import gzip import json import os import os.path as osp import pickle import zipfile from collections import Counter import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download from ogb.utils.url import download_url from tqdm import tqdm from typing import Union from stark_qa.skb.knowledge_base import SKB from import download_hf_file from import load_files, save_files from import Node, df_row_to_dict, register_node from import clean_data, compact_text DATASET = { "repo": "snap-stanford/stark", "processed": "skb/amazon/", "metadata": "skb/amazon/category_list.json" } RAW_DATA_HEADER = { 'review_header': '', 'qa_header': '' } class AmazonSKB(SKB): REVIEW_CATEGORIES = set([ 'Amazon_Fashion', 'All_Beauty', 'Appliances', 'Arts_Crafts_and_Sewing', 'Automotive', 'Books', 'CDs_and_Vinyl', 'Cell_Phones_and_Accessories', 'Clothing_Shoes_and_Jewelry', 'Digital_Music', 'Electronics', 'Gift_Cards', 'Grocery_and_Gourmet_Food', 'Home_and_Kitchen', 'Industrial_and_Scientific', 'Kindle_Store', 'Luxury_Beauty', 'Magazine_Subscriptions', 'Movies_and_TV', 'Musical_Instruments', 'Office_Products', 'Patio_Lawn_and_Garden', 'Pet_Supplies', 'Prime_Pantry', 'Software', 'Sports_and_Outdoors', 'Tools_and_Home_Improvement', 'Toys_and_Games', 'Video_Games' ]) QA_CATEGORIES = set([ 'Appliances', 'Arts_Crafts_and_Sewing', 'Automotive', 'Baby', 'Beauty', 'Cell_Phones_and_Accessories', 'Clothing_Shoes_and_Jewelry', 'Electronics', 'Grocery_and_Gourmet_Food', 'Health_and_Personal_Care', 'Home_and_Kitchen', 'Musical_Instruments', 'Office_Products', 'Patio_Lawn_and_Garden', 'Pet_Supplies', 'Sports_and_Outdoors', 'Tools_and_Home_Improvement', 'Toys_and_Games', 'Video_Games' ]) COMMON = set([ 'Appliances', 'Arts_Crafts_and_Sewing', 'Automotive', 'Cell_Phones_and_Accessories', 'Clothing_Shoes_and_Jewelry', 'Electronics', 'Grocery_and_Gourmet_Food', 'Home_and_Kitchen', 'Musical_Instruments', 'Office_Products', 'Patio_Lawn_and_Garden', 'Pet_Supplies', 'Sports_and_Outdoors', 'Tools_and_Home_Improvement', 'Toys_and_Games', 'Video_Games' ]) link_columns = ['also_buy', 'also_view'] review_columns = [ 'reviewerID', 'summary', 'style', 'reviewText', 'vote', 'overall', 'verified', 'reviewTime' ] qa_columns = [ 'questionType', 'answerType', 'question', 'answer', 'answerTime' ] meta_columns = [ 'asin', 'title', 'global_category', 'category', 'price', 'brand', 'feature', 'rank', 'details', 'description' ] candidate_types = ['product'] node_attr_dict = { 'product': ['title', 'dimensions', 'weight', 'description', 'features', 'reviews', 'Q&A'], 'brand': ['brand_name'], 'category': ['category_name'], 'color': ['color_name'] } def __init__(self, root: Union[str, None] = None, categories: list = ['Sports_and_Outdoors'], meta_link_types: list = ['brand', 'category', 'color'], max_entries: int = 25, download_processed: bool = True, **kwargs): """ Initialize the AmazonSKB class. Args: root (Union[str, None]): Root directory to store the dataset. If None, default HF cache paths will be used. categories (list): Product categories. meta_link_types (list): A list of entries in node info that are used to construct meta links. max_entries (int): Maximum number of review & QA entries to show in the description. download_processed (bool): Whether to download the processed data. """ self.root = root self.max_entries = max_entries if download_processed: if (self.root is None) or ( self.root is not None and not osp.exists(osp.join(self.root, "category_list.json")) ): sub_category_path = osp.join(self.root, "category_list.json") if self.root is not None else None self.sub_category_path = download_hf_file( DATASET["repo"], DATASET["metadata"], repo_type="dataset", save_as_file=sub_category_path, ) if (self.root is None) or ( self.root is not None and meta_link_types is not None and not osp.exists( osp.join( self.root, "processed", "cache", "-".join(meta_link_types), "node_info.pkl", ) ) ): processed_path = hf_hub_download( DATASET["repo"], DATASET["processed"], repo_type="dataset" ) if