version)\" published in February 2002 was translated to Korean version, and this is the topical one which is the technique of Naming Development in Japan was introduced in it.", "out": "2002年2月に発売された「ネーミング発想法」(日本経済新聞社)が韓国で訳され、日本におけるネーミング開発の手法が紹介された話題の一冊です。", "pred": "\"The method of idea for Naming (Japanese Version)\" published in February 2002 was 翻訳 to Korean version, and this is the topical one which the technique of Naming Development in Japan was introduced in it."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: Server Side Includes (SSI) Per-user web directories On systems with multiple users, each user can be permitted to have a web site in their home directory using the UserDir directive.", "out": "参照: Server Side Includes (SSI) ユーザ毎のウェブディレクトリ 複数ユーザの存在するシステムでは、それぞれのユーザは UserDir ディレクティブを使うことによって ホームディレクトリ上にウェブサイトを作成することができます。", "pred": "参照: Server Side Includes (SSI) Per-user Webディレクトリ On systems with multiple users, each user can be permitted to have a web site in their home directory using the UserDir directive."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Multiple authorization methods are called in the same order in which the Require directives appear in the configuration. With the introduction of authorization container directives such as", "out": "複数の承認手法があるとき、その呼び出し順は、設定ファイルの Require ディレクティブ中で 現れた順序と同じになります。", "pred": "複数の承認手法があるとき is set in the same order in which the Require directives appear in the configuration. With the introduction of authorization container ディレクティブ such as"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The status must be a valid HTTP status code, known to the Apache HTTP Server (see the function send_error_response in http_protocol.c).", "out": "ただし、 ステータスは Apache のコードが知っているものである必要があります (http_protocol.c の関数 send_error_response を見てください ) 。", "pred": "The status must be a valid HTTP status code, known to the Apache HTTP Server (see the function send_error_response in http_protocol.c)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Deny,Allow First, all Deny directives are evaluated; if any match, the request is denied unless it also matches an Allow directive.", "out": "Deny,Allow まず Deny ディレクティブが適用されます。 どれか一つでもマッチした場合は、 Allow のどれにも マッチ しなければ 、アクセスは拒否されます。", "pred": "Deny,Allow First, all Deny ディレクティブが適用されます; if any match, the request is denied unless it also matches an Allow ディレクティブ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The include function can determine what file to include with either the file attribute, or the virtual attribute.", "out": "include 要素は、 file 属性または virtual 属性のいずれかを使用してどのファイルを挿入するかを決めることができます。", "pred": "The include function can determine what file to include with either the file attribute, or the virtual attribute."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Simply by placing the logging directives outside the", "out": "ロギングディレクティブを主サーバのコンテキストの", "pred": "Simply by placing the logging directives outside the"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Although most error messages can be overridden, there are certain circumstances where the internal messages are used regardless of the setting of ErrorDocument .", "out": "ほとんどのエラーメッセージを上書きすることができますが、特定の状況下では ErrorDocument の設定にかかわらず 内蔵のメッセージが使われます。", "pred": "Although most error messages can be activated, there are certain circumstances where the internal messages are used regardless of the setting of ErrorDocument ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For this reason, it is important to control access to this account.", "out": "この理由から、そのアカウントへのアクセスを制御することは 重要です。", "pred": "For this reason, it is critical to control access to this account."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Unique Identifiers Finally, mod_unique_id sets the environment variable UNIQUE_ID for each request to a value which is guaranteed to be unique across \"all\" requests under very specific conditions.", "out": "一意な識別子 mod_unique_id は、非常に限られた条件の下で 「すべて」のリクエストについて、一意であることが保証されている値を環境変数 UNIQUE_ID に設定します。", "pred": "Unique Identifiers Finally, mod_unique_id sets the environment variable UNIQUE_ID for each request to a value which is guaranteed to be unique across \"all\" requests under very specific conditions."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: All of these letters X, Y, Z explain unknown quantity.", "out": "X、Y、Zはいずれも未知数を表す文字です。", "pred": "All of these letters X, Y, Z have been found unknown 量."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: However, the actual method for doing that was left somewhat in question.", "out": "しかしながら、実際の方法は、いくぶん問題のままにしておきました。", "pred": "However, the actual method for doing that was left somewhat in question."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In this name, it's included \"We have been supported by Power of Words, so now we want to contribute to creation of spiritually rich society\".", "out": "ここには、「言葉の力によって支えられてきた私たちが、今度は言葉の力を活かして、心豊かな社会の創造に貢献していきたい」との想いが込められています。", "pred": "And we have been supported by Power of Words, so now we want to contribute to creation of spiritually rich society\"."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If a module consists of several source files, use the name of the file containing the string STANDARD20_MODULE_STUFF .", "out": "モジュールが複数のソースファイルから構成されている場合は、文字列 STANDARD20_MODULE_STUFF があるファイルの名前を 使ってください。", "pred": "If a module consists of several source files, use the name of the file containing the string STANDARD20_MODULE_STUFF ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You can allow SSI, but not the exec feature, with the IncludesNOEXEC argument to the Options directive.", "out": "Options ディレクティブの IncludesNOEXEC 引数を指定することで、 SSI は許可するけれど exec 機能は許可しないようにすることができます。", "pred": "You can allow SSI, but not the exec feature, with the IncludesNOEXEC argument to the Options directive."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, the following configuration will process all files in the /www/data/ directory for server-side includes.", "out": "例えば、以下の設定は /www/data/ ディレクトリのすべての ファイルを SSI で処理します。", "pred": "例えば、以下の設定は all files in the /www/data/ directory for server-side includes."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: By default, the internet media type is unchanged.", "out": "デフォルトではインターネットメディアタイプは 変更されません。", "pred": "By default, the internet media type is not replaced."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Some Caveats It is not possible to override or change the standard CGI variables using the environment manipulation directives.", "out": "いくつかの注意 環境を操作するディレクティブを使って標準 CGI 変数を上書きしたり変更したりすることはできません。", "pred": "いくつかの Caveats It is not possible to override or change the standard CGI variables using the environment manipulation directives."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Finally I gave away, started to have a relation with her from exchange of business cards dubiously.", "out": "根負けし、半信半疑で名刺を交換するところから、横井さんとつき合いを始めた。", "pred": "Final 1000 – 1000 – 1000 – 1000 – 1000 – 1000 – 1000 – 1000 – 1000 – 1000 – 1000 – 1000 – 1000 – 1000 – 1000 – 1000 – 1000 – 100"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The URL cannot contain a scheme or hostname, only a path and an optional query string.", "out": "URL にはスキームやホスト名を含めることはできません。 パスと、 もしあればクエリー文字列を指定できるだけです。", "pred": "The URL cannot contain a scheme orホスト名, only a path and an optionalクエリ string."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: By using more than one file extension (see section above about multiple file extensions ), you can indicate that a file is of a particular type , and also has a particular encoding .", "out": "複数のファイル拡張子 (複数の拡張子については 上の節 を参照) 使うことで、 ファイルの タイプ や エンコーディング を指定することが できます。", "pred": "By using more than one file extension (see section above about multiple file extensions ), you can indicate that a file is of a particular type , and also have a particular encoding ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The core (as an origin server) will restrict the request body to 64Kb (plus 8Kb for chunk headers if Transfer-Encoding: chunked is used).", "out": "(オリジンサーバとしての) Apache のコアでは、リクエストボディのサイズは 64k ( Transfer-Encoding: chunked が使われている場合は chunk ヘッダ用に +8k) に制限されます。", "pred": "The core (as an origin server) will restrict the request body to 64Kb (plus 8Kb for chunk headers if Transfer-Encoding: chunked used)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the filename is not absolute then it is assumed to be relative to the ServerRoot .", "out": "ファイル名が絶対パスでない場合は、 ServerRoot からの相対的なものとして扱われます。", "pred": "If the filename is not absolute then it is assumed to be relative to the ServerRoot ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Apache implements version 1.1 of the protocol, referred to as HTTP/1.1 and defined by RFC 2616 .", "out": "Apache は HTTP/1.1 と呼ばれ、 RFC 2616 で定義されているプロトコルのバージョン 1.1 を実装しています。", "pred": "Apache httpd uses version 1.1 of the protocol, referred to as HTTP/1.1 and defined by RFC 2616 ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The ScriptAlias directive has the additional effect of marking the target directory as containing only CGI scripts.", "out": "ScriptAlias ディレクティブにはマップ先のディレクトリが CGI スクリプトのみであることを示すという追加の効果があります。", "pred": "The ScriptAlias ディレクティブ has the additional effect of marking the target directory as containing only CGI scripts."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example: LogLevel notice Note When logging to a regular file, messages of the level notice cannot be suppressed and thus are always logged.", "out": "例: LogLevel notice 注 ファイルにログを出力する場合、 notice レベルのメッセージは抑制されず、すべてログに出力されます。", "pred": "For example: LogLevel notice Note When logging to a regular file, message of the level notice cannot be suppressed and thus are always logged."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Complex Configurations One common request is to use mod_dav to manipulate dynamic files (PHP scripts, CGI scripts, etc).", "out": "複雑な設定 よくある要求に、 mod_dav を使って動的なファイル (PHP スクリプト、CGI スクリプトなど) を操作したいというものがあります。", "pred": "複雑な Configurations One common request is to use mod_dav to manipulate dynamic files (PHP スクリプトs, CGI スクリプトs, etc)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The following, for example, will give you a directory listing. or, on Windows", "out": "下記の例では、ディレクトリリスト出力を行ないます。 Windows 上では、", "pred": "The following, for example, will give you a directory listing. or, on Windows"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Its name comes from that fact that its format is borrowed from the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions.", "out": "この名前はフォーマットが Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions から 借りてこられたことによります。", "pred": "Its name comes from that fact that its format isd from the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Many other types of authentication options are available from third party modules in the Apache Modules Database .", "out": "Apache モジュールデータベース 中にあるサードパーティー製の モジュールで、その他多くのタイプの認証オプションが 利用可能です。", "pred": "Many other types of authentication options are available from third party modules in the Apache Modules Database ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In each case, we want to run hosts on ports 80 and 8080.", "out": "どちらもポート 80 と 8080 でホストを走らせます。", "pred": "Each case, we want to run hosts on ports 80 and 8080."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: File is a file extension, partial filename, wild-card expression or full filename for files to describe.", "out": "file は、説明するファイルのファイル拡張子、 ファイル名の一部、ワイルドカード表現、完全なファイル名の どれかになります。", "pred": "File is a file extension, partial filename, wild-card expression or full filename for files to describe."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To ensure some basic security, the container will only actually do the Shutdown if the request comes from the same machine on which it's hosted.", "out": "基本的なセキュリティを確保するため、ホストされているマシンと同一の マシンからのリクエストに対してのみ、コンテナは実際に Shutdown を実行します。", "pred": "To ensure some basic security, the container will only actually do the Shutdown if the request comes from the same machine on which it's hosted."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is actually just HTTP over SSL .", "out": "これは実際は 単に SSL 上での HTTP です。", "pred": "This is actually just HTTP over SSL ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: A URL is constructed from the attribute, and the output the server would return if the URL were accessed by the client is included in the parsed output.", "out": "URL は属性から作られ、その URL をクライアントがアクセスしたときに 出力される内容が解析後の出力に含められます。", "pred": "A URL is constructed from the attribute, and the output the server would return if the URL is accessed by the client included in the parsed output."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The core directives override any filename extension mappings defined in mod_mime .", "out": "コアのディレクティブは mod_mime により定義された ファイル名の拡張子のマッピングすべてを上書きします。", "pred": "The core ディレクティブ will add any filename extension mappings in mod_mime ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Naming is an operation which is quite difficult to get partly involved in.To evaluate the naming, we have to be thoroughly versed in the products and market.", "out": "よくあるご質問 | ジザイズ ネーミングを評価するためには、対象となる商品の特性や市場環境等について、私たちが熟知した上で、総合的な視点から検証する必要があります。", "pred": "ナンガルは、非常に困難さが参加して、.To evaluate the naming, we have to be thoroughly versed in the Product and market."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Also at this point, you can specify which features you want included in Apache by enabling and disabling modules .", "out": "この時点で、 モジュール を有効にしたり 無効にしたりすることで Apache 本体に含まれる 機能 を指定できます。", "pred": "You can also use this issue to include in Apache by enabling and disabling modules ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Because DSO modules cannot be linked against other DSO-based libraries ( ld -lfoo ) on all platforms (for instance a.out-based platforms usually don't provide this functionality while ELF-based platforms do) you cannot use the DSO mechanism for all types of modules.", "out": "DSO モジュールはすべてのプラットフォームで他の DSO に基づいた ライブラリに対してリンクできる ( ld -lfoo ) というわけではありませんので (たとえば、a.out のプラットフォームでは この機能はありませんが、ELF のプラットフォームにはあります ) 、 すべての種類のモジュールに DSO 機構を使えるわけではありません。", "pred": "DSO modules are not linked against other DSO-based libraries ( ld -lfoo ) on all platforms (for instance a.out-based platforms usually don't provide this functionality while ELF-based platforms do) you cannot use the DSO mechanism for all types of modules."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The \"/\" character will not be matched by any wildcard; it must be specified explicitly.", "out": "/ \" 文字はどのワイルドカードでもマッチされません。 明示的に指定する必要があります。", "pred": "The /> character will not be closed by any wildcard; it must be specified."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The Alias and ScriptAlias directives are used to map between URLs and filesystem paths.", "out": "Alias ディレクティブと ScriptAlias ディレクティブは URL とファイルシステムのパスをマップするために使用されます。", "pred": "The Alias and ScriptAlias ディレクティブ are used to map between URLs and filesystem paths."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Consider a situation where mod_autoindex is active ( Options +Indexes ) and DirectoryIndex is set to a valid resource (say, index.html ) and there's no other special handler defined for that URL.", "out": "mod_autoindex が有効 ( Options +Indexes ) で、 DirectoryIndex が有効なリソース (例えば index.html ) を指していて、また、要求のあった URL に特別な ハンドラが設定されていない場合を考えてみてください。", "pred": "Consider a situation where mod_autoindex is active ( Options +Indexes ) and DirectoryIndex is set to a valid resource (say, index.html ) and there's no other special handler defined for that URL."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note that Options All does not set MultiViews ; you have to ask for it by name.", "out": "Options All は MultiViews をセットしないことに注意してください。 明示的に その名前を書く必要があります。", "pred": "Note that Options All does not set MultiViews ; you have to ask for it by name."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Once this feature is enabled, the client or proxy can track changes to the list of files when they perform a HEAD request.", "out": "この機能が有効になると、クライアントやプロキシは HEAD リクエストを行うことによって、 ファイル一覧の変化を追跡することができるようになります。", "pred": "Once this feature enabled, the client or proxy can track changes to the list of files when they perform a HEAD request."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Lectured at Morning University Of Marunouchi | ZYXYZ On 24th January 2014, our president Ms. Keiko Yokoi lectured at \"Marunouchi Space-Man Class\" (in Japanese) of \"Morning University Of Marunouchi\" which has been opened as the adult education university in Marunouchi.", "out": "丸の内朝大学において講演を行いました | ジザイズ 2014年1月24日、丸の内エリアで開講されている市民大学「丸の内朝大学」の特別講座「丸の内宇宙人クラス」において、弊社代表 横井恵子が講演を行いました。", "pred": "Lectured at Morning University Of Marunouchi | ZY SECOND On 24th January 2014, our president Ms. Keiko Yokoi lectured at \"Marunouchi Space-Man Class\" (in Japanese) of \"Morning University Of Marunouchi\" which has been opened as the adult educational university in Marunouchi."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Because \"reverse resolving\" DSO symbols from the executable program's symbol set is against the library design (where the library has no knowledge about the programs it is used by) and is neither available under all platforms nor standardized.", "out": "それは、DSO のシンボルを実行プログラムの シンボルから「逆解決」するというのはライブラリの設計 (ライブラリはそれを使用するプログラムのことは何も 知らない) に反していて、この機能はすべてのプラットフォームに あるわけではなく、標準化もされていないからです。", "pred": "\"reverse resolving\" DSO シンボルs from the executable program's symbol set is against the library design (where the library has no knowledge about the programs it is used by) and is neither available under all platforms nor standardized."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This worker is then selected for work, and its lbstatus reduced by the total work quota we distributed to all workers.", "out": "次に仕事をするようにこのワーカーを選択し、選択したワーカーの lbstatus を全体に割り振ったぶんだけ差し引きます。", "pred": "This worker is then selected for work, and its lbstatus reduced by the total work quota weng to all workers."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The TransferLog and CustomLog directives can be used multiple times in each server to cause each request to be logged to multiple files.", "out": "各リクエストが複数回ログ収集されるようにするために TransferLog ディレクティブと CustomLog ディレクティブは複数回使用することができます。", "pred": "The TransferLog and CustomLog ディレクティブ can be used in each server to cause each request to be logged to multiple files."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: After version 2.0.44, the details of the server version number presented are controlled by the ServerTokens directive.", "out": "バージョン 2.0.44 以降では、表示されるサーバーのバージョン番号の詳細は ServerTokens ディレクティブにより制御されます。", "pred": "After version 2.0.44, the details of the server version number presented are controlled by the ServerTokens ディレクティブ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The file attribute is a file path, relative to the current directory .", "out": "file 属性は、 カレントディレクトリからの相対パスで示された ファイルパスです。", "pred": "The file attribute is a file path, relative to the current directory ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Unquoted strings can't contain whitespace (blanks and tabs) because it is used to separate tokens such as variables.", "out": "引用符で囲まれていない文字列には空白 (スペースとタブ) を含めることはできません。", "pred": "Unquoted strings can't contain whitespace (blanks and tabs) because it used to separateトークンs such as variables."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: Terms Used to Describe Apache Directives Digital Signature An encrypted text block that validates a certificate or other file.", "out": "参照: Apache のディレクティブの 説明に使われている用語 デジタル署名 証明書や他のファイルを検証するための暗号化されたテキストブロック。", "pred": "See: Terms Used to Describe Apache Directives Digital Signature An encrypted text block that validates a certificate or other file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In this case you would need two daemons, each running with different User , Group , Listen , and ServerRoot settings.", "out": "この場合、それぞれ User , Group , Listen , ServerRoot の設定が違う二つのデーモンを 実行する必要があります。", "pred": "In this case you would need two デーモンs, each running with different User , Group , Listen , and ServerRoot settings."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This name is used in all self-referential URLs, and for the values of SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT in CGIs.", "out": "この名前は、すべての自己参照 URL で使われますし、CGI の SERVER_NAME と SERVER_PORT でも使われます。", "pred": "This name is used in all self-referential URLs, and for the values of SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT in CGIs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: MultiViews may also apply to searches for the file named by the DirectoryIndex directive, if the server is trying to index a directory.", "out": "サーバがディレクトリの索引を作ろうとしている場合、 MultiViews は DirectoryIndex ディレクティブで指定されたファイルを探す過程にも 適用されます。", "pred": "MultiViews may also apply to searches for the file named by the DirectoryIndex ディレクティブ, if the server trying to index a directory."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This technique does not allow for easy collection of statistics on individual virtual hosts.", "out": "この手法では個々のバーチャルホストの統計を簡単にとることはできません。", "pred": "This technique is not allow for easy collection of statistics on individual virtual hosts."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Unless matched by a directive like Alias , the server appends the path from the requested URL to the document root to make the path to the document.", "out": "Alias のようなディレクティブにマッチしない場合には、 ドキュメントの (訳注:ファイルシステム上の) パスを生成するために、 リクエストされた URL のパス部分をドキュメントルートに付与します。", "pred": "Unless MAP by a directive like Alias , the appends the path from the request URL to the document root to make the path to the document."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Status: Extension Module Identifier: speling_module Source File: mod_speling.c Summary Requests to documents sometimes cannot be served by the core apache server because the request was misspelled or miscapitalized.", "out": "説明: ユーザが入力したであろう間違った URL を、 大文字小文字の区別を無視することと一つ以下の綴り間違いを許容することで 修正を試みる ステータス: Extension モジュール識別子: speling_module ソースファイル: mod_speling.c 概要 リクエストの綴りが間違っていたり、 大文字小文字が違っていたりするために、Apache のコアサーバが ドキュメントへのリクエストへの応答を正しく提供できないことがあります。", "pred": "Status: Extension モジュール識別子: speling_module Source File: mod_speling.c Summary Requests to documents sometimes cannot be served by the core apache サーバ because the request was misspelled or miscapitalized."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Otherwise CGI scripts are invoked as normal using the complete URL given in the command, including any query string.", "out": "その他の場合は、クエリー文字列も含め、コマンドで指定された 完全な URL を使って普通に CGI スクリプトが呼び出されます。", "pred": "Otherwise CGI scripts are invoked as normal using the complete URL given in the command, any query string."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It is also possible to log one or more parts of the request line independently.", "out": "リクエストの各部分を独立にログ収集することもできます。", "pred": "ログファイルの分割や、あるいは他の部分へのリクエスト行への配送も可能。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: A request to an unspecified address on port 80 is served from the default vhost.", "out": "80 番ポートへのアドレス未指定のリクエストはデフォルトのバーチャル ホストから送られます。", "pred": "A request to an unspecified address on port 80 is served from the default vhost."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If found, the above URL will then be translated to the file path /var/html/rbowen/file.html Redirecting to external URLs The UserDir directive can be used to redirect user directory requests to external URLs.", "out": "もし見つかれば上記の URL は /var/html/rbowen/file.html というファイルパスに変換されます。 外部 URL にリダイレクトする UserDir ディレクティブを使って外部 URL にリダイレクトすることもできます。", "pred": "If found, the above URL will then be 翻訳 to the file path /var/html/rbowen/file.html Redirecting to external URLs The UserDir directive can use to redirect user directory requests to external URLs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is even if you're reloading the same page, and for every image on the page (if they come from a protected directory).", "out": "これは同じページ、ページにある全ての画像を リロードする場合であっても該当します (もし画像も保護されたディレクトリから来るのであれば ) 。", "pred": "This is even if you're reloading the same page, and for every image on the page (if they come from a protected directory)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: SIGMAXYZ CEO Mr. Hideki Kurashige writes about naming process on his \"CEO Diary\" | ZYXYZ Details of the decision for Naming \"SIGMAXYZ\" which we took part in that development was introduced by Mr. Hideki Kurashige on \"Nikkei Business Online, CEO Diary\". — Picked out from Nikkei Business Online \"CEO Diary of Mr. Hideki Kurashige\" — \"You order naming our company to outside?", "out": "「シグマクシス」社名決定の経緯が倉重英樹氏の「CEO日記」で紹介されました | ジザイズ 倉重英樹氏が連載する「日経ビジネスオンラインCEO日記」にて、弊社が開発に携わった「シグマクシス」の社名決定の経緯が紹介されました。― 日経ビジネスオンライン「倉重英樹のCEO日記」より ― 「社名を外部に発注する?", "pred": "SIGMACISC CEO Mr. Hideki Kurashige writes about naming process on his \"CEO Diary\" | ZY Warehouse Details of the decision for Naming \"SIGMA Warehouse\" which we took part in that development was introduced by Mr. Hideki Kurashige on \"Nikkei Business Online, CEO Diary\". — Picked out from Nikkei Busi"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Hip hop has had a strong influence on 21st-century pop music, with many pop songs including elements of hip hop. This feature complements the Hip-Hop Dance category in the BBC&39;s search for the.", "out": "音楽が好きな人なら、 アメリカのヒップホップを. DJ Kaz Sakuma が、年1月. ヒップホップダンスは、 ヒップホップカルチャーで生まれたブレイクダンスに ソウルダンスなどが融合して進化したダンスを意味しています。", "pred": "Hip hop has had a strong influence on 21st-century pop music, with many pop songs including Element of hip hop. This feature complements the Hip-Hop Dance category in the BBC&39;s search for the."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, the INCLUDES output filter processes documents for Server Side Includes .", "out": "例えば、 INCLUDES 出力フィルタは Server Side Includes の文書を 処理します。", "pred": "For example, the INCLUDES output filter process documents for Server Side Includes ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If you're using mod_unique_id , its generated ID will be used.", "out": "mod_unique_id を使っている場合は、それが生成する ID が使われます。", "pred": "If you're using mod_unique_id , its generated ID will be used."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The LogFormat directive can take one of two forms.", "out": "LogFormat ディレクティブは二つの形式のどちらかを とることができます。", "pred": "The LogFormat ディレクティブ can take one of two forms."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: A corresponding pair of such keys constitutes a key pair.", "out": "対応する鍵はキーペアと呼ばれます。", "pred": "A対応する pair of such keys constitutes a key pair."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It was so interesting about the inside story of branding.", "out": "ブランディングの裏話は大変面白かったです。", "pred": "THE IN THE IS IS IN THE IS IN THE IS IN THE IS IN THE IS IN THE IS IN THE IS IN THE IS IN THE IN THE IS IN THE IN THE IN THE IN THE IN THE IN THE IN THE IN THE IN THE IN THE IN THE IN THE IN THE IN THE IN THE"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: These are arguments to the httpd binary, but we recommend that you send them using the apache2ctl control script, which will pass them through to httpd .", "out": "下で説明されているように、 stop , restart , graceful , graceful-stop を指定できます。 これらは httpd の引数ですが、 制御用のスクリプト apache2ctl はそれらの引数をそのまま httpd に渡します。", "pred": "These are arguments to the httpd binary, but we recommend that you send them using the apache2ctl control script, which will pass them through to httpd ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Swing and Dance with Frank Sinatra is the sixth studio album by Frank Sinatra.", "out": "20世紀を代表する偉大な歌声ザ・ヴォイス と称賛される、アメリカのエンターテインメント界の最高峰、フランク・シナトラの生誕100周年(年時)を記念したメモリアル・ベスト・アルバム。", "pred": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Swing and Dance with Frank Sinatra is the 6th studio album by Frank Sinatra."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: One advantage of using Auth-based user tracking is that, unlike magic-cookies and funny URL pre/postfixes, it is completely browser independent and it allows users to share URLs.", "out": "このような認証に基づいたユーザ追跡の利点の一つは、 マジッククッキーに基づくユーザ追跡方法や、 珍妙な URL の接頭辞や接尾辞を利用したユーザ追跡方法とは異なり、 完全にブラウザ非依存であり、ユーザ間で URL を共有することができるという 点です。", "pred": "One advantage of using Auth-based user tracking is that, unlike magic-cookies and funny URL pre/postfixes, it is completely browser independent and it allows users to share URLs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: SSL/TLS Encryption Plaintext The unencrypted text.", "out": "参照: SSL/TLS 暗号化 平文 暗号化されていないテキスト。", "pred": "See: SSL/TLS Encryption Plaintext The unencrypted text."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: There is no direct way to prevent this in Apache, so you should avoid giving DAV access to untrusted users.", "out": "これを直接防ぐ方法は Apache にはありませんので、信用できないユーザに DAV アクセスを提供するのは 避けた方が良いでしょう。", "pred": "There is no direct way to prevent this in Apache, so you should avoid giving DAV access to untrusted users."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Keiko Yokoi won \"Japan Society of Kansei Engineering Prize of the 2002 academic year\" from Japan Society of Kansei Engineering.", "out": "「平成14年度 日本感性工学会賞」を受賞 | ジザイズ 日本感性工学会(Japan Society of KANSEI Engineering)より、「平成14年度日本感性工学会賞」を受賞いたしました。", "pred": "Keiko Yokoi won \"Japan Society of Kansei Engineering Prize of the 2002 academic year\" from Japan Society of Kansei Engineering."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: However as the PidFile will have been removed, you will not be able to use apache2ctl or httpd to send this signal.", "out": "しかしながら PidFile が削除されてしまっているので、 apache2ctl や httpd にこのシグナルを送ることはできません。", "pred": "However as the PidFile will have been removed, you will not be able to use apache2ctl or httpd to send this signal."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note that the nickname should not contain percent signs ( % ).", "out": "Nickname には パーセント記号 ( % ) が含まれていてはいけないことにも注意 してください。", "pred": "Note that the nickname should not contain percent signs ( % )."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In its default configuration, Apache does not send the last modified date or content length HTTP headers on SSI pages, because these values are difficult to calculate for dynamic content.", "out": "デフォルトの設定では、Apache は SSI ページについて最終変更時刻や コンテンツの長さを HTTP ヘッダに送りません。 動的なコンテンツであるため、それらの値を計算するのが難しいからです。", "pred": "In its default configuration, Apache does not send the last modified date or content length HTTP headers on SSI pages, because the value is difficult to calculate for dynamic content."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For optimal reliability and predictability, you should specify an explicit hostname and port using the ServerName directive.", "out": "最高の信頼性と確実性をもたらすためには、 ServerName を使ってホスト名とポートを明示的に 指定してください。", "pred": "For optimal reliability and predictability, you should specify an明示的なホスト名 and port using the ServerName ディレクティブ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is the desired behavior in most cases.", "out": "そして、ほとんどの場合これが望ましい動作です。", "pred": "ほとんどの場合 that this is the desired behavior in most cases."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Configuring the source tree The next step is to configure the Apache source tree for your particular platform and personal requirements.", "out": "ソースツリーを設定する 次のステップは、あなたのプラットホームと 個人的な要求に合うように Apache ソースツリーを設定することです。", "pred": "Configuring the source tree The next step is to configure the Apache source tree for your particular platform and personal requirements."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Modules will be compiled as Dynamic Shared Objects (DSOs) that exist separately from the main httpd binary file.", "out": "もしくは、 httpd バイナリとは 別に存在する動的共有オブジェクト (訳注: Dynamic Shared Object ) ( DSO) としてコンパイルすることも できます。", "pred": "Modules will be compiled as Dynamic Shared Objects (DSOs) that exist separately from the main httpd バイナリ file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the directives below were given, and the user's Accept-Language header assigned en and de each as quality .500 (equally acceptable) then the first matching variant, en , will be served.", "out": "以下のディレクティブが指定されていて、ユーザの Accept-Language ヘッダでは en と de の品質が共に .500 (同じくらい許容) であるときは、 最初にマッチする variant の en が送られます。", "pred": "If the directives below the group, and the user's Accept-Language ヘッダ assigned en and de each as quality .500 (equally acceptable) then the first matching variant, en , will be served."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: \"Nikkei Business Associe\" | ZYXYZ Our Representative Keiko Yokoi was interviewed by \"Nikkei Business Associe\" magazine for the article \"Let the name have double, triple meanings\".", "out": "「日経ビジネスAssocie」に掲載されました | ジザイズ 「日経ビジネスAssocie」の特集「心に残るヒットの言葉 売れるネーミング」に、弊社代表 横井惠子の記事「名前に二重三重の意味を持たせる」が掲載されました。", "pred": "\"Nikkei Business Associe\" | ZY SECOND Our Consultative Keiko Yokoi was interviewed by \"Nikkei Business Associe\" magazine for the article \"Let the name have double, triple meanings\"."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Missing environment variables If your CGI program depends on non-standard environment variables , you will need to assure that those variables are passed by Apache.", "out": "また、CGI プログラムが他の 環境変数 に依存している場合は、その環境変数が Apache から渡されるようにする必要があります。", "pred": "Missing環境変数 もし your CGI program depends on non-standard環境変数 , you must assure that those variables are passed by Apache."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You should not enable quick handler caching for any content to which you wish to limit access by client host name, address or environment variable. mod_cache implements an RFC 2616 compliant HTTP content caching filter , with support for the caching of content negotiated responses containing the Vary header.", "out": "クライアントのホスト名、アドレスや環境変数を使って アクセスを制限したいコンテンツに対してはキャッシュ機能を有効にするべきではありません。 mod_cache はローカルのコンテンツやプロキシされた コンテンツをキャッシュするために使われる RFC 2616 準拠の HTTP コンテンツキャッシュを実装しています。 mod_cache の動作にはストレージを管理するモジュールが必要です。", "pred": "mod_cache implements an RFC 2616 億ドルの HTTP content caching filter , with support for the caching of content negotiated responses containing the Vary ヘッダ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: 200 ( %>s ) This is the status code that the server sends back to the client.", "out": "200 ( % >s ) サーバがクライアントに送り返すステータスコードです。", "pred": "200 ( %>s ) This is the status code that the server sends to the client."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Handler An internal Apache representation of the action to be performed when a file is called.", "out": "ハンドラ ファイルが呼ばれたときに行なわれる動作の Apache の内部での表現。", "pred": "ハンドラ An internal Apache representation of the action to be performed when a file is called."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This allows for content which is not directly under the DocumentRoot served as part of the web document tree.", "out": "これは DocumentRoot の下にないドキュメントをウェブのドキュメントツリーの一部として 送られるようにします。", "pred": "This allows for content which is not directly under the DocumentRoot served as part of the web document tree."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This normally includes the encodings x-compress for compress'd files, and x-gzip for gzip'd files.", "out": "通常 compress されたファイルのための x-compress と gzip されたファイルのための x-gzip を含みます。", "pred": "通常 compress'd files for x-compress for compress'd files, and x-gzip for gzip'd files."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: But on some platforms or within some filesystems, it is better to disable this feature to avoid operational problems: Some platforms may have broken sendfile support that the build system did not detect, especially if the binaries were built on another box and moved to such a machine with broken sendfile support.", "out": "しかし、プラットフォームやファイルシステムの中には 運用上の問題を避けるためにこの機能を使用不可にした方が良い場合があります: プラットフォームの中にはビルドシステムが検知できなかった、壊れた sendfile のサポートが存在するものがあります。 これは特に バイナリが別のマシンでビルドされ、壊れた sendfile のあるマシンに 移動したときに起こります。", "pred": "But on some platforms or within someファイルシステム, it is better to disable this feature to avoid operational problems: Some platforms may have broken sendfile support that the build system did not detect, especially if the binaries were built on another box and moved to such a machine with壊れた sendfile support."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: On Linux the use of sendfile triggers TCP-checksum offloading bugs on certain networking cards when using IPv6.", "out": "Linux では、sendfile を用いると、 IPv6 使用時に存在する特定ネットワークカードの TCP-checksum オフロードのバグを踏んでしまいます。", "pred": "On Linux the use of sendfileトリガーs TCP-checksum offloading bugs on certain networkingカード when using IPv6."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Special characters are entity encoded (see the echo element for details) before being output.", "out": "Apache 1.3.12 から、 特別な文字は出力される前にエンティティエンコード (詳細は echo 要素を参照) されるようになりました。", "pred": "Special characters are entity encoded (see the echo要素 for details) before they are 出力ed."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note that the variables accessible in mod_rewrite without the ENV: prefix are not actually environment variables.", "out": "mod_rewrite が使用可能な変数で ENV: が前についていない変数は、 実際は環境変数ではないということに注意してください。", "pred": "Note that the variables accessible in mod_rewrite without the ENV: prefix are not actually環境 variables."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The module mod_authnz_ldap is both an authentication and authorization provider.", "out": "mod_authnz_ldap は認証プロバイダと承認プロバイダの 両方の機能を持っています。", "pred": "The module mod_authnz_ldap is an authentication and authorization provider."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The first pass processes either all Allow or all Deny directives, as specified by the Order directive.", "out": "第1段階目では Order ディレクティブで1番目に 指定したディレクティブ( Allow または Deny )を全て処理します。", "pred": "The first pass process either all Allow or all Deny directives, as specified by the Order ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The binary encoding of the certificate is defined using Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER), which are based on the more general Basic Encoding Rules (BER).", "out": "証明書のバイナリ符号化は Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) で定義され、それはより一般的な Basic Encoding Rules (BER) に基づいています。", "pred": "The balance encoding of the certificate is used by Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER), which are based on the more general Basic Encoding Rules (BER)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The method of idea for Naming | ZYXYZ It was written clearly to understand with many concrete examples, about the approach of naming and the steps of development for naming of item/company, and the way to deal with the trademark right.", "out": "ネーミング発想法 | ジザイズ 商品名や社名開発におけるネーミングの考え方から開発の手順、商標権についての様々な対処法を、多くの具体例を示しながらわかりやすくまとめた。", "pred": "The method of idea for Naming | ZY Warehouse It was written with many concrete examples, about the approach of naming and the steps of development for naming of item/company, and the way to deal with the trademark right."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The VirtualHost directive in the configuration file is used to set the values of ServerAdmin , ServerName , DocumentRoot , ErrorLog and TransferLog or CustomLog configuration directives to different values for each virtual host. e.g.", "out": "設定ファイルの VirtualHost ディレクティブを使って、 ServerAdmin , ServerName , DocumentRoot , ErrorLog , TransferLog や CustomLog 設定ディレクティブの値が各ホスト毎に異なる値に設定されるようにします。", "pred": "The VirtualHost ディレクティブ in the configuration file is used to set the values of ServerAdmin , ServerName , DocumentRoot , ErrorLog and TransferLog or CustomLog Configuration directives to different values for each virtual host. e.g."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: , except it encloses directives that will only be applied if a particular version of the server is executing.", "out": "と、 とてもよく似ていますが、稼働中のサーバのバージョンが特定のバージョンの時にのみ 適用されます。", "pred": ", except it encloses ディレクティブを only be applied if a particular version of the server will likely be included."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If required this page can be made to automatically refresh (given a compatible browser).", "out": "必要であれば、このページは自動的にリフレッシュさせる こともできます (互換性のあるブラウザを使用している場合 ) 。", "pred": "If necessary this page can be made to automatically update (given a compatible browser)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In addition, if you use a remote URL in an ErrorDocument 401 , the client will not know to prompt the user for a password since it will not receive the 401 status code.", "out": "さらに、 ErrorDocument 401 にリモートの URL を指定すると、 クライアントは 401 というステータスコードを受け取らないため、 パスワードをユーザーに入力要求しなければならないことがわかりません。", "pred": "In addition, if you use a remote URL in an ErrorDocument 401 , the client will not know to prompt the user for a password since it will not receive the 401 status code."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Opening the door (\"tobira\" in Japanese) through digital TVs, you can encounter a world (village) of network which is \"alive\" and \"active\".", "out": "アクトビラ | ジザイズ デジタルテレビを介して、そのトビラ (tovila) が開くと (act) 、「active & alive」なネットワークの世界 (village) が広がっていることを表現した。", "pred": "Opening the door (\"tobira\" in Japanese) through デジタル TVs, you can enect a world (村) of network which \"alive\" and \"active\"."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: would match URLs that contained the substring /extra/data or /special/data . The directive ", "out": "は URL に /extra/data か /special/data という文字列が 含まれている場合にマッチします。 ", "pred": "would match URLs that contained the substring /extra/data or /special/data . The directive "} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This module requires mod_log_config .", "out": "このモジュールの使用には mod_log_config モジュールが 必要です。", "pred": "This module requires mod_log_config ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The BBC Sessions feature was updated in November following the release of The Complete BBC Sessions.", "out": "今回のリリースには1997年11月にリリースされたものに9トラックが追加されている。", "pred": "The BBC Sessions feature is updated in November following the release of The Complete BBC Sessions."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (See how sections are merged .)", "out": "( セクションのマージ方法 を参照してください。", "pred": "(See how sections are merged .)"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is the common informal term for what is formally called a Uniform Resource Identifier .", "out": "これは正式には Uniform Resource Identifier と呼ばれるもののよく使われる非公式な名前です。", "pred": "This is the common informal term for what formally a Uniform Resource Identifier ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: IP virtual hosting differentiates between websites based on their IP address, while name-based virtual hosting uses only the name of the host and can therefore host many sites on the same IP address.", "out": "IP バーチャルホスト は IP アドレスを使ってウェブサイトを 区別します。 また 名前ベースのバーチャルホスト は ホストの名前だけを使って区別するので、同じ IP アドレス上での多くのサイトを ホストできます。", "pred": "IP バーチャルホスト overlaptes between websites based on their IP address, while name-based virtual hosting uses only the name of the host and can therefore host many sites on the same IP address."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Strings can also be quoted: 'string' .", "out": "文字列は引用符で囲むこともできます : ' string' のように。", "pred": "Strings can also be viewed: 'string' ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: First, all Redirects are processed before Aliases are processed, and therefore a request that matches a Redirect or RedirectMatch will never have Aliases applied.", "out": "まず、Alias の前にすべての Redirect が処理されます。 ですから、 Redirect か RedirectMatch にマッチするリクエストには Alias は決して適用されません。", "pred": "First, all Redirects are processed before Aliases are processed, and therefore a request that matches a Redirect or RedirectMatch will never have Aliases applied."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The (non-regex) directive behaves similarly when used for proxy requests.", "out": " ディレクティブは、 proxy リクエストに対して利用する際には同様の振る舞いをしますが 、 ( 正規表現でない)", "pred": "The (non-regex) ディレクティブ behaves similarly when used for proxy requests."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The implementation of the RVSA/1.0 algorithm (RFC 2296) is extended to recognize encoded variants in the list, and to use them as candidate variants whenever their encodings are acceptable according to the Accept-Encoding request header.", "out": "リスト中のエンコードされた variant を認識し、 Accept-Encoding リクエストヘッダに従って許容される エンコードをもった variant は、どれでも候補 variant として使用するように、 RVSA/1.0 アルゴリズム (RFC 2296) の実装が拡張されました。", "pred": "The implementation of the RVSA/1.0 mechanism (RFC 2296) is extended to recognize encoded variants in the list, and to use them as candidate variants whenever theirエンコーディング are acceptable according to the Accept-Encoding request header."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The Action directive lets you run CGI scripts whenever a file of a certain MIME content type is requested.", "out": "Action ディレクティブは特定の MIME タイプ のファイルをリクエストされた場合に CGI スクリプトが実行されるようにします。", "pred": "The Action ディレクティブ lets you run CGI scripts whenever a file of a特定の MIME content type リクエスト."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: A qs value is therefore specific to a given variant depending on the nature of the resource it represents.", "out": "このように、qs は 表現されるリソースの性質によって variant 毎に特有の値を取ります。", "pred": "Thus the qs value is特定の to a given variant depending on the nature of the resource it represents."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (Infrastructure industry: Executive) It was so easy to understand and interesting about the products name.", "out": "(インフラ業:役員) 商品名の話はとてもわかりやすく、面白かったです。", "pred": "(Infrastructure industry: Executive) It was so easy to understand and 興味深い about the product name."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note that mod_dav_fs does not need this generic locking module, because it uses its own more specialized version.", "out": "mod_dav_fs は特化された専用のバージョンを 使うため、この汎用モジュールは 必要ない ことに注意して ください。", "pred": "Note that mod_dav_fs does not need this generic locking module, because it uses its own more specialized version."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If you have virtual hosts with a different UserDir for each, you will need to define them to all reside in one parent directory; then name that parent directory here.", "out": "各 UserDir が異なった仮想ホストを設定している場合、 それらを全て一つの親ディレクトリに含めて、 その親ディレクトリの名前をここで指定する必要があります。", "pred": "If you have virtual hosts with a different UserDir for each, you will need to define them to all reside in one parent directory; then name that parent directory here."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: I thought just \"I see...\", but I didn't feel like meeting its designer at that time.", "out": "「へえー」と思ったものの、そのデザイナーに会おうという気にはやはりならなかった。", "pred": "I thought just \"I see...\", but I didn't feel like meeting itsデザイナーr at that time."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The forensic logger is very strict with no customizations.", "out": "forensic ロガーはとても厳密でカスタマイズできません。", "pred": "The forensic logger is very strict with no customizations."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The directives AddCharset , AddEncoding , AddLanguage and AddType are all used to map file extensions onto the metadata for that file.", "out": "AddCharset ディレクティブ、 AddEncoding ディレクティブ、 AddHandler ディレクティブ、 AddLanguage ディレクティブ、 AddType ディレクティブはすべて、 ファイルの拡張子をメタ情報にマップするために使用されます。", "pred": "The directives AddCharset , AddEncoding , AddLanguage and AddType are all used to map files extensions onto theメタデータ for that file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: I answered, \"We want to create the worth and happiness with the collaboration with the clients, the business partners, and our company\", this is what we have been thinking for a long time.", "out": "「どのような会社を創りたいのですか?」という質問に、「お客様、ビジネスパートナー、そして自社のコラボレーションで価値と喜びを創造したい」という、かねて練ってきたビジョンを話した。", "pred": "I answered, \"We want to create the worth and happiness with the collaboration with the clients, the business partners, and our company\", this is what we have been thinking for a long time."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is useful where content on a page is to be hidden from users who are not authorized to view the URL, such as a link to that URL.", "out": "承認されていないユーザからは隠しておきたい URL についての情報、 たとえば URL へのリンクなどがある場合に、便利です。", "pred": "This is useful where content on a page is to be hidden from user who are not authorized to view the URL, such as a link to the URL."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For now, here are some examples of what you can do with SSI Today's date", "out": "ここでは、SSI で行なうことができる例をいくつか示します。 今日の日付", "pred": "For now, here are some examples of what you can do with SSI Today's date"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Media Types and Wildcards The Accept: request header indicates preferences for media types.", "out": "メディアタイプとワイルドカード Accept: リクエストヘッダはメディアタイプの優先傾向を指定します。", "pred": "Media Types and Wildcards The Accept: リクエストヘッダ indicates preferences for media types."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: SSL/TLS Encryption Uniform Resource Locator (URL) The name/address of a resource on the Internet.", "out": "参照: SSL/TLS 暗号化 Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Internet のリソースの名前、もしくはアドレス。", "pred": "See: SSL/TLS Encryption Uniform Resource Locator (URL) The name/address of a resource on the Internet."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Hostname A Hostname is a fully qualified DNS domain name which can be resolved to one or more IPAddrs via the DNS domain name service.", "out": "Hostname Hostname は DNS ドメインサービスにより一つもしくは 複数の IPAddr に解決可能な 完全な DNS ドメイン名です。", "pred": "Hostname A Hostname is a fully qualified DNS domain name which can be resolved to one or more IPAddrs via the DNS domain name service."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The proper argument format is known to the Apache HTTP Server.", "out": "適切な引数のフォーマットは Apache Web サーバに解釈されます。", "pred": "The proper argument format is known to the Apache HTTP Server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You have to tell Apache which files should be parsed.", "out": "どのファイルが解析されるかを Apache に伝える必要があります。", "pred": "You have to tell Apache どのファイルが解析されるか Username."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: BBC Sessions is a compilation album featuring studio sessions and a live concert recorded by English rock group Led Zeppelin for the BBC.", "out": "オリコン芸能人 . 『 BBCライヴ 』 ( BBC Sessions)は、イギリスのロックグループ、レッド・ツェッペリンがBBC向けに録音したスタジオセッションとライブを収録したコンピレーション・アルバムである。", "pred": "BBC Sessions is a compilation album featuring studio sessions and a live concert recorded by English rock group Led Zeppelin for the BBC."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See the man page for more details. In short: Create a password file Filename with username as the initial ID.", "out": "詳細は man ページ をご覧頂くとして、簡単には: 初期 ID username で、 Filename というパスワードファイルを生成します。", "pred": "See the man page for more details. In short: Create a password file Filename with username as the initial ID."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It fully supports the Accept , Accept-Language , Accept-Charset and Accept-Encoding request headers. httpd also supports 'transparent' content negotiation, which is an experimental negotiation protocol defined in RFC 2295 and RFC 2296.", "out": "Accept , Accept-Language , Accept-Charset , Accept-Encoding リクエストヘッダを完全にサポートしています。 Apache は 'transparent' コンテントネゴシエーションもサポートしていますが、 これは RFC 2295 と RFC 2296 で定義されている試験的な ネゴシエーションプロトコルです。", "pred": "It fully supports the Accept , Accept-Language , Accept-Charset and Accept-Encoding request headers. httpd also supports 'transparent' content negotiation, which is an experimental negotiation protocol defined in RFC 2295 and RFC 2296."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For a full list of the comparison operators available to you, see the mod_include documentation.", "out": "利用可能な比較演算子の全てのリストについては、 mod_include ドキュメンテーションを参照してください。", "pred": "For a full list of the comparison operators available to you, see the mod_include documentation."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the request is for a regular portion of the server, is the requested directory within suEXEC's document root? If the request is for a UserDir , is the requested directory within the directory configured as suEXEC's userdir (see suEXEC's configuration options )?", "out": "ディレクトリが Apache のドキュメントツリー内にあるか? リクエストがサーバ内のものであれば、 要求されたディレクトリが suEXEC のドキュメントルート配下にありますか? リクエストが UserDir のものであれば、要求されたディレクトリが suEXEC のユーザのドキュメントルート配下にありますか ? ( suEXEC 設定オプション 参照) ディレクトリを他のユーザが書き込めるようになって いない か? ディレクトリを他ユーザに開放しないようにします。", "pred": "If the request is for a regular portion of the server, is the requested directory within suEXEC's document root? If the request is for a UserDir , is the requested directory within the directory configured as suEXEC's userdir (see suEXEC's configuration options )?"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You can look up a word with 7 foreign languages (English, Latin, Greek, French, ...", "out": "五十音順の日本語の見出しのもとに、7つの外国語(英語、ラテン語、ギリシャ語、フランス語、スペイン語、イタリア語、ドイツ語)を一覧で引くことが可能なマルチリンガル辞典。", "pred": "You can look up a word with 7 foreign languages (English, Latin, Greek, French, ..."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Or invoke configure using the --help option.", "out": "あるいは - - help オプションつきで configure を呼び出してください。", "pred": "Alternatively, the --help option with the configure command line."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In addition, it is sometimes necessary to provide the configure script with extra information about the location of your compiler, libraries, or header files.", "out": "上記に加えて、 configure スクリプトに、 コンパイラ、ライブラリ、ヘッダファイルの位置を追加情報として渡す 必要がある場合があります。", "pred": "さらに、それは時々必要である to provide the configure スクリプト with extra information about theの場所 of your compiler, libraries, or ヘッダ files."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For mpm_netware the default is StartThreads 50 and, since there is only a single process, this is the total number of threads created at startup to serve requests.", "out": "mpm_netware でのデフォルトは StartThreads 50 で、 この場合プロセスは一つしかないので、 起動時にリクエストに応答するスレッドの総数となります。", "pred": "For mpm_netware the default is StartThreads 50 and, since there is only a single process, this is the total number of threads created at startup to serve requests."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If set, this will be the maximum time to wait for a free worker.", "out": "この値を設定すると、フリーのワーカーを取得するまでの最大待機時間になります。", "pred": "If set, this will be the maximum time to wait for a free worker."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: File-path is the absolute path to the user file.", "out": "File-path はユーザファイルへの 絶対パスです。", "pred": "File-path is the absolute path to the user file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is the standard operation of the suEXEC wrapper's security model.", "out": "ここまでが suEXEC の wrapper におけるセキュリティモデルの標準的な動作です。", "pred": "This is the standard operation of the suEXEC wrapper's securityモデル."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, you can use these directives to deny access to a particular browser (User-Agent).", "out": "たとえば、これらのディレクティブを使用して、特定のブラウザ (User-Agent) からのアクセスを拒否することができます。", "pred": "たとえば、これらのディレクティブ to deny access to a particular browser (User-Agent) を使うことができます。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Download The Apache HTTP Server can be downloaded from the Apache HTTP Server download site , which lists several mirrors.", "out": "ダウンロード Apache HTTP サーバは Apache HTTP サーバダウンロードサイト からダウンロードできますし、 同じ場所に幾つかのミラーサイトもリストしています。", "pred": "Download The Apache HTTP Server can be downloaded from the Apache HTTP Server download site , which lists several mirrors."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, you may have a file which is a Microsoft Word document, which is pkzipped to reduce its size.", "out": "たとえば、Microsoft Word のドキュメントがあり、サイズを小さくするために pkzip されているとします。", "pred": "例えば、Microsoft Word のドキュメントがあり、 pkzipped to reduced size."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: timefmt The value is a string to be used by the strftime(3) library routine when printing dates.", "out": "timefmt この値は strftime(3) ライブラリルーチンが 日時をプリントする際に用いられます。", "pred": "timefmt The value is a string to be used by the strftime(3) libraryルーチン when printing dates."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, you can install and run the new version along side the old one by using a different --prefix and a different port (by adjusting the Listen directive) to test for any incompatibilities before doing the final upgrade.", "out": "最終的にアップグレードする前に、非互換性がないかをテストするために、 例えば、異なる - - prefix と異なるポート ( Listen ディレクティブで設定します) を使用することで、古いバージョンに影響を与えずに新しいバージョンを インストールし、実行できます。", "pred": "たとえば、インストールと run the new version along side the old one by using a different --prefix and a different port (by adjusting the Listen ディレクティブ) to test for any incompatibilities before doing the最終的な upgrade."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, if the file welcome.html.fr maps onto content type text/html and language French then the file welcome.fr.html will map onto exactly the same information.", "out": "例えば、ファイル welcome.html.fr がコンテントタイプは text/html に、言語はフランス語にマップされる場合、 welcome.fr.html もまったく同じ情報にマップされます。", "pred": "たとえば, if the file welcome.html.fr maps onto content type text/html and language French then the file welcome.fr.html will map onto正確に the same information."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This means that some have had a name change, such as the one shown above.", "out": "つまり、 いくつかの名前が前述のように変更されています。", "pred": "つまり、いくつか have had a name change, such as the one shown above."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Once a connection is assigned to handle a particular request, the basic request information (e.g. HTTP headers, etc) is sent over the connection in a highly condensed form (e.g. common strings are encoded as integers).", "out": "コネクションが特定のリクエストにアサインされると、基本的な情報 (例えば HTTP ヘッダ等) が圧縮された形 (例えば通常の文字列は整数にエンコードされます) で転送されます。", "pred": "Once a connection is assigned to handle a particular request, the basic request information (e.g. HTTP headers, etc) sent over the connection in a highly condensed form (e.g. common strings are encoded as integers)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: mod_mime Module An independent part of a program.", "out": "参照: mod_mime モジュール プログラムの独立した一部分。", "pred": "See: mod_mime Module An independent part of a program."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the path is not absolute, it will be taken relative to ServerRoot .", "out": "パスが絶対パスでなければ、 ServerRoot からの相対パスと解釈されます。", "pred": "If the path is not absolute, it will be taken relative to ServerRoot ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Once an entire request is received, the kernel then sends it to the server.", "out": "リクエスト全体を受信し終わると、 その後サーバプロセスにそれを送ります。", "pred": "Once an entire request is received, the kernel then sends it to the server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In HTTP, the MIME-type is transmitted in the Content-Type header .", "out": "HTTP では、MIME タイプは Content-Type ヘッダ で送信されます。", "pred": "In HTTP, the MIME-type is transmitted in the Content-Type ヘッダ ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Run this program with the command: split-logfile < /logs/multiple_vhost_log This program, when run with the name of your vhost log file, will generate one file for each virtual host that appears in your log file.", "out": "以下のようなコマンドでこのプログラムを実行します: split-logfile < /logs/multiple_vhost_log このプログラムはバーチャルホストのログファイルの名前とともに実行され、 ログファイルに現れるそれぞれのバーチャルホスト毎に一つのファイルを作成します。", "pred": "Run this program with the command: split-logfile < /logs/multiple_vhost_log このプログラムは, when run with the name of your vhost log file, will generate one file for each virtual host that appears in your log file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The ability to contact remote servers using the SSL/TLS protocol is provided by the SSLProxy* directives of mod_ssl .", "out": "SSL/TLS で遠隔サーバに接続する機能は mod_ssl の SSLProxy* ディレクティブで 提供されています。", "pred": "The ability to contact remote servers using the SSL/TLS protocol provided by the SSLProxy* directives of mod_ssl ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: More recent encodings, such as deflate , should be specified without the x- . The extension argument is case-insensitive and can be specified with or without a leading dot.", "out": "deflate のようなより新しいエンコーディングでは、 x- なしで指定してください。 引数 extension は大文字小文字を区別せず、 最初のドットはあってもなくても構いません。", "pred": "The extension argument is case-insensitive and can specified with or without a leading dot."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is a powerful feature when performing graceful upgrades of httpd, however it can also cause deadlocks and race conditions with some configurations.", "out": "httpd を緩やかにアップグレードするのにはとても便利ですが、 設定ファイルによってはデッドロックやレースコンディションを 引き起こすこともあります。", "pred": "This is a powerful feature when performing graceful upgrades of httpd, however it can also cause deadlocks and race conditions with some configurations."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: That process was stimulating for me.", "out": "その過程は刺激的だった。", "pred": "And she was stimulating for me."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This time's \"NEW An 8-Language Wordbook For Name-creation\" was reborn as more convenient dictionary.In it, the key words seemed to be necessary for Naming Development were increased, and the 17 kinds of the headlines were printed with introduction of \"Naming technique and knowledge\", trees, flowers, color, jewelry and so on.", "out": "今回「最新ネーミングのための8か国語辞典」では、ネーミング開発に必要と考えられるキーワードを増やし、「ネーミング手法と知識」の紹介や樹木・花・色・宝石など 17分類の分野別見出しを掲載するなど、より使い勝手の良い辞書として生まれ変わりました。", "pred": "This time's \"NEW An 8-Language Wordbook For Name-creation\" was reborn as more convenient 辞書.In it, the key words seemed to be necessary for Naming Development were increased, and the 17種類のs of the headlines were printed with introduction of \"Naming technique and knowledge\", trees, flowers, color, jewelry and so on."