Question Answering
MoR / Reasoning /
GagaLey's picture
history blame
16.8 kB
import sys
from pathlib import Path
# Get the absolute path of the current script
current_file = Path(__file__).resolve()
project_root = current_file.parents[2]
# Add the project root to the system path
from .utils import combine_dicts, parse_metapath, get_scorer, get_text_retriever, fix_length
from models.model import ModelForSTaRKQA
class MOR4Path(ModelForSTaRKQA):
def __init__(self, dataset_name, text_retriever_name, scorer_name, skb, topk=100):
super(MOR4Path, self).__init__(skb)
self.dataset_name = dataset_name
self.text_retriever = get_text_retriever(dataset_name, text_retriever_name, skb)
self.scorer = get_scorer(dataset_name, scorer_name=scorer_name, skb=skb)
# self.scorer = self.text_retriever
self.topk = topk
self.node_type_list = skb.node_type_lst()
self.edge_type_list = skb.rel_type_lst()
if self.dataset_name == "prime":
self.tp_list = skb.get_tuples()
self.target_type_list = skb.candidate_types
self.tp_dict = {(tp[0], tp[-1]): tp[1] for tp in skb.get_tuples()}
self.target_type_list = ['paper' if dataset_name == 'mag' else 'product']
self.skb = skb
self.ini_k = 5 # topk for initial retrieval
self.mor_k = 10 # topk for textual retrieval in MOR
self.mor_count = 0
self.num_negs = 200
def rg2routes(self, rg):
input: rg: {"Metapath": "", "Restriction": {}}
output: routes: [['paper', 'author', 'paper'], ['paper', 'paper']]
# parse rg
metapath = rg["Metapath"]
if isinstance(rg["Metapath"], list):
routes = rg["Metapath"]
elif isinstance(rg["Metapath"], str):
routes = parse_metapath(metapath)
return None
return routes
def check_valid(self, routes, rg):
# check the length of routes
if not routes:
# raise ValueError(f"Empty routes: {routes}")
return None
if len(routes) == 1 and len(routes[0]) == 1: # single node, directly do text retrieval
return None
# Step 1: Filter routes by target type
target_type_valid_routes = [
route for route in routes if route[-1] in self.target_type_list
if not target_type_valid_routes:
return None
# Step 2: Filter routes by node and edge type
type_valid_routes = [
for route in target_type_valid_routes
if all(
node in self.node_type_list or node in self.edge_type_list
for node in route
if not type_valid_routes:
return None
# Step 3: Check existence of relations
relation_valid_routes = []
for route in type_valid_routes:
if self.dataset_name == "prime":
if len(route) < 3:
triplets = [
(route[i], route[i + 1], route[i + 2])
for i in range(0, len(route) - 2, 2)
if all(tp in self.tp_list for tp in triplets) and all(len(tp) == 3 for tp in triplets): # and all length of triplets is 3
pairs = [(route[i], route[i + 1]) for i in range(len(route) - 1)]
if all(tp in self.tp_dict.keys() for tp in pairs):
relations = [self.tp_dict[tp] for tp in pairs]
# make route with relations
new_route = []
for i in range(len(relations)):
if not relation_valid_routes:
return None
return relation_valid_routes
def get_candidates4route(self, query, q_id, route, restriction):
# initialization
ini_node_type = route[0]
type_restr = "".join(restriction[ini_node_type])
type_restr = ""
ini_dict = self.text_retriever.retrieve(query + " " + type_restr, q_id=q_id, topk=self.ini_k, node_type=ini_node_type)
current_node_ids = list(ini_dict.keys())
# initialize the bm_vector_dict
bm_vector_dict = {key: [value] for key, value in ini_dict.items()}
# initilization for paths
paths = {}
for c_id in current_node_ids:
paths[c_id] = [c_id]
# loop
hops = len(route)
# for hop/layer
for hop in range(0, hops-2, 2):
new_paths = {}
cur_node_type = route[hop]
next_node_type = route[hop+2]
edge_type = route[hop+1]
next_node_ids = []
new_vector_dict = {}
# for node
for node_id in current_node_ids:
neighbor_ids = self.skb.get_neighbor_nodes(idx=node_id, edge_type=edge_type)
# ***** update paths and score_vector_dict *****
for neighbor_id in neighbor_ids:
