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#### Recover mutations from literature. A benchmark
import fuson_plm.benchmarking.mutation_prediction.recovery.config as config
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import transformers
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForMaskedLM
import logging
import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import argparse
import os
import torch.nn.functional as F
from fuson_plm.utils.logging import open_logfile, log_update, get_local_time, print_configpy
from fuson_plm.benchmarking.embed import load_fuson_model
def check_env_variables():
log_update("\nChecking on environment variables...")
log_update(f"\tCUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES: {os.environ.get('CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES')}")
log_update(f"\ttorch.cuda.device_count(): {torch.cuda.device_count()}")
for i in range(torch.cuda.device_count()):
log_update(f"\t\tDevice {i}: {torch.cuda.get_device_name(i)}")
def get_top_k_aa_mutations(all_probabilities, sequence, i, top_k_mutations, k=10):
Should only return top AA mutations
all_probs = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(all_probabilities, orient='index').reset_index()
all_probs = all_probs.sort_values(by=0,ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)
top_k_mutation = all_probs['index'].tolist()[0:k]
top_k_mutation = ",".join(top_k_mutation)
top_k_mutations[(sequence[i], i)] = (top_k_mutation, all_probabilities)
return top_k_mutations
def get_top_k_mutations(tokenizer, mask_token_logits, all_probabilities, sequence, i, top_k_mutations, k=3):
top_k_tokens = torch.topk(mask_token_logits, k, dim=1).indices[0].tolist()
top_k_mutation = []
for token in top_k_tokens:
replaced_text = tokenizer.decode([token])
top_k_mutation = ",".join(top_k_mutation)
top_k_mutations[(sequence[i], i)] = (top_k_mutation, all_probabilities)
def predict_positionwise_mutations(model, tokenizer, device, sequence):
log_update("\t\tPredicting position-wise mutations...")
top_10_mutations = {}
decoded_full_sequence = ''
mut_count = 0
# Mask and unmask sequentially
for i in range(len(sequence)):
log_update(f"\t\t\t- pos {i+1}/{len(sequence)}")
all_probabilities = {} # stored probabilities of each AA at this position
# Mask JUST the current position
masked_seq = sequence[:i] + '<mask>' + sequence[i+1:]
inputs = tokenizer(masked_seq, return_tensors="pt", padding=True, truncation=True,max_length=2000)
inputs = {k: for k, v in inputs.items()}
# Forward pass
with torch.no_grad():
logits = model(**inputs).logits
# Find logits at masked positions (should just be 1!)
mask_token_index = torch.where(inputs["input_ids"] == tokenizer.mask_token_id)[1]
mask_token_logits = logits[0, mask_token_index, :]
mask_token_probs = F.softmax(mask_token_logits, dim=-1)
# Collect probabilities for natural AAs (token IDs 4-23 inclusive)
for token_idx in range(4, 23 + 1):
token = mask_token_probs[0, token_idx]
replaced_text = tokenizer.decode([token_idx])
all_probabilities[replaced_text] = token.item()
# Isolate top n mutations
#get_top_k_mutations(tokenizer, mask_token_logits, all_probabilities, sequence, i, top_10_mutations, k=10)
get_top_k_aa_mutations(all_probabilities, sequence, i, top_10_mutations, k=10)
# Building whole decoded sequence with top 1 token
top_1_tokens = torch.topk(mask_token_logits, 1, dim=1).indices[0].item()
new_residue = tokenizer.decode([top_1_tokens])
decoded_full_sequence += new_residue
# Check how many mutations in total
if sequence[i] != new_residue:
mut_count += 1
# Convert results into DataFrame
original_residues = []
top10_mutations = []
positions = []
all_logits = []
for (original_residue, position), (top10, probs) in top_10_mutations.items():
positions.append(position+1) # originally this line was "position" but it should be position + 1
df = pd.DataFrame({
'Original Residue': original_residues,
'Position': positions,
'Top 10 Mutations': top10_mutations,
'All Probabilities': all_logits,
df['Top Mutation'] = df['Top 10 Mutations'].apply(lambda x: x.split(',')[0])
df['Top 3 Mutations'] = df['Top 10 Mutations'].apply(lambda x: ','.join(x.split(',')[0:3]))
df['Top 4 Mutations'] = df['Top 10 Mutations'].apply(lambda x: ','.join(x.split(',')[0:4]))
df['Top 5 Mutations'] = df['Top 10 Mutations'].apply(lambda x: ','.join(x.split(',')[0:5]))
return df, decoded_full_sequence, mut_count
def evaluate_literature_mut_performance(predicted_mutations_df, literature_mutations_df, decoded_full_sequence, mut_count, sequence="", focus_region_start=0, focus_region_end=0, offset=0):
Given a dataframe of predicted mutations and literature mutations, see how well the predicted mutations did
log_update("\t\tComparing predicted mutations to literature-provided mutations")
return_df = predicted_mutations_df.copy(deep=True)
return_df['Literature Mutation'] = [np.nan]*len(return_df)
return_df['Top 1 Hit'] = [np.nan]*len(return_df)
return_df['Top 3 Hit'] = [np.nan]*len(return_df)
return_df['Top 4 Hit'] = [np.nan]*len(return_df)
return_df['Top 5 Hit'] = [np.nan]*len(return_df)
return_df['Top 10 Hit'] = [np.nan]*len(return_df)
log_update(f"\tFormula: new position = {focus_region_start} + lit_position - {offset}")
# Iterate through the literature mutations rows
for i, row in literature_mutations_df.iterrows():
lit_position = row['Position']
lit_mutations = row['Mutation']
original_residue = row['Original Residue']
seq_position = focus_region_start + (lit_position - offset) # find position of the sequence
matching_row = return_df[return_df['Position'] == seq_position]
matching_row_index = matching_row.index
matching_residue = matching_row.iloc[0]['Original Residue']
match = original_residue==matching_residue
log_update(f"\tLit pos: {lit_position}, OG residue: {original_residue}, Full sequence pos: {seq_position}, Full sequence residue: {matching_residue}\n\t\tMatch: {match}")
