import multiprocessing |
import operator |
from functools import partial |
import numpy as np |
from core import mathlib |
from core.interact import interact as io |
from core.leras import nn |
from facelib import FaceType, XSegNet |
from models import ModelBase |
from samplelib import * |
class XSegModel(ModelBase): |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): |
super().__init__(*args, force_model_class_name='XSeg', **kwargs) |
def on_initialize_options(self): |
ask_override = self.ask_override() |
if not self.is_first_run() and ask_override: |
if io.input_bool(f"Restart training?", False, help_message="Reset model weights and start training from scratch."): |
self.set_iter(0) |
default_face_type = self.options['face_type'] = self.load_or_def_option('face_type', 'wf') |
default_pretrain = self.options['pretrain'] = self.load_or_def_option('pretrain', False) |
if self.is_first_run(): |
self.options['face_type'] = io.input_str ("Face type", default_face_type, ['h','mf','f','wf','head'], help_message="Half / mid face / full face / whole face / head. Choose the same as your deepfake model.").lower() |
if self.is_first_run() or ask_override: |
self.ask_batch_size(4, range=[2,16]) |
self.options['pretrain'] = io.input_bool ("Enable pretraining mode", default_pretrain) |
if not self.is_exporting and (self.options['pretrain'] and self.get_pretraining_data_path() is None): |
raise Exception("pretraining_data_path is not defined") |
self.pretrain_just_disabled = (default_pretrain == True and self.options['pretrain'] == False) |
def on_initialize(self): |
device_config = nn.getCurrentDeviceConfig() |
self.model_data_format = "NCHW" if self.is_exporting or (len(device_config.devices) != 0 and not self.is_debug()) else "NHWC" |
nn.initialize(data_format=self.model_data_format) |
tf = nn.tf |
device_config = nn.getCurrentDeviceConfig() |
devices = device_config.devices |
self.resolution = resolution = 256 |
self.face_type = {'h' : FaceType.HALF, |
'mf' : FaceType.MID_FULL, |
'f' : FaceType.FULL, |
'wf' : FaceType.WHOLE_FACE, |
'head' : FaceType.HEAD}[ self.options['face_type'] ] |
place_model_on_cpu = len(devices) == 0 |
models_opt_device = '/CPU:0' if place_model_on_cpu else nn.tf_default_device_name |
bgr_shape = nn.get4Dshape(resolution,resolution,3) |
mask_shape = nn.get4Dshape(resolution,resolution,1) |
self.model = XSegNet(name='XSeg', |
resolution=resolution, |
load_weights=not self.is_first_run(), |
weights_file_root=self.get_model_root_path(), |
training=True, |
place_model_on_cpu=place_model_on_cpu, |
optimizer=nn.RMSprop(lr=0.0001, lr_dropout=0.3, name='opt'), |
data_format=nn.data_format) |
self.pretrain = self.options['pretrain'] |
if self.pretrain_just_disabled: |
self.set_iter(0) |
if self.is_training: |
gpu_count = max(1, len(devices) ) |
bs_per_gpu = max(1, self.get_batch_size() // gpu_count) |
self.set_batch_size( gpu_count*bs_per_gpu) |
gpu_pred_list = [] |
gpu_losses = [] |
gpu_loss_gvs = [] |
for gpu_id in range(gpu_count): |
with tf.device(f'/{devices[gpu_id].tf_dev_type}:{gpu_id}' if len(devices) != 0 else f'/CPU:0' ): |
with tf.device(f'/CPU:0'): |
batch_slice = slice( gpu_id*bs_per_gpu, (gpu_id+1)*bs_per_gpu ) |
gpu_input_t = self.model.input_t [batch_slice,:,:,:] |
gpu_target_t = self.model.target_t [batch_slice,:,:,:] |
gpu_pred_logits_t, gpu_pred_t = self.model.flow(gpu_input_t, pretrain=self.pretrain) |
gpu_pred_list.append(gpu_pred_t) |
