[ [ { "prompt": "Extracted text: 855xxA/B Series CalPods and \n85523B CalPod Controller\nThis document provides information on 855xxA/B Series CalPods, explaining how to set up all software and \nhardware, how to confirm operation, and how to use with a PNA Microwave Network Analyzer.\nOPERATIONS AND SERVICE GUIDE\nNotices\n\u00a9 Keysight Technologies, Inc. \n2013-2024\nNo part of this manual may be \nreproduced in any form or by any \nmeans (including electronic storage \nand retrieval or translation into a \nforeign language) without prior \nagreement and written consent from \nKeysight Technologies, Inc. as \ngoverned by United States and \ninternational copyright laws.\nTrademark Acknowledgments\nManual Part Number\n85523-90005\nEdition\nPrint Date: June 2024\nSupersedes: January 2023\nPrinted in USA/Malaysia\nPublished by:\nKeysight Technologies\n1400 Fountaingrove Parkway Santa \nRosa, CA 95403\nWarranty\nTHE MATERIAL CONTAINED IN \nTHIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED \u201cAS \nIS,\u201d AND IS SUBJECT TO BEING \nCHANGED, WITHOUT NOTICE, IN \nFUTURE EDITIONS. FURTHER, TO \nTHE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED \nBY APPLICABLE LAW, KEYSIGHT \nDISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, \nEITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WITH \nREGARD TO THIS MANUAL AND \nANY INFORMATION CONTAINED \nHEREIN, INCLUDING BUT NOT \nLIMITED TO THE IMPLIED \nWARRANTIES OF \nMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS \nFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. \nKEYSIGHT SHALL NOT BE LIABLE \nFOR ERRORS OR FOR INCIDENTAL \nOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN \nCONNECTION WITH THE \nFURNISHING, USE, OR \nPERFORMANCE OF THIS \nDOCUMENT OR ANY INFORMATION \nCONTAINED HEREIN. SHOULD \nKEYSIGHT AND THE USER HAVE A \nSEPARATE WRITTEN AGREEMENT \nWITH WARRANTY TERMS \nCOVERING THE MATERIAL IN THIS \nDOCUMENT THAT CONFLICT WITH \nTHESE TERMS, THE WARRANTY \nTERMS IN THE SEPARATE \nAGREEMENT WILL CONTROL.\nTechnology Licenses\nThe hardware and/or software \ndescribed in this document are \nfurnished under a license and may be \nused or copied only in accordance \nwith the terms of such license.\nU.S. Government Rights\nThe Software is \u201ccommercial \ncomputer software,\u201d as defined \nby Federal Acquisition Regulation \n(\u201cFAR\u201d) 2.101. Pursuant to FAR \n12.212 and 27.405-3 and \nDepartment of Defense FAR \nSupplement (\u201cDFARS\u201d) 227.7202, \nthe U.S. government acquires \ncommercial computer software \nunder the same terms by which \nthe software is customarily \nprovided to the public. \nAccordingly, Keysight provides \nthe Software to U.S. government \ncustomers under its standard \ncommercial license, which is \nembodied in its End User License \nAgreement (EULA), a copy of \nwhich can be found at \nhttp://www.keysight.com/find/sweula \nThe license set forth in the EULA \nrepresents the exclusive authority \nby which the U.S. government \nmay use, modify, distribute, or \ndisclose the Software. The EULA \nand the license set forth therein, \ndoes not require or permit, \namong other things, that \nKeysight: (1) Furnish technical \ninformation related to \ncommercial computer software \nor commercial computer \nsoftware documentation that is \nnot customarily provided to the \npublic; or (2) Relinquish to, or \notherwise provide, the \ngovernment rights in excess of \nthese rights customarily provided \nto the public to use, modify, \nreproduce, release, perform, \ndisplay, or disclose commercial \ncomputer software or \ncommercial computer software \ndocumentation. No additional \ngovernment requirements \nbeyond those set forth in the \nEULA shall apply, except to the \nextent that those terms, rights, or \nlicenses are explicitly required \nfrom all providers of commercial \ncomputer software pursuant to \nthe FAR and the DFARS and are \nset forth specifically in writing \nelsewhere in the EULA. Keysight \nshall be under no obligation to \nupdate, revise or otherwise \nmodify the Software. With \nrespect to any technical data as \ndefined by FAR 2.101, pursuant \nto FAR 12.211 and 27.404.2 and \nDFARS 227.7102, the U.S. \ngovernment acquires no greater \nthan Limited Rights as defined in \nFAR 27.401 or DFAR 227.7103-5 \n(c), as applicable in any technical \ndata.\nSafety Notices\nA CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. It \ncalls attention to an operating \nprocedure, practice, or the like that, \nif not correctly performed or adhered \nto, could result in damage to the \nproduct or loss of important data. Do \nnot proceed beyond a CAUTION \nnotice until the indicated conditions \nare fully understood and met. \nA WARNING notice denotes a hazard. \nIt calls attention to an operating \nprocedure, practice, or the like that, \nif not correctly performed or adhered \nto, could result in personal injury or \ndeath. Do not proceed beyond a \nWARNING notice until the indicated \nconditions are fully understood and \nmet.