import sys |
import traceback |
import cv2 |
import numpy as np |
from core import imagelib |
from core.cv2ex import * |
from core.interact import interact as io |
from facelib import FaceType, LandmarksProcessor |
is_windows = sys.platform[0:3] == 'win' |
xseg_input_size = 256 |
def MergeMaskedFace (predictor_func, predictor_input_shape, |
face_enhancer_func, |
xseg_256_extract_func, |
cfg, frame_info, img_bgr_uint8, img_bgr, img_face_landmarks): |
img_size = img_bgr.shape[1], img_bgr.shape[0] |
img_face_mask_a = LandmarksProcessor.get_image_hull_mask (img_bgr.shape, img_face_landmarks) |
input_size = predictor_input_shape[0] |
mask_subres_size = input_size*4 |
output_size = input_size |
if cfg.super_resolution_power != 0: |
output_size *= 4 |
face_mat = LandmarksProcessor.get_transform_mat (img_face_landmarks, output_size, face_type=cfg.face_type) |
face_output_mat = LandmarksProcessor.get_transform_mat (img_face_landmarks, output_size, face_type=cfg.face_type, scale= 1.0 + 0.01*cfg.output_face_scale) |
if mask_subres_size == output_size: |
face_mask_output_mat = face_output_mat |
else: |
face_mask_output_mat = LandmarksProcessor.get_transform_mat (img_face_landmarks, mask_subres_size, face_type=cfg.face_type, scale= 1.0 + 0.01*cfg.output_face_scale) |
dst_face_bgr = cv2.warpAffine( img_bgr , face_mat, (output_size, output_size), flags=cv2.INTER_CUBIC ) |
dst_face_bgr = np.clip(dst_face_bgr, 0, 1) |
dst_face_mask_a_0 = cv2.warpAffine( img_face_mask_a, face_mat, (output_size, output_size), flags=cv2.INTER_CUBIC ) |
dst_face_mask_a_0 = np.clip(dst_face_mask_a_0, 0, 1) |
predictor_input_bgr = cv2.resize (dst_face_bgr, (input_size,input_size) ) |
predicted = predictor_func (predictor_input_bgr) |
prd_face_bgr = np.clip (predicted[0], 0, 1.0) |
prd_face_mask_a_0 = np.clip (predicted[1], 0, 1.0) |
prd_face_dst_mask_a_0 = np.clip (predicted[2], 0, 1.0) |
if cfg.super_resolution_power != 0: |
prd_face_bgr_enhanced = face_enhancer_func(prd_face_bgr, is_tanh=True, preserve_size=False) |
mod = cfg.super_resolution_power / 100.0 |
prd_face_bgr = cv2.resize(prd_face_bgr, (output_size,output_size))*(1.0-mod) + prd_face_bgr_enhanced*mod |
prd_face_bgr = np.clip(prd_face_bgr, 0, 1) |
if cfg.super_resolution_power != 0: |
prd_face_mask_a_0 = cv2.resize (prd_face_mask_a_0, (output_size, output_size), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) |
prd_face_dst_mask_a_0 = cv2.resize (prd_face_dst_mask_a_0, (output_size, output_size), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) |
if cfg.mask_mode == 0: |
wrk_face_mask_a_0 = np.ones_like(dst_face_mask_a_0) |
elif cfg.mask_mode == 1: |
wrk_face_mask_a_0 = cv2.resize (dst_face_mask_a_0, (output_size,output_size), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) |
elif cfg.mask_mode == 2: |
wrk_face_mask_a_0 = prd_face_mask_a_0 |
elif cfg.mask_mode == 3: |
wrk_face_mask_a_0 = prd_face_dst_mask_a_0 |
elif cfg.mask_mode == 4: |
