#!/bin/bash |
export tmpVER='' |
export tmpDIST='' |
export tmpURL='' |
export tmpWORD='' |
export tmpMirror='' |
export ipAddr='' |
export ipMask='' |
export ipGate='' |
export ipDNS='' |
export IncDisk='default' |
export interface='' |
export interfaceSelect='' |
export Relese='' |
export sshPORT='22' |
export ddMode='0' |
export setNet='0' |
export setRDP='0' |
export setIPv6='0' |
export isMirror='0' |
export FindDists='0' |
export loaderMode='0' |
export IncFirmware='0' |
export SpikCheckDIST='0' |
export setInterfaceName='0' |
export UNKNOWHW='0' |
export UNVER='6.4' |
export GRUBDIR='' |
export GRUBFILE='' |
export GRUBVER='' |
export VER='' |
export setCMD='' |
export setConsole='' |
while [[ $# -ge 1 ]]; do |
case $1 in |
-v|--ver) |
shift |
tmpVER="$1" |
shift |
;; |
-d|--debian) |
shift |
Relese='Debian' |
tmpDIST="$1" |
shift |
;; |
-u|--ubuntu) |
shift |
Relese='Ubuntu' |
tmpDIST="$1" |
shift |
;; |
-c|--centos) |
shift |
Relese='CentOS' |
tmpDIST="$1" |
shift |
;; |
-dd|--image) |
shift |
ddMode='1' |
tmpURL="$1" |
shift |
;; |
-p|--password) |
shift |
tmpWORD="$1" |
shift |
;; |
-i|--interface) |
shift |
interfaceSelect="$1" |
shift |
;; |
--ip-addr) |
shift |
ipAddr="$1" |
shift |
;; |
--ip-mask) |
shift |
ipMask="$1" |
shift |
;; |
--ip-gate) |
shift |
ipGate="$1" |
shift |
;; |
--ip-dns) |
shift |
ipDNS="$1" |
shift |
;; |
--dev-net) |
shift |
setInterfaceName='1' |
;; |
--loader) |
shift |
loaderMode='1' |
;; |
-apt|-yum|--mirror) |
shift |
isMirror='1' |
tmpMirror="$1" |
shift |
;; |
-rdp) |
shift |
setRDP='1' |
WinRemote="$1" |
shift |
;; |
-cmd) |
shift |
setCMD="$1" |
shift |
;; |
-console) |
shift |
setConsole="$1" |
shift |
;; |
-firmware) |
shift |
IncFirmware="1" |
;; |
-port) |
shift |
sshPORT="$1" |
shift |
;; |
--noipv6) |
shift |
setIPv6='1' |
;; |
-a|--auto|-m|--manual|-ssl) |
shift |
;; |
*) |
if [[ "$1" != 'error' ]]; then echo -ne "\nInvaild option: '$1'\n\n"; fi |
echo -ne " Usage:\n\tbash $(basename $0)\t-d/--debian [\033[33m\033[04mdists-name\033[0m]\n\t\t\t\t-u/--ubuntu [\033[04mdists-name\033[0m]\n\t\t\t\t-c/--centos [\033[04mdists-name\033[0m]\n\t\t\t\t-v/--ver [32/i386|64/\033[33m\033[04mamd64\033[0m] [\033[33m\033[04mdists-verison\033[0m]\n\t\t\t\t--ip-addr/--ip-gate/--ip-mask\n\t\t\t\t-apt/-yum/--mirror\n\t\t\t\t-dd/--image\n\t\t\t\t-p [linux password]\n\t\t\t\t-port [linux ssh port]\n" |
exit 1; |
;; |
esac |
done |
[[ "$EUID" -ne '0' ]] && echo "Error:This script must be run as root!" && exit 1; |
function dependence(){ |
Full='0'; |
for BIN_DEP in `echo "$1" |sed 's/,/\n/g'` |
do |
if [[ -n "$BIN_DEP" ]]; then |
Found='0'; |
for BIN_PATH in `echo "$PATH" |sed 's/:/\n/g'` |
do |
ls $BIN_PATH/$BIN_DEP >/dev/null 2>&1; |
if [ $? == '0' ]; then |
Found='1'; |
break; |
fi |
done |
if [ "$Found" == '1' ]; then |
echo -en "[\033[32mok\033[0m]\t"; |
else |
Full='1'; |
echo -en "[\033[31mNot Install\033[0m]"; |
fi |
echo -en "\t$BIN_DEP\n"; |
fi |
done |
if [ "$Full" == '1' ]; then |
echo -ne "\n\033[31mError! \033[0mPlease use '\033[33mapt-get\033[0m' or '\033[33myum\033[0m' install it.\n\n\n" |
exit 1; |
fi |
} |
function selectMirror(){ |
[ $# -ge 3 ] || exit 1 |
Relese=$(echo "$1" |sed -r 's/(.*)/\L\1/') |
DIST=$(echo "$2" |sed 's/\ //g' |sed -r 's/(.*)/\L\1/') |
VER=$(echo "$3" |sed 's/\ //g' |sed -r 's/(.*)/\L\1/') |
New=$(echo "$4" |sed 's/\ //g') |
[ -n "$Relese" ] && [ -n "$DIST" ] && [ -n "$VER" ] || exit 1 |
if [ "$Relese" == "debian" ] || [ "$Relese" == "ubuntu" ]; then |
[ "$DIST" == "focal" ] && legacy="legacy-" || legacy="" |
TEMP="SUB_MIRROR/dists/${DIST}/main/installer-${VER}/current/${legacy}images/netboot/${Relese}-installer/${VER}/initrd.gz" |
elif [ "$Relese" == "centos" ]; then |
TEMP="SUB_MIRROR/${DIST}/os/${VER}/isolinux/initrd.img" |
fi |
[ -n "$TEMP" ] || exit 1 |
mirrorStatus=0 |
declare -A MirrorBackup |
MirrorBackup=(["debian0"]="" ["debian1"]="http://deb.debian.org/debian" ["debian2"]="http://archive.debian.org/debian" ["ubuntu0"]="" ["ubuntu1"]="http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu" ["ubuntu2"]="http://ports.ubuntu.com" ["centos0"]="" ["centos1"]="http://mirror.centos.org/centos" ["centos2"]="http://vault.centos.org") |