if neighbor_id not in new_paths.keys(): # only add new node
new_paths[neighbor_id] = paths[node_id] + [neighbor_id]
new_vector_dict[neighbor_id] = bm_vector_dict[node_id] + [-1] # -1 for padding
bm_vector_dict = new_vector_dict
# ***** layer text retrieval *****
# if there is restriction for the next node, add text_retriever
if next_node_type in restriction.keys() and len(restriction[next_node_type]) > 0 and restriction[next_node_type] != [""]:
retrieve_dict = self.text_retriever.retrieve(query+" "+"".join(restriction[next_node_type]), q_id=q_id, topk=self.mor_k, node_type=route[hop+2])
new_query = query+ " " + "".join(restriction[next_node_type])
# take union
# ***** update paths and bm_vector_dict *****
for c_id in retrieve_dict.keys():
if c_id not in new_paths.keys():
new_paths[c_id] = [c_id]
bm_vector_dict[c_id] = [retrieve_dict[c_id]]
paths = new_paths
current_node_ids = list(set(next_node_ids))
candidates = current_node_ids
return candidates
def merge_candidate_pools(self, non_empty_candidates_lists):
# if only one non-empy candidates list left, return it as a set
if len(non_empty_candidates_lists) == 1:
return set(non_empty_candidates_lists[0])
# find the intersection candidates ids
result = set(non_empty_candidates_lists[0])
for lst in non_empty_candidates_lists[1:]:
# if the intersection is empty, return the union of all candidates
if len(result) == 0:
result = set()
for lst in non_empty_candidates_lists:
return list(result)
def get_mor_candidates(self, query, q_id, valid_routes, restriction):
# Step 1: Get candidates for each route
candidates_pool = []
for route in valid_routes:
if route[0] in restriction.keys() and len(restriction[route[0]]) > 0:
candidates_pool.append(self.get_candidates4route(query, q_id, route, restriction)) # topk is the candidates retrieved from textual retriever
# remove empty lists from candidates
non_empty_candidates_lists = [lst for lst in candidates_pool if lst]
if len(non_empty_candidates_lists) == 0:
return {}
# Step 2: Combine candidates from different routes, try intersection first, then union
candidates = self.merge_candidate_pools(non_empty_candidates_lists) # candidates is a list
# step 3: score the candidates, ini to -1
pred_dict = dict(zip(candidates, [-1]*len(candidates)))
# print(f"111, {pred_dict}")
return pred_dict
def check_topk(self, query, q_id, pred_dict):
missing = self.topk - len(set(pred_dict.keys()))
if missing > 0:
added_dict = self.text_retriever.retrieve(query, q_id, topk=self.topk+20, node_type=self.target_type_list) # +20 make it more safe
available_nodes = {key: value for key, value in added_dict.items() if key not in pred_dict.keys()}
sorted_available_nodes = sorted(available_nodes.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
# Select only the required number of nodes to fill the missing slots
selected_nodes = dict(sorted_available_nodes[:missing])
# Update pred_dict with the selected nodes
# updata paths
for node_id in selected_nodes.keys():
self.paths[node_id] = [node_id]
# update bm_vector_dict
new_bm_vector_dict = {key: [value] for key, value in selected_nodes.items()}
scored_dict = self.scorer.score(query, q_id=q_id, candidate_ids=list(pred_dict.keys()))
if len(scored_dict) > self.topk:
# initiliaze the new_paths
new_paths = {}
# Select the top-k nodes based on the scores
sorted_scored_dict = sorted(scored_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
scored_dict = dict(sorted_scored_dict[:self.topk])
# update paths
for node_id in scored_dict.keys():
new_paths[node_id] = self.paths[node_id]
self.paths = new_paths
# update bm_vector_dict
new_bm_vector_dict = {node_id: self.bm_vector_dict[node_id] for node_id in scored_dict.keys()}
self.bm_vector_dict = new_bm_vector_dict
return scored_dict
# check fixed negtopk
def check_negtopk(self, query, q_id, pred_dict, ans_ids):