self.root is None: self.root = osp.dirname(processed_path) if not osp.exists( osp.join( self.root, "processed", "cache", "-".join(meta_link_types), "node_info.pkl", )): with zipfile.ZipFile(processed_path, "r") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(path=self.root) print(f"Extracting downloaded processed data to {self.root}") self.raw_data_dir = osp.join(self.root, "raw") self.processed_data_dir = osp.join(osp.join(self.root, "processed")) os.makedirs(self.raw_data_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(self.processed_data_dir, exist_ok=True) cache_path = None if meta_link_types is None else osp.join(self.processed_data_dir, 'cache', '-'.join(meta_link_types)) if cache_path is not None and osp.exists(cache_path): print(f"Loading from {self.processed_data_dir}!") print(f'Loading cached graph with meta link types {meta_link_types}') processed_data = load_files(cache_path) else: print('Start processing raw data...') print(f'{meta_link_types=}') processed_data = self._process_raw(categories) if meta_link_types: processed_data = self.post_process(processed_data, meta_link_types=meta_link_types, cache_path=cache_path) super(AmazonSKB, self).__init__(**processed_data, **kwargs) def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> Node: """ Get the node at the specified index. Args: idx (int): Index of the node. Returns: Node: The node at the specified index. """ idx = int(idx) node_info = self.node_info[idx] node = Node() register_node(node, node_info) return node def get_chunk_info(self, idx: int, attribute: str) -> str: """ Get chunk information for the specified attribute. Args: idx (int): Index of the node. attribute (str): Attribute to get chunk information for. Returns: str: Chunk information. """ if not hasattr(self[idx], attribute): return '' node_attr = getattr(self[idx], attribute) if 'feature' in attribute: features = [feature for feature in node_attr if feature and 'asin' not in feature.lower()] chunk = ' '.join(features) elif 'review' in attribute: chunk = '' if node_attr: scores = [0 if pd.isnull(review['vote']) else int(review['vote'].replace(",", "")) for review in node_attr] ranks = np.argsort(-np.array(scores)) for idx, review_idx in enumerate(ranks): review = node_attr[review_idx] chunk += f'The review "{review["summary"]}" states that "{review["reviewText"]}". ' if idx > self.max_entries: break elif 'qa' in attribute: chunk = '' if node_attr: for idx, question in enumerate(node_attr): chunk += f'The question is "{question["question"]}", and the answer is "{question["answer"]}". ' if idx > self.max_entries: break elif 'description' in attribute and node_attr: chunk = " ".join(node_attr) else: chunk = node_attr return chunk def get_doc_info(self, idx: int, add_rel: bool = False, compact: bool = False) -> str: """ Get document information for the specified node. Args: idx (int): Index of the node. add_rel (bool): Whether to add relationship information. compact (bool): Whether to compact the text. Returns: str: Document information. """ if self.node_type_dict[int(self.node_types[idx])] == 'brand': return f'brand name: {self[idx].brand_name}' if self.node_type_dict[int(self.node_types[idx])] == 'category': return f'category name: {self[idx].category_name}' if self.node_type_dict[int(self.node_types[idx])] == 'color': return f'color name: {self[idx].color_name}' node = self[idx] doc = f'- product: {node.title}\n' if hasattr(node, 'brand'): doc += f'- brand: {node.brand}\n' try: dimensions, weight = node.details.dictionary.product_dimensions.split(' ; ') doc += f'- dimensions: {dimensions}\n- weight: {weight}\n' except: pass if node.description: description = " ".join(node.description).strip(" ") if description: doc += f'- description: {description}\n' feature_text = '- features: \n' if node.feature: for feature_idx, feature in enumerate(node.feature): if feature and 'asin' not in feature.lower(): feature_text += f'#{feature_idx + 1}: {feature}\n' else: feature_text = '' if review_text = '- reviews: \n' scores = [0 if pd.isnull(review['vote']) else int(review['vote'].replace(",", "")) for review in] ranks = np.argsort(-np.array(scores)) for i, review_idx in enumerate(ranks): review =[review_idx] review_text += f'#{review_idx + 1}:\nsummary: {review["summary"]}\ntext: "{review["reviewText"]}"\n' if i > self.max_entries: break else: review_text = '' if qa_text = '- Q&A: \n' for qa_idx, qa in enumerate( qa_text += f'#{qa_idx + 1}:\nquestion: "{qa["question"]}"\nanswer: "{qa["answer"]}"\n' if qa_idx > self.max_entries: break else: qa_text = '' doc += feature_text + review_text + qa_text if add_rel: doc += self.get_rel_info(idx) if compact: doc = compact_text(doc) return doc def get_rel_info(self, idx: int, rel_types: Union[list, None] = None, n_rel: int = -1) -> str: """ Get relation information for the specified node. Args: idx (int): Index of the node. rel_types (Union[list, None]): List of relation types or None if all relation types are included. n_rel (int): Number of relations. Default is -1 if all relations are included. Returns: doc (str): Relation information. """ doc = '' rel_types = self.rel_type_lst() if rel_types is None else rel_types n_also_buy = self.get_neighbor_nodes(idx, 'also_buy') n_also_view = self.get_neighbor_nodes(idx, 'also_view') n_has_brand = self.get_neighbor_nodes(idx, 'has_brand') str_also_buy = [f"#{idx + 1}: " + self[i].title + '\n' for idx, i in enumerate(n_also_buy)] str_also_view = [f"#{idx + 1}: " + self[i].title + '\n' for idx, i in enumerate(n_also_view)] if n_rel > 0: str_also_buy = str_also_buy[:n_rel] str_also_view = str_also_view[:n_rel] if not str_also_buy: str_also_buy = '' if not str_also_view: str_also_view = '' str_has_brand = '' if n_has_brand: str_has_brand = f' brand: {self[n_has_brand[0]].brand_name}\n' str_also_buy = ''.join(str_also_buy) str_also_view = ''.join(str_also_view) if str_also_buy: doc += f' products also purchased: \n{str_also_buy}' if str_also_view: doc += f' products also viewed: \n{str_also_view}' if n_has_brand: doc += str_has_brand if doc: doc = '- relations:\n' + doc return doc def _process_raw(self, categories: list) -> dict: """ Process raw data to construct the knowledge base. Args: categories (list): List of categories to process. Returns: dict: Processed data. """ if 'all' in categories: review_categories = self.REVIEW_CATEGORIES qa_categories = self.QA_CATEGORIES else: qa_categories = review_categories = categories assert not set(categories) - self.COMMON, 'invalid categories exist' if osp.exists(osp.join(self.processed_data_dir, 'node_info.pkl')): print(f'Load processed data from {self.processed_data_dir}') loaded_files = load_files(self.processed_data_dir) loaded_files.update({ 'node_types': torch.zeros(len(loaded_files['node_info'])), 'node_type_dict': {0: 'product'} }) return loaded_files print('Check data downloading...') for category in review_categories: review_header = RAW_DATA_HEADER['review_header'] if not os.path.exists(osp.join(self.raw_data_dir, f'{category}.json.gz')): print(f'Downloading {category} data...') download_url(f'{review_header}/categoryFiles/{category}.json.gz', self.raw_data_dir) download_url(f'{review_header}/metaFiles2/meta_{category}.json.gz', self.raw_data_dir) for category in qa_categories: qa_header = RAW_DATA_HEADER['qa_header'] if not os.path.exists(osp.join(self.raw_data_dir, f'qa_{category}.json.gz')): print(f'Downloading {category} QA data...') download_url(f'{qa_header}/qa_{category}.json.gz', self.raw_data_dir) if not osp.exists(osp.join(self.processed_data_dir, 'node_info.pkl')): ckt_path = osp.join(self.root, 'intermediate') os.makedirs(ckt_path, exist_ok=True) print('Loading data... It might take a while') df_qa_path = os.path.join(ckt_path, 'df_qa.pkl') if os.path.exists(df_qa_path): df_qa = pd.read_pickle(df_qa_path) else: df_qa = pd.concat([ read_qa(osp.join(self.raw_data_dir, f'qa_{category}.json.gz')) for