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To create the file, use the htpasswd utility that came with Apache.", "out": "ファイルを作るためには、Apache 付属の htpasswd を使います。", "pred": "To create the file, use the htpasswd utility that came with Apache."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The captured parts are stored in the special variables $1 .. $9 .", "out": "キャプチャされた部分は特殊変数 $1 . . $9 に格納されます。", "pred": "The captured parts are saved in the special variables $1 .. $9 ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Serving the same content on different IP addresses (such as an internal and external address). The server machine has two IP addresses ( and ).", "out": "違う IP アドレス (例えば、内部と外部アドレス) で同じコンテンツを送る サーバマシンは IP アドレスを二つ ( と ) 持っています。", "pred": "Serving the same content on different IP addresses (such as an internal and external address). The serverマシン has two IP addresses ( and )."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The size threshold varies depending on the type of error, but in general, if you make your error document greater than 512 bytes, then MSIE will show the server-generated error rather than masking it.", "out": "サイズのしきい値はエラーの種類によって異なりますが、 一般的にはエラーの文書を 512 バイトよりも大きくすると、MSIE は サーバが生成したエラーを隠さずに表示します。", "pred": "The size threshold varies depending on the type of error, but in general, if you make your error document greater than 512 bytes, then MSIE will show the server-generated error rather than masking it."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The Query Arguments must be well formed, according to the table above.", "out": "クエリー引数は上の表に従って 正しい形式になっていなければなりません。", "pred": "The Query Arguments must be well formed, according to the table."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The person who was surprised by it, may be me who made the vision.", "out": "一番驚いたのは、ビジョンを作った当の私なのかもしれない。", "pred": "The person who was surprised by it, may be me who made the vision."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The location and content of the access log are controlled by the CustomLog directive.", "out": "アクセスログの場所と内容は CustomLog ディレクティブにより決まります。", "pred": "The location and content of theアクセス log are controlled by the CustomLog directive."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Therefore, a .htaccess file in a particular directory may override directives found in .htaccess files found higher up in the directory tree.", "out": "ですから、あるディレクトリの .htaccess は ディレクトリツリーのより上の階層の .htaccess ファイルの 設定を上書きするかもしれません。", "pred": "ですから、 a .htaccess file in a particular directory may be added to the directives found in .htaccess files higher up in the directory tree."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: No special configuration on the client is necessary.", "out": "クライアント側に特別な設定は必要ありません。", "pred": "No special configuration on the client is required."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Neither wildcard character matches a / in the URL-path.", "out": "どちらのワイルドカードも URL パス中の / にはマッチしません。", "pred": "Neither theワイルドカード character matches a / in the URL-path."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This can be changed by adding an encoding attribute, which will remain in effect until the next encoding attribute is encountered or the element ends, whichever comes first. The encoding attribute must precede the corresponding var attribute to be effective.", "out": "これは encoding 属性 を加えることで変更できます。 変更は次の encoding 属性か、 要素の終了まで効力を持ちます。 encoding 属性はエンコードの変更をしたい var の 前に ある必要があることに注意してください。", "pred": "This can be changed by adding an encoding attribute, which will be effective until the next encoding attribute meeting or the element ends, whichever comes first. The encoding attribute must precede the corresponding var attribute to be effective."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To do this, add the AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA (defined in the Apache httpd header files) to your module's module record definition.", "out": "これを行なうには、 AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA (Apache httpd のヘッダファイルで定義されています) をモジュールのモジュールレコード 定義の部分に追加してください。", "pred": "To do this, add the AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA (defined in the Apache httpd header files) to your module's module record definition."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This allows .htaccess files in subdirectories to undo any associations inherited from parent directories or the server config files. An example of its use might be: /foo/.htaccess: AddEncoding x-gzip .gz AddType text/plain .asc", "out": "これにより、サブディレクトリにある .htaccess ファイルが親ディレクトリやサーバの設定ファイルから継承した関連付けを 取り消すことができます。 /foo / . htaccess: AddEncoding x-gzip .gz AddType text/plain .asc", "pred": "This allows .htaccess files in subdirectories to undo any associations inherited from parent directories or the server config files. An example of its use might be: /foo/.htaccess: AddEncoding x-gzip .gz AddType text/plain .asc"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The environment variable UNIQUE_ID is set to the identifier for each request.", "out": "それぞれのリクエストに対して環境変数 UNIQUE_ID に識別子が設定されます。", "pred": "The environment variable UNIQUE_ID is set to the identifier for each request."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Regular expressions are implemented by the PCRE engine and have the same syntax as those in perl 5 .", "out": "正規表現は PCRE エンジンで実装されていて、 perl 5 と同じ構文を使用します。", "pred": "Regular expression are implemented by the PCRE engine and have the same syntax as those in perl 5 ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: I thought it's great that she has been setting her ideal high.", "out": "理想を高く掲げていることが素晴らしいと思いました。", "pred": "I thought it's great that she has been setting her理想l高い."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For more information about this topic, and for applications which perform log analysis, check the Open Directory .", "out": "この話や、 ログ解析を行なうアプリケーションの情報を得るには、 Open Directory を調べてください。", "pred": "For more information about this topic, and for application which perform log分析, check the Open Directory ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The second argument specifies what will be written to the log file.", "out": "二つめの引数はログファイルに何が書かれるかを指定します。", "pred": "The second argument is the name of the file what will be written to the log file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You might also consider CGI::Lite , which implements a minimal set of functionality, which is all you need in most programs.", "out": "CGI : : Lite も検討しましょう。 これは、ほとんどのプログラム において必要とするすべての機能の最小セットの実装です。", "pred": "You might also consider CGI::Lite , which implements a minimal set of functionality, which all you need in ほとんどの programs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: I had thought that to ask naming the company someone, is slowdown of work.", "out": "社名を他人に頼むなんて仕事のサボタージュだ、くらいに思っていた。", "pred": "I had thought that to ask naming the company someone, slowdown of work."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: These are controlled by mod_autoindex .", "out": "これらは mod_autoindex で制御されます。", "pred": "These are controlled by mod_autoindex ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: , within each group the sections are processed in the order they appear in the configuration files.", "out": " 以外は、それぞれのグループは設定ファイルに現れた順番に処理されます。", "pred": " , within each group the sections are processed in the order they appear in the configuration files."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the directory-path is not absolute then it is assumed to be relative to the ServerRoot .", "out": "directory-path が絶対パスでない場合は、 ServerRoot からの相対パスとみなされます。", "pred": "If the directory-path is not absolute then it is assumed to be relative to the ServerRoot ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Access can be controlled by hostname, IP address, IP address range, or by other characteristics of the client request captured in environment variables.", "out": "アクセスはホスト名、IP アドレス、IP アドレスの範囲や、 環境変数などのクライアントのリクエストの 特徴に基づいてアクセス制御することができます。", "pred": "Access can controlled by hostname, IP address, IP address range, or by other characteristics of the client request captured in environment variables."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Extension A directive with \"Extension\" status is provided by one of the modules included with the Apache server kit, but the module isn't normally compiled into the server.", "out": "Extension \"Extension\" のディレクティブは、 Apache サーバの配布物に同梱されているモジュールの一つで提供されているものの、 通常ではサーバに組み込まれていないことを示します。", "pred": "Extension A ディレクティブ with \"Extension\" status provided by one of the modules included with the Apache server kit, but the module isn't normally compiled into the server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This extension to the HTTP protocol allows creating, moving, copying, and deleting resources and collections on a remote web server.", "out": "この HTTP プロトコルの拡張により、リモートのウェブサーバ上にある リソースやコレクションを 作成、移動、複製、削除できるようになります。", "pred": "This extension to the HTTP protocol allows for both creating, moving, copying, and deleting resources andコレクション on a remote web server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Optional HTTP extensions are often expressed using request header fields.", "out": "オプションの HTTP 拡張はリクエストヘッダフィールドを使って表される場合が 多くあります。", "pred": "Optional HTTP extensions are often used for request header fields."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Instead the executable program manually loads the DSO at run-time into its address space via dlopen() .", "out": "ですので、実行プログラムは dlopen ( ) を使って 実行時に手動で DSO をプログラムのアドレス空間にロードする必要があります。", "pred": "The executable program manually loads the DSO at run-time into its address space via dlopen() ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, setting CGIMapExtension sys:\\foo.nlm .foo will cause all CGI script files with a .foo extension to be passed to the FOO interpreter.", "out": "例えば、 CGIMapExtension sys : \\ foo.nlm .foo と設定すると .foo という拡張子のすべての CGI スクリプトは FOO インタープリタに 渡されます。", "pred": "For example, CGIMapExtension sys , set to CGIMapExtension sys .nlm .foo will cause all CGI script files with a .foo extension to be passed to the FOO interpreter."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Does the target group exist?", "out": "対象となるグループ名は存在していますか?", "pred": "Does the target group exist?"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The second number determines how deeply subrequests may be nested.", "out": "二つめの number は サブリクエストが入れ子にできる深さを設定します。", "pred": "The second number is determined how deeply subrequests may be nested."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In order to avoid incurring this expense on each CGI invocation, mod_cgid creates an external daemon that is responsible for forking child processes to run CGI scripts.", "out": "各 CGI 起動時にこのコストがかかるのを防ぐために、 mod_cgid は子プロセスを fork して CGI スクリプトを実行するための 外部デーモンを実行します。", "pred": "In order to avoid incurring this expense on each CGI invocation, mod_cgid creates an externalデーモン that responsible for forking child processes to run CGI スクリプトs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If you wish designate a cgi-bin subdirectory of a user's directory where everything will be treated as a CGI program, you can use the following.", "out": "ユーザディレクトリの cgi-bin サブディレクトリの すべてのファイルを CGI プログラムとして指定したい場合には 以下のようなものを使います。", "pred": "If you wish designate a cgi-bin subdirectory of a user's directory where everything will be treated as a CGI program, you can use the following."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note on hyperlinks and naming conventions If you are using language negotiation you can choose between different naming conventions, because files can have more than one extension, and the order of the extensions is normally irrelevant (see the mod_mime documentation for details).", "out": "リンクと名前の変換に関する注意点 言語ネゴシエーションを使っている場合は、 ファイルが一つ以上の拡張子を持てて、 拡張子の順番は通常は考慮されない (詳細は mod_mime を参照) ので、 幾つかの異なる名前の変換を選べることになります。", "pred": "Note on hyperlinks and naming conventions If you are using language negotiation you can choose between different naming conventions, because files can have more than one extension, and the order of the extensions normally irrelevant (see the mod_mime documentation for details)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (Example forthcoming.) suEXEC's PATH environment variable This can be a dangerous thing to change.", "out": "(例は後日記載) suEXEC の PATH 環境変数 これを変更するのは危険です。", "pred": "(Example forthcoming.) suEXEC's PATH environment variable これは can be a dangerous thing to change."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In order to support advanced techniques (such as cookies or special URL-paths) to determine the user's preferred language, since httpd 2.0.47 mod_negotiation recognizes the environment variable prefer-language .", "out": "より高度なテクニック (Cookie や特殊な URL パス等) においてもユーザの言語選択をサポートするため、 Apache 2.0.47 からは、 mod_negotiation が 環境変数 prefer-language を認識するようになりました。", "pred": "In order to support advanced techniques (such as cookies or special URL-paths) to determine the user's preferred language, since httpd 2.0.47 mod_negotiation recognizes the環境 variable prefer-language ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In general, access restriction directives apply to all access methods ( GET , PUT , POST , etc).", "out": "一般的には、アクセス制限ディレクティブはすべてのアクセスメソッド ( GET , PUT , POST など) に適用されます。", "pred": "In general, access restrictions directives apply to all access methods ( GET , PUT , POST , etc)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Finally, to take advantage of the DSO's API the executable program has to resolve particular symbols from the DSO via dlsym() for later use inside dispatch tables etc.", "out": "最後に、DSO の API を利点を生かすために、プログラムは 後でディスパッチテーブル など でシンボルを使うことができるように、 dlsym ( ) を使っていくつかのシンボルを解決します。", "pred": "最後に, to take advantage of the DSO's API the executable program has to resolve particular symbols from the DSO via dlsym() for later use inside dispatch tables etc."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The cache storage manager is specified with the cache_type argument.", "out": "キャッシュストレージ管理方式は cache_type 引数で指定します。", "pred": "The cache storage manager is specified with the cache_type argument."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Now simply place it in the modules directory of your server root, and use the LoadModule directive to load it.", "out": "サーバルートの modules ディレクトリにモジュールを置いて、 LoadModule ディレクティブを使って読み込んでください。", "pred": "Now simply place it in the modules directory of your server root, and use the LoadModule ディレクティブ to load it."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Finally, the Require directive provides the authorization part of the process by setting the user that is allowed to access this region of the server.", "out": "最後に、 Require ディレクティブが、サーバのこの領域にアクセスできるユーザを 指定することによって、プロセスの承認部分を提供します。", "pred": "最後に, the Require ディレクティブは the authorization part of the process by setting the user that will delay to access this region of the server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Joyful Jukebox Music is a compilation album by the Jackson 5 released on the Motown label on Octo, after they had left Motown.", "out": ". ・ 予約商品は、発売日より弊社配送センターの2 . 『 ジョイフル・ジュークボックス・ミュージック 』 ( Joyful Jukebox Music)は、1976年にモータウンから発売されたジャクソン5のコンピレーション・アルバム。", "pred": "Joyful Jukebox Music is a compilation album by the Jackson 5 released on the Motown label on Octo, after they had left Motown."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The virtual attribute is probably more useful, and should specify a URL relative to the document being served.", "out": "virtual 属性は、おそらくより便利だと思いますが、提供するドキュメントからの相対 URL で指定すべきです。", "pred": "The virtual attribute is probably more useful, and should specify a URL relative to the document being served."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It can be used to build DSO based modules outside of the Apache httpd source tree.", "out": "Apache のソースツリーの 外で DSO モジュールをビルドするために 使うことができます。", "pred": "It can use to build DSO based modules outside of the Apache httpd source tree."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (Manufacturing industry: Sales manager) Interpretation and idea of naming could be very useful to think about brand strategies from now on.", "out": "(製造業:営業部長) ネーミングの解釈、発想は、今後のブランド戦略を考えるうえで大いに参考になりました。", "pred": "(Manufacturing industry: Sales Manager) Interpretation andアイデア of naming could be very useful to think about brand strategies from now on."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Similar functionality is provided by mod_authz_dbm .", "out": "同様の機能は mod_authz_dbm によっても提供されています。", "pred": "Similar functionality is provided by mod_authz_dbm ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Therefore, it will not affect subsequent TransferLog directives.", "out": "ですから、これは続く TransferLog ディレクティブには影響を与えません。", "pred": "ですから、これは続く TransferLog ディレクティブには影響を与えません。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: We were invited to the dinner party at the official residence in Pretoria, and we could have a joyful and meaningful time there with them.", "out": "その日の夜には、プレトリアにある大使公邸においての夕食会にお招きいただき、楽しく有意義なひとときを経験させていただきました。", "pred": "私たちは、招待された to the dinner party at the official residence in Pretoria, and we could have a joyful and有意義な time there with them."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See above for a discussion of when you should and should not use .htaccess files.", "out": "いつ .htaccess ファイルを使うべきで、いつ使うべきではないかに ついては 上 を参照してください。", "pred": "See above for a discussion of when you should and not use .htaccess files."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: would match the request URL /abc but not the request URL //abc .", "out": "は 、 / abc というリクエスト URL にマッチしますが 、 / /abc というリクエスト URL にはマッチしません。", "pred": "would match the request URL /abc but not the request URL //abc ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Extending the modular design to this level of the server allows two important benefits: Apache httpd can more cleanly and efficiently support a wide variety of operating systems.", "out": "モジュール化された設計をサーバのこのレベルまで拡張することで 二つの重要な利点が生まれます: Apache は幅広いオペレーティングシステムを より美しく効率的にサポートできます。", "pred": "Extending the modular design to this level of the server allows two critical benefits: Apache can more cleanly and efficiently support a wide variety of operating systems."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For more complicated tasks such as manipulating the query string, use the tools provided by mod_rewrite .", "out": "より複雑な操作、クエリーストリングの操作には、 mod_rewrite で提供されるツールを使用してください。", "pred": "For more complicated tasks such as manipulating theクエリ string, use the tools provided by mod_rewrite ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Special Purpose Environment Variables Interoperability problems have led to the introduction of mechanisms to modify the way Apache behaves when talking to particular clients.", "out": "特別な目的の環境変数 互換性の問題を解決するために、特定のクライアントと通信しているときは Apache の動作を変更できる機構が導入されました。", "pred": "Special Purpose Environment Variables Interoperability problems have led to the introduction of mechanisms to modify the way Apache behaves when talking to particular clients."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Send Headers The status code and message are the usual HTTP things (e.g. 200 and OK ).", "out": "Send Headers ステータスコードとメッセージが通常の HTTP の通信にはあります (例 200 と OK ) 。", "pred": "Send Headers The status code and message are the usual HTTP one (e.g. 200 and OK )."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is useful when automatically run, see the Perl program log_server_status , which you will find in the /support directory of your Apache HTTP Server installation.", "out": "これは自動的に実行されるときに便利です。 Apache の /support ディレクトリにある Perl プログラム log_server_status を見てください。", "pred": "これは自動的に実行されるときに便利です。 see the Perl program log_server_status , which you will find in the /support directory of your Apache HTTP Server installation."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You can specify bytes for a full count in bytes, or abbrev for an abbreviated number in Kb or Mb, as appropriate.", "out": "バイト数には bytes を、適当に Kb や Mb に短縮させるには abbrev を指定することができます。", "pred": "The value of the Apache 2.0.233 is the same as the value of the Apache 2.0.2333."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Security Issues Since DAV access methods allow remote clients to manipulate files on the server, you must take particular care to assure that your server is secure before enabling mod_dav .", "out": "セキュリティの問題 DAV のアクセスメソッドは遠隔クライアントがサーバのファイルを 操作することを可能にしますので、 mod_dav を使用する 前に、サーバが安全であることを特に注意して確認しなければなりません。", "pred": "Security Issues Since DAV アクセス制御 methods allow remote clients to manipulate files on the server, you must take care to assure that your server secure before enabling mod_dav ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The second way is to compile the module as a DLL, a shared library that can be loaded into the server at runtime, using the LoadModule directive.", "out": "二つ目はモジュールを DLL としてコンパイルする方法です。 DLL は共有ライブラリで、実行時に LoadModule ディレクティブによりサーバに読み込むことができます。", "pred": "The second way is to compile the module as a DLL, a shared library that can be enabled to the server at runtime, using the LoadModule ディレクティブ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The only chances to use other code is to either make sure the httpd core itself already contains a reference to it or loading the code yourself via dlopen() .", "out": "その他のコードを使う方法は、 Apache コア自身がすでにそのコードへの参照があるようにするか、 dlopen ( ) を使ってコードを自分自身でロードするかの どちらかしかありません。", "pred": "The only chances to use the other code is to either make sure the httpd core itself already contains a reference to it or loading the code yourself via dlopen() ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In order to identify each request, a unique request ID is assigned.", "out": "各リクエストを識別するために、リクエストには 一意なリクエスト ID が割り当てられます。", "pred": "In order to identify each request, a unique request ID is assigned."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The implementation of mod_dav_lock uses a SDBM database to track user locks.", "out": "mod_dav_lock の実装ではユーザの ロックを追跡するのに SDBM データベースを使います。", "pred": "The implementation of mod_dav_lock is used for a SDBM database to track user locks."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: What Directives are Allowed? To find out what directives are allowed in what types of configuration sections, check the Context of the directive.", "out": "どのディレクティブが使えるの? どのタイプの設定セクションでどのディレクティブが使用できるかは、 ディレクティブの Context を見てください。", "pred": "To find out what ディレクティブ are allowed in what types of configuration sections, check the コンテキスト of the directive."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Serving the same content on different IP addresses (such as an internal and external address). Running different sites on different ports. IP-based virtual hosting Mixed port-based and ip-based virtual hosts Mixed name-based and IP-based vhosts Using Virtual_host and mod_proxy together Using _default_ vhosts Migrating a name-based vhost to an IP-based vhost Using the ServerPath directive See also Comments Running several name-based web sites on a single IP address.", "out": "一つの IP アドレスでいくつかの名前ベースの ウェブサイトを実行する 複数の IP アドレスのあるホストで名前ベースの ホスティングを行なう 違う IP アドレス (例えば、内部と外部アドレス) で同じコンテンツを送る 違うポートで違うサイトを運営する IP ベースのバーチャルホスティング ポートベースと IP ベースの混ざった バーチャルホスト 名前ベースと IP ベースを混ぜた バーチャルホスト Virtual_host と mod_proxy を併用する _default_ のバーチャルホストを 使う 名前ベースのバーチャルホストから IP ベースの バーチャルホストに移行する ServerPath ディレクティブを 使う 参照 コメント 一つの IP アドレスでいくつかの名前ベースの ウェブサイトを実行する サーバは IP アドレスを一つ割り当てられていて、DNS でマシンに 複数の名前 (CNAME) が指定されています。", "pred": "Serving the same content on different IP addresses (such as an internal and external address). Running different sites on different ports. IP ベースのバーチャルホスト hosting Mixed port-based and ip ベースのバーチャルホスト Mixed name-based and IP ベースのバーチャルホスト Using Virtual_host and mod_proxy together Using _default_ vhosts Migrating a name-based vhost to an IP ベースの vhost Using the ServerPath directive See also Comments Running several 名前-based websites."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This mapping is added to any already in force, overriding any mappings that already exist for the same extension .", "out": "この新しいマッピングは既にあるマッピングに追加され、同じ拡張子 extension のためのマッピングを上書きします。", "pred": "This mapping is added to any already in force, excessively any mappings that already exist for the same extension ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See also the Directory directive and the Security Tips page for more information.", "out": "追加情報に Directory ディレクティブや セキュリティ Tips のページもご覧下さい。", "pred": "See also the Directory ディレクティブ and the Security Tips page for more information."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If, instead, you have a machine name, rather than an IP address, you can use that. ", "out": "もしマシン名がわかっていて IP アドレスよりもそちらで 指定したいのであれば、そのマシン名が使えます。", "pred": "If, instead, you have aマシン name, rather than an IP address, you can use it. "} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note that questions about CGI problems should never be posted to the Apache bug database unless you are sure you have found a problem in the Apache source code.", "out": "Apache のソースコードにおいて問題を発見したことを確信していない限り、 CGI の問題に関する質問を Apache バグデータベースに 送るべきでない ことに注目してください。", "pred": "Note that questions about CGI problems should not be posted to the Apache bug database unless you are sure you have found a problem in the Apache source code."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: MIME-type is a wildcard expression matching required the mime types.", "out": "MIME-type は、要求されたタイプに該当する ワイルドカード表現です。", "pred": "MIME-type is the mime type that must be delivered with the ワイルドカード expression."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is the default behavior.", "out": "これがデフォルトの動作です。", "pred": "This is the default behavior."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In other words, order of merging is important, so be careful! ", "out": "言い換えれば、マージの順番は重要で、注意して使用してください! ", "pred": "言い換えれば、 order of merging is critical, so be careful! "} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For instance, if the sort order is ascending by name, and IgnoreCase is enabled, file Zeta will be listed after file alfa (Note: file GAMMA will always be listed before file gamma).", "out": "例えばファイル名が昇順でソートされ、 IgnoreCase が有効であれば、 Zeta は alfa の後にリストされます (注意: GAMMA は常に gamma の前になります ) 。", "pred": "For example, if the sort order is 昇順 by name, and IgnoreCase enabled, file Zeta will be listed after file alfa (Note: file GAMMA will always be listed before file gamma)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: However to provide backwards compatibility for older configurations, these directives have been moved to the mod_access_compat module.", "out": "とはいうものの、古い設定ファイルでの後方互換性を提供するため、 これらのディレクティブは mod_access_compat モジュールに移されました。", "pred": "However, to provide backwards compatibility for older configurations, これらのディレクティブは移動n the mod_access_compat module."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You may also directly edit the apache2ctl script by changing the HTTPD variable near the top to specify the correct location of the httpd binary and any command-line arguments that you wish to be always present.", "out": "また、 apache2ctl スクリプトを直接編集し、 スクリプト先頭付近の HTTPD 変数を変更することで、 httpd バイナリの正しい位置を指定したり、 常に 付加させるコマンドライン引数を指定したりすることができます。", "pred": "You may also directly edit the apache2ctl script by changeing the HTTPD variable near the top to specify the correct location of the httpd binary and any command-line arguments that you wish to be always present."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To encourage a cache to use the local copy regardless of the negotiation dimensions, set the force-no-vary environment variable .", "out": "ネゴシエーション次元とは関係なしにローカルコピーの使用を優先するようにするには、 force-no-vary 環境変数 を 設定します。", "pred": "To encourage a cache to use the local copy regardless of the negotiation dimensions, set the force-no-vary environment variable ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: When you wish to split your log file into its component parts (one file per virtual host) you can use the program split-logfile to accomplish this.", "out": ") ログファイルを各部分 (バーチャルホスト毎に 1 ファイル) に分けたいときは、 split-logfile を使って行なうことができます。", "pred": "When you wish to split your log file into its component parts ( virtual host perone file) you can use the program split-logfile to accomplish this."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: First, the cgi-script handler must be activated using the AddHandler or SetHandler directive.", "out": "まず、 AddHandler や SetHandler ディレクティブによって cgi-script ハンドラが可能になっている必要があります。", "pred": "まず、 AddHandler や SetHandler ディレクティブによって cgi-script ハンドラが可能になっている必要があります。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: While not required under normal circumstances, default will restore Apache httpd's simple hardcoded message for configurations that would otherwise inherit an existing ErrorDocument .", "out": "通常は必要ではありませんが、 default を使うと 既存の ErrorDocument ディレクティブの設定を 継承するところで、Apache のハードコードされた簡単なメッセージに 戻すことができます。", "pred": "まだ Not required under normal circumstances, default will restore Apache httpd's simple hardcoded message for configurations that would be inherit an existing ErrorDocument ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: GET_BODY_CHUNK Get further data from the request if it hasn't all been transferred yet.", "out": "GET_BODY_CHUNK リクエストのデータを全て受け取り終わっていないときに、 残っているデータを受け取ります。", "pred": "GET_BODY_CHUNK Get further data from the request if it hasn't all is transferred yet."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The list of safe variables is defined at compile-time in suexec.c .", "out": "この安全な環境変数の集合は、コンパイル時に suexec.c で定義されます。", "pred": "The list of safe variables is defined at compile-time in suexec.c ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The main configuration file is usually called apache2.conf .", "out": "メインの設定ファイルは普通は apache2.conf という名前です。", "pred": "The main configuration file is usually called apache2.conf ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: Apache Virtual Host documentation X.509 An authentication certificate scheme recommended by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T) which is used for SSL/TLS authentication.", "out": "参照: Apache バーチャルホストの文書 X.509 SSL/TLS 認証に使われている International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T) により推奨されている認証証明書の形式。", "pred": "参照: Apache バーチャルホスト documentation X.509 An authentication certificate scheme recommended by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T) which is used for SSL/TLS 認証."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Usually the ntpdate or xntpd programs are used for this purpose which are based on the Network Time Protocol (NTP).", "out": "Network Time Protocol (NTP) をベースとした ntpdate や xntpd プログラムが この目的によく用いられます。", "pred": "The ntpdate or xntpd programs are used for this purpose which are based on the Network Time Protocol (NTP)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Headers The structure of request_headers is the following: First, the number of headers num_headers is encoded.", "out": "Headers request_headers の構造は次のようなものです : まずヘッダの数 num_headers がエンコードされます。", "pred": "Headers The structure of request_headers is the following: First, the number of headers num_headers is encoded."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (Although one httpd could listen to N-1 of the addresses, and another could listen to the remaining address.)", "out": "(ただし、一つの httpd が N-1 個のアドレスを listen し、 別の httpd が残りのアドレスを listen するといったことは可能です。", "pred": "(ただし、一つの httpd が listen to N-1 of the アドレス and another could listen to the残りの address.)"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Environment variables can be set on a per-request basis using the mod_setenvif and/or mod_rewrite modules.", "out": "環境変数は mod_setenvif モジュールと mod_rewrite モジュールの両方もしくは 片方を用いてリクエストごとに設定することができます。", "pred": "環境変数 can be set on a per-request basis using the mod_setenvif and/or mod_rewrite modules."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the output is correct, but the browser is not processing it correctly, make sure you have the correct Content-Type set in your CGI program.", "out": "出力が正常だけれども、ブラウザが正常に処理してくれない場合は、 正しい Content-Type を CGI プログラム内で セットしたかを確認してください。", "pred": "If the output is correct, but theブラウザ is not processing it correctly, make sure you have the correct Content-Type set in your CGI program."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Company's name which embodied our vision was born After that, Ms. Yokoi's proposal activity was started and it was the continuity of surprise for me.", "out": "会社のビジョンを具現した社名が誕生 それ以降、横井さんの提案活動が始まってからは「目から鱗」の連続だった。", "pred": "Company's name which embodied our vision was born After that, Ms. Yokoi's proposal activity was started and it was the continuity of surprise for me."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The authorization providers all , env , host and ip let you allow or deny access based on other host based criteria such as host name or ip address of the machine requesting a document.", "out": "承認プロバイダ all , env , host , ip を使うと、リクエストを送信してきているマシンのホスト名や IP アドレス といった、ホストベースでのアクセス制御ができます。", "pred": "The authorization providers all , env , host and ip let you allow or deny access based on other host based criteria such as host name or ip address of the machine requesting a document."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To maintain the security of communications with CGI scripts, it is important that no other user has permission to write in the directory where the socket is located.", "out": "CGI スクリプトとの通信の セキュリティを保つために、ソケットの存在するディレクトリに 他のユーザが書き込み権限を持っていないようにすることが重要です。", "pred": "To maintain the security of communications with CGI scripts, it is critical that no other user has permission to write in the directory where the socket is located."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If you aren't familiar with managing setuid root programs and the security issues they present, we highly recommend that you not consider using suEXEC.", "out": "あなたが setuid root されたプログラムと、それらから生じるセキュリティ上の問題の管理に 詳しくないようなら、suEXEC の使用を検討しないように強く推奨します。", "pred": "If you aren't familiar with managing setuid root programs and the security issues they present, we highly recommend that you not consider using suEXEC."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Attended the establishment general meeting for \"CHAdeMO conference\" | ZYXYZ On 15th March, Establishment General Meeting for \"CHAdeMO conference\" was held at Cerulean Tower Tokyu Hotel, and our Representative Keiko Yokoi who devised the name (CHAdeMO) was invited to its conference as a guest.", "out": "「CHAdeMO(チャデモ)協議会」設立総会に出席しました | ジザイズ 3月15日、セルリアンタワー東急ホテルで「CHAdeMO(チャデモ)協議会」の設立総会が開かれ、名称を考案した横井も来賓としてお招きいただきました。", "pred": "Attended the確立 Conference for \"CHAdeMO 会議\" | ZY SECOND On 15th March, Establishment General Meeting for \"CHAdeMO 会議\" was held at Cerulean Tower Tokyu Hotel, and our consultancy Keiko Yokoi who devised the name (CHAdeMO) was invited to its conference as a guest."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If you don't have GCC then at least make sure your vendor's compiler is ANSI compliant.", "out": "GCC がない場合は、 少なくとも提供されているコンパイラが ANSI 準拠であることを確認しておいて下さい。", "pred": "If you don't have GCC then at least make sure your vendor's compiler is ANSI compliant."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: By default, when the handling of a request requires access to the data within a file -- for example, when delivering a server-parsed file using mod_include -- Apache httpd memory-maps the file if the OS supports it.", "out": "デフォルトでは、 例えば、 mod_include を使って SSI ファイルを配送 するときのように、ファイルの途中のデータをアクセスする必要があるときには Apache は OS がサポートしていればファイルをメモリにマップします。 このメモリマップは性能の向上をもたらすことがあります。", "pred": "デフォルトでは、 fork of a request requires access to the data within a file -- for example, when mod_include による server-parsed のファイル to Delivering when Apache httpd memory-maps the file if the OS supports it."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note, however, that a better solution is to just fix (or delete) those scripts, since setting a default charset does not protect users that have enabled the \"auto-detect character encoding\" feature on their browser.", "out": "デフォルト文字セットをセットしたとしても、 ブラウザの \"文字エンコードの自動選択\" 機能が有効になっているユーザを 守ることにはならないので、もちろんより良い解決策は単にスクリプトを修正 (あるいは削除) することです。", "pred": "Note, however, that a better solution is to just fix (or delete) the これらの スクリプトs, since setting a default charset does not protect users have enabled the \"auto-detect character encoding\" feature on their browser."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It is also the best MPM for isolating each request, so that a problem with a single request will not affect any other.", "out": "あるリクエストで発生した問題が他のリクエストに影響しないように、 個々のリクエストを単離するのにも、最適な MPM です。", "pred": "It is also the best MPM for isolating each request, so that a problem with a single request will not affect any other."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note also that ProxyBlock \"*\" blocks connections to all sites.", "out": "ProxyBlock * はすべてのサイトへの接続をブロックすることに注意してください。", "pred": "Note also that ProxyBlock \"*\"ブロック connection to all sites."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If it is unable to authenticate the user, the LDAP provider will be called.", "out": "認証できなかった場合には、ldap プロバイダが呼び出されます。", "pred": "If it is unable to 認証e the user, the LDAP provider will be called."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The On setting simply adds a line with the server version number and ServerName of the serving virtual host, and the EMail setting additionally creates a \"mailto:\" reference to the ServerAdmin of the referenced document.", "out": "On に設定した場合は、単にドキュメントの中に、サーバのバージョン、 稼動中のバーチャルホストの ServerName の書かれた行を追加し、 EMail にした場合はさらに参照されたドキュメントに対する ServerAdmin を指す \"mailto : \" が追加されます。", "pred": "The On setting simply adds a line with the server version number and ServerName of the serving virtual host, and the EMail setting additionally creates a \"mailto:\" reference to the ServerAdmin of the document."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: File-path is the path to the user file.", "out": "file-path はユーザファイルへのパスです。", "pred": "File-path is the path to the user file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Output Store the byte count of the filter's output stream in the note.", "out": "Output フィルタの出力ストリームのバイトカウントをメモに保存する。", "pred": "Output Store the byte count of the filter's output stream in the note."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Boogie, along with Joyful Jukebox Music, was distributed for a very short period, and the album remains the rarest of the Jackson 5.", "out": "旧おかか since 1968 Ver. netoff sales ranking 年10月> 男性50代海外のロック&ポップス売れ筋ランキング. ジョイフル・ジュークボックス・ミュージック ジョイフル・ジュークボックス・ミュージックの概要 『ジョイフル・ジュークボックス・ミュージック』ジャクソン5 の コンピレーション・アルバムリリース1976年10月26日1ジャンルソウル、ポップスレーベルモータウンプロデュースマイケル. ジュークボックス・クラシックス 2 WARNER WESTERN I 1 インナーリゾート リラクシン・ヴォヤージュ.", "pred": "5. 狂気の狂気の狂気の狂気の狂気の狂気の狂気の狂気の狂気の狂気の狂気の狂気の狂気の狂気の狂気の狂気の狂気の狂気の狂気の狂気の狂気の狂気の狂気の狂気の狂"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note that any variant with a qs value of 0.000 will never be chosen.", "out": "qs 値が 0.000 の variant は決して 選択されないことに注意してください。", "pred": "Note that any variant with a qs value of 0.000 will never be chosen."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In very specific situations the identifier can be shortened, but more information needs to be assumed (for example the 32-bit IP address is overkill for any site, but there is no portable shorter replacement for it).", "out": "さらに限られた状況下では、ID はさらに短くすることができますが、 より多くの情報を仮定する必要がでてきます (例えば、32 ビット IP アドレスはどのサイトにおいても過剰な情報ですが、 それの代わりになる移植性のあるものはありません ) 。", "pred": "非常に具体的な状況s the identifier can be shortened, but more information needs to be set (例えば the 32-bit IP address is overkill for any site, but there is no portable shorter replacement for it)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Other network entities can check the signature to verify that a CA has authenticated the bearer of a certificate.", "out": "他のネットワークエンティティは 証明書の保持者が CA に認証されたかを署名を検証することで調べることが できます。", "pred": "Other Network エンティティs can check the signature to verify that a CA has authenticated the bearer of a certificate."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the ErrorDocument specifies a local redirect to a CGI script, the script should include a \" Status: \" header field in its output in order to ensure the propagation all the way back to the client of the error condition that caused it to be invoked.", "out": "アクセスログには元の URL とリダイレクトされた URL の両方が記録されます。 ErrorDocument が CGI スクリプトへのローカルリダイレクトを 指定している場合は、それを起動することになったエラーの状態を クライアントまで確実に伝えるために \"Status : \" ヘッダを含むべきです。", "pred": "If the ErrorDocument specifies a local redirect to a CGI script, the script should include a \" Status: \" ヘッダフィールド in its output in order to ensure the propagation all the way back to the client of the error condition that caused it to be invoked."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note that the result of this double-reverse isn't generally available unless you set HostnameLookups Double .", "out": "HostnameLookups Double を設定しない限り、 他の部分はこの 2 重逆引きの結果を使うことはできません。", "pred": "Note that the result of this double-reverse isn't generally available unless you set HostnameLookups Double ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Is the target user NOT superuser? suEXEC does not allow root to execute CGI/SSI programs.", "out": "今のところ、suEXEC は root による CGI/SSI プログラムの実行を許可していません。", "pred": "Is the target user NOT superuser? suEXEC does not allow root to execute CGI/SSI programs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Of course, on Windows, there is no such thing as an execute bit to set, so that limits your options a little.", "out": "もちろん、Windows ではそのような実行ビットをセット するようなものはありませんのでオプションが少し制限されています。", "pred": "Of course, on Windows, there is no such thing as an execute bit to set, so that limits your options a little."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Topics Theory Directives This module provides no directives.", "out": "トピック 理論 ディレクティブ このモジュールにディレクティブはありません。", "pred": "Topics Theory ディレクティブ このモジュールに no ディレクティブs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Each Virtual Host must correspond to a different IP address, different port number, or a different host name for the server, in the former case the server machine must be configured to accept IP packets for multiple addresses.", "out": "各々のバーチャルホストにはそれぞれ違う IP アドレス、ポート番号 もしくはホスト名に対応する必要があり、 1 番目の場合には複数のアドレスで IP パケットを受信できるように サーバマシンを設定しなければなりません。", "pred": "各 Virtual Host must be configured to accept IPパケット for multiple addresses."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is due to the fact that there is no modification time for such content.", "out": "そのようなコンテンツには修正時刻は存在しないからです。", "pred": "これは、そのようなコンテンツの修正時刻がない場合である、 原因である。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Another common cause of \"File Not Found\" errors is accidental mistyping of URLs, either directly in the browser, or in HTML links. httpd provides the module mod_speling (sic) to help with this problem.", "out": "File Not Found\" エラーのもう一つのよくある理由は、 ブラウザへの直接入力や HTML リンクからの偶発的な URL の入力間違いです。 Apache はこの問題を改善するために、 mod_speling モジュール (意図的な綴り間違い ) ( 訳注: 正しくは spelling) を提供しています。", "pred": "Another common cause of \"File Not Found\" エラー is accidental mistyping of URLs, either directly in the browser, or in HTML link. httpd provides the module mod_speling (sic) to help with this problem."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The first line tells Apache (or whatever shell you happen to be running under) that this program can be executed by feeding the file to the interpreter found at the location /usr/bin/perl .", "out": "1 行目は 、 / usr/bin/perl で見つけられるインタプリタに このファイルを供給することでこのプログラムが実行されることを Apache に (シェル上で実行しようとしているならば、そのシェルに ) 示します。", "pred": "The first line tells Apache (or whatever shell you happen to be running under) that this program can be executed by feeding the file to the interpreter found at the location /usr/bin/perl ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If set to the value of 0 , the server will use the OS default.", "out": "0 にした場合、OS のデフォルト値が使用されます。", "pred": "If set to the value of 0 , the server will use the OS default."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The documentation for that directive also lists the possible override names available.", "out": "ディレクティブのドキュメントは取り得る上書きの名前も挙げます。", "pred": "The documentation for that ディレクティブ also lists the possible overrides available."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Asahi Shimbun \"be\" was started from 6th April in 2002, and Yokoi entered after following 7 people.", "out": "「朝日新聞be」に掲載 | ジザイズ 「フロントランナー」(1面・2面) 「朝日新聞 be」は2002年4月6日から土曜版としてスタートし下記の方々に次ぐ7人目の登場となりました。", "pred": "Asahi Shimbun \"be\" was started from 6th April in 2002, and Yokoi entered after following 7 people."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For compiling and installation on Windows, see Using Apache HTTP Server with Microsoft Windows and Compiling Apache for Microsoft Windows .", "out": "Windows における コンパイルとインストールに関しては「 Microsoft Windows で Apache を使う 」をご覧下さい。 その他のプラットホームに関しては「 プラットホーム 」をご覧下さい。", "pred": "For compiling and installation on Windows, see Using Apache HTTP Server with Microsoft Windows and Compiling Apache for Microsoft Windows ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The SuppressHTMLPreamble option disables this behaviour, causing the module to start the display with the header file contents.", "out": "SuppressHTMLPreamble オプションは、 この挙動を無効にできて、 モジュールがヘッダーファイルの中身から表示を始めます。", "pred": "The SuppressHTMLPreamble option disables this action, causing the module to start the display with the ヘッダ file contents."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: There are no attributes.", "out": "属性はありません。", "pred": "The no attribute."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To enable keepalive, set this property value to On .", "out": "keepalive を有効にするには、このプロパティを On にしてください。", "pred": "To enable keepalive, set this property value to On ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This will be root if the server was started by root; be sure that the program is secure or switches to a less privileged user.", "out": "つまり、サーバが root で実行された場合は root で 実行されるということです。 プログラムが安全であるか、より権限の少ない ユーザに切り替えるようになっていることを確かめてください。", "pred": "This will be root if the server was started by root; be sure that the program is secure or switches to a less privileged user."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the reuse flag is true (anything other than 0 in the actual C code) , this TCP connection can now be used to handle new incoming requests.", "out": "reuse フラグが真 (==1) の場合、現在使用している TCP コネクションは次の新しい リクエストに使えるようになります。", "pred": "If the reuse フラグ true (anything other than 0 in the actual C code) , this TCP connection can now be used to handle new incoming requests."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: When this module is activated, it will intercept \"File Not Found\" errors and look for a resource with a similar filename.", "out": "このモジュールが 使用されているときは 、 \" File Not Found\" エラーを横取りして、 似たファイル名のリソースを探します。", "pred": "When this module is activated, it will intercept \"File Not Found\" errors and look for a resource with a similar filename."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This directive only affects files associated with the MIME-type text/html .", "out": "このディレクティブは MIME タイプ text/html と関連付けられているファイルにのみ影響します。", "pred": "このディレクティブは only affects files associated with the MIME-type text/html ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For server configurations that are not vulnerable to these problems, you may enable this feature by specifying: EnableSendfile On For network mounted files, this feature may be disabled explicitly for the offending files by specifying:", "out": "これらの問題に当てはまるサーバの設定の場合は、以下のようにして この機能を使用不可にしてください: EnableSendfile Off NFS や SMB マウントされたファイルには、問題のあるファイルにのみ明示的に この機能を使用不可にします:", "pred": "For server configurations that are not vulnerable to these problems, you may enable this feature by specifying: EnableSendfile On Forネットワーク mounted files, this feature may be disabled compared to the offending files by specifying:"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The web server communicates with the servlet container over TCP connections.", "out": "ウェブサーバはサーブレットコンテナと TCP コネクションで通信します。", "pred": "The web server communicates with the servlet container over TCP connection."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: sections. These sections limit the application of the directives which they enclose to particular filesystem locations or URLs.", "out": "これらのセクションはその中にあるディレクティブの適用範囲を 特定のファイルシステムの位置や URL に限定します。", "pred": "These セクションを制限します。 These セクションを制限します。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the clients want, we may propose about the business component of naming development with the partner Ms. Yokoi's help in the future, I think now.", "out": "お客様が望めば、ネーミング開発というビジネスコンポーネントを、今後横井さんというパートナーの力を借りて提案することもあるのかもしれないな、と今では思っている。", "pred": "If the clients want, we may propose about the business component of naming development with the partner Ms. Yokoi's help in the future, I think now."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: are used to enclose a group of directives that will apply only to a particular virtual host.", "out": "は、 特定のバーチャルホストに対してのみ適用されるディレクティブ群を括る ために使われます。", "pred": "directives that are used to enclose a group of directives that will apply only to a particular virtual host."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Josef Strauss was born into one of the most famous of Viennese musical families.", "out": "シュトラウスの初期作品の中で、最も人気があるものの一つである。", "pred": "Josef Strauss was born into one of the most famous of Viennese musical families."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: People may be used to its behavior in the filesystem where multiple adjacent slashes are frequently collapsed to a single slash ( i.e. , /home///foo is the same as /home/foo ).", "out": "ファイルシステムにおいて利用する場合には複数のスラッシュでも一つの スラッシュとして扱われることが多いですが 、 ( すなわち 、 / home / / /foo は /home/foo と同じといったように) URL においては必ずしもそうなるわけではありません。", "pred": "People may use to its behavior in the filesystem where multiple adjacentスラッシュes are frequently collapsed to a singleスラッシュ ( i.e., /home///foo is the same as /home/foo )."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The set Element This sets the value of a variable.", "out": "set 要素 これは変数の値を設定します。", "pred": "The set Element This sets the value of a variable."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This will be the only hierarchy (aside from UserDir s) that can be used for suEXEC behavior.", "out": "これが suEXEC の動作で使用する唯一のディレクトリ階層になります (UserDir の指定は別 ) 。", "pred": "This will be the only階層 (aside from UserDir s) that can be used for suEXEC behavior."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If set to On , each request and reply will get a Via: header line added for the current host.", "out": "On に設定されていれば、各リクエストとリプライに Via: 行が追加されます。", "pred": "If set to On , each request and reply will get a Via: header line added for the current host."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Please see the authentication tutorial for a more complete discussion of authentication and authorization.", "out": "認証と承認については 認証チュートリアル を 参照してください。", "pred": "Please see the認証 tutorial for a more complete discussion of authentication and authorization."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Hip hop or hip-hop, is a culture and art movement that began in the Bronx in New York City during the early 1970s.", "out": "簡単に紹介しますが、 ヒップホップ文化の起源はニューヨークのサウスブロンクスです。", "pred": "1970s年初頭、南北市の南北市。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See the DescriptionWidth IndexOptions keyword for details on overriding the size of this column, or allowing descriptions of unlimited length.", "out": "このコラムの大きさを上書きしたり、 説明が無制限長でもよいようにするための詳細に関しては、 DescriptionWidth という IndexOptions のキーワードをご覧下さい。", "pred": "See the DescriptionWidth IndexOptions キーワード for details on internaling the size of this column, or allowing descriptions of unlimited length."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The FileETag directive allows you to choose which of these -- if any -- should be used.", "out": "FileETag ディレクティブにより、これらのどれを使うかを 選ぶことができます。", "pred": "The FileETag ディレクティブにより、これらの -- if any -- を選ぶ By default."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Script Log In order to aid in debugging, the ScriptLog directive allows you to record the input to and output from CGI scripts.", "out": "スクリプトログ デバッグの補助のために、 ScriptLog ディレクティブは CGI スクリプトの入力と出力を記録するようにできます。", "pred": "Script Log In order to aid in debugging, the ScriptLog ディレクティブ allow you to record the input to and output from CGI scripts."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: What's going on behind the scenes?", "out": "裏で何が起こっているのか?", "pred": "What's going on behind the scenes?"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The supplied regular expression is matched against the URL-path, and if it matches, the server will substitute any parenthesized matches into the given string and use it as a filename.", "out": "ここで指定された正規表現と URL のパス が合うかどうかを調べ、合う場合は括弧で括られたマッチを 与えられた文字列で置き換え、それをファイル名として使用します。", "pred": "The supplied regular expression is therefore against the URL-path, and if it matches, the server will substitute any parenthesized matches into the given string and use it as a filename."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Accurate time keeping Elements of the HTTP protocol are expressed as the time of day.", "out": "時刻を正確にする HTTP プロトコルの要素は日時の時刻で表現されています。", "pred": "Accurate time keeping Elements of the HTTP protocol are expressed as the time of day."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Any requests which do not match any Allow or Deny directives are permitted.", "out": "どの Allow にも Deny にもマッチしないリクエストは 許可されます。", "pred": "Any Allow or Deny directives that are not provided by any requests are permitted."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If PREFIX is not specified, it defaults to /usr/local/apache2 .", "out": "PREFIX を指定しなかった場合は、 デフォルトの /usr/local/apache2 になります。", "pred": "If PREFIX is not specified, it defaults to /usr/local/apache2 ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The filter argument is case-insensitive. The extension argument is case-insensitive and can be specified with or without a leading dot.", "out": "filter は大文字小文字を区別しません。 引数 extension は大文字小文字を区別せず、 最初のドットはあってもなくても構いません。", "pred": "The filter argument is case-insensitive The extension argument is case-insensitive and can be specified with or without a leading dot."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Users of mod_status will notice that the server statistics are set to zero when a HUP is sent.", "out": "mod_status を使っている場合は、 HUP が送られた場合に サーバ統計がゼロに設定されることに注意してください。", "pred": "Users of mod_status will notice that the server statistics are set to zero when a HUP sent."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To include extensions associated with Handlers and/or Filters, set the MultiviewsMatch directive to either Handlers , Filters , or both option keywords.", "out": "ハンドラとフィルタの両方もしくは片方と関連付けられた拡張子を含めるには、 MultiviewsMatch ディレクティブに Handlers , Filters またはその両方のオプションをセットします。", "pred": "To include extensions associated with Handlers and/or Filters, set the MultiviewsMatch ディレクティブ to either Handlers , Filters , or bothオプション keywords."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If it is not in the config file, the server will fail to start.", "out": "もし設定ファイルになければ、サーバは起動に失敗します。", "pred": "If it is not in the config file, the server will fail to start."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Install Now it's time to install the package under the configured installation PREFIX (see --prefix option above) by running: $ make install This step will typically require root privileges, since PREFIX is usually a directory with restricted write permissions.", "out": "インストール さて、設定したインストール PREFIX (前述の - - prefix オプションを参照) 以下にパッケージをインストールする段階になりました。 次のコマンドを実行してください: $ make install 通常 PREFIX は書き込みパーミッションが制限されている ディレクトリになっているので、このステップは通常は ルート権限が必要です。", "pred": "Install Now it's time to install the package under the configured installation PREFIX (上記の --prefix option below) by running: $ make install This step will typically require root privileges, since PREFIX is usually a directory with restricted writeパーミッション."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The difference between Alias and ScriptAlias is that ScriptAlias has the added meaning that everything under that URL prefix will be considered a CGI program.", "out": "Alias と ScriptAlias との差は、 ScriptAlias が接頭辞で始まるすべての URL は CGI プログラムとみなされるという追加の意味を含んでいることです。", "pred": "The difference between Alias and ScriptAlias is that ScriptAlias has the added meaning that everything under that URL prefix will be considered a CGI program."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: So any absolute links on internal.example.com will result in the client breaking out of the proxy server and requesting directly from internal.example.com .", "out": "ですから、 internal.example.com への絶対パスによるリンクでは、 クライアントがプロキシサーバを抜け出して internal.example.com に 直接リクエストを送る、ということになります。", "pred": "So any absolute links on internal.example.com will result in the client breaking out of the proxy server and requesting directly from internal.example.com ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the directive's context doesn't permit it to appear in .htaccess files, then no context will be listed.", "out": "ディレクティブの コンテキスト が 、 . htaccess ファイル中では許可していない場合は、 この属性は \" 適用不可 \" と書かれます。", "pred": "If the directive's context doesn't permit it to appear in .htaccess files, then no context will be listed."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Check the Apache error log and the section below on file permissions .", "out": "Apache のエラーログ と、後述の 「ファイルのパーミッション」 の章をチェックしてください 。 \"", "pred": "Check the Apache error log and the section below on fileパーミッション ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Attended Opening Ribbon-cutting for \"Marunouchi OAZO\" | ZYXYZ On 14th September, \"Marunouchi OAZO\" opened.", "out": "「丸の内OAZO」オープニングテープカットに出席 | ジザイズ 9月14日(火曜日)、「丸の内OAZO」がオープンしました。", "pred": "Attended Opening Ribbon-cutting for \"Marunouchi OAZO\" | ZYユニオン On 14th September, \"Marunouchi OAZO\" opened."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Module Enhancements mod_ssl New module in Apache httpd 2.0.", "out": "モジュールの拡張 mod_ssl Apache 2.0 の新モジュール。", "pred": "Module Enhancements mod_ssl New module in Apache httpd 2.0."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Never Mind the Bollocks, Here&39;s the Sex Pistols is the debut studio album by The Sex Pistols, released in 1977.", "out": "(Anarchy in the U. デジタル大辞泉プラス - アナーキー・イン・ザ・ukの用語解説 - イギリス、ロンドンのパンク・バンド、セックス・ピストルズの曲。 1976年11月に発表したデビュー・シングル。", "pred": "Never Mind the Bollocks, Here & 39;s the Sex Pistols is the debut studio album by The Sex Pistols, released in 1977."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: However if all the options on the Options directive are preceded by a + or - symbol, the options are merged.", "out": ") しかし、すべての Options ディレクティブが + や - 付きで 指定された場合はオプションの値はマージされます。", "pred": "However, if all the options on the Options directive are preceded by a + or - symbol, the options are merged."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: CGI Logfile Format When configured, the CGI error log logs any CGI which does not execute properly.", "out": "CGI ログファイルの書式 設定されているときには、CGI エラーログは適切に動作しないすべての CGI をログ収集します。", "pred": "CGI Logfile Format When configured, the CGI error logs any CGI which does not run properly."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You can deepen the understanding of naming work, and this book is useful for the practice.", "out": "各手法別に開発に携わった事例を紹介し、ネーミング作業への理解を深め、実践に役立つ書となっている。", "pred": "You can deepen the理解ing of naming work, and this book is useful for the practice."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: I feel my head was revitalized.", "out": "頭が活性化された気がします。", "pred": "I feel my head was revitalized."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: is set for an address and port that the server is not listening to, it cannot be accessed.", "out": "が Listen していないアドレスとポートに対して 設定されてしまうと、 それにはアクセスできないということに注意してください。", "pred": "set for an address and port that the server is not listening to, it will not be accessed."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If set to the value of 0 , the server will use the default value provided by your OS.", "out": "0 にした場合、OS のデフォルト値が使用されます。", "pred": "If set to the value of 0 , the server will use the default value provided by your OS."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: SSIEndTag Directive Description: String that ends an include element Syntax: SSIEndTag tag Default: SSIEndTag \"-->\" Context: server config, virtual host Status: Base Module: mod_include This directive changes the string that mod_include looks for to mark the end of an include element.", "out": "SSIEndTag ディレクティブ 説明: include 要素を終了させる文字列 構文: SSIEndTag tag デフォルト: SSIEndTag \" - ->\" コンテキスト: サーバ設定ファイル, バーチャルホスト ステータス: Base モジュール: mod_include 互換性: 2.0.30 以降で利用可能 このディレクティブは mod_include が探す、 include 要素の終了を示す文字列を変更します。", "pred": "SSIEndTag ディレクティブ 説明: String that ends an include element 構文: SSIEndTag tag デフォルト: SSIEndTag \"-->\" コンテキスト: サーバ設定ファイル, バーチャルホスト ステータス: Base モジュール: mod_include This directive changes the string that mod_include looks for to mark the end of an include element."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: SSL/TLS Encryption Filter A process that is applied to data that is sent or received by the server.", "out": "参照: SSL/TLS 暗号化 フィルタ サーバから送られるデータとサーバが受け取るデータに適用される処理。", "pred": "参照: SSL/TLS Encryption Filter のプロセス that is applied to data that sent or received by the server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: section in apache2.conf , or (if AllowOverride is properly set) in .htaccess files.", "out": "セクション中や 、 ( AllowOverride が適切な値に 設定されていると ) . htaccess ファイルで Options ディレクティブによって設定することができます。", "pred": "セクション in apache2.conf , or (if AllowOverride is properly set) in .htaccess files."