echo "$New" |grep -q '^http://\|^https://\|^ftp://' && MirrorBackup[${Relese}0]="$New" |
for mirror in $(echo "${!MirrorBackup[@]}" |sed 's/\ /\n/g' |sort -n |grep "^$Relese") |
do |
Current="${MirrorBackup[$mirror]}" |
[ -n "$Current" ] || continue |
MirrorURL=`echo "$TEMP" |sed "s#SUB_MIRROR#${Current}#g"` |
wget --no-check-certificate --spider --timeout=3 -o /dev/null "$MirrorURL" |
[ $? -eq 0 ] && mirrorStatus=1 && break |
done |
[ $mirrorStatus -eq 1 ] && echo "$Current" || exit 1 |
} |
function netmask() { |
n="${1:-32}" |
b="" |
m="" |
for((i=0;i<32;i++)){ |
[ $i -lt $n ] && b="${b}1" || b="${b}0" |
} |
for((i=0;i<4;i++)){ |
s=`echo "$b"|cut -c$[$[$i*8]+1]-$[$[$i+1]*8]` |
[ "$m" == "" ] && m="$((2#${s}))" || m="${m}.$((2#${s}))" |
} |
echo "$m" |
} |
function getInterface(){ |
interface="" |
Interfaces=`cat /proc/net/dev |grep ':' |cut -d':' -f1 |sed 's/\s//g' |grep -iv '^lo\|^sit\|^stf\|^gif\|^dummy\|^vmnet\|^vir\|^gre\|^ipip\|^ppp\|^bond\|^tun\|^tap\|^ip6gre\|^ip6tnl\|^teql\|^ocserv\|^vpn'` |
defaultRoute=`ip route show default |grep "^default"` |
for item in `echo "$Interfaces"` |
do |
[ -n "$item" ] || continue |
echo "$defaultRoute" |grep -q "$item" |
[ $? -eq 0 ] && interface="$item" && break |
done |
echo "$interface" |
} |
function getDisk(){ |
disks=`lsblk | sed 's/[[:space:]]*$//g' |grep "disk$" |cut -d' ' -f1 |grep -v "fd[0-9]*\|sr[0-9]*" |head -n1` |
[ -n "$disks" ] || echo "" |
echo "$disks" |grep -q "/dev" |
[ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "$disks" || echo "/dev/$disks" |
} |
function diskType(){ |
echo `udevadm info --query all "$1" 2>/dev/null |grep 'ID_PART_TABLE_TYPE' |cut -d'=' -f2` |
} |
function getGrub(){ |
Boot="${1:-/boot}" |
folder=`find "$Boot" -type d -name "grub*" 2>/dev/null |head -n1` |
[ -n "$folder" ] || return |
fileName=`ls -1 "$folder" 2>/dev/null |grep '^grub.conf$\|^grub.cfg$'` |
if [ -z "$fileName" ]; then |
ls -1 "$folder" 2>/dev/null |grep -q '^grubenv$' |
[ $? -eq 0 ] || return |
folder=`find "$Boot" -type f -name "grubenv" 2>/dev/null |xargs dirname |grep -v "^$folder" |head -n1` |
[ -n "$folder" ] || return |
fileName=`ls -1 "$folder" 2>/dev/null |grep '^grub.conf$\|^grub.cfg$'` |
fi |
[ -n "$fileName" ] || return |
[ "$fileName" == "grub.cfg" ] && ver="0" || ver="1" |
echo "${folder}:${fileName}:${ver}" |
} |
function lowMem(){ |
mem=`grep "^MemTotal:" /proc/meminfo 2>/dev/null |grep -o "[0-9]*"` |
[ -n "$mem" ] || return 0 |
[ "$mem" -le "524288" ] && return 1 || return 0 |
} |
if [[ "$loaderMode" == "0" ]]; then |
Grub=`getGrub "/boot"` |
[ -z "$Grub" ] && echo -ne "Error! Not Found grub.\n" && exit 1; |
GRUBDIR=`echo "$Grub" |cut -d':' -f1` |
GRUBFILE=`echo "$Grub" |cut -d':' -f2` |
GRUBVER=`echo "$Grub" |cut -d':' -f3` |
fi |
[ -n "$Relese" ] || Relese='Debian' |
linux_relese=$(echo "$Relese" |sed 's/\ //g' |sed -r 's/(.*)/\L\1/') |
clear && echo -e "\n\033[36m# Check Dependence\033[0m\n" |
if [[ "$ddMode" == '1' ]]; then |
dependence iconv; |
linux_relese='debian'; |
tmpDIST='bullseye'; |
tmpVER='amd64'; |
fi |
[ -n "$ipAddr" ] && [ -n "$ipMask" ] && [ -n "$ipGate" ] && setNet='1'; |
if [ "$setNet" == "0" ]; then |
dependence ip |
[ -n "$interface" ] || interface=`getInterface` |
iAddr=`ip addr show dev $interface |grep "inet.*" |head -n1 |grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\/[0-9]\{1,2\}'` |
ipAddr=`echo ${iAddr} |cut -d'/' -f1` |
ipMask=`netmask $(echo ${iAddr} |cut -d'/' -f2)` |
ipGate=`ip route show default |grep "^default" |grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}' |head -n1` |
fi |
if [ -z "$interface" ]; then |
dependence ip |
[ -n "$interface" ] || interface=`getInterface` |
fi |
IPv4="$ipAddr"; MASK="$ipMask"; GATE="$ipGate"; |
[ -n "$IPv4" ] && [ -n "$MASK" ] && [ -n "$GATE" ] && [ -n "$ipDNS" ] || { |
echo -ne '\nError: Invalid network config\n\n' |
bash $0 error; |
exit 1; |
} |
if [[ "$Relese" == 'Debian' ]] || [[ "$Relese" == 'Ubuntu' ]]; then |
dependence wget,awk,grep,sed,cut,cat,lsblk,cpio,gzip,find,dirname,basename; |