wrk_face_mask_a_0 = prd_face_mask_a_0*prd_face_dst_mask_a_0 |
elif cfg.mask_mode == 5: |
wrk_face_mask_a_0 = np.clip( prd_face_mask_a_0+prd_face_dst_mask_a_0, 0, 1) |
elif cfg.mask_mode >= 6 and cfg.mask_mode <= 9: |
if cfg.mask_mode == 6 or cfg.mask_mode == 8 or cfg.mask_mode == 9: |
prd_face_xseg_bgr = cv2.resize (prd_face_bgr, (xseg_input_size,)*2, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) |
prd_face_xseg_mask = xseg_256_extract_func(prd_face_xseg_bgr) |
X_prd_face_mask_a_0 = cv2.resize ( prd_face_xseg_mask, (output_size, output_size), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) |
if cfg.mask_mode >= 7 and cfg.mask_mode <= 9: |
xseg_mat = LandmarksProcessor.get_transform_mat (img_face_landmarks, xseg_input_size, face_type=cfg.face_type) |
dst_face_xseg_bgr = cv2.warpAffine(img_bgr, xseg_mat, (xseg_input_size,)*2, flags=cv2.INTER_CUBIC ) |
dst_face_xseg_mask = xseg_256_extract_func(dst_face_xseg_bgr) |
X_dst_face_mask_a_0 = cv2.resize (dst_face_xseg_mask, (output_size,output_size), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) |
if cfg.mask_mode == 6: |
wrk_face_mask_a_0 = X_prd_face_mask_a_0 |
elif cfg.mask_mode == 7: |
wrk_face_mask_a_0 = X_dst_face_mask_a_0 |
elif cfg.mask_mode == 8: |
wrk_face_mask_a_0 = X_prd_face_mask_a_0 * X_dst_face_mask_a_0 |
elif cfg.mask_mode == 9: |
wrk_face_mask_a_0 = prd_face_mask_a_0 * prd_face_dst_mask_a_0 * X_prd_face_mask_a_0 * X_dst_face_mask_a_0 |
wrk_face_mask_a_0[ wrk_face_mask_a_0 < (1.0/255.0) ] = 0.0 |
if wrk_face_mask_a_0.shape[0] != mask_subres_size: |
wrk_face_mask_a_0 = cv2.resize (wrk_face_mask_a_0, (mask_subres_size, mask_subres_size), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) |
if 'raw' not in cfg.mode: |
wrk_face_mask_a_0 = np.pad (wrk_face_mask_a_0, input_size) |
ero = cfg.erode_mask_modifier |
blur = cfg.blur_mask_modifier |
if ero > 0: |
wrk_face_mask_a_0 = cv2.erode(wrk_face_mask_a_0, cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE,(ero,ero)), iterations = 1 ) |
elif ero < 0: |
wrk_face_mask_a_0 = cv2.dilate(wrk_face_mask_a_0, cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE,(-ero,-ero)), iterations = 1 ) |
clip_size = input_size + blur // 2 |
wrk_face_mask_a_0[:clip_size,:] = 0 |
wrk_face_mask_a_0[-clip_size:,:] = 0 |
wrk_face_mask_a_0[:,:clip_size] = 0 |
wrk_face_mask_a_0[:,-clip_size:] = 0 |
if blur > 0: |
blur = blur + (1-blur % 2) |
wrk_face_mask_a_0 = cv2.GaussianBlur(wrk_face_mask_a_0, (blur, blur) , 0) |
wrk_face_mask_a_0 = wrk_face_mask_a_0[input_size:-input_size,input_size:-input_size] |
wrk_face_mask_a_0 = np.clip(wrk_face_mask_a_0, 0, 1) |
img_face_mask_a = cv2.warpAffine( wrk_face_mask_a_0, face_mask_output_mat, img_size, np.zeros(img_bgr.shape[0:2], dtype=np.float32), flags=cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP | cv2.INTER_CUBIC )[...,None] |
img_face_mask_a = np.clip (img_face_mask_a, 0.0, 1.0) |
img_face_mask_a [ img_face_mask_a < (1.0/255.0) ] = 0.0 |