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: TOYOTA, NISSAN, MITSUBISHI, FUJI HEAVY INDUSTRIES, TOKYO ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY as the organizer, and total 158 parties (Car company, Electric Power company, Charging Apparatus manufacturer, Administrative party, and so on) attended the conference.They try to standardize \"CHAdeMO\" for the world and work to spread the electric car (EV).", "out": "この協議会には、トヨタ、日産、三菱自動車、富士重工業、東京電力の幹事会員5社を中に、自動車会社、電力会社、充電機器メーカーや行政など158の団体が参加し、「CHAdeMO(チャデモ)」の世界標準化に努め、電気自動車(EV)の普及に取り組んでいくとのことです。", "pred": "TOYOTA, NISSAN, MITSUBISHI, FUJI HEAVY INDUSTRIES, TOKYO ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY as the organizer, and total 158 パーティー (Car company, Electric Power company, Charging Apparatus manufacturer, Administrative party, and so on)出席ded the meeting.They try to be the international service."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: They let you add dynamically generated content to an existing HTML page, without having to serve the entire page via a CGI program, or other dynamic technology.", "out": "これにより、ページ全体を CGI プログラムで生成したり、他の動的な技術を使うことなく、既存の HTML ページに動的に生成された内容を付加することができます。", "pred": "They let you add dynamically generated content to an existing HTML page, without having to serve the entire page via a CGI program, or other dynamic technology."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Please see the CGI tutorial for a more complete discussion of CGI programming and configuration.", "out": "CGI プログラムと設定のよりまとまった説明は CGI チュートリアル を参照してください。", "pred": "Please see the CGI tutorial for a more complete discussion of CGI programming and configuration."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note that unlike using extensions to specify languages, DefaultLanguage can only specify a single language.", "out": "拡張子を使用して言語を指定する方法と違い、 DefaultLanguage は一つの言語しか指定できないことに注意してください。", "pred": "Note that unlike using extensions to specify languages, DefaultLanguage can only specify a single language."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: \"OAZO\" consists of \"O (= circle)\" of Marunouchi area (maru = circle) and \"O\" of Otemachi is connected comprehensively \"AZ\", and it is the name which means \"Office & Amenity ZOne\".", "out": "「OAZO」は、丸の内地区(O)と大手町(O)を包括的に(AZ)結ぶ、「Office&Amenity ZOne」であることを表現したネーミングです(開発実績)。", "pred": "\"OAZO\" consists of \"O (=円) and \"O\" of Otemachi connected comprehensively \"AZ\", and it is the name which means \"Office & Amenity ZOne\"."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Language Negotiation Exceptions New in httpd 2.0, some exceptions have been added to the negotiation algorithm to allow graceful fallback when language negotiation fails to find a match.", "out": "言語ネゴシエーションの例外処理 Apache 2.0 では新たに、言語ネゴシエーションが適合するものを 見つけるのに失敗した時に、優雅にフォールバックできるような ネゴシエーションアルゴリズムが幾つか追加されました。", "pred": "Language ネゴシエーション Visuals New in httpd 2.0, some exceptions have been added to the negotiation algorithm to allow graceful fallback when language negotiation fails to find a group."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: 40 and the brilliant and ever popular No.", "out": "再び繰り返されるメヌエットとの表情の対比が素晴らしいですね。", "pred": "40 and the brilliant and ever 人気 No."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This name XYZ (Cross Wise) consists of the last 3 letters of ZYXYZ.", "out": "このXYZ(クロスワイズ)という名称は、ZYXYZ(ジザイズ)の最後の3文字から成り立っています。", "pred": "この種の Kiwi (Cross Wise) consists of the last three letters of ZY Warehouse."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In a wild-card string, ? matches any single character, and * matches any sequences of characters.", "out": "? は任意の 1 文字 、 * は任意の文字列にマッチします。", "pred": "In a wild-card string, ? matches any single character, and * matches anyシーケンス of characters."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The second form of the LogFormat directive associates an explicit format with a nickname .", "out": "LogFormat ディレクティブの二つめの形式は format に nickname を与えます。", "pred": "The second form of the LogFormat ディレクティブ associates an明示的な format with a nickname ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This module includes the functionality of mod_mmap_static in Apache HTTP Server version 1.3, plus adds further caching abilities. mod_headers This module is much more flexible in Apache httpd 2.0.", "out": "このモジュールには、 Apache 1.3 における mod_mmap_static 機能が含まれ、 また、追加のキャッシュ機能が加わっています。 mod_headers このモジュールは Apache 2.0 で非常に柔軟性が 高くなりました。", "pred": "This module includes the function of mod_mmap_static in Apache HTTP Server version 1.3, plus adds further caching abilities. mod_headers This module is much more flexible in Apache httpd 2.0."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You can find this library in your server root's modules directory.", "out": "このライブラリはサーバルートの modules ディレクトリにあります。", "pred": "You can find this library in your server root's modules directory."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If given, any CGI errors are logged into the filename given as argument.", "out": "設定されているときは、CGI のエラーはすべて引数として与えられているファイル名にログされます。", "pred": "If given, any CGI error is logged into the filename given as argument."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This indicates that the server is up and running.", "out": "これはサーバが起動している状態を示しています。", "pred": "This indicates that the server is up and running."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The file path specified may be an absolute path, or may be relative to the ServerRoot directory.", "out": "指定するファイルパスは絶対パスか、 ServerRoot ディレクトリからの 相対パスか、のどちらかです。", "pred": "The filename is a valid path, or may be relative to the ServerRoot directory."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: DirectoryIndex will be evaluated only for directories requested with trailing slash.", "out": "DirectoryIndex は、 末尾にスラッシュがついているリクエストについて のみ 評価される。", "pred": "DirectoryIndex will be evaluated only for directories requested with trailingスラッシュ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: We wish this book can be not only just the Brand-name Development, but also a chance for you to find delight and meanings of the power or possibility which the words have potentially.", "out": "本書が、ブランドネーム開発という枠にとどまらず、言葉が潜在的に持つ力や可能性を発見する楽しさや意義を見出すきっかけになってくれれば、と願ってやみません。", "pred": "We wish this book can be not only just the Brand-name Development, but also a chance for you to find delight and 意味s of the power or possibility which the言葉 have潜在的なly."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: On A request will be accepted if a leading path component maps to a file that exists.", "out": "On 前の方のパスが存在するファイルにマップする場合は リクエストが受け付けられます。", "pred": "On A リクエスト will be accepted if a leading path component maps to a file that exists."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: directive evaluates an expression at runtime, and applies the enclosed directives if and only if the expression evaluates to true.", "out": "ディレクティブは 実行時に式を評価し、条件式が真になるときにのみ 内包するディレクティブを適用します。", "pred": "directive evaluates an表現 at ランタイム, and applies the enclosed directives if and only if the expression evaluates to true."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Blank lines, and lines beginning with a hash character ( # ) are ignored.", "out": "空行やハッシュ (` # ' ) で始まる行は無視されます。", "pred": "Blank lines, and lines beginning with a hash character ( # ) are ignored."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The quote character ( \" ) must be escaped by placing a backslash before it to prevent it from being interpreted as the end of the format string.", "out": "そこに引用文字 ( \" ) を書くときは、 フォーマット文字列の最後として解釈 されることを防ぐためにバックスラッシュでエスケープする必要があります。", "pred": "The quote character ( \" ) must be escaped by placing a backslash before it to prevent it from being interpreted as the end of the format string."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Directives are applied in the order that they are found.", "out": "ディレクティブは現れる 順番に適用されます。", "pred": "Directives are applied in the order that they found."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: \"Λ (ramda)\" also is the initial letter of the Greek word \"Λαμα (lama)\" which means \"blade\" in Greek.", "out": "「Λ」は、ギリシャ語で「刃」の意味を持つ「Λαμα (lama)」の頭文字でもある。", "pred": "\"Λ (ramda)\" is the initial letter of the Greek word \"Λαμα (lama) which means \"blade\" in Greek."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Once the web server has opened a connection to the servlet container, the connection can be in one of the following states: Idle No request is being handled over this connection.", "out": "サーブレットコンテナへのコネクションを開いた後は、コネクションの状態は 次のどれかになります: Idle コネクション上で処理されているリクエストはありません。", "pred": "Once the web server has opened a connection to the servlet container, the connection can be in one of the following states: Idle This connection to be processed by the request."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To prevent problems due to unbounded growth, this directive can be used to set an maximum file-size for the CGI logfile.", "out": "この大きさの制限がないことによる問題を防ぐために、 このディレクティブを使って CGI のログファイルの 最大のファイルサイズを設定することができます。", "pred": "To防止 problems due to unbounded成th, thisディレクティブ can use to set an maximum file-size for the CGI logfile."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Require all denied and then override this for directories you want accessible.", "out": " そしてアクセスを 可能にしたい ディレクトリに対して 個別に設定すればよいでしょう。", "pred": "Require all unclear and then this for ディレクトリ you want access."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Alternatively, the Alias directive will map any part of the filesystem into the web space.", "out": "代わりの方法として、 Alias ディレクティブを使ってファイルシステムの任意の部分をウェブの空間に マップできます。", "pred": "Alternatively, the Alias ディレクティブ will map any part of the filesystem into the web space."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The list of MIME-lang are in order of decreasing preference.", "out": "MIME-lang のリストが優先度の降順に並びます。", "pred": "The list of MIME-lang are in order of decreasing preference."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: A reverse proxy is activated using the ProxyPass directive or the [P] flag to the RewriteRule directive.", "out": "リバースプロキシは ProxyPass ディレクティブや RewriteRule ディレクティブの [P] フラグを使うことで有効になります。", "pred": "A reverse proxy is activated using the ProxyPass directive or the [P] フラグ to the RewriteRule directive."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is done with the AllowOverride directive, which specifies which directives, if any, may be put in per-directory configuration files.", "out": "AllowOverride ディレクティブでは、ディレクトリ毎の設定ファイル中に置くことのできる ディレクティブを、もしあれば、指定します。", "pred": "これは done with the AllowOverride ディレクティブ, which specifies which directives, if any, may be put in per-ディレクトリ 設定ファイル."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For a complete list of the possible contents of the format string, see the mod_log_config format strings .", "out": "フォーマット文字列に使用できる内容の一覧は mod_log_config の文書 を見てください。", "pred": "For a complete list of the possible content of the format string, see the mod_log_config format string ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is HTTP header that tells the client what sort of content it is receiving.", "out": "これはどのような種類のコンテンツを受け取っているかをクライアントに示す HTTP ヘッダです。", "pred": "これは HTTP ヘッダ that tells the client what sort of content it offers."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: When suexec is used to launch CGI scripts, the environment will be cleaned down to a set of safe variables before CGI scripts are launched.", "out": "CGI スクリプトを起動するために suexec が使用されている場合、CGI スクリプトが起動するために、環境変数は 安全 な環境変数の組に整理されます。", "pred": "CGI スクリプトs launched when suexec is used to launch CGI スクリプトs, the environment will be cleaned down to a set of safe variables before CGI スクリプトs are launched."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Unless you fully understand suexec, you should not be using it.", "out": "suexec を完全に理解していない限り、使うべきではありません。", "pred": "Unless you fully understand suexec, you should not be using it."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Ms. Yokoi's work to be linked with the company's name and vision which are base points of Brand management, has big meanings at corporate strategy.", "out": "ブランドマネジメントの基点となる「社名」とビジョンを連動させるという横井さんの仕事は、企業戦略において大きな意味を持つ。", "pred": "Ms. Yokoi's work to be linked with the company's name and vision which are base点 of Brand Management, has big meanings at corporate strategy."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is the identifying information that the client browser reports about itself.", "out": "これはクライアントのブラウザが 自分自身のことを報告してくる情報です。", "pred": "This is the identifying information that the client browserレポートs about itself."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In the above example, Apache will create files in the var/ directory under the ServerRoot with the base filename DavLock and an extension added by the server.", "out": "上の例では、 Apache は ServerRoot の下の var/ ディレクトリに、ファイル名の本体が DavLock で サーバが追加する拡張子を持つファイルを作成します。", "pred": "上の例の下、 Apache はファイル a directory under the var/ directory under the ServerRoot with the base filename DavLock and an extension added by the server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: No file called server-status needs to exist in the filesystem.", "out": "ファイルシステムに server-status というファイルが存在する必要はありません。", "pred": "サーバ-status needs to exist in the filesystem No file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: These include ServerRoot , LoadModule , and LoadFile .", "out": "これには ServerRoot , LoadModule , LoadFile があります。", "pred": "These include ServerRoot , LoadModule , and LoadFile ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Explicitly using Options to permit CGI execution You could explicitly use the Options directive, inside your main server configuration file, to specify that CGI execution was permitted in a particular directory:", "out": "CGI の実行を可能にするために Options を明示的に使用する サーバのメインの設定ファイル中で Options ディレクティブを明示的に使用することで、特定のディレクトリ配下で CGI の実行を許可するように指定することができます:", "pred": "Apache 2.0.23 2.0.23 2.0.23 2.0.23 2.0.23 2.0.23 2.0.23 2.0.23 2.0.23 2.0.23 2.0.23 2.0.23 2.0.23 2.0.23 2.0.23 2.0.23 2.0.23 2.0"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: However, if httpd should ever have to generate a full URL for the server which includes the server name (such as when a Redirect is issued), then it will fail to generate a valid URL.", "out": "しかしながら、サーバ名を 含む完全な URL を生成しなければならない場合は、正しい URL の生成ができません。 次の例は上記の問題を解決しています。", "pred": "However, if httpd ever have to generate a full URL for the server which includes the server name (such as when a Redirect issued), then it will fail to generate a valid URL."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Overrides are activated by the AllowOverride directive, and apply to a particular scope (such as a directory) and all descendants, unless further modified by other AllowOverride directives at lower levels.", "out": "上書きは、 AllowOverride ディレクティブによって有効にされ、 特定のスコープ(ディレクトリなど)と、 さらに下位のレベルの AllowOverride で修正されない限り、 その配下に対して適用されます。", "pred": "上書きs are activated by the AllowOverride directive, and apply to a particular scope (such as a directory) and all descendants, unless further modified by other AllowOverride directives at lower levels."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: There are two ways to do this.", "out": "これを行なうには二つ方法があります。", "pred": "2 ways to do this."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Cached data will be saved this many directory levels below the CacheRoot directory.", "out": "キャッシュデータは CacheRoot ディレクトリから このディレクトリの深さ分下のディレクトリに保存されます。", "pred": "Cached data will be saved by the CacheRoot directory under this number of directory levels."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Each log entry is assigned a unique ID which can be associated with the request using the normal CustomLog directive. mod_log_forensic creates a token called forensic-id , which can be added to the transfer log using the %{forensic-id}n format string.", "out": "各ログエントリには、普通の CustomLog ディレクティブを使ってリクエストと関連付けることの できる 一意な ID が割り当てられます。 mod_log_forensic は forensic-id というトークンを作成し、フォーマット文字列 % { forensic-id}n を使うことでそのトークンを transfer ログに 追加することができます。", "pred": "各ログエントリ is assigned a unique ID which can be associated with the request using the normal CustomLog ディレクティブ. mod_log_forensic creates aトークン called forensic-id , which can be added to the transfer log using the %{forensic-id}n format string."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: These are set via the SetEnv directive.", "out": "これらは SetEnv ディレクティブで設定します。", "pred": "These are set via the SetEnv ディレクティブ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note Full is synonymous with On ProxyTimeout Directive Description: Network timeout for proxied requests Syntax: ProxyTimeout seconds Default: Value of Timeout Context: server config, virtual host Status: Extension Module: mod_proxy This directive allows a user to specifiy a timeout on proxy requests.", "out": "ProxyTimeout ディレクティブ 説明: プロキシされたリクエストのネットワークタイムアウト 構文: ProxyTimeout seconds デフォルト: ProxyTimeout 300 コンテキスト: サーバ設定ファイル, バーチャルホスト ステータス: Extension モジュール: mod_proxy 互換性: Apache 2.0.31 以降で使用可能 このディレクティブはユーザがプロキシリクエストのタイムアウトを 指定できるようにします。", "pred": "Note Full synonymous with On ProxyTimeout ディレクティブ 説明: Network timeout for proxied requests 構文: ProxyTimeout seconds デフォルト: Value of Timeout コンテキスト: サーバ設定ファイル, バーチャルホスト ステータス: Extension モジュール: mod_proxy This directive allows a user to specifiy a timeout on proxy requests."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Include TypesConfig Apache HTTP Server is configured by placing directives in plain text configuration files.", "out": "Include TypesConfig Apache は ディレクティブ を設定ファイルに平文で書くことにより設定します。", "pred": "Include TypesConfig Apache HTTP Server is configured by placing ディレクティブs in plain text configuration files."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Your first CGI program The following is an example CGI program that prints one line to your browser.", "out": "最初の CGI プログラム 次に示すのは、ブラウザに 1 行印字する CGI プログラムの例です。", "pred": "Your first CGI プログラム The following is an example CGI プログラム that prints one line to your browser."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See the environment variable documentation for more details.", "out": "詳細は 環境変数の説明 を参照してください。", "pred": "See the環境 variable documentation for more details."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The second argument must be one of the keywords Name , Date , Size , or Description , and identifies the primary key.", "out": "二つ目の引数は Name , Date , Size か Description のいずれか一つのキーワードであって、1つ目のソートキーを指定します。", "pred": "The second argument must be one of the keywords Name , Date , Size , or Description , and identifies the primary key."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This module should usually be combined with at least one authentication module such as mod_authn_file and one authorization module such as mod_authz_user .", "out": "このモジュールを使う際はこのモジュールのほかに mod_authn_file といった認証モジュールと、 mod_authz_user といった承認モジュールとの両方を、 それぞれひとつ以上組み合わせて使うことになります。", "pred": "このモジュールを使う このモジュールを 全て使ってother wrapper Apache httpd uses module, such as mod_authn_file and mod_authz_user といった承認モジュール. mod_authz_user , mod_authz_user , mod_authz_user , mod_authz_user , mod_authz_user , mod_authz_user , mod_authz_user , mod_authz_user , mod_authz_user , mod_authz_user , mod_authz_user , mod_authz_"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Variants with a text/* media type but not explicitly associated with a particular charset are assumed to be in ISO-8859-1.", "out": "text / * メディアタイプであるけれども 特定の文字セットに明示的に関連づけられているわけではない variant は ISO-8859-1 であると仮定されます。", "pred": "Variants with a text technology media type but not compared to the particular charset arehex to be in ISO-8859-1."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If neither are present, and index.cgi is there, the server will run it.", "out": "もしその両方が存在せずに index.cgi が存在していると、 サーバはそれを実行します。", "pred": "If neither are present, and index.cgi there, the server will run it."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: Apache's Handler Use Hash A mathematical one-way, irreversible algorithm generating a string with fixed-length from another string of any length.", "out": "参照: Apache のハンドラの使用 ハッシュ 任意の文字列から固定長の文字列を生成する、数学的な一方向で不可逆な アルゴリズム。", "pred": "See: Apache's Handler Use Hash A 数学的な one-way, irreversible algorithm generating a string with fixed-length from another string of any length."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To find out if a directive can be used in the VirtualHost directive, check the Context using the directive index .", "out": "ディレクティブが VirtualHost ディレクティブで使用できるかどうかは ディレクティブ索引 を使って コンテキスト の 欄を調べてください。", "pred": "To find out if a directive can be used in the VirtualHost ディレクティブ, check the コンテキスト using the directive index ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Naming Hassou-hou (The method of idea for Naming) was published in Nikkei Bunko | ZYXYZ On 12th February 2002, \"Naming Hassou-hou (The method of idea for Naming)\" written by Keiko Yokoi was published in Nikkei Bunko from Nikkei Publishing Inc.", "out": "「ネーミング発想法」(日経文庫)が刊行 | ジザイズ 2002年2月12日、日本経済新聞社より「ネーミング発想法」(日経文庫/横井 惠子著)が発売されました。", "pred": "Nikkei Bunko | ZY SECOND On 2002, \"Naming Hassou-hou (The method of idea for Naming)\" written by Keiko Yokoi was published in Nikkei Bunko from Nikkei Publishing Inc."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In addition, the decision on whether or not to log requests can be made based on the status of environment variables using the conditional form of the CustomLog directive.", "out": "さらに、 CustomLog ディレクティブの条件分岐式を使用することで、 環境変数の値によってリクエストをログに記録するかどうかを決めることができます。", "pred": "さらに、 the decision on whether or not to log requests can be made based on the status of environment variables using the conditional form of the CustomLog directive."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: There are a few points of interest regarding the wrapper that can cause limitations on server setup.", "out": "サーバの設定に制限をもうける wrapper について、 いくつか興味深い点があります。", "pred": "There are a few points of interest regarding the wrapper that can cause limitations on server setup."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Each of these is required, and will be sent for every request.", "out": "どれも必要で、リクエストの毎回につき 送られます。", "pred": "Each of these is required, and will be sent for every request."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: VersionSort ( Apache HTTP Server 2.0a3 and later ) The VersionSort keyword causes files containing version numbers to sort in a natural way.", "out": "VersionSort ( Apache 2.0a3 以降 ) VersionSort キーワードはバージョン番号を含んだファイルが 自然な方法でソートされるようにします。", "pred": "VersionSort ( Apache HTTP Server 2.0a3 and later ) The VersionSort keyword causes files containing version numbers to sort in a natural way."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This option should not be considered a security restriction, since symlink testing is subject to race conditions that make it circumventable.", "out": "このオプションはセキュリティの強化にはなりません。 なぜなら symlink の検査はレースコンディションを引き起こす可能性があり、 そのため回避可能になるからです。", "pred": "このオプションは should not considered a security restriction, since symlink testing is subject to race conditions that make it circumventable."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Rather, they are variables special to mod_rewrite which cannot be accessed from other modules.", "out": "それらは他のモジュールからは使用できない mod_rewrite 用の特別な変数です。", "pred": "Rather, they are variables special to mod_rewrite which cannot be accessed from other modules."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Each machine can possibly run multiple instances of Apache.", "out": "それぞれのマシンは複数の Apache を実行することもできます。", "pred": "それぞれのマシンes are often run as multiple instances of Apache."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Much of Apache's functionality is contained in modules that you can choose to include or exclude.", "out": "Apache の機能の多くは使用するかしないかを 選択できるモジュールの中にあります。", "pred": "Much of Apache's functionality is contained in modules that you can choose to include or exclude."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: When applying directives to objects that do not reside in the filesystem (such as a webpage generated from a database), use", "out": " を使用します。 ファイルシステムに依存しないオブジェクト (データベースから生成されるウェブページなど) にディレクティブを適用する際には、", "pred": " When applying ディレクティブ to objects that do not reside in the filesystem (such as a webpage generated from aデータベース)"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In the next section, we discuss various ways to use the Require directive.", "out": "次のセクションでは、 Require ディレクティブの様々な用法について述べます。", "pred": "In the next section, we discuss various ways to use the Require directive."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: And it contains specific technique for her devises of Brand-name, so that it can be functioning as writing of her record for Brand Development.", "out": "また、ブランド開発の実践の書として機能できるよう、ブランドネーム考案における具体的なテクニックを網羅しています。", "pred": "And it contains specific technique for her devises of Brand-name, so that can be functioning as writing of her record for Brand Development."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If set to Off , which is the default, no special processing is performed.", "out": "デフォルトの Off に設定されていると、特別な処理は 行なわれません。", "pred": "If set to Off , which is the default, no special processing performed."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Because although it's all very well to write a program that prints \"Hello, World.\", it's not particularly useful.", "out": "なぜなら 、 \" Hello, World . \" を印字するプログラムを書くことはおおいに結構ですが、 それは特に有益ではありません。", "pred": "Because it's all very well to write a program that prints \"Hello, World.\", it's not 特に useful."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: There are a number of versions of the SSL protocol, as shown in Table 4 .", "out": "- Lynx/2.8+OpenSSL 表4 に示されるとおり、SSL プロトコルには いくつものバージョンがあります。", "pred": "There are a number of versions of the SSL protocol, as shown in Table 4 ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The DAV repository is considered private to Apache; modifying files outside of Apache (for example using FTP or filesystem-level tools) should not be allowed. mod_dav may be subject to various kinds of denial-of-service attacks.", "out": "DAV リポジトリは Apache 専用のものだとみなされています。 Apache 以外の方法でファイルを修正すること (例えば FTP やファイルシステム 用のツールなどを使って) は許可されていません。 mod_dav はいろいろな種類のサービス拒否攻撃にさらされる かもしれません。", "pred": "The DAV リポジトリ is considered private to Apache; modifying files outside of Apache (例えば FTP or filesystem-level tools) should not be allowed. mod_dav may be subject to various kinds of denial-of-service attacks."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is the default, if the type argument is omitted.", "out": "type 引数を省略した場合は、これがデフォルトとなります。", "pred": "This is the default, if the type argument is omitted."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: On MMN change, all third party modules have to be at least recompiled, sometimes even slightly changed in order to work with the new version of Apache.", "out": "MMN が変わると、すべてのサードパーティモジュールは少なくとも再コンパイルを する必要があり、場合によっては新しいバージョンの Apache で動作するために 少し変更する必要さえあるかもしれません。", "pred": "On MMN change, all third party modules have to be at least recompiled, sometimes even slightly changed in order to work with the new version of Apache."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Contributed to \"Sendenkaigi\" | ZYXYZ Our Representative Keiko Yokoi contributed an article \"What is the Naming that has the power to move the market?\" to \"Sendenkaigi\" magazine (Sept.1, 2008 issue) .", "out": "「宣伝会議」に記事が掲載されました | ジザイズ 「宣伝会議」(2008年9月1日号)の特集「そのとき、言葉が市場を動かした」第1回「ネーミング・コピー・コンセプト」編に、弊社代表 横井惠子の記事「市場を動かすネーミングとは?」が掲載されました。", "pred": "Contributed to \"Sendenkaigi\" | ZY SECOND Our Consultative Keiko Yokoi contributed an article \"What is the Naming that has the power to move the市場?\" to \"Sendenkaigi\" magazine (2008 issue) ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This makes Apache httpd's configuration system more similar to that of other packages.", "out": "これにより、Apache の configure のシステムは 他のパッケージと似たものになりました。", "pred": "This will cause Apache httpd's configuration system more similar to that of other packages."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Is the Soul Machine is a gleefully non-conformist delight.", "out": "Aller シー・ロー・グリーンはソウル・マシーン au contenu principal. ショッピング!", "pred": "Is the Soul Machine is a gleefully non-compliantist delight."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The default TraceEnable on permits TRACE requests per RFC 2616, which disallows any request body to accompany the request.", "out": "デフォルトの TraceEnable on は、リクエストボディを受け入れないような、RFC2616 に準拠した TRACE リクエストを受け付けます。", "pred": "The default TraceEnable on permits TRACE request per RFC 2616, which disallows any request body to accompany the request."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Never Mind the Bollocks, Here’s the Sex Pistols is the only studio album released by the Sex Pistols.", "out": "洋楽セックス・ピストルズ『アナーキー・イン・ザ u. セックス・ピストルズ (sex pistols ) / アナーキー・イン・ザ・u . 」 が本当に素晴らしくて、僕らの目指す方向を照らしてくれているようだった。", "pred": "Never Mind the Bollocks, ここで’s the Sex Pistols is the only studio album released by the Sex Pistols."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: directive, and starts a subsection which is terminated with a directive.", "out": "ディレクティブで終了する サブセクションを開始します。 セクションは、", "pred": "ディレクティブ, and starts a subsection which modulo with a ディレクティブ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note Redirect directives take precedence over Alias and ScriptAlias directives, irrespective of their ordering in the configuration file.", "out": "注意 設定ファイル中の順番に関わらず、 Redirect 系のディレクティブは Alias ディレクティブと ScriptAlias ディレクティブよりも優先されます。", "pred": "Note Redirect directives take precedence over Alias and ScriptAlias ディレクティブ, irrespective of their ordering in the configuration file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The directives given within this section will be applied to any object with a basename (last component of filename) matching the specified filename. ", "out": "このセクション中のディレクティブは、ベース名 (ファイル名の最後の部分) が指定されたファイル名にマッチするすべてのオブジェクトに適用されます。 ", "pred": "The directives given within this section will be applied to any object with a libc (last component of filename)マッチング the specified filename. "} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To get this address it uses either the global ServerName (if present) or calls the C function gethostname (which should return the same as typing \"hostname\" at the command prompt).", "out": "このアドレスを得るために 、 ( もしあれば) グローバルな ServerName を使用するか、 C 言語の関数 gethostname (コマンドプロンプトで hostname とタイプしたときと同じものを返します) を呼び出すかをします。", "pred": "To get this address it uses either the global ServerName (if present) or calls the C function gethostname (which should return the same as as typing \"hostname\" at the command prompt)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, the following configuration prevents access to any URL-path that begins in /private.", "out": "たとえば、次の設定では /private で始まる URL パスへのアクセスを制限します。", "pred": "例えば、以下の設定では、アクセスを URL-path that begins in /private."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Caching is provided by mod_cache and related modules.", "out": "キャッシュは mod_cache と関連モジュールで 提供されています。", "pred": "Caching is provided by mod_cache and related modules."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is done by passing either environment variables or command line options to configure .", "out": "このような場合には、環境変数あるいは コマンドラインオプションで configure に渡します。", "pred": "This is done by passing either environment variables or command line options to configure ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (See the Context line in the directive summary.)", "out": "(ディレクティブの概要の所にある「コンテキスト」と書かれている 行を見てください。", "pred": "(See the コンテキスト line in the ディレクティブまとめ )"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In general, Apache httpd is very self-regulating, so most sites do not need to adjust these directives from their default values.", "out": "一般的に、Apache は非常に自律的なので、 大抵のサイトではこれらのディレクティブをデフォルト値から調整する 必要はないでしょう。", "pred": "一般的に、Apache httpd is very self-regulating ので、ほとんどのサイトではこれらのディレクティブをデフォルト値から調整する必要はありません。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This directive only applies to requests which come from HTTP/1.0 browsers.", "out": "このディレクティブは HTTP/1.0 ブラウザからのリクエスト のみに適用されます。", "pred": "このディレクティブは only applies to requests which come from HTTP/1.0 browsers."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: CGI: Dynamic Content .htaccess files .htaccess files provide a way to make configuration changes on a per-directory basis.", "out": "参照: CGI: 動的コンテンツ .htaccess ファイル .htaccess ファイルはディレクトリ毎に設定を変更するための 方法を提供します。", "pred": "See: CGI: Dynamic Content .htaccess files .htaccess files provide a way to make configuration changes on a per-directory basis."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The full list of possible status codes can be found in the HTTP specification (RFC2616 section 10).", "out": "ステータスコードの 完全なリストは HTTP 規格 (RFC2616 第 10 節) にあります。", "pred": "The full list of possible status codes can be found in the HTTP specification (RFC2616 section 10)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You can look up a word with 7 foreign languages (English, Latin, Greek, French, Spanish, Italian, and German) all at once from Japanese words.", "out": "日本語の五十音順見出しから、英語、ラテン語、ギリシャ語、フランス語、スペイン語、イタリア語、ドイツ語の各単語が一度に引ける。", "pred": "You can look up a word with 7 foreign languages (English, Latin, Greek, French, Spanish, Italian, and German) all at once from Japanese words."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: However, if the resource being represented is an original ASCII art, then an ASCII representation would have a higher source quality than a JPEG representation.", "out": "しかし、リソースが元々 ASCII アートで表現されているときは、ASCII ファイルの 方が JPEG ファイルよりも高い品質になります。", "pred": "However, if the resource being represented is an original ASCII art, then an ASCII representation would have a higher source品質 than a JPEG representation."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For set , append , merge and add a value is given as the third argument.", "out": "add , append , set の場合は、 value が三つ目の 引数として指定されます。", "pred": "For set , append , merge and add a value is given as the third argument."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the FancyIndexing option is given with the IndexOptions directive, the column headers are links that control the order of the display.", "out": "もし FancyIndexing オプションが IndexOptions ディレクティブに与えられているならば、 列の先頭は表示の順番を制御するリンクになります。", "pred": "If the FancyIndexing option is given with the IndexOptions ディレクティブ, the column headers areリンク that control the order of the display."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This applies to processes forked from Apache httpd children servicing requests, not the Apache httpd children themselves.", "out": "この設定は Apache の子プロセス自体ではなく、 リクエストを受け付けた Apache の子プロセスから fork されたプロセスに 適用されます。", "pred": "This applies to processes forked from Apache httpd children servicing requests, not the Apache httpd children themselves."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Some examples are presented in the next sections.", "out": "いくつか次の節で例を示します。", "pred": "Some libraries are presented in the next section."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In order to get the functionality of proxying HTTP or FTP sites, you need also mod_proxy_http or mod_proxy_ftp (or both) present in the server.", "out": "HTTP や FTP サイトへのプロキシの機能を有効にしたい場合は、 mod_proxy_http や mod_proxy_ftp が サーバに組み込まれていなければなりません。", "pred": "In order to get the function of proxying HTTP or FTP sites, you need also mod_proxy_http or mod_proxy_ftp (or both) present in the server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It is therefore very important to keep the programs simple and secure.", "out": "ですから、プログラムを簡単で安全に保つことが非常に重要です。", "pred": "ですから、それは非常に重要です to keep the programs simple and secure."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: What you can put in these files is determined by the AllowOverride directive.", "out": "これらのファイルに書くことのできるディレクティブは AllowOverride ディレクティブにより決まります。", "pred": "What you can put in these files is determined by the AllowOverride directive."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is because many different webspace locations (URLs) could map to the same filesystem location, allowing your restrictions to be circumvented.", "out": "同一のファイルシステム位置にマップしている、ウェブ空間位置 (URL) が多数あって、設定した制限を迂回されてしまうかもしれないからです。", "pred": "これは、多くの異なる webspace Location (URLs) が map to the sameファイルシステムの場所, allowing your restrictions to be circumvented."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Use the directives provided by mod_expires to set an explicit expiration time on your files, thereby letting browsers and proxies know that it is acceptable to cache them.", "out": "mod_expires で提供されているディレクティブを使用して、 ファイルが無効になる時刻を明示します。 これにより、 ブラウザとプロキシにキャッシュが有効であることを通知します。", "pred": "Use the directives provided by mod_expires to set an明示的な expiration time on your files, thereby letting browsers and プロキシ know that it acceptable to cache them."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: section, this directive forces all matching files to be parsed through the handler given by handler-name .", "out": "セクションに書かれた場合、 このディレクティブはそこにあるすべてのファイルが handler-name で指定された ハンドラ で扱われることを強制します。", "pred": "セクションの中で、このディレクティブは allマッチング files to be parsed through the handler given by handler-name ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: All qs values are therefore specific to a given resource.", "out": "このように、 qs はリソース毎に特有の値を取ります。", "pred": "Thus the value of All qs is the given resource for specific to a."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It should be noted that if mod_status is loaded into the server, its handler capability is available in all configuration files, including per -directory files ( e.g. , .htaccess ).", "out": "mod_status がサーバに組み込まれている 場合、ハンドラの機能はディレクトリ 毎 のファイル ( すなわち 、 . htaccess ) も含む すべて の 設定ファイルで使用可能になることには注意をしておく必要があります。", "pred": "It should be noted that if mod_status がロードされる into the server, its handler capability is available in all configuration files, including one - main file ( e.g., .htaccess )."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In the example, a virtual host of the same name is configured on a machine at .", "out": "例では のマシンではバーチャルホスト名は 同じ名前で設定されています。", "pred": "In the example, a virtual host of the same name is configured on a machine at ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: SECURITY: When specifying where to write log files, be aware of some security risks which are present if anyone other than the user that starts Apache has write access to the directory where they are written.", "out": "セキュリティ: ログファイルを書く場所を指定するときは、 Apache を起動したユーザ以外がそのディレクトリに書き込み権限を 持っている場合にセキュリティ上の危険があることに注意してください。", "pred": "SECURITY: When specifying where to write log files, be aware of some security risks which are present if anyone other than the user that starts Apache has write access to the directory where they are written."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: SSL 3.0 is the basis for the Transport Layer Security [ TLS ] protocol standard, currently in development by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).", "out": "SSL 3.0 は現在 Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) によって開発されている Transport Layer Security [ TLS ] プロトコル標準規格の基礎となっています。", "pred": "SSL 3.0 is the basis for the Transport Layer Security [ TLS ] protocol standard, currently in development by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The server can be better customized for the needs of the particular site.", "out": "サーバは特定のサイト向けに、より上手にカスタマイズできます。", "pred": "The server can be better customized for the needs of the particular site."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The if element works like an if statement in a programming language.", "out": "if 要素はプログラミング言語の if 文と同じように動作します。", "pred": "The if element works like an if statement in a programming language."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You may need to ensure that Apache httpd is listening on the correct addresses using Listen .", "out": "Listen を 使って Apache が正しいアドレスを listen するように設定する必要があります。", "pred": "You may need to ensure that Apache httpd listening on the correct address using Listen ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For instance, if the sort order is descending by name, and FoldersFirst is enabled, subdirectory Zed will be listed before subdirectory Beta , which will be listed before normal files Gamma and Alpha . This option only has an effect if FancyIndexing is also enabled.", "out": "例えばソート順が名前の降順になっていて、 FoldersFirst が有効になっている場合は、 サブディレクトリ Zed はサブディレクトリ Beta よりも前にリストされ、通常のファイル Gamma や Alpha よりも前にリストされます。 このオプションは FancyIndexing も有効になっているときにのみ有効です。", "pred": "例えば, if the sort order is descending by name, and FoldersFirst enabled, subdirectory Zed will be listed before subdirectory Beta , which will be listed before normal files Gamma and Alpha ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You may finally allow Any extensions to match, even if mod_mime doesn't recognize the extension.", "out": "最後に、 mod_mime が認識しない拡張子であろうとも、 どんな拡張子でもマッチさせる Any が使用できます。", "pred": "You may finally allow Any extensions to match, even if mod_mime doesn't careful the extension."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Almost any configuration directive can be put in the VirtualHost directive, with the exception of directives that control process creation and a few other directives.", "out": "プロセス生成を制御するディレクティブやその他のいくつかのディレクティブを 除いて、ほぼ すべて の設定ディレクティブを VirtualHost ディレクティブの中に書くことができます。", "pred": "Almost any configuration ディレクティブ can be put in the VirtualHost ディレクティブ, with the exception of directives that control process creation and a few other ディレクティブs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: sizefmt The value sets the format to be used when displaying the size of a file.", "out": "sizefmt この値は、ファイルのサイズを表示する際に使用する フォーマットを設定します。", "pred": "sizefmt The value sets the format to be used when displaying the size of a file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The valid attributes are: file The value is a path relative to the directory containing the current document being parsed.", "out": "有効な属性は次の通りです。 file 値は解析されているドキュメントの存在するディレクトリからの 相対パスです。", "pred": "The valid attributes are: file The value is a path relative to the directory containing the current document being parsed."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: , which is an easy way to apply a configuration to the entire server.", "out": "で、これはサーバ全体に対して 設定を適用する簡単な方法です。", "pred": ", which is an簡単な way to apply a configuration to the entire server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Multiple running instances of rotatelogs attempting to rotate the same logfiles at the same time may destroy each other's logfiles.", "out": "複数の rotatelogs が同じファイルを同時に rotate しようとすると、互いにログファイルを破壊してしまいます。", "pred": "複数の running instances of rotatelogs databaseing to rotate the same logfiles at the same time may destroy each other's logfiles."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Regular expressions can also be used, with the addition of the ~ character. For example:", "out": "~ という文字を 付加することで 正規表現 を利用することもできます。 例えば:", "pred": "Regular expression can also be used, with the addition of the ~ character. For example:"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The header name for echo is case sensitive and may be a regular expression .", "out": "echo の header 名は大文字小文字を区別し、 正規表現を指定することもできます。", "pred": "The header name for echo is case sensitive and may be a regular expression ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This loading can usually be done in two ways: automatically by a system program called ld.so when an executable program is started or manually from within the executing program via a programmatic system interface to the Unix loader through the system calls dlopen()/dlsym() .", "out": "このロードは二つの方法で行なうことができます: 実行プログラムが 起動されたときに ld.so というシステムプログラム により自動的に行なわれる方法と、実行プログラム中から、システムコール dlopen ( ) /dlsym ( ) による Unix ローダへの プログラムシステムのインタフェースを使って手動で行なう方法とが あります。", "pred": "This loading can usually be done in two ways: automatically by a system program called ld.so when an executable program is started or manually from within the executing program via a programmatic system interface to the system calls dlopen()/dlsym() ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For proxy requests, the URL to be matched is of the form scheme://servername/path , and you must include the prefix.", "out": "プロキシリクエストの場合には、 scheme : / /servername/path という接頭辞を含む形でマッチし、接頭辞を含めて指定する必要があります。", "pred": "For proxy requests, the URL to be matched is of the form scheme://servername/path , and you must include the prefix."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It is mostly useful in special configurations like proxied mass name-based virtual hosting, where the original Host header needs to be evaluated by the backend server.", "out": "ほとんどの場合、これは大量の名前ベースのバーチャルホスティングを行なっていて、 元々の Host ヘッダをバックエンドサーバが解釈する必要のあるときのような、 特別な設定が必要な場合にのみ有用です。", "pred": "It is mostly useful in special configurations like proxied mass name-based virtual hosting, where the original Host header needs to be evaluated by the backend server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Warning If CGIs make assumptions about the values of SERVER_NAME , they may be broken by this option.", "out": "警告 CGI が SERVER_NAME に関して何らかの前提条件を 仮定しているときには、このオプションの設定によっては動作しなく なるかもしれません。", "pred": "警告 If CGIs make assumptions about the values of SERVER_NAME , they may be broken by this option."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Then the regular expression will match on /home/abc/public_html/abc and the corresponding ", "out": "その後で、正規表現は /home/abc/public_html/abc にマッチし、 対応する ", "pred": "Then the regular expression will match on /home/abc/public_html/abc and the corresponding "} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It works as follows: lbfactor is how much we expect this worker to work , or the workers' work quota .", "out": "次のように動作します: lbfactor は、 どの程度ワーカーに仕事を振るか つまり ワーカーのクオータ を指します。", "pred": "It works as follows: lbfactor is how much we expect this worker to work , or the workers' work quota ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To upgrade across minor versions, start by finding the file config.nice in the build directory of your installed server or at the root of the source tree for your old install.", "out": "マイナーバージョンでアップグレードする場合は、 既にインストールされているサーバの build ディレクトリ内か、 以前インストールに使ったソースコードツリーの最上位ディレクトリ内にある、 config.nice ファイルを探してください。", "pred": "To upgrade across minor versions, start by finding the file config.nice in the build directory of your install server or at the root of the source tree for your古い install."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Common parameters include: level an integer specifying the version of the media type.", "out": "共通のパラメータは以下のとおり: level メディアタイプのバージョンを示す整数。", "pred": "Common parameters include: level an integer specifying the version of the media type."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This class is aimed to excavate and produce of \"Marunouchi Space-Man\" who can design the creative activities at the universal viewpoint.And this time, Ms.Yokoi lectured at 6th course.", "out": "この講座は、宇宙に視座をおいてクリエイティブな活動をデザインできる「丸の内宇宙人」の発掘プロデュースを目指すもので、今回はその第6回講座を担当いたしました。", "pred": "本 クラス is aimed to excavate and produce of \"Marunouchi Space-Man\" who can design the creative activities at the普遍的な視点.And this time, Ms.Yokoi lectured at 6th course."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Name-based virtual hosting is usually simpler, since you need only configure your DNS server to map each hostname to the correct IP address and then configure the Apache HTTP Server to recognize the different hostnames.", "out": "名前ベースのバーチャルホストは通常単純で、それぞれのホスト名と それに対応する正確な IP アドレスを DNS で設定し、異なる ホスト名を区別するように Apache HTTP サーバを設定するだけです。", "pred": "Name-based virtual hosting is usually simpler, since you need only configure your DNS server to map each hostname to the correct IP address and then configure the Apache HTTP Server to recognize the differentホスト名s."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This lets SSI be a tiny programming language of sorts. mod_include provides an if , elif , else , endif structure for building conditional statements.", "out": "これにより SSI はある種の小さなプログラミング言語になっています。 mod_include は条件を表現するために if , elif , else , endif 構造を提供しています。", "pred": "This lets SSI be a tiny programming language of sorts. mod_include provides an if , elif , else , endif structure for building conditional statements."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This still will not guarantee that the server will restart correctly.", "out": "ただしこれでもサーバが正しく再起動することは保証されません。", "pred": "This is not controlled by the server will restart correctly."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Native Windows NT Unicode Support Apache httpd 2.0 on Windows NT now uses utf-8 for all filename encodings.", "out": "Windows NT のネイティヴ Unicode サポート Windows NT 上の Apache 2.0 はファイル名の文字エンコード全てに utf-8 を使うようになりました。", "pred": "Native Windows NT Unicode Support Apache httpd 2.0 on Windows NT now uses utf-8 for all filename encodings."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Filtering Apache httpd modules may now be written as filters which act on the stream of content as it is delivered to or from the server.", "out": "フィルタ Apache のモジュールはサーバから送られてきたり、サーバへ 送るストリームに対して動作するフィルタとして書くことができるように なりました。", "pred": "Filtering Apache httpd modules may be written asフィルタ which act on the stream of content as it delivered to or from the server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: As you become more advanced in CGI programming, it will become useful to understand more about what's happening behind the scenes.", "out": "CGI プログラミングに習熟すると、 裏で起こっていることについて更に理解することの役に立ちます。", "pred": "As you become more advanced in CGI programming, it is useful to understand more about what's happening behind the scenes."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It provides support for the Apache JServ Protocol version 1.3 (hereafter AJP13 ).", "out": "Apache JServ Protocol version 1.3 (以降 AJP13 ) をサポートします。", "pred": "It provides support for the Apache JServ Protocol version 1.3 (hereafter AJP13 )."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: However, if a configuration directive, third-party module or persistent CGI utilises any other on-disk lock or state files, care should be taken to ensure that multiple running instances of httpd do not clobber each other's files.", "out": "しかしその他設定ディレクティブやサードパーティ製のモジュール、 CGI ユーティリティのパーシステント層などで ディスク上にロックファイルや状態管理ファイルを 使っている場合は、実行されている複数の httpd が互いに衝突しないように気をつけなければなりません。", "pred": "However, if a configuration directive, third-party module or persistent CGI utilises any other on-disk lock or state files, care must be taken to ensure that multiple running instances of httpd do not clobber each other's files."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: However I've judged with my viewpoint, if I changed the view, new idea can be appeared, and I might have missed many things.I was realized it today.", "out": "自分の視点で見て判断しているが、視点を変えて見ると新しい発想が出てくるかもしれない、見逃しているものが多いのではないかと気づかされました。", "pred": "僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は、この僕は"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Such a trusted agency is called a Certificate Authority and certificates are used for authentication.", "out": "そのような信頼された機関は 認証局 (Certificate Authority または CA) と呼ばれ、 証明書 (certificate) が認証 (authentication) に使われます。", "pred": "そのような a trusted agency is a Certificate Authority and 証明書 are used for authentication."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This directive is only useful if access to a particular area is being restricted by both username/password and client host address.", "out": "このディレクティブはある場所へのアクセスがユーザ名/パスワード と クライアントのホストのアドレスで制限されているときにのみ 役立ちます。", "pred": "このディレクティブは only useful if access to a particular area is being restricted by both username/password and client host address."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: After installation the server occupies approximately 10 MB of disk space.", "out": "インストール後は Apache は 10 MB 程度の ディスクスペースを占めます。", "pred": "After installation the server occupies approximately 10 MB of disk space."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: URLs can begin with a slash (/) for local web-paths (relative to the DocumentRoot ), or be a full URL which the client can resolve.", "out": "URL の場合は、スラッシュで始まる ( / ) ローカルの web-path ( DocumentRoot からの相対パス ) か、クライアントが解決できる完全な URL を指定します。", "pred": "URLs can begin with aスラッシュ (/) for local web-paths (relative to the DocumentRoot ), or a full URL which the client can be resolved."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is provided by mod_autoindex .", "out": "この機能は、 mod_autoindex モジュールにより提供されます。", "pred": "This is provided by mod_autoindex ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The echo function just spits out the value of a variable.", "out": "echo 要素は単に変数の値を出力します。", "pred": "The echo function just spits out the value of a variable."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (except regular expressions) and .htaccess done simultaneously (with .htaccess , if allowed, overriding ", "out": "(正規表現無し) と .htaccess を同時に ( . htaccess が許可されていれば、それが ", "pred": "(正規表現無し) and .htaccess と同時に (with .htaccess, if allowed, internal "} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: First, it is assumed that you are using a UNIX derivative operating system that is capable of setuid and setgid operations.", "out": "第 1 に、あなたが setuid と setgid 操作が可能な UNIX 由来のオペレーティングシステムを使っていることを想定しています。", "pred": "First, it is assumed that you are using a UNIX 由来のオペレーティングシステム that ca of setuid and setgid operations."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If no ScriptLog is given, no error log is created.", "out": "ScriptLog が 設定されていないときは、 エラーログは作成されません。", "pred": "If no ScriptLog is given, no error log is created."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This cannot be done while the server is running, because Apache httpd will continue writing to the old log file as long as it holds the file open.", "out": "これはサーバの実行中には 行なえません。 というのは、Apache はファイルが open されている間は ずっと古いログファイルに書き続けるからです。", "pred": "これは完全に roots ブルウェブサーバに Apache httpd が Write to the old log file as long as it holds the file open because Apache httpd will continue writing to the old log file as long as it holds the file open."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Configuration directives from .htaccess files are not listed (since they do not form part of the permanent server configuration).", "out": ") . htaccess ファイルの設定ディレクティブは表示されません (永久的なサーバ設定の一部ではないからです ) 。", "pred": "Configuration directives from .htaccess files are not listed (since they do not form part of the permanent server configuration)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See the accf_http(9) man page for more details.", "out": "詳細については accf_http(9) を参照してください。", "pred": "See the accf_http(9) man page for more details."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Always use Late mode in an operational server.", "out": "運用中のサーバでは必ず後期モードを使ってください。", "pred": "Always use Late mode in an operational server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Filenames may have multiple extensions and the extension argument will be compared against each of them.", "out": "ファイル名は 複数の拡張子 を持つことができ、 extension はそれぞれと比較されます。", "pred": "Filenames may have multiple extensions and the extension argument will be compared against each of them."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To enable Keep-Alive connections, set KeepAlive On .", "out": "Keep-Alive 接続を有効にするには KeepAlive On と設定します。", "pred": "To enable Keep-Alive connection, set KeepAlive On ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Our Vision | ZYXYZ Names of company, business brand, product, service, area, and so forth.", "out": "ジザイズのビジョン | ジザイズ 社名、事業ブランド名、商品名、サービス名、地域名...。", "pred": "Our Vision | ZY SECOND Names of company, business brand, product, service,エリア, and so forth."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Directives applied to a particular will not apply to files accessed from that same directory via a different path, such as via different symbolic links.", "out": " に 適用されるディレクティブは、別のシンボリックリンクをたどったりして 同じディレクトリを違うパスでアクセスした場合には適用されません。", "pred": "ディレクティブ apply to a particular will not apply to files accessed from that same directory via a different path, such as via different symbolic links."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If multiple (non-regular expression) ", "out": "もし複数の (正規表現以外の) ", "pred": "If multiple (non-regular expression) "} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Packet Size According to much of the code, the max packet size is 8 * 1024 bytes (8K) .", "out": "パケットサイズ 多くのコードでそうなっているのですが、パケットサイズの最大サイズは 8 * 1024 (8K) です。", "pred": "パケット Size According to much of the code, the maxパケット size is 8 * 1024 bytes (8K) ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: System requirements As the term IP-based indicates, the server must have a different IP address/port combination for each IP-based virtual host .", "out": "システム要件 Apache の設定方法 複数デーモンの設定 複数のバーチャルホストの設定をした デーモンを一つ設定する 参照 名前ベースのバーチャルホストサポート コメント システム要件 IP ベース という名前が示すように、サーバには IP ベースのバーチャルホストそれぞれにつき、別々の IP アドレスが 必要です 。", "pred": "System requirements As the term IP-based indicates, the server must have a different IP address/port 組み合わせ for each IP-based virtual host ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In almost every case, there's no reason to change that value.", "out": "ほとんどすべての場合、この値を変更する理由はありません。", "pred": "ほとんど every case, there's no reason to change that value."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If they want to have their own CGI programs, but don't have access to the main cgi-bin directory, they will need to be able to run CGI programs elsewhere.", "out": "もし、彼らが CGI プログラムを持つことを望んでいても、メインの cgi-bin ディレクトリへのアクセスができない場合、 CGI プログラムを実行することができる他の場所が必要になります。", "pred": "If they want to have their own CGI programs, but don't have access to the main cgi-bin directory, they will need to be able to run CGI programs elsewhere."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: When changing between major releases (for example, from 2.0 to 2.2 or from 2.2 to 2.4), there will likely be major differences in the compile-time and run-time configuration that will require manual adjustments.", "out": "メジャーリリース間の変更をする場合 (例えば 1.3 から 2.0 へ、2.0 から 2.2 へ) は、コンパイル時や実行時の設定に大きな差異があるでしょうから、 手動の調整が必要になるでしょう。", "pred": "When changeing between major releases (例えば, from 2.0 to 2.2 or from 2.2 to 2.4), there is a major differences in the compile-time and run-time configuration that will require a manual 調整."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Implementations of the PUT method will require a value at least as large as any representation that the server wishes to accept for that resource.", "out": "PUT メソッドの実装は、このディレクティブの値として 少なくともあるリソースに対してサーバが受け付けようとする 表現の大きさほどの値を必要とします。", "pred": "Implementations of the PUT method will require a value at least as large as any representation that the server wishes to accept for that resource."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: And this is the reason why many people have some difficulty in developing ones own brand name.", "out": "それだけに、いざ自ら開発するとなると少なからず抵抗を感じられる方も多いのではないでしょうか。", "pred": "And this is the reason why many people have some difficulty in developing ones own brand name."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Instead, the server must be restarted after the log files are moved or deleted so that it will open new log files.", "out": "新しいログファイルを open できるように、ログファイルが移動されたり 削除された後に、サーバを 再起動 する 必要があります。", "pred": "Apache 2.0.23 Nov 2019 Nov 2019 Nov 2019 Nov 2019 Nov 2019 Nov 2019 Nov 2019 Nov 2019 Nov 2019 Nov 2019 Nov 2019 Nov 2019 Nov 2019 Nov 2019 Nov 2019 Nov 2019 Nov 2"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The User and Group directives are used to set the privileges of the Apache HTTP Server child processes.", "out": "User と Group ディレクティブは Apache の子プロセスの権限を設定するのに用いられます。", "pred": "The User and Group directives are used to set the privileges of the Apache HTTP Server child processes."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This makes it much easier to execute scripts that process files.", "out": "これはファイルを処理するスクリプトの実行をずっと簡単にします。", "pred": "これはそれがはるかに簡単に the process scripts that process file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Early mode is designed as a test/debugging aid for developers.", "out": "早期モードは開発者向けのテスト/デバッグ用に設計されています。", "pred": "Early mode is designed as a test/debugging aid for developers."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Restarting it with a simple HUP or USR1 signal will not be enough.", "out": "HUP シグナルや USR1 シグナルによる単純な再起動では不十分です。", "pred": "Restarting it with a simple HUP or USR1 signal will not be enough."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: These variables are available to the CGI programmer, and are half of the story of the client-server communication.", "out": "これらの変数は CGI プログラマが使用できます。 そして、それはクライアントとサーバの通信の話の半分です。", "pred": "These variables are available to the CGI programmer, and are half of the story of the client-server communication."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: URLs are usually made up of a scheme, like http or https , a hostname, and a path.", "out": "URL は普通は、 http や https といったスキームとホスト名、 パスからなります。", "pred": "URLs are usually made up of a scheme, like http or https , aホスト名, and a path."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The first thing that httpd does when it is invoked is to locate and read the configuration file apache2.conf .", "out": "httpd が起動されてまず最初にすることは、 設定ファイル apache2.conf の位置を特定して読み込むことです。", "pred": "The first thing that httpd does when it is invoked to locate and read the configuration file apache2.conf ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: ErrorLog \"|/usr/local/bin/httpd_errors\" See the notes on piped logs for more information. Using syslog instead of a filename enables logging via syslogd(8) if the system supports it.", "out": "例 ErrorLog \"|/usr/local/bin/httpd_errors\" ファイル名の変わりに syslog と指定することによって、 システムがサポートしていれば syslogd(8) を利用したロギングが有効になります。", "pred": "ErrorLog \"|/usr/local/bin/httpd_errors\" See the notes on piped logs for more information. Using syslog instead of a filename enables logging via syslogd(8) if the system supports it."