category in qa_categories ])[['asin'] + self.qa_columns] df_qa.to_pickle(df_qa_path) print('df_qa loaded') df_review_path = os.path.join(ckt_path, 'df_review.pkl') if os.path.exists(df_review_path): df_review = pd.read_pickle(df_review_path) else: df_review = pd.concat([ read_review(osp.join(self.raw_data_dir, f'{category}.json.gz')) for category in review_categories ])[['asin'] + self.review_columns] df_review.to_pickle(df_review_path) print('df_review loaded') df_ucsd_meta_path = os.path.join(ckt_path, 'df_ucsd_meta.pkl') if os.path.exists(df_ucsd_meta_path): df_ucsd_meta = pd.read_pickle(df_ucsd_meta_path) else: meta_df_lst = [] for category in review_categories: cat_review = read_review(osp.join(self.raw_data_dir, f'meta_{category}.json.gz')) cat_review.insert(0, 'global_category', category.replace('_', ' ')) meta_df_lst.append(cat_review) df_ucsd_meta = pd.concat(meta_df_lst) df_ucsd_meta.to_pickle(df_ucsd_meta_path) print('df_ucsd_meta loaded') print('Preprocessing data...') df_ucsd_meta = df_ucsd_meta.drop_duplicates(subset='asin', keep='first') df_meta = df_ucsd_meta[self.meta_columns + self.link_columns] df_review_meta = df_review.merge(df_meta, left_on='asin', right_on='asin') unique_asin = np.unique(np.array(df_review_meta['asin'])) df_qa_reduced = df_qa[df_qa['asin'].isin(unique_asin)] df_review_reduced = df_review[df_review['asin'].isin(unique_asin)] df_meta_reduced = df_meta[df_meta['asin'].isin(unique_asin)].reset_index() def get_map(df): asin2id, id2asin = {}, {} for idx in range(len(df)): asin2id[df['asin'][idx]] = idx id2asin[idx] = df['asin'][idx] return asin2id, id2asin print('Construct node info and graph...') self.asin2id, self.id2asin = get_map(df_meta_reduced) node_info = self.construct_raw_node_info(df_meta_reduced, df_review_reduced, df_qa_reduced) edge_index, edge_types = self.create_raw_product_graph(df_meta_reduced, columns=self.link_columns) edge_type_dict = {0: 'also_buy', 1: 'also_view'} processed_data = { 'node_info': node_info, 'edge_index': edge_index, 'edge_types': edge_types, 'edge_type_dict': edge_type_dict } print(f'Saving to {self.processed_data_dir}...') save_files(save_path=self.processed_data_dir, **processed_data) processed_data.update({ 'node_types': torch.zeros(len(processed_data['node_info'])), 'node_type_dict': {0: 'product'} }) return processed_data def post_process(self, raw_info: dict, meta_link_types: list, cache_path: str = None) -> dict: """ Post-process the raw information to add meta link types. Args: raw_info (dict): Raw information. meta_link_types (list): List of meta link types to add. cache_path (str): Path to cache the processed data. Returns: dict: Post-processed data. """ print(f'Adding meta link types {meta_link_types}') node_info = raw_info['node_info'] edge_type_dict = raw_info['edge_type_dict'] node_type_dict = raw_info['node_type_dict'] node_types = raw_info['node_types'].tolist() edge_index = raw_info['edge_index'].tolist() edge_types = raw_info['edge_types'].tolist() n_e_types, n_n_types = len(edge_type_dict), len(node_type_dict) for i, link_type in enumerate(meta_link_types): if link_type == 'brand': values = np.array([node_info_i[link_type] for node_info_i in node_info.values() if link_type in node_info_i.keys()]) indices = np.array([idx for idx, node_info_i in enumerate(node_info.values()) if link_type in node_info_i.keys()]) elif link_type in ['category', 'color']: value_list, indice_list = [], [] for idx, node_info_i in enumerate(node_info.values()): if link_type in node_info_i.keys(): value_list.extend(node_info_i[link_type]) indice_list.extend([idx for _ in range(len(node_info_i[link_type]))]) values, indices = np.array(value_list), np.array(indice_list) else: raise Exception(f'Invalid meta link type {link_type}') cur_n_nodes = len(node_info) node_type_dict[n_n_types + i] = link_type edge_type_dict[n_e_types + i] = "has_" + link_type unique = np.unique(values) for j, unique_j in