\nContents\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n1\nTable of Contents\n1.\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1\nChapter Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1\nStep 1. Inspect the Shipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2\nStep 2. Meet Electrical and Environmental Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6\nStep 3. Download the CalPod Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7\nStep 4. A Model PNA/PNA-L/PNA-X and E836xC Instruments Only \n (B Models Ignore This Step): Enable the CalPod Firmware License \n (Option 301 or 302) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9\nStep 5. Confirm the PNA Model, Firmware Revision, and Installed Options . . . . . . . . . 1-9\nStep 6. Load Temperature Characterization Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11\nStep 7. Connect the LAN Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12\nStep 8. Confirm the Settings on the CalPod Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13\nStep 9. Configure the CalPods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14\nStep 10. Configure the Hardware for a Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-18\nStep 11. Perform Initial 2-Port Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-19\nStep 12. Initialize the CalPods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-22\nStep 13. Configure the Hardware for a Measurement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-23\nStep 14. Recorrect (Refresh) the CalPods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-23\nStep 15: Measure the DUT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-24\n2.\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1\nChapter Overview (Hyperlinks). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1\n85523B Calpod Controller Dimensions and Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2\n85523B CalPod Controller Front Panel Output Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2\nCalPod Operational Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2\nCalibration Types Not Supported by CalPods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2\nSetting a Static IP Address on the PNA (When Using USB 2.0 to LAN Adapter). . . . . . 2-3\nAlternative Configuration for the LAN Cable (Not recommended) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is 2 Meters or Less . . . . . . . . 2-6\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is More Than 2 Meters . . . . . 2-7\nConfiguration: Using a 1 x 12 CalPod Cable Fan-Out Splitter for \nMore Than Four CalPods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and Splitter is Less Than 2 Meters. . . . . . 2-8\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and Splitter is More Than 2 Meters . . . . . 2-8\nConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9\n2 \n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nContents\n2-10\nConfiguration: Long Distance Between Splitter and CalPod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10\nConfiguration: Control Through a TVAC Chamber Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11\n3.\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nContacting Keysight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1\nMaintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2\nShipment for Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2\nSafety Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3\nGeneral Safety Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4\nSafety Earth Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4\nBefore Applying Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4\nServicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4\nRegulatory Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6\nInstructions for Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6\nInstrument Markings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7\nCompliance Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8\nEnvironmental Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10\nWarranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10\nConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller \nOver a Long Distance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n1\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nTo get the most out of your purchase, it is recommended that this User\u2019s Guide \nbe read carefully and completely. \nThis document provides information on 855xxA/B Series CalPods, explaining \nhow to set up all software and hardware, how to confirm operation, and how to \nuse with a PNA Microwave Network Analyzer.