# check the positive nodes
pos_ids = [node_id for node_id in ans_ids if node_id in pred_dict.keys()]
pos_dict = {key: value for key, value in pred_dict.items() if key in pos_ids}
neg_ids = pred_dict.keys() - set(pos_ids)
neg_dict = {key: value for key, value in pred_dict.items() if key in neg_ids}
# check the number of negative nodes
missing = self.num_negs - len(neg_ids)
if missing > 0:
added_dict = self.text_retriever.retrieve(query, q_id, topk=self.num_negs+200, node_type=self.target_type_list) # +20 make it more safe
available_nodes = {key: value for key, value in added_dict.items() if key not in pred_dict.keys() and key not in ans_ids}
sorted_available_nodes = sorted(available_nodes.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
# Select only the required number of nodes to fill the missing slots
selected_nodes = dict(sorted_available_nodes[:missing])
# Update pred_dict with the selected nodes
# updata paths
for node_id in selected_nodes.keys():
self.paths[node_id] = [node_id]
# update bm_vector_dict
new_bm_vector_dict = {key: [value] for key, value in selected_nodes.items()}
scored_neg_dict = self.scorer.score(query, q_id=q_id, candidate_ids=list(neg_dict.keys()))
if pos_dict:
scored_pos_dict = self.scorer.score(query, q_id=q_id, candidate_ids=list(pos_dict.keys()))
scored_pos_dict = {}
if len(scored_neg_dict) > self.num_negs:
# Select the top-k nodes based on the scores
sorted_scored_neg_dict = sorted(scored_neg_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
scored_neg_dict = dict(sorted_scored_neg_dict[:self.num_negs])
scored_dict = scored_neg_dict
# update paths
new_paths = {}
for node_id in scored_dict.keys():
new_paths[node_id] = self.paths[node_id]
self.paths = new_paths
# update bm_vector_dict
new_bm_vector_dict = {node_id: self.bm_vector_dict[node_id] for node_id in scored_dict.keys()}
self.bm_vector_dict = new_bm_vector_dict
return scored_dict
def forward(self, query, q_id, ans_ids, rg, args):
self.paths = []
self.bm_vector_dict = []
self.ada_score = {}
# ***** Structural Retrieval *****
# reasoning grpah to routes
if self.dataset_name == "prime":
routes = rg["Metapath"]
routes = self.rg2routes(rg)
# check valid
valid_routes = self.check_valid(routes, rg) # add check for restriction
if valid_routes is None:
# do textual retrieval
pred_dict = self.text_retriever.retrieve(query, q_id, topk=self.topk, node_type=self.target_type_list)
# update bm_vector_dict
self.bm_vector_dict = {key: [value] for key, value in pred_dict.items()}
# truncate the valid_routes
if self.dataset_name == "prime":
valid_routes = [route[-5:] for route in valid_routes]
# do structural retrieval
restriction = rg["Restriction"]
pred_dict = self.get_mor_candidates(query, q_id, valid_routes, restriction)
self.mor_count += 1
# **** combine paths ****
if self.paths:
self.paths = combine_dicts(self.paths, pred_dict=pred_dict) # return dict
self.paths = {}
for node_id in pred_dict.keys():
self.paths[node_id] = [node_id]
# ***** combine bm_vector_dict *****
if isinstance(self.bm_vector_dict, list):
self.bm_vector_dict = combine_dicts(self.bm_vector_dict, pred_dict=pred_dict)
# **** fix neg for training; fix candidates for testing ****
if args.mod == "train":
# check neg topk
pred_dict = self.check_negtopk(query, q_id, pred_dict, ans_ids)
# check topk
pred_dict = self.check_topk(query, q_id, pred_dict)
# **** length padding and truncate *****
if self.dataset_name != "prime":
self.paths = fix_length(self.paths)
if len(self.paths) != len(pred_dict):
print(f"paths: {self.paths}")
print(f"pred_dict: {pred_dict}")
raise ValueError(f"Length mismatch between paths and pred_dict: {len(self.paths)}, {len(pred_dict)}")
output = {
"query": query,
"pred_dict": pred_dict,
"ans_ids": ans_ids,
'paths': self.paths,
'bm_vector_dict': self.bm_vector_dict,
'rg': rg
return output
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(f"Test mor4path")