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note: If Apache has been built with shared module support you need to ensure that the module is loaded; in your apache2.conf you need to make sure the LoadModule directive has not been commented out.", "out": "注: Apache が共有モジュール機能着きでビルドされている場合、 モジュールがロードされていることを確認してください。 つまり apache2.conf で LoadModule がコメントアウトされていないことを確認してください。", "pred": "Note: If Apache has been built with shared module support you need to ensure that the module is enabled; in your apache2.conf you need to make sure the LoadModule ディレクティブ has not been commented out."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Select those variants which have associated charset media parameters that are not ISO-8859-1.", "out": "ISO-8859-1 ではない 文字セットメディアパラメータと 関連づけられている variant を選びます。", "pred": "Select those variants which have associated charset media parameters that are not ISO-8859-1."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, in the following configuration, directory indexes will be enabled for the /var/web/dir1 directory and all subdirectories.", "out": "例えば、次の設定では /var/web/dir1 とすべてのサブディレクトリに対して ディレクトリインデックスを行ないます。", "pred": "例えば, in the following configuration, directory indexes will be enabled for the /var/web/dir1 directory and all subdirectories."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The secondary key is always the ascending filename.", "out": "2つ目のソートキーは 常に ファイル名の昇順になります。", "pred": "The secondary key is always the ascending filename."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Compatibility If the directive wasn't part of the original Apache version 2 distribution, the version in which it was introduced should be listed here.", "out": "互換性 ディレクティブが Apache 2 の配布に組み込まれていなかった場合、 ディレクティブが導入されたバージョンがここに書かれています。", "pred": "互換性 If the ディレクティブ wasn't part of the original Apache version 2 distribution, the version in which it was introduced should be listed here."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The two functions are separated so that you can completely remove (or replace) automatic index generation should you want to.", "out": "望むならば、自動インデックス生成を完全に除去 (あるいは置換) できるように、この二つの機能は分離されています。", "pred": "The two functions are separated so that you can completely remove (or replace) automatic index generations should you want to."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The default value for ThreadLimit is 1920 when used with mpm_winnt and 64 when used with the others.", "out": "ThreadLimit のデフォルト値は mpm_winnt のときは 1920 で、 他の場合は 64 です。", "pred": "The default value for ThreadLimit is 1920 when used with mpm_winnt and 64 when used with the others."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: sections are processed in the order they appear in the configuration file, after the", "out": "セクションよりは先に 設定ファイルに現れた順に適用されます。", "pred": "セクション are processed in the order they appear in the configuration file, after the"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For most systems, 500 or 100 is common.", "out": "大抵のシステムでは 500 か 100 が一般的です。", "pred": "Most systems for, 500 or 100 are common."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Security Warning Anyone who can write to the directory where Apache httpd is writing a log file can almost certainly gain access to the uid that the server is started as, which is normally root.", "out": "セキュリティに関する警告 エラーログ アクセスログ ログの交替 パイプ経由のログ バーチャルホスト 他のログファイル 参照 コメント セキュリティに関する警告 Apache がログファイルを書いているディレクトリに書き込める人は、 ほぼ確実にサーバが起動された uid へのアクセスを手に入れることができます。", "pred": "セキュリティ Warning Anyone who can write to the directory where Apache httpd is writing a log file can almost certainly gain access to the uid that the server started as, which is normally root."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This year's winners are following 3 people. ・Artist, Mr. Takashi Murakami ・Head and Representative Director of Universal Design Intelligence.,inc, Mr. Manabu Akaike ・Representative Director of ZYXYZ Inc., Keiko Yokoi", "out": "今年の受賞者は以下の3名でした。アーティスト 村上 隆 氏 ユニバーサルデザイン総合研究所 代表取締役所長 赤池 学 氏 ジザイズ 代表取締役 横井 惠子", "pred": "・Artist, Mr. Takashi Murakami ・Head and Ltdative Director of Universal Design Intelligence.,inc, Mr. Manabu Akaike ・Representative Director of ZY Warehouse Inc., Keiko Yokoi"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: First, you can use the unix kill command to directly send signals to the processes.", "out": "一つ目はプロセスに直接シグナルを送る unix の kill コマンドを使用する方法です。", "pred": "Initially, you can use the unix kill command to directly send signals to the process."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If you're writing CGI programs in Perl, modules are available on CPAN .", "out": "Perl で CGI プログラムを書いているなら、モジュールは CPAN で提供されています。", "pred": "If you're writing CGI programs in Perl, modules are available on CPAN ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the httpd doesn't recognize the supplied argument as an URL, it assumes, that it's an email-address and prepends it with mailto: in hyperlink targets. However, it's recommended to actually use an email address, since there are a lot of CGI scripts that make that assumption.", "out": "与えられた引数を httpd が URL と認識しない場合は、 email-address だと解釈して、 ハイパーリンクのターゲットに mailto: を付けます。 実際には、ここには電子メールアドレスを使うことが推奨されています。 多くの CGI スクリプトはそうなっていることを仮定しています。", "pred": "If the httpd doesn't認識 the supplied argument as an URL, it assumes, that it's an email-address andnonymouss it with mailto: in hyperlink targets. However, it's recommended to actually use an email address, since there are a lot of CGI scripts that make it assumption."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Be careful when using these options, since configure cannot warn you if the module you specify does not exist; it will simply ignore the option.", "out": "これらのオプションを使っているときに、もし指定したモジュールが存在しなくても configure は警告を上げることなく、単純にオプションを 無視することに気をつけてください。", "pred": "Be careful when use this option, since configure cannot warn you if the module you specify does not exist; it will simply ignore the option."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Module is the name of the external variable of type module in the file, and is listed as the Module Identifier in the module documentation.", "out": "Module はファイル中の module 型の外部変数の名前で、モジュールのドキュメントに モジュール識別子 として書かれているものです。", "pred": "Module is the name of the 外部 variable of type module in the file, and is listed as the モジュール Identifier in the module documentation."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The filter is case-insensitive. The extension argument is case-insensitive and can be specified with or without a leading dot.", "out": "filter は大文字小文字を区別しません。 引数 extension は大文字小文字を区別せず、 最初のドットはあってもなくても構いません。", "pred": "The filter is case-insensitive The extension argument is case-insensitive and can be specified with or without a leading dot."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Generally, files have implicit handlers, based on the file type.", "out": "通常、ファイルはファイルタイプ ( 訳注: MIME-type) に基づいた暗黙のハンドラがあります。", "pred": "一般的に, files have implicit handlers, based on the file type."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Each CGI script which fails to operate causes several lines of information to be logged.", "out": "それぞれの正しく動作しない CGI スクリプトは 複数の行にわたる情報がログ収集されます。", "pred": "それぞれの正しく動作しない CGI scripts which fails to operate causes several lines of information to be logged."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To get here means no variant was selected (because none are acceptable to the browser).", "out": "ここに来たということは、variant が一つも選択されなかった (ブラウザが許容するものがなかったため) ということです。", "pred": "To get here means no variant was selected (because none are acceptable to the browser)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The advantage is that you can hide the actual type of a document rsp. file and can change it later, e.g. , from html to shtml or cgi without changing any hyperlink references.", "out": "この利点は、ドキュメントとして応答するファイルの 実際のファイルタイプを隠蔽して、リンクの参照を変更することなく 後からファイルを変更できる、 例えば html から shtml に、あるいは cgi に変更できる点です。", "pred": "The advantage is that you can hide the actual type of a document rsp. file and can change it later, e.g. , from html to shtml or cgi without changing any hyperlink references."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: External Modules which are not included with the base Apache distribution (\"third-party modules\") may use the \"External\" status.", "out": "External ステータスが \"External\" のモジュールは、基本 Apache 配布に同梱されません ( \" サードパーティーモジュール \" ) 。", "pred": "External Modules which are not included with the base Apache distribution (in English version 2.0.23), the \"External\" status."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The LogFormat directive can be used to simplify the selection of the contents of the logs.", "out": "ログの内容の選択を簡潔にするために LogFormat ディレクティブを使用することができます。", "pred": "The LogFormat ディレクティブ can be used to simplify the selection of the content of the logs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: containers apply enclosed configuration directives only to sites accessed through mod_proxy 's proxy server that match the specified URL.", "out": "コンテナは、特定の URL にマッチする mod_proxy プロクシサーバを経由してアクセスしたサイトに対してのみ適用される 設定ディレクティブを格納します。", "pred": "containers Apply enclosed configuration directives only to sites accessed through mod_proxy 's proxy server that match the specified URL."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If you use some special exclusions dependent on, for example, the User-Agent header, you must manually configure an addition to the Vary header to alert proxies of the additional restrictions.", "out": "もし特別に何かに依存して除外したい場合、例えば User-Agent ヘッダなどに依存している場合、手動で Vary ヘッダを設定して、 追加の制限についてプロクシサーバに注意を行なう必要があります。", "pred": "If you use some special exclusions 依存 on, for example, the User-Agent ヘッダ, you must手動で configure an addition to the Vary header to alert proxies of the追加の restrictions."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In order to reverse the meaning, all operators can be preceded by an exclamation mark ( ! ):", "out": "マッチングの否定を表現するために、すべてのオペレータは前に 感嘆符 ( ! )を付けることができます:", "pred": "In order to reverse the meaning, all operators can be preceded by an exclamation mark ( ! ):"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To find which directives can be placed in .htaccess files, check the Context of the directive.", "out": "どのディレクティブが .htaccess ファイルに書けるかを調べるには、ディレクティブの コンテキスト を調べてください。", "pred": "To find どのディレクティブを .htaccess filesで配置したり、チェック the コンテキスト of the directive."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Furthermore, \"OAZO\" means \"oasis\" in Esperanto.", "out": "さらに「oazo」は、エスペラントで「オアシス、憩いの地」を意味する単語でもある。", "pred": "Furthermore, \"OAZO\" means \"oasis\" in Esperanto."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The IP address reported here is not necessarily the address of the machine at which the user is sitting.", "out": "ここに報告される IP アドレスは必ずしもユーザが使っているマシンの ものであるとは限りません。", "pred": "Now that you have entered the IP address is not necessarily the address of the machine at which the user is sitting."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: PID File On startup, Apache httpd saves the process id of the parent httpd process to the file logs/httpd.pid .", "out": "PID ファイル 起動時に、Apache は親 httpd プロセスのプロセス ID を logs/httpd.pid に保存します。", "pred": "PID File On startup, Apache httpd saves the process id of the parent httpd process to the file logs/httpd.pid ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: URLs with a case-sensitive (%-decoded) path beginning with URL-path will be mapped to scripts beginning with the second argument, which is a full pathname in the local filesystem.", "out": "URL の ( % が復号された) パスが URL-path で始まるものは ローカルのファイルシステムの フルパスである二番目の引数にマップされます。", "pred": "URLs with a case-sensitive (%-decoded) path beginning with URL-path will be mapped to scripts beginning with the second argument, which is a full pathname in the local filesystem."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This will contain the exact configure command line that you used to configure the source tree.", "out": "このファイルにはソースツリーを設定した時に使った configure コマンドラインが、そのまま入っています。", "pred": "This will contain the正確な configure command line that you used to configure the source tree."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: We want to go on with our activities, with your heart-warming support and understanding.", "out": "皆様のご理解・ご支援をいただきながら、共に活動を進めていきたいと思っております。", "pred": "私たちは、Go to Go on with our activities, with your heart-warming support and understanding."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Most users of Apache on unix-like systems will be better off downloading and compiling a source version.", "out": "UNIX に類似するシステムで Apache を使うユーザは、ソースを ダウンロードしてビルドしたほうが良いでしょう。", "pred": "Most users of Apache on unix-like system will be better off downloading and compiling a source version."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: However, some special applications actually do support request compression, for instance some WebDAV clients.", "out": "しかし、例えば WebDAV クライアントの幾つかなど、特別なアプリケーションでリクエストの 圧縮を実際にサポートしているものもあります。", "pred": "However, some special applications actually do support request 圧縮, for example some WebDAV clients."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It can be used to encapsulate other protocols, such as the SSL protocol.", "out": "SSL のような他の プロトコルをくるむために使うことができます。", "pred": "It can use to モジュール内の other protocols, such as the SSL protocol."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Protocol Adjustments For circumstances where mod_proxy is sending requests to an origin server that doesn't properly implement keepalives or HTTP/1.1, there are two environment variables that can force the request to use HTTP/1.0 with no keepalive.", "out": "プロトコルの調整 Keepalive や HTTP/1.1 を適切に実装していないアプリケーションサーバに対して mod_proxy がリクエストを送信する場合、 HTTP/1.0 を使って keepalive を無しにしてリクエストを送るようにする 環境変数が二つあります。", "pred": "Protocol Adjustments For circumstances where mod_proxy is sending requests to an origin server that doesn't properly implement keepalives or HTTP/1.1, there are two環境変数 that can force the request to use HTTP/1.0 with no keepalive."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Using the default setting of Userdir public_html , the above URL maps to a file at a directory like /home/user/public_html/file.html where /home/user/ is the user's home directory as specified in /etc/passwd .", "out": "デフォルトの設定の Userdir public_html を使うと、上の URL は /home/user/public_html/file.html というようなファイルに マップされます。 ここで 、 / home/user/ は /etc/passwd で指定されているユーザのホームディレクトリです。", "pred": "Using the default setting of Userdir public_html , the above URL maps to a file at a directory like /home/user/public_html/file.html where /home/user/ is the user's home directory as specified in /etc/passwd ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Main Configuration Files Syntax of the Configuration Files Modules Scope of Directives .htaccess Files See also Comments Main Configuration Files Related Modules Related Directives mod_mime", "out": "メインの設定ファイル 設定ファイルの構文 モジュール ディレクティブの適用範囲 .htaccess ファイル 参照 コメント メインの設定ファイル 関連モジュール 関連ディレクティブ mod_mime", "pred": "Main Configuration Files 構文 of the Configuration Files Modules Scope of Directives .htaccess Files See also Comments Main Configuration Files Related Modules Related Directives mod_mime"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For HTTP/1.0 clients, Keep-Alive connections will only be used if they are specifically requested by a client.", "out": "HTTP/1.0 に対応したクライアントの際には、 クライアントより特に要求があった場合のみ Keep-Alive 接続となります。", "pred": "For HTTP/1.0 clients, Keep-Alive connection will only be used if they are specifically requested by a client."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: At the user level, MPMs appear much like other Apache httpd modules.", "out": "ユーザレベルでは、MPM は他の Apache モジュールと同等に見えます。", "pred": "At the user level, MPMs appears very often the other Apache httpd modules."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Early and Late Processing mod_headers can be applied either early or late in the request.", "out": "早期処理、後期処理 mod_headers では、リクエストの早期か後期かの どちらで適用するかを選べます。", "pred": "Early and Late Processing mod_headers can be applied to any early or late in the request."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Inside each block, you will need at minimum a ServerName directive to designate which host is served and a DocumentRoot directive to show where in the filesystem the content for that host lives.", "out": " ディレクティブの中には、最低限、どのホストが扱われるかを示す ServerName ディレクティブと、 そのホスト用のコンテンツがファイルシステム上のどこにあるかを示す DocumentRoot ディレクティブを 書く必要があります。", "pred": " block, you will need at minimum a ServerName directive to designate which host served and a DocumentRoot directive to show where in the filesystem the content for that host lives."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Second, ExecCGI must be specified in the Options directive.", "out": "次に、 Options ディレクティブで ExecCGI が指定されていなければなりません。", "pred": "Second, ExecCGI must be specified in the Options ディレクティブ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It looks for those + / - ID pairs and complains if a request was not completed.", "out": "+ / - の ID の組を調べ、完了していない リクエストがある場合は警告を発します。", "pred": "It looks for those + / - ID pairs and complains if a request was not completed."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Transport Layer Security (TLS) The successor protocol to SSL, created by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) for general communication authentication and encryption over TCP/IP networks.", "out": "Transport Layer Security (TLS) TCP/IP ネットワーク上での一般通信の認証と暗号化用に Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) により作成された SSL の 後継プロトコル。", "pred": "Transport Layer Security (TLS) The successor protocol to SSL, created by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) for general communication authentication and暗号化ion over TCP/IP networks."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, in a default install, Apache httpd resides at /usr/local/apache2 in the Unix filesystem or \"c:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2\" in the Windows filesystem.", "out": "たとえば、デフォルトのインストールでは Apache は Unix ファイルシステムでは /usr/local/apache2 に、Windows ファイルシステムでは \"c : / Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2\" に存在します。", "pred": "たとえば a default install, Apache httpd resides at /usr/local/apache2 in the Unix filesystem or \"c:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2\" in the Windows filesystem."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Handlers that serve scripts, such as cgi-script and isapi-handler , generally accept PATH_INFO by default.", "out": "cgi-script や isapi-handler のようにスクリプトを扱うハンドラは 一般的にデフォルトで PATH_INFO を受け付けます。", "pred": "ハンドラ suspects for served. Handlers that serve scripts, such as cgi-script and isapi-handler , generally accept PATH_INFO by default."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It overrides, for the specified MIME type only , any expiration date set by the ExpiresDefault directive.", "out": "これは、 指定された MIME タイプに対して のみ ExpiresDefault ディレクティブで 設定された期限切れ期日を上書きします。", "pred": "It overrides, for the specified MIME type only , any expiration date set by the ExpiresDefault ディレクティブ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, try: cd /usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin ./first.pl (Do not call the perl interpreter.", "out": "例えば、以下を実行してみてください: cd /usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin . / first.pl ( perl インタプリタは呼ばないでください。", "pred": "For example, try: cd /usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin ./first.pl (Do not call the perl interpreter."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For details on the merging of configuration sections, see the documentation on How Directory, Location and Files sections work .", "out": "設定セクションのマージの詳細については、 Directory,Location, Files セクションの動作方法 を参照してください。", "pred": "For details on the merging of configuration sections, see the documentation on How Directory, Location and Files sections work ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Apache HTTP Server always tries to maintain a pool of spare or idle server threads, which stand ready to serve incoming requests.", "out": "Apache は スペアの 、つまりアイドルなサーバスレッドの プールを常に維持していて、それらは入ってくるリクエストに 答えられるように待機しています。", "pred": "Apache HTTP Server 常に tries to maintain a pool of spare or idle server threads, which stand ready to serve incoming requests."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It cannot contain ../ , nor can it be an absolute path.", "out": ". . / を含んでいたり、絶対パスを指定したりはできません。", "pred": "It contains ../ , nor can it be an absolute path."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: Authentication, Authorization, and Access Control Algorithm An unambiguous formula or set of rules for solving a problem in a finite number of steps.", "out": "参照: 認証、承認、アクセス制御 アルゴリズム 有限回のステップで問題を解くためのあいまいでない式もしくは規則の 集合。", "pred": "See: Authentication, Authorization, and Access Control Algorithm An unequivocal form or set ofルール for solving a problem in a finite number of steps."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Files acquire this handler either by having a name containing an extension defined by the AddHandler directive, or by being in a ScriptAlias directory.", "out": "ファイルは、 AddHandler ディレクティブに指定された 拡張子を名前に含むか、 ScriptAlias ディレクトリに存在することによりこのハンドラになります。", "pred": "Files acquire this handler either by having a name containing an extension defined by the AddHandler ディレクティブ, or by being in a ScriptAlias directory."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: A message starting with \"Forbidden\" That means that there is a permissions problem.", "out": "メッセージが \"Forbidden\" で始まっている これはパーミッションの問題ということを意味します。", "pred": "A message starting with \"Forbidden\" That means that there is aパーミッション problem."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Include Variables In addition to the variables in the standard CGI environment, these are available for the echo command, for if and elif , and to any program invoked by the document.", "out": "Include 変数 標準 CGI 環境の変数に加えて、 echo コマンドや、 if や elif , それにドキュメントから呼び出される すべてのプログラムから使用できる変数があります。", "pred": "Include Variables In addition to the variables in the standard CGI environment, これらは for the echo command, for if and elif , and to any program invoked by the document."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The default is Off in order to save the network traffic for those sites that don't truly need the reverse lookups done.", "out": "ディレクティブのデフォルトは 本当に逆引きを必要としているわけではないサイトの ネットワークトラフィックを低減させるために、 Off になっています。", "pred": "The default is Off in order to save the network traffic for those sites that don't truly need the reverse lookups done."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Syntax of the Configuration Files httpd configuration files contain one directive per line.", "out": "設定ファイルの構文 Apache の設定ファイルは 1 行に 1 つのディレクティブからなります。", "pred": "構文 of the Configuration Files httpd configure files contain one line of oneディレクティブ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The main server is never used to serve a request. _default_ vhosts for one port We want to have a default vhost for port 80, but no other default vhosts.", "out": "主サーバはリクエストを扱いません。 一つのポートに対してだけの _default_ バーチャルホスト 80 番ポートにはデフォルトのバーチャルホストが必要で、他の バーチャルホストはデフォルトが必要ない場合です。", "pred": "The main server is never used to serve a request. _default_ vhosts for one port We want to have a default vhost for port 80, but no other default vhosts."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: cenova | ZYXYZ cenova, is composed of \"ceno- (prefix: new) + va (Spanish: to start) , center + nova \" ,thus, means that it is \"Built in the center of Shizuoka, happy place( = shiawasenoba) for many people.\"", "out": "セノバ | ジザイズ 「新しい」の意の接頭語「ceno-」とスペイン語「va (スタートする)」、および「center (中央)」と「nova (新星)」の組合せによって、「静岡の中心地に新たに誕生し、多くの人が行き交い、集まる『幸せの場』」であることを表現した。", "pred": "『僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の僕の�"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The Cache-Control: max-age is calculated by subtracting the request time from the expiration date and expressing the result in seconds.", "out": "Cache-Control: max-age は期限切れの時刻からリクエスト時刻を引いたものを秒で 表すことで生成されます。", "pred": "The Cache-Control: max-age is calculated by subtracting the request time from the expiration date and expressing the result in seconds."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Automatic index generation is enabled with using Options +Indexes .", "out": "自動インデックス生成は Options +Indexes を使うことで有効になります。", "pred": "Automatic index generation enabled with using Options +Indexes ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: However, if the proper security precautions are taken, there is no reason why CGI programs cannot be run from arbitrary directories.", "out": "しかしながら、適切なセキュリティ事前対策がとられるならば、CGI プログラムを任意のディレクトリで実行できないようにする理由はありません。", "pred": "However, if the proper security precautions are taken, no reasonable way for CGI プログラムが any CGI programs running from any document."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Conditional Logging Environment variables can be logged in the access log using the LogFormat option %e .", "out": "条件付きログ記録 LogFormat ディレクティブのオプション %e を使用することで、環境変数をアクセスログに記録することができます。", "pred": "条件付き Logging TheEnvironment variables can be logged in the access log using the LogFormat option %e ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: A network/netmask pair Allow from A network a.b.c.d, and a netmask w.x.y.z.", "out": "ネットワーク/ネットマスク の対 例 Allow from ネットワーク a.b.c.d とネットマスク w.x.y.z です。", "pred": "A Network/Netマスク Limit Allow from A Network a.b.c.d, and a netmask w.x.y.z."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: A good test for this is to put garbage in your .htaccess file and reload the page.", "out": "これを調べるための良い方法は 、 . htaccess ファイルにごみを書いて、リロードすることです。", "pred": "A good test for this is to putごみ in your .htaccess file and reload the page."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, mod_dir uses subrequests to look for the files listed in the DirectoryIndex directive.", "out": "例えば、 mod_dir は DirectoryIndex ディレクティブ がリストするファイルを調べるためにサブリクエストを使います。", "pred": "例えば、 mod_dir はサブリクエストs to look for the files listed in the DirectoryIndex ディレクティブ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: They only become actual operating system environment variables when they are provided to CGI scripts and Server Side Include scripts.", "out": "それらは、CGI や SSI スクリプトに渡されたときだけ、実際の オペレーティングシステムの環境変数になります。", "pred": "They only become the actual operating system environment variable when they are provided to CGI scripts and Server Side Include scripts."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, a Netscape browser requires that the Common Name for a certificate representing a server matches a wildcard pattern for the domain name of that server, such as *.snakeoil.com .", "out": "例えばネットスケープのブラウザは、サーバの証明書の Common Name (コモンネーム)がサーバのドメイン名の * . snakeoil.com というようなワイルドカードのパターンにマッチすること を要求します。", "pred": "例えば, a Netscape browser requires that the Common Name for a 証明書 representing a server matches a ワイルドカードパターン for the domain name of that server, such as *.snakeoil.com ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The default value, AP_FTYPE_RESOURCE, is sufficient in most cases.", "out": "ほとんどの場合は、デフォルトの AP_FTYPE_RESOURCE で 十分です。", "pred": "The default value, AP_FTYPE_RESOURCE, is sufficient in most cases."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: , and that allow perl-compatible regular expressions to be used in choosing the matches.", "out": " があり、マッチを選択するのに perl 互換 正規表現 を使用できます。", "pred": ", and that allow perl-compatible regular expression to be used in choosing the matches."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: However it's unknown quantity about our activities in the future, if it's \"cross\"ed with a lot of \"wise\", we can make it possible which can not be carried out by individual power, we think.", "out": "今後の活動についても未知数ではありますが、多くの叡知(wise/ワイズ)を掛け合わせ(cross/クロス)れば、一人の力では成し遂げられないことも、可能にしていけるのではないかと考えています。", "pred": "僕は、このたび、僕は、このたび、そして、このたび、そして、このたび、そして、このたび、そして、このたび、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The above directive tells Apache to permit the execution of CGI files.", "out": "上記ディレクティブは、CGI ファイルの実行を可能にするよう Apache に伝えます。", "pred": "The above ディレクティブ will tells Apache to permit the execution of CGI files."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note When entering a file path on non-Unix platforms, care should be taken to make sure that only forward slashes are used even though the platform may allow the use of back slashes.", "out": "注 Unix 以外のプラットフォームでファイルのパスを入力するときは、 プラットフォームがバックスラッシュの使用を許していたとしても、 確実にスラッシュのみが使用されるように注意してください。", "pred": "Note When entering a file path on non-Unix platforms, care should be taken to make sure that only forwardスラッシュ is used even the platform may allow the use of backスラッシュes."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: More information about tuning process creation is provided in the performance hints documentation.", "out": "プロセス生成のチューニングに関する 詳しい情報は、 性能に関するヒント にあります。", "pred": "More information about balancing process creation is provided in the performance hints documentation."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Setting variables Using the set directive, you can set variables for later use.", "out": "変数を設定する set ディレクティブを使用して、 後で使用するために変数を設定することができます。", "pred": "変数を設定する set ディレクティブを使用して、後で for use in the variables set ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Furthermore, suppose that example1.dom has control of their own DNS.", "out": "また、 def.dom は顧客自身の DNS の制御下にあるとします。", "pred": "Moreover, last example 1.dom has control of their own DNS."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Restricting what users are permitted to use this feature Using the syntax shown in the UserDir documentation, you can restrict what users are permitted to use this functionality: UserDir disabled root jro fish The configuration above will enable the feature for all users except for those listed in the disabled statement.", "out": "この機能を使用できるユーザを制限する UserDir のドキュメントに示されている構文を使うことで、 どのユーザがこの機能を使うことができるかを制限することができます: UserDir enabled UserDir disabled root jro fish 上の設定は dissabled 文のユーザ以外のすべてのユーザに 対して UserDir の機能を有効にします。", "pred": "Restricting what users are permitted to use this feature Using the syntax shown in the UserDir documentation, you can restrict what users are permitted to use this feature: UserDir disabled root jro fish The setting will enable the feature for all users except for those listed in the disabled statement."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Since .htaccess files are read on every request, changes made in these files take immediate effect.", "out": ".htaccess ファイルはすべてのリクエストで読み込まれるため、 変更はすぐに反映されます。", "pred": "Since .htaccess files are read on every request, changes made in these files take immediate effect."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Encoded with the length packed into two bytes first, followed by the string (including the terminating '\\0').", "out": "長さ情報のパケット 2 バイトの後に 文字列 (終端文字 ' \\ 0' を含む) が続く形式でエンコードされます。", "pred": "Acceld with the長さ packed into two bytes first, followed by the string (including the terminating virtual0')."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: Environment Variables in Apache Export-Crippled Diminished in cryptographic strength (and security) in order to comply with the United States' Export Administration Regulations (EAR).", "out": "参照: Apache の環境変数 輸出強度削減 ( 訳注: Export-Crippled) アメリカの Export Administration Regulations (EAR ) ( 訳注: 輸出管理規則) に従うために暗号の強度 (とセキュリティ) を削減すること。", "pred": "See: Environment Variables in Apache Export-Crippled Diminished in 暗号 strength (and security) in order to comply with the United States' Export Administration Regulations (EAR)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Inconvenient characters like spaces, ampersands, and equals signs, are converted into their hex equivalent so that they don't gum up the works.", "out": "スペース、アンパサンド、イコールのような面倒な文字は、 それらが動作を駄目にしないようにその文字に相当する 16 進に変換されます。", "pred": "スペースのようなInconvenient characters, ampersands, and equals signs, are closeded into their 六 equivalent so that they don't gum up the works."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note that this directive does not guarantee that an Expires or Cache-Control header will be generated.", "out": "このディレクティブは Expires と Cache-Control ヘッダの存在を 保証するわけではないことに注意してください。", "pred": "Note that this directive is not保証ed that an Expires or Cache-Control ヘッダ will be generated."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Thus, in order to get the ability of handling AJP13 protocol, mod_proxy and mod_proxy_ajp have to be present in the server.", "out": "AJP13 プロトコルを扱えるようにするには mod_proxy と mod_proxy_ajp をサーバに組み込む必要があります。", "pred": "Thus, in order to get the ability of handling AJP13 protocol, mod_proxy and mod_proxy_ajp have to be present in the server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The exception is for request body packets sent from the server to the container -- they are sent with a standard packet header ( 0x1234 and then length of the packet), but without any prefix code after that.", "out": "例外はサーバからコンテナに送られるリクエストボディパケットです ― ― これらは標準的なパケット形式 ( 0x1234 とパケット長) ですが、その後に続くプレフィックスコードがありません。", "pred": "The exception is for request bodyパケット sent from the server to the container -- they are sent with a standardパケット header ( 0x1234 and then length of theパケット), but without any prefix code after that."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The second argument ( regex ) is a regular expression .", "out": "二つ目の引数 ( regex ) は 正規表現 です。", "pred": "The second argument ( regex ) is a regular expression ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The syntax is the same.", "out": "文法は同じです。", "pred": "The syntax is the same."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The ProxyDomain directive specifies the default domain which the apache proxy server will belong to.", "out": "ProxyDomain ディレクティブは apache プロキシサーバが属するデフォルトのドメインを指定します。", "pred": "The ProxyDomain ディレクティブ will be the default domain which the apache proxy server will belong to."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In addition, the first character may not be a number.", "out": "さらに、最初の文字は数字であってはいけません。", "pred": "And, the first character may not be a number."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: I combine shipping costs for multiple items If you need don’t hesitate.", "out": "複数のお品物と同梱の場合は料金が変わります。", "pred": "I combine shipping costs for multiple items If you need don’t hesitate."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Then a program like split-logfile can be used to post-process the access log in order to split it into one file per virtual host.", "out": "そして、 split-logfile のようなプログラムを 使ってアクセスログを後処理することで、 バーチャルホスト毎のファイルにログを分割することができます。", "pred": "Then a program like split-logfile can be used to post-process the access log in order to split it into one file per virtual host."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Input Decompression The mod_deflate module also provides a filter for decompressing a gzip compressed request body .", "out": "入力の伸張 mod_deflate モジュールは、gzip で圧縮されたリクエスト本体を伸張するフィルタも提供しています。", "pred": "Input Decompression The mod_deflate module is also provided by a filter for decompressing a gzip compressed request body ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Multiple Listen directives may be used to specify a number of addresses and ports to listen on.", "out": "Listen ディレクティブを複数使って Listen するアドレスとポートをいくつも指定できます。", "pred": "複数の Listen ディレクティブを 使うかもしれません。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Although this might suggest that the maximum payload could be as large as 2^16, in fact, the code sets the maximum to be 8K.", "out": "このため、ペイロード長の最大値は 2^16 にできるように思えますが、 実際にはコードでは最大値は 8K に設定されています。", "pred": "This might suggest that the maximum payload could be as大規模 as 2^16, in 実際, the code sets the maximum to be 8K."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Apache also contains internal variables that are referred to as environment variables, but are stored in internal Apache structures, rather than in the shell environment.", "out": "Apache も環境変数と呼ばれる内部変数を持っていますが、こちらは シェル環境ではなく、Apache の内部構造体に保持されています。", "pred": "Apache も社内環境変数 those that are referred to as環境 variables, but are preserved in internal Apache structures, rather than in the shell環境."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Only the CA's public key can decrypt the signature, verifying that the CA has authenticated the network entity that owns the Certificate .", "out": "CA の公開鍵でのみその署名を復号することができますので、それにより 証明書 を保有するネットワークエンティティを CA が認証した ことを検証できます。", "pred": "Only the CA's public key can decrypt the署名, verifying that the CA has authenticated theネットワーク entity that owns the Certificate ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Select the load-balancing scheduler method to use.", "out": "使用するロードバランスの スケジューリング方法を選びます。", "pred": "Select the load-balancing スケジューラ method to use."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For those transmissions which cannot handle binary, the binary form may be translated into an ASCII form by using Base64 encoding [ MIME ].", "out": "バイナリ形式を扱うことのできない送信では、 バイナリ形式は Base64 符号化 [ MIME ] で ASCII 形式に変換されることがあります。", "pred": "For those transmissions allowing the body to handle any flow, the body form may be 翻訳 into an ASCII form by using Base64 encoding [ MIME ]."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: A regular expression may be used to specify a set of request headers.", "out": "リクエストヘッダの集合を現すために 正規表現を使うこともできます。", "pred": "A regular expression may be used to specify a set of request headers."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: SSL/TLS Encryption Public Key Cryptography The study and application of asymmetric encryption systems, which use one key for encryption and another for decryption.", "out": "参照: SSL/TLS 暗号化 公開鍵暗号 ある鍵を暗号に使い、別の鍵を復号に使う非対称暗号システムについての研究や その応用を指す。", "pred": "See: SSL/TLS Encryption Public Key Cryptography The study and application of asymmetric暗号ion system, which use one key for暗号化ion and another for decryption."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: By using a graceful restart, the server can be instructed to open new log files without losing any existing or pending connections from clients.", "out": "優雅な 再起動を行なうことで、サーバは既存のコネクションや 処理待ちのコネクションを失うことなく新しいログファイルを open させる ことができます。", "pred": "By using a graceful restart, the server can be instructed to open new log files without losing any existing or pending connection from clients."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The CGI script is given the PATH_INFO and query string ( QUERY_STRING ) of the original request from the client; these cannot be specified in the URL path.", "out": "CGI スクリプトには、クライアントからの元々のリクエストの PATH_INFO とクエリー文字列 ( QUERY_STRING ) が渡されます。 これらは URL パスとして特定 できない ものです。", "pred": "The CGI スクリプト is given the PATH_INFO and query string ( QUERY_STRING ) of the original request from the client; no module in the URL path."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It was released on 11 November 1997, by Atlantic Records.", "out": "本作は1997年11月11日にアトランティック・レコードから発売された。", "pred": "He was released on 11 November 1997, by Atlantic Records."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The following storage management modules are included in the base Apache distribution: mod_cache_disk Implements a disk based storage manager.", "out": "標準 Apache 配布には二つストレージ管理モジュールが含まれています: mod_cache_disk ディスクを使用したストレージ管理機構を実装しています。", "pred": "The following storage management modules are included in the base Apache distribution: mod_cache_disk Implements a disk based storage manager."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The parent re-reads its configuration files and re-opens its log files.", "out": "親プロセスは設定ファイルを再読込して、ログファイルを開き直します。", "pred": "The parent re-reads its configuration files and re-opens its log files."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Fortunately, there are libraries and modules available to help you process this data, as well as handle other of the aspects of your CGI program.", "out": "幸いにも、そのデータ処理を助けるライブラリやモジュールが存在します。 これらは、CGI プログラムの他の面でも同様に役に立ちます。", "pred": "Fortunately, there are libraries and modules available to help you process this data, as well asハンドル other of the aspects of your CGI program."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: That means Σ (SIGMA), it was named with our thought of creating ultimate worth (MAX).", "out": "それらをΣ(SIGMA)すなわち総和して、究極の価値(MAX)を生み出すという想いが込められている。", "pred": "That means Σ (SIGMA), it was named with our thought of creating 究極 worth (MAX)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Usually, this address represents a host, but there need not necessarily be a DNS domain name connected with the address.", "out": "通常はこのアドレスはホストを 表しますが、必ずしもアドレスに対応する DNS ドメイン名があるわけでは ありません。", "pred": "通常は, this address is not necessarily the DNS domain name connected with the address."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The recommended method of invoking the httpd executable is to use the apache2ctl control script.", "out": "推奨の httpd 実行プログラムの起動方法は、 apache2ctl 制御スクリプトを使用する方法です。", "pred": "The recommended method ofhandlinging the httpd executable is to use the apache2ctl control script."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In this case, the server will not even attempt to read .htaccess files in the filesystem.", "out": "この場合、サーバはファイルシステムの .htaccess ファイルを読むことを 試みさえしません。", "pred": "この場合、サーバはさらに試みさえさない .htaccess files in the filesystem."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Charset= character-set ( Apache HTTP Server 2.0.61 and later ) The Charset keyword allows you to specify the character set of the generated page.", "out": "option は次のどれかです: Charset= character-set ( Apache 2.0.61 以降 ) Charset キーワードで、 生成されるページの文字セットを指定できます。", "pred": "Charset= character-set ( Apache HTTP Server 2.0.61 and later ) The Charset keyword allows you to specify the character set of the generated page."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The variables are also used as a mechanism to communicate with external programs such as CGI scripts.", "out": "これらの変数は CGI スクリプトなどの外部プログラムと通信するためにも 使われます。", "pred": "The variables are also used as a mechanism to communicate with external programs such as CGI scripts."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This causes Apache httpd to use the interpreter pointed to by the shebang line (first line, starting with #! ) in the script.", "out": "これはスクリプトの shebang 行 (最初の行で # ! から始まるもの) に指されているインタープリタを使用します。", "pred": "This causes Apache httpd to use the interpreter pointed to by the Atomic line (最初の line, starting with #!) in the script."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is useful to block out \"system\" groups.", "out": "これは \"system\" 用のグループを閉め出すのに有効です。", "pred": "これは useful to block out \"system\" グループ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: A very wide variety of different messages can appear in the error log.", "out": "非常に広範囲のメッセージがエラーログに現れます。", "pred": "A very wide variety of different messages can appear in the error log."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: A companion module, mod_ldap provides connection pooling and results caching. mod_auth_digest Includes additional support for session caching across processes using shared memory. mod_charset_lite New module in Apache httpd 2.0.", "out": "関連モジュールの mod_ldap で、 コネクションのプール機能と結果のキャッシュ機能が提供されます。 mod_auth_digest このモジュールは共有メモリを使うことにより、プロセスをまたいだ セッションのキャッシュをサポートするようになりました。", "pred": "A companion module, mod_ldap provides connection pooling and results caching. mod_auth_digest Includes Share memory using the process for session caching across process. mod_charset_lite New module in Apache httpd 2.0."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Any other variable (either ones that you define, or normal environment variables) can be used in conditional statements.", "out": "他のどんな変数 (あなたが定義するもの、 または普通の環境変数のいずれか) も、条件文に使用することができます。", "pred": "Any other variable (either ones that you define, or ordinary環境変数) can be used in conditional statements."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Similar functionality is provided by mod_authn_file .", "out": "似たような機能は mod_authn_file でも提供されています。", "pred": "Similar functionality is provided by mod_authn_file ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It's because that she thought \"Importance of a name, Process for decision of it, and the drama of backstage, which I want the readers to experience for themselves\", then, she wrote the details about the tracks of her mind for the examples which she has been taking part in the development.", "out": "「1つの名前のもつ重要性、それが決まるまでのプロセス、舞台裏のドラマを、読者の方に追体験していただきたい」という想いから、これまで開発に携わってきた実例において、思考の足跡を詳細に綴りました。", "pred": "僕は「Importance of a name, Process for decision of it, and the drama of backstage, which I want the readers to experience for themselves,」と語る。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Earlier, we mentioned that you could use SSI to inform the user when the document was most recently modified.", "out": "先に、ドキュメントが最後に変更されたのはいつかを ユーザに通知するために SSI を使用することができることを述べました。", "pred": "Earlier, we mentioned that you can use SSI to inform the user when the document was most recently modified."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Any programs that you invoke in your CGI program (like sendmail , for example) will need to be specified by a full path, so that the shell can find them when it attempts to execute your CGI program.", "out": "CGI プログラム内で呼び出すあらゆるプログラム (例えば、 sendmail のようなもの) は、 フルパスで指定する必要があるでしょう。 それにより、CGI プログラムを実行しようとしたとき、 シェルはそのようなプログラムを見つけることができます。", "pred": "Anyプログラムs that you invoke in your CGI program (like sendmail , for example) will need to be specified by a full path, so that the shell can find them when it attempts to execute your CGI program."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Second, the client requested the resource /apache_pb.gif , and third, the client used the protocol HTTP/1.0 .", "out": "次に、クライアントは リソース /apache_pb.gif を要求しました。 そして、 クライアントはプロトコル HTTP/1.0 を使用しました。", "pred": "Second, the client requested the resource /apache_pb.gif , and third, the client used the protocol HTTP/1.0 ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: LAMDASH | ZYXYZ By combining the Greek alphabet \"Λ (ramda)\" and the character \" ′ (dash)\" the sharpness of the blade has been expressed.", "out": "ラムダッシュ | ジザイズ ギリシャ文字「Λ (ラムダ)」と記号「'(ダッシュ)」をつなげ、製品の特長である内刃の鋭さを表現した。", "pred": "LAMDASH | ZY Warehouse By 組み合わせ the Greek アルファベット \"Λ (ramda) and the character \" \" definition (dash)\" the sharpness of the blade has been expressed."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Therefore, the widest default the description column is ever assigned is 55 bytes.", "out": "ですから、デフォルトの説明コラムの最大幅は 55 バイトになります。", "pred": "Thus, the widest default the description column is ever assigned the 55 bytes."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Available Elements The document is parsed as an HTML document, with special commands embedded as SGML comments.", "out": "基本要素 ドキュメントは、SGML のコメントとして特別なコマンドが埋め込まれた HTML ドキュメントとしてパースされます。", "pred": "Available Elements The document is parsed as an HTML document, with special commands demonstrated as SGML comments."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) will by default ignore server-generated error messages when they are \"too small\" and substitute its own \"friendly\" error messages.", "out": "Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) はデフォルトではサーバが生成したエラーメッセージが 「小さすぎる」ときには無視をして自分自身の「やさしい」エラーメッセージで 置換します。", "pred": "Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) will by default ignore server-generated error messages when they are \"too small\" and better replace the original \"friendly\" error message."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The third line prints the string \"Hello, World.\".", "out": "3 行目は 、 \" Hello, World . \" という文字列を印字し、これで終りとなります。", "pred": "The third line prints the string \"Hello, World.\"."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Many practical examples employing mod_rewrite are discussed in the detailed mod_rewrite documentation .", "out": "mod_rewrite を使う多くの実用的な例は URL リライトガイド で説明されています。", "pred": "Many Practical examples employing mod_rewrite is discussed in the detailed mod_rewrite documentation ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the configuration files specify DirectoryIndex index then the server will arbitrate between index.html and index.html3 if both are present.", "out": "設定ファイルに DirectoryIndex index が書かれていて、 index.html と index.html3 が 両方存在していると、サーバはその中からどちらかを適当に選びます。", "pred": "If the configuration file already has DirectoryIndex index then the server will arbitrate between index.html and index.html3 if both are present."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See also the --with-suexec-userdir compile time option .", "out": "コンパイル 時のオプション - - with-suexec-userdir も参照してください。", "pred": "See also the time option for the implementation of the --with-suexec-userdir compile time options ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Available Variables Redirecting to another URL can be useful, but only if some information can be passed which can then be used to explain or log the error condition more clearly.", "out": "別の URL にリダイレクトすることは役に立ちますが、 それは説明をしたり、より明確に誤り/問題を記録したりするために 何か情報を伝えられるときに限ります。", "pred": "Available Variables Redirecting to another URL can be useful, but only if some information can be passed which can then be used to explain or log the error condition more clearly."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Specifying exactly what you have set AllowOverride to, and pointing them to the relevant documentation, will save yourself a lot of confusion later.", "out": "AllowOverride に 何を設定したかということと、関連する文書を示すことで、 後々の混乱をぐっと減らすことが できます。", "pred": "Options 正確に what you have set AllowOverride to, andポイントing them to the relevant documentation, will save yourself a lot of confusion later."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For HTTP/1.1 clients, httpd sends a Vary HTTP response header to indicate the negotiation dimensions for the response.", "out": "HTTP/1.1 クライアントに対しては、レスポンスのネゴシエーション次元 を示すために Vary HTTP レスポンスヘッダを送ります。", "pred": "For HTTP/1.1 clients, httpd sends a Vary HTTP response header to indicate the negotiation dimensions for the response."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The subsequent arguments can take three different forms.", "out": "それに続く引数は三つの違った形式があります。", "pred": "The subsequent arguments can be 3 different forms."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Can the wrapper successfully become the target user and group? Here is where the program becomes the target user and group via setuid and setgid calls.", "out": "wrapper が正常に対象となるユーザとグループになれるか? ここで、setuid と setgid の起動によりプログラムは対象となるユーザとグループになります。", "pred": "Can the wrapper successfully become the target user and group? ここで the program becomes the target user and group via setuid and setgid calls."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This includes CGI scripts and SSI exec commands, but not any processes forked from the Apache httpd parent, such as piped logs.", "out": "これには CGI や SSI から実行されたコマンドが含まれますが、Apache の 親プロセスから fork されたログのパイププロセスなどには適用されません。", "pred": "これには CGI scripts and SSI exec コマンドers, but not any process forked from the Apache httpd parent, such as piped logs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It is through this detailed process that we hope to limit suEXEC installation only to those who are careful and determined enough to use it.", "out": "この詳細な手順により、Apache グループは、suEXEC のインストールについて、注意深く十分に検討してそれを使用することを 決定した場合に限っていただきたいと考えています。", "pred": "それは rootがこの詳細な手順により、Apache グループは suEXEC のインストールのみ and determined enough to use it."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: directive need not have anything to do with the filesystem.", "out": " ディレクティブはファイルシステムと関係ある必要が全くありません。", "pred": " ディレクティブの必要性 not have anything to do with the filesystem."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This will be root if the server was started by root; be sure that the program is secure.", "out": "これはサーバが root によって起動された場合は root になります。 プログラムが 安全であるように留意してください。", "pred": "This will be root if the server was started by root; be sure that the program is secure."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: There are two categories of cryptographic algorithms: conventional and public key.", "out": "暗号アルゴリズムには 従来型と公開鍵の二つの種類があります。", "pred": "暗号 algorithms: conventional and public key 2."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This can be used to send any kind of data from the server, including redirects and other special HTTP responses, without requiring a cgi-script or an nph script.", "out": "このハンドラは通常の HTTP ヘッダをほとんど追加することなくドキュメントを送信します。 これはサーバからどんな種類のデータを送るときにも使用できます。", "pred": "これは can use to send any種類の data from the server, including redirects and other special HTTP responses, without requiring a cgi-script or an nph script."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: containers. The ProxyRequests directive should usually be set off when using ProxyPass .", "out": "ProxyPass ディレクティブを 使っているときは ProxyRequests ディレクティブは通常は off に設定されているべきです。", "pred": "containers. ProxyPass の使用時に ProxyRequests ディレクティブは通常は off に設定されているべきです。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This can be inconvenient if you're just looking for a generic piece of code that you can paste into any file, so you probably want to use the LAST_MODIFIED variable instead:", "out": "もし、あらゆるファイルに張ることができる一般的なコードを探しているなら、 これは不便であるかもしれません。 おそらくその場合は、 そうする代わりに変数 LAST_MODIFIED を使用したいと考えるでしょう:", "pred": "This can be inconvenient if you're just looking for a generic piece of code that you can paste into any file, so you probably want to use the LAST_MODIFIED variable instead:"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, the following configuration will process all .shtml files for server-side includes and will then compress the output using mod_deflate .", "out": "例えば、以下の設定はすべての .shtml ファイルを SSI で処理し、 その出力を mod_deflate を使って圧縮します。", "pred": "例えば、以下の設定は all .shtml files for server-side includes and will then compress the output using mod_deflate ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Variable Substitution Variable substitution is done within quoted strings in most cases where they may reasonably occur as an argument to an SSI directive.", "out": "変数置換 変数置換はたいていの場合 SSI ディレクティブの引数として妥当な場所にある 引用符で囲まれた文字列中で行なわれます。", "pred": "変数置換 変数置換はdistributed string in most cases where they may reasonably occur as an argument to an SSI ディレクティブ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: String is enclosed in double quotes ( \" ).", "out": "string は二重引用符 ( \" ) で囲まれます。", "pred": "String is enclosed in double quotes ( \")."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the file-path is not absolute then it is assumed to be relative to the ServerRoot .", "out": "file-path が絶対パスでないときは、 ServerRoot からの相対パスとみなされます。", "pred": "If the file-path is not absolute then it is assumed to be relative to the ServerRoot ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To select a dbm file rather than a text file, for example:", "out": "テキストファイルの代わりに dbm ファイルを選択する場合は、たとえば次のようにします。", "pred": "To select a dbm file rather than a text file, for example:"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, sites that need a great deal of scalability can choose to use a threaded MPM like worker or event , while sites requiring stability or compatibility with older software can use a prefork .", "out": "例えば、非常に大きなスケーラビリティを必要とするサイトでは、 worker や event といったスレッド化された MPM を利用できる一方で、安定性や古いソフトウェアとの互換性を 必要とするサイトでは prefork が利用できます。", "pred": "例えば, sites that need a great deal of scalability can choose to use a threaded MPM like worker or event , while sites requiring stability or compatibility with older software can use a prefork ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The vhost can now be accessed through the new address (as an IP-based vhost) and through the old address (as a name-based vhost).", "out": "このバーチャルホストは新しいアドレス (IP ベースのバーチャルホストとして) と古いアドレス(名前ベースのバーチャルホストとして) の両方から アクセスできます。", "pred": "The vhost can now be accessed through the new address (as an IP-based vhost) and through the 古い address (as a name-based vhost)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It represents a logical host (in contrast to Domain s, see above) and must be resolvable to at least one IPAddr (or often to a list of hosts with different IPAddr s).", "out": "これは ( Domain と違って、説明は上記を参照) 論理的なホストを表し、少くとも一つの IPAddr (もしくは違う IPAddr のホストのリスト) に解決 されなければなりません ) 。", "pred": "It represents a logical host (in contrast to Domain s, see above) and must be resolvable to at least one IPAddr (or often to a list of hosts with different IPAddr s)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The first of these is performance.", "out": "一つ目はサーバの性能の問題です。", "pred": "The first of these is the performance."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Multiple Listen directives may be used to specify a number of addresses and ports to listen to.", "out": "複数のアドレスとポートに対して listen するように、 複数の Listen ディレクティブを使うこともできます。", "pred": "複数の Listen ディレクティブを 使うかもしれません。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, running an https site on port 8443: Listen https Error condition Multiple Listen directives for the same ip address and port will result in an Address already in use error message.", "out": "たとえば https なサイトを 8443 番ポートで運用している場合 : Listen https エラー条件 同一 IP アドレスとポートの組に、複数の Listen ディレクティブを指定してしまうと、 Address already in use というエラーメッセージを受けることになります。", "pred": "For example, running an https site on port 8443: Listen https Error condition Multiple Listen directives for the same ip address and port will result in an Address already in use error message."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: During the CGI transaction, the server and the browser also set environment variables, so that they can communicate with one another.", "out": "CGI の処理中、サーバとブラウザも環境変数を設定し、 それにより相互に通信することができるようになります。", "pred": "During the CGI の処理, the server and theブラウザ also set environment variables, so that they can communicate with one another."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If you have SSI correctly configured, the directive will be replaced with its results.", "out": "もし SSI を正しく設定したなら、 ディレクティブはその結果と置き換えられます。", "pred": "もし you have SSI correctly configured, the directive will be replaced with its results."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Some useful examples Below is an artificial example to show the order of merging.", "out": "例 次はマージの順番を示すための恣意的な例になっています。", "pred": "中には、 Below is an artificial example to show the order of merging."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Symbols in the executable program are usually not referenced by the DSO (because it's a reusable library of general code) and hence no further resolving has to be done.", "out": "普通は実行プログラム中のシンボルは DSO からは参照されません (DSO は一般的なコードによる再利用可能なライブラリですので ) 。 ですから、さらなるシンボルの解決は必要ありません。", "pred": "Symbols in the executable program are usually not referenced by the DSO (because it's a reusable library of general code) and hence no further resolving have to be done."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Environment variables will be considered only if there was no match among request characteristics and a regular expression was not used for the attribute .", "out": "環境変数である可能性は、リクエストの特性に対するマッチが存在せず、 attribute に正規表現が使われなかったときにのみ考慮されます。", "pred": "環境変数 is only considered if there was no match among request characteristics and a regular expression was not used for the attribute ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The AuthName directive sets the Realm to be used in the authentication.", "out": "AuthName ディレクティブでは、認証に使う Realm (訳注: 領域) を設定します。", "pred": "The AuthName ディレクティブ sets the Realm to be used in the authentication."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Local-url is the (%-encoded) URL of a document on the server relative to the requested directory; it is usually the name of a file in the directory.", "out": "Local-url は、リクエストされたディレクトリに対応する、サーバ上のドキュメントの ( % エンコードされた) URL で、普通はディレクトリ中のファイルの名前です。", "pred": "Local-url is the (%-エンコードされた) URL of a document on the server relative to the request directory; it is usually the name of a file in the directory."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note that the Script command defines default actions only.", "out": "Script コマンドはデフォルトの動作を 追加するだけであることに 注意してください。", "pred": "Note that the Script command defines default action only."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This directive specifies, in categories, what directives will be honored if they are found in a .htaccess file.", "out": "このディレクティブは 、 . htaccess ファイルに 書かれたディレクティブの中で 、 、 どのディレクティブが適用されるかをカテゴリー単位で指定します。", "pred": "このディレクティブは、s, inカテゴリ, what directives will be honored if they are found in a .htaccess file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: MultiViews Content negotiated \"MultiViews\" are allowed using mod_negotiation .", "out": "MultiViews mod_negotiation による コンテントネゴシエーション された \"MultiViews\" を許可します。", "pred": "MultiViews mod_negotiation , which allows the negotiated \"MultiViews\" to be used."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: A typical file has a MIME-type extension ( e.g. , html ), maybe an encoding extension ( e.g. , gz ), and of course a language extension ( e.g. , en ) when we have different language variants of this file.", "out": "典型的なファイルでは、MIME タイプ拡張子 ( 例えば html ) を持っていて、エンコーディング拡張子 ( 例えば gz ) を持っているかもしれなくて、 このファイルに異なる言語 variant を用意していれば、 もちろん言語拡張子 ( 例えば en ) を持っているでしょう。", "pred": "A typical file has a MIME-type extension ( e.g., html ), maybe an encoding extension ( e.g., gz ), and of course a language extension ( e.g., en ) when we have different language variants of this file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It will likely tell you that the directive used in your .htaccess file is not permitted.", "out": ".htaccess ファイルで 使用されたディレクティブが許可されていない、ということを知らせている 可能性が高いです。", "pred": "それは可能性の高いに伝えます that the ディレクティブ used in your .htaccess file is not allowed."