import random from lightning import LightningModule import numpy as np from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, precision_recall_curve from torch import nn import os import torch import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import wandb import seaborn as sns from lion_pytorch import Lion from torch_ema import ExponentialMovingAverage from utils.utils_model import pick_model import constants as cst from scipy.stats import mode from visualizations.attentions import plot_mean_att_distance class Engine(LightningModule): def __init__( self, seq_size, horizon, max_epochs, model_type, is_wandb, experiment_type, lr, optimizer, filename_ckpt, num_features, dataset_type, num_layers=4, hidden_dim=256, num_heads=8, is_sin_emb=True, len_test_dataloader=None, plot_att=False ): super().__init__() self.seq_size = seq_size self.dataset_type = dataset_type self.horizon = horizon self.max_epochs = max_epochs self.model_type = model_type self.num_heads = num_heads self.is_wandb = is_wandb self.len_test_dataloader = len_test_dataloader = lr self.optimizer = optimizer self.filename_ckpt = filename_ckpt self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim self.num_layers = num_layers self.num_features = num_features self.experiment_type = experiment_type self.model = pick_model(model_type, hidden_dim, num_layers, seq_size, num_features, num_heads, is_sin_emb, dataset_type) self.ema = ExponentialMovingAverage(self.parameters(), decay=0.999) self.loss_function = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() self.train_losses = [] self.val_losses = [] self.test_losses = [] self.test_targets = [] self.test_predictions = [] self.test_proba = [] self.val_targets = [] self.val_loss = np.inf self.val_predictions = [] self.min_loss = np.inf self.save_hyperparameters() self.last_path_ckpt = None self.first_test = True self.plot_att = plot_att def forward(self, x, plot_this_att=False, batch_idx=None): if self.model_type == "TLOB": output, att_temporal, att_feature = self.model(x, plot_this_att) else: output = self.model(x) if self.is_wandb and plot_this_att and self.model_type == "TLOB": for l in range(len(att_temporal)): for i in range(self.num_heads): plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) sns.heatmap(att_temporal[l, i], fmt=".2f", cmap="viridis") plt.title(f'Temporal Attention Layer {l} Head {i}') wandb.log({f"Temporal Attention Layer {l} Head {i} for batch {batch_idx}": wandb.Image(plt)}) plt.close() for l in range(len(att_feature)): for i in range(self.num_heads): plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) sns.heatmap(att_feature[l, i], fmt=".2f", cmap="viridis") plt.title(f'Feature Attention Layer {l} Head {i}') wandb.log({f"Feature Attention Layer {l} Head {i} for batch {batch_idx}": wandb.Image(plt)}) plt.close() return output def loss(self, y_hat, y): return self.loss_function(y_hat, y) def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): x, y = batch y_hat = self.forward(x) batch_loss = self.loss(y_hat, y) batch_loss_mean = torch.mean(batch_loss) self.train_losses.append(batch_loss_mean.item()) self.ema.update() if batch_idx % 1000 == 0: print(f'train loss: {sum(self.train_losses) / len(self.train_losses)}') return batch_loss_mean def on_train_epoch_start(self) -> None: print(f'learning rate: {self.optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"]}') def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx): x, y = batch # Validation: with EMA with self.ema.average_parameters(): y_hat = self.forward(x) batch_loss = self.loss(y_hat, y) self.val_targets.append(y.cpu().numpy()) self.val_predictions.append(y_hat.argmax(dim=1).cpu().numpy()) batch_loss_mean = torch.mean(batch_loss) self.val_losses.append(batch_loss_mean.item()) return batch_loss_mean def on_test_epoch_start(self): # Extract 30 random numbers from the length of the test_dataloader random_indices = random.sample(range(self.len_test_dataloader), 5) print(f'Random indices: {random_indices}') self.random_indices = random_indices # Store the random indices if needed return def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx): x, y = batch # Test: with EMA if batch_idx in self.random_indices and self.model_type == "TLOB" and self.first_test and self.plot_att: plot_this_att = True print(f'Plotting attention for batch {batch_idx}') else: plot_this_att = False if self.experiment_type == "TRAINING": with self.ema.average_parameters(): y_hat = self.forward(x, plot_this_att, batch_idx) batch_loss = self.loss(y_hat, y) self.test_targets.append(y.cpu().numpy()) self.test_predictions.append(y_hat.argmax(dim=1).cpu().numpy()) self.test_proba.append(torch.softmax(y_hat, dim=1)[:, 1].cpu().numpy()) batch_loss_mean = torch.mean(batch_loss) self.test_losses.append(batch_loss_mean.item()) else: y_hat = self.forward(x, plot_this_att, batch_idx) batch_loss = self.loss(y_hat, y) self.test_targets.append(y.cpu().numpy()) self.test_predictions.append(y_hat.argmax(dim=1).cpu().numpy()) self.test_proba.append(torch.softmax(y_hat, dim=1)[:, 1].cpu().numpy()) batch_loss_mean = torch.mean(batch_loss) self.test_losses.append(batch_loss_mean.item()) return batch_loss_mean def on_validation_epoch_start(self) -> None: loss = sum(self.train_losses) / len(self.train_losses) self.train_losses = [] if