elif [[ "$Relese" == 'CentOS' ]]; then |
dependence wget,awk,grep,sed,cut,cat,lsblk,cpio,gzip,find,dirname,basename,file,xz; |
fi |
[ -n "$tmpWORD" ] && dependence openssl |
[[ -n "$tmpWORD" ]] && myPASSWORD="$(openssl passwd -1 "$tmpWORD")"; |
[[ -z "$myPASSWORD" ]] && myPASSWORD='$1$4BJZaD0A$y1QykUnJ6mXprENfwpseH0'; |
tempDisk=`getDisk`; [ -n "$tempDisk" ] && IncDisk="$tempDisk" |
case `uname -m` in aarch64|arm64) VER="arm64";; x86|i386|i686) VER="i386";; x86_64|amd64) VER="amd64";; *) VER="";; esac |
tmpVER="$(echo "$tmpVER" |sed -r 's/(.*)/\L\1/')"; |
if [[ "$VER" != "arm64" ]] && [[ -n "$tmpVER" ]]; then |
case "$tmpVER" in i386|i686|x86|32) VER="i386";; amd64|x86_64|x64|64) [[ "$Relese" == 'CentOS' ]] && VER='x86_64' || VER='amd64';; *) VER='';; esac |
fi |
if [[ ! -n "$VER" ]]; then |
echo "Error! Not Architecture." |
bash $0 error; |
exit 1; |
fi |
if [[ -z "$tmpDIST" ]]; then |
[ "$Relese" == 'Debian' ] && tmpDIST='buster'; |
[ "$Relese" == 'Ubuntu' ] && tmpDIST='bionic'; |
[ "$Relese" == 'CentOS' ] && tmpDIST='6.10'; |
fi |
if [[ -n "$tmpDIST" ]]; then |
if [[ "$Relese" == 'Debian' ]]; then |
SpikCheckDIST='0' |
DIST="$(echo "$tmpDIST" |sed -r 's/(.*)/\L\1/')"; |
echo "$DIST" |grep -q '[0-9]'; |
[[ $? -eq '0' ]] && { |
isDigital="$(echo "$DIST" |grep -o '[\.0-9]\{1,\}' |sed -n '1h;1!H;$g;s/\n//g;$p' |cut -d'.' -f1)"; |
[[ -n $isDigital ]] && { |
[[ "$isDigital" == '7' ]] && DIST='wheezy'; |
[[ "$isDigital" == '8' ]] && DIST='jessie'; |
[[ "$isDigital" == '9' ]] && DIST='stretch'; |
[[ "$isDigital" == '10' ]] && DIST='buster'; |
[[ "$isDigital" == '11' ]] && DIST='bullseye'; |
} |
} |
LinuxMirror=$(selectMirror "$Relese" "$DIST" "$VER" "$tmpMirror") |
fi |
if [[ "$Relese" == 'Ubuntu' ]]; then |
SpikCheckDIST='0' |
DIST="$(echo "$tmpDIST" |sed -r 's/(.*)/\L\1/')"; |
echo "$DIST" |grep -q '[0-9]'; |
[[ $? -eq '0' ]] && { |
isDigital="$(echo "$DIST" |grep -o '[\.0-9]\{1,\}' |sed -n '1h;1!H;$g;s/\n//g;$p')"; |
[[ -n $isDigital ]] && { |
[[ "$isDigital" == '12.04' ]] && DIST='precise'; |
[[ "$isDigital" == '14.04' ]] && DIST='trusty'; |
[[ "$isDigital" == '16.04' ]] && DIST='xenial'; |
[[ "$isDigital" == '18.04' ]] && DIST='bionic'; |
[[ "$isDigital" == '20.04' ]] && DIST='focal'; |
} |
} |
LinuxMirror=$(selectMirror "$Relese" "$DIST" "$VER" "$tmpMirror") |
fi |
if [[ "$Relese" == 'CentOS' ]]; then |
SpikCheckDIST='1' |
DISTCheck="$(echo "$tmpDIST" |grep -o '[\.0-9]\{1,\}' |head -n1)"; |
LinuxMirror=$(selectMirror "$Relese" "$DISTCheck" "$VER" "$tmpMirror") |
ListDIST="$(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- "$LinuxMirror/dir_sizes" |cut -f2 |grep '^[0-9]')" |
DIST="$(echo "$ListDIST" |grep "^$DISTCheck" |head -n1)" |
[[ -z "$DIST" ]] && { |
echo -ne '\nThe dists version not found in this mirror, Please check it! \n\n' |
bash $0 error; |
exit 1; |
} |
wget --no-check-certificate -qO- "$LinuxMirror/$DIST/os/$VER/.treeinfo" |grep -q 'general'; |
[[ $? != '0' ]] && { |
echo -ne "\nThe version not found in this mirror, Please change mirror try again! \n\n"; |
exit 1; |
} |
fi |
fi |
if [[ -z "$LinuxMirror" ]]; then |
echo -ne "\033[31mError! \033[0mInvaild mirror! \n" |
[ "$Relese" == 'Debian' ] && echo -en "\033[33mexample:\033[0m http://deb.debian.org/debian\n\n"; |
[ "$Relese" == 'Ubuntu' ] && echo -en "\033[33mexample:\033[0m http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu\n\n"; |
[ "$Relese" == 'CentOS' ] && echo -en "\033[33mexample:\033[0m http://mirror.centos.org/centos\n\n"; |
bash $0 error; |
exit 1; |
fi |
if [[ "$SpikCheckDIST" == '0' ]]; then |
DistsList="$(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- "$LinuxMirror/dists/" |grep -o 'href=.*/"' |cut -d'"' -f2 |sed '/-\|old\|Debian\|experimental\|stable\|test\|sid\|devel/d' |grep '^[^/]' |sed -n '1h;1!H;$g;s/\n//g;s/\//\;/g;$p')"; |
for CheckDEB in `echo "$DistsList" |sed 's/;/\n/g'` |
do |
[[ "$CheckDEB" == "$DIST" ]] && FindDists='1' && break; |
done |
[[ "$FindDists" == '0' ]] && { |
echo -ne '\nThe dists version not found, Please check it! \n\n' |
bash $0 error; |
exit 1; |
} |
fi |
if [[ "$ddMode" == '1' ]]; then |