tqdm(enumerate(unique)): node_info[cur_n_nodes + j] = {link_type + '_name': unique_j} ids = indices[np.array(values == unique_j)] edge_index[0].extend(ids.tolist()) edge_index[1].extend([cur_n_nodes + j for _ in range(len(ids))]) edge_types.extend([i + n_e_types for _ in range(len(ids))]) node_types.extend([n_n_types + i for _ in range(len(unique))]) print(f'finished adding {link_type}') edge_index = torch.LongTensor(edge_index) edge_types = torch.LongTensor(edge_types) node_types = torch.LongTensor(node_types) files = { 'node_info': node_info, 'edge_index': edge_index, 'edge_types': edge_types, 'edge_type_dict': edge_type_dict, 'node_type_dict': node_type_dict, 'node_types': node_types } if cache_path is not None: save_files(cache_path, **files) return files def _process_brand(self, brand: str) -> str: """ Process brand names to remove unnecessary characters. Args: brand (str): Brand name. Returns: str: Processed brand name. """ brand = brand.strip(" \".*+,-_!@#$%^&*();\/|<>\'\t\n\r\\") if brand.startswith('by '): brand = brand[3:] if brand.endswith('.com'): brand = brand[:-4] if brand.startswith('www.'): brand = brand[4:] if len(brand) > 100: brand = brand.split(' ')[0] return brand def construct_raw_node_info(self, df_meta: pd.DataFrame, df_review: pd.DataFrame, df_qa: pd.DataFrame) -> dict: """ Construct raw node information. Args: df_meta (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing meta information. df_review (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing review information. df_qa (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing QA information. Returns: dict: Dictionary containing node information. """ node_info = {idx: {'review': [], 'qa': []} for idx in range(len(df_meta))} ###################### Assign color ######################## def assign_colors(df_review, lower_limit=20): # asign to color df_review = df_review[['asin', 'style']] df_review = df_review.dropna(subset=['style']) raw_color_dict = {} for idx, row in tqdm(df_review.iterrows()): asin, style = row['asin'], row['style'] for key in style.keys(): if 'color' in key.lower(): try: raw_color_dict[asin] except: raw_color_dict[asin] = [] raw_color_dict[asin].append( style[key].strip().lower() if isinstance(style[key], str) else style[key][0].strip()) all_color_values = [] for asin in raw_color_dict.keys(): raw_color_dict[asin] = list(set(raw_color_dict[asin])) all_color_values.extend(raw_color_dict[asin]) print('number of all colors', len(all_color_values)) color_counter = Counter(all_color_values) print('number of unique colors', len(color_counter)) color_counter = {k: v for k, v in sorted(color_counter.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)} selected_colors = [] for color, number in color_counter.items(): if number > lower_limit and len(color) > 2 and len(color.split(' ')) < 5 and color.isnumeric() is False: selected_colors.append(color) print('number of selected colors', len(selected_colors)) filtered_color_dict = {} total_color_connections = 0 for asin in raw_color_dict.keys(): filtered_color_dict[asin] = [] for value in raw_color_dict[asin]: if value in selected_colors: filtered_color_dict[asin].append(value) total_color_connections += len(filtered_color_dict[asin]) print('number of linked products', len(filtered_color_dict)) print('number of total connections', total_color_connections) return filtered_color_dict filtered_color_dict_path = os.path.join(self.root, 'intermediate', 'filtered_color_dict.pkl') if os.path.exists(filtered_color_dict_path): with open(filtered_color_dict_path, 'rb') as f: filtered_color_dict = pickle.load(f) else: filtered_color_dict = assign_colors(df_review) with open(filtered_color_dict_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(filtered_color_dict, f) for df_meta_i in tqdm(df_meta.itertuples()): asin = df_meta_i.asin idx = self.asin2id[asin] if asin in filtered_color_dict and filtered_color_dict[asin]: node_info[idx]['color'] = filtered_color_dict[asin] ###################### Assign