import traceback import math import multiprocessing import operator import os import shutil import sys import time from pathlib import Path import cv2 import numpy as np from numpy import linalg as npla import facelib from core import imagelib from core import mathlib from facelib import FaceType, LandmarksProcessor from core.interact import interact as io from core.joblib import Subprocessor from core.leras import nn from core import pathex from core.cv2ex import * from DFLIMG import * DEBUG = False class ExtractSubprocessor(Subprocessor): class Data(object): def __init__(self, filepath=None, rects=None, landmarks = None, landmarks_accurate=True, manual=False, force_output_path=None, final_output_files = None): self.filepath = filepath self.rects = rects or [] self.rects_rotation = 0 self.landmarks_accurate = landmarks_accurate self.manual = manual self.landmarks = landmarks or [] self.force_output_path = force_output_path self.final_output_files = final_output_files or [] self.faces_detected = 0 class Cli(Subprocessor.Cli): #override def on_initialize(self, client_dict): self.type = client_dict['type'] self.image_size = client_dict['image_size'] self.jpeg_quality = client_dict['jpeg_quality'] self.face_type = client_dict['face_type'] self.max_faces_from_image = client_dict['max_faces_from_image'] self.device_idx = client_dict['device_idx'] self.cpu_only = client_dict['device_type'] == 'CPU' self.final_output_path = client_dict['final_output_path'] self.output_debug_path = client_dict['output_debug_path'] #transfer and set stdin in order to work code.interact in debug subprocess stdin_fd = client_dict['stdin_fd'] if stdin_fd is not None and DEBUG: sys.stdin = os.fdopen(stdin_fd) if self.cpu_only: device_config = nn.DeviceConfig.CPU() place_model_on_cpu = True else: device_config = nn.DeviceConfig.GPUIndexes ([self.device_idx]) place_model_on_cpu = device_config.devices[0].total_mem_gb < 4 if self.type == 'all' or 'rects' in self.type or 'landmarks' in self.type: nn.initialize (device_config) self.log_info (f"Running on {client_dict['device_name'] }") if self.type == 'all' or self.type == 'rects-s3fd' or 'landmarks' in self.type: self.rects_extractor = facelib.S3FDExtractor(place_model_on_cpu=place_model_on_cpu) if self.type == 'all' or 'landmarks' in self.type: # for head type, extract "3D landmarks" self.landmarks_extractor = facelib.FANExtractor(landmarks_3D=self.face_type >= FaceType.HEAD, place_model_on_cpu=place_model_on_cpu) self.cached_image = (None, None) #override def process_data(self, data): if 'landmarks' in self.type and len(data.rects) == 0: return data filepath = data.filepath cached_filepath, image = self.cached_image if cached_filepath != filepath: image = cv2_imread( filepath ) if image is None: self.log_err (f'Failed to open {filepath}, reason: cv2_imread() fail.') return data image = imagelib.normalize_channels(image, 3) image = imagelib.cut_odd_image(image) self.cached_image = ( filepath, image ) h, w, c = image.shape if 'rects' in self.type or self.type == 'all': data = ExtractSubprocessor.Cli.rects_stage (data=data, image=image, max_faces_from_image=self.max_faces_from_image, rects_extractor=self.rects_extractor, ) if 'landmarks' in self.type or self.type == 'all': data = ExtractSubprocessor.Cli.landmarks_stage (data=data, image=image, landmarks_extractor=self.landmarks_extractor, rects_extractor=self.rects_extractor, ) if self.type == 'final' or self.type == 'all': data = ExtractSubprocessor.Cli.final_stage(data=data, image=image, face_type=self.face_type, image_size=self.image_size, jpeg_quality=self.jpeg_quality, output_debug_path=self.output_debug_path, final_output_path=self.final_output_path, ) return data @staticmethod def rects_stage(data, image, max_faces_from_image, rects_extractor, ): h,w,c = image.shape if min(h,w) < 128: # Image is too small data.rects = [] else: for rot in ([0, 90, 270, 180]): if rot == 0: rotated_image = image elif rot == 90: rotated_image = image.swapaxes( 0,1 )[:,::-1,:] elif rot == 180: rotated_image = image[::-1,::-1,:] elif rot == 270: rotated_image = image.swapaxes( 0,1 )[::-1,:,:] rects = data.rects = rects_extractor.extract (rotated_image, is_bgr=True) if len(rects) != 0: data.rects_rotation = rot break if max_faces_from_image is not None and \ max_faces_from_image > 0 and \ len(data.rects) > 0: data.rects = data.rects[0:max_faces_from_image] return data @staticmethod def landmarks_stage(data, image, landmarks_extractor, rects_extractor, ): h, w, ch = image.shape if data.rects_rotation == 0: rotated_image = image elif data.rects_rotation == 90: rotated_image = image.swapaxes( 0,1 )[:,::-1,:] elif data.rects_rotation == 180: rotated_image = image[::-1,::-1,:] elif data.rects_rotation == 270: rotated_image = image.swapaxes( 0,1 )[::-1,:,:] data.landmarks = landmarks_extractor.extract (rotated_image, data.rects, rects_extractor if (data.landmarks_accurate) else None, is_bgr=True) if data.rects_rotation != 0: for i, (rect, lmrks) in enumerate(zip(data.rects, data.landmarks)): new_rect, new_lmrks = rect, lmrks (l,t,r,b) = rect if data.rects_rotation == 90: new_rect = ( t, h-l, b, h-r) if lmrks is not None: new_lmrks = lmrks[:,::-1].copy() new_lmrks[:,1] = h - new_lmrks[:,1] elif data.rects_rotation == 180: if lmrks is not None: new_rect = ( w-l, h-t, w-r, h-b) new_lmrks = lmrks.copy() new_lmrks[:,0] = w - new_lmrks[:,0] new_lmrks[:,1] = h - new_lmrks[:,1] elif data.rects_rotation == 270: new_rect = ( w-b, l, w-t, r ) if lmrks is not None: new_lmrks = lmrks[:,::-1].copy() new_lmrks[:,0] = w - new_lmrks[:,0] data.rects[i], data.landmarks[i] = new_rect, new_lmrks return data @staticmethod def final_stage(data, image, face_type, image_size, jpeg_quality, output_debug_path=None, final_output_path=None, ): data.final_output_files = [] filepath = data.filepath rects = data.rects landmarks = data.landmarks if output_debug_path is not None: debug_image = image.copy() face_idx = 0 for rect, image_landmarks in zip( rects, landmarks ): if image_landmarks is None: continue rect = np.array(rect) if face_type == FaceType.MARK_ONLY: image_to_face_mat = None face_image = image face_image_landmarks = image_landmarks else: image_to_face_mat = LandmarksProcessor.get_transform_mat (image_landmarks, image_size, face_type) face_image = cv2.warpAffine(image, image_to_face_mat, (image_size, image_size), cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4) face_image_landmarks = LandmarksProcessor.transform_points (image_landmarks, image_to_face_mat) landmarks_bbox = LandmarksProcessor.transform_points ( [ (0,0), (0,image_size-1), (image_size-1, image_size-1), (image_size-1,0) ], image_to_face_mat, True) rect_area = mathlib.polygon_area(np.array(rect[[0,2,2,0]]).astype(np.float32), np.array(rect[[1,1,3,3]]).astype(np.float32)) landmarks_area = mathlib.polygon_area(landmarks_bbox[:,0].astype(np.float32), landmarks_bbox[:,1].astype(np.float32) ) if not data.manual and face_type <= FaceType.FULL_NO_ALIGN and landmarks_area > 4*rect_area: #get rid of faces which umeyama-landmark-area > 4*detector-rect-area continue if output_debug_path is not None: LandmarksProcessor.draw_rect_landmarks (debug_image, rect, image_landmarks, face_type, image_size, transparent_mask=True) output_path = final_output_path if data.force_output_path is not None: output_path = data.force_output_path output_filepath = output_path / f"{filepath.stem}_{face_idx}.jpg" cv2_imwrite(output_filepath, face_image, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), jpeg_quality ] ) dflimg = DFLJPG.load(output_filepath) dflimg.set_face_type(FaceType.toString(face_type)) dflimg.set_landmarks(face_image_landmarks.tolist()) dflimg.set_source_filename( dflimg.set_source_rect(rect) dflimg.set_source_landmarks(image_landmarks.tolist()) dflimg.set_image_to_face_mat(image_to_face_mat) data.final_output_files.append (output_filepath) face_idx += 1 data.faces_detected = face_idx if output_debug_path is not None: cv2_imwrite( output_debug_path / (filepath.stem+'.jpg'), debug_image, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 50] ) return data #overridable def get_data_name (self, data): #return string identificator of your data return data.filepath @staticmethod def get_devices_for_config (type, device_config): devices = device_config.devices cpu_only = len(devices) == 0 if 'rects' in type or \ 'landmarks' in type or \ 'all' in type: if not cpu_only: if type == 'landmarks-manual': devices = [devices.get_best_device()] result = [] for device in devices: count = 1 if count == 1: result += [ (device.index, 'GPU',, device.total_mem_gb) ] else: for i in range(count): result += [ (device.index, 'GPU', f"{} #{i}", device.total_mem_gb) ] return result else: if type == 'landmarks-manual': return [ (0, 'CPU', 'CPU', 0 ) ] else: return [ (i, 'CPU', 'CPU%d' % (i), 0 ) for i in range( min(8, multiprocessing.cpu_count() // 2) ) ] elif type == 'final': return [ (i, 'CPU', 'CPU%d' % (i), 0 ) for i in (range(min(8, multiprocessing.cpu_count())) if not DEBUG else [0]) ] def __init__(self, input_data, type, image_size=None, jpeg_quality=None, face_type=None, output_debug_path=None, manual_window_size=0, max_faces_from_image=0, final_output_path=None, device_config=None): if type == 'landmarks-manual': for x in input_data: x.manual = True self.input_data = input_data self.type = type self.image_size = image_size self.jpeg_quality = jpeg_quality self.face_type = face_type self.output_debug_path = output_debug_path self.final_output_path = final_output_path self.manual_window_size = manual_window_size self.max_faces_from_image = max_faces_from_image self.result = [] self.devices = ExtractSubprocessor.get_devices_for_config(self.type, device_config) super().__init__('Extractor', ExtractSubprocessor.Cli, 999999 if type == 'landmarks-manual' or DEBUG else 120) #override def on_clients_initialized(self): if self.type == 'landmarks-manual': self.wnd_name = 'Manual pass' io.named_window(self.wnd_name) io.capture_mouse(self.wnd_name) io.capture_keys(self.wnd_name) self.cache_original_image = (None, None) self.cache_image = (None, None) self.cache_text_lines_img = (None, None) self.hide_help = False self.landmarks_accurate = True self.force_landmarks = False self.landmarks = None self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.rect_size = 100 self.rect_locked = False self.extract_needed = True self.image = None self.image_filepath = None io.progress_bar (None, len (self.input_data)) #override def on_clients_finalized(self): if self.type == 'landmarks-manual': io.destroy_all_windows() io.progress_bar_close() #override def process_info_generator(self): base_dict = {'type' : self.type, 'image_size': self.image_size, 'jpeg_quality' : self.jpeg_quality, 'face_type': self.face_type, 'max_faces_from_image':self.max_faces_from_image, 'output_debug_path': self.output_debug_path, 'final_output_path': self.final_output_path, 'stdin_fd': sys.stdin.fileno() } for (device_idx, device_type, device_name, device_total_vram_gb) in self.devices: client_dict = base_dict.copy() client_dict['device_idx'] = device_idx client_dict['device_name'] = device_name client_dict['device_type'] = device_type yield client_dict['device_name'], {}, client_dict #override def get_data(self, host_dict): if self.type == 'landmarks-manual': need_remark_face = False while