if wrk_face_mask_a_0.shape[0] != output_size: |
wrk_face_mask_a_0 = cv2.resize (wrk_face_mask_a_0, (output_size,output_size), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) |
wrk_face_mask_a = wrk_face_mask_a_0[...,None] |
out_img = None |
out_merging_mask_a = None |
if cfg.mode == 'original': |
return img_bgr, img_face_mask_a |
elif 'raw' in cfg.mode: |
if cfg.mode == 'raw-rgb': |
out_img_face = cv2.warpAffine( prd_face_bgr, face_output_mat, img_size, np.empty_like(img_bgr), cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP | cv2.INTER_CUBIC) |
out_img_face_mask = cv2.warpAffine( np.ones_like(prd_face_bgr), face_output_mat, img_size, np.empty_like(img_bgr), cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP | cv2.INTER_CUBIC) |
out_img = img_bgr*(1-out_img_face_mask) + out_img_face*out_img_face_mask |
out_merging_mask_a = img_face_mask_a |
elif cfg.mode == 'raw-predict': |
out_img = prd_face_bgr |
out_merging_mask_a = wrk_face_mask_a |
else: |
raise ValueError(f"undefined raw type {cfg.mode}") |
out_img = np.clip (out_img, 0.0, 1.0 ) |
else: |
maxregion = np.argwhere( img_face_mask_a >= 0.1 ) |
if maxregion.size != 0: |
miny,minx = maxregion.min(axis=0)[:2] |
maxy,maxx = maxregion.max(axis=0)[:2] |
lenx = maxx - minx |
leny = maxy - miny |
if min(lenx,leny) >= 4: |
wrk_face_mask_area_a = wrk_face_mask_a.copy() |
wrk_face_mask_area_a[wrk_face_mask_area_a>0] = 1.0 |
if 'seamless' not in cfg.mode and cfg.color_transfer_mode != 0: |
if cfg.color_transfer_mode == 1: |
prd_face_bgr = imagelib.reinhard_color_transfer (prd_face_bgr, dst_face_bgr, target_mask=wrk_face_mask_area_a, source_mask=wrk_face_mask_area_a) |
elif cfg.color_transfer_mode == 2: |
prd_face_bgr = imagelib.linear_color_transfer (prd_face_bgr, dst_face_bgr) |
elif cfg.color_transfer_mode == 3: |
prd_face_bgr = imagelib.color_transfer_mkl (prd_face_bgr, dst_face_bgr) |
elif cfg.color_transfer_mode == 4: |
prd_face_bgr = imagelib.color_transfer_mkl (prd_face_bgr*wrk_face_mask_area_a, dst_face_bgr*wrk_face_mask_area_a) |
elif cfg.color_transfer_mode == 5: |
prd_face_bgr = imagelib.color_transfer_idt (prd_face_bgr, dst_face_bgr) |
elif cfg.color_transfer_mode == 6: |
prd_face_bgr = imagelib.color_transfer_idt (prd_face_bgr*wrk_face_mask_area_a, dst_face_bgr*wrk_face_mask_area_a) |
elif cfg.color_transfer_mode == 7: |
prd_face_bgr = imagelib.color_transfer_sot (prd_face_bgr*wrk_face_mask_area_a, dst_face_bgr*wrk_face_mask_area_a, steps=10, batch_size=30) |
prd_face_bgr = np.clip (prd_face_bgr, 0.0, 1.0) |
elif cfg.color_transfer_mode == 8: |
prd_face_bgr = imagelib.color_transfer_mix (prd_face_bgr*wrk_face_mask_area_a, dst_face_bgr*wrk_face_mask_area_a) |
if cfg.mode == 'hist-match': |
hist_mask_a = np.ones ( prd_face_bgr.shape[:2] + (1,) , dtype=np.float32) |
if cfg.masked_hist_match: |
hist_mask_a *= wrk_face_mask_area_a |
white = (1.0-hist_mask_a)* np.ones ( prd_face_bgr.shape[:2] + (1,) , dtype=np.float32) |
hist_match_1 = prd_face_bgr*hist_mask_a + white |