\n855xxA/B Series CalPods eliminate errors due to cable or test system \ninstability. CalPods simplify the process of recalibrating the PNA by not \nrequiring the removal of the Device Under Test (DUT) or the physical \nconnection of standards. This allows recalibrating from a remote location, such \nas when the DUT is used with very long cables in a temperature chamber or \nTVAC (thermal-vacuum) chamber.\n855xxA/B Series CalPod Models:\n\u2014 85530B 20 GHz CalPod (Standard)\n\u2014 85531B 20 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)\n\u2014 85532B 20 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)\n\u2014 85540B 40 GHz CalPod (Standard)\n\u2014 85541B 40 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)\n\u2014 85542B 40 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)\nEach 855xxA/B Series CalPod is controlled with the 85523B CalPod Controller.\nChapter Overview\n\u2014 \u201cStep 1. Inspect the Shipment\u201d on page 1-2\n\u2014 \u201cStep 2. Meet Electrical and Environmental Requirements\u201d on page 1-6\n\u2014 \u201cStep 3. Download the CalPod Software\u201d on page 1-7\n\u2014 \u201cStep 4. A Model PNA/PNA-L/PNA-X and E836xC Instruments Only (B \nModels Ignore This Step): Enable the CalPod Firmware License (Option \n301 or 302)\u201d on page 1-9\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n 1-1\n 1-2\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n\u2014 \u201cStep 5. Confirm the PNA Model, Firmware Revision, and Installed \nOptions\u201d on page 1-9\n\u2014 \u201cStep 6. Load Temperature Characterization Data\u201d on page 1-11\n\u2014 \u201cStep 7. Connect the LAN Cable\u201d on page 1-12\n\u2014 \u201cStep 8. Confirm the Settings on the CalPod Controller\u201d on page 1-13\n\u2014 \u201cStep 9. Configure the CalPods\u201d on page 1-14\n\u2014 \u201cStep 10. Configure the Hardware for a Calibration\u201d on page 1-18\n\u2014 \u201cStep 11. Perform Initial 2-Port Calibration\u201d on page 1-19\n\u2014 \u201cStep 12. Initialize the CalPods\u201d on page 1-22\n\u2014 \u201cStep 13. Configure the Hardware for a Measurement\u201d on page 1-23\n\u2014 \u201cStep 14. Recorrect (Refresh) the CalPods\u201d on page 1-23\n\u2014 \u201cStep 15: Measure the DUT\u201d on page 1-24\nStep 1. Inspect the Shipment\n1. Unpack the contents of the shipping container. Keep the container and\npackaging material in case the contents needs to be returned to the\nfactory.\n2. Use the Contents List in the shipping container to verify the completeness\nof your shipment. If not complete, refer to \u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on\npage 3-1.\n3. Carefully inspect each item in your shipment to make sure it was not\ndamaged during shipment. If damaged, refer to \u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on\npage 3-1.\nThe following pages list items that may be included in your shipment, \ndepending on what you purchased. Your shipment may not contain all \nitems shown. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-3\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nTable 1-1 \nShipment Items\n85530B 100 MHz to 20 GHz CalPod (Standard)1, or \n85540B 500 MHz to 40 GHz CalPod (Standard)1, 2\n85531B 100 MHz to 20 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)1, or \n85541B 500 MHz to 40 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)1, 2\nNOTE\nAs shown in the graphic below, each temperature characterized CalPod comes with a USB \ndrive that has a matching serial number. Each USB drive contains temperature \ncharacterization data that is unique to each 85531B 20 GHz CalPod or 85541B 40 GHz \nCalPod.\n85532B 100 MHz to 20 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)1, or \n85542B 500 MHz to 40 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)1, 2 \nPhotos of the 85532B 20 GHz CalPod and the 85542B 40 GHz CalPod are not available. However, these CalPod \nmodels look the same as the 85531A 20 GHz CalPod shown above, except for the label.