HunyuanComfyDiffusionFP8 /
JBroDev's picture
2a7912b verified
import requests
import json
import time
import argparse
import os
import re
def check_comfyui_started(url):
Checks if ComfyUI is running at the given URL.
response = requests.get(url)
return response.status_code == 200
except requests.ConnectionError:
return False
def load_and_update_prompt(file_path, width, height, length, batch_size, shift_amount, guidance_amount, steps_amount, denoise_amount, frame_rate, prompt):
Loads the prompt payload from a JSON file and updates the specified fields.
file_path (str): Path to the prompt-payload.json file.
width (int): Width to set in the prompt.
height (int): Height to set in the prompt.
length (int): Length (frames) to set in the prompt.
batch_size (int): Batch size to set in the prompt.
shift_amount (float): Shift amount to set in the prompt.
guidance_amount (float): Guidance amount to set in the prompt.
steps_amount (int): Steps amount to set in the prompt.
denoise_amount (float): Denoise amount to set in the prompt.
frame_rate (int): Frame rate to set in the prompt.
prompt (str): Prompt text to set in the prompt.
dict: Updated prompt payload as a dictionary.
with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
payload = json.load(f)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error loading JSON file: {e}")
return None
# Update width and height
payload['prompt']['232']['inputs']['width'] = width
payload['prompt']['232']['inputs']['height'] = height
# Update length (frames)
payload['prompt']['295']['inputs']['int'] = length
# Update batch size
payload['prompt']['232']['inputs']['batch_size'] = batch_size
# Update shift amount
payload['prompt']['67']['inputs']['shift'] = shift_amount
# Update guidance amount
payload['prompt']['26']['inputs']['guidance'] = guidance_amount
# Update steps amount
payload['prompt']['17']['inputs']['steps'] = steps_amount
# Update denoise amount
payload['prompt']['17']['inputs']['denoise'] = denoise_amount
# Update frame rate
payload['prompt']['82']['inputs']['frame_rate'] = frame_rate
# Update prompt text
payload['prompt']['44']['inputs']['text'] = prompt
return payload
def post_prompt(url, payload):
Posts the prompt payload to the ComfyUI API.
url (str): ComfyUI API endpoint URL.
payload (dict): Prompt payload as a dictionary.
str: Prompt ID if successful, None otherwise.
response =, json=payload)
response.raise_for_status() # Raise HTTPError for bad responses (4xx or 5xx)
return response.json().get('prompt_id')
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"Error posting prompt: {e}")
return None
def get_queue_progress(url):
Retrieves the queue progress from the ComfyUI API.
url (str): ComfyUI API queue endpoint URL.
tuple: (queue_pending, queue_running) where queue_pending and queue_running are lists,
or (None, None) if an error occurred.
response = requests.get(url)
queue_data = response.json()
queue_pending = queue_data.get('queue_pending', [])
queue_running = queue_data.get('queue_running', [])
return queue_pending, queue_running
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"Error getting queue progress: {e}")
return None, None
def get_history(url, prompt_id):
Retrieves the history from the ComfyUI API.
url (str): ComfyUI API history endpoint URL.
prompt_id (str): Prompt ID to look for in the history.
tuple: (status, video_path) where status is a string ("success" or "failure") and video_path is the path to the video,
or (None, None) if an error occurred.
response = requests.get(url)
history_data = response.json()
if history_data:
# Find the history item with the matching prompt_id
for history_item_id, history_item in history_data.items():
if history_item_id == prompt_id:
status = history_item['status']['status_str']
completed = history_item['status']['completed']
if status == "success" and completed:
for output in history_item['outputs'].values():
for gif in output.get('gifs', []):
video_path = gif['fullpath']
return "success", video_path
except (KeyError, TypeError):
print("Video path not found in history data.")
return "failure", None
print("Video generation failed according to history data.")
return "failure", None
print("Prompt ID not found in history data.")
return "failure", None
print("No history data found.")
return "failure", None
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"Error getting history: {e}")
return None, None
def extract_video_number(filename):
Extracts the video number from the filename using a regular expression.
match ='_(\d+)\.mp4', filename)
if match:
return None
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run ComfyUI with specified parameters.")
parser.add_argument("--width", type=int, default=320, help="Width of the generated image.")
parser.add_argument("--height", type=int, default=480, help="Height of the generated image.")
parser.add_argument("--length", type=int, default=45, help="Length (number of frames) of the video.")
parser.add_argument("--batchSize", type=int, default=1, help="Batch size for video generation.")
parser.add_argument("--shiftAmount", type=float, default=9.0, help="Shift amount for ModelSamplingSD3.")
parser.add_argument("--guidanceAmount", type=float, default=7.5, help="Guidance amount for FluxGuidance.")
parser.add_argument("--stepsAmount", type=int, default=12, help="Steps amount for BasicScheduler.")
parser.add_argument("--denoiseAmount", type=float, default=1.0, help="Denoise amount for BasicScheduler.")
parser.add_argument("--frameRate", type=int, default=24, help="Frame rate for video combine.")
parser.add_argument("--prompt", type=str, required=True, help="Text prompt for video generation.")
parser.add_argument("--upscale", type=bool, default=False, help="Whether to use upscale or not.")
parser.add_argument("--comfyui_url", type=str, default="http://localhost:8188", help="ComfyUI base URL.")
args = parser.parse_args()
API_URL = f"{args.comfyui_url}/api/prompt"
QUEUE_URL = f"{args.comfyui_url}/api/queue"
HISTORY_URL = f"{args.comfyui_url}/api/history?max_items=1"
if args.upscale:
prompt_file = "prompt-payload.json"
filename_prefix = "Hunyuan_upscaled"
prompt_file = "prompt-payload-no-upscale.json"
filename_prefix = "Hunyuan_raw"
# Check if ComfyUI is running
print("Checking if ComfyUI is running...")
while not check_comfyui_started(args.comfyui_url):
print("ComfyUI not yet running. Waiting...")
print("ComfyUI is running.")
# Load and update the prompt payload
print("Loading and updating prompt payload...")
prompt_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), prompt_file)
prompt_payload = load_and_update_prompt(prompt_file_path, args.width, args.height, args.length, args.batchSize, args.shiftAmount, args.guidanceAmount, args.stepsAmount, args.denoiseAmount, args.frameRate, args.prompt)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error loading and updating prompt: {e}")
# Post the prompt
print("Posting prompt to ComfyUI...")
prompt_id = post_prompt(API_URL, prompt_payload)
if prompt_id:
print(f"Prompt submitted successfully with ID: {prompt_id}")
# Monitor the queue until it's empty
print("Monitoring queue...")
while True:
queue_pending, queue_running = get_queue_progress(QUEUE_URL)
if queue_pending is None or queue_running is None:
print("Failed to get queue progress. Aborting.")
if not queue_pending and not queue_running:
print("Queue is empty.")
print(f"Queue pending: {len(queue_pending)}, running: {len(queue_running)}. Waiting...")
# Get the history
print("Getting history...")
status, video_path = get_history(HISTORY_URL, prompt_id)
if status == "success":
print(f"Video generation complete! Video path: {video_path}")
video_number = extract_video_number(video_path)
if video_number:
output_filename = f"{filename_prefix}_{video_number}.mp4"
output_filename = f"{filename_prefix}_latest.mp4"
print(output_filename) # Print the output filename
print("Video generation failed.")
print("Failed to submit prompt.")
if __name__ == "__main__":