hist_match_1[ hist_match_1 > 1.0 ] = 1.0 |
hist_match_2 = dst_face_bgr*hist_mask_a + white |
hist_match_2[ hist_match_1 > 1.0 ] = 1.0 |
prd_face_bgr = imagelib.color_hist_match(hist_match_1, hist_match_2, cfg.hist_match_threshold ).astype(dtype=np.float32) |
if 'seamless' in cfg.mode: |
img_face_seamless_mask_a = None |
for i in range(1,10): |
a = img_face_mask_a > i / 10.0 |
if len(np.argwhere(a)) == 0: |
continue |
img_face_seamless_mask_a = img_face_mask_a.copy() |
img_face_seamless_mask_a[a] = 1.0 |
img_face_seamless_mask_a[img_face_seamless_mask_a <= i / 10.0] = 0.0 |
break |
out_img = cv2.warpAffine( prd_face_bgr, face_output_mat, img_size, np.empty_like(img_bgr), cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP | cv2.INTER_CUBIC ) |
out_img = np.clip(out_img, 0.0, 1.0) |
if 'seamless' in cfg.mode: |
try: |
l,t,w,h = cv2.boundingRect( (img_face_seamless_mask_a*255).astype(np.uint8) ) |
s_maskx, s_masky = int(l+w/2), int(t+h/2) |
out_img = cv2.seamlessClone( (out_img*255).astype(np.uint8), img_bgr_uint8, (img_face_seamless_mask_a*255).astype(np.uint8), (s_maskx,s_masky) , cv2.NORMAL_CLONE ) |
out_img = out_img.astype(dtype=np.float32) / 255.0 |
except Exception as e: |
e_str = traceback.format_exc() |
if 'MemoryError' in e_str: |
raise Exception("Seamless fail: " + e_str) |
else: |
print ("Seamless fail: " + e_str) |
cfg_mp = cfg.motion_blur_power / 100.0 |
out_img = img_bgr*(1-img_face_mask_a) + (out_img*img_face_mask_a) |
if ('seamless' in cfg.mode and cfg.color_transfer_mode != 0) or \ |
cfg.mode == 'seamless-hist-match' or \ |
cfg_mp != 0 or \ |
cfg.blursharpen_amount != 0 or \ |
cfg.image_denoise_power != 0 or \ |
cfg.bicubic_degrade_power != 0: |
out_face_bgr = cv2.warpAffine( out_img, face_mat, (output_size, output_size), flags=cv2.INTER_CUBIC ) |
if 'seamless' in cfg.mode and cfg.color_transfer_mode != 0: |
if cfg.color_transfer_mode == 1: |
out_face_bgr = imagelib.reinhard_color_transfer (out_face_bgr, dst_face_bgr, target_mask=wrk_face_mask_area_a, source_mask=wrk_face_mask_area_a) |
elif cfg.color_transfer_mode == 2: |
out_face_bgr = imagelib.linear_color_transfer (out_face_bgr, dst_face_bgr) |
elif cfg.color_transfer_mode == 3: |
out_face_bgr = imagelib.color_transfer_mkl (out_face_bgr, dst_face_bgr) |
elif cfg.color_transfer_mode == 4: |
out_face_bgr = imagelib.color_transfer_mkl (out_face_bgr*wrk_face_mask_area_a, dst_face_bgr*wrk_face_mask_area_a) |
elif cfg.color_transfer_mode == 5: |
out_face_bgr = imagelib.color_transfer_idt (out_face_bgr, dst_face_bgr) |
elif cfg.color_transfer_mode == 6: |
out_face_bgr = imagelib.color_transfer_idt (out_face_bgr*wrk_face_mask_area_a, dst_face_bgr*wrk_face_mask_area_a) |
elif cfg.color_transfer_mode == 7: |
out_face_bgr = imagelib.color_transfer_sot (out_face_bgr*wrk_face_mask_area_a, dst_face_bgr*wrk_face_mask_area_a, steps=10, batch_size=30) |
out_face_bgr = np.clip (out_face_bgr, 0.0, 1.0) |