\nRF2 Connector \n2.92 mm (m)\nRF1 Connector \n2.92 mm (f)\nCTRL Connector \n9 Pin\nCalPod\nUSB Drive\n 1-4\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n85523B CalPod Controller1\n0960-2955 USB 2.0 to LAN Adapter, 7.5 inch3\n85553A CalPod Drive Cable (2 meter, 28 AWG) included with:\n\u2014 85530B 20 GHz CalPod (Standard)\n\u2014 85531B 20 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)\n\u2014 85532B 20 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)\n\u2014 85540B 40 GHz CalPod (Standard)\n\u2014 85541B 40 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)\n\u2014 85542B 40 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)\nTable 1-1 \nShipment Items\nConnects only to \n85330/31/32B and \n85540/41/42A/B CalPods \n(9-pin male connector)\nConnects to 85523B \nCalPod controller or \n85554A 10 meter CalPod \ndrive cable extension \n(12-pin male connector)\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-5\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nNOTE\nCalPod drive cables vary, depending on the CalPod model. The cables have connector \nalignment keys that allow only the proper cable to connect to the appropriate CalPod. This \nensures that no mistake is made when connecting the drive cable to the CalPod. \nA CalPod drive cable with two alignment keys (shown below) is used with the \n85530/31/32B 20 GHz CalPods as well as the 85540/41/42A/B 40 GHz CalPods. The \nolder 85530/31/32A CalPods use the drive cable with only one alignment key (shown \nbelow).\n85554A 20 GHz and 40 GHz CalPod Drive Cable Extension4 (10 meter, 22 AWG)\n85555A Splitter Drive Cable (2 meter, 22 AWG) included with 85556A 1x12 Fan-Out Cable Splitter\nTable 1-1 \nShipment Items\n 1-6\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\nStep 2. Meet Electrical and Environmental Requirements\n1. Ensure the available AC power source meets the following requirements:\n\u2014 Frequency\n\u2014 50/60 Hz\n\u2014 Voltage\n\u2014 100/120/220/240 VAC\n\u2014 Power (maximum consumed)\n\u2014 350 W \n2. Ensure the operating environment meets the requirements found in\n\u201cEnvironmental Information\u201d on page 3-9.\n85556A 1x12 Fan-Out Cable Splitter\nThe 85556A 1x12 fan-out cable splitter is used to drive up to 12 CalPods from a single port on the 85523B CalPod \ncontroller.\nFor information on connecting more than four CalPods in a measurement hardware configuration, refer to \n\u201cConfiguration: Using a 1 x 12 CalPod Cable Fan-Out Splitter for More Than Four CalPods\u201d on \npage 2-7.\n1. For CalPod drive cables, see Table 1-1 on page 1-3.\n2. Although the 85540B, 85541B, and the 85542B 40 GHz CalPods are only characterized from 500 MHz to 40 GHz, they can \nfunction from 100 MHz to 40 GHz.\n3. The device driver software for the USB 2.0 to LAN Adapter is installed during the procedure \u201cStep 3. Download the\nCalPod Software\u201d on page 1-7.\n4. CalPod drive cable extensions may be used with either the 85552A 20 GHz CalPod drive cable or the 85553A 40 GHz \nCalPod drive cable.\nThis instrument has autoranging line voltage input. Be sure the supply \nvoltage is within the specified range.\nTable 1-1 \nShipment Items\nThe instrument can operate with mains supply voltage fluctuations up to \n+/- 10% of the nominal voltage. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-7\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n3. Verify that the AC power cable is not damaged, and that the power-source\noutlet provides a protective earth contact.\nStep 3. Download the CalPod Software\nThe CalPod Software includes all software required for full \nCalPod operation. \n1. On the PNA, select File > Minimize Application.\n2. Connect a LAN cable to the PNA for access to the Internet.\n3. Select an applicable browser (typically Microsoft Edge or Google\nChrome).\n4. From the Keysight.com home page, search for \"CalPod Software\" or go\nto https://www.keysight.com/us/en/lib/software-detail/instrument-\nfirmware-software/calpod-software.html\n5. Note the message on the CalPod Software front page that reads\n\"Install this application software on a PNA running (firmware version\nnumber) firmware or above.\" See example below.\nEnsure you have the minimum or greater version of the firmware \nneeded. If a firmware update is needed on your PNA, go to \nhttps://www.keysight.com/us/en/lib/software-detail/instrument-\nfirmware-software/n52xxb-pna-series-network-analyzer-\nfirmware.html and download the latest version.\nUse the Keysight supplied power cord or one with the same or better \nelectrical rating. Failure to ensure adequate earth grounding by not using \nthis cord may cause personal injury or product damage.\nThe following steps assume that the CalPod Software has not previously \nbeen installed on the PNA. By default, the B-Model PNAs will already \nhave CalPod software installed (CalPod 2.0).\n 1-8\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n6. Once the firmware version has been verified, or a new version has been\ndownloaded and installed, download the CalPod Software and follow\nthe InstallShield Wizard prompts.\n7. Wait for an InstallShield Wizard screen with a \u201cFinish\u201d button. When it\nappears, select Finish.