0 0 0 , -3.40684 . -3.54053 ▁the -3.54218 ▁ -3.61926 s -3.65378 ▁I -3.88789 ▁to -4.0266 t -4.09847 ▁a -4.10513 ed -4.13483 ▁and -4.27788 ▁of -4.2839 e -4.31425 ing -4.39403 d -4.43256 a -4.48271 o -4.55681 ▁in -4.66604 n -4.67715 ▁was -4.78801 i -4.81998 ▁" -4.82016 m -4.91115 ▁it -4.92921 p -5.04887 r -5.08967 ▁me -5.11735 c -5.13999 ' -5.15132 l -5.15272 y -5.16259 - -5.17219 ▁that -5.1745 ▁be -5.21302 g -5.24939 ▁he -5.25938 ly -5.30948 ▁for -5.31219 k -5.31769 ▁with -5.34418 ▁my -5.34905 u -5.35015 er -5.35724 ▁not -5.37125 ▁is -5.38643 ▁s -5.41953 ▁you -5.48731 ▁as -5.50184 h -5.56722 ▁but -5.58621 or -5.61168 in -5.64166 re -5.66042 ." -5.67402 f -5.67484 ▁on -5.67626 ar -5.72712 ▁at -5.75148 ▁or -5.75908 ▁had -5.7653 ▁p -5.76718 b -5.79436 ▁this -5.80249 ▁would -5.83215 ▁re -5.87083 ▁The -5.87593 at -5.89611 ▁so -5.91612 ▁his -5.92121 ▁f -5.92263 ▁c -5.92313 an -5.93892 ▁by -5.95342 ▁have -5.96092 ▁b -5.97898 ▁no -5.98021 w -5.9821 en -5.98542 ▁one -6.01851 le -6.02582 al -6.02679 st -6.06754 ri -6.07248 it -6.08278 v -6.10915 ll -6.1123 ▁him -6.13908 ▁all -6.1457 ▁de -6.17761 ch -6.19365 ▁if -6.19919 ▁do -6.21085 ▁Shirt -6.22359 ▁Red -6.22378 se -6.22764 ▁w -6.23102 th -6.23666 ▁out -6.24062 ▁from -6.25186 I -6.26584 ▁they -6.26876 ▁A -6.28259 ur -6.28459 ▁go -6.28957 ▁about -6.29437 ▁there -6.29459 ent -6.30382 ▁said -6.317 ▁like -6.36255 on -6.37157 ow -6.39895 ; -6.3998 ▁we -6.40626 ▁were -6.4237 ▁who -6.44748 es -6.4572 ▁up -6.46108 ▁Porcupine -6.49014 ▁are -6.5014 ▁them -6.50325 ▁school -6.5122 ic -6.52423 ▁co -6.52962 il -6.53902 ," -6.54144 ce -6.54398 ▁any -6.56324 ve -6.56742 is -6.57394 ▁when -6.58148 ro -6.59146 un -6.60755 ▁get -6.61387 ▁room -6.62212 ne -6.62695 ▁which -6.63885 H -6.64132 id -6.64464 te -6.64821 " -6.65786 ▁did -6.66009 um -6.66116 ?" -6.66572 ▁some -6.66601 ! -6.67189 ▁house -6.6732 ir -6.67538 ▁see -6.69759 ation -6.70018 ▁He -6.71516 ? -6.71655 ▁l -6.71929 ▁been -6.72076 pe -6.72644 ▁what -6.72703 ▁could -6.73629 ▁M -6.74811 ▁If -6.76812 ▁fellow -6.77419 ▁such -6.77424 E -6.78559 ut -6.78855 ▁can -6.79151 ▁she -6.80646 ▁an -6.80967 ▁more -6.8158 ▁S -6.85725 ▁time -6.85945 ▁will -6.86522 el -6.86768 ▁other -6.87594 ▁should -6.88655 ▁may -6.89078 ▁her -6.9103 T -6.93593 ▁Clown -6.94212 ▁sh -6.96336 ▁old -6.96527 ▁way -6.97373 able -6.9774 ng -6.97876 ▁back -6.98892 ▁make -6.98971 ▁come -6.99036 la -6.99341 ▁Gutenberg -7.001 ▁than -7.01332 ▁us -7.02193 A -7.02371 ▁right -7.0255 ate -7.02599 ous -7.03442 ▁only -7.04533 ▁teacher -7.05324 ▁thought -7.05503 us -7.06157 R -7.06189 qu -7.06346 ▁students -7.06348 ▁know -7.06349 ▁going -7.06457 ▁Project -7.06508 ▁their -7.0688 ▁take -7.06932 N -7.07728 ▁say -7.07737 ke -7.07932 ▁don -7.07999 ter -7.08194 ▁two -7.08964 ▁work -7.08994 ▁asked -7.09012 ot -7.09607 ive -7.09849 ▁am -7.10959 ▁night -7.1109 : -7.11647 ▁Kiyo -7.11648 ▁un -7.11932 ▁after -7.12342 ▁pro -7.12687 ▁gr -7.13917 ▁head -7.14285 ▁ex -7.1584 ▁But -7.1591 ul -7.16027 ment -7.18522 ▁ma -7.18602 ▁might -7.18693 ▁even -7.18694 ▁face -7.187 !" -7.18909 and -7.19324 ▁T -7.2039 ▁dis -7.21149 ▁principal -7.21656 ▁three -7.21656 ance -7.21745 ▁It -7.21883 ▁down -7.23178 ▁made -7.23187 ▁off -7.23592 ,-- -7.23616 ▁con -7.23914 ▁your -7.25216 ▁bo -7.25628 ▁over -7.26296 ence -7.26852 ▁has -7.28194 he -7.2855 ] -7.29472 ▁want -7.29668 ▁into -7.29714 O -7.30065 ▁mo -7.30371 ad -7.30645 ▁think -7.31111 ▁sp -7.32241 ▁much -7.32778 ...... -7.32779 ▁told -7.32962 ity -7.33201 led -7.33213 op -7.35947 ▁far -7.35961 if -7.3631 ▁F -7.36438 S -7.37001 ▁No -7.37878 That -7.37974 ▁This -7.38611 ty -7.39323 L -7.39715 ▁something -7.39742 ward -7.39776 ▁own -7.39807 ▁our -7.39824 ▁man -7.40387 ▁Then -7.40456 ough -7.41614 ▁came -7.41673 ally -7.41923 ▁ga -7.42004 ▁mean -7.42262 ▁B -7.42672 ant -7.42882 ▁Tokyo -7.43407 ▁ha -7.43421 ish -7.43725 ver -7.45248 ▁When -7.45294 ▁good -7.45334 x -7.47177 ▁first -7.47219 ▁thing -7.47336 ▁D -7.47381 ▁K -7.47836 tion -7.48301 ▁place -7.49179 ▁long -7.49183 ▁better -7.49193 ▁tell -7.49196 ▁how -7.49359 age -7.49626 ▁went -7.49918 ▁day -7.5025 ▁just -7.51178 ▁sure -7.51217 ▁part -7.51256 ▁town -7.51257 ▁away -7.52096 W -7.52537 ▁On -7.52716 ▁before -7.53219 ▁kind -7.5322 ful -7.53686 less -7.53706 em -7.54544 ▁looked -7.54647 ion -7.55126 ▁talk -7.55303 ▁heard -7.55342 tm -7.56029 ▁now -7.56624 ▁sen -7.56964 ther -7.56975 ry -7.57058 J -7.5743 ▁What -7.5871 ▁P -7.59414 ▁Squash -7.59604 ▁wrong -7.59604 ▁without -7.59616 ▁sha -7.60264 ▁where -7.60608 ▁They -7.60639 0 -7.61826 U -7.61826 ▁Hubbard -7.61826 ▁return -7.61826 ▁here -7.61931 ▁same -7.62084 ling -7.62319 ▁many -7.62554 ▁well -7.62611 ▁once -7.62917 ▁You -7.63792 1 -7.6402 ▁because -7.64099 ▁matter -7.64101 ▁And -7.64143 ever -7.65792 F -7.66099 ▁give -7.6645 ▁letter -7.6647 ▁show -7.66774 ▁fish -7.66779 up -7.66822 ▁look -7.67251 The -7.68783 ▁myself -7.68805 ▁laugh -7.68816 ▁yen -7.68893 ▁O -7.6922 D -7.71036 ▁bu -7.71164 ▁anything -7.71252 ▁care -7.71579 ▁days -7.72065 ▁ra -7.72381 ▁There -7.73532 ▁saying -7.73644 ▁So -7.73714 ▁having -7.73752 ▁hand -7.73777 ▁ho -7.73802 ▁being -7.74355 ▁As -7.75896 ▁comp -7.76284 ) -7.76308 ▁while -7.76308 ▁Koga -7.76308 ▁class -7.76309 ▁never -7.76342 ▁1. -7.76396 ▁set -7.76772 est -7.77296 ▁mi -7.77476 C -7.78925 ▁follow -7.7894 ▁left -7.78941 ▁C -7.78951 ▁new -7.78964 ▁very -7.78967 ▁seemed -7.78976 ▁di -7.79244 ▁dr -7.80605 ction -7.81135 ▁person -7.81647 ▁must -7.81662 ▁bad -7.82176 ▁We -7.82238 -- -7.8384 ble -7.84109 ▁again -7.84139 ▁watch -7.84423 body -7.84474 ▁( -7.84616 ▁per -7.86038 ▁tra -7.87087 ▁those -7.87278 ▁teachers -7.87447 P -7.87528 ▁read -7.87917 ▁sat -7.88321 ▁da -7.88824 ▁hot -7.89097 ▁start -7.89485 ▁became -7.90221 ▁felt -7.90233 ▁found -7.90467 M -7.90551 ust -7.91069 ▁started -7.919 ▁[ -7.92511 ▁middle -7.93249 ▁salary -7.93249 ▁through -7.93249 ▁half -7.93252 ▁raise -7.93379 ▁took -7.93543 You -7.93676 ▁upon -7.94065 ▁soon -7.94686 ies -7.95258 ▁E -7.95541 ▁pai -7.95743 ▁str -7.9586 ▁works -7.9631 ▁cannot -7.96377 ▁pass -7.96383 ▁hard -7.96388 ▁mind -7.9639 ▁began -7.96397 ▁saw -7.96415 ▁nothing -7.96456 ash -7.97653 ▁mar -7.97926 ▁Badger -7.996 ▁next -7.996 ▁quite -7.996 ▁keep -7.996 ▁still -7.99601 ▁become -7.99619 ▁She -7.99848 ▁hour -7.9985 fter -8.02211 ound -8.02477 ▁Madonna -8.02933 ▁voice -8.02933 ▁remark -8.02933 ▁turn -8.02936 ▁name -8.02954 ▁live -8.03303 ▁line -8.03314 ▁boarding -8.0365 ▁To -8.0372 ▁called -8.04215 ▁consider -8.06381 ▁electronic -8.06381 ▁woman -8.06381 ▁reason -8.06382 ▁money -8.06383 ▁year -8.06383 ▁since -8.06392 ▁round -8.06399 ▁help -8.06446 ▁full -8.0704 [ -8.0723 ▁put -8.07693 ▁appeared -8.08005 ▁appear -8.08298 ▁cha -8.08528 ome -8.08776 No -8.09879 ▁country -8.09953 ▁geisha -8.09953 ▁resign -8.09953 ▁leave -8.09953 ▁paper -8.09953 ▁open -8.09971 ▁home -8.09977 ▁find -8.09992 ▁side -8.10151 Well -8.10365 ness -8.10879 ▁answered -8.11021 ▁G -8.12543 ook -8.12553 way -8.13098 ▁While -8.13656 ▁fight -8.13656 Yes -8.13807 Say -8.13862 tain -8.1388 ▁feet -8.14501 G -8.14771 light -8.17503 ▁front -8.17503 ▁brother -8.17503 ▁fool -8.17504 ▁stay -8.17506 ▁walk -8.17512 ▁bath -8.17533 ▁pay -8.17578 B -8.18793 day -8.19349 ▁sea -8.19479 ▁little -8.21502 ▁people -8.21503 ▁second -8.21503 ▁terms -8.21504 ▁stop -8.21541 ▁end -8.21816 ▁ti -8.22093 ▁hu -8.22953 ▁One -8.24438 5 -8.25669 ▁affair -8.25669 ▁straight -8.25669 ▁written -8.25669 ▁Foundation -8.25669 ▁wonder -8.25669 ▁story -8.25671 ▁lady -8.25672 ▁six -8.25678 ▁eat -8.26126 ▁does -8.27193 ▁hi -8.27929 ▁My -8.28358 ▁call -8.28442 ▁expect -8.30017 ▁trouble -8.30017 ▁strange -8.30017 ▁why -8.30035 ▁four -8.3004 ▁bang -8.30043 high -8.30078 ▁kid -8.30091 ame -8.31413 ▁tea -8.3168 What -8.31852 night -8.31859 ▁already -8.34562 ▁kept -8.34564 ▁fact -8.34564 ▁dango -8.34564 ▁draw -8.34567 ▁manner -8.34577 ▁great -8.34579 ▁enough -8.34581 ▁every -8.34591 ▁last -8.3461 ▁coming -8.3462 ▁state -8.34658 ▁heart -8.3476 ▁Sir -8.35204 ▁though -8.37683 Y -8.39074 2 -8.39324 ▁dinner -8.39324 ▁life -8.3933 ▁water -8.39351 ▁copy -8.39353 ▁stand -8.39376 ▁however -8.39446 ▁hotel -8.39524 ▁let -8.3984 ▁train -8.3994 ▁five -8.40387 ▁boat -8.40398 ical -8.40441 ▁bra -8.4324 head -8.44308 ▁Hotta -8.44324 ▁accept -8.44324 ▁happen -8.44324 ▁himself -8.44324 ▁stood -8.44324 ▁regard -8.44325 ▁noodle -8.44325 ▁eyes -8.44326 ▁clear -8.44336 ▁short -8.44368 ▁big -8.44377 ▁rather -8.44436 ▁dance -8.4444 ▁mother -8.44493 ER -8.44786 ▁against -8.4484 ▁sound -8.45137 ▁most -8.45205 ▁both -8.4537 ▁simple -8.46212 ▁tak -8.47193 amp -8.48138 ▁star -8.48166 ▁either -8.49588 ▁springs -8.49588 ▁another -8.49591 ▁father -8.49596 ▁also -8.49609 ▁under -8.49612 ▁receiv -8.49626 ▁agreement -8.49649 ▁near -8.49653 ▁act -8.49866 ▁need -8.499 ▁feel -8.5018 ▁wish -8.502 aster -8.50933 gue -8.51819 ▁answer -8.53487 ▁believe -8.55143 ▁business -8.55143 ▁farewell -8.55143 ▁position -8.55143 ▁question -8.55143 ▁surprise -8.55143 ▁brought -8.55143 empura -8.55143 ▁serious -8.55143 ▁sleep -8.55144 ▁treat -8.55146 ▁each -8.55147 ▁hold -8.55159 mper -8.57556 time -8.58142 where -8.58315 ▁va -8.58825 ▁board -8.59773 ▁public -8.61025 ▁friend -8.61026 ▁understand -8.61026 ▁gentle -8.61026 ▁everything -8.61029 ▁strong -8.61029 ▁month -8.61033 ▁tree -8.61055 ▁case -8.61069 ▁unless -8.61284 ▁moment -8.61318 ▁unti -8.61637 ▁tri -8.6164 cial -8.62371 bout -8.65597 6 -8.67275 ▁English -8.67275 ▁apologize -8.67275 ▁effort -8.67275 ▁original -8.67275 ▁particular -8.67275 ▁quiet -8.67275 ▁floor -8.67276 ▁Yedo -8.67276 ▁always -8.67276 ▁declar -8.67276 ▁please -8.67276 ▁small -8.67276 ▁certain -8.67278 Why -8.67282 CHA -8.67283 ▁blow -8.6729 ▁yet -8.67295 ▁direction -8.67307 ▁wait -8.67307 ▁poor -8.67352 ▁fine -8.67371 ▁hung -8.67437 ▁Some -8.67499 ▁account -8.73942 ▁attempt -8.73942 ▁grasshopper -8.73942 ▁sight -8.73942 ▁impress -8.73942 ▁knew -8.73942 ▁whether -8.73943 ▁Darling -8.73943 ▁writing -8.73943 ▁teaching -8.73946 ▁course -8.73946 ▁dark -8.73953 ▁sorry -8.73955 ▁agree -8.73956 ▁thus -8.73975 ▁serve -8.73984 ably -8.74012 ▁try -8.74097 ▁office -8.74112 ▁desk -8.74113 aving -8.7413 ▁los -8.7483 This -8.7838 aught -8.81053 8 -8.81085 ▁address -8.81085 ▁Nobeoka -8.81085 ▁includ -8.81085 ▁janitor -8.81085 ▁sweet -8.81085 ▁prefer -8.81085 ▁square -8.81085 ▁request -8.81086 ▁sign -8.81086 ▁least -8.81087 ▁propos -8.81087 ▁point -8.81087 ▁insist -8.81093 ▁indeed -8.81102 ▁around -8.81129 ▁Ya -8.81131 ▁game -8.81174 ▁tru -8.81193 ▁free -8.83027 ▁fee -8.83081 ▁notice -8.83501 ▁probab -8.86432 ▁lie -8.86578 copyright -8.88777 ▁Archive -8.88777 ▁Literary -8.88777 ▁almost -8.88777 ▁different -8.88777 ▁eBook -8.88777 ▁paragraph -8.88777 ▁possible -8.88777 ▁punishment -8.88777 ▁transfer -8.88777 ▁twenty -8.88777 ▁black -8.88777 ▁future -8.88777 ▁natural -8.88777 ▁pocket -8.88777 ▁normal -8.88777 ▁tender -8.88777 ▁With -8.88778 ▁favor -8.88778 ▁easy -8.88778 ▁speech -8.88778 ▁fault -8.88778 ccord -8.88778 ▁large -8.88779 ▁close -8.88779 ▁along -8.8878 ▁guy -8.8878 ▁inside -8.88781 ▁interest -8.88781 ▁entered -8.88781 ▁finish -8.88782 ▁alone -8.88782 ▁honor -8.88789 ▁among -8.88791 ▁sick -8.88808 ▁tired -8.88814 ▁fond -8.88822 ▁sub -8.88832 ▁law -8.88854 ▁week -8.88858 ▁order -8.88918 etic -8.89985 ock -8.91775 note -8.92448 K -8.94385 change -8.94936 ▁physical -8.97111 ▁purpose -8.97111 ▁explain -8.97111 ▁mathematics -8.97111 ▁study -8.97111 ▁suppose -8.97111 ▁tomorrow -8.97111 between -8.97111 ▁access -8.97111 ▁incident -8.97111 ▁limit -8.97111 ▁listen -8.97111 ▁respect -8.97111 ▁prais -8.97111 ▁morning -8.97111 ▁behind -8.97111 ▁outside -8.97111 ▁provide -8.97112 ▁honest -8.97114 ▁worry -8.97114 ▁mouth -8.97118 ▁stone -8.97118 ▁scene -8.97121 ▁play -8.97126 ▁dress -8.97128 ▁donations -8.97133 ▁tank -8.97137 ▁else -8.97169 ▁begin -8.97195 Let -8.97218 ▁wide -8.97219 ▁compli -8.9725 mashi -8.98926 ability -8.99947 like -9.0355 ▁bamboo -9.06201 ▁picture -9.06201 ▁difficult -9.06202 ▁narrow -9.06202 ▁object -9.06202 ▁opinion -9.06202 ▁pleasure -9.06202 ▁somewhat -9.06202 ▁understood -9.06202 ▁view -9.06202 ▁character -9.06202 ▁pretty -9.06202 ▁minute -9.06202 ▁present -9.06202 ▁loud -9.06202 ▁rolled -9.06203 mission -9.06203 ▁further -9.06204 ▁spoke -9.06209 ▁write -9.06209 ▁cause -9.06209 ▁proper -9.06229 clock -9.06231 ▁litera -9.06236 cross -9.0624 ▁idea -9.0624 ▁wall -9.06273 ▁past -9.06292 teacher -9.13498 utenberg -9.16171 rofessor -9.16201 ▁However -9.16201 ▁Ikagin -9.16201 ▁License -9.16201 ▁United -9.16201 ▁easily -9.16201 ▁effect -9.16201 ▁stepped -9.16201 ▁stuff -9.16201 ▁suggest -9.16201 ▁sympath -9.16201 ▁temple -9.16201 ▁yesterday -9.16201 ▁command -9.16202 ▁entrance -9.16202 ▁visit -9.16202 ▁living -9.16202 ▁States -9.16202 ▁world -9.16202 ▁sword -9.16202 ▁speak -9.16202 ▁history -9.16203 ▁lack -9.16203 ▁fetch -9.16203 ▁queer -9.16203 ▁require -9.16203 ▁block -9.16203 ▁spirit -9.16204 ▁tax -9.16204 ▁crook -9.16207 ▁early -9.16207 ▁gradua -9.16208 ▁Even -9.16209 ▁style -9.16212 ▁push -9.16217 ▁catch -9.16219 ▁shirt -9.16222 ▁arra -9.16229 ▁invite -9.16242 stead -9.16324 ▁usual -9.1642 machi -9.16437 ▁direct -9.27256 ▁perform -9.27313 ▁polite -9.27313 ▁similar -9.27313 Besides -9.27313 ▁Kadoya -9.27313 ▁Yoshikawa -9.27313 ▁afraid -9.27313 ▁associated -9.27313 ▁display -9.27313 ▁distribute -9.27313 ▁dormitory -9.27313 ▁enjoy -9.27313 ▁nephew -9.27313 ▁province -9.27313 ▁themselves -9.27313 ▁trademark -9.27313 ▁translation -9.27313 ▁quick -9.27313 ▁supper -9.27313 ▁affect -9.27313 ▁knock -9.27313 ▁nature -9.27313 ▁neither -9.27313 ▁eggs -9.27313 ▁intention -9.27313 ▁fashion -9.27313 ▁respon -9.27314 ▁corner -9.27314 ▁girl -9.27314 ▁street -9.27314 Where -9.27314 nformation -9.27315 ▁attend -9.27315 ▁print -9.27315 claim -9.27316 ▁trick -9.27318 mitted -9.27322 fresh -9.27338 ▁smile -9.2736 ▁commen -9.2738 ropped -9.27423 ▁copie -9.27486 ▁express -9.39813 ▁number -9.39813 ▁whisper -9.39813 ▁addition -9.39813 ▁consolation -9.39813 ▁explanation -9.39813 ▁judg -9.39813 ▁language -9.39813 ▁mistake -9.39813 ▁police -9.39813 ▁potatoes -9.39813 ▁previous -9.39813 ▁shoji -9.39813 ▁thoroughly -9.39813 ▁thunder -9.39813 ▁twist -9.39813 ▁volunteer -9.39813 ▁decline -9.39813 ▁mischief -9.39813 ▁success -9.39813 ▁thirty -9.39813 ▁refund -9.39813 ▁charge -9.39813 ▁funny -9.39813 ▁appeal -9.39813 ▁patron -9.39813 ▁piece -9.39813 ▁credit -9.39814 ▁pack -9.39814 ▁fifty -9.39814 ▁danger -9.39815 ▁glad -9.39816 ▁duty -9.39817 ▁equal -9.39831 depend -9.39834 becom -9.39834 astard -9.39877 ▁doubl -9.40062 ▁simpl -9.4865 ▁occup -9.54098 collared -9.54098 ▁Bachelor -9.54098 ▁Russian -9.54098 ▁Toyama -9.54098 ▁absurd -9.54098 ▁beautiful -9.54098 ▁blunder -9.54098 ▁distributing -9.54098 ▁education -9.54098 ▁eight -9.54098 ▁family -9.54098 ▁giving -9.54098 ▁instructor -9.54098 ▁occasion -9.54098 ▁replied -9.54098 ▁smooth -9.54098 ▁stuck -9.54098 ▁subject -9.54098 ▁suffer -9.54098 ▁swimming -9.54098 ▁swollen -9.54098 ▁twice -9.54098 ▁upstairs -9.54098 ▁Natsume -9.54098 ▁condition -9.54098 ▁discharge -9.54098 ▁garden -9.54099 ▁grabbe -9.54099 ( -10.4639 * -10.9907 z -10.9908 q -10.9909 j -10.991