--- license: unknown --- This is the converters first convert safetensor to ckpt using ckpt convert.py Then convert ckpt to mediapipe format with convery.py Navigate to your termux ubuntu root folder create folders named output and ckpt put your safetensors file in the root folder then open the ckpt-convert.py and change the name of the safetensors file you wanna convert then save the file then copy the ckpt-convert.py to the root folder run in termux python3 ckpt-convert.py let it do its magic then go to mediapipe txt file and copy the 2> command copy the convert.py to the root folder in Ubuntu then paste the code from the mediapipe txt file in termux let it do its magic then go to output folder and copy all those files to an folder name the folder to the model u converted for easy remembering and organizing. Of course install steps 1 in both txt files that came with the zip. If u run into any more dependencies errors I just installed comfyui it installed all the dependencies u need that are extra. 😉