if [[ -n "$tmpURL" ]]; then |
DDURL="$tmpURL" |
echo "$DDURL" |grep -q '^http://\|^ftp://\|^https://'; |
[[ $? -ne '0' ]] && echo 'Please input vaild URL,Only support http://, ftp:// and https:// !' && exit 1; |
else |
echo 'Please input vaild image URL! '; |
exit 1; |
fi |
fi |
clear && echo -e "\n\033[36m# Install\033[0m\n" |
[[ "$ddMode" == '1' ]] && echo -ne "\033[34mAuto Mode\033[0m insatll \033[33mWindows\033[0m\n[\033[33m$DDURL\033[0m]\n" |
if [ -z "$interfaceSelect" ]; then |
if [[ "$linux_relese" == 'debian' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'ubuntu' ]]; then |
interfaceSelect="auto" |
elif [[ "$linux_relese" == 'centos' ]]; then |
interfaceSelect="link" |
fi |
fi |
if [[ "$linux_relese" == 'centos' ]]; then |
if [[ "$DIST" != "$UNVER" ]]; then |
awk 'BEGIN{print '${UNVER}'-'${DIST}'}' |grep -q '^-' |
if [ $? != '0' ]; then |
echo -en "\033[33mThe version lower then \033[31m$UNVER\033[33m may not support in auto mode! \033[0m\n"; |
fi |
awk 'BEGIN{print '${UNVER}'-'${DIST}'+0.59}' |grep -q '^-' |
if [ $? == '0' ]; then |
echo -en "\n\033[31mThe version higher then \033[33m6.10 \033[31mis not support in current! \033[0m\n\n" |
exit 1; |
fi |
fi |
fi |
echo -e "\n[\033[33m$Relese\033[0m] [\033[33m$DIST\033[0m] [\033[33m$VER\033[0m] Downloading..." |
if [[ "$linux_relese" == 'debian' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'ubuntu' ]]; then |
[ "$DIST" == "focal" ] && legacy="legacy-" || legacy="" |
wget --no-check-certificate -qO '/tmp/initrd.img' "${LinuxMirror}/dists/${DIST}/main/installer-${VER}/current/${legacy}images/netboot/${linux_relese}-installer/${VER}/initrd.gz" |
[[ $? -ne '0' ]] && echo -ne "\033[31mError! \033[0mDownload 'initrd.img' for \033[33m$linux_relese\033[0m failed! \n" && exit 1 |
wget --no-check-certificate -qO '/tmp/vmlinuz' "${LinuxMirror}/dists/${DIST}${inUpdate}/main/installer-${VER}/current/${legacy}images/netboot/${linux_relese}-installer/${VER}/linux" |
[[ $? -ne '0' ]] && echo -ne "\033[31mError! \033[0mDownload 'vmlinuz' for \033[33m$linux_relese\033[0m failed! \n" && exit 1 |
MirrorHost="$(echo "$LinuxMirror" |awk -F'://|/' '{print $2}')"; |
MirrorFolder="$(echo "$LinuxMirror" |awk -F''${MirrorHost}'' '{print $2}')"; |
[ -n "$MirrorFolder" ] || MirrorFolder="/" |
elif [[ "$linux_relese" == 'centos' ]]; then |
wget --no-check-certificate -qO '/tmp/initrd.img' "${LinuxMirror}/${DIST}/os/${VER}/isolinux/initrd.img" |
[[ $? -ne '0' ]] && echo -ne "\033[31mError! \033[0mDownload 'initrd.img' for \033[33m$linux_relese\033[0m failed! \n" && exit 1 |
wget --no-check-certificate -qO '/tmp/vmlinuz' "${LinuxMirror}/${DIST}/os/${VER}/isolinux/vmlinuz" |
[[ $? -ne '0' ]] && echo -ne "\033[31mError! \033[0mDownload 'vmlinuz' for \033[33m$linux_relese\033[0m failed! \n" && exit 1 |
else |
bash $0 error; |
exit 1; |
fi |
if [[ "$linux_relese" == 'debian' ]]; then |
if [[ "$IncFirmware" == '1' ]]; then |
wget --no-check-certificate -qO '/tmp/firmware.cpio.gz' "http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/non-free/firmware/${DIST}/current/firmware.cpio.gz" |
[[ $? -ne '0' ]] && echo -ne "\033[31mError! \033[0mDownload 'firmware' for \033[33m$linux_relese\033[0m failed! \n" && exit 1 |
fi |
if [[ "$ddMode" == '1' ]]; then |
vKernel_udeb=$(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- "http://$DISTMirror/dists/$DIST/main/installer-$VER/current/images/udeb.list" |grep '^acpi-modules' |head -n1 |grep -o '[0-9]\{1,2\}.[0-9]\{1,2\}.[0-9]\{1,2\}-[0-9]\{1,2\}' |head -n1) |
[[ -z "vKernel_udeb" ]] && vKernel_udeb="4.19.0-17" |
fi |
fi |
if [[ "$loaderMode" == "0" ]]; then |
[[ ! -f "${GRUBDIR}/${GRUBFILE}" ]] && echo "Error! Not Found ${GRUBFILE}. " && exit 1; |
[[ ! -f "${GRUBDIR}/${GRUBFILE}.old" ]] && [[ -f "${GRUBDIR}/${GRUBFILE}.bak" ]] && mv -f "${GRUBDIR}/${GRUBFILE}.bak" "${GRUBDIR}/${GRUBFILE}.old"; |
mv -f "${GRUBDIR}/${GRUBFILE}" "${GRUBDIR}/${GRUBFILE}.bak"; |
[[ -f "${GRUBDIR}/${GRUBFILE}.old" ]] && cat "${GRUBDIR}/${GRUBFILE}.old" >"${GRUBDIR}/${GRUBFILE}" || cat "${GRUBDIR}/${GRUBFILE}.bak" >"${GRUBDIR}/${GRUBFILE}"; |
else |
GRUBVER='-1' |
fi |
[[ "$GRUBVER" == '0' ]] && { |