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: User Directories Traditionally on Unix systems, the home directory of a particular user can be referred to as ~user/ .", "out": "ユーザディレクトリ 伝統的に Unix システムではユーザ user のホームディレクトリを ~user/ として参照できます。", "pred": "User Directories Traditionally on Unix systems, the home directory of a particular user can be referred to as ~user/ ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Use to apply directives to content that lives outside the filesystem.", "out": " ディレクティブは ファイルシステム外のコンテンツにディレクティブを適用するときに 使用してください。", "pred": " to apply directives to content that lives outside the filesystem."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: They can be sent in any order (though the C code always sends them in the order listed below).", "out": "これらは順不同で送ることができます (C のコードは常に下の一覧順に 送るようですが ) 。", "pred": "彼らは can sent in any order (the C code always sends them in the order below)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If using an MPM like mpm_winnt , where there is only one child process, this number should be high enough to handle the entire load of the server.", "out": "mpm_winnt のような、 子プロセスが一つしかないような MPM を利用しているのであれば、 この値はサーバの負荷全体を十分取り扱える程度に、 大きくなければなりません。", "pred": "もし cases where there is only one child process like mpm_winnt , this number is high enough to handle the entire load of the server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: They reside in a system directory (usually /usr/lib ) and the link to the executable program is established at build-time by specifying -lfoo to the linker command.", "out": "これらはシステムディレクトリ (通常 /usr/lib ) に存在し、 実行プログラムへのリンクはビルド時に -lfoo をリンカに 指定することで確立されます。", "pred": "They reside in a system directory (usually /usr/lib ) and the link to the executable program is確立ed at build-time by specifying -lfoo to the linker command."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This also allows for included files (via mod_include 's SSI) to get the error code and act accordingly. (Default behavior would display the error page of the proxied server. Turning this on shows the SSI Error message.)", "out": "このディレクティブは ( mod_include の SSI によって) インクルードされたファイルがエラーコードを取得して、正しく動作を するようにもします (デフォルトの動作は、プロキシされたサーバの エラーページの表示で、このディレクティブを有効にすると SSI のエラー メッセージを表示します ) 。", "pred": "(Default behavior would display the error page of the proxied server. Turning this on shows the SSI Error message.)"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: can be used to specify a different behavior for one or more of the addresses or ports.", "out": "を使って、 一つ以上のアドレスやポートに対して異なる挙動をするように 指定することができます。", "pred": "can use to specify a different behavior for one or more of the address or ports."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Also note that Script with a method of GET will only be called if there are query arguments present ( e.g. , foo.html?hi).", "out": "GET メソッドの Script は問合せ 引数がある場合にのみ ( たとえば 、foo.html?hi) 呼ばれるということにも注意してください。", "pred": "また、 note that Script with a method of GET will only be called if there are query arguments present ( e.g., foo.html?hi)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Also, you can define your own variables with the set function.", "out": "また、 set 要素を用いることで、独自の変数を定義することができます。", "pred": "Also, you can define your own variables with the set function."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: With this config you have put example1.dom into a position where they can steal all traffic destined to example2.dom .", "out": "この設定で、 abc.dom に向けられたトラフィック全てを奪うことができる位置に def.dom を設置できています。", "pred": "This config you have put example1.dom into a position where they can steal all traffic destined to example2.dom ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: A HTML page is presented that gives the current server statistics in an easily readable form.", "out": "現時点でのサーバの統計情報を読みやすい形式で表した HTML ページが 表示されます。", "pred": "A HTML page is presented that gives the current server statistics in an easily readable form."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To simplify this creation of DSO files for Apache httpd modules (especially for third-party modules) a support program named apxs ( APache eXtenSion ) is available.", "out": "Apache モジュール用の (特にサードパーティモジュールの) DSO ファイルの 作成を簡単にするために、 apxs ( APache eXtenSion ) という新しいサポートプログラムがあります。", "pred": "To simplify this creation of DSO files for Apache httpd modules (especially for third-party modules) a support program named apxs ( APache eXtenSion ) is available."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This involves an understanding of setuid/setgid operations and the various effects they may have on your system and its level of security.", "out": "これは、 setuid/setgid 操作、あなたのシステム上でのその操作による様々な効果、 セキュリティレベルについてあなたが理解しているということを含みます。", "pred": "This involves an understanding of setuid/setgid operations and the various effects they may have on your system and its level of security."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: SECURITY: See the security tips document for details on why your security could be compromised if the directory where log files are stored is writable by anyone other than the user that starts the server.", "out": "例 ErrorLog syslog:user セキュリティ: ログファイルを格納するディレクトリが、サーバを起動したユーザ以外の ユーザによって書き込める場合にセキュリティが破られる可能性があることに 関する詳細は セキュリティに関するコツ を 参照してください。", "pred": "SECURITY: See the security tips document for details on why your security could be compromised if the directory where log files are saved writable by anyone other than the user that starts the server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Therefore, that module must be compiled into the server or loaded at runtime using the LoadModule directive.", "out": "ですから、このモジュールはコンパイル時に サーバに組み込まれているか、あるいは LoadModule を使用して実行時にロードされている必要があります。", "pred": "ですから、このモジュールはコンパイル時に the server or load at runtime using the LoadModule ディレクティブを べてなければなりません。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is not a perfect defense.", "out": "これは、完璧な対策ではありません。", "pred": "And Alexander is not a perfect defense."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: More Amazing Royal Crowns images.", "out": "More センド・イン・ザ・クラウンズ images.", "pred": "More Amazing Royal Crowns images."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is useful, for example, if you want to use the Action directive in virtual locations.", "out": "これは例えば、 Action ディレクティブをバーチャルな Location に使用したい、といった場合に便利です。", "pred": "これは、例えば、 if you want to use the Action directive in virtual Location."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For all origin (non-proxy) requests, the URL to be matched is a URL-path of the form /path/ .", "out": "全ての (プロキシ以外の) リクエストに対し、 URL は /path/ という、 接頭辞 http : / /servername を含まない形でマッチします。", "pred": "For all origin (non-proxy) requests, the URL to be matched is a URL-path of the form /path/ ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: All modules will also need to be upgraded to accommodate changes in the module API.", "out": "モジュールも全て、API の変更に合わせるためにアップグレードが必要になるでしょう。", "pred": "All modules will also need to be upgraded to accommodate changes in the module API."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, assume the location /test/ points to a directory that contains only the single file here.html .", "out": "例えば 、 / test/ が、 here.html というファイル 一つのみがあるディレクトリを指しているとします。", "pred": "例えば、 directory /test/ポイント to a directory that contains only the single file here.html ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The valid attributes are: echomsg ( Apache 2.1 and later ) The value is a message that is sent back to the client if the echo element attempts to echo an undefined variable.", "out": "属性は次の通りです。 echomsg ( Apache 2.1 以降 ) 指定される値は、 echo 要素が未定義の変数をエコーしようとした際に、 クライアントに送られるメッセージになります。", "pred": "The valid attributes are: echomsg ( Apache 2.1 and later ) The value is a message that sent back to the client if the echo element試みs to echo an undefined variable."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The problem is life’s so busy you don’t have time to do this properly which makes you feel like you haven’t got it together.", "out": "相当の年月が経過してますので多少のチリ付きは、大目に捉えて頂きたいと思います。", "pred": "The problem is life’s so busy you don’t have time to do this properly which makes you feel like you haven’t got it together."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: We assume that all your images are in a directory called /web/images .", "out": "ここでは、すべての画像は /web/images というディレクトリにあると仮定します。", "pred": "We assume that all your images are in a directory called /web/images ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: All hosts not in the example.org domain will also be allowed access because the default state is Allow .", "out": "apache.org ドメインにないホストも、デフォルトの状態が Allow なので、アクセスを許可されます。", "pred": "All hosts not in the example.org domain will also be allowed access because the default state is Allow ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: There are a variety of different ways that this can be accomplished.", "out": "実現方法には様々な異なる手法があります。", "pred": "There are a variety of different ways that this can be accomplished."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Japan Society of Kansei Engineering was started in 1998 with the purpose of \"Organization of new engineering system with a central focus of human being\".", "out": "日本感性工学会は、「人間を中心に据えた新工学体系の創立」を目的として、1998年に発足。", "pred": "Japan Society of Kansei Engineering was started in 1998 with the purpose of \"Organization of new engineering systems with a central focus of human being\"."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Logging is done before and after processing a request, so the forensic log contains two log lines for each request.", "out": "ログ収集はリクエストの処理の前と後に行なわれますので、 forensic ログは各リクエストに対して二行ログ収集します。", "pred": "Logging is done before and after processing a request, so the forensic log contains two log lines for each request."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It can now modify request headers used by mod_proxy , and it can conditionally set response headers. mod_proxy The proxy module has been completely rewritten to take advantage of the new filter infrastructure and to implement a more reliable, HTTP/1.1 compliant proxy.", "out": "mod_proxy で使われるリクエストのヘッダを変更できるようになりましたし、 応答ヘッダを条件に応じて設定できるようになりました。 mod_proxy proxy モジュールは新しいフィルタの機構を利用するためと、 より信頼できる、HTTP/1.1 に準拠した proxy を実装するために 完全に書き直されました。", "pred": "It can now modify the request headers used by mod_proxy , and it can conditionally set the response headers. mod_proxy The proxy module has been completely rewritten to take advantage of the new filter infrastructure and to implement a more reliable, HTTP/1.1 compliant proxy."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The most popular module for this purpose is CGI.pm .", "out": "この目的のための最も普及しているモジュールは CGI.pm です。", "pred": "The most popular module for this purpose is CGI.pm ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is essential when Apache httpd is used as a reverse proxy (or gateway) to avoid bypassing the reverse proxy because of HTTP redirects on the backend servers which stay behind the reverse proxy.", "out": "これは、Apache がリバースプロキシとして使われている ときに、リバースプロキシを通さないでアクセスすることを防ぐために 重要です。 これによりバックエンドサーバの HTTP リダイレクトが リバースプロキシとバックエンドの間で扱われるようになります。", "pred": "This is essential when Apache httpd used as a reverse proxy (or gateway) to avoid bypassing the reverse proxy because of HTTP redirects on the backend server which stay behind the reverse proxy."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To distinguish Domain s from Hostname s (both syntactically and semantically; a DNS domain can have a DNS A record, too!), Domain s are always written with a leading period.", "out": "Domain を Hostname と区別するために (意味的にも構文的にも。 DNS ドメインも DNS の A レコードを持つことができるのです ! ) 、 Domain は 常にピリオドで始まります。", "pred": "To distinguish Domain s from Hostname s (both syntactically and semantically; a DNS domain can have a DNS A record, too!), Domain s are always written with a leading period."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note that all Allow and Deny directives are processed, unlike a typical firewall, where only the first match is used.", "out": "全ての Allow と Deny が処理され、結局のところ最後にマッチ した条件が有効となることに注意してください。", "pred": "Note that all Allow and Deny directives are processed, unlike a典型的な firewall, where only the first match used."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: Authentication, Authorization, and Access Control Certificate A data record used for authenticating network entities such as a server or a client.", "out": "参照: 認証、承認、アクセス制御 証明書 サーバやクライアントといったネットワークエンティティを認証するのに 使用されるデータレコード。", "pred": "See: Authentication, Authorization, and Access Control Certificate A data record used for 認証ing network エンティティ such as a server or a client."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note The DEFLATE filter is always inserted after RESOURCE filters like PHP or SSI.", "out": "注 DEFLATE フィルタは必ず、PHP や SSI といった RESOURCE フィルタの後になります。", "pred": "Note The DEFLATE Filters are usually inserted after RESOURCE Filters such as PHP or SSI."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Because early directives are processed before the request path's configuration is traversed, early headers can only be set in a main server or virtual host context.", "out": "early ディレクティブではリクエストパスの設定が解決される前に 処理されるので、メインサーバかバーチャルホストコンテキストでのみ、 早期ヘッダをセットできます。", "pred": "early ディレクティブは以前に the request path's configuration istraversed, early ヘッダ can only be set in a main server or virtual host context."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In this case a request with a trailing slash would show the index.html file.", "out": "この場合末尾にスラッシュのついているリクエストに対しては index.html ファイルが返されます。", "pred": "In this case a request with a trailingスラッシュ would appear the index.html file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (Service industry: Executive) I didn't know that many brands which are topical lately has been created by President Ms.Yokoi.", "out": "(サービス業:役員) 最近話題のブランドの多くが、横井社長の手によるものとは知りませんでした。", "pred": "(Service industry: Executive) I didn't know that many brands which are topical lately have been created by President Ms.Yokoi."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The cgi-script is the URL-path to a resource that has been designated as a CGI script using ScriptAlias or AddHandler .", "out": "cgi-script は ScriptAlias や AddHandler によって CGI スクリプトに設定されたリソースへの URL-path です。", "pred": "The cgi-script is the URL-path to a resource that has been designated as a CGI スクリプト using ScriptAlias or AddHandler ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: directive encloses directives that will only be applied if an appropriate parameter is defined on the httpd command line.", "out": "ディレクティブは httpd コマンドラインで適切なパラメータが定義されたときにのみ 適用されるディレクティブを囲います。", "pred": "ディレクティブ囲ま ディレクティブ ディレクティブを、適切な parameter defined on the httpd command line."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You should also be wary of other potential race conditions, such as using rotatelogs style piped logging.", "out": "rotatelogs 形式のパイプを使ったログといった、 その他潜在的なレースコンディションについても注意しなければなりません。", "pred": "You also be wary of other潜在的な race conditions, such as using rotatelogs style piped logging."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: We are not responsible for, nor do we support such modules.", "out": "そのため、我々に責任はありませんし、 そのモジュールのサポートもしていません。", "pred": "We are not responsible for, nor do we support such modules."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It is essential to ascertain the points to be appealed.On the other hand, in order to establish a name as a brand, it is indispensable to achieve acceptance of the targeted customers.", "out": "一方、名前がブランドとして成長していくためには、ターゲットとなる顧客に受け入れられることが不可欠であり、顧客視点での開発が必要となります。", "pred": "2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 –"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The default value of 30 seconds is recommended by RFC 1413 , mainly because of possible network latency.", "out": "デフォルトの値である 30 秒は、主にネットワーク遅延の考慮のために RFC 1413 により 推奨されています。", "pred": "The default value of 30 seconds is recommended by RFC 1413 , mainly because of possible network latency."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The implementation of mod_dav_fs uses a SDBM database to track user locks.", "out": "mod_dav_fs 実装では、ユーザロックを 追跡するために SDBM データベースを使います。", "pred": "The implementation of mod_dav_fs uses a SDBMデータベース to track user locks."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It has no effect on requests from HTTP/1.1 clients.", "out": "HTTP/1.1 クライアントからのリクエストには効力を持ちません。", "pred": "It has no effect on requests from HTTP/1.1 clients."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This override is required, for example, when you use a filter , such as INCLUDES , to generate content based on PATH_INFO .", "out": "例えば、これは例えば INCLUDES のような フィルタ を使って PATH_INFO に 基づいてコンテンツを生成しているときに必要になります。", "pred": "This is necessary, for example, when you use a filter , such as INCLUDES , to generate content based on PATH_INFO ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The only exception is the additional directive ScriptSock which gives the name of the socket to use for communication with the cgi daemon.", "out": "唯一の例外は ScriptSock ディレクティブの 追加で、このディレクティブは CGI デーモンとの通信用のソケットの名前を 指定します。", "pred": "The only exception is the additional directive ScriptSock which gives the name of the socket to use for communication with the cgiデーモン."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The syntax of this is as follows:", "out": "文法は以下のとおりです:", "pred": "The syntax of this is as follows:"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The format of the access log is highly configurable.", "out": "アクセスログの書式は非常に柔軟な設定が可能です。", "pred": "The format of the access log is highly configurable."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: MPM A directive labeled as having \"MPM\" status is provided by a Multi-Processing Module .", "out": "MPM \"MPM\" のディレクティブは マルチプロセッシングモジュール で提供されています。", "pred": "MPM A MPM A MPM status provided by a Multi-Processing Module ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Mozart composed part of the Requiem in Vienna in late 1791, but it was unfinished at his death on 5 December the same year.", "out": "Moza. eīs, Domine : / . モーツァルトのレクイエムを歌うことになりました(ラクリモーサ ) 。 歌詞の意味は分かるのですが、単語の意味が分からないので教えてください。", "pred": "Mozart composed part of the Requiem in Vienna in late 1791, but it was unfinished at his death on 5 December the same year."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The main difference is that one and only one MPM must be loaded into the server at any time.", "out": "主な違いは、いつでも唯一の MPM がロードされなければならないという点です。", "pred": "The main difference is that one and only one MPM must be loaded into the server at any time."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: When responding with an encoding Apache will use whatever form ( i.e. , x-foo or foo ) the client requested.", "out": "Apache がエンコーディング付きで応答を返すときは、クライアントが要求した形式 ( すなわち 、 x-foo や foo ) を使用します。", "pred": "When responding with an encoding Apache will use whatever form ( i.e. , x-foo or foo ) the client request."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: After that, the cache copy is considered \"expired\" and invalid, and a new copy must be obtained from the source.", "out": "その後は、 キャッシュにあるコピーは期限切れ (expired) で無効であるとされ、 元の場所から新しいものを取得する必要があります。", "pred": "After that, the cache copy is considered \"expired\" and invalid, and a new copy must be obtained from the source."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: directives. For example, you might want to do this in order to run some name-based virtual hosts on one IP address, and either IP-based, or another set of name-based virtual hosts on another address.", "out": "例えば、ある IP アドレスでは名前ベースのバーチャルホストを使いたい一方で、 別の IP アドレスでは、他の IP ベースのバーチャルホストや 別組の名前ベースのバーチャルホストを使いたい場合、 そう設定することになるでしょう。", "pred": "directives. For example, you might want to do this in order to run some name-based virtual hosts on one IP address, and either IP-based, or another set of name-based virtual hosts on another address."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: According to that staff, Ms. Yokoi is a designer of naming, and has been developing the company's name of the telecommunications companies, a financial institutions and so on.", "out": "スタッフによると、横井さんはネーミングのデザイナーで、通信会社や金融機関の社名を\"開発\"しているという。", "pred": "According to that staff, Ms. Yokoi is a designer of naming, and has been developing the company's name of the telecommunications companies, a financial institutions and so on."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Of course, you will have to have SSI correctly enabled, as discussed above.", "out": "もちろん、上述のように、 SSI を正しく動作可能にしておく必要があります。", "pred": "Of course, you will have to have SSI correctly enabled, as discussed above."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If it does not begin with a slash (/) then it is taken to be relative to the current document.", "out": "スラッシュ ( / ) から 始まらない場合は、ドキュメントからの相対パスとして扱われます。", "pred": "If it does not begin with aスラッシュ() (/) then it is taken to be relative to the current document."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This simple Perl CGI program will display all of the environment variables that are being passed around.", "out": "以下の単純な Perl CGI プログラムは、渡される全ての環境変数を表示します。", "pred": "This simple Perl CGI program will display all of the環境 variables that are now passed."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The default vhost for port 80 (which must appear before any default vhost with a wildcard port) catches all requests that were sent to an unspecified IP address.", "out": "80 番ポートのデフォルトバーチャルホスト (ワイルドカードポートの デフォルトバーチャルホストよりも前に書かれていなければ なりません ) は 未指定の IP アドレスに送られたすべてのリクエストを扱います。", "pred": "The default vhost for port 80 (which must appear before any default vhost with a ワイルドカード port) catches all requests that were sent to an unspecified IP address."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: is used for non-proxy requests it will implicitly match multiple slashes with a single slash.", "out": "を proxy でないリクエストに対して利用する際には、 一つのスラッシュで複数のスラッシュにマッチします。", "pred": "Use for non-proxy requests it will strict match multipleスラッシュes with a singleスラッシュ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Example PidFile /var/run/apache.pid It is often useful to be able to send the server a signal, so that it closes and then re-opens its ErrorLog and TransferLog , and re-reads its configuration files.", "out": "例 PidFile /var/run/apache.pid サーバが ErrorLog や TransferLog を閉じて開き直したり、設定ファイルを 再読込したりさせるために、サーバにシグナルを送ることができると 便利なことがあります。", "pred": "例 PidFile /var/run/apache.pid It is often useful to be able to send the server a signal, so that it closes and re-opens its ErrorLog and TransferLog , and re-reads its configuration files."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This should only be used in testing - not for live servers.", "out": "これはテスト用にのみ使用して、通常のサーバでは使用しないでください。", "pred": "This should only be used in testing - not for liveサーバー."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It's consists of Emeritus Professor of Chiba University Mr. Tsutomu Suzuki as the president, and approx.1,200 learned society member belonging to University, Government, Company, and so on.", "out": "千葉大名誉教授 鈴木邁氏を会長とし、大学、官公庁、企業等に所属する約1200名の学会員から構成されています。", "pred": "It's consists of Emeritus Professor of Chiba University Mr. Tsutomu Suzuki as the president, and Earl.1,200 learned society member belonging to University, Government, Company, and so on."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In this case we can easily show that we can get pid and time stamp reuse.", "out": "この場合、pid とタイムスタンプが再使用されることが簡単に示されます。", "pred": "この場合、pid and time stamp reuse getting started with the beginning of a particular base."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The other directives control the format of this listing.", "out": "その他のディレクティブでこの一覧の書式を制御します。", "pred": "The other directives control the format of this listing."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In this case, browsers with a user-agent string beginning with KnockKnock/2.0 will be allowed access, and all others will be denied.", "out": " この場合、user-agent の文字列が KnockKnock/2.0 で始まるブラウザのみがアクセスが許可され、 他のものはアクセスが拒否されます。", "pred": " In this case, browsers with a user-agent string beginning with KnockKnock/2.0 will be allowed access and all others will be denied."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The code was written to both minimize the time in which the server is unable to serve new requests (they will be queued up by the operating system, so they're not lost in any event) and to respect your tuning parameters.", "out": "サーバが新しいリクエストに応答不能な時間を最小にするように (リクエストは OS によってキューに追加されるので絶対に紛失はしません ) 、 また同時に、希望のチューニングパラメータを守るように コードは書かれています。", "pred": "The code was written to both minimize the time in which the server is unable to serve new requests (they will be queued up by the operating system, so they're not lost in any event) and to respect your balancing parameters."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The web page you see is located under the DocumentRoot , which will usually be PREFIX /htdocs/ .", "out": "これで見える ウェブページは DocumentRoot 以下に置かれたもので、通常は PREFIX /htdocs/ でしょう。", "pred": "The web page you see is located under the DocumentRoot , which will usually be PREFIX /htdocs/ ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If multiple representations are available, the resource is referred to as negotiable and each of its representations is termed a variant .", "out": "複数の表現が利用できる場合は、 リソースは ネゴシエーション可能である とされ、 個々の表現は variant と呼ばれます。", "pred": "If multiple representations are available, the resource is referred to as negotiable and each of its representations are termed a variant ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: These take the form of varname , or ! varname , or varname = value In the first form, the value will be set to \"1\".", "out": "これは、 varname ! varname varname = value のどれかの形式になります。 最初の形式では、値は \"1\" に設定されます。", "pred": "These take the form of varname , or ! varname , or varname = value In the first form, the value will be set to \"1\"."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The NegotiatedOnly option provides that every extension following the base name must correlate to a recognized mod_mime extension for content negotiation, e.g. Charset, Content-Type, Language, or Encoding.", "out": "NegotiatedOnly オプションでは、ベース名に続く拡張子全てが コンテントネゴシエーションで mod_mime が認識する拡張子 ( 例 文字セット、コンテントタイプ、言語やエンコーディング) に関連付けられていなければなりません。", "pred": "The NegotiatedOnly option provides its base name following the base name must correlate to a recognized mod_mime extension for content negotiation, e.g. Charset, Content-Type, Language, or Encoding."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Configuring your server to permit SSI To permit SSI on your server, you must have the following directive either in your apache2.conf file, or in a .htaccess file: Options +Includes This tells Apache that you want to permit files to be parsed for SSI directives.", "out": "SSI を許可するためのサーバの設定 サーバで SSI を許可するには、 apache2.conf ファイルまたは .htaccess ファイルに次のディレクティブを指定する必要があります: Options +Includes この指定は、ファイルを SSI ディレクティブで解析させることを許可するということを Apache に伝えます。", "pred": "Configuring your server to permit SSI To permit SSI on your server, you must have the following directive either in your apache2.conf file, or in a .htaccess file: Options +Includes This tells Apache that you want to permit files to be parsed for SSI ディレクティブs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If no port is specified in the ServerName , then the server will use the port from the incoming request.", "out": "ServerName にポートが指定されていないときは、 サーバはリクエストが来ている ポートを使います。", "pred": "If noポート specified in the ServerName , then the server will use theポート from the incoming request."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Typically if a user requests a resource without a trailing slash, which points to a directory, mod_dir redirects him to the same resource, but with trailing slash for some good reasons: The user is finally requesting the canonical URL of the resource mod_autoindex works correctly.", "out": "典型的には、ユーザが末尾のスラッシュ無しでリソースへのリクエストを発行し、 そして、そのリソースがディレクトリを指していた場合、 mod_dir は、末尾にスラッシュを 付加 した上で同じリソースにリダイレクトさせます。 この挙動には幾つか理由があります: ユーザは、最終的にはリソースの別名 URL をリクエストすることになる。", "pred": "典型的には if a user requests a resource without a trailingスラッシュ, whichポイント to a directory, mod_dir redirects him to the same resource, but with trailingスラッシュ for some good reasons: The user is the only one requesting the canonical URL of the resource mod_autoindex works correctly."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (Distribution industry: Purchasing manager) To think naming and new business idea are similar, and I could get new viewpoint today.", "out": "(流通業:購買部長) ネーミングを考えることと、新しいビジネスのアイデアを考えることは近く、その意味でも新しい視点を得ることができました。", "pred": "(Distribution industry: Purchasing Manager) To think naming and new businessアイデア are similar, and I could get new viewpoints today."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The NoProxy directive is useful for specifying which hosts belong to the intranet and should be accessed directly.", "out": "どのホストがイントラネットに属し、直接アクセスすべきかを指定するには、 NoProxy ディレクティブが 役に立ちます。", "pred": "The NoProxy ディレクティブ is useful for specifying which hosts belong to the intranet and direct access."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example if most of your hits take less than 10 minutes to complete for users on low bandwidth links then you could wait 15 minutes before doing anything with the old log.", "out": "例えば、帯域の狭い通信路のユーザのリクエストのほとんどが 10 分以下で完了しているということが分かっていれば、 古いログに何かする前に 15 分待つということです。", "pred": "For example if most of your hits take less than 10 minutes to complete for users on low 帯域幅 links then you can wait 15 minutes before doing anything with the 古い log."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: IconWidth[= pixels ] Presence of this option, when used with IconHeight , will cause the server to include height and width attributes in the img tag for the file icon.", "out": "IconWidth[= pixels ] このオプションが、 IconHeight とともに使われている場合は、 サーバはファイルアイコンのための img タグに height と width 属性を取り込むようになります。", "pred": "IconWidth[= pixels ] Presence of this option, when used with IconHeight , will cause the server to include height and width attributes in the img タグ for the file icon."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It was written clearly to understand about the method of idea for Naming with many concrete examples, and a lot of elements which is the hint for Naming are in it.", "out": "本書は、多くの具体例を示しながら、ネーミングの発想法をわかりやすくまとめたもので、ネーミングのヒントとなる要素もふんだんに盛り込みました。", "pred": "透明性を知ってるのが、透明性を知ってる。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In addition, other configuration files may be added using the Include directive, and wildcards can be used to include many configuration files.", "out": "また、他の設定ファイルを Include ディレクティブによって追加でき、ワイルドカードを使用して多数の 設定ファイルを追加することができます。", "pred": "さらに、他の設定ファイルを the Include ディレクティブと ワイルドカード ディレクティブを使って追加することができます。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: There are a number of standard variables, which include the whole set of environment variables that are available to CGI programs.", "out": "CGI プログラムに利用可能な環境変数の全ての セットを含む多くの標準変数があります。", "pred": "There are a number of standard variables, which include the whole set of環境 variables that are available to CGI programs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Status This indicates how tightly bound into the Apache Web server the module is; in other words, you may need to recompile the server in order to gain access to the module and its functionality.", "out": "ステータス これは、そのモジュールが Apache ウェブサーバにどれくらい密接に組み込まれているかを示します。 言い換えれば、モジュールを組み込み、その機能を利用するために、 サーバを再コンパイルする必要があるかもしれないということを示します。", "pred": "Status This indicates how tightly bound into the Apache Web server the module; in other words, you may need to recompile the server in order to gain access to the module and its functionality."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The name of the note is the value specified for the directive.", "out": "メモ (note) の名前はディレクティブに指定された値です。", "pred": "The name of the note is the value specified for the directive."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The core handler for normal files defaults to rejecting PATH_INFO requests.", "out": "普通のファイルのためのコアハンドラのデフォルトは PATH_INFO を拒否します。", "pred": "The core handler for normal files defaults to rejecting PATH_INFO requests."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: When the request is served by mod_proxy , the container takes the place of the", "out": "mod_proxy でリクエストが処理される場合は、 処理順番のうち、", "pred": "When the request is served by mod_proxy , the container takes the place of the"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: \"ASEAN-Japan Music Festival\" was held on 28th November at NHK hall in Tokyo as \"40th Year of ASEAN-Japan Friendship and Cooperation Event\" in the presence of Their Imperial Highnesses Prince and Princess Akishino, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and top artists of Japan and ASEAN countries gathered there.", "out": "「日・ASEAN音楽祭」に、東日本大震災による被災地の子供たちをご招待しました | ジザイズ 日・ASEAN友好協力40周年事業として、2013年11月28日NHKホールにて、秋篠宮同妃両殿下、安倍総理ご臨席のもと、日・ASEANのトップアーティストが集う「日・ASEAN音楽祭」が開催されました。", "pred": "ASEAN-Japan Music Festival\" was held on 28th November at NHK hall in Tokyo as \"40th Year of ASEAN-Japan Friendship and Cooperation Event\" in the presence of Their Imperial Highnesses Prince and Princess Akishino, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and top artists of Japan and ASEAN countries gathered there."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This document describes how to use configuration section containers or .htaccess files to change the scope of other configuration directives.", "out": "この文書は設定用のセクションの コンテナや .htaccess ファイルを使って他の設定ディレクティブの スコープを変更する方法を説明します。", "pred": "この文書 describes how to use configuration section containers or .htaccess files to change the scope of other Configuration directives."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, to enable status requests but allow them only from browsers at example.com , you might use:", "out": "例えば、 example.com のブラウザからのみステータスの参照を有効にしたければ、 次のようにすれば良いでしょう。", "pred": "For example, to enable status requests but allow them only from browsers at example.com , you might use:"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The echo Element This command prints one of the include variables defined below.", "out": "echo 要素 このコマンドは以下で定義されている include 変数 を表示します。", "pred": "The echo Element This command prints the include variables of the example below."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Our priorities in name development are: Sensibility, Originality, Utility, Logic, And, combining the first letters of the four words, a word SOUL appears.", "out": "私たちがブランド名開発においてこだわるポイントは、 「Sensibility(感性)、Originality(独自性)、Utility(実用性)、Logic(論理性)」であり、 これら4つの言葉の頭文字をつなぎ合わせると「SOUL」となります。", "pred": "Our priorities in name development are: Sensibility, Originality, utility, Logic, And, 組み合わせ the first letters of the four words, a word SOUL appears."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Alias and ScriptAlias are usually used for directories that are outside of the DocumentRoot directory.", "out": "Alias と ScriptAlias は通常、 DocumentRoot ディレクトリ外のディレクトリのために使用されます。", "pred": "Alias and ScriptAlias are usually used for directories that are outside of the DocumentRoot directory."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This MPM is very self-regulating, so it is rarely necessary to adjust its configuration directives.", "out": "この MPM は非常に自律的なので、この MPM の設定ディレクティブを 調整する必要はほとんどないでしょう。", "pred": "この MPM は非常に自律的なので、それはめったに必要 IT 設定ディレクティブを 調整する必要はほとんどないでしょう。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the status is between 300 and 399, the URL argument must be present.", "out": "ステータスが 300 と 399 の間にある場合、 url 引数は存在していなければいけません。", "pred": "If the status is between 300 and 399, the URL argument must be present."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Non-CGI requests are still processed with the user specified in the User directive.", "out": "CGI 以外の リクエストは User ディレクティブで指定されたユーザのままで処理されます。", "pred": "Non-CGI リクエスト are still processed with the user specified in the User ディレクティブ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: containers, on the other hand, are evaluated only at server startup and restart.", "out": "コンテナは サーバの起動時と再起動時にのみ評価されます。", "pred": "containers, on the other hand, are evaluated only at server startup and restart."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Care has been taken to ensure that on-disk files such as lock files ( Mutex ) and Unix socket files ( ScriptSock ) contain the server PID, and should coexist without problem.", "out": "ディスク上のファイルを使うもの、たとえばロックファイル ( Mutex ) や Unix ソケットファイル ( ScriptSock ) などはサーバの PID を含めて管理されていて、 共存できるよう注意が払われています。", "pred": "Care has been taken to ensure that on-disk files such as lock files ( Mutex ) and Unix ソケット files ( ScriptSock ) contain the server PID, and should coexist without problems."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If set to none , no encoding will be done.", "out": "none に設定されていると、エンコードは行なわれません。", "pred": "If set to none , no encoding will be done."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: the regular expression section won't be considered until after all normal", "out": " 正規表現のセクションはすべての通常の", "pred": " the regular expression section won't be considered until all normal"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This should create a DLL version of your module.", "out": "これで DLL 版のモジュールが作成されているはずです。", "pred": "This is the case of a DLL version of your module."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Caution Descriptive text defined with AddDescription may contain HTML markup, such as tags and character entities.", "out": "警告 AddDescription で定義された説明テキストは、タグや文字列といった HTML マークアップを含むことができます。", "pred": "Caution Descriptive text defined with AddDescription may contain HTML markup, such astags and character エンティティ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Sometimes, it is desirable instead to inform the client that the requested content is located at a different URL, and instruct the client to make a new request with the new URL.", "out": "ときには、その代わりに クライアントにリクエストされたコンテンツは別の URL にあることを 知らせて、クライアントが新しい URL へ新しいリクエストを行なうように する方が望ましいことがあります。", "pred": "時々, it is desirable instead to inform the client that the request content is located at a different URL, and instruct the client to make a new request with the new URL."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Slow Startup If you're using the ProxyBlock directive, hostnames' IP addresses are looked up and cached during startup for later match test.", "out": "遅い起動 ProxyBlock ディレクティブを使っている場合、 後のテストのために起動時にホストの IP アドレスが調べられてキャッシュされます。", "pred": "Slow Startup If you're using the ProxyBlock ディレクティブ, hostnames' IP アドレス appear up and cached during startup for later match test."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the operator is omitted, it is assumed to be = .", "out": "operator が省略されたときは = と みなされます。", "pred": "If the operator is omitted, it isuantum to be = ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It is formatted like an HTML comment, so if you don't have SSI correctly enabled, the browser will ignore it, but it will still be visible in the HTML source.", "out": "HTML のコメントのような書式をしているので、もし SSI を正しく動作可能にしなければ、ブラウザはそれを無視するでしょう。 しかし、HTML ソース中では見えます。", "pred": "It is formatted like an HTML comment, so if you don't have SSI correctly enabled, the browser will ignore it, but it will still be visible in the HTML source."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Context: directory, .htaccess Override: AuthConfig, Limit Status: Core Module: core Access controls are normally effective for all access methods, and this is the usual desired behavior.", "out": "コンテキスト: サーバ設定ファイル, バーチャルホスト, ディレクトリ , . htaccess 上書き: All ステータス: Core モジュール: core アクセス制御は、通常 全ての アクセスメソッドに対して 影響し、普通はこれが望ましい挙動です。", "pred": "コンテキスト: ディレクトリ , . htaccess 上書き: AuthConfig, Limit ステータス: Core モジュール: core Access Control are normally effective for all access methods, and this is the usual desired behavior."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Example: Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess Override: FileInfo If you are unsure whether a particular directive is permitted in a .htaccess file, look at the documentation for that directive, and check the Context line for \".htaccess\".", "out": "例: コンテキスト: サーバ設定ファイル,バーチャルホスト,ディレクトリ , . htaccess 上書き: FileInfo あるディレクティブを .htaccess ファイルに書くことができるか どうかわからないときは、そのディレクティブの説明を探して 、 \" .htaccess\" のための「コンテキスト」の行を調べてください。", "pred": "例: コンテキスト: サーバ設定ファイル,バーチャルホスト,ディレクトリ , .htaccess 上書き: FileInfo If you are unsure whether a particular directive permitted in a .htaccess file, look at the documentation for that directive, and check the コンテキスト line for \".htaccess\"."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The next time that URL is requested, the cache can use the stored representation.", "out": "次にその URL がリクエストされた時に、キャッシュは 保存されている表現を使用できます。", "pred": "The next time that URL is requested, the cache can use the saved representation."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For more details, see the SSI tutorial .", "out": "詳細は SSI チュートリアル を参照してください。", "pred": "For more details, see the SSI tutorial ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note RemoveType directives are processed after any AddType directives, so it is possible they may undo the effects of the latter if both occur within the same directory configuration.", "out": "注意 RemoveType ディレクティブは AddType ディレクティブの 後 に処理されますので、 両方が同じディレクトリの設定中に現れた場合、 後者の効果が打ち消される可能性があります。", "pred": "Note RemoveType ディレクティブは AddType ディレクティブの後に処理されますので、それ cannot be undo the effects of the latter if both occur within the same directory configuration."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The Content-Length header reflects the length of the incoming data from the client and not the byte count of the decompressed data stream.", "out": "Content-Length ヘッダは、 クライアントから送信されるデータの長さを反映しているのであって、 伸張されたデータストリームの バイトカウントではありません 。", "pred": "The Content-Length ヘッダ reflects the length of the incoming data from the client and not the byte count of the伸張 data stream."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The former ( #include virtual ) uses the standard Apache sub-request mechanism to include files or scripts.", "out": "前者 ( # include virtual ) は標準の Apache のサブリクエスト機構を使ってファイルやスクリプトの 出力を取り込みます。", "pred": "The former ( #include virtual ) uses the standard Apache sub-request mechanism to include files or scripts."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Basic SSI directives SSI directives have the following syntax:", "out": "基本的な SSI ディレクティブ SSI ディレクティブは以下の文法で記述します:", "pred": "Basic SSI ディレクティブ SSI ディレクティブ have the following syntax:"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: SSL/TLS Encryption Directive A configuration command that controls one or more aspects of Apache's behavior.", "out": "参照: SSL/TLS 暗号化 ディレクティブ Apache のいろいろな振る舞いを制御する設定コマンド。", "pred": "See: SSL/TLS Encryption ディレクティブ A configuration command that controls one or more aspects of Apache's behavior."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Select variants with the best charset media parameters, as given on the Accept-Charset header line.", "out": "Accept-Charset ヘッダ行で与えられている最高の文字セット メディアパラメータを持つ variant を選びます。", "pred": "Select variants with the best charset mediaパラメータ, as given on the Accept-Charset header line."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: sections can be used inside .htaccess files.", "out": " は .htaccess ファイル内で利用することができます。", "pred": " セクションの .htaccess ファイル inside"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: As a concept and grouping are also elements for technique development, I want to expect the evolution in the future.", "out": "概念とグループ化は、技術を開発する要素でもあり、今後の発展に期待したいです。", "pred": "As a概念 and print are also要素 for technique development, I want to expect the evolution in the future."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: cmd The server will execute the given string using /bin/sh .", "out": "cmd サーバは指定された文字列を /bin/sh を使って 実行します。", "pred": "cmd The server will execute the given string using /bin/sh ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the timeout is reached, any remaining children will be sent the TERM signal to force them to exit.", "out": "タイムアウトに達した場合、残りの子プロセスには TERM シグナルが送信され強制的に終了されます 。 \"", "pred": "If the timeout reached, any remaining children will be sent the TERM signal to force them to出口."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (In \"tcpwrappers\" terminology this is called PARANOID .)", "out": "( \" tcpwrappers\" の用語では PARANOID と呼ばれています。", "pred": "(In \"tcpwrappers\" terminology This is called PARANOID.)"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In other words, a directive that is marked as being valid in \" server config, .htaccess \" can be used in the apache2.conf file and in .htaccess files, but not within any", "out": "言い換えると 、 \" サーバ設定ファイル 、 . htaccess \" で有効だと 記されているディレクティブは apache2.conf ファイルと .htaccess ファイルとで有効ですが、", "pred": "言い換えると, aディレクティブ that marked as being valid in \" サーバ設定ファイル, .htaccess \" can be used in the apache2.conf file and in .htaccess files, but not within any"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This may take a few seconds (or more) depending on the speed with which the hostname lookups occur.", "out": "ホスト名のルックアップの 速さによっては、数秒 (かそれ以上) かかるかもしれません。", "pred": "This may take a few seconds (or more) depending on the speed with which theホスト名 lookups occur."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: XYZ indicates 3 axes, it comes from our attitude that we want to catch things with three dimensions.And the word \"AXIS\" is hid in SIGMAXYZ.", "out": "XYZは3軸を示し、物事を3次元でとらえていきたいという当社の姿勢も表現されていて、シグマクシスの中には軸(AXIS)という言葉も隠れている。", "pred": "Kiwi indicates 3 axes, it comes from our attitude that we want to catch things with three dimensions.And the word \"AXIS\" is hid in SIGMACISC."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Therefore, if you use an ErrorDocument 401 directive, then it must refer to a local document.", "out": "従って、 ErrorDocument 401 というディレクティブを使う場合は、 必ずローカルな文書を参照しなければなりません。", "pred": "ですから、 if you use an ErrorDocument 401 ディレクティブ, then it must refer to a local document."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: field; M means that the file's last modification time should be used as the base time, and A means the client's access time should be used.", "out": "によって指定します。 M は基準時刻として ファイルの最終修正時刻をという意味で、 A はクライアントの アクセス時刻を使うという意味になります。", "pred": "Field; M means that the file's last modification time should be used as the base time, and A means the client's access time should be used."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This module allows supporting browsers to request that content be compressed before delivery, saving network bandwidth. mod_auth_ldap New module in Apache httpd 2.0.41.", "out": "送信前に送信内容を圧縮して ネットワーク帯域を節約する、というリクエストをブラウザが 要求できるようにします。 mod_auth_ldap Apache 2.0.41 の新モジュール。", "pred": "This module allows supporting browsers to request that content is processed before delivery, saving network 帯域幅. mod_auth_ldap New module in Apache 2.0.41."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In addition, mod_mime may define the handler and filters that originate and process content.", "out": "さらに、 mod_mime はコンテンツを作成、処理する ハンドラ と フィルタ を設定することができます。", "pred": "さらに、mod_mime は content that appearate and process ハンドラ andフィルタ staticを設定することができます。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In an Apache context usually the restriction of access to certain URLs .", "out": "Apache においては、 普通はアクセスの制限は URL に対するものとなります。", "pred": "In an Apache context usually the restriction of access to特定の URLs ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Body: The actual content of the resource may be included in the type-map file using the Body header.", "out": "Body: Apache 2.0 で新設されたこの Body ヘッダを使って、 リソースの実際の内容をタイプマップファイルに書くことができます。", "pred": "Body: The actual content of the resource may be included in the type-map file using the Body ヘッダ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: However this is my self-interest, my dream will be come true if you develop naming which has influence that provides a delight for people listening to the word.(anonymous) I was surprised earnestly, as she has great sensibility and fixation.", "out": "私欲ですが、言葉を聞く人に喜びを与えるような影響力を持つネーミングを開発してくださると夢が叶います。(無記名) 大変な感性と執念を持たれていて、ひたすら驚きました。", "pred": "但し、この夢は、私の自己-interestです, my dream will be come true if you develop naming which has influence that provided a delight for people listening to the word.(anonymous) I was surprised earnestly, as she has great sensibility and fixation."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note You may replace * with a specific IP address on the system.", "out": "注 * をシステムの実際の IP アドレスに置き換える こともできます。", "pred": "Note * with a specific IP address on the system."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: However, it is additionally useful to use * on systems where the IP address is not predictable - for example if you have a dynamic IP address with your ISP, and you are using some variety of dynamic DNS solution.", "out": "# etc . . . しかし、IP アドレスが予測不可能なシステム ― ― 例えばプロバイダから動的に IP アドレスを取得して何らかの ダイナミック DNS を使っている場合など ― ― においては 、 * 指定はさらに便利です。 * はすべての IP アドレスに マッチしますので、この設定にしておけば IP アドレスが変更されても 設定変更せずに動作します。", "pred": "However, it is additionally useful to use * on system where the IP address is not predictable - for example if you have a dynamic IP address with your ISP, and you are using some variety of dynamic DNS solution."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The Rules of Naming | ZYXYZ It's focused on the technique of naming device, and explained systematically.", "out": "ネーミングの法則 | ジザイズ ネーミング考案の手法に焦点を当て、体系的に整理し解説した。", "pred": "The Rules of Naming | ZYダイアグラム It's focused on the technique of naming device, and explained systematically."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Naming is an essential element forming the basis of brand strategy.", "out": "ネーミングは、ブランド戦略の根幹となる大切な要素です。", "pred": "Nagai is an essential element forming the basis of brand strategy."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the variable is unset, the result is determined by the SSIUndefinedEcho directive.", "out": "変数が設定されていない場合は SSIUndefinedEcho ディレクティブで 決定される結果となります。", "pred": "If the variable is unset, the result is determined by the SSIUndefinedEcho ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: More information on each concept is provided in the links.", "out": "それぞれの概念の、より詳細な情報はリンク先にあります。", "pred": "More information on each page is provided in the link."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The socket will be opened using the permissions of the user who starts Apache (usually root).", "out": "ソケットは Apache が起動されたユーザ (通常 root) の パーミッションを用いてオープンされます。", "pred": "The socket will be opened using theパーミッション of the user who starts Apache (usually root)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Therefore you need to have a separate IP address for each host.", "out": "ですから、それぞれのホストに個々に IP アドレスが必要になります。", "pred": "ですから、 You need to have a separate IP address for each host."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See the security tips document for details.", "out": "詳細は セキュリティのこつ ドキュメントを 参照してください。", "pred": "See the security tips document for details."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See also the complete alphabetical list of all Apache HTTP Server directives .", "out": "Apache HTTP サーバ ディレクティブ のアルファベット順のリストもご覧ください。", "pred": "See also the complete Transition list of all Apache HTTP Server ディレクティブ ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Presently, suEXEC does not allow the root group to execute CGI/SSI programs.", "out": "今のところ、suEXEC は 'root' グループによる CGI/SSI プログラムの実行を許可していません。", "pred": "Presently, suEXEC does not allow the root group to execute CGI/SSI programs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (In this case, the netmask can only be multiples of 8 bits wide.)", "out": "(この場合は、ネットマスクは 8 ビット単位でしか指定できません。", "pred": "(In this case, the netmask can only be multiples of 8 bits wide.)"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Versions 1.1 and later of Apache support both IP-based and name-based virtual hosts (vhosts).", "out": "バージョン 1.1 以降の Apache では、IP ベースとネームベースのバーチャルホストの両方をサポート しています。", "pred": "Versions 1.1 and later of Apache support both IP-based and name-based virtual hosts (vhosts)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) A compact string of characters for identifying an abstract or physical resource.", "out": "Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) 抽象的なリソースや物理リソースを同定するためのコンパクトな文字列。", "pred": "Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Aコンパクトな string of characters for identifying an abstract or physical resource."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note that if you include a trailing / on the URL-path then the server will require a trailing / in order to expand the alias.", "out": "もし url-path の最後に / を書いたなら、サーバがエイリアスを展開するためには、最後の / が必要になることに注意してください。", "pred": "Note that if you include a trailing / on the URL-path then the server will require a trailing / in order to expand the alias."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Resources requiring authorization will never be cached.", "out": "ただし認証の求められるリソースは 決して キャッシュされません。", "pred": "Resources requiring authorization will never be served."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Different input strings will usually produce different hashes (depending on the hash function).", "out": "異なった入力文字列からは普通は違うハッシュが生成されます (ハッシュ関数に依存します ) 。", "pred": "Each string of the query pattern is normally equivalent to the different string (depending on the hash function)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The protocol is used to determine which module should handle a request, and to apply protocol specific optimizations with the AcceptFilter directive.", "out": "protocol 指定は、どのモジュールがリクエストを処理するかを決定し、 AcceptFilter によるプロトコル特有の最適化を行うようにします。", "pred": "The protocol is used to determine which module should handle a request, and to apply protocol specific optimizations with the AcceptFilter ディレクティブ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Better support for non-Unix platforms Apache HTTP Server 2.0 is faster and more stable on non-Unix platforms such as BeOS, OS/2, and Windows.", "out": "Unix 以外のプラットフォームのサポートの改善 Apache 2.0 は BeOS、OS/2、Windows などの Unix 以外の プラットフォームで、より速く、より安定して動作するようになりました。", "pred": "Better support for non-Unix platforms Apache HTTP Server 2.0 is faster and more stable on non-Unix platforms such as BeOS, OS/2, and Windows."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If you see anything else, Apache will return the Premature end of script headers error if you try to run it through the server.", "out": "他のものが出力されている 場合は、Apache はこのプログラムをサーバ経由で実行しようとしたときには Premature end of script headers エラーを出力します。", "pred": "If you see anything else, Apache will return the Premature end of script headers error if you try to run it through the server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.", "out": "551はオーストリアの作曲家、ヴォルフガング・アマデウス・モーツァルトが1788年に書き上げた最後の交響曲です。", "pred": "He is a motif of the motif."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The directory sections occur in the apache2.conf file. ", "out": "ディレクトリセクションは apache2.conf ファイルに書きます。 ", "pred": "The directoryセクション occur in the apache2.conf file. "} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Relative paths in other configuration directives (such as Include or LoadModule , for example) are taken as relative to this directory.", "out": "また、他の設定ディレクティブ (例えば Include や LoadModule など) における相対パスは、 このディレクトリからの相対位置となります。", "pred": "Relative paths in other configuration directives (such as Include or LoadModule , for example) are taken as relative to this directory."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Any value besides none will enable TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT on that listener.", "out": "none 以外の値で TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT が有効になります。", "pred": "Any value besides none will enable TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT on that listener."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You will specify that something is a variable, rather than a literal string, by using the dollar sign ($) before the name of the variable.", "out": "変数名の前にドル記号 ($) を使用することで、 それがリテラル文字列ではなくて変数であることを示します。", "pred": "You will have that何か is a variable, rather than a literal string, by using the dollar sign ($) before the name of the variable."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: So if you have a need to listen to a specific address for whatever reason, then you will need to listen to all specific addresses.", "out": "ですから、何らかの理由で特定のアドレスを listen しなけばならない ときは、その特定のアドレスをすべて listen する必要があります。", "pred": "So if you have a need to listen to a specific address for whatever reason, then you will need to listen to all specific addresses."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Second, the Apache HTTP Server provides a mechanism for storing information in named variables that are also called environment variables .", "out": "Apache HTTP サーバは 環境変数 と呼ばれる、名前のついた 変数に情報を記憶する仕組みを提供しています。", "pred": "Second, the Apache HTTP Server provides a mechanism for storing information in that might be called environment variables ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If even more flexible matching is required, each container has a regular expression (regex) counterpart", "out": "これより柔軟なマッチングが必要な場合は、これらのコンテナに正規表現 (regex) 版である", "pred": "If even more flexible matching is required, each container has a regular expression (regex) counterpart"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is a change from previous versions of Apache httpd.", "out": "これは以前のバージョンの Apache から変更のあった部分です。", "pred": "This is a change from previous version of Apache."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The solution is easy, because we can simply add the new IP address ( ) to the VirtualHost directive.", "out": "答は簡単です。 単に新しい IP アドレス ( ) を VirtualHost ディレクティブに追加することで できます。", "pred": "The solution is 簡単です, because we can simply add the new IP address ( ) to the VirtualHost ディレクティブ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Directives are placed in the Configuration File See: Directive Index Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Modules compiled separately from the Apache httpd binary that can be loaded on-demand. See: Dynamic Shared Object Support Environment Variable (env-variable) Named variables managed by the operating system shell and used to store information and communicate between programs.", "out": "ディレクティブは 設定ファイル に 書かれます。 参照: ディレクティブ索引 動的 共有オブジェクト ( 訳注: Dynamic Shared Object ) ( DSO) 必要に応じて読み込むことが可能な、Apache httpd とは 別にコンパイルされた モジュール 参照: 動的共有オブジェクトサポート 環境変数 (env-variable) 情報を保管したり、プログラム間の通信をするために使われる、 オペレーティングシステムのシェルにより管理されている名前付きの変数。", "pred": "ディレクティブ are placed in the Configuration File See: ディレクティブ Index Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Modules compiled separately from the Apache httpd binary that can be loaded on-demand. See: Dynamic Shared Object Support Environment Variable (env-variable) Named variables managed by the operating system shell and used to store information and communicate between programs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If no Host: header is sent the client gets the information page from the primary host.", "out": "Host: ヘッダがなければ クライアントは主ホストの情報ページを得ます。", "pred": "If no Host: header sent the client gets the information page from the primary host."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This argument is followed by a header name, which can include the final colon, but it is not required.", "out": "value をつけてはいけません。 この引数の後にはヘッダ名 ( header ) が続きます。", "pred": "This argument is followed by a header name, which can include the最終的な colon, but it is not required."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Example ScriptLog logs/cgi_log This log will be opened as the user the child processes run as, i.e. the user specified in the main User directive.", "out": "例 ScriptLog logs/cgi_log このログは子プロセスが実行されているユーザとしてオープンされます。 すなわち 、 User ディレクティブで指定された ユーザです。", "pred": "例 ScriptLog logs/cgi_log This log will be opened as the user the child processes run as, i.e. the user specified in the main User directive."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The DirectoryIndex directive sets the name of the file or files to be used.", "out": "DirectoryIndex ディレクティブでこのファイル名を設定します。", "pred": "The DirectoryIndex ディレクティブは the name of the file or file to be used."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Possible problems Because of the way that Basic authentication is specified, your username and password must be verified every time you request a document from the server.", "out": "起こりえる問題 Basic 認証が指定されている場合は、 サーバにドキュメントをリクエストする度に ユーザ名とパスワードを検査しなければなりません。", "pred": "Possible problems Because of the way that Basic 認証 is specified, your username and password must be verified every time you request a document from the server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If it is set, then set the Last-modified date of the returned file to be the last modified time of the file.", "out": "もしそれが設定されていれば、返されるファイルの Last-modified の 日付をファイルの最終修正時刻にします。", "pred": "If it set, then set the Last-modified date of the returned file to be the last modified time of the file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Topics The Require Directives Directives This module provides no directives.", "out": "ディレクティブ このモジュールにディレクティブはありません。", "pred": "Topics The Require Directives ディレクティブ このモジュールに no ディレクティブs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The supplied regular expression is matched against the URL-path, and if it matches, the server will substitute any parenthesized matches into the given string and use it as a filename.", "out": "ここで指定された正規表現と URL-path が合うかどうかを調べ、合う場合は括弧で括られたマッチを 与えられた文字列で置き換え、それをファイル名として使用します。", "pred": "The supplied regular expression is therefore against the URL-path, and if it matches, the server will substitute any parenthesized matches into the given string and use it as a filename."