import pickle import shutil import struct from pathlib import Path import samplelib.SampleLoader from core.interact import interact as io from samplelib import Sample from core import pathex packed_faceset_filename = 'faceset.pak' class PackedFaceset(): VERSION = 1 @staticmethod def pack(samples_path): samples_dat_path = samples_path / packed_faceset_filename if samples_dat_path.exists(): io.log_info(f"{samples_dat_path} : file already exists !") io.input("Press enter to continue and overwrite.") as_person_faceset = False dir_names = pathex.get_all_dir_names(samples_path) if len(dir_names) != 0: as_person_faceset = io.input_bool(f"{len(dir_names)} subdirectories found, process as person faceset?", True) if as_person_faceset: image_paths = [] for dir_name in dir_names: image_paths += pathex.get_image_paths(samples_path / dir_name) else: image_paths = pathex.get_image_paths(samples_path) samples = samplelib.SampleLoader.load_face_samples(image_paths) samples_len = len(samples) samples_configs = [] for sample in io.progress_bar_generator (samples, "Processing"): sample_filepath = Path(sample.filename) sample.filename = if as_person_faceset: sample.person_name = samples_configs.append ( sample.get_config() ) samples_bytes = pickle.dumps(samples_configs, 4) of = open(samples_dat_path, "wb") of.write ( struct.pack ("Q", PackedFaceset.VERSION ) ) of.write ( struct.pack ("Q", len(samples_bytes) ) ) of.write ( samples_bytes ) del samples_bytes #just free mem del samples_configs sample_data_table_offset = of.tell() of.write ( bytes( 8*(samples_len+1) ) ) #sample data offset table data_start_offset = of.tell() offsets = [] for sample in io.progress_bar_generator(samples, "Packing"): try: if sample.person_name is not None: sample_path = samples_path / sample.person_name / sample.filename else: sample_path = samples_path / sample.filename with open(sample_path, "rb") as f: b = offsets.append ( of.tell() - data_start_offset ) of.write(b) except: raise Exception(f"error while processing sample {sample_path}") offsets.append ( of.tell() ), 0) for offset in offsets: of.write ( struct.pack("Q", offset) ),2) of.close() if io.input_bool(f"Delete original files?", True): for filename in io.progress_bar_generator(image_paths, "Deleting files"): Path(filename).unlink() if as_person_faceset: for dir_name in io.progress_bar_generator(dir_names, "Deleting dirs"): dir_path = samples_path / dir_name try: shutil.rmtree(dir_path) except: io.log_info (f"unable to remove: {dir_path} ") @staticmethod def unpack(samples_path): samples_dat_path = samples_path / packed_faceset_filename if not samples_dat_path.exists(): io.log_info(f"{samples_dat_path} : file not found.") return samples = PackedFaceset.load(samples_path) for sample in io.progress_bar_generator(samples, "Unpacking"): person_name = sample.person_name if person_name is not None: person_path = samples_path / person_name person_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) target_filepath = person_path / sample.filename else: target_filepath = samples_path / sample.filename with open(target_filepath, "wb") as f: f.write( sample.read_raw_file() ) samples_dat_path.unlink() @staticmethod def path_contains(samples_path): samples_dat_path = samples_path / packed_faceset_filename return samples_dat_path.exists() @staticmethod def load(samples_path): samples_dat_path = samples_path / packed_faceset_filename if not samples_dat_path.exists(): return None f = open(samples_dat_path, "rb") version, = struct.unpack("Q", ) if version != PackedFaceset.VERSION: raise NotImplementedError sizeof_samples_bytes, = struct.unpack("Q", ) samples_configs = pickle.loads ( ) samples = [] for sample_config in samples_configs: sample_config = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps (sample_config)) samples.append ( Sample (**sample_config) ) offsets = [ struct.unpack("Q", )[0] for _ in range(len(samples)+1) ] data_start_offset = f.tell() f.close() for i, sample in enumerate(samples): start_offset, end_offset = offsets[i], offsets[i+1] sample.set_filename_offset_size( str(samples_dat_path), data_start_offset+start_offset, end_offset-start_offset ) return samples