READGRUB='/tmp/grub.read' |
cat $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE |sed -n '1h;1!H;$g;s/\n/%%%%%%%/g;$p' |grep -om 1 'menuentry\ [^{]*{[^}]*}%%%%%%%' |sed 's/%%%%%%%/\n/g' >$READGRUB |
LoadNum="$(cat $READGRUB |grep -c 'menuentry ')" |
if [[ "$LoadNum" -eq '1' ]]; then |
cat $READGRUB |sed '/^$/d' >/tmp/grub.new; |
elif [[ "$LoadNum" -gt '1' ]]; then |
CFG0="$(awk '/menuentry /{print NR}' $READGRUB|head -n 1)"; |
CFG2="$(awk '/menuentry /{print NR}' $READGRUB|head -n 2 |tail -n 1)"; |
CFG1=""; |
for tmpCFG in `awk '/}/{print NR}' $READGRUB` |
do |
[ "$tmpCFG" -gt "$CFG0" -a "$tmpCFG" -lt "$CFG2" ] && CFG1="$tmpCFG"; |
done |
[[ -z "$CFG1" ]] && { |
echo "Error! read $GRUBFILE. "; |
exit 1; |
} |
sed -n "$CFG0,$CFG1"p $READGRUB >/tmp/grub.new; |
[[ -f /tmp/grub.new ]] && [[ "$(grep -c '{' /tmp/grub.new)" -eq "$(grep -c '}' /tmp/grub.new)" ]] || { |
echo -ne "\033[31mError! \033[0mNot configure $GRUBFILE. \n"; |
exit 1; |
} |
fi |
[ ! -f /tmp/grub.new ] && echo "Error! $GRUBFILE. " && exit 1; |
sed -i "/menuentry.*/c\menuentry\ \'Install OS \[$DIST\ $VER\]\'\ --class debian\ --class\ gnu-linux\ --class\ gnu\ --class\ os\ \{" /tmp/grub.new |
sed -i "/echo.*Loading/d" /tmp/grub.new; |
INSERTGRUB="$(awk '/menuentry /{print NR}' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE|head -n 1)" |
} |
[[ "$GRUBVER" == '1' ]] && { |
CFG0="$(awk '/title[\ ]|title[\t]/{print NR}' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE|head -n 1)"; |
CFG1="$(awk '/title[\ ]|title[\t]/{print NR}' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE|head -n 2 |tail -n 1)"; |
[[ -n $CFG0 ]] && [ -z $CFG1 -o $CFG1 == $CFG0 ] && sed -n "$CFG0,$"p $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE >/tmp/grub.new; |
[[ -n $CFG0 ]] && [ -z $CFG1 -o $CFG1 != $CFG0 ] && sed -n "$CFG0,$[$CFG1-1]"p $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE >/tmp/grub.new; |
[[ ! -f /tmp/grub.new ]] && echo "Error! configure append $GRUBFILE. " && exit 1; |
sed -i "/title.*/c\title\ \'Install OS \[$DIST\ $VER\]\'" /tmp/grub.new; |
sed -i '/^#/d' /tmp/grub.new; |
INSERTGRUB="$(awk '/title[\ ]|title[\t]/{print NR}' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE|head -n 1)" |
} |
if [[ "$loaderMode" == "0" ]]; then |
[[ -n "$(grep 'linux.*/\|kernel.*/' /tmp/grub.new |awk '{print $2}' |tail -n 1 |grep '^/boot/')" ]] && Type='InBoot' || Type='NoBoot'; |
LinuxKernel="$(grep 'linux.*/\|kernel.*/' /tmp/grub.new |awk '{print $1}' |head -n 1)"; |
[[ -z "$LinuxKernel" ]] && echo "Error! read grub config! " && exit 1; |
LinuxIMG="$(grep 'initrd.*/' /tmp/grub.new |awk '{print $1}' |tail -n 1)"; |
[ -z "$LinuxIMG" ] && sed -i "/$LinuxKernel.*\//a\\\tinitrd\ \/" /tmp/grub.new && LinuxIMG='initrd'; |
[[ "$setInterfaceName" == "1" ]] && Add_OPTION="net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0" || Add_OPTION="" |
[[ "$setIPv6" == "1" ]] && Add_OPTION="$Add_OPTION ipv6.disable=1" |
lowMem || Add_OPTION="$Add_OPTION lowmem=+0" |
if [[ "$linux_relese" == 'debian' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'ubuntu' ]]; then |
BOOT_OPTION="auto=true $Add_OPTION hostname=$linux_relese domain=$linux_relese quiet" |
elif [[ "$linux_relese" == 'centos' ]]; then |
BOOT_OPTION="ks=file://ks.cfg $Add_OPTION ksdevice=$interfaceSelect" |
fi |
[ -n "$setConsole" ] && BOOT_OPTION="$BOOT_OPTION --- console=$setConsole" |
[[ "$Type" == 'InBoot' ]] && { |
sed -i "/$LinuxKernel.*\//c\\\t$LinuxKernel\\t\/boot\/vmlinuz $BOOT_OPTION" /tmp/grub.new; |
sed -i "/$LinuxIMG.*\//c\\\t$LinuxIMG\\t\/boot\/initrd.img" /tmp/grub.new; |
} |
[[ "$Type" == 'NoBoot' ]] && { |
sed -i "/$LinuxKernel.*\//c\\\t$LinuxKernel\\t\/vmlinuz $BOOT_OPTION" /tmp/grub.new; |
sed -i "/$LinuxIMG.*\//c\\\t$LinuxIMG\\t\/initrd.img" /tmp/grub.new; |
} |
sed -i '$a\\n' /tmp/grub.new; |
sed -i ''${INSERTGRUB}'i\\n' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE; |
sed -i ''${INSERTGRUB}'r /tmp/grub.new' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE; |
[[ -f $GRUBDIR/grubenv ]] && sed -i 's/saved_entry/#saved_entry/g' $GRUBDIR/grubenv; |
fi |