self.is_wandb: wandb.log({"train_loss": loss}) print(f'Train loss on epoch {self.current_epoch}: {loss}') def on_validation_epoch_end(self) -> None: self.val_loss = sum(self.val_losses) / len(self.val_losses) self.val_losses = [] # model checkpointing if self.val_loss < self.min_loss: # if the improvement is less than 0.0005, we halve the learning rate if self.val_loss - self.min_loss > -0.001: self.optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] /= 2 self.min_loss = self.val_loss self.model_checkpointing(self.val_loss) else: self.optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] /= 2 self.log("val_loss", self.val_loss) print(f'Validation loss on epoch {self.current_epoch}: {self.val_loss}') targets = np.concatenate(self.val_targets) predictions = np.concatenate(self.val_predictions) class_report = classification_report(targets, predictions, digits=4, output_dict=True) print(classification_report(targets, predictions, digits=4)) self.log("val_f1_score", class_report["macro avg"]["f1-score"]) self.log("val_accuracy", class_report["accuracy"]) self.log("val_precision", class_report["macro avg"]["precision"]) self.log("val_recall", class_report["macro avg"]["recall"]) self.val_targets = [] self.val_predictions = [] def on_test_epoch_end(self) -> None: targets = np.concatenate(self.test_targets) predictions = np.concatenate(self.test_predictions) class_report = classification_report(targets, predictions, digits=4, output_dict=True) print(classification_report(targets, predictions, digits=4)) self.log("test_loss", sum(self.test_losses) / len(self.test_losses)) self.log("f1_score", class_report["macro avg"]["f1-score"]) self.log("accuracy", class_report["accuracy"]) self.log("precision", class_report["macro avg"]["precision"]) self.log("recall", class_report["macro avg"]["recall"]) filename_ckpt = ("val_loss=" + str(round(self.val_loss, 3)) + "_epoch=" + str(self.current_epoch) + "_" + self.filename_ckpt + "last.ckpt" ) path_ckpt = cst.DIR_SAVED_MODEL + "/" + str(self.model_type) + "/" + filename_ckpt self.test_targets = [] self.test_predictions = [] self.test_losses = [] self.first_test = False test_proba = np.concatenate(self.test_proba) precision, recall, _ = precision_recall_curve(targets, test_proba, pos_label=1) self.plot_pr_curves(recall, precision, self.is_wandb) with self.ema.average_parameters(): self.trainer.save_checkpoint(path_ckpt) if self.model_type == "TLOB" and self.plot_att: plot = plot_mean_att_distance(np.array(self.model.mean_att_distance_temporal).mean(axis=0)) if self.is_wandb: wandb.log({"mean_att_distance": wandb.Image(plot)}) def configure_optimizers(self): if self.model_type == "DEEPLOB": eps = 1 else: eps = 1e-8 if self.optimizer == 'Adam': self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.parameters(),, eps=eps) elif self.optimizer == 'SGD': self.optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(self.parameters(),, momentum=0.9) elif self.optimizer == 'Lion': self.optimizer = Lion(self.parameters(), return self.optimizer def _define_log_metrics(self): wandb.define_metric("val_loss", summary="min") def model_checkpointing(self, loss): if self.last_path_ckpt is not None: os.remove(self.last_path_ckpt) filename_ckpt = ("val_loss=" + str(round(loss, 3)) + "_epoch=" + str(self.current_epoch) + "_" + self.filename_ckpt + ".ckpt" ) path_ckpt = cst.DIR_SAVED_MODEL + "/" + str(self.model_type) + "/" + filename_ckpt with self.ema.average_parameters(): self.trainer.save_checkpoint(path_ckpt) self.last_path_ckpt = path_ckpt def plot_pr_curves(self, recall, precision, is_wandb): plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10), dpi=80) plt.plot(recall, precision, label='Precision-Recall', color='black') plt.xlabel('Recall') plt.ylabel('Precision') plt.title('Precision-Recall Curve') if is_wandb: wandb.log({f"precision_recall_curve_{self.dataset_type}": wandb.Image(plt)}) plt.savefig(cst.DIR_SAVED_MODEL + "/" + str(self.model_type) + "/" +f"precision_recall_curve_{self.dataset_type}.svg") plt.close() def compute_most_attended(att_feature): ''' att_feature: list of tensors of shape (num_samples, num_layers, 2, num_heads, num_features) ''' att_feature = np.stack(att_feature) att_feature = att_feature.transpose(1, 3, 0, 2, 4) # Use transpose instead of permute ''' att_feature: shape (num_layers, num_heads, num_samples, 2, num_features) ''' indices = att_feature[:, :, :, 1] values = att_feature[:, :, :, 0] most_frequent_indices = np.zeros((indices.shape[0], indices.shape[1], indices.shape[3]), dtype=int) average_values = np.zeros((indices.shape[0], indices.shape[1], indices.shape[3])) for layer in range(indices.shape[0]): for head in range(indices.shape[1]): for seq in range(indices.shape[3]): # Extract the indices for the current layer and sequence element current_indices = indices[layer, head, :, seq] current_values = values[layer, head, :, seq] # Find the most frequent index most_frequent_index = mode(current_indices, keepdims=False)[0] # Store the result most_frequent_indices[layer, head, seq] = most_frequent_index # Compute the average value for the most frequent index avg_value = np.mean(current_values[current_indices == most_frequent_index]) # Store the average value average_values[layer, head, seq] = avg_value return most_frequent_indices, average_values