# Iterate through the matching rows. We are at the right spot if we have the right original residue.
if match:
top_mutation = matching_row.iloc[0]['Top Mutation'] # get top 3 mutations
top_mutation = top_mutation.split(',')
return_df.loc[matching_row_index, 'Literature Mutation'] = lit_mutations # get desired mutation
# If we got any of the mutatios reported in the literature, hit!
if any(letter in lit_mutations for letter in top_mutation):
return_df.loc[matching_row_index, 'Top 1 Hit'] = True
return_df.loc[matching_row_index, 'Top 1 Hit'] = False
for k in [3,4,5,10]:
top_k_mutations = matching_row.iloc[0][f'Top {k} Mutations'] # get top 3 mutations
top_k_mutations = top_k_mutations.split(",")
return_df.loc[matching_row_index, 'Literature Mutation'] = lit_mutations # get desired mutation
# If we got any of the mutatios reported in the literature, hit!
if any(letter in lit_mutations for letter in top_k_mutations):
return_df.loc[matching_row_index, f'Top {k} Hit'] = True
return_df.loc[matching_row_index, f'Top {k} Hit'] = False
return return_df, (decoded_full_sequence, mut_count, (mut_count/len(sequence)) * 100)
def evaluate_eml4_alk(model, tokenizer, device, model_str):
alk_muts = pd.read_csv("alk_mutations.csv")
decoded_full_sequence, mut_count = None, None
EML4_ALK_SEQ = np.nan ## not publicly available
cons_domain_alk = np.nan # no publicly available
focus_region_start = EML4_ALK_SEQ.find(cons_domain_alk)
if os.path.isfile(f"eml4_alk_mutations/{model_str}/mutated_df.csv"):
log_update(f"Mutation predictions for {model_str} have already been calculated. Loading from eml4_alk_mutations/{model_str}/mutated_df.csv")
mutated_df = pd.read_csv(f"eml4_alk_mutations/{model_str}/mutated_df.csv")
mutated_summary = pd.read_csv(f"eml4_alk_mutations/{model_str}/mutated_summary.csv")
decoded_full_sequence = mutated_summary['decoded_full_sequence'][0]
mut_count = mutated_summary['mut_count'][0]
mutated_df, decoded_full_sequence, mut_count = predict_positionwise_mutations(model, tokenizer, device, EML4_ALK_SEQ)
mutated_summary = pd.DataFrame(data={'decoded_full_sequence':[decoded_full_sequence],'mut_count':[mut_count]})
lit_performance_df, (mut_seq, mut_count, mut_pcnt) = evaluate_literature_mut_performance(mutated_df, alk_muts, decoded_full_sequence, mut_count,
focus_region_end = focus_region_start + len(cons_domain_alk),
offset=1115 # original: 1116
return lit_performance_df, (mut_seq, mut_count, mut_pcnt)
def evaluate_bcr_abl(model, tokenizer, device, model_str):
abl_muts = pd.read_csv("abl_mutations.csv")
decoded_full_sequence, mut_count = None, None
BCR_ABL_SEQ = np.nan ## not publicly available
cons_domain_abl = np.nan ## not publicly available
focus_region_start = BCR_ABL_SEQ.find(cons_domain_abl)
if os.path.isfile(f"bcr_abl_mutations/{model_str}/mutated_df.csv"):
log_update(f"Mutation predictions for {model_str} have already been calculated. Loading from bcr_abl_mutations/{model_str}/mutated_df.csv")
mutated_df = pd.read_csv(f"bcr_abl_mutations/{model_str}/mutated_df.csv")
mutated_summary = pd.read_csv(f"bcr_abl_mutations/{model_str}/mutated_summary.csv")
decoded_full_sequence = mutated_summary['decoded_full_sequence'][0]
mut_count = mutated_summary['mut_count'][0]
mutated_df, decoded_full_sequence, mut_count = predict_positionwise_mutations(model, tokenizer, device, BCR_ABL_SEQ)
mutated_summary = pd.DataFrame(data={'decoded_full_sequence':[decoded_full_sequence],'mut_count':[mut_count]})
lit_performance_df, (mut_seq, mut_count, mut_pcnt) = evaluate_literature_mut_performance(mutated_df, abl_muts, decoded_full_sequence, mut_count,
focus_region_end = focus_region_start + len(cons_domain_abl),
offset=241 # original: 242
return lit_performance_df, (mut_seq, mut_count, mut_pcnt)
def summarize_individual_performance(performance_df, path_to_lit_df):