len (self.input_data) > 0: data = self.input_data[0] filepath, data_rects, data_landmarks = data.filepath, data.rects, data.landmarks is_frame_done = False if self.image_filepath != filepath: self.image_filepath = filepath if self.cache_original_image[0] == filepath: self.original_image = self.cache_original_image[1] else: self.original_image = imagelib.normalize_channels( cv2_imread( filepath ), 3 ) self.cache_original_image = (filepath, self.original_image ) (h,w,c) = self.original_image.shape self.view_scale = 1.0 if self.manual_window_size == 0 else self.manual_window_size / ( h * (16.0/9.0) ) if self.cache_image[0] == (h,w,c) + (self.view_scale,filepath): self.image = self.cache_image[1] else: self.image = cv2.resize (self.original_image, ( int(w*self.view_scale), int(h*self.view_scale) ), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) self.cache_image = ( (h,w,c) + (self.view_scale,filepath), self.image ) (h,w,c) = self.image.shape sh = (0,0, w, min(100, h) ) if self.cache_text_lines_img[0] == sh: self.text_lines_img = self.cache_text_lines_img[1] else: self.text_lines_img = (imagelib.get_draw_text_lines ( self.image, sh, [ '[L Mouse click] - lock/unlock selection. [Mouse wheel] - change rect', '[R Mouse Click] - manual face rectangle', '[Enter] / [Space] - confirm / skip frame', '[,] [.]- prev frame, next frame. [Q] - skip remaining frames', '[a] - accuracy on/off (more fps)', '[h] - hide this help' ], (1, 1, 1) )*255).astype(np.uint8) self.cache_text_lines_img = (sh, self.text_lines_img) if need_remark_face: # need remark image from input data that already has a marked face? need_remark_face = False if len(data_rects) != 0: # If there was already a face then lock the rectangle to it until the mouse is clicked self.rect = data_rects.pop() self.landmarks = data_landmarks.pop() data_rects.clear() data_landmarks.clear() self.rect_locked = True self.rect_size = ( self.rect[2] - self.rect[0] ) / 2 self.x = ( self.rect[0] + self.rect[2] ) / 2 self.y = ( self.rect[1] + self.rect[3] ) / 2 self.redraw() if len(data_rects) == 0: (h,w,c) = self.image.shape while True: io.process_messages(0.0001) if not self.force_landmarks: new_x = self.x new_y = self.y new_rect_size = self.rect_size mouse_events = io.get_mouse_events(self.wnd_name) for ev in mouse_events: (x, y, ev, flags) = ev if ev == io.EVENT_MOUSEWHEEL and not self.rect_locked: mod = 1 if flags > 0 else -1 diff = 1 if new_rect_size <= 40 else np.clip(new_rect_size / 10, 1, 10) new_rect_size = max (5, new_rect_size + diff*mod) elif ev == io.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: if self.force_landmarks: self.x = new_x self.y = new_y self.force_landmarks = False self.rect_locked = True self.redraw() else: self.rect_locked = not self.rect_locked self.extract_needed = True elif ev == io.EVENT_RBUTTONDOWN: self.force_landmarks = not self.force_landmarks if self.force_landmarks: self.rect_locked = False elif not self.rect_locked: new_x = np.clip (x, 0, w-1) / self.view_scale new_y = np.clip (y, 0, h-1) / self.view_scale key_events = io.get_key_events(self.wnd_name) key, chr_key, ctrl_pressed, alt_pressed, shift_pressed = key_events[-1] if len(key_events) > 0 else (0,0,False,False,False) if key == ord('\r') or key == ord('\n'): #confirm frame is_frame_done = True data_rects.append (self.rect) data_landmarks.append (self.landmarks) break elif key == ord(' '): #confirm skip frame is_frame_done = True break elif key == ord(',') and len(self.result) > 0: #go prev frame if self.rect_locked: self.rect_locked = False # Only save the face if the rect is still locked data_rects.append (self.rect) data_landmarks.append (self.landmarks) self.input_data.insert(0, self.result.pop() ) io.progress_bar_inc(-1) need_remark_face = True break elif key == ord('.'): #go next frame if self.rect_locked: self.rect_locked = False # Only save the face if the rect is still locked data_rects.append (self.rect) data_landmarks.append (self.landmarks) need_remark_face = True is_frame_done = True break elif key == ord('q'): #skip remaining if self.rect_locked: self.rect_locked = False data_rects.append (self.rect) data_landmarks.append (self.landmarks) while len(self.input_data) > 0: self.result.append( self.input_data.pop(0) ) io.progress_bar_inc(1) break elif key == ord('h'): self.hide_help = not self.hide_help break elif key == ord('a'): self.landmarks_accurate = not self.landmarks_accurate break if self.force_landmarks: pt2 = np.float32([new_x, new_y]) pt1 = np.float32([self.x, self.y]) pt_vec_len = npla.norm(pt2-pt1) pt_vec = pt2-pt1 if pt_vec_len != 0: pt_vec /= pt_vec_len self.rect_size = pt_vec_len self.rect = ( int(self.x-self.rect_size), int(self.y-self.rect_size), int(self.x+self.rect_size), int(self.y+self.rect_size) ) if pt_vec_len > 0: lmrks = np.concatenate ( (np.zeros ((17,2), np.float32), LandmarksProcessor.landmarks_2D), axis=0 ) lmrks -= lmrks[30:31,:] mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D( (0, 0), -np.arctan2( pt_vec[1], pt_vec[0] )*180/math.pi , pt_vec_len) mat[:, 2] += (self.x, self.y) self.landmarks = LandmarksProcessor.transform_points(lmrks, mat ) self.redraw() elif self.x != new_x or \ self.y != new_y or \ self.rect_size != new_rect_size or \ self.extract_needed: self.x = new_x self.y = new_y self.rect_size = new_rect_size self.rect = ( int(self.x-self.rect_size), int(self.y-self.rect_size), int(self.x+self.rect_size), int(self.y+self.rect_size) ) return ExtractSubprocessor.Data (filepath, rects=[self.rect], landmarks_accurate=self.landmarks_accurate) else: is_frame_done = True if is_frame_done: self.result.append ( data ) self.input_data.pop(0) io.progress_bar_inc(1) self.extract_needed = True self.rect_locked = False else: if len (self.input_data) > 0: return self.input_data.pop(0) return None #override def on_data_return (self, host_dict, data): if not self.type != 'landmarks-manual': self.input_data.insert(0, data) def redraw(self): (h,w,c) = self.image.shape if not self.hide_help: image = cv2.addWeighted (self.image,1.0,self.text_lines_img,1.0,0) else: image = self.image.copy() view_rect = (np.array(self.rect) * self.view_scale).astype( view_landmarks = (np.array(self.landmarks) * self.view_scale).astype( if self.rect_size <= 40: scaled_rect_size = h // 3 if w > h else w // 3 p1 = (self.x - self.rect_size, self.y - self.rect_size) p2 = (self.x + self.rect_size, self.y - self.rect_size) p3 = (self.x - self.rect_size, self.y + self.rect_size) wh = h if h < w else w np1 = (w / 2 - wh / 4, h / 2 - wh / 4) np2 = (w / 2 + wh / 4, h / 2 - wh / 4) np3 = (w / 2 - wh / 4, h / 2 + wh / 4) mat = cv2.getAffineTransform( np.float32([p1,p2,p3])*self.view_scale, np.float32([np1,np2,np3]) ) image = cv2.warpAffine(image, mat,(w,h) ) view_landmarks = LandmarksProcessor.transform_points (view_landmarks, mat) landmarks_color = (255,255,0) if self.rect_locked else (0,255,0) LandmarksProcessor.draw_rect_landmarks (image, view_rect, view_landmarks, self.face_type, self.image_size, landmarks_color=landmarks_color) self.extract_needed = False io.show_image (self.wnd_name, image) #override def on_result (self, host_dict, data, result): if self.type == 'landmarks-manual': filepath, landmarks = result.filepath, result.landmarks if len(landmarks) != 0 and landmarks[0] is not None: self.landmarks = landmarks[0] self.redraw() else: self.result.append ( result ) io.progress_bar_inc(1) #override def get_result(self): return self.result class DeletedFilesSearcherSubprocessor(Subprocessor): class Cli(Subprocessor.Cli): #override def on_initialize(self, client_dict): self.debug_paths_stems = client_dict['debug_paths_stems'] return None #override def process_data(self, data): input_path_stem = Path(data[0]).stem return any ( [ input_path_stem == d_stem for d_stem in self.debug_paths_stems] ) #override def get_data_name (self, data): #return string identificator of your data return data[0] #override def __init__(self, input_paths, debug_paths ): self.input_paths = input_paths self.debug_paths_stems = [ Path(d).stem for d in debug_paths] self.result = [] super().