import traceback import json import multiprocessing import shutil from pathlib import Path import cv2 import numpy as np from core import imagelib, pathex from core.cv2ex import * from core.interact import interact as io from core.joblib import Subprocessor from core.leras import nn from DFLIMG import * from facelib import FaceType, LandmarksProcessor from . import Extractor, Sorter from .Extractor import ExtractSubprocessor def extract_vggface2_dataset(input_dir, device_args={} ): multi_gpu = device_args.get('multi_gpu', False) cpu_only = device_args.get('cpu_only', False) input_path = Path(input_dir) if not input_path.exists(): raise ValueError('Input directory not found. Please ensure it exists.') bb_csv = input_path / 'loose_bb_train.csv' if not bb_csv.exists(): raise ValueError('loose_bb_train.csv found. Please ensure it exists.') bb_lines = bb_csv.read_text().split('\n') bb_lines.pop(0) bb_dict = {} for line in bb_lines: name, l, t, w, h = line.split(',') name = name[1:-1] l, t, w, h = [ int(x) for x in (l, t, w, h) ] bb_dict[name] = (l,t,w, h) output_path = input_path.parent / ( + '_out') dir_names = pathex.get_all_dir_names(input_path) if not output_path.exists(): output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) data = [] for dir_name in io.progress_bar_generator(dir_names, "Collecting"): cur_input_path = input_path / dir_name cur_output_path = output_path / dir_name if not cur_output_path.exists(): cur_output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) input_path_image_paths = pathex.get_image_paths(cur_input_path) for filename in input_path_image_paths: filename_path = Path(filename) name = + '/' + filename_path.stem if name not in bb_dict: continue l,t,w,h = bb_dict[name] if min(w,h) < 128: continue data += [ ExtractSubprocessor.Data(filename=filename,rects=[ (l,t,l+w,t+h) ], landmarks_accurate=False, force_output_path=cur_output_path ) ] face_type = FaceType.fromString('full_face') io.log_info ('Performing 2nd pass...') data = ExtractSubprocessor (data, 'landmarks', 256, face_type, debug_dir=None, multi_gpu=multi_gpu, cpu_only=cpu_only, manual=False).run() io.log_info ('Performing 3rd pass...') ExtractSubprocessor (data, 'final', 256, face_type, debug_dir=None, multi_gpu=multi_gpu, cpu_only=cpu_only, manual=False, final_output_path=None).run() """ import code code.interact(local=dict(globals(), **locals())) data_len = len(data) i = 0 while i < data_len-1: i_name = Path(data[i].filename) sub_data = [] for j in range (i, data_len): j_name = Path(data[j].filename) if i_name == j_name: sub_data += [ data[j] ] else: break i = j cur_output_path = output_path / i_name io.log_info (f"Processing: {str(cur_output_path)}, {i}/{data_len} ") if not cur_output_path.exists(): cur_output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for dir_name in dir_names: cur_input_path = input_path / dir_name cur_output_path = output_path / dir_name input_path_image_paths = pathex.get_image_paths(cur_input_path) l = len(input_path_image_paths) #if l < 250 or l > 350: # continue io.log_info (f"Processing: {str(cur_input_path)} ") if not cur_output_path.exists(): cur_output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) data = [] for filename in input_path_image_paths: filename_path = Path(filename) name = + '/' + filename_path.stem if name not in bb_dict: continue bb = bb_dict[name] l,t,w,h = bb if min(w,h) < 128: continue data += [ ExtractSubprocessor.Data(filename=filename,rects=[ (l,t,l+w,t+h) ], landmarks_accurate=False ) ] io.log_info ('Performing 2nd pass...') data = ExtractSubprocessor (data, 'landmarks', 256, face_type, debug_dir=None, multi_gpu=False, cpu_only=False, manual=False).run() io.log_info ('Performing 3rd pass...') data = ExtractSubprocessor (data, 'final', 256, face_type, debug_dir=None, multi_gpu=False, cpu_only=False, manual=False, final_output_path=cur_output_path).run() io.log_info (f"Sorting: {str(cur_output_path)} ") Sorter.main (input_path=str(cur_output_path), sort_by_method='hist') import