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from Reasoning.text_retrievers.contriever import Contriever
from Reasoning.text_retrievers.ada import Ada
from stark_qa import load_qa, load_skb
import pickle as pkl
from tqdm import tqdm
from transformers import BertTokenizer, BertModel
model_name = f"bert-base-uncased"
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
encoder = BertModel.from_pretrained(model_name)
def get_bm25_scores(dataset_name, bm25, outputs):
new_outputs = []
# use tqdm to visualize the progress
for i in range(len(outputs)):
query, q_id, ans_ids = outputs[i]['query'], outputs[i]['q_id'], outputs[i]['ans_ids']
paths= outputs[i]['paths']
rg = outputs[i]['rg']
if dataset_name == 'prime':
new_path_dict = paths
# make new path dict and remove the -1 from the path
new_path_dict = {}
for key in paths.keys():
new_path = [x for x in paths[key] if x != -1]
new_path_dict[key] = new_path
# collect all values of the path without the first element
candidates_ids = []
for key in new_path_dict.keys():
candidates_ids = list(set(candidates_ids))
# get the bm25 score
bm_score_dict = bm25.score(query, q_id, candidate_ids=candidates_ids)
outputs[i]['bm_score_dict'] = bm_score_dict
# replace -1 in the bm_vector_dict with the bm_score
bm_vector_dict = outputs[i]['bm_vector_dict']
for key in bm_vector_dict.keys():
if -1 in bm_vector_dict[key]:
path = new_path_dict[key]
assert len(path) == len(bm_vector_dict[key])
bm_vector_dict[key] = [bm_score_dict[path[j]] if x == -1 else x for j, x in enumerate(bm_vector_dict[key])]
outputs[i]['bm_vector_dict'] = bm_vector_dict
# fix length of paths in prime
if dataset_name == 'prime':
max_len = 3
new_paths = {}
for key in paths:
new_path = paths[key]
if len(paths[key]) < max_len:
new_path = [-1] * (max_len - len(paths[key])) + paths[key]
elif len(paths[key]) > max_len:
new_path = paths[key][-max_len:]
new_paths[key] = new_path
# assign the new path to the paths
outputs[i]['paths'] = new_paths
return new_outputs
def prepare_score_vector_dict(raw_data):
# make the score_vector_dict: [bm_score, bm_score, bm_score, ada_score/contriver_score]
for i in range(len(raw_data)):
# get the pred_dict
pred_dict = raw_data[i]['pred_dict']
# get the bm_vector_dict
bm_vector_dict = raw_data[i]['bm_vector_dict']
# initialize the score_vector_dict
raw_data[i]['score_vector_dict'] = {}
# add the value of pred_dict to the end of the bm_vector_dict
for key in pred_dict:
# get the bm_score, last element of the bm_vector_dict
bm_vector = bm_vector_dict[key]
# get the ranking score
rk_score = pred_dict[key]
# make the score_vector_dict
score_vector = bm_vector + [rk_score]
# check the length of the score_vector, if less than 4, pad with 0 at the beginning
if len(score_vector) < 4:
score_vector = [0] * (4 - len(score_vector)) + score_vector
elif len(score_vector) > 4:
score_vector = score_vector[-4:]
# make the score_vector_dict
raw_data[i]['score_vector_dict'][key] = score_vector
return raw_data
def prepare_text_emb_symb_enc(raw_data, skb):
# add the text_emb to the raw_data
text2emb_list = []
text2emb_dict = {}
symbolic_encode_dict = {
3: [0, 1, 1],
2: [2, 0, 1],
1: [2, 2, 0],
for i in range(len(raw_data)):
# get the paths
paths = raw_data[i]['paths']
preds = raw_data[i]['pred_dict']
assert len(paths) == len(preds)
# initialize the text_emb_dict
raw_data[i]['text_emb_dict'] = {}
# initialize the symb_enc_dict
raw_data[i]['symb_enc_dict'] = {}
for key in paths:
# get the path
path = paths[key]
# make uniquee text_emb_path and make dict
text_path_li = [skb.get_node_type_by_id(node_id) if node_id != -1 else "padding" for node_id in path]
text_path_str = " ".join(text_path_li)
if text_path_str not in text2emb_list:
text2emb_dict[text_path_str] = -1
# assgin thte text_path to the raw_data
raw_data[i]['text_emb_dict'][key] = text_path_str
# ***** make the symb_enc_dict *****
# number of non -1 in the path
num_non_1 = len([p for p in path if p != -1])
# get the symbolic encoding
symb_enc = symbolic_encode_dict[num_non_1]
# make the symb_enc_dict
raw_data[i]['symb_enc_dict'][key] = symb_enc
# ***** get the text2emb_dict embeddings *****
for key in text2emb_dict.keys():
# get the tokens for the node type using th tokenizer
text_enc = tokenizer(key, return_tensors='pt')['input_ids']
outputs = encoder(text_enc)
last_hidden_states = outputs.last_hidden_state.mean(dim=1)
text2emb_dict[key] = last_hidden_states.detach()
new_data = {'data': raw_data, 'text2emb_dict': text2emb_dict}
return new_data
def prepare_trajectories(dataset_name, bm25, skb, outputs):
# get the bm25 scores
new_outputs = get_bm25_scores(dataset_name, bm25, outputs) # return list
# prepare the score_vector_dict
new_outputs = prepare_score_vector_dict(new_outputs) # return list
# prepare the text_emb and symb_enc_dict
new_data = prepare_text_emb_symb_enc(new_outputs, skb) # return dict
return new_data
def get_contriever_scores(dataset_name, mod, skb, path):
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
data = pkl.load(f)
raw_data = data['data']
qa = load_qa(dataset_name, human_generated_eval=False)
contriever = Contriever(skb, dataset_name, device='cuda')
split_idx = qa.get_idx_split(test_ratio=1.0)
all_indices = split_idx[mod].tolist()
# use tqdm to visualize the progress
for idx, i in enumerate(tqdm(all_indices)):
query, q_id, ans_ids, _ = qa[i]
assert query == raw_data[idx]['query']
pred_ids = list(raw_data[idx]['pred_dict'].keys())
candidates_ids = list(set(pred_ids))
# get contriever score
contriever_score_dict = contriever.score(query, q_id, candidate_ids=candidates_ids)
raw_data[idx]['contriever_score_dict'] = contriever_score_dict
data['data'] = raw_data
with open(path, 'wb') as f:
pkl.dump(data, f)
def get_ada_scores(dataset_name, mod, skb, path):
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
data = pkl.load(f)
raw_data = data['data']
qa = load_qa(dataset_name, human_generated_eval=False)
ada = Ada(skb, dataset_name, device='cuda')
split_idx = qa.get_idx_split(test_ratio=1.0)
all_indices = split_idx[mod].tolist()
# use tqdm to visualize the progress
for idx, i in enumerate(tqdm(all_indices)):
query, q_id, ans_ids, _ = qa[i]
assert query == raw_data[idx]['query']
pred_ids = list(raw_data[idx]['pred_dict'].keys())
candidates_ids = list(set(pred_ids))
# get ada score
ada_score_dict = ada.score(query, q_id, candidate_ids=candidates_ids)
raw_data[idx]['ada_score_dict'] = ada_score_dict
data['data'] = raw_data
with open(path, 'wb') as f:
pkl.dump(data, f)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(f"Test prepare_rerank")