__init__('DeletedFilesSearcherSubprocessor', DeletedFilesSearcherSubprocessor.Cli, 60) #override def process_info_generator(self): for i in range(min(multiprocessing.cpu_count(), 8)): yield 'CPU%d' % (i), {}, {'debug_paths_stems' : self.debug_paths_stems} #override def on_clients_initialized(self): io.progress_bar ("Searching deleted files", len (self.input_paths)) #override def on_clients_finalized(self): io.progress_bar_close() #override def get_data(self, host_dict): if len (self.input_paths) > 0: return [self.input_paths.pop(0)] return None #override def on_data_return (self, host_dict, data): self.input_paths.insert(0, data[0]) #override def on_result (self, host_dict, data, result): if result == False: self.result.append( data[0] ) io.progress_bar_inc(1) #override def get_result(self): return self.result def main(detector=None, input_path=None, output_path=None, output_debug=None, manual_fix=False, manual_output_debug_fix=False, manual_window_size=1368, face_type='full_face', max_faces_from_image=None, image_size=None, jpeg_quality=None, cpu_only = False, force_gpu_idxs = None, ): if not input_path.exists(): io.log_err ('Input directory not found. Please ensure it exists.') return if not output_path.exists(): output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if face_type is not None: face_type = FaceType.fromString(face_type) if face_type is None: if manual_output_debug_fix: files = pathex.get_image_paths(output_path) if len(files) != 0: dflimg = DFLIMG.load(Path(files[0])) if dflimg is not None and dflimg.has_data(): face_type = FaceType.fromString ( dflimg.get_face_type() ) input_image_paths = pathex.get_image_unique_filestem_paths(input_path, verbose_print_func=io.log_info) output_images_paths = pathex.get_image_paths(output_path) output_debug_path = output_path.parent / ( + '_debug') continue_extraction = False if not manual_output_debug_fix and len(output_images_paths) > 0: if len(output_images_paths) > 128: continue_extraction = io.input_bool ("Continue extraction?", True, help_message="Extraction can be continued, but you must specify the same options again.") if len(output_images_paths) > 128 and continue_extraction: try: input_image_paths = input_image_paths[ [ Path(x).stem for x in input_image_paths ].index ( Path(output_images_paths[-128]).stem.split('_')[0] ) : ] except: io.log_err("Error in fetching the last index. Extraction cannot be continued.") return elif input_path != output_path: io.input(f"\n WARNING !!! \n {output_path} contains files! \n They will be deleted. \n Press enter to continue.\n") for filename in output_images_paths: Path(filename).unlink() device_config = nn.DeviceConfig.GPUIndexes( force_gpu_idxs or nn.ask_choose_device_idxs(choose_only_one=detector=='manual', suggest_all_gpu=True) ) \ if not cpu_only else nn.DeviceConfig.CPU() if face_type is None: face_type = io.input_str ("Face type", 'wf', ['f','wf','head'], help_message="Full face / whole face / head. 'Whole face' covers full area of face include forehead. 'head' covers full head, but requires XSeg for src and dst faceset.").lower() face_type = {'f' : FaceType.FULL, 'wf' : FaceType.WHOLE_FACE, 'head' : FaceType.HEAD}[face_type] if max_faces_from_image is None: max_faces_from_image = io.input_int(f"Max number of faces from image", 0, help_message="If you extract a src faceset that has frames with a large number of faces, it is advisable to set max faces to 3 to speed up extraction. 