code code.interact(local=dict(globals(), **locals())) #try: # io.log_info (f"Removing: {str(cur_input_path)} ") # shutil.rmtree(cur_input_path) #except: # io.log_info (f"unable to remove: {str(cur_input_path)} ") def extract_vggface2_dataset(input_dir, device_args={} ): multi_gpu = device_args.get('multi_gpu', False) cpu_only = device_args.get('cpu_only', False) input_path = Path(input_dir) if not input_path.exists(): raise ValueError('Input directory not found. Please ensure it exists.') output_path = input_path.parent / ( + '_out') dir_names = pathex.get_all_dir_names(input_path) if not output_path.exists(): output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for dir_name in dir_names: cur_input_path = input_path / dir_name cur_output_path = output_path / dir_name l = len(pathex.get_image_paths(cur_input_path)) if l < 250 or l > 350: continue io.log_info (f"Processing: {str(cur_input_path)} ") if not cur_output_path.exists(): cur_output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) Extractor.main( str(cur_input_path), str(cur_output_path), detector='s3fd', image_size=256, face_type='full_face', max_faces_from_image=1, device_args=device_args ) io.log_info (f"Sorting: {str(cur_input_path)} ") Sorter.main (input_path=str(cur_output_path), sort_by_method='hist') try: io.log_info (f"Removing: {str(cur_input_path)} ") shutil.rmtree(cur_input_path) except: io.log_info (f"unable to remove: {str(cur_input_path)} ") """ #unused in end user workflow def dev_test_68(input_dir ): # process 68 landmarks dataset with .pts files input_path = Path(input_dir) if not input_path.exists(): raise ValueError('input_dir not found. Please ensure it exists.') output_path = input_path.parent / ('_aligned') io.log_info(f'Output dir is % {output_path}') if output_path.exists(): output_images_paths = pathex.get_image_paths(output_path) if len(output_images_paths) > 0: io.input_bool("WARNING !!! \n %s contains files! \n They will be deleted. \n Press enter to continue." % (str(output_path)), False ) for filename in output_images_paths: Path(filename).unlink() else: output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) images_paths = pathex.get_image_paths(input_path) for filepath in io.progress_bar_generator(images_paths, "Processing"): filepath = Path(filepath) pts_filepath = filepath.parent / (filepath.stem+'.pts') if pts_filepath.exists(): pts = pts_filepath.read_text() pts_lines = pts.split('\n') lmrk_lines = None for pts_line in pts_lines: if pts_line == '{': lmrk_lines = [] elif pts_line == '}': break else: if lmrk_lines is not None: lmrk_lines.append (pts_line) if lmrk_lines is not None and len(lmrk_lines) == 68: try: lmrks = [ np.array ( lmrk_line.strip().split(' ') ).astype(np.float32).tolist() for lmrk_line in lmrk_lines] except Exception as e: print(e) print(filepath) continue rect = LandmarksProcessor.get_rect_from_landmarks(lmrks) output_filepath = output_path / (filepath.stem+'.jpg') img = cv2_imread(filepath) img = imagelib.normalize_channels(img, 3) cv2_imwrite(output_filepath, img, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 95] ) raise Exception("unimplemented") #DFLJPG.x(output_filepath, face_type=FaceType.toString(FaceType.MARK_ONLY), # landmarks=lmrks, #, # source_rect=rect, # source_landmarks=lmrks # ) io.log_info("Done.") #unused in end user workflow def extract_umd_csv(input_file_csv, face_type='full_face', device_args={} ): #extract faces from dataset csv file with pitch,yaw,roll info. multi_gpu = device_args.get('multi_gpu', False) cpu_only = device_args.get('cpu_only', False) face_type = FaceType.fromString(face_type) input_file_csv_path = Path(input_file_csv) if not input_file_csv_path.exists(): raise ValueError('input_file_csv not found. Please ensure it exists.') input_file_csv_root_path = input_file_csv_path.parent output_path = input_file_csv_path.parent / ('aligned_' + io.log_info("Output dir is %s." % (str(output_path)) ) if output_path.exists(): output_images_paths = pathex.get_image_paths(output_path) if len(output_images_paths) > 0: io.input_bool("WARNING !!! \n %s contains files! \n They will be deleted. \n Press enter to continue." % (str(output_path)), False ) for filename in output_images_paths: Path(filename).unlink() else: output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) try: with open( str(input_file_csv_path), 'r') as f: csv_file = except Exception as e: io.log_err("Unable to open or read file " + str(input_file_csv_path) + ": " + str(e) ) return strings = csv_file.split('\n') keys = strings[0].split(',') keys_len = len(keys) csv_data = [] for i in range(1, len(strings)): values = strings[i].split(',') if keys_len != len(values): io.log_err("Wrong string in csv file, skipping.") continue csv_data += [ { keys[n] : values[n] for n in range(keys_len) } ] data = [] for d in csv_data: filename = input_file_csv_root_path / d['FILE'] x,y,w,h = float(d['FACE_X']), float(d['FACE_Y']), float(d['FACE_WIDTH']), float(d['FACE_HEIGHT']) data += [ ExtractSubprocessor.Data(filename=filename, rects=[ [x,y,x+w,y+h] ]) ] images_found = len(data) faces_detected = 0 if len(data) > 0: io.log_info ("Performing 2nd pass from csv file...") data = ExtractSubprocessor (data, 'landmarks', multi_gpu=multi_gpu, cpu_only=cpu_only).run() io.log_info ('Performing 3rd pass...') data = ExtractSubprocessor (data, 'final', face_type, None, multi_gpu=multi_gpu, cpu_only=cpu_only, manual=False, final_output_path=output_path).run() faces_detected += sum([d.faces_detected for d in data]) io.log_info ('-------------------------') io.log_info ('Images found: %d' % (images_found) ) io.log_info ('Faces detected: %d' % (faces_detected) ) io.log_info ('-------------------------') def dev_test1(input_dir): # LaPa dataset image_size = 1024 face_type = FaceType.HEAD input_path = Path(input_dir) images_path = input_path / 'images' if not images_path.exists: raise ValueError('LaPa dataset: images folder not found.') labels_path = input_path / 'labels' if not labels_path.exists: raise ValueError('LaPa dataset: labels folder not found.') landmarks_path = input_path / 'landmarks' if not landmarks_path.exists: raise ValueError('LaPa dataset: landmarks folder not found.') output_path = input_path / 'out' if output_path.exists(): output_images_paths = pathex.get_image_paths(output_path) if len(output_images_paths) != 0: io.input(f"\n WARNING !!! \n {output_path} contains files! \n They will be deleted. \n Press enter to continue.\n") for filename in output_images_paths: Path(filename).unlink() output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) data = [] img_paths = pathex.get_image_paths (images_path) for filename in img_paths: filepath = Path(filename) landmark_filepath = landmarks_path / (filepath.stem + '.txt') if not landmark_filepath.exists(): raise ValueError(f'no landmarks for {filepath}') #img = cv2_imread(filepath) lm = landmark_filepath.read_text() lm = lm.split('\n') if int(lm[0]) != 106: raise ValueError(f'wrong landmarks format in {landmark_filepath}') lmrks = [] for i in range(106): x,y = lm[i+1].split(' ') x,y = float(x), float(y) lmrks.append ( (x,y) ) lmrks = np.array(lmrks) l,t = np.min(lmrks, 0) r,b = np.max(lmrks, 0) l,t,r,b = ( int(x) for x in (l,t,r,b) ) #for x, y in lmrks: # x,y = int(x), int(y) #, (x, y), 1, (0,255,0) , 1, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA) #imagelib.draw_rect(img, (l,t,r,b), (0,255,0) ) data += [ ExtractSubprocessor.Data(filepath=filepath, rects=[ (l,t,r,b) ]) ] #cv2.imshow("", img) #cv2.waitKey(0) if len(data) > 0: device_config = nn.DeviceConfig.BestGPU() io.log_info ("Performing 2nd pass...") data = ExtractSubprocessor (data, 'landmarks', image_size, 95, face_type, device_config=device_config).run() io.log_info ("Performing 3rd pass...") data = ExtractSubprocessor (data, 'final', image_size, 95, face_type, final_output_path=output_path, device_config=device_config).run() for filename in pathex.get_image_paths (output_path): filepath = Path(filename) dflimg = DFLJPG.load(filepath) src_filename = dflimg.get_source_filename() image_to_face_mat = dflimg.get_image_to_face_mat() label_filepath = labels_path / ( Path(src_filename).stem + '.png') if not label_filepath.exists(): raise ValueError(f'{label_filepath} does not exist') mask = cv2_imread(label_filepath) #mask[mask == 10] = 0 # remove hair mask[mask > 0] = 1 mask = cv2.warpAffine(mask, image_to_face_mat, (image_size, image_size), cv2.INTER_LINEAR) mask = cv2.blur(mask, (3,3) ) #cv2.imshow("", (mask*255).astype(np.uint8) ) #cv2.waitKey(0) dflimg.set_xseg_mask(mask) import code code.interact(local=dict(globals(), **locals())) def dev_resave_pngs(input_dir): input_path = Path(input_dir) if not input_path.exists(): raise ValueError('input_dir not found. Please ensure it exists.') images_paths = pathex.get_image_paths(input_path, image_extensions=['.png'], subdirs=True, return_Path_class=True) for filepath in io.progress_bar_generator(images_paths,"Processing"): cv2_imwrite(filepath, cv2_imread(filepath)) def dev_segmented_trash(input_dir): input_path = Path(input_dir) if not input_path.exists(): raise ValueError('input_dir not found. Please ensure it exists.') output_path = input_path.parent / ('_trash') output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) images_paths = pathex.get_image_paths(input_path, return_Path_class=True) trash_paths = [] for filepath in images_paths: json_file = filepath.parent / (filepath.stem +'.json') if not json_file.exists(): trash_paths.append(filepath) for filepath in trash_paths: try: filepath.rename ( output_path / ) except: io.log_info ('fail to trashing %s' % ( ) def dev_test(input_dir): """ extract FaceSynthetics dataset BACKGROUND = 0 SKIN = 1 NOSE = 2 RIGHT_EYE = 3 LEFT_EYE = 4 RIGHT_BROW = 5 LEFT_BROW = 6 RIGHT_EAR = 7 LEFT_EAR = 8 MOUTH_INTERIOR = 9 TOP_LIP = 10 BOTTOM_LIP = 11 NECK = 12 HAIR = 13 BEARD = 14 CLOTHING = 15 GLASSES = 16 HEADWEAR = 17 FACEWEAR = 18 IGNORE = 255 """ image_size = 1024 face_type = FaceType.WHOLE_FACE input_path = Path(input_dir) output_path = input_path.parent / f'{}_out' if output_path.exists(): output_images_paths = pathex.get_image_paths(output_path) if len(output_images_paths) != 0: io.input(f"\n WARNING !!! \n {output_path} contains files! \n They will be deleted. \n Press enter to continue.\n") for filename in output_images_paths: Path(filename).unlink() output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) data = [] for filepath in io.progress_bar_generator(pathex.get_paths(input_path), "Processing"): if filepath.suffix == '.txt': image_filepath = filepath.parent / f'{"_")[0]}.png' if not image_filepath.exists(): print(f'{image_filepath} does not exist, skipping') lmrks = [] for lmrk_line in filepath.read_text().split('\n'): if len(lmrk_line) == 0: continue x, y = lmrk_line.split(' ') x, y = float(x), float(y) lmrks.append( (x,y) ) lmrks = np.array(lmrks[:68], np.float32) rect = LandmarksProcessor.get_rect_from_landmarks(lmrks) data += [ ExtractSubprocessor.Data(filepath=image_filepath, rects=[rect], landmarks=[ lmrks ] ) ] if len(data) > 0: io.log_info ("Performing 3rd pass...") data = ExtractSubprocessor (data, 'final', image_size, 95, face_type, final_output_path=output_path, device_config=nn.DeviceConfig.CPU()).run() for filename in io.progress_bar_generator(pathex.get_image_paths (output_path), "Processing"): filepath = Path(filename) dflimg = DFLJPG.load(filepath) src_filename = dflimg.get_source_filename() image_to_face_mat = dflimg.get_image_to_face_mat() seg_filepath = input_path / ( Path(src_filename).stem + '_seg.png') if not seg_filepath.exists(): raise ValueError(f'{seg_filepath} does not exist') seg = cv2_imread(seg_filepath) seg_inds = np.isin(seg, [1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10,11]) seg[~seg_inds] = 0 seg[seg_inds] = 1 seg = seg.astype(np.float32) seg = cv2.warpAffine(seg, image_to_face_mat, (image_size, image_size), cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4) dflimg.set_xseg_mask(seg)