elif cfg.color_transfer_mode == 8: |
out_face_bgr = imagelib.color_transfer_mix (out_face_bgr*wrk_face_mask_area_a, dst_face_bgr*wrk_face_mask_area_a) |
if cfg.mode == 'seamless-hist-match': |
out_face_bgr = imagelib.color_hist_match(out_face_bgr, dst_face_bgr, cfg.hist_match_threshold) |
if cfg_mp != 0: |
k_size = int(frame_info.motion_power*cfg_mp) |
if k_size >= 1: |
k_size = np.clip (k_size+1, 2, 50) |
if cfg.super_resolution_power != 0: |
k_size *= 2 |
out_face_bgr = imagelib.LinearMotionBlur (out_face_bgr, k_size , frame_info.motion_deg) |
if cfg.blursharpen_amount != 0: |
out_face_bgr = imagelib.blursharpen ( out_face_bgr, cfg.sharpen_mode, 3, cfg.blursharpen_amount) |
if cfg.image_denoise_power != 0: |
n = cfg.image_denoise_power |
while n > 0: |
img_bgr_denoised = cv2.medianBlur(img_bgr, 5) |
if int(n / 100) != 0: |
img_bgr = img_bgr_denoised |
else: |
pass_power = (n % 100) / 100.0 |
img_bgr = img_bgr*(1.0-pass_power)+img_bgr_denoised*pass_power |
n = max(n-10,0) |
if cfg.bicubic_degrade_power != 0: |
p = 1.0 - cfg.bicubic_degrade_power / 101.0 |
img_bgr_downscaled = cv2.resize (img_bgr, ( int(img_size[0]*p), int(img_size[1]*p ) ), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) |
img_bgr = cv2.resize (img_bgr_downscaled, img_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) |
new_out = cv2.warpAffine( out_face_bgr, face_mat, img_size, np.empty_like(img_bgr), cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP | cv2.INTER_CUBIC ) |
out_img = np.clip( img_bgr*(1-img_face_mask_a) + (new_out*img_face_mask_a) , 0, 1.0 ) |
if cfg.color_degrade_power != 0: |
out_img_reduced = imagelib.reduce_colors(out_img, 256) |
if cfg.color_degrade_power == 100: |
out_img = out_img_reduced |
else: |
alpha = cfg.color_degrade_power / 100.0 |
out_img = (out_img*(1.0-alpha) + out_img_reduced*alpha) |
out_merging_mask_a = img_face_mask_a |
if out_img is None: |
out_img = img_bgr.copy() |
return out_img, out_merging_mask_a |
def MergeMasked (predictor_func, |
predictor_input_shape, |
face_enhancer_func, |
xseg_256_extract_func, |
cfg, |
frame_info): |
img_bgr_uint8 = cv2_imread(frame_info.filepath) |
img_bgr_uint8 = imagelib.normalize_channels (img_bgr_uint8, 3) |
img_bgr = img_bgr_uint8.astype(np.float32) / 255.0 |
outs = [] |
for face_num, img_landmarks in enumerate( frame_info.landmarks_list ): |
out_img, out_img_merging_mask = MergeMaskedFace (predictor_func, predictor_input_shape, face_enhancer_func, xseg_256_extract_func, cfg, frame_info, img_bgr_uint8, img_bgr, img_landmarks) |
outs += [ (out_img, out_img_merging_mask) ] |
final_img = None |
final_mask = None |
for img, merging_mask in outs: |
h,w,c = img.shape |
if final_img is None: |
final_img = img |
final_mask = merging_mask |
else: |
final_img = final_img*(1-merging_mask) + img*merging_mask |
final_mask = np.clip (final_mask + merging_mask, 0, 1 ) |
final_img = np.concatenate ( [final_img, final_mask], -1) |
return (final_img*255).astype(np.uint8) |