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To change the default options, configure accepts a variety of variables and command line options.", "out": "デフォルトオプションを変更できるように、 configure には様々な変数やコマンドラインオプションが用意されています。", "pred": "To change the default option, configure accepts a variety of variables and command line options."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: However, it takes as an argument a regular expression . For example:", "out": "しかし、このディレクティブは引数として 正規表現 をとります。 例えば:", "pred": "However, it takes as an argument a regular expression . For example:"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Request Bodies Some request methods such as POST include a request body.", "out": "リクエストボディ POST メソッドなどのリクエストには、リクエストボディがあります。", "pred": "Request Bodies POST include a request bodyなどのリクエストメソッドがあります。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Content-Language: The language(s) of the variant, as an Internet standard language tag ( RFC 1766 ).", "out": "Content-Language: インターネット標準の言語タグ ( RFC 1766 ) で定義されている言語の種類。", "pred": "Content-Language: The language(s) of the variant, as an Internet standard language tag ( RFC 1766 )."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the status code for the request (see below) is 401, then this value should not be trusted because the user is not yet authenticated.", "out": "リクエストのステータスコード (以下を参照) が 401 であった場合は、ユーザは認証に失敗しているので、 この値は信用できません。", "pred": "If the status code for the request (下記参照) is 401, then this value should not be trusted because the user is not yet authenticated."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The CGI variables SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT will be constructed from the client supplied values as well.", "out": "CGI 変数 SERVER_NAME と SERVER_PORT もクライアントから与えられた値から作成されます。", "pred": "The CGI variables SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT will be constructed from the client supplied value as well."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See header_encoding above for details about how the codes are distinguished from the strings.", "out": "コードと文字列の判別方法の詳細に関しては、上記の header_encoding を参照してください。", "pred": "See header_encoding above for details about how the codes are distinguished from the string."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The %O format provided by mod_logio will log the actual number of bytes sent over the network.", "out": "mod_logio で提供されている %O フォーマット文字列で、ネットワーク経由で実際に転送されたバイト数を 記録できます。", "pred": "The %O format provided by mod_logio will log the actual number of bytes sent over the network."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Get Body Chunk The container asks for more data from the request (If the body was too large to fit in the first packet sent over or when the request is chunked).", "out": "Get Body Chunk (ボディのサイズが大きすぎて最初のパケットに収まらない場合や、 リクエストがチャンク転送された場合などには 、 ) コンテナはリクエストからの データ読み込み要求をします。", "pred": "Get Body Chunk The container asks for more data from the request (If the body is too large to fit in the firstパケット sent over or when the request is chunked)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If reversed, the MirrorID header is set to \"mirror 12\".", "out": "逆になっていると、MirrorID ヘッダは \"mirror 12\" に設定されます。", "pred": "If reversed, the MirrorID header is set to \"mirror 12\"."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: As discussed above, the environment passed to CGI scripts includes standard meta-information about the request in addition to any variables set within the Apache configuration.", "out": "上で説明されているように、CGI スクリプトに渡される環境変数は Apache の設定により設定される変数に加えて、リクエストの標準のメタ情報を含んでいます。", "pred": "As discussed above, the environment passed to CGI scripts includes standard meta-information about the request in addition to any variables set within the Apache configuration."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If only a port number is specified in the Listen directive, the server listens to the given port on all interfaces.", "out": "もしポート番号だけが Listen ディレクティブで指定された場合は、 すべてのインターフェースの与えられたポート番号に対して Listen します。", "pred": "もし only a port number specified in the Listen ディレクティブ, the server listens to the given port on all interfaces."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See above for details on other Prefix codes.", "out": "他の Prefix コードの詳細は 上記をご覧ください。", "pred": "See above for details on other Prefix codes."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Since the logfile logs a lot of information per CGI error (all request headers, all script output) it can grow to be a big file.", "out": "ログファイルは CGI のエラー毎に大量の情報 (リクエストのすべてのヘッダ、 すべての出力)をログしますので、すぐに大きなファイルになります。", "pred": "Since the logfile logs a lot of information per CGI error (all request headers, all script output) it can grow to be a big file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The wildcard characters * and ? can be used to match names.", "out": "名前をマッチさせるために、ワイルドカード文字 * や ? を使用することもできます。", "pred": "The ワイルドカード文字 * and ? can be used to match public."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: are listed normally, but mod_info cannot figure out the line number for the closing", "out": "のようなコンテナディレクティブは普通に表示されますが、 mod_info は閉じタグの", "pred": "通常は this page is provided by mod_info . mod_info is not figure out the line number for the c closed"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This helps to calm the body and induce sleep.", "out": "そのため、身体を温めるため、不眠症を改善するためにお.", "pred": "This helps to calm the body and induce sleep."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If string2 has the form / string2 / then it is treated as a regular expression.", "out": "string2 が / string / という形式であれば、正規表現として比較されます。", "pred": "If string2 has the form / string2 / then it is treated as a regular expression."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: XYZ means the client, partner and us.Also it has the meaning of unknown quantity that is infinite possibility.", "out": "XYZはお客様、パートナー、そして我々を意味し、未知数という意味では無限の可能性も表す。", "pred": "Kiwi means the client, partner and us.Also it has the meaning of unknown 量 that is infinite possibility."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Any location on the server where DAV is enabled should be protected by authentication.", "out": "サーバ上の DAV が使用可能になっている場所はすべて認証で保護してください。", "pred": "Any location on the server where DAV enabled is should be protected by authentication."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: With the Any option the client will be granted access if they either pass the host restriction or enter a valid username and password.", "out": "Any では、クライアントはホストの制限を満たすか、 正しいユーザ名とパスワードの入力をするかをすればアクセスを許可されます。", "pred": "With the Any option the client will be granted access if they either pass the host restriction or enter a valid username and password."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, if the operating system says the requested file is owned by (system) group accounts , the group accounts must appear in the group database and the web-username used in the request must be a member of that group.", "out": "例えば、オペレーティングシステムがファイルは (システムの) グループ accounts により所有されていると言ったときは、 accounts がグループデータベースに存在して、 リクエストに使用されたウェブユーザ名がそのグループに属している 必要があります。", "pred": "例えば, if theオペレーティングシステム says the request file is owned by (system) group accounts , the group accounts must appear in the group database and the web-username used in the request must be a member of the group."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: As far as operating system assumptions go, we assume that pids (process ids) fit in 32-bits.", "out": "オペレーティングシステムにおいては、pid (プロセス ID) が 32 ビットの範囲内であることを仮定します。", "pred": "As far asオペレーティングシステム assumptions go, we assume that pids (process ids) fit in 32-bits."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Apache supports one other authentication method: AuthType Digest .", "out": "Apache ではもう一つ別の認証方法: AuthType Digest をサポートしています。", "pred": "Apache supports one or more 認証 methods: AuthType Digest ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: After you have signaled httpd , you can read about its progress by issuing: tail -f /usr/local/apache2/logs/error_log Modify those examples to match your ServerRoot and PidFile settings.", "out": "httpd にシグナルを送った後、 実行状況を次のコマンドで読むことができます: tail -f /usr/local/apache2/logs/error_log ここに挙げた例は、各自の ServerRoot と PidFile の設定に適合するように適宜修正して下さい。", "pred": "After you have signaled httpd , you can read about its progress by suing: tail -f /usr/local/apache2/logs/error_log Modify those ports to match your ServerRoot and PidFile settings."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If for some reason DNS is not available at the time your server is parsing its config file, then this virtual host will not be configured .", "out": "何らかの理由で設定ファイルを読み込んでいるときに DNS が利用できなかった場合、 バーチャルホストは 設定されません 。", "pred": "If for some reason DNS is not available at the time your server needs its config file, then this virtual host will not be configured ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: There are already two modules, mod_whatkilledus and mod_backtrace that make use of this hook.", "out": "このような外部モジュールは、既に二つ存在していて、 mod_whatkilledus と mod_backtrace がこのフックを活用します。", "pred": "There are two modules, mod_whatkilledus and mod_backtrace that make use of this hook."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: ( Anonymous_NoUserID ) It insists that the user enters a password.", "out": "( Anonymous_NoUserID ) ユーザはパスワードを入力しなければなりません。", "pred": "( Anonymous_NoUserID ) It insists that the user enters a password."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Last, any requests which do not match an Allow or a Deny directive are denied by default.", "out": "最後に、 Allow にも Deny にもマッチしなかったリクエストは デフォルト設定が適用されるので拒否されます。", "pred": "Last, any request which do not match an Allow or a Deny directive are denied by default."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To make this long story short, you should always use x-gzip and x-compress for these two specific encodings.", "out": "要するに、この二つのエンコーディングの場合は常に x-gzip と x-compress を使うべきである、ということです。", "pred": "To make this long story short, you must have the same two specific encodings: x-gzip and x-compress for ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: NAME is the name of the desired MPM.", "out": "NAME は望みの MPM の名前です。", "pred": "NAME is the name of the desired MPM."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You can override an earlier defined SetHandler directive by using the value None .", "out": "None という値を設定することで、 前の方の SetHandler で定義された設定を無効にすることが できます。", "pred": "You can override an earlier defined SetHandler ディレクティブ by using the value None ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note on Caching When a cache stores a representation, it associates it with the request URL.", "out": "キャッシュに関する注意事項 キャッシュが一つの表現を保存しているときは、 リクエスト URL と関連づけられています。", "pred": "Note on Caching When a cache stores a representation, it associates it with the request URL."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If you want to enable the suEXEC mechanism for the first time and an Apache HTTP Server is already running you must kill and restart httpd.", "out": "suEXEC の仕組みを使用するのが初めてで、Apache が既に動作中であれば、 Apache を kill して、再起動しなければなりません。", "pred": "If you want to enable the suEXEC mechanism for the first time and an Apache HTTP Server is already running you must kill and restart httpd."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: I didn't know such job \"Naming the company\" exists.", "out": "「会社の名前をつける」という仕事があるとは思ってもみなかった。", "pred": "I didn't know theそのような仕事 \"Naming the company\" exists."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Is this valid user allowed to run the wrapper? Is this user the user allowed to run this wrapper? Only one user (the Apache user) is allowed to execute this program.", "out": "この正当なユーザは wrapper の実行を許可されているか? このユーザは wrapper 実行を許可されたユーザですか? ただ一人のユーザ (Apache ユーザ) だけが、 このプログラムの実行を許可されます。", "pred": "Is this valid user allowed to run the wrapper? Is this user the user allowed to run this wrapper? Only one user (the Apache user) will be allowed to run this program."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: DATE_GMT The current date in Greenwich Mean Time.", "out": "DATE_GMT グリニッジ標準時による現在時刻。", "pred": "DATE_GMT The current date in Greenwich Mean Time."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: mod_proxy Public Key The publicly available key in a Public Key Cryptography system, used to encrypt messages bound for its owner and to decrypt signatures made by its owner.", "out": "参照: mod_proxy 公開鍵 所有者に向けられたメッセージの暗号化と所有者による署名の復号に使われる、 公開鍵暗号 システムに おける公けにされている鍵。", "pred": "See: mod_proxy Public Key The publicly available key in a Public Key Cryptography system, used to暗号化 messages bound for its 所有者 and to decrypt signatures made by its 所有者."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: When passing these requests on to the origin server, mod_proxy_http will always attempt to send the Content-Length .", "out": "このようなリクエストをオリジンサーバに送信する場合、 mod_proxy_http は常に Content-Length を送ろうと試みます。", "pred": "When passing these requests on to the origin server, mod_proxy_http will always try to send the Content-Length ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: These you'll need to add to your module by way of a new function, static void register_hooks(void) .", "out": "このフックは、新しい関数 static void register_hooks(void) を使って登録するよう、 モジュールに書き足さなくてはなりません。", "pred": "These you'll need to add to your module by way of a new function, static void register_hooks(void) ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The asterisks match all addresses, so the main server serves no requests.", "out": "アスタリスクはすべてのアドレスにマッチしますので、主サーバは リクエストを扱いません。", "pred": "The アスタリスクs match all addresses, so the main server serves no requests."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Filename is the name of the file to include.", "out": "Filename は取り込むファイルの名前です。", "pred": "Filename is the name of the file to include."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In practice the executable program's global symbols are often not re-exported and thus not available for use in a DSO.", "out": "実際には実行プログラムのグローバルなシンボルは再エクスポートされることは あまりなく、DSO から使うことができません。", "pred": "In practice the executable program's global symbols are often not re-exported and thus not available for use in a DSO."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Many of the module-ordering/-priority problems from 1.3 should be gone.", "out": "1.3 にあったモジュールの順番/優先度の問題の多くは なくなっているはずです。", "pred": "Many of the module-ordering/-priority problem from 1.3 should be gone."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Any other request to an unspecified address and port is served from the main server.", "out": "他の未指定のアドレスとポートへのリクエストは 主サーバから送られます。", "pred": "Any other request to an unspecified address and port is served from the main server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In some cases this has been shown to result in an almost 50% speedup in latency times for HTML documents with many images.", "out": "たくさんの画像が 含まれる HTML ドキュメントでは場合によっては遅延時間が 50% 短縮される結果も でています。", "pred": "In some cases this has been shown to result in an almost 50%スピードup in latency times for HTML documents with many images."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (Service industry: President) I was impressed by great presentation of President Ms.Yokoi.", "out": "(サービス業:社長) 横井社長の上手なプレゼンテーションに感銘を受けました。", "pred": "(Service industry: President) I was impressed by great presentation of President Ms. Yokoi."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Instead, the log format is determined by the most recently specified LogFormat directive which does not define a nickname.", "out": "直接ログ書式を指定する代わりに、ログの書式はそこまでで一番最後に指定された ニックネームを定義しない LogFormat ディレクティブ で定義されたものを使います。", "pred": "Apache 1.3.11 , Apache httpd 2.11 , Apache httpd 2.12 , Apache httpd 2.12 , Apache httpd 2.12 , Apache httpd 2.12 , Apache httpd 2.12 , Apache httpd 2.12 , Apache httpd 2.12 , Apache httpd 2.12 , Apache httpd 2.12 , Apache httpd 2.12 , Apache httpd 2"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: On systems where it is disallowed by default, a special configure parameter can change this behavior for httpd.", "out": "これらのデフォルトで使用不可のプラットホームであっても、 特別な configure の 設定パラメータで Apache の挙動を変化させることができます。", "pred": "On System where it disallowed by default, a special configure parameter can change this behavior for httpd."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The module mod_ext_filter allows external programs to act as filters in much the same way that CGI programs can act as handlers.", "out": "mod_ext_filter で外部プログラムをフィルタとして動作させることができます。 これは CGI プログラムをハンドラとして動作させるのと よく似た方法でできます。", "pred": "The module mod_ext_filter allows external programs to act asフィルター in much the same way that CGI programs can act as handlers."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Does the target user exist?", "out": "対象となるユーザ名は存在していますか?", "pred": "Does the target user exist?"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is controlled by mod_dir .", "out": "この機能は mod_dir モジュールで提供されます。", "pred": "This is controlled by mod_dir ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: Filters Fully-Qualified Domain-Name (FQDN) The unique name of a network entity, consisting of a hostname and a domain name that can resolve to an IP address.", "out": "参照: フィルタ 完全修飾ドメイン名 ( 訳注: Fully-Qualified Domain-Name ) ( FQDN) IP アドレスに解決できるホスト名と、ドメイン名からなるネットワーク エンティティの一意な名前。", "pred": "See: Filters Fully-Qualified Domain-Name (FQDN) The unique name of a network entity, consisting of aホスト名 and a domain name that can resolve to an IP address."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: But the staff who didn't give up, set the meeting with her when I noticed.", "out": "ところがあきらめないスタッフは、気がついたらデザイナーの横井さんと私の顔合わせをセットしていた。", "pred": "But the staff who didn't give up, set the会議 with her when I noticed."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In the absence of the explicit net mask it is assumed that omitted (or zero valued) trailing digits specify the mask.", "out": "明示的にネットマスクを指定しない場合は 最後の省略された (もしくは値が 0 の) 数字がマスクを指定します。", "pred": "In the absence of the明示的な netマスク it is assumed that the omitted (or zero valued) trailing digits specify theマスク."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In this article, I'll talk about configuring your server to permit SSI, and introduce some basic SSI techniques for adding dynamic content to your existing HTML pages.", "out": "この記事においては、サーバでの SSI を許可するための設定と、 現在の HTML ページに動的なコンテンツを加えるためのいくつかの基本的な SSI 技術を紹介します。", "pred": "この記事においては、I'll talk about configuring your server to permit SSI, and introduce some basic SSI techniques for addingダイナミックコンテンツ to your existing HTML pages."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The NoProxy directive specifies a list of subnets, IP addresses, hosts and/or domains, separated by spaces.", "out": "NoProxy ディレクティブは空白区切りで、 サブネット、IP アドレス、ホスト、ドメインのリストを指定します。", "pred": "The NoProxy ディレクティブ are the list of subnets, IP アドレス, hosts and/or domains, separated by spaces."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is done using the script configure included in the root directory of the distribution.", "out": "これは配布ディレクトリのルートディレクトリにある、 configure スクリプトで行ないます。", "pred": "This is done using the script configure included in the root directory of the distribution."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: will Deny all access to the /www directory because the default access state is set to Deny .", "out": "はデフォルトのアクセス状態が Deny になるため 、 / www ディレクトリへのすべてのアクセスを拒否します。", "pred": "will Deny all access to the /www directory because the default access state is set to Deny ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Scope of Directives Related Modules Related Directives", "out": "ディレクティブの適用範囲 関連モジュール 関連ディレクティブ", "pred": "Scope of ディレクティブives Related Modules Related Directives"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: By default, up to 1024 bytes are logged, but this can be changed with this directive.", "out": "デフォルトでは、1024 バイトまでがログ収集されますが、 このディレクティブはそれを変更することができます。", "pred": "By default, up to 1024 bytes are logged, but this can be changed with this directive."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The default for this limit is the number of threads per process in the active MPM.", "out": "デフォルト値は、使用している MPM のプロセスあたりのスレッド数になっています。", "pred": "The default for this limit is the number of threads per process in the active MPM."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The filename for the access log is relative to the ServerRoot unless it begins with a slash.", "out": "アクセスログのファイル名はスラッシュで始まらない限り、 ServerRoot からの相対パスとして 扱われます。", "pred": "The filename for the access log is relative to the ServerRoot unless it begins with aスラッシュ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For content that lives in the filesystem, use and", "out": "ファイルシステムに存在するコンテンツに対しては、 ", "pred": "For content that lives in the filesystem, use and"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: So for example, %>s can be used to record the final status of the request and %s を、内部的に認証されていないリソースへリダイレクトされた リクエストで元のリクエストで認証されたユーザを記録するためには %s can use to record the最終的な status of the request and %", "out": "名前ベースのバーチャルホスト を利用している場合、 ", "pred": "If you are using name-based virtual hosts , the ServerName inside a "} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: On Unix, the httpd program is run as a daemon that executes continuously in the background to handle requests.", "out": "Unixでは、 httpd プログラムが、バックグラウンドで常にリクエスト処理を行う デーモンとして実行されます。", "pred": "On Unix, the httpd プログラムが run as aデーモン that executes continuously in the background to handle リクエスト."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: Introduction to Server Side Includes Session The context information of a communication in general.", "out": "参照: Server Side Includes 入門 セッション 一般的な通信における文脈情報。", "pred": "See: Introduction to Server Side Includes Session The context information of a communication in general."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note that this feature is exceedingly dangerous, as it will execute whatever code happens to be embedded in the exec tag.", "out": "この機能は非常に危険であり、どんなコードでも exec タグに埋め込まれてしまえば実行することに注意してください。", "pred": "Note that this feature is highlyingly dangerous, as it will execute whatever code起こり to be embedded in the exec tag."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: File Not Found Inevitably, URLs will be requested for which no matching file can be found in the filesystem.", "out": "File Not Found 必ず、リクエストされた URL に対応するファイルがファイルシステムに 無いという場合が発生します。", "pred": "File Not Found Inevitably, URLs will be requested for which no matching file can be found in the filesystem."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The include variables will be available to the script in addition to the standard CGI environment.", "out": "スクリプトは標準 CGI 環境に加えて、include 変数を 使用することができます。", "pred": "The include variables will be available to the script in addition to the standard CGI environment."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: I felt admiration meekly for that there is the work which can be done by only professional on earth.", "out": "どこの世界でも、プロにしかできない仕事があるのだと、素直に感服した。", "pred": "I felt admiration meekly for that there is the work which can be done by only professional on earth."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The total number of file descriptors used by Apache is one for each distinct error log file, one for every other log file directive, plus 10-20 for internal use.", "out": "Apache が使用するファイル 記述子の数は、各エラーログファイルにつき 1 つ、他のログファイルの ディレクティブにつき 1 つ、さらに内部で使用する 10 から 20、 の合計になります。", "pred": "The total number of file descriptors used by Apache httpd is one for each distinct error log file, one for every other log file ディレクティブ, plus 10-20 for internal use."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It is formally defined by RFC 2396 .", "out": "正式には RFC 2396 で 定義されています。", "pred": "It is formally defined by RFC 2396 ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: An idle process is one which is not handling a request.", "out": "アイドルプロセスとは、リクエストを扱っていないプロセスです。", "pred": "An idle process is one of the most popular HTTP/1.0 requests."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is not necessary for official releases.)", "out": "公式リリースではこの作業は必要ありません。", "pred": "2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 – 2019 –"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, the following directives will create three access logs.", "out": "例えば、以下のディレクティブは 三つのアクセスログを作ります。", "pred": "例えば、以下のディレクティブは 三つのアクセスログを作ります。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is a great benefit for vendor package maintainers, who can create an Apache httpd core package and additional packages containing extensions like PHP, mod_perl, mod_security, etc.", "out": "これは、Apache コア パッケージと、PHP3, mod_perl, mod_fastcgi など の追加の パッケージを作成できるので、少なくともベンダのパッケージ管理者にとって 大きな利点があります。", "pred": "This is a great benefit for ベンダー package maintainers, who can create an Apache httpd core package and additional packages containing extensions like PHP, mod_perl, mod_security, etc."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Figure 2 : SSL Protocol Stack The encapsulation of SSL control protocols by the record protocol means that if an active session is renegotiated the control protocols will be transmitted securely.", "out": "図2 : SSL プロトコルスタック レコードプロトコルで SSL コントロールプロトコルがカプセル化されているということは、 アクティブなセッション上で再ネゴシエーションされたときにも、 コントロールプロトコルは安全であることを意味します。", "pred": "Figure 2 : SSL Protocol Stack The encapsulation of SSL control protocols by the record protocol means that if an active session is renegotiated the control protocols will be securely sent."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If you do download a binary, follow the instructions in the INSTALL.bindist file inside the distribution.", "out": "それでもバイナリをダウンロードしたのであれば、 ディストリビューションの中にある INSSTALL.bindist ファイルの説明に従ってください。", "pred": "If you do download a バイナリ, follow the instructions in the INSTALL.bindist file inside the distribution."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Since HTTPS requests are encrypted, only the accf_data(9) filter is used.", "out": "HTTPS のリクエストは暗号化されているので accf_data(9) フィルタのみが使用されます。", "pred": "Since HTTPS requests are暗号化ed, only the accf_data(9) filter used."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: URLs with a (%-decoded) path beginning with URL-path will be mapped to local files beginning with directory-path .", "out": "URL の ( % が復号された) パスが url-path で始まるものは directory-filename で始まるローカルファイルにマップされます。", "pred": "URLs with a (%-decoded) path beginning with URL-path will be mapped to local files beginning with directory-path ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: 'Earlier' means that they were defined at a broader scope (such as server-wide) or previously in the current directive's scope.", "out": "「前」とは、 より広い範囲に対して定義されている (サーバ全体のように) か、現在のディレクティブの 範囲でより前の部分で定義されているか、ということです。", "pred": "'Earlier' means that they are defined at a broader scope (such as server-wide) or previously in the current directive's scope."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: 6 Get Body Chunk Get further data from the request if it hasn't all been transferred yet.", "out": "6 Get Body Chunk まだ全て転送されていない場合、残っているリクエストのデータを受け取る。", "pred": "6 Get Body Chunk Get further data from the request if it hasn't all is still transferred."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Select the variants with the smallest content length. Select the first variant of those remaining.", "out": "内容の最も短い variant を選びます。 残っている variant の最初のものを選びます。", "pred": "Select the variants with the smallest content length. Select the first variant of those remaining."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: section encloses configuration directives which are executed only if the httpd version matches the desired criteria.", "out": "は httpd のバージョン が基準を満たしたときにのみ実行させたいディレクティブを囲みます。", "pred": "section encloses configuration directives which are executed only if the httpd version matches the desired criteria."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Naming is a work to inspire the company which is before birth with the spirit, with Ms.Yokoi as the facilitator.", "out": "ネーミングは横井さんをファシリテーターに、まだ生まれる前の会社に魂を吹き込んでいく作業だったのだ。", "pred": "南北は、南北の南北の南北の南北の南北の南北の南北の南北の南北の南北の南北の南北の南北の南北の南北の南北の南北の南北の南北の南北の南北の南北の南北の南北の"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Regular expressions can also be used, with the addition of the ~ character. For example:", "out": "~ という文字を付加することで 正規表現 を使うこともできます。 例えば、", "pred": "Regular expression can also be used, with the addition of the ~ character. For example:"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Is the target groupid ABOVE the minimum ID number?", "out": "対象となるグループ ID は最小の ID 番号よりも 大きい か?", "pred": "Is the target groupid ABOVE the minimum ID number?"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: , and directives can each use shell-style wildcard characters as in fnmatch from the C standard library.", "out": " ディレクティブでは、 C 標準ライブラリの fnmatch のように shell スタイルのワイルドカードキャラクタが使用できます 。 \"", "pred": " ディレクティブ can each use shell-style ワイルドカード characters as in fnmatch from the C standard library."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The reason of Yokoi won the prize is that the achievement of many naming, and creation of the territory of new sensitivity called \"Naming\", were recognized.", "out": "このたび横井が同賞を受賞した理由は、数々のネーミングの実績と、「ネーミング」という新しい感性の領域を創出した功績が認められたためとの事です。", "pred": "The reason of Yokoi won the prize is the achievement of many naming, and creation of the territory of new sensitivity called \"Naming\", the recognized."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: But even still, if you're running NTP then your UTC time will be correct very shortly after reboot.", "out": "そのような場合でさえ、NTP を使っているならばリブート後にすぐ正しい UTC の時間になるでしょう。", "pred": "And yet, if you're running NTP then your UTC time will automatically be very shortly after reboot."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: We hope this book can help your Naming Creation which is the first step of Brand Strategy.", "out": "ブランド戦略の第一歩であるネーミング製作に、お役立ていただけるものと思います。", "pred": "We hope this book can help your Naming Creation which is the first step of Brand Strategy."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In addition, mod_rewrite can use external database files or programs to determine how to handle a request.", "out": "さらに、 mod_rewrite は外部のデータベースファイルやプログラムを使ってリクエストの扱い方を 決めることもできます。", "pred": "さらに、 mod_rewrite は 外部データベースファイルや プログラムのリクエストを使って how to handle a request."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Other platforms, if they are capable of supporting suEXEC, may differ in their configuration.", "out": "その他のプラットホームでは、もし suEXEC がサポートされていたとしても設定は異なるかもしれません。", "pred": "その他のプラットホーム, if they are dangerous of supporting suEXEC, may differ in their configuration."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: ZYXYZ supports to create a \"strong brand\" proposing a name which forms a backbone of brand-name strategy based on various experiences and knowledge that has been accumulated over more than 30 years.", "out": "30年以上にわたるネーミング開発実績や知識をベースに ブランド戦略の根幹となり得るネーミングをご提案し、 「強いブランド」の創造を支援してまいります。", "pred": "ZYダイアグラム support to create a \"強力な brand\" proposing a name which forms a backbone of brand-name strategy based on various experiences and knowledge that has been accumulated over more than 30 years."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Or in other words, modules compiled as DSO files are restricted to only use symbols from the Apache httpd core, from the C library ( libc ) and all other dynamic or static libraries used by the Apache httpd core, or from static library archives ( libfoo.a ) containing position independent code.", "out": "言い換えると、DSO ファイルとしてコンパイルされたモジュールの 使えるシンボルは、 Apache のコアのシンボル、C ライブラリ ( libc ) と Apache コアが使っている他のすべての静的なライブラリと動的ライブラリの シンボル、PIC による静的なライブラリ ( libfoo.a ) の シンボルのみに制限されます。", "pred": "Or in other words, modules compiled as DSO files are restricted to only use symbols from the Apache core, from the C ライブラリ ( libc ) and all other dynamic or static libraries used by the Apache core, or from static library archives ( libfoo.a ) containing position independent code."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This implies that only the most basic functionality is included in the core server.", "out": "コアサーバには最も基本的な機能だけが含まれています。", "pred": "This implies that only the most basic functionality is included in the core server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: Configuration Files apache2.conf The main Apache configuration file .", "out": "参照: 設定ファイル apache2.conf メインの Apache 設定 ファイル 。", "pred": "See: Configuration Files apache2.conf The main Apache configuration file ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the directives below were given, and the user's Accept-Language only permitted an es language response, but such a variant isn't found, then the first variant from the LanguagePriority list below will be served.", "out": "以下のディレクティブが指定されていて、ユーザの Accept-Language が es 言語のみを許可していて、さらにそのような variant がないときには、 以下の LanguagePriority のリストの最初の variant が送られます。", "pred": "以下のディレクティブが指定されていて、ユーザの Accept-Language のみ許可された es 言語のみだが、そのような a variant isn't found, then the first variant from the LanguagePriority list will be served."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: There are also several other forms of the Userdir directive which you can use on systems where /etc/passwd does not contain the location of the home directory.", "out": "Userdir には 、 / etc/passwd にホームディレクトリの位置が書かれていない システムでも使うことのできる他の形式もあります。", "pred": "There are also several other forms of the Userdir ディレクティブ which you can use on システム where /etc/passwd does not contain the location of the home directory."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If set to url , then URL encoding (also known as %-encoding; this is appropriate for use within URLs in links, etc.) will be performed.", "out": "url に設定されていると、URL エンコード ( % -エンコードとも 呼ばれています。 これはリンク等の URL の使用に適切です) が 行なわれます。", "pred": "If set to url , then URL encoding (also known as %-encoding; this is appropriate for use within URLs in links, etc.) will be performed."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Running different sites on different ports. You have multiple domains going to the same IP and also want to serve multiple ports.", "out": "違うポートで違うサイトを運営する 同じ IP に複数のドメインがあり、さらに複数のポートを使って リクエストを扱いたいときがあります 。 \"", "pred": "違う sites on different ports. You have multiple domains going to the same IP and also want to serve multiple ports."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: One way to send the digest securely is to include it in a digital signature.", "out": "ダイジェスト安全に送る方法の一つは、電子署名に含める方法です。", "pred": "One way to send the digest securely is to include it in a digital signature."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In this case the default behavior ( All ) is to require that the client passes the address access restriction and enters a valid username and password.", "out": "デフォルトの動作 ( All ) はクライアントがアドレスによる アクセス制限を満たし、 かつ 正しいユーザ名とパスワードを入力することを 要求します。", "pred": "Another common example is: In this case the default behavior ( All ) is to require that the client passes the address access restriction and enters a valid username and password."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Environment variables may be passed from the shell which invoked the httpd process.", "out": "環境変数は httpd プロセスを起動したシェルから渡されます。", "pred": "環境変数 may be passed from the shell which invoked the httpd process."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The DocumentRoot should be specified without a trailing slash.", "out": "DocumentRoot は最後のスラッシュ無しで 指定する必要があります。", "pred": "The DocumentRoot should be specified without a trailingスラッシュ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: A new {encoding ..} element is used in variant lists to label variants which are available with a specific content-encoding only.", "out": "特定のコンテントエンコーディングのみが利用可能である variant に印を付けるために、新たに {encoding . . } 要素を variant リスト中に使っています。", "pred": "A new {encoding ..} element is used in variant List to label variants which are available with a specific content-encoding only."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The keyword enabled followed by a space-delimited list of usernames.", "out": "enabled キーワードとスペース区切りのユーザ名リスト。", "pred": "The keyword enabled and by a space-delimited list ofユーザ名s."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This directive is used to control how Apache httpd finds the interpreter used to run CGI scripts.", "out": "オプション Registry-Strict は Apache 2.0 以降で使用可能 このディレクティブは、Apache で CGI スクリプトを 実行する場合に利用するインタープリタを、 どのように探し出すかについて制御するために使用します。", "pred": "このディレクティブは、Apache finds the interpreter used to run CGI スクリプトs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Compatibility If the module was not part of the original Apache version 2 distribution, the version in which it was introduced should be listed here.", "out": "互換性 あるモジュールが Apache バージョン 2 の配布に含まれていなかった場合、 そのモジュールが導入されたバージョンがここに書かれています。", "pred": "互換性 If the module was not part of the original Apache version 2 distribution, the version in which it was introduced should be listed here."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It then chooses the best match to the client's requirements.", "out": "それからクライアントの要求に一番合うものを選びます。", "pred": "It will be chooses the best match to the client's requirements."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You can then use your browser to connect to the server and view the test page in the DocumentRoot directory.", "out": "その後はブラウザでサーバに接続して、 DocumentRoot ディレクトリのテストページを見ることができるでしょう。", "pred": "You can then use your browser to connect to the server and view the test page in the DocumentRoot directory."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: But we'll be pessimistic and suppose that a single child is able to serve 500 requests per second.", "out": "しかしながら、悲観的に考えて、一つの子プロセスが一秒に 500 リクエストを扱えるとします。", "pred": "But we'll be pessimistic andaccessibility that a single child is able to serve 500 requests per second."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Also, if you are familiar with .DEF files, you can export the module record with that method instead.", "out": ".DEF ファイルの方を良く知っているという場合は、 代わりにそれを使ってモジュールレコードを エクスポートすることもできます。", "pred": "Also, if you are familiar with .DEF files, you can export the module record with the method instead."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The above example /test/here.html/more will be accepted if /test/here.html maps to a valid file.", "out": "上の例の /test/here.html/more は /test/here.html が有効なファイルにマップすれば 受け付けられます。", "pred": "The above example /test/here.html/more will be accepted if /test/here.html maps to a valid file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It is recommended that you use an IP address instead of a hostname in the directive (see DNS caveats ).", "out": "ここで、ホスト名の代わりに IP アドレスを使う方が推奨されていることに 注意しておいてください ( DNS の注意事項 参照 ) 。", "pred": "推奨されていることは IP アドレスの代わりに aホスト名 in the ディレクティブ (see DNS caveats ) ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If a request or reply contains a Via: header, it is passed through unchanged.", "out": "リクエストやリプライに Via: ヘッダがあれば、 変更されずにそのまま渡します。", "pred": "If a request or reply contains a Via: header, it is not passed through."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Using _default_ vhosts _default_ vhosts for all ports Catching every request to any unspecified IP address and port, i.e. , an address/port combination that is not used for any other virtual host.", "out": "_default_ のバーチャルホストを 使う すべてのポートに対する _default_ バーチャルホスト 未指定の IP アドレスとポート、 つまり 他のバーチャルホストに 使われていないアドレスとポートの組み合わせ、への すべての リクエストを 受け取ります。", "pred": "Using _default_ vhosts _default_ vhosts for all ports 受け取ります every request to any unspecified IP address and port, i.e. , an address/port 組み合わせ that is not used for any other virtual host."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: ( Anonymous_VerifyEmail ) The userID must be one of anonymous guest www test welcome and comparison is not case sensitive.", "out": "( Anonymous_VerifyEmail ) userID は anonymous guest www test welcome のどれかでなければなりません。 ユーザ名の比較は大文字小文字を区別 しません。", "pred": "( Anonymous_VerifyEmail ) The userID must be one of anonymous guest www test welcome and comparison not case sensitive."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You must first have your DNS server properly configured to map those names to an IP address associated with your server.", "out": "まずは、 これらの名前が サーバに付けられた IP アドレスにマップされるように DNS サーバを適切に設定しなければなりません。", "pred": "You must first have your DNS server properly configured to map those names to an IP address associated with your server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Consult the mod_authn_dbm documentation for more details.", "out": "詳細に関しては mod_authn_dbm のドキュメントをご覧ください。", "pred": "Consult the mod_authn_dbm documentation for more details."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See the SSL specification for the full range of possibilities.", "out": "全ての可能性についは、SSL 仕様書を参照してください。", "pred": "See the SSL specification for the full range of possibilities."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Ranging from the Taj Mahal of India to the Pyramids of Egypt, everything is a wonder.", "out": "職場がかなり田舎なので、車で10分ほど走らせた所にその吊り橋はある。", "pred": "Ranging from the Taj Mahal of India to the Pyramids of Egypt, everything is a wonder."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The SSL Alert Protocol for conveying SSL error messages between client and server.", "out": "SSL 警告プロトコル は クライアントサーバ間で SSL エラーを伝達するのに使われます。", "pred": "The SSL Alert Protocol for conveying SSL error messages between client and server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: ANSI-C Compiler and Build System Make sure you have an ANSI-C compiler installed.", "out": "ANSI-C コンパイラとビルドシステム ANSI-C コンパイラをインストールしておいて下さい。", "pred": "ANSI-C Compiler and Build System Make sure you have an ANSI-C compiler installed."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To avoid these error messages, it is possible to configure httpd to ignore the Accept-language in these cases and provide a document that does not explicitly match the client's request.", "out": "これらのエラーメッセージを返さないように、 このような場合には Apache が Accept-Language を無視して、 クライアントのリクエストに明示的には合致しないドキュメントを 提供するように設定できます。", "pred": "To avoid これらのエラーメッセージ anywhere, it is possible to configure httpd toを無視する the Accept-language in これらの cases and provide a document that does not明示的に any match the client's request."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In the following example, when clients request documents under the /foo/ directory, the server fetches those documents from the /bar/ directory on internal.example.com and returns them to the client as if they were from the local server.", "out": "次の例では、クライアントが /foo/ ディレクトリの下にある ドキュメントをリクエストすると、サーバが internal.example.com の /bar/ ディレクトリから取得して、さもローカルサーバからの ドキュメントのようにしてクライアントに返します。", "pred": "example, if clients request documents under the /foo/ directory, the server fetches those documents from the /bar/ directory on internal.example.com and returns them to the client as if they were from the local server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If set to Full , each generated Via: header line will additionally have the Apache httpd server version shown as a Via: comment field.", "out": "Full に設定されていれば、 Via: ヘッダは コメント部分に Apache サーバのバージョンも含むようになります。", "pred": "If set to Full , the generated Via: header line will additionally have the Apache httpd server version shown as a Via: comment field."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: By default all Require directives are handled as though contained within a", "out": "デフォルトでは Require ディレクティブは OR 操作として扱われます。", "pred": "By default all Require ディレクティブ are handled as though contained within a"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: SSL provides for secure communication between client and server by allowing mutual authentication, the use of digital signatures for integrity and encryption for privacy.", "out": "SSL は、相互認証によってサーバとクライアント間の安全な通信を、 電子署名によってデータの完全性を、 そして暗号化によってプライバシを提供します。", "pred": "SSL provides for secure communication between client and server by allowing mutual authentication, the use of digital signatures for integrity and暗号化ion for privacy."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The CustomLog directive now subsumes the functionality of all the older directives.", "out": "今では、 CustomLog がすべての古い ディレクティブの機能を含むようになっています。", "pred": "The CustomLog ディレクティブ now subsumes the function of all the older directives."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: errmsg The value is a message that is sent back to the client if an error occurs while parsing the document.", "out": "errmsg この値が、ドキュメントの解析中にエラーが発生した時に クライアントに送信されるメッセージになります。", "pred": "errmsg The value is a message that sent back to the client if an error occurs while parsing the document."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If you plan to use .htaccess files, you will need to have a server configuration that permits putting authentication directives in these files.", "out": ".htaccess ファイルを用いるのであれば、 これらのファイルに認証用のディレクティブを置けるように サーバの設定をしないといけないでしょう。", "pred": "もし plan to use .htaccess files, you will need to have a server configuration that permits putting authentication ディレクティブ in これらの files."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The option Registry-Strict which is new in Apache HTTP Server 2.0 does the same thing as Registry but uses only the subkey Shell\\ExecCGI\\Command .", "out": "Apache 2.0 から導入されたオプション Registry-Strict は Registry と同じことを行ないますが、サブキー Shell\\ExecCGI\\Command のみを使います。", "pred": "The option Registry-Strict This new in Apache HTTP Server 2.0 does the same thing as Registry but use only the subkey Shell\\ExecCGI\\Command ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: At present there is no way to avoid this lookup.", "out": "現在のところ、この DNS 検索を回避する方法はありません。", "pred": "At present there is no way to avoid this lookup."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Implementation Usage Summary Background Advantages and Disadvantages See also Comments Implementation Related Modules Related Directives mod_so LoadModule The DSO support for loading individual Apache httpd modules is based on a module named mod_so which must be statically compiled into the Apache httpd core.", "out": "実装 使用法の概要 背景 利点と欠点 参照 コメント 実装 関連モジュール 関連ディレクティブ mod_so LoadModule 個々の Apache モジュールをロードするための DSO サポートは mod_so.c というモジュールの機能に基づいています。 このモジュール は Apache のコアに静的に組み込まれている必要があります。", "pred": "Implementation Usage Summary Background Advantages and Disadvantages See also Comments Implementation Related Modules Related Directives mod_so LoadModule The DSO support for loading individual Apache httpd modules based on a module named mod_so which must be statically compiled into the Apache httpd core."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The use of #include virtual is almost always prefered to using either #exec cgi or #exec cmd .", "out": "ほとんどの場合 、 # include virtual を使う方が #exec cgi や #exec cmd を使うよりも良いです。", "pred": "The use of #include virtual is almost always prefered to use either #exec cgi or #exec cmd ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Modifiers Particular items can be restricted to print only for responses with specific HTTP status codes by placing a comma-separated list of status codes immediately following the \"%\".", "out": "これを使用するためには mod_logio が必要 修飾子 特定の要素は \" % \" の直後に HTTP ステータスコードをカンマ区切りで 指定することで、表示を制限することができます。", "pred": "Micro Particular items can be restricted to print only for responses with specific HTTP status codes by placing a comma-Packardd list of status codes immediately following the \"%\"."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: directives (such as localhost , for example) will go to the main server, if there is one.", "out": "ディレクティブのどれでも 指定されていないアドレス (例えば localhost ) は、 主サーバがあればそこに行きます。", "pred": "directives (such as localhost , for example) will go to the main server, if there one."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You might notice some strange formatting with this directive on Windows, because the output from dir contains the string ``< dir >'' in it, which confuses browsers.", "out": "Windows 上では、このディレクティブによっていくつかの奇妙な 書式に気づくでしょう。 なぜなら dir の出力が文字列 ``< dir > ' ' を含み、ブラウザを混乱させるからです。", "pred": "You notice some strange formatting with this directive on Windows, because the output from dir contains the string ``< dir popular' in it, which confuses browsers."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If you change the metadata (language, content type, character set or encoding) you may need to 'touch' affected files (updating their last modified date) to ensure that all visitors are receive the corrected content headers.", "out": "メタ情報 (言語、コンテントタイプ、文字セット、エンコーディング) を 変更したときは、すべての訪問者が正しいコンテントヘッダを 受け取るように、影響を受けるファイルに 'touch' コマンドを実行する (最終更新日を更新する) 必要があるかもしれません。", "pred": "If you change the metadata (language, content type, character set or encoding) you may need to 'touch' affected files (updating their last modified date) to ensure that all visitors are receive the corrected content headers."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Program errors Most of the time when a CGI program fails, it's because of a problem with the program itself.", "out": "プログラムエラー CGI プログラムが失敗するのは大抵、プログラム自身に問題がある場合です。", "pred": "Program Errors Most of the time when a CGI program fails, it's because of a problem with the program itself."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Although risky in the Internet environment, it may be useful within an Intranet where the organization can easily verify the identities of individuals and servers.", "out": "インターネット環境では危険ですが、 個人やサーバの身元証明が簡単に行える組織の イントラネット内では役に立つかもしれません。", "pred": "Although risky in the Internet環境, it may be useful within an Intranet where the organization can easily verify the identities of individuals and servers."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The CustomLog directive sets up a new log file using the defined nickname .", "out": "CustomLog ディレクティブは 既に定義された ニックネーム を使って新しいログファイルを設定します。", "pred": "The CustomLog ディレクティブ is sets up a new log file using the defined nickname ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: At the user level, this module is identical in configuration and operation to mod_cgi .", "out": "ユーザのレベルではこのモジュールの設定と動作は mod_cgi とまったく同じです。", "pred": "At the user level, this module is identical in configuration and operation to mod_cgi ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The first contains the basic CLF information, while the second and third contain referer and browser information.", "out": "最初のものは基本的な CLF の情報で、 二つ目と三つ目は referer とブラウザの情報です。", "pred": "The first contains the basic CLF information, while the second and third contain referer and browser information."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The directives provided by this module can use characteristics of the request such as browser type or source IP address in deciding from where to serve content.", "out": "このモジュールにより提供されるディレクティブは ブラウザの種類、リクエスト元の IP アドレスなどのリクエストの特徴を 使って送り返すコンテンツの場所を決めます。", "pred": "The directives provided by this module can use characteristics of the request such as browser type or source IP address in deciding from where to serve content."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Does the target CGI or SSI program have an unsafe hierarchical reference?", "out": "対象の CGI, SSI プログラムが安全でない階層の参照をしているか?", "pred": "Does the target CGI or SSI program have an unsafe hierarchical reference?"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If you're writing CGI programs in C, there are a variety of options.", "out": "C で CGI プログラムを書いているなら、いろいろな オプションがあります。", "pred": "If you're writing CGI programs in C, there are a variety of options."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: When that is done, the server puts that string into the environment variable called QUERY_STRING .", "out": "その場合、サーバは QUERY_STRING という環境変数にその文字列を入れます。", "pred": "When that is done, the server puts that string into the environment variable called QUERY_STRING ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The RLimit * directives are used to limit the amount of resources which can be used by processes forked off from the httpd children.", "out": "RLimit * ディレクティブは、Apache の子プロセスから fork されたプロセスが使用するリソースを制限するために使われます。", "pred": "The RLimit * directives are used to limit the amount of resources which can be used by process forked off from the httpd children."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The functionality is especially useful when combined with the SetHandler directive.", "out": " 機能は、 SetHandler ディレクティブと 組合わせて利用すると特に便利です。", "pred": "The functionality is especially useful when combined with the SetHandler ディレクティブ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: These protocols, as well as application protocol data, are encapsulated in the SSL Record Protocol , as shown in Figure 2 .", "out": "三つのプロトコルは、アプリケーションプロトコルデータとともに、 図2 に示すとおり SSL レコードプロトコル でカプセル化されます。", "pred": "These protocols, as well as application protocol data, are nonymousd in the SSL Record Protocol , as shown in Figure 2 ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The formatstring is as in strftime(3) from the C standard library.", "out": "formatstring は C 標準ライブラリの strftime(3) と同じ形式です。", "pred": "The formatstring is as in strftime(3) from the C standard library."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: These techniques are the subject of entire books (see for instance [ AC96 ]) and provide the basis for privacy, integrity, and authentication.", "out": "これらの技術は本が丸ごと必要な題目で (例えば [ AC96 ] を参照 ) 、 プライバシー、信用、認証などの技術の基礎となっています。", "pred": "These techniques are the subject of entire books (see for example [ AC96 ] and provide the basis for privacy, integrity, and authentication."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Now if a request contains a Content-Encoding: gzip header, the body will be automatically decompressed.", "out": "この設定であれば、 Content-Encoding: gzip ヘッダを含むリクエストが来ると、本体は自動的に伸張されます。", "pred": "Now if a request contains a Content-Encoding: gzip ヘッダ, the body will automatically be installed."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The program name can be specified relative to the ServerRoot directive.", "out": "プログラム名は ServerRoot からの相対パスとしても 指定できます。", "pred": "The name of the program can be specified relative to the ServerRoot ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: First, all output from your CGI program must be preceded by a MIME-type header.", "out": "一つは、CGI プログラムのすべての出力には MIME タイプ ヘッダを付けなければなりません。", "pred": "First, all output from your CGI program must be preceded by a MIME-type ヘッダ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This functionality is not supported by mod_userdir.", "out": "mod_userdir はこの機能をサポートしていません。", "pred": "This feature is not supported by mod_userdir."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It then resolves any (yet unresolved) symbols in the executable program which are available in the DSO.", "out": "それから、 実行プログラム中の (まだ未解決の) シンボルを DSO にあるシンボルで 解決します。", "pred": "それで、それは解決s any (yet unresolved) symbols in the executable program which are available in the DSO."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: As with Unix, it can be compiled into the server.", "out": "まず、Unix と同様にサーバにコンパイルして組み込むことができます。", "pred": "As with Unix, it can be compiled into the server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In the event that the server administrator is not willing to make frequent configuration changes, it might be desirable to permit individual users to make these changes in .htaccess files for themselves.", "out": "サーバ管理者が頻繁に設定変更を行ないたくは ない、というときには個々のユーザが .htaccess ファイルを使って 自分で設定の変更を行なうことを許可した方が良いときもあるでしょう。", "pred": "In the event that the server administrator is not willing to make f頻繁な configuration changes, it might be desirable to permit individual users to make these changes in .htaccess files for themselves."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The response header names are encoded the same way the request header names are.", "out": "レスポンスヘッダ名は、 リクエストヘッダ名と同様の方法でエンコードされます。", "pred": "The response header name is encoded the same way the request header name is."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: An HTTP server like Apache HTTP Server provides access to representations of the resource(s) within its namespace, with each representation in the form of a sequence of bytes with a defined media type, character set, encoding, etc.", "out": "Apache のような HTTP サーバは、その名前空間の中での リソースの 表現 へのアクセスを提供します。 それぞれの表現は 定義されたメディアタイプ、文字セット、エンコーディング等の 付属した、バイト列の形式です。", "pred": "An HTTP サーバ like Apache HTTP Server provides access to representations of the resource(s) within its namespace, with各 representation in the form of a necessarily reflected media type, character set, encoding, etc."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In most cases, you'll want to let more than one person in.", "out": "多くの場合は、複数の人が 入れるようにしたいでしょう。", "pred": "And maybe you'll want to let more than one person in."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: When Allow from env= env-variable is specified, then the request is allowed access if the environment variable env-variable exists.", "out": "Allow from env= env-variable が指定されていると、環境変数 env-variable が存在した場合にリクエストはアクセスを許可されます。", "pred": "When Allow from env= env-variable が指定されていると、環境変数 env-variable が存在する場合に the request will be allowed."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The machines' times are synchronized via NTP or other network time protocol.", "out": ") NTP や他のネットワーク上で時間を合わせるプロトコルによって 各マシンの時間の同期が取られていること。", "pred": "The machines' times are 同期d via NTP or other network time protocol."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: All executables under this directory will be executable by suEXEC as the user so they should be \"safe\" programs.", "out": "このディレクトリ以下の全実行ファイルは 、 \" 安全な\"プログラムになるよう、 suEXEC がそのユーザとして実行できるようにします 。 \"", "pred": "All executables under this directory will be executable by suEXEC as the user so they should be \"safe\" programs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Lines that begin with the hash character \"#\" are considered comments, and are ignored.", "out": "ハッシュ文字 \" # \" で始まる行はコメントと見なされて無視されます。", "pred": "Lines that begin with the hash character \"#\" are considered comments, and are ignored."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It may not be processed, though depending upon the overrides currently active.", "out": "ただ、 上書き の設定によっては、処理されないかもしれません。", "pred": "It is processed not because of, but depending on the overrides currently active."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note that the default listed here is not necessarily the same as the value the directive takes in the default apache2.conf distributed with the server.", "out": "ここで書かれているデフォルトはサーバと共に配布されている デフォルトの apache2.conf 内に書かれているディレクティブの値と 違う可能性があることに注意してください。", "pred": "Note that the default listed here is not necessarily the same as the value the ディレクティブ take in the default apache2.conf distribution with the server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Any arbitrary method name may be used.", "out": "任意のメソッド名を使用することができます。", "pred": "Any arbitrary method name may be used."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Implementing a content encoding filter Note: this gzip example is just for the purposes of illustration.", "out": "コンテントエンコーディングのフィルタを実装する 注: この gzip の例はデモ用です。", "pred": "Implementing a content encoding filter Note: this gzip example is just for the purpose of illustration."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Some applications, such as the Netscape web server, rely upon the string being NULL-appended, so if you are having trouble using DBM files interchangeably between applications this may be a part of the problem.", "out": "Netscape ウェブサーバなど、 アプリケーションの中には文字列が NULL で終わっていることに依存している ものがあります。 ですから、異なるアプリケーション間での DBM ファイルの 使用に問題がある場合は、これが原因になっている可能性があります。", "pred": "Some applications, such as the Netscape web server, rely upon the string being NULL-remed, so if you are having trouble using DBM files interchangeably between applications this may be a part of the problem."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Core Enhancements Module Enhancements See also Upgrading to 2.0 from 1.3 Comments Core Enhancements Unix Threading On Unix systems with POSIX threads support, Apache httpd can now run in a hybrid multiprocess, multithreaded mode.", "out": "コア機能の拡張 モジュールの拡張 参照 1.3 から 2.0 へのアップグレード コメント コア機能の拡張 Unix のスレッド POSIX スレッドをサポートしている Unix システム上では、 Apache はマルチプロセス、マルチスレッドのハイブリッドモードで 実行できるようになりました。", "pred": "Core Enhancements Module Enhancements See also Upgrading to 2.0 from 1.3 Comments Core Enhancements Unix dollar On Unix systems with POSIX threads support, Apache httpd can now run in a hybrid directive, multithreaded mode."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Common Log Format A typical configuration for the access log might look as follows.", "out": "Common Log Format アクセスログのよくある設定に以下のものがあります。", "pred": "Common Log Format A typical configuration for the access log might look as follows."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Using regex sections, we can deny access to many types of image files at once:", "out": " regex セクションを使用することで、画像ファイルの多くのタイプに対する アクセスを一度に拒否できます。", "pred": " regex sections, we can deny access to many types of image files at once:"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Log files are more useful when they contain a complete record of server activity.", "out": "ログファイルは サーバの活動の完全な記録である方がより役に立ちます。", "pred": "Log files are more useful when they contain a complete record of server activity."