0 - unlimited") if image_size is None: image_size = io.input_int(f"Image size", 512 if face_type < FaceType.HEAD else 768, valid_range=[256,2048], help_message="Output image size. The higher image size, the worse face-enhancer works. Use higher than 512 value only if the source image is sharp enough and the face does not need to be enhanced.") if jpeg_quality is None: jpeg_quality = io.input_int(f"Jpeg quality", 90, valid_range=[1,100], help_message="Jpeg quality. The higher jpeg quality the larger the output file size.") if detector is None: io.log_info ("Choose detector type.") io.log_info ("[0] S3FD") io.log_info ("[1] manual") detector = {0:'s3fd', 1:'manual'}[ io.input_int("", 0, [0,1]) ] if output_debug is None: output_debug = io.input_bool (f"Write debug images to {}?", False) if output_debug: output_debug_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if manual_output_debug_fix: if not output_debug_path.exists(): io.log_err(f'{output_debug_path} not found. Re-extract faces with "Write debug images" option.') return else: detector = 'manual' io.log_info('Performing re-extract frames which were deleted from _debug directory.') input_image_paths = DeletedFilesSearcherSubprocessor (input_image_paths, pathex.get_image_paths(output_debug_path) ).run() input_image_paths = sorted (input_image_paths) io.log_info('Found %d images.' % (len(input_image_paths))) else: if not continue_extraction and output_debug_path.exists(): for filename in pathex.get_image_paths(output_debug_path): Path(filename).unlink() images_found = len(input_image_paths) faces_detected = 0 if images_found != 0: if detector == 'manual': io.log_info ('Performing manual extract...') data = ExtractSubprocessor ([ ExtractSubprocessor.Data(Path(filename)) for filename in input_image_paths ], 'landmarks-manual', image_size, jpeg_quality, face_type, output_debug_path if output_debug else None, manual_window_size=manual_window_size, device_config=device_config).run() io.log_info ('Performing 3rd pass...') data = ExtractSubprocessor (data, 'final', image_size, jpeg_quality, face_type, output_debug_path if output_debug else None, final_output_path=output_path, device_config=device_config).run() else: io.log_info ('Extracting faces...') data = ExtractSubprocessor ([ ExtractSubprocessor.Data(Path(filename)) for filename in input_image_paths ], 'all', image_size, jpeg_quality, face_type, output_debug_path if output_debug else None, max_faces_from_image=max_faces_from_image, final_output_path=output_path, device_config=device_config).run() faces_detected += sum([d.faces_detected for d in data]) if manual_fix: if all ( np.array ( [ d.faces_detected > 0 for d in data] ) == True ): io.log_info ('All faces are detected, manual fix not needed.') else: fix_data = [ ExtractSubprocessor.Data(d.filepath) for d in data if d.faces_detected == 0 ] io.log_info ('Performing manual fix for %d images...' % (len(fix_data)) ) fix_data = ExtractSubprocessor (fix_data, 'landmarks-manual', image_size, jpeg_quality, face_type, output_debug_path if output_debug else None, manual_window_size=manual_window_size, device_config=device_config).run() fix_data = ExtractSubprocessor (fix_data, 'final', image_size, jpeg_quality, face_type, output_debug_path if output_debug else None, final_output_path=output_path, device_config=device_config).run() faces_detected += sum([d.faces_detected for d in fix_data]) io.log_info ('-------------------------') io.log_info ('Images found: %d' % (images_found) ) io.log_info ('Faces detected: %d' % (faces_detected) ) io.log_info ('-------------------------')