Tiny_Test / tokenizer.vocab
Corianas's picture
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d0d9e7f verified
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he -0
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in -5
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nd -9
re -10
▁o -11
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ing -14
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▁c -16
it -17
ou -18
▁he -19
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as -22
▁and -23
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▁ha -42
ll -43
▁was -44
▁g -45
ut -46
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the -49
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▁"↨ -56
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ow -58
ac -59
el -60
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id -63
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ic -69
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le -71
▁on -72
gh -73
ir -74
ent -75
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am -77
ly -78
ith -79
im -80
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ad -97
ion -98
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" -106
ri -107
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pp -110
ec -111
all -112
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ul -151
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ter -154
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ation -206
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jo -208
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iz -232
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ft -339
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ak -341
nder -342
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ven -344
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ach -352
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ched -361
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ome -365
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au -368
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self -372
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ning -381
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ious -384
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inu -390
ened -391
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ull -394
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ached -399
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ies -402
ma -403
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ling -406
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ated -409
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able -411
low -412
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ings -414
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ittle -420
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arm -425
iced -426
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ol -428
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son -431
aut -432
ment -433
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ud -440
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ided -490
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ng -509
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ex -517
oun -518
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su -523
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ct -532
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ddenly -538
▁em -539
▁fr -540
ff -541
▁moment -542
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pect -544
ire -545
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ence -548
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what -551
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ue -554
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ople -556
gg -557
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ave -583
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ared -591
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ish -597
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co -623
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ze -885
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oc -926
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ations -929
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als -937
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iet -943
fin -944
que -945
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lf -3229
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yeah -3310
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iec -3681
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uce -3689
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val -3719
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▁pil -3721
▁froze -3722
▁norm -3723
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▁cot -3726
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leo -3728
ertain -3729
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agement -3736
cles -3737
umin -3738
ature -3739
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vious -3743
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▁hiding -3745
▁commun -3746
▁net -3747
eld -3748
brown -3749
▁supplies -3750
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