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Possible values for this attribute are: MPM A module with status \"MPM\" is a Multi-Processing Module .", "out": "この属性が取り得る値は以下のものです: MPM ステータスが \"MPM\" のモジュールは マルチプロセッシングモジュール です。", "pred": "Possible values for this attribute are: MPM A module with status \"MPM\" is a Multi-Processing Module ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the mod_cache_disk module has been loaded or compiled in to the Apache server, this directive must be defined.", "out": "mod_cache_disk モジュールが Apache サーバにロードされて いるか、組み込まれていれば、このディレクティブは 必ず 定義しなければなりません。", "pred": "If the mod_cache_disk module has been loaded or compiled in to the Apache server, this directive must be disabled."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: However, it accepts a regular expression . For example:", "out": "ただし、 このディレクティブには 正規表現 を指定します。 例えば:", "pred": "However, it accepts a regular expression . For example:"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The default setting is Script .", "out": "デフォルトの設定は Script です。", "pred": "The default setting is Script ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If you don't like the format in which the date gets printed, you can use the config function, with a timefmt attribute, to modify that formatting.", "out": "出力される日付の書式が好きではない場合、その書式を修正するために、 config 要素に timefmt 属性を使用することができます。", "pred": "If you don't like the format in which the date gets printed, you can use the config function, with a timefmt attribute, to modify the format."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: On Unix, the loaded code typically comes from shared object files (usually with .so extension), on Windows this may either be the .so or .dll extension.", "out": "Unix 上では、読み込まれるコードは通常は共有オブジェクトファイル (普通 .so という拡張子が付いています) からです。 Windows 上ではこのモジュールの拡張子は .so か .dll です。", "pred": "On Unix, the loaded code typically comes from shared object files (usually with .so extension), on Windows this may be the .so or .dll extension."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It's good to be used as the manual for actual naming development.", "out": "ネーミングのヒントとなる要素もふんだんに盛り込まれており、実際のネーミング開発の手引書としても最適。", "pred": "It's good to be used as the manual for actual naming development."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In the first way the DSO's are usually called shared libraries or DSO libraries and named libfoo.so or libfoo.so.1.2 .", "out": "最初の方法では DSO は普通は 共有ライブラリ や DSO ライブラリ と呼ばれていて、DSO の名前は libfoo.so や libfoo.so.1.2 のようになっています。", "pred": "In the first way the DSO's are usually called shared libraries or DSO libraries and named libfoo.so or libfoo.so.1.2 ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is the place where Apache httpd will send diagnostic information and record any errors that it encounters in processing requests.", "out": "Apache の診断情報はここに送られ、リクエストを処理しているときに 発生したエラーはすべてここに記録されます。", "pred": "This is the place where Apache will send 診断 information and record any error that it encounters in processing requests."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Integer A number in the range of 0 to 2^16 (32768) .", "out": "Integer 0 から 2^16 (32768) の範囲の数字。", "pred": "Integer A number in the range of 0 to 2^16 (32768) ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This makes it possible to receive secure messages by simply publishing one key (the public key) and keeping the other secret (the private key).", "out": "この方式によって、一つの鍵を公表して(公開鍵 ) 、 もう片方を秘密にしておく(秘密鍵)だけで、 安全なメッセージを受け取ることができます。", "pred": "This makes it possible to receive secure messages by simply publishing one key (the public key) and keeping the other secret (the private key)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note You would not want to use the full option, unless you assure the group-execute bit is unset for every SSI script which might #include a CGI or otherwise produces different output on each hit (or could potentially change on subsequent requests).", "out": "注意 他の CGI を #include するかもしれないものや、各アクセスに対して違う出力を生成する (もしくは後のリクエストで変わるかもしれないもの) すべての SSI スクリプトに対してグループ実行ビットが 設定されていないことを確認できない場合は、full は使わない方が良い でしょう。", "pred": "Note You would not want to use the full option, unless you assure the group-execute bit is unset for every SSI script which might #include a CGI or otherwise produces different output on each hit (or could潜在的なly change on後続の requests)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (Even if you have only one machine you should synchronize its clock with NTP.)", "out": "(マシンが一つだけだとしても、NTP で時計を合わせる方が良いです。", "pred": "( たとえ if you have only one machine you should synchronize its clock with NTP .)"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For HTTP/1.1 clients, persistent connections are the default unless otherwise specified.", "out": "HTTP/1.1 に対応したクライアントの際には、 特に指定されない限りはデフォルトとして持続的な接続が行なわれます。", "pred": "For HTTP/1.1 clients, persistent connection are the default unless otherwise specified."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If you specify only one number , it will be assigned to both limits.", "out": "number を 一つだけ指定したときは、両方の限界値にその値が設定されます。", "pred": "If you specify only one number , it will be assigned to both limits."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Developer's Note In order to retrieve the pointer to the locking provider function, you have to use the ap_lookup_provider API with the arguments dav-lock , generic , and 0 .", "out": "開発者向けのメモ ロックを提供している関数へのポインタを取得するためには、 ap_lookup_provider API を、引数 dav-lock , generic , 0 を指定して使う必要が あります。", "pred": "Developer's Note In order to retrieve the pointer to the locking provider function, you have to use the ap_lookup_provider API with the arguments dav-lock , generic , and 0 ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: SSL/TLS Encryption Common Gateway Interface (CGI) A standard definition for an interface between a web server and an external program that allows the external program to service requests.", "out": "参照: SSL/TLS 暗号化 Common Gateway Interface (CGI) 外部プログラムがリクエストを扱うことができるようにするための ウェブサーバと外部プログラム間のインタフェースの標準仕様。", "pred": "See: SSL/TLS Encryption Common Gateway Interface (CGI) A standard definition for an interface between a web server and an external program that allows the external program to service requests."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the request contained an unknown or no Host: header it is always served from the primary name-based vhost (the vhost for that address/port appearing first in the configuration file).", "out": "リクエストが不明な Host: ヘッダやその ヘッダがなかったりする場合は基本名前ベースバーチャルホスト (その アドレスとポートで設定ファイル中で最初のバーチャルホスト) により 扱われます。", "pred": "If the request contained an unknown or no Host: header it is always served from the primary name-based vhost (the vhost for that address/port appearing first in the configuration file)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You can actually have SSI execute a command using the shell ( /bin/sh , to be precise - or the DOS shell, if you're on Win32).", "out": "SSI にシェル (正確には /bin/sh 。 Win32 ならば DOS シェル) を使用してコマンドを実行させることができます。", "pred": "You can actually have SSI execute a command using the shell ( /bin/sh , to be precise - or the DOS shell, if you're on Win32)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The minimum group ID number is specified during configuration.", "out": "最小グループ ID 番号は設定時に指定されます。", "pred": "The minimum group ID number is specified during configuration."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (Service industry: Human affairs)", "out": "(サービス業:人事部)", "pred": "(Service industry: Human affairs)"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note The directives provided by mod_access_compat have been deprecated by mod_authz_host .", "out": "Note mod_access_compat が提供するディレクティブは、 承認の仕組みの一新に伴い、非推奨になったものです。", "pred": "Note The directives provided by mod_access_compat have been deprecated by mod_authz_host ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Used properly, this feature can reduce considerably the security risks involved with allowing users to develop and run private CGI or SSI programs.", "out": "適切に使用すると、この機能によりユーザが個別の CGI や SSI プログラムを開発し実行することで生じるセキュリティ上の危険を、 かなり減らすことができます。", "pred": "Used properly, this feature can reduce considerably the security risks involved with allowing users to develop and run private CGI or SSI programs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (See section on how directives are applied .)", "out": "( ディレクティブが適用される方法 を 参照してください。", "pred": "(See section on how ディレクティブ are applied .)"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: They are often used when a resource has moved to a new location.", "out": "これは、 リソースが新しい場所に移動したときによく使用されます。", "pred": "リソース has moved to a new location when they are often used."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Therefore, the files and directories underneath the DocumentRoot make up the basic document tree which will be visible from the web.", "out": "ですから、 DocumentRoot の下のディレクトリやファイルがウェブから見える基本のドキュメントの木構造を なします。", "pred": "Thus, the file and directory underneath the DocumentRoot make up the basic document tree which will be visible from the web."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The timestamp has only one second granularity, so the counter is used to represent up to 65536 values during a single second.", "out": "タイムスタンプの粒度は一秒ですので、一秒間の 65536 までの値を表現するためにカウンタを使用します。", "pred": "Theタイムスタンプ has only one granularity, so the counter used to represent up to 65536 values during a single second."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The source code of your CGI program or a \"POST Method Not Allowed\" message That means that you have not properly configured Apache to process your CGI program.", "out": "CGI プログラムのソースコード、または \"POST Method Not Allowed\" というメッセージ これは、CGI プログラムを処理できるよう Apache を適切に設定していなかったことを意味します。", "pred": "The source code of your CGI program or a \"POST Method Not Allowed\" message That means that you have not properly configured Apache to process your CGI program."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note Once an SSL session has been established, it may be reused. This avoids the performance penalty of repeating the many steps needed to start a session.", "out": "注意 一度 SSL セッションが確立すると、セッションを再利用することで、 セッションを開始するための多くの過程を繰り返すという パフォーマンスの損失を防ぎます。", "pred": "Note Once an SSL session has been established, it may be reused. This avoids the performance penalty of reling the many steps needed to start a session."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Essentially no communication is required between machines in the cluster (only NTP synchronization is required, which is low overhead), and no communication between httpd processes is required (the communication is implicit in the pid value assigned by the kernel).", "out": "また、クラスタのマシン間の通信も事実上必要なく (NTP による同期のみが必要で、これはオーバヘッドはあまりありません ) 、 httpd プロセス間の通信も必要ありません (通信はカーネルにより割り当てられた pid の値により暗黙の内に行なわています ) 。", "pred": "Essentially no communication is required between machines in the cluster (only NTP 同期 is required, which is low overhead), and httpd プロセスが no communication is required (the communication is implicit in the pid value assigned by theカーネル)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The default value is defined by the compile-time constant DEFAULT_LIMIT_REQUEST_FIELDS (100 as distributed).", "out": "デフォルト値は、定数 DEFAULT_LIMIT_REQUEST_FIELDS によりコンパイル時に定義されます (配布時には 100 と指定されています ) 。", "pred": "The default value is defined by the compile-time constant DEFAULT_LIMIT_REQUEST_FIELDS (100 as分散)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You will also need to tell the server what files are CGI files.", "out": "また、どのファイルが CGI ファイルかを サーバに伝える必要があります。", "pred": "You will also need to tell the server what files are CGI files."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The server has two IP addresses.", "out": "サーバには二つ IP アドレスがついています。", "pred": "The server has two IP addresses."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Alternatively, environment variables may be set or unset within the configuration process.", "out": "また、 設定ファイルで環境変数を設定したり、削除したりすることができます。", "pred": "Alternatively, the environment variable may be set or unset within the configuration process."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is particularly true once you get the hang of this CGI stuff, and no longer make the above two mistakes.", "out": "一度 CGI の使い方を理解し、前述の二つの誤りを犯していないならば、 まず間違いなくそうでしょう。", "pred": "This is particularly true once you get the hang of this CGI stuff, and no longer make the above two mistakes."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If there is no default value, this section should say \" None \".", "out": "デフォルト値の無い場合、ここは \" None \" と 書かれます。", "pred": "If the default value is no, this section will be given \" None \"."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In addition, reverse proxies can be used simply to bring several servers into the same URL space.", "out": "また、リバースプロキシは複数のサーバを 同じ URL 空間にまとめるために使うこともできます。", "pred": "In addition, reverse proxies can be used by simply to bring several servers into the same URL space."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Data Transfer The SSL Record Protocol, shown in Figure 3 , is used to transfer application and SSL Control data between the client and server, where necessary fragmenting this data into smaller units, or combining multiple higher level protocol data messages into single units.", "out": "データ通信 図3 に示される SSL レコードプロトコル はクライアントとサーバ間のアプリケーションや SSL コントロールデータの通信に使われます。 必要に応じてこのデータはより小さいユニットに分けられたり、 いくつかの高級プロトコルをまとめて一ユニットとして通信が 行なわれることもあります。", "pred": "Data Transfer The SSL Record Protocol, shown in Figure 3 , used to transfer application and SSL Control data between the client and server, where necessary fragmenting This data into smaller units, or combining multiple higher level protocol data messages into single units."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: SubNet A SubNet is a partially qualified internet address in numeric (dotted quad) form, optionally followed by a slash and the netmask, specified as the number of significant bits in the SubNet .", "out": "SubNet SubNet は数値形式 (ドットで区切られた四つの数字) の 部分インターネットアドレスです。 後にスラッシュと Subnet の意味のあるビット数を指定するネットマスクとを続けることができます。", "pred": "SubNet A SubNet is a partially qualified internet address in numeric (dotted quad) form, optionally followed by aスラッシュ and the netmask, specified as the number of significant bits in the SubNet ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: As shown in Table 1 , information about the subject includes identifying information (the distinguished name) and the public key.", "out": "表1 に示されるように証明対象の情報は 身元証明の情報(識別名)と公開鍵が含まれます。", "pred": "As shown in Table 1 , information about the subject includes identifying information (the distinguished name) and the public key."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: We do not want to execute programs that will then change our UID/GID again. Is the target user/group the same as the program's user/group?", "out": "UID/GID を再度変更してのプログラム実行はしません 対象となるユーザ/グループがプログラムの ユーザ/グループと同じか? ユーザがそのファイルの所有者ですか?", "pred": "We do not want to execute programs that will then change our UID/GID again. Is the target user/group the same as the program's user/group?"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The following example will process all files in the foo directory of example.com through the INCLUDES filter when they are sent through the proxy server:", "out": "次の例は example.com の foo ディレクトリの すべてのファイルに対して、プロキシサーバを通して送られたときには INCLUDES フィルタを通して送るように設定します:", "pred": "The example will process all files in the foo directory of example.com through the INCLUDES filter when they are sent through the proxy server:"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: When set to zero, the threshold will be set to unlimited.", "out": "設定されていないか、零に設定されているときは、無制限になります。", "pred": "When set to zero, the threshold will be set to無制限."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Common Log Format is used if no other format has been specified.", "out": "もし他の書式が全く指定されていないときは Common Log Format が使われます。", "pred": "Common Log Formats are used if no other format has been specified."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Then, a series of header name req_header_name / value req_header_value pairs follows.", "out": "次にヘッダ名 req_header_name / 値 req_header_value の組が続きます。", "pred": "Then, aシリーズ of header name req_header_name / value req_header_value pairs follows."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: A TERM signal will immediately terminate the parent process and all children when in the \"graceful\" state.", "out": "graceful\" 状態の場合 TERM シグナルを受け取ると、 親プロセスも子プロセスもすぐに終了します。", "pred": "A TERM signal will immediately terminate the parent process and all children when in the \"graceful\" state."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Select the variants with the highest 'level' media parameter (used to give the version of text/html media types).", "out": "最高「レベル」のメディアパラメータ (text/html メディアタイプのバージョンを与えるために使われます) を持つ variant を選びます。", "pred": "Select the variants with the highest 'level' media parameter (used to give the version of text/html mediaタイプ)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The cases were easy to understand for me, and some hardships could be a good reference for our company.", "out": "事例もわかりやすく、苦労した点は当社に参考になりました。", "pred": "The cases were easy to understand for me, and some hardships could be a good reference for our company."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This should override any charset specified in the body of the response via a META element, though the exact behavior is often dependent on the user's client configuration.", "out": "これはレスポンス ( 訳注: レスポンスの HTML) 内で META 要素で指定された、どのような文字セットも無効にしますが、 最終的な挙動はユーザのクライアント側の設定で決まります。", "pred": "This should be the case that any charset specified in the body of the response via a META element, but the exact behavior is often 依存 on the user's client configuration."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: DOCUMENT_NAME The filename (excluding directories) of the document requested by the user.", "out": "DOCUMENT_NAME ユーザがリクエストした (ディレクトリを除いた) ファイル名。", "pred": "DOCUMENT_NAME The filename (excluding ディレクトリ) of the document request by the user."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: User directories: Requests that are processed by mod_userdir will call the suEXEC wrapper to execute CGI programs under the userid of the requested user directory.", "out": "ユーザディレクトリ: mod_userdir により処理されたリクエストは リクエストされたユーザディレクトリのユーザ ID で CGI プログラムを 実行するために suEXEC ラッパーを呼びます。", "pred": "User Directory: Requests that are processed by mod_userdir will call the suEXEC wrapper to execute CGI programs under the userid of the request user directory."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If using an MPM like worker , where there are multiple child processes, the total number of threads should be high enough to handle the common load on the server.", "out": "worker のような、 子プロセスが複数あるような MPM を利用しているのであれば、 サーバの通常負荷を十分扱える程度に、 スレッド総数 が多くなければなりません。", "pred": "もし worker のような、 どこで子プロセスがあるような an MPM を使っている場合は、総数のスレッド が十分に高く対処するのに十分な負荷 on the server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Deleting or truncating a file while httpd has it memory-mapped can cause httpd to crash with a segmentation fault.", "out": "NFS マウントされた DocumentRoot では、 httpd がメモリマップしている間にファイルが削除されたり 短くなったりしたときに起こるセグメンテーションフォールトのために httpd がクラッシュする可能性があります。", "pred": "Deleting or truncating a file while httpd has it memory-mapped can cause httpd to クラッシュ with a segmentation fault."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note that changing the metadata for a file does not change the value of the Last-Modified header.", "out": "ファイルのメタ情報を変えても Last-Modified ヘッダの値は変わらないことに注意してください。", "pred": "Note that changing theメタデータ for a file does not change the value of the Last-Modified ヘッダ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: By default, when the handling of a request requires no access to the data within a file -- for example, when delivering a static file -- Apache httpd uses sendfile to deliver the file contents without ever reading the file if the OS supports it.", "out": "デフォルトでは、 例えば静的なファイルの配送のように、リクエストの処理にファイルの 途中のデータのアクセスを必要としないときには、Apache は OS が サポートしていればファイルを読み込むことなく sendfile を使って ファイルの内容を送ります。", "pred": "デフォルトでは、URL to the file within a file -- for example, when delivering a static file -- Apache uses sendfile to deliver the file contents without ever reading the file if the OS supports it."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Since a domain comparison does not involve a DNS lookup, it is much more efficient than subnet comparison.", "out": "ドメインの比較は DNS ルックアップなしで行なわれるため、 サブネットの比較よりもずっと効率的です。", "pred": "Since a domain comparison is not involve a DNS lookup, it is much more efficient than subnet comparison."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the script returns a Location: header instead of output, then this will be translated into an HTML anchor.", "out": "スクリプトが、出力の代わりに Location: ヘッダを返すと、 HTML のアンカー ( 訳注: リンク) に変換されます。", "pred": "If the script returns a Location: header instead of出力, then this will be 翻訳 into an HTML anchor."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If it is not absolute, it is treated as relative to the ServerRoot .", "out": "絶対パスでなければ、 ServerRoot からの相対パスとして扱われます。", "pred": "If it is not absolute, it is treated as relative to the ServerRoot ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For a complete configuration example have a look at the section above .", "out": "完全な設定例は 上記のセクション をご覧下さい。", "pred": "For a complete configuration example have a look at the section ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: directive is very similar, except it encloses directives that will only be applied if a particular module is available in the server.", "out": "は 非常に似ていますが、代わりにサーバ上でモジュールが使用可能な場合にのみ 適用可能なディレクティブを囲います。", "pred": "ディレクティブは非常に似ていますが、それ except it並行計算es ディレクティブs that will only be applied if a particular module is available in the server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The machine is sitting between an internal (intranet) network and an external (internet) network.", "out": "このマシンは内部 (イントラネット) と 外部 (インターネット) のネットワークの間に あります。", "pred": "The machine is sitting between an internal (intranet) network and an external (internet) network."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In fact, the exec element is provided by mod_cgi , and will only be available if this module is loaded.", "out": "実際、 exec 要素は mod_cgi で提供されていて、このモジュールが ロードされる場合にのみ利用可能となります。", "pred": "In fact, the exec element is provided by mod_cgi , and will only be available if this module is loaded."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Apart from those two things, writing a CGI program will look a lot like any other program that you might write.", "out": "これら二点以外では、CGI プログラムを書くことは、 あなたが書いている他のプログラムとよく似ているでしょう。", "pred": "Apart from those two, writing a CGI program will look a lot like any other program that you might write."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Depending on what OS you are using this might be accomplished by editing /etc/resolv.conf , or maybe /etc/nsswitch.conf .", "out": "その方法は、どの OS を使用しているかに依存しますが 、 / etc/resolv.conf か /etc/nsswitch.conf を編集することで設定できます。", "pred": "Depending on what OS you are using this might be accomplished by editing /etc/resolv.conf , or maybe /etc/nsswitch.conf ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See Writing a CGI program above for more details.", "out": "詳細は 上記の CGI プログラムを書く を読んでください。", "pred": "See alsoージ to a CGI program for more details."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: section, this directive forces all matching files to be served with the content type identification given by media-type .", "out": "セクションに 書かれた場合、このディレクティブはそこにあるすべてのファイルが MIME-type で指定されたコンテントタイプとして扱われるようにします。", "pred": "セクションの中で mod_authz_version_name_config_cgi_config_cgi_config_cgi_config_cgi_config_cgi_config_cgi_config_cgi_config_cgi_config_cgi_config_cgi_config_cgi_config_cgi_config_cgi_config_cgi_config_cgi_config_cgi_config_cgi_config_cgi_config_cgi_config_cgi_config_cgi_config_cgi_config_cgi_config_cgi_config_cgi_config_cgi_config_cgi_config_cgi_config_"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: I believe the reason this was done was to allow the C code to be extra efficient when reading strings which the servlet container is sending back -- with the terminating \\0 character, the C code can pass around references into a single buffer, without copying. if the \\0 was missing, the C code would have to copy things out in order to get its notion of a string.", "out": "こうなった理由はおそらく、Servlet コンテナから返される文字列を読み出す時に、 効率よく C のコードを書けるようにする ― ― サーブレットから返される 文字列は \\0 文字で終端されているので、C のコードではわざわざコピーをせずに、 一つのバッファへのリファレンスを取り回すように書くことができる ― ― ためだと思われます。 ' \\ 0' 文字がない場合は、C では文字列の規則に合うようにコピーしなければ いけなくなってしまいます。", "pred": "I believe the reason this was done was to allow the C code to be extra 効率的な when reading the servlet container which the servlet container is sending back -- with the terminating \\0 character, the C code can pass around around references into a single buffer, without copying. if the \\0 was missing, the C code would have to copy things out in order to get its notion of a string."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Regular expressions can also be used, with the addition of the ~ character.", "out": "~ という文字を追加することで、 正規表現 を 利用することもできます。", "pred": "Regular expression can also be used, with the addition of the ~ character."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Once the server has been compiled, it is possible to determine which MPM was chosen by using ./httpd -l .", "out": "サーバコンパイル後は、どの MPM が選択されたかを . / httpd -l で確かめることができます。", "pred": "Once the server has been compiled, it is possible to determine which MPM was chosen by using ./httpd -l ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Satisfy Directive Description: Interaction between host-level access control and user authentication Syntax: Satisfy Any|All Default: Satisfy All Context: directory, .htaccess Override: AuthConfig Status: Extension Module: mod_access_compat Compatibility: Influenced by", "out": "Satisfy ディレクティブ 説明: ホストレベルのアクセス制御とユーザ認証との相互作用を指定 構文: Satisfy Any|All デフォルト: Satisfy All コンテキスト: ディレクトリ , . htaccess 上書き: AuthConfig ステータス: Extension モジュール: mod_access_compat 互換性: バージョン 2.0.51 以降では", "pred": "Satisfy ディレクティブ 説明: ホスト-level access control and user 認証の解説 構文: Satisfy Any|All デフォルト: Satisfy All コンテキスト: directory, .htaccess 上書き: AuthConfig ステータス: Extension Module: mod_access_compat 互換性: Influenced by"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This document will be an introduction to setting up CGI on your Apache web server, and getting started writing CGI programs.", "out": "この文書は Apache ウェブサーバに CGI を設定し、CGI プログラムを書き始めるためのイントロダクションです。", "pred": "This document will be an introduction to setting up CGI on your Apache web server, and getting started writing CGI programs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To add a user to your already existing password file, type: htpasswd /usr/local/apache/passwd/passwords dpitts You'll get the same response as before, but it will be appended to the existing file, rather than creating a new file.", "out": "既に存在するパスワードファイルにユーザを加える場合は、 次のようにタイプしてください。 htpasswd /usr/local/apache/passwd/passwords dpitts 以前と同じ応答が返されますが、新しいファイルを 作るのではなく、既にあるファイルに追加されています。", "pred": "To add a user to your already existing password file, type: htpasswd /usr/local/apache/passwd/passwords dpitts You'll get the same response as before, but it will be appended to the existing file, rather than creating a new file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This means that only the sender can have signed the message.", "out": "これは送信者のみが署名しえたことを意味します。", "pred": "This means that only the sender can have signed the message."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: We'll refer to the children as httpd processes .", "out": "以後、この子プロセスのことを httpd プロセス と呼びます。", "pred": "We'll refer to the children as httpd process ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The first must be either Ascending or Descending , indicating the direction of the sort.", "out": "一つ目はソートの方向を指示する Ascending か Descending のいずれかです。", "pred": "The first must be either Ascending or Descending , indicating the direction of the sort."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See the Options directive for more details.", "out": "詳細については、 Options ディレクティブをご覧下さい。", "pred": "See the Options directive for more details."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: A LogFormat directive that defines a nickname does nothing else -- that is, it only defines the nickname, it doesn't actually apply the format and make it the default.", "out": "Nickname を定義する LogFormat ディレクティブは 他には何もしません - - すなわち、ニックネームを定義 する だけ で、実際に書式を適用してデフォルトにするということは行ないません。", "pred": "A LogFormat ディレクティブ that defines a nickname does not else -- that is, it only defines the nickname, it doesn't actually apply the format and make it the default."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The ServerTokens directive sets the value of the Server HTTP response header field.", "out": "ServerTokens ディレクティブは、Server HTTP レスポンスヘッダフィールドの値を設定します。", "pred": "The ServerTokens ディレクティブ sets the value of the Server HTTP response header field."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Cryptographic Techniques Certificates Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) References See also Comments Cryptographic Techniques Understanding SSL requires an understanding of cryptographic algorithms, message digest functions (aka. one-way or hash functions), and digital signatures.", "out": ") 暗号化技術 証明書 Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 参考文献 参照 コメント 暗号化技術 SSL を理解するには、暗号アルゴリズム、 メッセージダイジェスト関数(別名: 一方向関数、ハッシュ関数 ) 、 電子署名などへの理解が必要です。", "pred": "Limited Techniques Certificates Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 参考文献 参照 コメント Limited Techniques Understanding SSL requires an understanding of 暗号 algorithms, message digest functions (aka. one-way or hash functions), and digital signatures."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The filesystem is the view of your disks as seen by your operating system.", "out": "ファイルシステムはオペレーティングシステムから見たディスクの内容です。", "pred": "The filesystem is the view of your disks as seen by your operating system."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The first argument to this directive is always from .", "out": "このディレクティブの最初の引数は常に from です。", "pred": "The first argument to this directive is always from ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Located within the Death Valley National Park,the road to the overlook is called Dantes View Road.", "out": "全米最大の国立公園のデスバレーは、岩手県とほぼ同じ広さです。", "pred": "Located within the Death Valley National Park,the road to the overlook is called Dantes View Road."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: There is a common misconception that you are required to use .htaccess files in order to implement password authentication.", "out": "よくある誤解に、パスワード認証を行なうためには .htaccess ファイルを使う必要がある、というものがあります。", "pred": "There is a common misconception that you are required to use .htaccess files in order to implement password 認証."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: A non-regex wildcard section that changes the configuration of all user directories could look as follows:", "out": "全ユーザディレクトリの設定を変更する、非 regex ワイルドカードセクションは次のようになります。", "pred": "A non-regex ワイルドカード section that changes the configuration of all user directories could look as follows:"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The same directory can be placed in more than one part of the filesystem using symbolic links. The ", "out": "シンボリックリンクを使って、 同一のディレクトリを複数のファイルシステムに設置できます。 ", "pred": "The same directory can be placed in more than one part of the filesystem using symbolic links. The "} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note RemoveEncoding directives are processed after any AddEncoding directives, so it is possible they may undo the effects of the latter if both occur within the same directory configuration.", "out": "注意 RemoveEncoding は AddEncoding ディレクティブの 後 で処理されますので、 同じディレクトリの設定中に両方が現れると、 後者の効果が打ち消される可能性があります。", "pred": "Note RemoveEncoding ディレクティブは AddEncoding ディレクティブの 後 に処理されますので、それ cannot undo the effects of the latter if both occur within the same directory configuration."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The parameter can be either All or Any .", "out": "パラメータは All か Any です。", "pred": "The parameter can be all or Any ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: When it is processed, the imap-file handler will be used, and so it will be treated as a mod_imagemap imagemap file.", "out": "ファイルが処理されるときは imap-file ハンドラが使用されますので、そのファイルは mod_imagemap のイメージマップファイルとして扱われることになります。", "pred": "When it 処理される, the imap-file handler will be used, and so it will be treated as a mod_imagemap imagemap file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: At the user level, the two modules are essentially identical.", "out": "ユーザレベルではこの二つのモジュールは本質的には同一です。", "pred": "At the user level, the two modules are essentially identical."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In the first form, where only one argument is specified, this directive sets the log format which will be used by logs specified in subsequent TransferLog directives.", "out": "最初の形式では一つの引数のみが指定され、 続く TransferLog で指定されたログで使われるログの書式を設定します。", "pred": "In the first form, where only one argument is specified, this directive sets the log format which will be used by logs specified in subsequent TransferLog ディレクティブs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The MIME base64 alphabet is actually [A-Za-z0-9+/] however + and / need to be specially encoded in URLs, which makes them less desirable.", "out": "MIME の base64 のアルファベットは実際は [A-Za-z0-9+ / ] ですが、 + と / とは URL では特別な符号化が必要なので、あまり望ましくありません。", "pred": "The MIME base64 アルファベット is actually [A-Za-z0-9+/] however + and / need to be specially encoded in URLs, which makes them less desirable."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Strictly limiting access is essential if you are using a forward proxy (using the ProxyRequests directive).", "out": "( ProxyRequests ディレクティブを 使って) フォワードプロキシを設定している場合は、厳しくアクセス 制限を行なうことが非常に大切です。", "pred": "Strictly limiting access is essential if you are using a forward proxy (using the ProxyRequests directive)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: TLS version 1 is nearly identical with SSL version 3.", "out": "TLS バージョン 1 は SSL バージョン 3 とほぼ同じです。", "pred": "TLS version 1 is nearly identical with SSL version 3."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: for access to the document /home/web/dir/doc.html the steps are: Apply directive AllowOverride None (disabling .htaccess files).", "out": " と設定し、ドキュメント /home/web/dir/doc.html への アクセスがあった場合には以下のように動作します: AllowOverride None が適用される。", "pred": " for access to the document /home/web/dir/doc.html the steps are: Apply directive AllowOverride None (disabling .htaccess files)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You will probably need to apply the Options to the specific directory where you want SSI enabled in order to assure that it gets evaluated last.", "out": "おそらく、設定が最後に評価されることを 保証されるために、SSI を使用したいディレクトリに Options ディレクティブを適用する必要があるでしょう。", "pred": "You will probably need to apply the Options to the specific directory where you want SSI enabled in order to assure that it gets evaluated last."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: I could realize that magic of the word.", "out": "言葉のマジックを実感できました。", "pred": "I could realize that magic of the word."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This string is used to log each request to the log file.", "out": "この文字列を使ってそれぞれの リクエストがログファイルにログ収集されます。", "pred": "この文字列を使ってそれぞれの リクエストをログファイルに log file に使用されます。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It sends the URL and file path of the requested document using the standard CGI PATH_INFO and PATH_TRANSLATED environment variables.", "out": "リクエストされたドキュメントの URL とファイルのパスは標準 CGI 環境変数 PATH_INFO と PATH_TRANSLATED を使って伝えられます。", "pred": "It sends the URL and file path of the request document using the standard CGI PATH_INFO and PATH_TRANSLATED environment variables."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The module must either be statically compiled in the server, or it must be dynamically compiled and its LoadModule line must be earlier in the configuration file.", "out": "モジュールはサーバに 静的に組み込まれているか、動的に組み込むようになっていて、設定ファイル中で LoadModule の行がより前の 部分に書かれている必要があります。", "pred": "The module must be statically compiled in the server, or it must be dynamically compiled and its LoadModule line must be earlier in the configuration file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, you have a PATH , which tells the shell where it can look for files that you reference.", "out": "例えば、参照するファイルのためにどこを検索したらよいかを シェルに伝える PATH があります。", "pred": "例えば、あなたは have a PATH , which tells the shell where it can look for files that you reference."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Memory resource limits are expressed in bytes per process.", "out": "メモリリソースのリミットはプロセスあたりのバイト数で表わされます。", "pred": "Memory リソース limits are presented in UTF per process."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In the mid-1930s, Goodman led one of the most popular musical groups in the United States.", "out": "何故かというとクラリネットという楽器はJazzの世界ではスイングの時代に ベニー・グッドマン を代表として全盛期を迎えたのですが、その後モダンの時代になってほとんど使われなくなりました。", "pred": "In the mid-1930s, Goodman led one of the most popular musical groups in the United States."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Also, naming marks the starting point of brand construction and offers the direction to proceed as a vector.", "out": "また、ブランド名はブランド構築における出発点として、今後進むべき方向性を示唆するベクトルの役割を果たします。", "pred": "And, namingマーク the starting point of brand construction and offers the direction to proceed as a ベクトル."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The Apache HTTP Server includes a simple program called rotatelogs for this purpose.", "out": "Apache HTTP サーバにはこのための rotatelogs と呼ばれる簡単な プログラムが付属しています。", "pred": "The Apache HTTP Server includes a simple program called rotatelogs for this purpose."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Each file will be called hostname.log .", "out": "それぞれのファイルは ホスト名.log という名前になります。", "pred": "それぞれのファイルは ホスト名.log という名前になります。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Although this DSO mechanism sounds straightforward there is at least one difficult step here: The resolving of symbols from the executable program for the DSO when using a DSO to extend a program (the second way). Why?", "out": "この DSO 機構は簡単なように見えますが、少なくとも一つ難しい点が あります: プログラムを拡張するために DSO を使っているときに、 DSO が実行プログラムからシンボルを解決する点です (二番目の方法 ) 。", "pred": "この DSO 機構は sounds straightforward there is at least one difficult step here: The resolving ofシンボルs from the executable program for the DSO when using a DSO to extend a program (the second way)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: HTTP/1.1 provides much better control over the caching of negotiated documents, and this directive has no effect in responses to HTTP/1.1 requests.", "out": "HTTP/1.1 は、 交渉されたドキュメントのキャッシュに対してずっとよい制御が可能なので、 このディレクティブは HTTP/1.1 のリクエストには影響しません。", "pred": "HTTP/1.1 provides much more better control over the caching of negotiated documents, and this directive has no effect in responses to HTTP/1.1 requests."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: can apply negative conditions by preceding their test with \"!\".", "out": "ディレクティブは テストの前に \" ! \" を付けることで否定の条件を適用することができます。", "pred": "負の conditions by preceding their test with \"!\"."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This allows you to set the lowest possible userid that will be allowed to execute CGI/SSI programs.", "out": "これは、 CGI/SSI プログラム実行を許可されるユーザ ID のとりうる最小値です。", "pred": "This allows you to set the lowest possible userid that will be allowed to execute CGI/SSI programs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The following code, placed in your HTML document, will put such a time stamp on your page.", "out": "HTML ドキュメントに配置された次のコードは、ページにそのような タイムスタンプを入れるでしょう。", "pred": "The following code, placed in your HTML document, will put such a time stamp on your page."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Alternatively, it can use a nickname to refer to a log format defined in a previous LogFormat directive as described below.", "out": "もしくは、下で説明されているように前に LogFormat ディレクティブで定義されたログの書式を nickname を使って 参照することもできます。", "pred": "あるいは, it can use a nickname to refer to a log format defined in a previous LogFormat ディレクティブ as described below."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Also set the HTTP Vary header to indicate the dimensions of variance.", "out": "相違の次元を示す HTTP Vary ヘッダも設定されます。", "pred": "The HTTP Vary header to indicate the dimensions of variance."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Is the target group name valid?", "out": "対象となるグループ名は正当なものか?", "pred": "Is the target group name valid?"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The backslash \"\\\" may be used as the last character on a line to indicate that the directive continues onto the next line.", "out": "バックスラッシュ \" \\ \" はディレクティブが次の行に継続していることを 示すために行の最後の文字として使われているかもしれません。", "pred": "The backslash \"\\\" may be used as the last character on a line to indicate that the directive continues onto the next line."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Held at the Tenjinyama Ski Resort on the slopes of Mt.", "out": "1の曲は、ほとんどラジオで聴いていたものですね。", "pred": "Held at the Tenjinyama Ski Resort on the slopes of Mt."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If filename resolves to a static text/html document (not a CGI script) and either one of the options Includes or IncludesNOEXEC is enabled, the file will be processed for server-side includes (see the mod_include documentation).", "out": "もし filename が (CGI スクリプトでない) 静的な text/html ドキュメントで解決され、 options Includes か IncludesNOEXEC が有効になっている場合は、 ファイルはサーバーサイドインクルードで処理されます ( mod_include ドキュメントを参照して下さい ) 。", "pred": "If filename resolves to a static text/html document (not a CGI script) and either one of the options Includes or IncludesNOEXEC enabled, the file will be processed for server-side includes (see the mod_include documentation)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The URL may use wildcards.", "out": "URL にはワイルドカードを利用することができます。", "pred": "The URL may use wildcards."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: 10 YRS Zhangzhou Uni-Homes Trading Co., Ltd. Gold Supplier Gold Supplier is a premium membership for suppliers on Alibaba.com.", "out": "10 YRS Zhangzhou Uni-Homes Trading Co . , Ltd. ゴールドサプライヤー ゴールドサプライヤーは、Alibaba.comのプレミアム会員であるサプライヤーのことです。", "pred": "10 YRS Zhangzhou Uni-Homes Trading Co., Ltd. Gold Supplier Gold Supplier is a premium membership for suppliers on Alibaba.com."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Also note that many OSes do not use exactly what is specified as the backlog, but use a number based on (but normally larger than) what is set.", "out": "また多くの OS では、 バックログとして指定されている値ちょうどまで使っているわけではなく、 設定されている値に基づいて (通常は設定値よりも大きな値を) 使っていることに注意してください。", "pred": "Also note that many OSes do not use anything正確に specified as the backlog, but use a number based on (but not the same higher than) what is set."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note When entering a file path on non-Unix platforms, care should be taken to make sure that only forward slashed are used even though the platform may allow the use of back slashes.", "out": "注 Unix でないプラットフォームでファイルのパスを入力しているときは、 使用しているプラットフォームがバックスラッシュの使用を許可していた として、通常のスラッシュだけを使うように気をつけてください。", "pred": "Note When entering a file path on non-Unix platforms, care should be taken to make sure that only forwardスラッシュed are used even the platform may allow the use of backスラッシュes."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You can afford the memory and file descriptor requirements of listening to every IP alias on the machine.", "out": "マシンのすべての IP エイリアスを listen するだけの メモリとファイル記述子の余裕があるとき。", "pred": "You can afford the memory and file reference requirements of listening to every IP alias on the machine."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: When used inside a section, the first argument is omitted and the regexp is obtained from the", "out": " セクションの中で使われた場合、最初の引数は 省略され、ローカルディレクトリは", "pred": "When used the library inside a section, the first argument is omitted and the regexp is obtained from the"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: FoldersFirst If this option is enabled, subdirectory listings will always appear first, followed by normal files in the directory.", "out": "FoldersFirst ( 2.0.23 以降 ) このオプションが有効になった場合、サブディレクトリの一覧は 必ず 最初に現われて、通常のファイルはその後に続きます。", "pred": "FoldersFirst If this option enabled, subdirectory リストings will always appear first, followed by normal files in the directory."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Handlers can either be built into the server or included in a module, or they can be added with the Action directive.", "out": "ハンドラはサーバに組み込んだり、モジュールとして含めたり、 Action ディレクティブとして追加したりすることができます。", "pred": "ハンドラ can be seen with the server or included in a module, or they can be added with the Action ディレクティブ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, if a client requests documents with the language en-GB for British English, the server is not normally allowed by the HTTP/1.1 standard to match that against a document that is marked as simply en .", "out": "例えばクライアントが英国英語である en-GB 言語で ドキュメントをリクエストした場合、サーバは HTTP/1.1 規格では、単に en とマークされているドキュメントを マッチするものとすることは通常は許されていません。", "pred": "例えば、 if a client requests documents with the language en-GB for British English, the server is not normally allowed by the HTTP/1.1 standard to match that against a document that marked as simply en ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This method should therefore not be used for highly sensitive data, unless accompanied by mod_ssl .", "out": "ですからこの方法は、 mod_ssl と組み合わせない状態では、 特に機密性の高いデータに対しては用いるべきでは ありません。", "pred": "ですからこの方法は、 not used for highly sensitive data, unless accompanied by mod_ssl ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The error log will also contain debugging output from CGI scripts.", "out": "エラーログには CGI スクリプトのデバッグ 出力も書かれます。", "pred": "The error log will also containデバッグ output from CGI scripts."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Apache only recognizes encodings that are defined by an AddEncoding directive.", "out": "Apache は AddEncoding ディレクティブ で定義されたエンコーディングだけを認識します。", "pred": "Apache only recognizes encodings that are subject by an AddEncoding ディレクティブ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In addition to being able to config the time format, you can also config two other things.", "out": "時刻書式を config で設定できることに加えて、 更に二つ config で設定することができます。", "pred": "In addition to being able to config the time format, you can also config two other things."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You can use AliasMatch or RewriteRule to rewrite any request to a single information page (or script). _default_ vhosts for different ports Same as setup 1, but the server listens on several ports and we want to use a second _default_ vhost for port 80.", "out": "どんなリクエストでも AliasMatch や RewriteRule を使って 単一の情報ページ (やスクリプト) に書き換えることができます。 違うポートのための _default_ バーチャルホスト 一つめの設定とほぼ同じですが、サーバは複数のポートを listen しており、 80 番ポートに対して二つめの _default_ バーチャルホストを 設定したい場合です。", "pred": "You can use AliasMatch or RewriteRule to rewrite any request to a single information page (or script). _default_ vhosts for different ports Same as setup 1, but the server listens on several ports and we want to use a second _default_ vhost for port 80."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: As a proxy server, the request body is not restricted to 64Kb.", "out": "proxy サーバとしては、リクエストボディのサイズは 64k に制限されません。", "pred": "As a proxy サーバ, the request body is not restricted to 64Kb."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Additional modules are enabled using the --enable- module option, where module is the name of the module with the mod_ string removed and with any underscore converted to a dash.", "out": "ここで module はモジュールの名前で、 つまりそれはモジュールの名前から mod_ 文字列を取り除いた後に アンダースコアをダッシュで置換した文字列です。", "pred": "追加の modules are enabled using the --enable- module option, where module is the name of the module with the mod_ 文字列を removed and with any underscoreprivileged to a dash."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Apache uses Perl Compatible Regular Expressions provided by the PCRE library.", "out": "Apache では PCRE ライブラリが提供する Perl 互換正規表現 ( 訳注: Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) を使います。", "pred": "Apache uses Perl Compatible Regular Expressions provided by the PCRE library."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: However, this doesn't apply when logging is done using syslog .", "out": "しかし syslog を使用している場合は、 これは当てはまりません。", "pred": "However, syslog を使用している場合は、この doesn't apply when logging is done."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Basic Packet Structure There is a bit of an XDR heritage to this protocol, but it differs in lots of ways (no 4 byte alignment, for example).", "out": "基本パケット構造 このプロトコルには XDR から受け継いだ部分が少しありますが、多くの点で 異なります (例えば 4 バイトアライメントでないことなど ) 。", "pred": "Basicパケット Structure There is a bit of an XDR heritage to this protocol, but it attracts in lots of ways (no 4 byte alignment, for example)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The build process (described below) is easy, and it allows you to customize your server to suit your needs.", "out": "ビルドの手順(下記)は簡単ですし、そのおかげでニーズに 見合ったカスタマイズを簡単にできます。", "pred": "The build process (described below) is easy, and it allows you to customize your server to suit your needs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The Listen directive tells the server to accept incoming requests only on the specified port(s) or address-and-port combinations.", "out": "Listen ディレクティブで、特定のポートやアドレス・ポートの組から入ってくる リクエストのみを受け付けるようにできます。", "pred": "The Listen ディレクティブ tells the server to accept incoming requests only on the specified port(s) or address-and-port combinations."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Content-Type: The MIME media type of the document, with optional parameters.", "out": "Content-Type: ドキュメントの MIME メディアタイプ 、オプショナルなパラメータ付き。", "pred": "Content-Type: The MIME media type of the document, with optional parameters."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: These parameters are: cmd= cmdline The cmd= keyword allows you to specify the external command to run.", "out": "指定可能なパラメータは: cmd= cmdline cmd= キーワードは実行する外部コマンドを指定します。", "pred": "These parameters are: cmd= cmdline The cmd= keyword allows you to specify the 外部 command to run."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Particularly it will never authorize content negotiated \"MultiViews\" resources.", "out": "特に、 コンテント ネゴシエーションされた\"MultiViews\" のリソースは 決して承認しません。", "pred": "Particularly it will never authorize content negotiated \"MultiViews\" resources."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Use mode=input for filters which process the request. mode=input is available in Apache 2.1 and later. intype= imt This parameter specifies the internet media type ( i.e. , MIME type) of documents which should be filtered.", "out": "リクエストを処理するフィルタには mode=input を使います。 mode=input は Apache 2.1 以降で利用可能です。 intype= imt このパラメータはフィルタされるべきドキュメントの インターネットメディアタイプ ( すなわち 、MIME タイプ) を 指定します。", "pred": "Use mode=input forフィルタ which process the request. mode=input is available in Apache 2.1 and later. intype= imt This parameter specifies the internet media type ( i.e. , MIME type) of documents which should be filtered."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP document requests to sites whose names contain matched words, hosts or domains are blocked by the proxy server.", "out": "サイト名にその語句、ホスト名、 ドメインを含むサイトへの HTTP、HTTPS、FTP によるドキュメントのリクエストは プロキシサーバにより ブロックされます 。", "pred": "HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP document requests to sites whose names match the name, hosts or domains are blocked by the proxy server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It contained the first rap music record chart. Overview Hip Hop emerged directly out of the living conditions in America’s inner cities in the 1970s, particularly the South Bronx region of New York City.", "out": "東京・ブリストル・ニューヨーク、ヒップホップが繋げた愛の結晶. ヒップホップとはもともとニューヨークのサウス・ブロンクス地区で生まれたストリートカルチャーを指した呼び名です。", "pred": "Overview Hip Hop emerged directly out of the living conditions in America’s inner都市 in the 1970s, 特に the South Bronx region of New York City."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If a value contains spaces, it should be surrounded by double quotes.", "out": "value に空白がある場合は二重引用符で 囲む必要があります。", "pred": "If a value contains spaces, it should be surrounded by double quotes."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In conclusion with the rule above that means, mod_include evaluates at first the left expression.", "out": "つまり結果として上記のルールは、 mod_include が左の評価式を評価します。", "pred": "In conclusion with the rule above that means, mod_include evaluates at first the left expression."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: When was this document modified?", "out": "いつこのドキュメントは修正されたのか ?", "pred": "When is this document modified?"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If there is no more data in the body (i.e. the servlet container is trying to read past the end of the body), the server will send back an empty packet, which is a body packet with a payload length of 0.", "out": "ボディにそれ以上データが残っていない場合 (つまりサーブレットが ボディの最後を超えて読み込もうとした場合 ) 、 サーバは ペイロード長 0 の 空パケット (0x12,0x34,0x00,0x00) を送り返します。", "pred": "If there is no more data in the body (i.e. the servlet container trying to read past the end of the body), the server will send back an emptyパケット, which is a bodyパケット with a payload長さ of 0."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This will be either the first listed in the type-map file, or when variants are read from the directory, the one whose file name comes first when sorted using ASCII code order.", "out": "タイプマップファイルの最初にリストされているか、 variant がディレクトリから最初に読み込まれる時に ASCII順でソートしてファイル名が先頭になったか、のどちらかです。", "pred": "これは either the first listed in the type-map file, or when variants are read from the directory, the one that file name is first whenソート using ASCII code order."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The Off setting, which is the default, suppresses the footer line (and is therefore compatible with the behavior of Apache-1.2 and below).", "out": "デフォルトである Off に設定をすると、フッタ行が抑制されます (そして、Apache-1.2 以前と互換の動作をします ) 。", "pred": "The Off setting, which is the default, suppresses the footer line (and therefore compatible with the behavior of Apache-1.2 and below)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: However it is often possible for the server to choose automatically.", "out": "しかし、サーバが自動的に選ぶことができる場合が多くあります。", "pred": "However it is often possible for the server to choose the自動的に."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is according to RFC 2616/13.9 done only if an expiration time is specified.", "out": "キャッシュされるのは有効期限が指定されている場合のみで、これは RFC 2616/13.9 に従ったものです。", "pred": "This is the only if an expiration time specified."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The user file is keyed on the username.", "out": "ユーザファイルのキーはユーザ名です。", "pred": "The user file is keyed on the username."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: SSL/TLS Encryption Certification Authority (CA) A trusted third party whose purpose is to sign certificates for network entities it has authenticated using secure means.", "out": "参照: SSL/TLS 暗号化 証明局 ( 訳注: Certification Authority ) ( CA) 安全な方法で認証を行なったネットワークエンティティの証明書を 署名するための信頼できる第三者機関。", "pred": "See: SSL/TLS Encryption Certification Authority (CA) A trusted party that目的s to sign certificates forネットワーク エンティティ it has authenticated using the safest."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See the backlog parameter to the listen(2) system call.", "out": "listen(2) システムコールのバックログパラメータを ご覧下さい。", "pred": "See the バックログパラメータを to the listen(2) system call."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The order in which the storage managers are run is determined by the order of the CacheEnable directives in the configuration file.", "out": "ストレージ管理方式が実行される順番は設定ファイル中の CacheEnable の順番により決定されます。", "pred": "The order in which the storage managers are run is determined by the order of the CacheEnable directives in the configuration file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This method is mainly used to tunnel SSL requests through proxy servers.", "out": "このメソッドは主にプロキシに SSL リクエストを通す ( 訳注: SSLトンネリング) に使われます。", "pred": "この方法は主に use to トンネル SSL リクエストを通して proxyサーバ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This implies that dynamic content such as CGI output, SSI pages, and server-generated directory listings will generally not use Keep-Alive connections to HTTP/1.0 clients.", "out": "これは、CGI の出力や SSI のページ、 サーバが生成したディレクトリのリストのような動的コンテンツを HTTP/1.0 クライアントに送る場合には Keep-Alive 接続を使えないことを意味します。", "pred": "This implies that dynamic content such as CGI output, SSI pages, and server-generated directory listings will generally not use Keep-Alive connections to HTTP/1.0 clients."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The binary image suexec is installed in the directory defined by the --sbindir option.", "out": "バイナリイメージの suexec は - - sbindir オプションで指定されたディレクトリにインストールされます。", "pred": "The balance image suexec is installed in the directory defined by the --sbindir option."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The status argument can be used to return other HTTP status codes: permanent Returns a permanent redirect status (301) indicating that the resource has moved permanently. temp Returns a temporary redirect status (302).", "out": "Status 引数は 他の HTTP のステータスコードを返すために使用することができます: permanent 永久にリダイレクトをするステータス (301) を返します。 これはリソースが永久に移動したということを意味します。 temp 一時的なリダイレクトステータス (302) を返します。", "pred": "The status argument can use to return other HTTP status codes: permanent Returns a permanent redirect status (301) indicating that the resource has moved permanently. temp Returns a temporary redirect status (302)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The route is a value appended to session id. status - Single letter value defining the initial status of this worker.", "out": "ルートはセッション ID に付加された値になります。 redirect - ワーカーのリダイレクション経路です。", "pred": "The route is a value appended to session id."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Any other value is assumed to be the charset to be used, which should be one of the IANA registered charset values for use in Internet media types (MIME types).", "out": "その他 charset に指定できる値であれば、どんな値でも使えます。 指定する値は、MIME メディアタイプとして使われる IANA に登録されている文字セット名 のうちの一つにすべきです。", "pred": "Any other value is defined to be the charset to be used, which should be one of the IANA registered charset value for use in Internet mediaタイプ ( MIME types)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: directive limits the scope of the enclosed directives by filename.", "out": " ディレクティブは、 その中にあるディレクティブの適用範囲をファイル名で制限します。", "pred": " ディレクティブ limit the scope of the enclosed directives by filename."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note There is an environment variable force-gzip , set via SetEnv , which will ignore the accept-encoding setting of your browser and will send compressed output.", "out": "注 SetEnv で設定される force-gzip 環境変数がありますが、これは ブラウザの accept-encoding 設定を無視し、圧縮した出力をします。", "pred": "Note There is an environment variable force-gzip , set via SetEnv , which will ignore the accept-encoding setting of your browser and will send compressed output."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Variants can indicate a charset as a parameter of the media type. httpd Negotiation Algorithm httpd can use the following algorithm to select the 'best' variant (if any) to return to the browser.", "out": "variant はメディアタイプのパラメータとして文字セットを 指定することもできます。 Apache ネゴシエーションアルゴリズム ブラウザに返す「最適な」variant を (もしあれば) 選択するように Apache は次のアルゴリズムを使うことができます。", "pred": "Variants can indicate a charset as a parameter of the media type. httpd Negotiation Algorithm httpd can use the following algorithm to select the 'best' variant (if any) to return to the browser."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Since we're talking here about authentication, you will need an AllowOverride directive like the following: AllowOverride AuthConfig Or, if you are just going to put the directives directly in your main server configuration file, you will of course need to have write permission to that file.", "out": "認証について話を進めているので、次のような AllowOverride ディレクティブが必要になるでしょう。 AllowOverride AuthConfig そうでなく、メインサーバ設定ファイルの中に 直接置くのであれば、当然ながらそのファイルへの書き込み 権限を持っていなければならないでしょう。", "pred": "Since we're talking here about authentication, you will need an AllowOverride directive like the following: AllowOverride AuthConfig Or, if you are just going to put the directives directly in your main server configuration file, you will of course need to have write permission to that file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Directives enclosed in a section apply to any file with the specified name, regardless of what directory it lies in.", "out": " セクションの 中にあるディレクティブはどのディレクトリにあるかに関わらず、指定された名前の すべてのファイルに適用されます。", "pred": "ディレクティブ suspects for the section apply to any file with the specified name, regardless of what directory it lies in."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In this case, it is best to use URL redirection to inform clients of the new location of the resource.", "out": "この場合は、クライアントにリソースの新しい位置を知らせるために URL リダイレクション を使うのが最善の方法です。", "pred": "この場合は、URL Redirection to inform clients of the new location of the resource."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Apache httpd always tries to maintain several spare or idle server processes, which stand ready to serve incoming requests.", "out": "Apache は常に幾つかの スペア かアイドルなサーバプロセスを維持していて、それらは入ってきた リクエストに応答できるように待機しています。", "pred": "Apache httpd は常に tries to maintain several spare or idle サーバ processes, which stand ready to serve incoming requests."