[[ -d /tmp/boot ]] && rm -rf /tmp/boot; |
mkdir -p /tmp/boot; |
cd /tmp/boot; |
if [[ "$linux_relese" == 'debian' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'ubuntu' ]]; then |
COMPTYPE="gzip"; |
elif [[ "$linux_relese" == 'centos' ]]; then |
COMPTYPE="$(file ../initrd.img |grep -o ':.*compressed data' |cut -d' ' -f2 |sed -r 's/(.*)/\L\1/' |head -n1)" |
[[ -z "$COMPTYPE" ]] && echo "Detect compressed type fail." && exit 1; |
fi |
CompDected='0' |
for COMP in `echo -en 'gzip\nlzma\nxz'` |
do |
if [[ "$COMPTYPE" == "$COMP" ]]; then |
CompDected='1' |
if [[ "$COMPTYPE" == 'gzip' ]]; then |
NewIMG="initrd.img.gz" |
else |
NewIMG="initrd.img.$COMPTYPE" |
fi |
mv -f "/tmp/initrd.img" "/tmp/$NewIMG" |
break; |
fi |
done |
[[ "$CompDected" != '1' ]] && echo "Detect compressed type not support." && exit 1; |
[[ "$COMPTYPE" == 'lzma' ]] && UNCOMP='xz --format=lzma --decompress'; |
[[ "$COMPTYPE" == 'xz' ]] && UNCOMP='xz --decompress'; |
[[ "$COMPTYPE" == 'gzip' ]] && UNCOMP='gzip -d'; |
$UNCOMP < /tmp/$NewIMG | cpio --extract --verbose --make-directories --no-absolute-filenames >>/dev/null 2>&1 |
if [[ "$linux_relese" == 'debian' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'ubuntu' ]]; then |
cat >/tmp/boot/preseed.cfg<<EOF |
d-i debian-installer/locale string en_US |
d-i console-setup/layoutcode string us |
d-i keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap string us |
d-i netcfg/choose_interface select $interfaceSelect |
d-i netcfg/disable_autoconfig boolean true |
d-i netcfg/dhcp_failed note |
d-i netcfg/dhcp_options select Configure network manually |
d-i netcfg/get_ipaddress string $IPv4 |
d-i netcfg/get_netmask string $MASK |
d-i netcfg/get_gateway string $GATE |
d-i netcfg/get_nameservers string $ipDNS |
d-i netcfg/no_default_route boolean true |
d-i netcfg/confirm_static boolean true |
d-i hw-detect/load_firmware boolean true |
d-i mirror/country string manual |
d-i mirror/http/hostname string $MirrorHost |
d-i mirror/http/directory string $MirrorFolder |
d-i mirror/http/proxy string |
d-i passwd/root-login boolean ture |
d-i passwd/make-user boolean false |
d-i passwd/root-password-crypted password $myPASSWORD |
d-i user-setup/allow-password-weak boolean true |
d-i user-setup/encrypt-home boolean false |
d-i clock-setup/utc boolean true |
d-i time/zone string US/Eastern |
d-i clock-setup/ntp boolean false |
d-i preseed/early_command string anna-install libfuse2-udeb fuse-udeb ntfs-3g-udeb libcrypto1.1-udeb libpcre2-8-0-udeb libssl1.1-udeb libuuid1-udeb zlib1g-udeb wget-udeb |
d-i partman/early_command string [[ -n "\$(blkid -t TYPE='vfat' -o device)" ]] && umount "\$(blkid -t TYPE='vfat' -o device)"; \ |
debconf-set partman-auto/disk "\$(list-devices disk |head -n1)"; \ |
wget -qO- '$DDURL' |gunzip -dc |/bin/dd of=\$(list-devices disk |head -n1); \ |
mount.ntfs-3g \$(list-devices partition |head -n1) /mnt; \ |
cd '/mnt/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs'; \ |
cd Start* || cd start*; \ |
cp -f '/net.bat' './net.bat'; \ |
/sbin/reboot; \ |
umount /media || true; \ |
d-i partman-partitioning/confirm_write_new_label boolean true |
d-i partman/mount_style select uuid |
d-i partman/choose_partition select finish |
d-i partman-auto/method string regular |
d-i partman-auto/init_automatically_partition select Guided - use entire disk |
d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select All files in one partition (recommended for new users) |
d-i partman-md/device_remove_md boolean true |
d-i partman-lvm/device_remove_lvm boolean true |
d-i partman-lvm/confirm boolean true |
d-i partman-lvm/confirm_nooverwrite boolean true |
d-i partman/confirm boolean true |
d-i partman/confirm_nooverwrite boolean true |
d-i debian-installer/allow_unauthenticated boolean true |
tasksel tasksel/first multiselect minimal |
d-i pkgsel/update-policy select none |
d-i pkgsel/include string openssh-server |
d-i pkgsel/upgrade select none |
popularity-contest popularity-contest/participate boolean false |
d-i grub-installer/only_debian boolean true |
d-i grub-installer/bootdev string $IncDisk |