if self.pretrain: |
gpu_loss = tf.reduce_mean (5*nn.dssim(gpu_target_t, gpu_pred_t, max_val=1.0, filter_size=int(resolution/11.6)), axis=[1]) |
gpu_loss += tf.reduce_mean (5*nn.dssim(gpu_target_t, gpu_pred_t, max_val=1.0, filter_size=int(resolution/23.2)), axis=[1]) |
gpu_loss += tf.reduce_mean (10*tf.square(gpu_target_t-gpu_pred_t), axis=[1,2,3]) |
else: |
gpu_loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=gpu_target_t, logits=gpu_pred_logits_t), axis=[1,2,3]) |
gpu_losses += [gpu_loss] |
gpu_loss_gvs += [ nn.gradients ( gpu_loss, self.model.get_weights() ) ] |
with tf.device (models_opt_device): |
pred = tf.concat(gpu_pred_list, 0) |
loss = tf.concat(gpu_losses, 0) |
loss_gv_op = self.model.opt.get_update_op (nn.average_gv_list (gpu_loss_gvs)) |
if self.pretrain: |
def train(input_np, target_np): |
l, _ = nn.tf_sess.run ( [loss, loss_gv_op], feed_dict={self.model.input_t :input_np, self.model.target_t :target_np}) |
return l |
else: |
def train(input_np, target_np): |
l, _ = nn.tf_sess.run ( [loss, loss_gv_op], feed_dict={self.model.input_t :input_np, self.model.target_t :target_np }) |
return l |
self.train = train |
def view(input_np): |
return nn.tf_sess.run ( [pred], feed_dict={self.model.input_t :input_np}) |
self.view = view |
cpu_count = min(multiprocessing.cpu_count(), 8) |
src_dst_generators_count = cpu_count // 2 |
src_generators_count = cpu_count // 2 |
dst_generators_count = cpu_count // 2 |
if self.pretrain: |
pretrain_gen = SampleGeneratorFace(self.get_pretraining_data_path(), debug=self.is_debug(), batch_size=self.get_batch_size(), |
sample_process_options=SampleProcessor.Options(random_flip=True), |
output_sample_types = [ {'sample_type': SampleProcessor.SampleType.FACE_IMAGE,'warp':True, 'transform':True, 'channel_type' : SampleProcessor.ChannelType.BGR, 'face_type':self.face_type, 'data_format':nn.data_format, 'resolution': resolution}, |
{'sample_type': SampleProcessor.SampleType.FACE_IMAGE,'warp':True, 'transform':True, 'channel_type' : SampleProcessor.ChannelType.G, 'face_type':self.face_type, 'data_format':nn.data_format, 'resolution': resolution}, |
], |
uniform_yaw_distribution=False, |
generators_count=cpu_count ) |
self.set_training_data_generators ([pretrain_gen]) |
else: |
srcdst_generator = SampleGeneratorFaceXSeg([self.training_data_src_path, self.training_data_dst_path], |
debug=self.is_debug(), |
batch_size=self.get_batch_size(), |
resolution=resolution, |
face_type=self.face_type, |
generators_count=src_dst_generators_count, |
data_format=nn.data_format) |
src_generator = SampleGeneratorFace(self.training_data_src_path, debug=self.is_debug(), batch_size=self.get_batch_size(), |
sample_process_options=SampleProcessor.Options(random_flip=False), |
output_sample_types = [ {'sample_type': SampleProcessor.SampleType.FACE_IMAGE, 'warp':False, 'transform':False, 'channel_type' : SampleProcessor.ChannelType.BGR, 'border_replicate':False, 'face_type':self.face_type, 'data_format':nn.data_format, 'resolution': resolution}, |
], |
generators_count=src_generators_count, |
raise_on_no_data=False ) |
dst_generator = SampleGeneratorFace(self.training_data_dst_path, debug=self.is_debug(), batch_size=self.get_batch_size(), |
sample_process_options=SampleProcessor.Options(random_flip=False), |