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: After each test, if only one variant remains, select it as the best match and proceed to step 3.", "out": "テスト後 variant が一つだけ残っていれば、それを最適なものとして ステップ 3 に進みます。", "pred": "テスト後, if only one variant remains, select it as the best match and proceed to step 3."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note If mod_authz_owner is used in order to authorize a resource that is not actually present in the filesystem ( i.e. a virtual resource), it will deny the access.", "out": "注 ファイルシステムに実際には存在しないリソース ( つまり バーチャルなリソース) の承認に mod_authz_owner が使用されたときは、 アクセスは拒否されます。", "pred": "Note If mod_authz_owner is used in order to authorize a resource that is not actually present in the filesystem ( すなわち. a virtual resource), it will deny the access."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For more details, see the CGI tutorial .", "out": "詳細は CGI チュートリアル を参照してください。", "pred": "For more details, see the CGI チュートリアル ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This gives the site that the client reports having been referred from.", "out": "これはクライアントが報告してくる参照元のサイトを表します。", "pred": "This gives the site that the clientレポートs having been referred from."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: On Linux on Itanium, sendfile may be unable to handle files over 2GB in size.", "out": "Itanium 上の Linux では、sendfile では 2GB 以上の ファイルを扱うことができません。", "pred": "On Linux on Itanium, sendfile may be unable to handle files over 2GB in size."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You should always look there first.", "out": "必ずそれを最初に見るべきです。", "pred": "And you have to come to the game."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Forensic Logging mod_log_forensic provides for forensic logging of client requests.", "out": "Forensic ログ mod_log_forensic はクライアントリクエストの forensic ログを取ります。", "pred": "Forensic Logging mod_log_forensic provides for forensic logging of client requests."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Also, new calls have been added that provide additional module capabilities without patching the core Apache HTTP Server.", "out": "また、コア Apache サーバにパッチをあてることなく 追加のモジュール機能を提供することができるように新しい関数が 追加されました。", "pred": "Also, new calls have been added that provide additional module capabilities without パッチing the core Apache HTTP Server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The valid locations for the directive are actually the result of a Boolean OR of all of the listed contexts.", "out": "ディレクティブの有効な位置は、実際は挙げられているコンテキストの 論理和 (訳注: Boolen OR) になります。", "pred": "The valid Location for the directive are actually the result of a Boolean OR of all of the listed contexts."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: First, you need to create a password file.", "out": "まずはじめに、パスワードファイルを作ります。", "pred": "And you need to have a password file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Most of the time, this will look like: Content-type: text/html Secondly, your output needs to be in HTML, or some other format that a browser will be able to display.", "out": "ほとんどの場合では、次のように出力します: Content-type: text/html もう一つは、出力を HTML か、ブラウザが表示することができる何か他の形式にする必要があります。", "pred": "Most of the time, this will look like: Content-type: text/html Secondly, your output needs to be in HTML, or some other format that a browser will be able to display."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Configurations included via the Include directive will be treated as if they were inside the including file at the location of the Include directive.", "out": "Include によって挿入された設定は 挿入しているファイルの Include ディレクティブの位置にあったかのように扱われます。", "pred": "Configurations included via the Include directive will be treated as if they inside the including file at the location of the Include directive."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For a full list of your normal, every day environment variables, type env at a command prompt.", "out": "通常、普段使用している環境変数の完全なリストを調べるには、 コマンドプロンプトで env を入力します。", "pred": "For a full list of your normal, every day environment variables, type env at a command prompt."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Rewriting Engine When even more powerful substitution is required, the rewriting engine provided by mod_rewrite can be useful.", "out": "リライトエンジン より一層強力な置換が必要なときは、 mod_rewrite が提供するリライトエンジンが役に立つでしょう。", "pred": "Rewriting Engine When even more powerful substitution is required, the rewriting engine provided by mod_rewrite can be useful."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: These directly translate to the underlying Unicode file system, providing multilanguage support for all Windows NT-based installations, including Windows 2000 and Windows XP.", "out": "これらは Unicode ファイルシステムに 直接変換されるので、Windows 2000 と Windows XP を含む、全ての Windows NT 系で多言語サポートが提供されます。", "pred": "These directly translate to the underlying Unicode file system, providing multilanguage support for all Windows NT-based installations, including Windows 2000 and Windows XP."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: So, for example, once a client has authenticated in the \"Restricted Files\" area, it will automatically retry the same password for any area on the same server that is marked with the \"Restricted Files\" Realm.", "out": "例えば 、 \" Restricted Files\" 領域中で 一度認証されれば、同一サーバ上で \"Restricted Files\" Realm としてマークされたどんな領域でも、クライアントは 自動的に同じパスワードを使おうと試みます。", "pred": "So, for example, once a client has authenticated in the \"Restricted Files\" area, it will automatically retry the same password for any area on the same server that marked with the \"Restricted Files\" Realm."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, authenticating against a password file yet authorizing against an LDAP directory.", "out": "たとえば、パスワードファイルで認証して、 ldap ディレクトリで承認を行うといった場合です。", "pred": "例えば、 認証ing against a password file yet authorizing against an LDAP directory."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Each of the additional fields uses the percent-directive %{ header }i , where header can be any HTTP request header.", "out": "追加のエントリはパーセントディレクティブ % { header }i を使っています。 ここで header は HTTP のリクエストヘッダのどれかです。", "pred": "Each of the additional fields uses the percent- ディレクティブ %{ header }i , where header can be any HTTP request header."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: sections are applied after the corresponding sections outside the virtual host definition.", "out": "セクション中のセクションは バーチャルホストの定義の外側の対応するセクションの 後 に適用されます。", "pred": "セクション中のセクションは the corresponding regular expression to the virtual hostの定義."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Reread the section on configuring Apache and try to find what you missed.", "out": "「CGI を許可するように Apache を設定する」 の章を読み直し、 あなたが何を間違えたかを探してみてください。", "pred": "Reread the section on configuring Apache and try to find what you missed."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This allows, for example, the output of CGI scripts to be parsed for Server Side Include directives using the INCLUDES filter in mod_include .", "out": "これにより、例えば CGI スクリプトの出力を mod_include の INCLUDES フィルタを使って Server Side Include のディレクティブを解析する、 というようなことが可能になりました。", "pred": "これにより、例えば, the output of CGI scripts to be parsed for Server Side Include ディレクティブ using the INCLUDES filter in mod_include ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If you are matching positive ( = or == ), you can capture grouped parts of the regular expression.", "out": "正のマッチング ( = または == ) の場合は、 正規表現でグループ分けされたパーツをキャプチャすることができます。", "pred": "If you are given positive ( = or == ), you can capture omitted parts of the regular expression."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Some of the methods available in HTTP are GET , POST , and PUT .", "out": "HTTP では GET , POST , PUT といったようなメソッドがあります。", "pred": "Some of the methods available in HTTP are GET , POST , and PUT ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: and directives, along with their regex counterparts, apply directives to parts of the filesystem.", "out": " ディレクティブ、それと それらの正規表現版はディレクティブをファイルシステムの一部分に対して適用します。", "pred": " ディレクティブ, along with their regex counterparts, apply directives to parts of the filesystem."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The Query Arguments parser in mod_autoindex will stop abruptly when an unrecognized option is encountered.", "out": "mod_autoindex のクエリー引数パーサ (解析) は、 認識不能なオプションにぶつかると即座に停止します。", "pred": "The Query Arguments parser in mod_autoindex will stop abruptly when an unrecognized option."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Apache comes with a wide range of modules included by default.", "out": "Apache 本体にはデフォルトで、モジュールの Base セットが 含まれます。", "pred": "Apache comes with a wide range of modules included by default."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The Registry setting may cause undesired program calls on files which are typically not executed.", "out": "Registry という設定は通常は実行されない ファイルに対して望ましくないプログラムの実行が発生する可能性があります。", "pred": "The Registry setting may cause undesired program calls on files which are typically not executed."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In addition, a Keep-Alive connection with an HTTP/1.0 client can only be used when the length of the content is known in advance.", "out": "さらに、HTTP/1.0 クライアントでは、コンテンツの容量が先に (訳注: 要求に対して応答を返す前に) わかる場合のみ Keep-Alive 接続を利用できます。", "pred": "In addition, a Keep-Alive connection with an HTTP/1.0 client can only be used when the長さ of the content known in advance."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This program can be used to create and update DBM format password files for use with this module.", "out": "このプログラムを使ってこの モジュールが使用する DBM フォーマットのパスワードファイルを作成したり 更新したりすることができます。", "pred": "このプログラム can be used to create and update DBM format password files for use with this module."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Logging is done before and after processing a request, so the forensic log contains two log lines for each request.", "out": "ログはリクエスト処理前と処理後に 行われますので、1 リクエストに対して 2 行のログが出力されます。", "pred": "Logging is done before and after processing a request, so the forensic log contains two log lines for each request."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Conditional Per-Request Settings For additional flexibility, the directives provided by mod_setenvif allow environment variables to be set on a per-request basis, conditional on characteristics of particular requests.", "out": "リクエスト毎に条件に基づいて設定する より柔軟性を高めるために、mod_setenvif で提供されているディレクティブを使用することで、リクエストの 特性に基づいて環境変数を設定することができます。", "pred": "条件付き Per-Request Settings For additional flexibility, the directives provided by mod_setenvif allow environment variables to be set on a per-request basis, 条件付き on characteristics of particular requests."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the server is compiled to use dynamically loaded modules, then modules can be compiled separately and added at any time using the LoadModule directive.", "out": "サーバが 動的ロード モジュールを使うようにコンパイルされている場合は、 モジュールを別にコンパイルして、いつでも LoadModule ディレクティブを使って追加できます。", "pred": "If the server is compiled to use dynamically loaded modules, then modules can be compiled separately and add at any time using the LoadModule ディレクティブ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The second pass parses the rest of the directives ( Deny or Allow ).", "out": "第2段階目で、残りのディレクティブ( Deny または Allow ) を全て処理します。", "pred": "The second pass parses the rest of the directives ( Deny or Allow )."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Virtual Hosting Serving multiple websites using a single instance of Apache.", "out": "バーチャルホスト 一つの Apache を使って複数のウェブサイトを扱うこと。", "pred": "Virtual Hosting Serving multiple websites using a single instance of Apache."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (Note that this would only be the case if .htaccess files were enabled for / , which is not usually the case.)", "out": "(これは 、 . htaccess が / に対して有効になっているときの場合で、普通はそうなって いないことに注意してください。", "pred": "(Note that this would only be the case if .htaccess files enabled for / , which is not usually the case.)"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: IconHeight[= pixels ] Presence of this option, when used with IconWidth , will cause the server to include height and width attributes in the img tag for the file icon.", "out": "IconHeight[= pixels ] このオプションが、 IconWidth とともに 使われている場合は、サーバはファイルアイコンのための img タグに height と width 属性を取り込むようになります。", "pred": "IconHeight[= pixels ] Presence of this option, when used with IconWidth , will cause the server to include height and width attributes in the img タグ for the file icon."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The config Element This command controls various aspects of the parsing.", "out": "config 要素 次のコマンドは解析の様々な側面を制御します。", "pred": "The config Element This command controls various aspects of the parsing."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Right: with The Ambassador to Japan in South Africa Mr. Yoshizawa at the official residence", "out": "写真右:公邸にて駐南アフリカ共和国日本大使 吉澤裕氏と", "pred": "Right: with The Ambassador to Japan in South Africa Mr. Yoshizawa at the official residence"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: A message saying \"Internal Server Error\" If you check the Apache error log , you will probably find that it says \"Premature end of script headers\", possibly along with an error message generated by your CGI program.", "out": "Internal Server Error\" というメッセージ Apache のエラーログ をチェックすると 、 \" Premature end of script headers\" というログが記録されていると思います。 そして、おそらく CGI プログラムによって生成されたエラーメッセージも記録されているでしょう。", "pred": "A message saying \"Internal Server Error\" If you check the Apache error log , you will probably find that it says \"Premature end of script headers\", possibly along with an error message generated by your CGI program."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It also affects CGIs unless you use mod_env to control the environment.", "out": "また、 mod_env を使用して環境変数を制御しない限り、 CGI にも影響を与えます。", "pred": "It also affects CGIs unless you use mod_env to control the environment."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Established XYZ (Cross Wise) Specified NPO | ZYXYZ In March 2012, we established XYZ (Cross Wise) Specified NPO with the purpose of contribution to society which has a marrow \"Power of Words\".", "out": "NPO法人XYZ(クロスワイズ)を設立しました | ジザイズ 2012年3月、言葉の力を核とした社会貢献活動を目的とし、NPO法人XYZ(クロスワイズ)を設立しました。", "pred": "Established Tiny (Cross Wise) Contestd NPO | ZYMEDIA In March 2012, we確立ed Tiny (Cross Wise) Contestd NPO with the purpose of contribution to society which has a marrow \"Power of Words\"."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If httpd requires DNS resolution to parse the configuration files then your server may be subject to reliability problems (ie. it might not start up), or denial and theft of service attacks (including virtual hosts able to steal hits from other virtual hosts).", "out": "Apache が設定ファイルを 読み込むときに DNS を使用する必要がある場合、信頼性の問題 (起動しないかもしれません) やサービス拒否や盗用アタック (他のユーザからヒットを盗むことを含みます) の問題に直面するかもしれません。", "pred": "If httpd requires DNS resolution to parse the configuration files then your server may be subject to reliability problems (ie. it may not start up), or denial and theft of service attacks (including virtual hosts able to steal hits from other virtual hosts)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Algorithms for encryption are usually called Ciphers .", "out": "暗号のためのアルゴリズムは通常 Cipher と呼ばれます。", "pred": "Cipher for暗号ion is usually called Ciphers ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The same value is typically provided to CGI scripts in the REMOTE_USER environment variable.", "out": "CGI スクリプトには通常同じ値が REMOTE_USER 環境変数として与えられます。", "pred": "The same value is typically provided to CGI scripts in the REMOTE_USER環境 variable."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This mapping is added to any already in force, overriding any mappings that already exist for the same extension .", "out": "この新しいマッピングは既にある他のマッピングに追加され、 同じ拡張子 extension のためのマッピングを上書きします。", "pred": "This mapping is added to any already in force, excessively any mappings that already exist for the same extension ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Relative URL references inside html pages will work correctly.", "out": "HTML ページの相対 URL 参照が正しく動作する。", "pred": "A HTML page with a relative URL references will correctly work."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: SSL/TLS Encryption Cipher An algorithm or system for data encryption.", "out": "参照: SSL/TLS 暗号化 Cipher データ暗号化のためのアルゴリズム。", "pred": "See: SSL/TLS Encryption Cipher An algorithm or system for data暗号化ion."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: directive and the regex version of require you to explicitly specify multiple slashes if that is your intention.", "out": " ディレクティブで、 複数のスラッシュにマッチさせたいときには、明示的に記述する 必要があります。", "pred": "directive and the regex version of require you to explicitly specify multipleスラッシュes if that is your intention."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Apache HTTP Server 2.0 extends this modular design to the most basic functions of a web server.", "out": "Apache 2.0 では、 このモジュール化された設計をサーバの基本機能にまで拡張しました。", "pred": "Apache HTTP Server 2.0 extends this modular design to the most basic function of a web server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This module is an interface to the SSL/TLS encryption protocols provided by OpenSSL. mod_dav New module in Apache httpd 2.0.", "out": "このモジュールは OpenSSL が 提供する SSL/TLS 暗号プロトコルへのインタフェースです。 mod_dav Apache 2.0 の新モジュール。", "pred": "This module is an interface to the SSL/TLS暗号化ion protocols provided by OpenSSL. mod_dav New module in Apache httpd 2.0."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: (Manufacturing industry: Human affairs manager) Name is used for humans, products, and companies in its lifetime.", "out": "(製造業:人事部長) 名前は人、商品、会社で一生使われるもの。", "pred": "(Manufacturing industry: Human affairs manager) Name is used for humans, product, and companies in its 寿命."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: There are four data types in the protocol: bytes, booleans, integers and strings.", "out": "プロトコルには 4 つのデータタイプがあります: byte, boolean, integer, string です。", "pred": "There are four data types in the protocol: UTF, booleans, integer and string."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Graceful Restart Signal: USR1 apache2ctl -k graceful The USR1 or graceful signal causes the parent process to advise the children to exit after their current request (or to exit immediately if they're not serving anything).", "out": "緩やかな再起動 シグナル: USR1 apache2ctl -k graceful 親プロセスは USR1 あるいは graceful シグナルを受け取ると、子プロセスに現在のリクエストの処理の後に終了する (あるいは何もしていなければすぐに終了する) ように 助言 します。", "pred": "Graceful Restart Signal: USR1 apache2ctl -k graceful The USR1 or graceful signal causes the parent process to advise the children to exit after their current request (or to exit immediately if they're not serving anything)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note that the encoded length does not include the trailing '\\0' -- it is like strlen .", "out": "エンコードされている長さ情報は最後の ' \\ 0' を カウントしない ことに注意してください ― ― これは strlen と同様です。", "pred": "Note that the encoded length does not include the trailing virtual0' -- it is like strlen ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In addition, LogFormat cannot use one nickname to define another nickname.", "out": "さらに、 LogFormat ディレクティブは既存の nickname を 使って別の nickname を定義することはできません。", "pred": "In addition, LogFormat is about one nickname to another nickname."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Notes: The server always adds a Date: and Server: header to the data returned to the client, so these should not be included in the file.", "out": "注意 注意: サーバはクライアントに返されるデータに常に Date: と Server: ヘッダを追加しますので、 それらがファイルに書かれていてはいけません。", "pred": "Notes: The server always adds a Date: and Server: ヘッダ to the data returned to the client, so これらの should not be included in the file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This module allows an LDAP database to be used to store credentials for HTTP Basic Authentication.", "out": "HTTP 基本認証の証明書を保存するのに、 LDAP データベースを使用できるようになります。", "pred": "This module allows an LDAPデータベース to be used to store credentials for HTTP Basic Authentication."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Apache ordinarily labels this text according to the character set which it uses, which is ISO-8859-1.", "out": "通常、このテキストに合致したキャラクタセット、ISO-8859-1 でラベル付けをします。", "pred": "Apache は通常 theラベル to the character set which it uses, which ISO-8859-1."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: At least one of the IP addresses in the forward lookup must match the original address.", "out": "正引きの 結果の IP アドレスの中にオリジナルのアドレスと一致するものがなければ なりません。", "pred": "At least one of the IP addresses in the forward must match the original address."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To avoid problems with name servers or proxies who cached the old IP address for the name-based vhost we want to provide both variants during a migration phase.", "out": "名前ベースのバーチャルホストの古い IP アドレスを キャッシュしているネームサーバやプロキシのために移行期間中は両方の バーチャルホストを提供したいとします。", "pred": "To avoid problems with nameサーバー or プロキシ whoキャッシュ the 古い IP address for the name-based vhost we want to provide both variants during a migration phase."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This means that Apache httpd will serve any file mapped from an URL.", "out": "これは、URL からマップされたどのファイルでも Apache は送るということです。", "pred": "つまり、Apache httpd will serve any file mapped from an URL."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: I feel that her picture book is on a high level as well.", "out": "絵本も相当なレベルにあると感じます。", "pred": "私は、彼女の絵本は on a high level as well."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Old clients expect x-gzip and x-compress , however the standard dictates that they're equivalent to gzip and compress respectively.", "out": "古いクライアントは x-zip と x-compress が返ってくることを期待しますが、標準規格ではそれぞれ gzip と compress と等価であることになっています。", "pred": "Old clients expect x-gzip and x-compress , but the standard dictates that they're equivalent to gzip and compress それぞれ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Careful examination of the IP addresses and server names may help uncover configuration mistakes.", "out": "IP アドレスとサーバ名を注意深く調べれば、 設定の間違いを見つける助けになるでしょう。", "pred": "Careful examination of the IP address and server names may help uncover configuration mistakes."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: With this module, a program which reads from stdin and writes to stdout (i.e., a Unix-style filter command) can be a filter for Apache.", "out": "このモジュールを 使えば、標準入力から読み込んで、標準出力に書き出すプログラム (すなわち Unix 形式のフィルタコマンド) を Apache のフィルタにすることが できます。", "pred": "With this module, a program which reads from stdin and writes to stdout (i.e., a Unix-style filter command) can be a filter for Apache."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The first thing you see written by your program should be a set of HTTP headers, including the Content-Type , followed by a blank line.", "out": ") 最初にプログラムから出力されるのは Content-Type を含み、 後に空行の続く HTTP ヘッダでなければなりません。", "pred": "The first thing you see written by your program should be a set of HTTP headers, including the Content-Type , followed by a blank line."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) A protocol created by Netscape Communications Corporation for general communication authentication and encryption over TCP/IP networks.", "out": "Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Netscape Communications Corporation により TCP/IP ネットワーク上で一般の通信の認証と暗号用に作られたプロトコル。", "pred": "Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) A protocol created by Netscape Communications Corporation for general communication authentication and暗号化ion over TCP/IP networks."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The virtual attribute should always be used in preference to this one. virtual The value is a (%-encoded) URL-path.", "out": "常にこの属性よりは、 virtual 属性を使うようにしてください。 virtual 値は解析されているドキュメントからの ( % エンコードされた) URL です。", "pred": "The virtual attribute should always be used in preference to this one. virtual The value is a (%-エンコードされた) URL-path."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the Accept* header for any dimension implies that this variant is not acceptable, eliminate it.", "out": "もしある次元の Accept* ヘッダでその variant が許容できないことが示されていれば、それを削除します。", "pred": "If the Accept* ヘッダ for any diagnostic implies that this variant is not acceptable, eliminate it."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The format is specified using a format string that looks much like a C-style printf(1) format string.", "out": "書式は C の printf(1) フォーマット文字列に非常に似た フォーマット文字列 により指定されます。", "pred": "The format is specified using a format string that looks much like a C-style printf(1) format string."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the path is not absolute, it will be interpreted relative to ServerRoot .", "out": "絶対パスでないときは ServerRoot からの相対パスとして 扱われます。", "pred": "If the path is not absolute, it is used relative to ServerRoot ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Be careful about locating files in paths which are writable by non-root users.", "out": "root 以外のユーザが書き込み可能なパスにファイルを置く場合は注意が必要です。", "pred": "Be careful about locating files in paths which are writable by non-root users."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: \"Japan Society of Kansei Engineering Prize\" is decided and recognized by the selection committee including the mass media, for sensitive products, services, creative works, publication and so on, with the point of view of relationship formation for sensitivity and society.", "out": "「日本感性工学会賞」は、感性と社会の関係形成を視点に、感性豊かな製品・サービス・クリエイティブ作品や出版物などを対象にして、マスコミの方たちを含めた選考委員会で決定・表彰するものです。", "pred": "\"Japan Society of Kansei Engineering Prize\" is decided and recognized by the selection committee including the mass media, for sensitive Product, services, creative works, publication and so on, with the point of view of relationship formation for sensitivity and society."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, a JPEG file is usually of higher source quality than an ASCII file if it is attempting to represent a photograph.", "out": "例えば、写真を表現しようとしているときは JPEG ファイルの方が普通は ASCII ファイルよりも高い品質になります。", "pred": "例えば、 a JPEG file is usually of higher source品質 than an ASCII file if it is trying to represent a photograph."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The lecture made me think about deep \"Power of Word\".", "out": "深い「言葉の力」を考えさせられました。", "pred": "The lecture made me think about deep \"Power of Word\"."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In this case, the information that is not available is the RFC 1413 identity of the client determined by identd on the clients machine.", "out": "この場合、取得できなかった情報はクライアントのマシンの identd により決まる RFC 1413 のクライアントの アイデンティティです。", "pred": "この場合, the information that is not available is the RFC 1413 identity of the client determined by identd on the clientsマシン."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: All command examples are given in this regard.", "out": "これは、すべてのコマンド例にあてはまります。", "pred": "Allコマンド examples are given in this regard."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note that in the case of nested include files, this is not the URL for the current document.", "out": "挿入ファイルが入れ子になっている場合は、解析されている ドキュメントの URL では ない ことに注意してください。", "pred": "Note that in the case of nested include files, this is not the URL for the current document."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Digital signatures are created by encrypting a digest of the message and other information (such as a sequence number) with the sender's private key.", "out": "電子署名はメッセージのダイジェストやその他の情報(処理番号など)を 送信者の秘密鍵で暗号化することで作られます。", "pred": "Digital署名s are created by暗号ing a digest of the message and other information (such as a general number) with the sender's private key."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: MIME-type is a valid content-type, such as text/html .", "out": "MIME-type は有効なタイプ、例えば text/html です。", "pred": "MIME-type is an有効な content-type, such as text/html ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: SSL/TLS Encryption Method In the context of HTTP , an action to perform on a resource, specified on the request line by the client.", "out": "参照: SSL/TLS 暗号化 メソッド HTTP の文脈では、 クライアントから指定されたリクエスト行に対応するリソース に対して行なう動作。", "pred": "See: SSL/TLS Encryption Method In the context of HTTP , an action to perform on a resource, specified on the request line by the client."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: section, the first argument is omitted and the local directory is obtained from the", "out": "セクションの中で使われた場合は、 最初の引数は省略され、ローカルディレクトリは", "pred": "セクションの中で mod_logio_status_config_referense, the first argument is omitted and the local directory is obtained from the"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The formal name of this provider is filesystem . mod_dav backend providers will be invoked by using the Dav directive: Example Dav filesystem Since filesystem is the default provider for mod_dav , you may simply use the value On instead.", "out": "このプロバイダの正式な名前は filesystem です。 mod_dav バックエンドプロバイダは Dav ディレクティブを使用して起動されます。 例 Dav filesystem filesystem は mod_dav のデフォルトプロバイダになっていますから、代わりに単に On と指定することもできます。", "pred": "The formal name of this provider filesystem . mod_dav backend providers will be invoked by using the Dav ディレクティブ: Example Dav filesystem Since filesystem is the default provider for mod_dav , you may simply use the value On."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In the following example, both the file and LDAP based authentication providers are being used.", "out": "次の例では file 認証プロバイダと ldap 認証プロバイダを 組み合わせています。", "pred": "In the example, both the file and LDAP based 認証プロバイダ are used."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In particular, if you are creating an Alias to a directory outside of your DocumentRoot , you may need to explicitly permit access to the target directory.", "out": ") 特に、 Alias を DocumentRoot ディレクトリの外側に配置した場合は、行き先のディレクトリに対する アクセス権限を明示的に制限しなければならないでしょう。", "pred": "More information, if you are creating an Alias to a directory outside of your DocumentRoot , you may need to compared to the target directory."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The server ships with a selection of Multi-Processing Modules (MPMs) which are responsible for binding to network ports on the machine, accepting requests, and dispatching children to handle the requests.", "out": "サーバには精選されたマルチプロセッシングモジュール (MPM) が付いてきて、これらはマシンのネットワークポートをバインドしたり、 リクエストを受け付けたり、リクエストを扱うよう子プロセスに割り当てたり、 といった役割を持ちます。", "pred": "The server ships with a selection of Multi-Processing Modules (MPMs) which are responsible for binding toネットワークポートs on the machine, accepting requests, and dispatching children toハンドル the requests."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The optional condition argument determines which internal table of responses headers this directive will operate against.", "out": "オプションの condition は onsuccess か always のどちらかを指定できます。 これは内部ヘッダテーブルのどれを 操作するかを決定します。", "pred": "The optional condition argument determines which internal table of responses headers this directive will be operated against."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You should not edit the mime.types file, because it may be replaced when you upgrade your server.", "out": "mime.types はサーバをアップグレードしたときに 置き換えられるかもしれないので、そのファイルを直接 編集しないでください。", "pred": "You should not edit the mime.types file, because it may be replaced when you upgrade your server."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The shared library approach is the typical one, because it is what the DSO mechanism was designed for, hence it is used for nearly all types of libraries the operating system provides.", "out": "共有ライブラリのアプローチが普通の方法です。 DSO 機構はそのために 設計されたものですから。 したがって、その方法はオペレーティングシステムが 提供するほとんどすべての種類のライブラリで使われています。", "pred": "The shared library approach is the典型的な one, because it is what the DSO mechanism was designed for, hence it used for nearly all types ofライブラリー the operating system provides."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This forensic ID can be cross logged in the normal transfer log using the %{forensic-id}n format string.", "out": "この forensic ID は フォーマット文字列 % { forensic-id}n を使うことで 通常の transfer ログにログ収集することもできます。", "pred": "This forensic ID can be crossログd in the normal transfer log using the %{forensic-id}n format string."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The ScriptAlias directive works the same way, with the additional effect that all content located at the target path is treated as CGI scripts.", "out": "ScriptAlias も、 対象となっているパスが CGI スクリプトとして扱われるという追加の 効果以外は同じように動作します。", "pred": "The ScriptAlias ディレクティブ works the same way, with the additional effect that all content located at the target path is treated as CGI scripts."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If no content was returned to the client, this value will be \" - \".", "out": "コンテントがクライアントに送られなかった 場合は、この値は \" - \" になります。", "pred": "If no content was returned to the client, this value will be \" - \"."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Standard CGI Variables In addition to all environment variables set within the Apache configuration and passed from the shell, CGI scripts and SSI pages are provided with a set of environment variables containing meta-information about the request as required by the CGI specification .", "out": "標準 CGI 変数 Apache の設定ファイルで設定された環境変数とシェルから渡される 環境変数に加えて、CGI スクリプトと SSI ページには CGI の仕様 で要求されている、 リクエストのメタ情報を持った環境変数の組が提供されます。", "pred": "Standard CGI Variables In addition to all environment variables set within the Apache configuration and passed from the shell, CGI scripts and SSI pages are provided with a set of environment variables containing meta-information about the request as required by the CGI specification ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Mutual-failure This order has the same effect as Order Allow,Deny and is deprecated in its favor.", "out": "Mutual-failure これは Order Allow,Deny と全く同じ効果を持ち、 そのため非推奨となっています。", "pred": "Mutual-failure This order has the same effect as Order Allow,Deny and is deprecated in its favor."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: IPv6 Support On systems where IPv6 is supported by the underlying Apache Portable Runtime library, Apache httpd gets IPv6 listening sockets by default.", "out": "IPv6 サポート Apache が使用している Apache Portable Runtime library が IPv6 をサポートしているシステムでは Apache は デフォルトで IPv6 のソケットを listen します。", "pred": "IPv6 Support On System where IPv6 is supported by the underlying Apache Portable Runtime library, Apache httpd gets IPv6 listening sockets by default."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is how the company's name SIGMAXYZ was born.", "out": "こうして誕生した社名がSIGMAXYZ(シグマクシス)である。", "pred": "This is how the company's name SIGMACISC was born."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The default location is \"/usr/local/apache2/bin/suexec\".", "out": "デフォルトの場所は \" / usr/local/apache/bin/suexec\" です。", "pred": "The default location is \"/usr/local/apache2/bin/suexec\"."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: ABCname, as it stands for \"Advanced Brand name Creation\", is a groundbreaking software filled with a wide varieties of know-how.It can be practically utilized in diverse situations, for instance, as the first step (ABC) in naming, or to assist in concept making on product development or project meeting.", "out": "ABCnameは、\"Advanced Brandname Creation\"を由来とするその名の通り、多彩なノウハウが詰まったこれまでにない画期的なネーミングソフトであり、ネーミングの第一歩(ABC)として、また商品開発など企画会議におけるコンセプトメイキングの一助として、幅広いシーンで実践的にご活用いただけると考えております。", "pred": "ABCname, as it stands for \"Advanced Brand name Creation\", is a groundbreaking software filled with a wide varieties of know-how.It can be practically utilized in diverse situations, for example, as the first step (ABC) in naming, or to assist in concept making on product development or project meeting."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The Order directive controls the order of access directive processing only within each phase of the server's configuration processing.", "out": "Order ディレクティブはサーバの設定処理の各段階でだけ アクセスディレクティブの処理の順番を変更します。", "pred": "The Order ディレクティブ controls the order of access directive processing only within each phase of the server's configuration processing."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In this case, you will want to check each of the below sections to see what might be preventing your CGI program from emitting the proper HTTP headers.", "out": "この場合、CGI プログラムが適切な HTTP ヘッダを出力できない原因を知るために、 以下の各章でチェックしてみてください。", "pred": "この場合は、それぞれの of the below section to see what might be防止ing your CGI program from emitting the appropriate HTTP headers."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the left result is sufficient to determine the end result, processing stops here.", "out": "左側で結果を十分決定できる場合は、評価はそこで停止します。", "pred": "If the left result is sufficient to determine the end result, processing stops here."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If it exists and contains an appropriate language tag, mod_negotiation will try to select a matching variant.", "out": "この変数が存在して、適切な言語タグが代入されているのであれば、 mod_negotiation は合致する variant を選択しようとします。", "pred": "If it exists and contains an適切な language tag, mod_negotiation will try to select a matching variant."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: An especially useful feature of mod_speling, is that it will compare filenames without respect to case.", "out": "mod_speling の非常に有用な機能は、大文字小文字を区別せずに ファイル名を比較するものです。", "pred": "An especially useful feature of mod_speling, is that it will compare filenames without respect to case."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The exec Element The exec command executes a given shell command or CGI script.", "out": "exec 要素 exec コマンドは指定されたシェルコマンドや CGI スクリプトを 実行します。", "pred": "The exec Element The exec command executes a given shell command or CGI スクリプト."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If an argument contains a space, the argument must be enclosed in double quotes.", "out": "引数が空白を含むときは二重引用符 (訳注 : \" ) で囲まれています。", "pred": "If an argument contains a space, the argument must be symboliced in double quotes."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: And you can config the format in which file sizes are returned with the sizefmt attribute.", "out": "(そうですよね ? ) そして、 config において sizefmt 属性を使用することで、 返されるファイルサイズの書式を設定することができます。", "pred": "And you can config the format in which file sizes are returned with the sizefmt attribute."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You can control this selection using environment variables .", "out": "この挙動は 環境変数 で制御できます。", "pred": "環境変数 using this selection can be controlled ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The access log file typically grows 1 MB or more per 10,000 requests.", "out": "アクセスログのファイルは普通 10,000 リクエスト毎に 1 MB 以上増えます。", "pred": "Theアクセス log file is typically growing 10,000 リクエスト毎に MB or more."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The trailing pathname information can be made available to scripts in the PATH_INFO environment variable.", "out": "続きのパス名情報はスクリプトには PATH_INFO 環境変数として利用可能になります。", "pred": "The trailing pathname information can be made available to scripts in the PATH_INFO environment variable."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This allows .htaccess files in subdirectories to undo any associations inherited from parent directories or the server config files.", "out": "これにより、 サブディレクトリにある .htaccess ファイルが親ディレクトリやサーバの設定ファイルから継承した 関連付けを取り消すことができます。", "pred": "This allows .htaccess files in subdirectories to undo any associations inherited from parent directories or the server config files."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It's strongly recommended that the magic username ' anonymous ' is always one of the allowed userIDs.", "out": "魔法のユーザ名 ' anonymous ' が許可されている userID に 含むようにすることは強く推奨されています。", "pred": "It's strongly recommended that the magic username ' anonymous ' is always one of thedangerous userIDs."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If you add a redirect, it must be the last alternative in the list.", "out": "リダイレクトを加える場合は、リストの最後の選択肢でなければなりません。", "pred": "If you add a redirect, it must be the last alternative in the list."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If it is not absolute, it is treated as relative to the ServerRoot .", "out": "もし絶対パスでなければ、 ServerRoot からの相対パスとして扱われます。", "pred": "If it is not absolute, it is treated as relative to the ServerRoot ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: To check the semantics of the configuration files as well as the syntax, you can try starting httpd as a non-root user.", "out": "設定ファイルの意味的な内容を構文と同様に検証したい場合は、 非 root ユーザで httpd を起動しようとすればわかります。", "pred": "To check the semantics of the configuration files as well as the syntax, you can try starting httpd as a non-root user."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The keyword disabled followed by a space-delimited list of usernames.", "out": "disabled キーワードと、スペース区切りのユーザ名リスト。", "pred": "The keyword disabled followed by a space-delimited list ofユーザ名s."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Establishing a Session The SSL session is established by following a handshake sequence between client and server, as shown in Figure 1 .", "out": "セッションの確立 図1 で示されるように、 セッションの確立はクライアントとサーバ間の ハンドシェークシークエンスによって行なわれます。", "pred": "Establishing a Session The SSL session is established by following a handshake sequence between client and server, as shown in Figure 1 ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Please do not send requests to the Apache HTTP Server Project to add any new entries in the distributed mime.types file unless (1) they are already registered with IANA, and (2) they use widely accepted, non-conflicting filename extensions across platforms. category/x-subtype requests will be automatically rejected, as will any new two-letter extensions as they will likely conflict later with the already crowded language and character set namespace.", "out": "(1) IANA に既に登録されている、あるいは (2) 広く受け入れられていてプラットホーム間でファイル拡張子に衝突がない、 という場合でなければ、配布中の mime.types ファイルに新たなものを登録するように Apache HTTP Server Project にリクエストしないでください。 category/x-subtype のリクエストは自動的に却下されますし、 言語や文字セットの名前空間で既に使用されていて、衝突の可能性のある 2 文字の拡張子も却下されます。", "pred": "Please do not send requests to the Apache HTTP Server Project to add any new entries in the distribution mime.types file unless (1) they are already registered with IANA, and (2) they use widely accepted, non-providing filename extensions across platforms. category/x-subtype requests will automatically rejected, as will any new two-letter extensions as they will likely conflict later with the already crowded language and character set namespace."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: It may be set only once for the entire server; it cannot be configured per virtual-host.", "out": "このディレクティブはサーバ全体で一度だけ設定できます; バーチャルホストごとに設定することはできません。", "pred": "Apache httpd will only be set with the only server for the entire; it cannot be configured per virtual-host."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The two functions are separated so that you can completely remove (or replace) automatic index generation should you want to.", "out": "自動的なインデックス生成機能を削除 (もしくは交換) できるように、この二つの機能は分離されています。", "pred": "The two functions are separated so that you can completely remove (or replace) automatic index generations should you want to."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the name becomes widely known among the consumers, and if it invokes its distinctive brand image, the name realizes effective functions as a communication tool.", "out": "そのブランド名が広く消費者に知れ渡り、そこから独自のブランドイメージが想起されるようになれば、名前は強力なコミュニケーションツールとして大きな力を発揮していくことになります。", "pred": "If the name is widely known among the consumers, and if it invokes its distinctive brand image, the name realizes効果的な function as a communication tool."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: REMOTE_IDENT This will only be set if IdentityCheck is set to on and the accessing host supports the ident protocol.", "out": "REMOTE_IDENT IdentityCheck が on に設定されていて、アクセスしているホストが ident プロトコルをサポートしているときにのみ設定されます。", "pred": "REMOTE_IDENT This will only be set if IdentityCheck is set to on and the accessing host supports the ident protocol."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Thus, you must have at least AllowOverride FileInfo in order for this directive to be honored in .htaccess files.", "out": "ですから 、 . htaccess 中の このディレクティブが有効になるためには、少なくとも AllowOverride FileInfo が設定されている必要があります。", "pred": "Thus, you must have at least AllowOverride FileInfo in order for this directive to be honored in .htaccess files."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This document describes how to use DSO modules as well as the theory behind their use.", "out": "この文書は DSO モジュールの使い方と、仕組みについて 説明します。", "pred": "この文書 describes how to use DSO modules as well as the theory behind their use."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In addition, if Include points to a directory, rather than a file, Apache httpd will read all files in that directory and any subdirectory.", "out": "さらに、 Include にディレクトリを指定した場合は、 ディレクトリとそのサブディレクトリ内の全てのファイルを アルファベット順に読み込んで、設定ファイルとして処理します。", "pred": "In addition, if Includeポイント to a directory, rather than a file, Apache httpd will read all files in that directory and any subdirectory."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This is useful to block out \"system\" accounts.", "out": "これは \"system\" 用のアカウントを閉め出すのに有効です。", "pred": "This is useful to block out \"system\" accounts."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: would match URLs that contained the substring /extra/data or /special/data .", "out": "は URL に /extra/data か /special/data という文字列が含まれている場合にマッチします。", "pred": "would match URLs that contained the substring /extra/data or /special/data ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: These email addresses can be logged.", "out": "この電子メールアドレスはログ収集することが できます。", "pred": "These email addresses can be logged."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Language Browser indicates preferences with the Accept-Language header field.", "out": "言語 ブラウザは Accept-Language ヘッダフィールドで優先傾向を指定します。", "pred": "Language browser works with preferences with the Accept-Language ヘッダフィールド."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In order for mod_dav to manage files, it must be able to write to the directories and files under its control using the User and Group under which Apache is running.", "out": "mod_dav がファイルを操作できるようにするためには、 管理下のディレクトリとファイルとに Apache が実行されている User と Group で書き込み可能である必要があります。", "pred": "In order for mod_dav to manage files, it must be able to write to the directory and files under its control using the User and Group under which Apache comes."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This type of adjustment is necessary only if the provider of the third-party module specifies that it is required, or if diagnosis of an Apache httpd crash indicates that the thread stack size was too small.", "out": "サードパーティ製モジュールでこの処置が必要であると記載されている 場合か、Apache の出力するメッセージでスレッドスタックサイズが 小さすぎると指摘されている場合にのみ、この調整をしてください。", "pred": "This type of adjustment is necessary only if the provider of the third-party module specifies that it is required, or if diagnosis of an Apache crash indicates that the thread stack size is too small."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This module is designed for the use in test suites and large networks which have to deal with different httpd versions and different configurations.", "out": "様々なバージョンの httpd を様々な設定で動作させることになる場合で、 テストスイートや巨大なネットワークでの用途を想定して、 このモジュールは設計されています。", "pred": "このモジュールには、デザイナーd for the use in test suites and large networks which have to deal with different httpd versions and different configurations."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Background On modern Unix derivatives there exists a mechanism called dynamic linking/loading of Dynamic Shared Objects (DSO) which provides a way to build a piece of program code in a special format for loading it at run-time into the address space of an executable program.", "out": "背景 最近の Unix 系の OS には 動的共有オブジェクト (DSO) の動的リンク/ロードという気のきいた機構が 存在します。 これは、実行時にプログラムのアドレス空間に ロードできるような特別な形式でプログラムをビルドすることを 可能にします。", "pred": "Background On modern Unix derivatives there exists a mechanism called dynamic linking/loading of Dynamic Shared Objects (DSO) which provides a way to build a piece of program code in a special format for loading it at run-time into the address space of an executable program."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Security: If a program is used, then it will be run as the user who started httpd .", "out": "セキュリティ もしプログラムが使用された場合、 httpd が起動されたユーザとして実行されます。", "pred": "Security: If a program is used, then it will be run as the user who started httpd ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Access Control backwards compatibility One of the side effects of adopting a provider based mechanism for authentication is that the previous access control directives Order , Allow , Deny and Satisfy are no longer needed.", "out": "アクセス制御の後方互換性 認証プロバイダベースの機構があるため、以前使用されていたディレクティブ Order , Allow , Deny , Satisfy は必要なくなりました。", "pred": "Access Control Statutory Limited One of the副作用 of adopting aプロバイダ based mechanism for authentication is the previous access control directives Order , Allow , Deny and Satisfy are no longer needed."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: When the ProxyDomain directive is used and the server is configured for proxy service , Apache httpd can return a redirect response and send the client to the correct, fully qualified, server address.", "out": "サーバが プロキシのサービス用に設定されていて ProxyDomain ディレクティブが 使用された場合には、Apache はクライアントにリダイレクト応答を送って、 正しい、完全な ( ( 訳注: fully qualified ) ) サーバのアドレスに送ることができます。", "pred": "When the ProxyDomain ディレクティブ used and the server configured for proxy service , Apache httpd can return a リダイレクト response and send the client to the correct, fully qualified, server address."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The first edition \"An 8-Language Wordbook For Name-creation\" could have been reprinted with your supports, however, a need of words for naming has been changing together with changing of the time.", "out": "初版「ネーミングのための8か国語辞典」はたくさんの方々にご支持いただき、増刷を重ねてきましたが、時代の移り変わりとともに、ネーミングに対する言葉のニーズも日々変化を遂げています。", "pred": "The first edition \"An 8-Language Wordbook For Name-creation\" could have been given with your support, however, a need of words for naming has been changeing together with changing of the time."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Please use this new dictionary as the word source for naming to create the hit items.", "out": "ヒット商品を作るネーミングのためのワードソースとして、ぜひご活用ください。", "pred": "Please use this new 辞書 as the word source for naming to create the hit item."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: There are two ways to solve this: Use the XBitHack Full configuration.", "out": "これを解決する方法が二つあります: XBitHack Full 設定を使用する。", "pred": "There are two ways to solve this: Use the XBitHack Full configuration."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: You may want to use this option if you have 2 servers parsing the output of a file each processing different commands (possibly at different times).", "out": "二つのサーバで (もしかすると別々の段階で) ファイルの出力を解析していて、 それぞれに違うコマンドを処理させたい、 というようなときにこのオプションを使います。", "pred": "You may want to use this option if you have 2サーバー parsing the output of a file each processing different commands (ratio at different times)."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The AddLanguage directive is more useful for content negotiation , where the server returns one from several documents based on the client's language preference.", "out": "AddLanguage ディレクティブは、サーバがクライアントの言語の優先度に基づいて複数の ドキュメントの中からドキュメントを選ぶ コンテントネゴシエーション のためにより役に立ちます。", "pred": "The AddLanguage ディレクティブ is more useful for content negotiation , where the server returns one from several documents based on the client's language preference."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: In particular, this module can leak sensitive information from the configuration directives of other Apache modules such as system paths, usernames/passwords, database names, etc.", "out": "特に、このモジュールはシステムパス、ユーザ名/パスワード、 データベース名など、他の Apache モジュールの設定ディレクティブから セキュリティ上微妙な情報を漏らす可能性があります。", "pred": "とりわけ, this module can leak sensitive information from the configuration directives of other Apache modules such as system paths, usernames/passwords, データベースname, etc."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This negotiation method gives the browser full control over deciding on the 'best' variant, the result is therefore dependent on the specific algorithms used by the browser.", "out": "このネゴシエーション方法では 、 「 最適な」 variant の決定をブラウザが完全に制御することができます。 ですから、結果はブラウザが使用しているアルゴリズムに依存します。", "pred": "This negotiation method gives the browser full control over deciding on the 'best' variant, the result therefore 依存 on the specific algorithms used by the browser."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This lecture made me think the importance to name with \"heart\" and \"spirit\". (anonymous) I think Ms.Yokoi has had pains to create, however, her talk was stirring.", "out": "「心」「魂」を込めることの大切さを考えさせていただきました。(無記名) 産みの苦しみがあったと思いますが、お話は感動的でした。", "pred": "(anonymous) I think Ms.Yokoi has had pains to create, however, her talk was stirring."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: See: Configuration Files HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) The standard transmission protocol used on the World Wide Web.", "out": "参照: 設定ファイル HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) World Wide Web で使われる標準の転送プロトコル。", "pred": "See: Configuration Files HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) The standard transmission protocol used on the World Wide Web."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If no value is given for the option, it defaults to the standard height of the icons supplied with the Apache httpd software.", "out": "このオプションに何も値が与えられなければ、Apache ソフトウェアで提供されているアイコンの標準の高さが デフォルトなります。", "pred": "If no value given for the option, it defaults to the standard height of the icons supplied with the Apache software."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Name of \"CHAdeMO\" means \"CHArge de MOve = Move by charging\" and \"CHARGE DENKI (=Electricity) MOVE\".", "out": "「CHAdeMO(チャデモ)」のネーミングには、「CHArge de MOve=充電して動く」、「CHARGE 電気 MOVE」の意味を込めています。", "pred": "Name of \"CHAdeMO\" means \"CHArge de MOve = Move by charging\" and \"CHARGE DENKI (=Electricity) MOVE\"."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If the .doc extension is associated with the Microsoft Word file type, and the .zip extension is associated with the pkzip file encoding, then the file Resume.doc.zip would be known to be a pkzip'ed Word document.", "out": ".doc 拡張子が Microsoft Word の ファイルタイプと関連付けられていて 、 . zip 拡張子が pkzip ファイルエンコーディングと関連付けられていると、ファイル Resume.doc.zip は pkzip された Word ドキュメントである ということがわかります。", "pred": "If the .doc extension is associated with the Microsoft Word file type, and the .zip extension is associated with the pkzip file encoding, then the file Resume.doc.zip would be known to be a pkzip'ed Word document."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: User Directories To allow CGI program execution for any file ending in .cgi in users' directories, you can use the following configuration.", "out": "User ディレクトリ .cgi で終わるすべてのファイルに対して CGI プログラムの 実行を許可するには、以下の設定を使用できます。", "pred": "User Directories To allow CGI program execution for any file ending in .cgi in user's directory, you can use the following configuration."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The most common method is Basic , and this is the method implemented by mod_auth_basic .", "out": "最も一般的な方法は Basic で、これは mod_auth_basic で実装されています。", "pred": "The most common method is Basic , and this is the method implemented by mod_auth_basic ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note that to use this feature, you must have a handler set in the configuration that defines a file suffix as type-map ; this is best done with AddHandler type-map .var in the server configuration file.", "out": "この機能を使うためには、あるファイルの拡張子を type-map として定義するようなハンドラを、 設定ファイル中に置く必要があることに注意してください。 これは AddHandler type-map .var をサーバ設定ファイル中に書くことが一番良い方法です。", "pred": "Note that to use this feature, you must have a handler set in the configuration that defines a file suffix as type-map ; this is best done with AddHandler type-map .var in the server configuration file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: If a proxy server exists between the user and the server, this address will be the address of the proxy, rather than the originating machine. - ( %l ) The \"hyphen\" in the output indicates that the requested piece of information is not available.", "out": "ユーザとサーバの間にプロキシサーバが あれば、このアドレスは元のマシンのものではなく、プロキシの アドレスになります。 - ( %l ) 出力中の「ハイフン」は要求された情報が手に入らなかったということを 意味します。", "pred": "If a proxy server exists between the user and the server, this address will be the address of the proxy, rather than the originating machine. - ( %l ) The \"hyphen\" in the output indicates that the request piece of information is not available."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Note on Content-Length If you evaluate the request body yourself, don't trust the Content-Length header!", "out": "Content-Length に関する注意 リクエスト本体それ自体を評価する場合は、 Content-Length ヘッダを信用しないでください 。", "pred": "Note on Content-Length If you evaluate the request body yourself, don't trust the Content-Length ヘッダ!"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The action-type can be either a handler or a MIME content type .", "out": "Action-type には handler か MIME コンテントタイプ を指定できます。", "pred": "The action-type can be either a handler or a MIME content type ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This configuration will cause Apache httpd to perform a double DNS lookup on the client IP address, regardless of the setting of the HostnameLookups directive.", "out": "この設定をすると、Apache は HostnameLookups の設定に関わらず、クライアントの IP アドレスに対して DNS の 2 重逆引きを行ないます。 ホスト名からオリジナルの IP アドレスを順引きします。", "pred": "This configuration will cause Apache to perform a double DNS lookup on the client IP address, regardless of the setting of the HostnameLookups directive."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This tells Apache to determine the last modified date by looking only at the date of the originally requested file, ignoring the modification date of any included files.", "out": "この設定により、もともと要求されたファイルの時刻を参照し、 読み込まれるファイルの変更時刻を無視して最終変更時刻を決定するよう Apache に伝えます。", "pred": "This tells Apache to determine the last modified date by looking only at the date of the originally request file, Availableing the modification date of any included file."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Raising the maximum resource limit requires that the server is running as root or in the initial startup phase.", "out": "最大のリソースリミットを上げるためには、サーバを root で実行するか起動されなければいけません。", "pred": "Raising the maximum resource limit requires that the server is running as root or in the initial startup phase."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This simplifies the apache2.conf file by providing the majority of media-type definitions, and may be overridden by AddType directives as needed.", "out": "これは、主要なメディアタイプの定義を提供して、 必要ところを AddType で 上書きする、という方法で apache2.conf を簡略にします。", "pred": "This simplifies the apache2.conf file by providing the majority of media-type definitions, and may be overridden by AddType directives as needed."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: CGI scripts typically use the message body for retrieving form information.", "out": "CGI スクリプトは、よく情報を受信するために メッセージボディを使います。", "pred": "CGI scripts typically use the message body for retrieving form information."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: The processing is controlled by specially formatted SGML comments, referred to as elements .", "out": "処理の内容は 要素 と呼ばれる特別な形式の SGML コメントにより 制御されます。", "pred": "The processing is controlled by specially formatted SGML comments, referred to as要素 ."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: With a network-mounted DocumentRoot (e.g., NFS, SMB, CIFS, FUSE), the kernel may be unable to serve the network file through its own cache.", "out": "ネットワークマウントされた DocumentRoot (例えば NFS や SMB) では、カーネルは自身のキャッシュを使ってネットワークからのファイルを 送ることができないことがあります。", "pred": "With a network-mounted DocumentRoot (e.g., NFS, SMB, CIFS, FUSE), the kernel may be unable to serve the network file through its own cache."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: Please review these before submitting any \"bugs\" regarding suEXEC. suEXEC Points Of Interest Hierarchy limitations For security and efficiency reasons, all suEXEC requests must remain within either a top-level document root for virtual host requests, or one top-level personal document root for userdir requests.", "out": "suEXEC に関する \"バグ\" を報告する前にこれらを確認してください。 suEXEC の興味深い点 階層構造の制限 セキュリティと効率の理由から、 suEXEC の全てのリクエストは 仮想ホストへのリクエストにおける最上位のドキュメントルート内か、 ユーザディレクトリへのリクエストにおける個々のユーザの最上位の ドキュメントルート内に残らなければなりません。", "pred": "Please review this before submitting any \"bugs\" regarding suEXEC. suEXEC Points Of Interest Constraint Development For security and efficiency reasons, all suEXEC requests must remain within either a top-level document root for virtual host requests, or one top-level personal document root for userdir requests."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: For example, you may wish to let users have web content in their home directories with the UserDir directive.", "out": "例えば、ユーザに UserDir ディレクティブで彼らのホームディレクトリ配下にウェブコンテンツを持たせたいとします。", "pred": "たとえば、 UserDir ディレクティブを UserDir の下に登録する必要があります。"} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This filename can be changed with the PidFile directive.", "out": "この ファイル名は PidFile ディレクティブを使って 変更することができます。", "pred": "この ファイル名は the pidFile ディレクティブ with the change."} {"in": "Translate English to Japanese: This command will list every module that is compiled into the server, including the MPM.", "out": "このコマンドは、MPM を含め、サーバにコンパイルで組み込まれたモジュール全てを 列挙します。", "pred": "このコマンドはコンパイル every module that is compiled into the server, including the MPM."}