d-i grub-installer/force-efi-extra-removable boolean true |
d-i finish-install/reboot_in_progress note |
d-i debian-installer/exit/reboot boolean true |
d-i preseed/late_command string \ |
sed -ri 's/^#?Port.*/Port ${sshPORT}/g' /target/etc/ssh/sshd_config; \ |
sed -ri 's/^#?PermitRootLogin.*/PermitRootLogin yes/g' /target/etc/ssh/sshd_config; \ |
sed -ri 's/^#?PasswordAuthentication.*/PasswordAuthentication yes/g' /target/etc/ssh/sshd_config; \ |
echo '@reboot root cat /etc/run.sh 2>/dev/null |base64 -d >/tmp/run.sh; rm -rf /etc/run.sh; sed -i /^@reboot/d /etc/crontab; bash /tmp/run.sh' >>/target/etc/crontab; \ |
echo '' >>/target/etc/crontab; \ |
echo '${setCMD}' >/target/etc/run.sh; |
if [[ "$loaderMode" != "0" ]] && [[ "$setNet" == '0' ]]; then |
sed -i '/netcfg\/disable_autoconfig/d' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg |
sed -i '/netcfg\/dhcp_options/d' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg |
sed -i '/netcfg\/get_.*/d' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg |
sed -i '/netcfg\/confirm_static/d' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg |
fi |
if [[ "$linux_relese" == 'debian' ]]; then |
sed -i '/user-setup\/allow-password-weak/d' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg |
sed -i '/user-setup\/encrypt-home/d' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg |
sed -i '/pkgsel\/update-policy/d' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg |
sed -i 's/umount\ \/media.*true\;\ //g' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg |
[[ -f '/tmp/firmware.cpio.gz' ]] && gzip -d < /tmp/firmware.cpio.gz | cpio --extract --verbose --make-directories --no-absolute-filenames >>/dev/null 2>&1 |
else |
sed -i '/d-i\ grub-installer\/force-efi-extra-removable/d' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg |
fi |
[[ "$ddMode" == '1' ]] && { |
WinNoDHCP(){ |
echo -ne "for\0040\0057f\0040\0042tokens\00753\0052\0042\0040\0045\0045i\0040in\0040\0050\0047netsh\0040interface\0040show\0040interface\0040\0136\0174more\0040\00533\0040\0136\0174findstr\0040\0057I\0040\0057R\0040\0042本地\0056\0052\0040以太\0056\0052\0040Local\0056\0052\0040Ethernet\0042\0047\0051\0040do\0040\0050set\0040EthName\0075\0045\0045j\0051\r\nnetsh\0040\0055c\0040interface\0040ip\0040set\0040address\0040name\0075\0042\0045EthName\0045\0042\0040source\0075static\0040address\0075$IPv4\0040mask\0075$MASK\0040gateway\0075$GATE\r\nnetsh\0040\0055c\0040interface\0040ip\0040add\0040dnsservers\0040name\0075\0042\0045EthName\0045\0042\0040address\00758\00568\00568\00568\0040index\00751\0040validate\0075no\r\n\r\n" >>'/tmp/boot/net.tmp'; |
} |
WinRDP(){ |
echo -ne "netsh\0040firewall\0040set\0040portopening\0040protocol\0075ALL\0040port\0075$WinRemote\0040name\0075RDP\0040mode\0075ENABLE\0040scope\0075ALL\0040profile\0075ALL\r\nnetsh\0040firewall\0040set\0040portopening\0040protocol\0075ALL\0040port\0075$WinRemote\0040name\0075RDP\0040mode\0075ENABLE\0040scope\0075ALL\0040profile\0075CURRENT\r\nreg\0040add\0040\0042HKLM\0134SYSTEM\0134CurrentControlSet\0134Control\0134Network\0134NewNetworkWindowOff\0042\0040\0057f\r\nreg\0040add\0040\0042HKLM\0134SYSTEM\0134CurrentControlSet\0134Control\0134Terminal\0040Server\0042\0040\0057v\0040fDenyTSConnections\0040\0057t\0040reg\0137dword\0040\0057d\00400\0040\0057f\r\nreg\0040add\0040\0042HKLM\0134SYSTEM\0134CurrentControlSet\0134Control\0134Terminal\0040Server\0134Wds\0134rdpwd\0134Tds\0134tcp\0042\0040\0057v\0040PortNumber\0040\0057t\0040reg\0137dword\0040\0057d\0040$WinRemote\0040\0057f\r\nreg\0040add\0040\0042HKLM\0134SYSTEM\0134CurrentControlSet\0134Control\0134Terminal\0040Server\0134WinStations\0134RDP\0055Tcp\0042\0040\0057v\0040PortNumber\0040\0057t\0040reg\0137dword\0040\0057d\0040$WinRemote\0040\0057f\r\nreg\0040add\0040\0042HKLM\0134SYSTEM\0134CurrentControlSet\0134Control\0134Terminal\0040Server\0134WinStations\0134RDP\0055Tcp\0042\0040\0057v\0040UserAuthentication\0040\0057t\0040reg\0137dword\0040\0057d\00400\0040\0057f\r\nFOR\0040\0057F\0040\0042tokens\00752\0040delims\0075\0072\0042\0040\0045\0045i\0040in\0040\0050\0047SC\0040QUERYEX\0040TermService\0040\0136\0174FINDSTR\0040\0057I\0040\0042PID\0042\0047\0051\0040do\0040TASKKILL\0040\0057F\0040\0057PID\0040\0045\0045i\r\nFOR\0040\0057F\0040\0042tokens\00752\0040delims\0075\0072\0042\0040\0045\0045i\0040in\0040\0050\0047SC\0040QUERYEX\0040UmRdpService\0040\0136\0174FINDSTR\0040\0057I\0040\0042PID\0042\0047\0051\0040do\0040TASKKILL\0040\0057F\0040\0057PID\0040\0045\0045i\r\nSC\0040START\0040TermService\r\n\r\n" >>'/tmp/boot/net.tmp'; |