brand and category ######################## sub_categories = set(json.load(open(self.sub_category_path, 'r'))) for df_meta_i in tqdm(df_meta.itertuples()): asin = df_meta_i.asin idx = self.asin2id[asin] for column in self.meta_columns: if column == 'brand': brand = self._process_brand(clean_data(getattr(df_meta_i, column))) if brand: node_info[idx]['brand'] = brand elif column == 'category': category_list = [ category.lower() for category in getattr(df_meta_i, column) if category.lower() in sub_categories ] if category_list: node_info[idx]['category'] = category_list else: node_info[idx][column] = clean_data(getattr(df_meta_i, column)) ###################### Process review and QA ######################## for name, df, colunm_names in zip(['review', 'qa'], [df_review, df_qa], [self.review_columns, self.qa_columns]): for i in tqdm(range(len(df))): df_i = df.iloc[i] asin = df_i['asin'] idx = self.asin2id[asin] node_info[idx][name].append(df_row_to_dict(df_i, colunm_names)) return node_info def create_raw_product_graph(self, df: pd.DataFrame, columns: list) -> tuple: """ Create raw product graph. Args: df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing meta information. columns (list): List of columns to create edges. Returns: tuple: Tuple containing edge index and edge types. """ edge_types = [] edge_index = [[], []] for df_i in df.itertuples(): out_node = self.asin2id[df_i.asin] for edge_type_id, edge_type in enumerate(columns): if isinstance(getattr(df_i, edge_type), list): in_nodes = [self.asin2id[i] for i in getattr(df_i, edge_type) if i in self.asin2id] edge_types.extend([edge_type_id] * len(in_nodes)) edge_index[0].extend([out_node] * len(in_nodes)) edge_index[1].extend(in_nodes) return torch.LongTensor(edge_index), torch.LongTensor(edge_types) def has_brand(self, idx: int, brand: str) -> bool: """ Check if the node has the specified brand. Args: idx (int): Index of the node. brand (str): Brand name. Returns: bool: Whether the node has the specified brand. """ try: b = self[idx].brand if b.endswith('.com'): b = b[:-4] if brand.endswith('.com'): brand = brand[:-4] return b.lower().strip("\"") == brand.lower().strip("\"") except: return False def has_also_buy(self, idx: int, also_buy_item: int) -> bool: """ Check if the node has the specified also_buy item. Args: idx (int): Index of the node. also_buy_item (int): Item to check. Returns: bool: Whether the node has the specified also_buy item. """ try: also_buy_lst = self.get_neighbor_nodes(idx, 'also_buy') return also_buy_item in also_buy_lst except: return False def has_also_view(self, idx: int, also_view_item: int) -> bool: """ Check if the node has the specified also_view item. Args: idx (int): Index of the node. also_view_item (int): Item to check. Returns: bool: Whether the node has the specified also_view item. """ try: also_view_lst = self.get_neighbor_nodes(idx, 'also_view') return also_view_item in also_view_lst except: return False def read_review(path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Read and parse review files. Args: path (str): Path to the review file. Returns: pd.DataFrame: DataFrame containing the reviews. """ def parse(path: str): with, 'rb') as g: for l in g: yield json.loads(l) def getDF(path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: df = {} for i, d in enumerate(parse(path)): df[i] = d return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(df, orient='index') return getDF(path) def read_qa(path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Read and parse QA files. Args: path (str): Path to the QA file. Returns: pd.DataFrame: DataFrame containing the QA data. """ def parse(path: str): with, 'rb') as g: for l in g: yield eval(l) def getDF(path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: df = {} for i, d in enumerate(parse(path)): df[i] = d return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(df, orient='index') return getDF(path)