output_sample_types = [ {'sample_type': SampleProcessor.SampleType.FACE_IMAGE, 'warp':False, 'transform':False, 'channel_type' : SampleProcessor.ChannelType.BGR, 'border_replicate':False, 'face_type':self.face_type, 'data_format':nn.data_format, 'resolution': resolution}, |
], |
generators_count=dst_generators_count, |
raise_on_no_data=False ) |
self.set_training_data_generators ([srcdst_generator, src_generator, dst_generator]) |
def get_model_filename_list(self): |
return self.model.model_filename_list |
def onSave(self): |
self.model.save_weights() |
def onTrainOneIter(self): |
image_np, target_np = self.generate_next_samples()[0] |
loss = self.train (image_np, target_np) |
return ( ('loss', np.mean(loss) ), ) |
def onGetPreview(self, samples, for_history=False): |
n_samples = min(4, self.get_batch_size(), 800 // self.resolution ) |
if self.pretrain: |
srcdst_samples, = samples |
image_np, mask_np = srcdst_samples |
else: |
srcdst_samples, src_samples, dst_samples = samples |
image_np, mask_np = srcdst_samples |
I, M, IM, = [ np.clip( nn.to_data_format(x,"NHWC", self.model_data_format), 0.0, 1.0) for x in ([image_np,mask_np] + self.view (image_np) ) ] |
M, IM, = [ np.repeat (x, (3,), -1) for x in [M, IM] ] |
green_bg = np.tile( np.array([0,1,0], dtype=np.float32)[None,None,...], (self.resolution,self.resolution,1) ) |
result = [] |
st = [] |
for i in range(n_samples): |
if self.pretrain: |
ar = I[i], IM[i] |
else: |
ar = I[i]*M[i]+0.5*I[i]*(1-M[i])+0.5*green_bg*(1-M[i]), IM[i], I[i]*IM[i]+0.5*I[i]*(1-IM[i]) + 0.5*green_bg*(1-IM[i]) |
st.append ( np.concatenate ( ar, axis=1) ) |
result += [ ('XSeg training faces', np.concatenate (st, axis=0 )), ] |
if not self.pretrain and len(src_samples) != 0: |
src_np, = src_samples |
D, DM, = [ np.clip(nn.to_data_format(x,"NHWC", self.model_data_format), 0.0, 1.0) for x in ([src_np] + self.view (src_np) ) ] |
DM, = [ np.repeat (x, (3,), -1) for x in [DM] ] |
st = [] |
for i in range(n_samples): |
ar = D[i], DM[i], D[i]*DM[i] + 0.5*D[i]*(1-DM[i]) + 0.5*green_bg*(1-DM[i]) |
st.append ( np.concatenate ( ar, axis=1) ) |
result += [ ('XSeg src faces', np.concatenate (st, axis=0 )), ] |
if not self.pretrain and len(dst_samples) != 0: |
dst_np, = dst_samples |
D, DM, = [ np.clip(nn.to_data_format(x,"NHWC", self.model_data_format), 0.0, 1.0) for x in ([dst_np] + self.view (dst_np) ) ] |
DM, = [ np.repeat (x, (3,), -1) for x in [DM] ] |
st = [] |
for i in range(n_samples): |
ar = D[i], DM[i], D[i]*DM[i] + 0.5*D[i]*(1-DM[i]) + 0.5*green_bg*(1-DM[i]) |
st.append ( np.concatenate ( ar, axis=1) ) |
result += [ ('XSeg dst faces', np.concatenate (st, axis=0 )), ] |
return result |
def export_dfm (self): |
output_path = self.get_strpath_storage_for_file(f'model.onnx') |
io.log_info(f'Dumping .onnx to {output_path}') |
tf = nn.tf |
with tf.device (nn.tf_default_device_name): |
input_t = tf.placeholder (nn.floatx, (None, self.resolution, self.resolution, 3), name='in_face') |
input_t = tf.transpose(input_t, (0,3,1,2)) |
_, pred_t = self.model.flow(input_t) |
pred_t = tf.transpose(pred_t, (0,2,3,1)) |
tf.identity(pred_t, name='out_mask') |
output_graph_def = tf.graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants( |
nn.tf_sess, |
tf.get_default_graph().as_graph_def(), |
['out_mask'] |
) |
import tf2onnx |
with tf.device("/CPU:0"): |
model_proto, _ = tf2onnx.convert._convert_common( |
output_graph_def, |
name='XSeg', |
input_names=['in_face:0'], |
output_names=['out_mask:0'], |
opset=13, |
output_path=output_path) |
Model = XSegModel |