} |
echo -ne "\0100ECHO\0040OFF\r\n\r\ncd\0056\0076\0045WINDIR\0045\0134GetAdmin\r\nif\0040exist\0040\0045WINDIR\0045\0134GetAdmin\0040\0050del\0040\0057f\0040\0057q\0040\0042\0045WINDIR\0045\0134GetAdmin\0042\0051\0040else\0040\0050\r\necho\0040CreateObject\0136\0050\0042Shell\0056Application\0042\0136\0051\0056ShellExecute\0040\0042\0045\0176s0\0042\0054\0040\0042\0045\0052\0042\0054\0040\0042\0042\0054\0040\0042runas\0042\0054\00401\0040\0076\0076\0040\0042\0045temp\0045\0134Admin\0056vbs\0042\r\n\0042\0045temp\0045\0134Admin\0056vbs\0042\r\ndel\0040\0057f\0040\0057q\0040\0042\0045temp\0045\0134Admin\0056vbs\0042\r\nexit\0040\0057b\00402\0051\r\n\r\n" >'/tmp/boot/net.tmp'; |
[[ "$setNet" == '1' ]] && WinNoDHCP; |
[[ "$setNet" == '0' ]] && [[ "$AutoNet" == '0' ]] && WinNoDHCP; |
[[ "$setRDP" == '1' ]] && [[ -n "$WinRemote" ]] && WinRDP |
echo -ne "ECHO\0040SELECT\0040VOLUME\0075\0045\0045SystemDrive\0045\0045\0040\0076\0040\0042\0045SystemDrive\0045\0134diskpart\0056extend\0042\r\nECHO\0040EXTEND\0040\0076\0076\0040\0042\0045SystemDrive\0045\0134diskpart\0056extend\0042\r\nSTART\0040/WAIT\0040DISKPART\0040\0057S\0040\0042\0045SystemDrive\0045\0134diskpart\0056extend\0042\r\nDEL\0040\0057f\0040\0057q\0040\0042\0045SystemDrive\0045\0134diskpart\0056extend\0042\r\n\r\n" >>'/tmp/boot/net.tmp'; |
echo -ne "cd\0040\0057d\0040\0042\0045ProgramData\0045\0057Microsoft\0057Windows\0057Start\0040Menu\0057Programs\0057Startup\0042\r\ndel\0040\0057f\0040\0057q\0040net\0056bat\r\n\r\n\r\n" >>'/tmp/boot/net.tmp'; |
iconv -f 'UTF-8' -t 'GBK' '/tmp/boot/net.tmp' -o '/tmp/boot/net.bat' |
rm -rf '/tmp/boot/net.tmp' |
} |
[[ "$ddMode" == '0' ]] && { |
sed -i '/anna-install/d' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg |
sed -i 's/wget.*\/sbin\/reboot\;\ //g' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg |
} |
elif [[ "$linux_relese" == 'centos' ]]; then |
cat >/tmp/boot/ks.cfg<<EOF |
#platform=x86, AMD64, or Intel EM64T |
firewall --enabled --ssh |
install |
url --url="$LinuxMirror/$DIST/os/$VER/" |
rootpw --iscrypted $myPASSWORD |
auth --useshadow --passalgo=sha512 |
firstboot --disable |
lang en_US |
keyboard us |
selinux --disabled |
logging --level=info |
reboot |
text |
unsupported_hardware |
vnc |
skipx |
timezone --isUtc Asia/Hong_Kong |
#ONDHCP network --bootproto=dhcp --onboot=on |
network --bootproto=static --ip=$IPv4 --netmask=$MASK --gateway=$GATE --nameserver=$ipDNS --onboot=on |
bootloader --location=mbr --append="rhgb quiet crashkernel=auto" |
zerombr |
clearpart --all --initlabel |
autopart |
%packages |
@base |
%end |
%post --interpreter=/bin/bash |
rm -rf /root/anaconda-ks.cfg |
rm -rf /root/install.*log |
%end |
[[ "$UNKNOWHW" == '1' ]] && sed -i 's/^unsupported_hardware/#unsupported_hardware/g' /tmp/boot/ks.cfg |
[[ "$(echo "$DIST" |grep -o '^[0-9]\{1\}')" == '5' ]] && sed -i '0,/^%end/s//#%end/' /tmp/boot/ks.cfg |
fi |
find . | cpio -H newc --create --verbose | gzip -9 > /tmp/initrd.img; |
cp -f /tmp/initrd.img /boot/initrd.img || sudo cp -f /tmp/initrd.img /boot/initrd.img |
cp -f /tmp/vmlinuz /boot/vmlinuz || sudo cp -f /tmp/vmlinuz /boot/vmlinuz |
chown root:root $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE |
chmod 444 $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE |
if [[ "$loaderMode" == "0" ]]; then |
sleep 3 && reboot || sudo reboot >/dev/null 2>&1 |
else |
rm -rf "$HOME/loader" |
mkdir -p "$HOME/loader" |
cp -rf "/boot/initrd.img" "$HOME/loader/initrd.img" |
cp -rf "/boot/vmlinuz" "$HOME/loader/vmlinuz" |
[[ -f "/boot/initrd.img" ]] && rm -rf "/boot/initrd.img" |
[[ -f "/boot/vmlinuz" ]] && rm -rf "/boot/vmlinuz" |
echo && ls -AR1 "$HOME/loader" |
fi |