@echo off echo started exe creation!! Please wait....It might take an hour depending on computation speed set /p site_packages="Enter the path to the site-packages directory: " cd %~dp0 echo %~dp0 powershell -Command "(Get-Content src\main.py) | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -match 'from routing\.safety_router import img_router|app\.register_blueprint\(img_router,url_prefix=''\/rai\/v1\/raimoderationmodels''\)') { '#'+ $_ } else { $_ } } | Set-Content src\main.py" pyinstaller --add-data "src\logger.ini;." --add-data "models;models" --add-data "src\static;src" --add-data "%site_packages%;." --add-data "data;." --hidden-import=transformers src\main.py if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( echo PyInstaller encountered an error. Check the output above for details. ) else ( echo Exe creation was successful! )