performance_df = dataframe with stats on performance
path_to_lit_df = original dataframe
# Load original df
lit_muts = pd.read_csv(path_to_lit_df)
# Mutated Sequence,Original Residue,Position,Top 3 Mutations,Literature Mutation,Hit,All Probabilities
mut_rows = performance_df.loc[performance_df['Literature Mutation'].notna()].reset_index(drop=True)
mut_rows = mut_rows[['Original Residue','Position','Literature Mutation',
'Top Mutation','Top 1 Hit',
'Top 3 Mutations','Top 3 Hit',
'Top 4 Mutations','Top 4 Hit',
'Top 5 Mutations','Top 5 Hit',
'Top 10 Mutations','Top 10 Hit'
mut_rows_str = mut_rows.to_string(index=False)
mut_rows_str = "\t\t" + mut_rows_str.replace("\n","\n\t\t")
log_update(f"\tPerformance on all mutated positions shown below:\n{mut_rows_str}")
# Summarize: total hits, percentage of hits
total_original_muts = len(lit_muts)
for k in [1,3,4,5,10]:
total_hits = len(mut_rows.loc[mut_rows[f'Top {k} Hit']==True])
total_misses = len(mut_rows.loc[mut_rows[f'Top {k} Hit']==False])
total_potential_muts = total_hits+total_misses
hit_pcnt = round(100*total_hits/total_potential_muts, 2)
miss_pcnt = round(100*total_misses/total_potential_muts, 2)
log_update(f"\tTotal positions tested / total positions mutated in literature: {total_potential_muts}/{total_original_muts}")
log_update(f"\n\t\tTop {k} hit performance:\n\t\t\tHits:{total_hits} ({hit_pcnt}%)\n\t\t\tMisses:{total_misses} ({miss_pcnt}%)")
def main():
output_dir = f'results/{get_local_time()}'
with open_logfile(f"{output_dir}/mutation_discovery_log.txt"):
# Make sure environment variables are set correctly
# Get device
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
log_update(f"Using device: {device}")
# Load fuson
fuson_ckpt_path = config.FUSON_PLM_CKPT
if fuson_ckpt_path=="FusOn-pLM":
model_name = "fuson_plm"
model_epoch = "best"
model_str = f"fuson_plm/best"
model_name = list(fuson_ckpt_path.keys())[0]
epoch = list(fuson_ckpt_path.values())[0]
fuson_ckpt_path = f'../../training/checkpoints/{model_name}/checkpoint_epoch_{epoch}'
model_name, model_epoch = fuson_ckpt_path.split('/')[-2::]
model_epoch = model_epoch.split('checkpoint_')[-1]
model_str = f"{model_name}/{model_epoch}"
log_update(f"\nLoading FusOn-pLM model from {fuson_ckpt_path}")
fuson_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(fuson_ckpt_path)
fuson_model = AutoModelForMaskedLM.from_pretrained(fuson_ckpt_path)
# Evaluate BCR::ABL performance with FusOn
log_update("\tEvaluating performance on BCR::ABL mutation prediction with FusOn")
abl_lit_performance_fuson, (mut_seq, mut_count, mut_pcnt) = evaluate_bcr_abl(fuson_model, fuson_tokenizer, device, model_str)
abl_lit_performance_fuson.to_csv(f'{output_dir}/BCR_ABL_mutation_recovery_fuson.csv', index = False)
with open(f'{output_dir}/BCR_ABL_mutation_recovery_fuson_summary.txt', 'w') as f:
f.write(f'number of mutations: {mut_count}')
f.write(f'percentage of seq mutated: {mut_pcnt}')
# Evaluate EML4::ALK performance with Fuson
log_update("\tEvaluating performance on EML4::ALK mutation prediction with FusOn")
alk_lit_performance_fuson, (mut_seq, mut_count, mut_pcnt) = evaluate_eml4_alk(fuson_model, fuson_tokenizer, device, model_str)
alk_lit_performance_fuson.to_csv(f'{output_dir}/EML4_ALK_mutation_recovery_fuson.csv', index = False)
with open(f'{output_dir}/EML4_ALK_mutation_recovery_fuson_summary.txt', 'w') as f:
f.write(f'number of mutations: {mut_count}')
f.write(f'percentage of seq mutated: {mut_pcnt}')
### Summarize
log_update("\nSummarizing FusOn-pLM performance on BCR::ABL")
summarize_individual_performance(abl_lit_performance_fuson, "abl_mutations.csv")
log_update("\nSummarizing FusOn-pLM performance on EML4::ALK")
summarize_individual_performance(alk_lit_performance_fuson, "alk_mutations.csv")
if __name__ == "__main__":
main() |