import os import os.path as op root = os.sep + os.sep.join(__file__.split(os.sep)[1:__file__.split(os.sep).index("Recurrent-Parameter-Generation")+1]) assert op.exists(root), "Cannot find the executing root." assert op.basename(root) == "Recurrent-Parameter-Generation", \ f""" You need to rename the repository folder to "Recurrent-Parameter-Generation" manually. Because the whole project depends on this name. The file structure is as follow: └─Recurrent-Parameter-Generation ├─dataset │ ├─cifar10_cnnmedium │ ├─...(total 21 folders) │ ├─ │ ├─config.json │ ├─ │ └─ ├─model │ ├─ │ ├─ │ ├─ │ └─...(total 8 files) ├─quick_start │ ├─ │ └─ ├─workspace │ ├─main │ ├─evaluate │ ├─...(total 6 folders) │ └─config.json ├─ └─requirements.txt """ print("\n1. Set an \033[91mABSOLUTE\033[0m path to download your small dataset, such as CIFAR10 and CIFAR100") default_dataset_root = op.join(op.dirname(op.abspath(root)), 'Dataset') dataset_root = input(f"[{default_dataset_root} (default & \033[32mrecommanded\033[0m)]: ") or default_dataset_root print(f"\033[32mdataset_root is set to {dataset_root}\033[0m") print("\n2. Set the \033[91mABSOLUTE\033[0m path to your ImageNet1k dataset. " "\033[32m(Press ENTER if you don't want to use ImageNet1k)\033[0m") print("""The ImageNet1k dataset should be organized as follow: └─ImageNet1k ├─train │ ├─n01443537 │ ├─n01484850 │ ├─n######## └─test ├─n01443537 ├─n01484850 └─n########""") imagenet_root = input(f"[None (default)]: ") if imagenet_root == "": print("\033[32mWe don't use ImageNet1k.\033[0m") imagenet_root_train = None imagenet_root_test = None else: # imagenet path is set print(f"\033[32mimagenet_root is set to {imagenet_root}\033[0m") imagenet_root_train = op.join(imagenet_root, "train") imagenet_root_test = op.join(imagenet_root, "test") assert op.exists(imagenet_root_train), f"{imagenet_root_train} is not existed." assert op.exists(imagenet_root_test), f"{imagenet_root_test} is not existed." print("\n3. Do you want to use wandb?") default_use_wandb = True use_wandb = input("[True (default & \033[32mrecommanded\033[0m)) / False]: ") use_wandb = default_use_wandb if use_wandb == "" else eval(use_wandb) print(f"\033[32muse_wandb is set to {use_wandb}\033[0m") if use_wandb: wandb_api_key = input("Set your wandb api key: ") assert wandb_api_key != "", "You need to set an API_KEY is you want to use wandb." print() import json from pprint import pprint # dataset/config.json print() with open(op.join(root, "dataset/config.json"), "r") as f: dataset_config = json.load(f) dataset_config.update({ "dataset_root": dataset_root, "imagenet_root": { "train": imagenet_root_train, "test": imagenet_root_test, }, }) with open(op.join(root, "dataset/config.json"), "w") as f: print("\033[32mUpdated dataset/config.json as follow:\033[0m") pprint(dataset_config) json.dump(dataset_config, f) # workspace/config.json print() with open(op.join(root, "workspace/config.json"), "r") as f: workspace_config = json.load(f) workspace_config.update({ "use_wandb": use_wandb, "wandb_api_key": globals().get("wandb_api_key", None), }) with open(op.join(root, "workspace/config.json"), "w") as f: print("\033[32mUpdated workspace/config.json as follow:\033[0m") pprint(workspace_config) json.dump(workspace_config, f) print()