\n8. Select Exit.\n9. In the newly created \"CalPod API\" folder on the C: drive, you'll find the\napplication \"PXI_CalPod_Utilities.\" Opening the application will present\nyou with the following screen:\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-9\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nStep 4. A Model PNA/PNA-L/PNA-X and E836xC Instruments Only\n (B Models Ignore This Step): Enable the CalPod Firmware\n License (Option 301 or 302)\nTo use the CalPod Software package that was downloaded in \u201cStep 3. \nDownload the CalPod Software\u201d on page 1-7, the CalPod firmware license \noption (301 or 302) has to be enabled using a keyword that is specific for your \nPNA model and serial number. This keyword was sent to you by Keysight. Use \nthe following instructions to enter the keyword in the PNA using the PNA \nfront panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\n1. On the PNA, press SYSTEM > [Service] > [Option Enable].\n2. In the Option Enable dialog box, use the pull-down menu to select the\nCalPod firmware option you bought with your initial purchase. If you don\u2019t\nknow which option was purchased, refer to the papers in the shipment\ncontainer.\n3. Enter the keyword.\n4. Select Permanent > Enable.\n5. Click Yes to restart the PNA and enable the new firmware.\n6. Click Exit.\nStep 5. Confirm the PNA Model, Firmware Revision, and Installed \nOptions\n1. If not already active, start the PNA application.\n2. Select the Help pull down menu.\n3. Select About Network Analyzer and note the following:\na. PNA model.\nb. PNA firmware (application code) version.\nc. PNA option 301 or 302 is installed.\n4. Compare the information you just noted with the information in Table 1-2.\nIf your PNA is not compatible with your CalPods, or if Option 301 or 302 is\nnot installed, contact Keysight. Refer to \u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on\npage 3-1. If you have an old version of PNA firmware, go to\nhttps://www.keysight.com/us/en/lib/software-detail/instrument-\nfirmware-software/n52xxb-pna-series-network-analyzer-firmware.html\nand download the latest version.\nFor A model PNA/PNA-X/PNA-L\u2019s and E8456xC instruments, if you have do \nnot have Option 301 or 302 installed, contact Keysight. Refer to \n\u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on page 3-1. See also, Table 1-2 on page 1-10.\n 1-10\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n5. Select OK.\n6. Select the File pull down menu and select Minimize Application.\nPNA Options for CalPod Firmware\nPNA firmware option 301 is used for ambient temperature operation of \nCalPods and provides accurate recorrection capabilities over the temperature \nrange +20 to +30 \u00b0C. A maximum of only four CalPods can be controlled with \noption 301. The temperature compensated and thermal-vacuum environment \nCalPods can be used with firmware option 301, but they will not have \ntemperature compensation capabilities.\nPNA firmware option 302 is used for temperature compensated and \nthermal-vacuum CalPods, and provides accurate recorrection capabilities over \nthe temperature range \u201330 to +80 \u00b0C. With firmware option 302, up to 48 \nCalPods can be controlled, but only four CalPods at a time can be recorrected.\nTable 1-2 \nPNA Models, Firmware, Firmware Options Required for 855xxA/B Series \nCalPods\nPNA Models\nPNA Firmware \nVersion\nPNA Options (CalPod \nFirmware License)\n855xxA/B CalPod Modules\nN524xB PNA-X\nA.13.25.04 or later\nNo options. \n(Firmware includes Option \n301/302.)\n85530B 20 GHz CalPod \n85540B 40 GHz CalPod \n85531B 20 GHz CalPod \n85532B 20 GHz CalPod \n85542B 40 GHz CalPod\nN522xB PNA\nN523xB PNA-L\nN524xA PNA-X\nA.09.33.05 or later\nOption 301\n85530B 20 GHz CalPod\nN522xA PNA\n85540B 40 GHz CalPod\nN523xA PNA-L\nOption 302\n85531B 20 GHz CalPod\nN5230C PNA-L\n85532B 20 GHz CalPod\nE836xC PNA\nA.09.85.07 or earlier\n85541B 40 GHz CalPod\n85542B 40 GHz CalPod\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-11\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nStep 6. Load Temperature Characterization Data\nIf your CalPod model is an 85531B, 85532B, 85541B, or 85542B, it is \ntemperature compensated, and was shipped with a USB drive that has a \nmatching serial number \u2013 refer to Figure 1-1 on page 1-12. The USB drive \ncontains Temperature Characterization data that must be loaded into the PNA. \nTo do so, use the following procedure.\n1. Insert the USB drive into any USB port on the PNA.\n2. To access the Windows desktop when the PNA application is active, select\nFile > Minimize Application.\n3. Right-click on Start. and select Explore.\n4. Navigate to the files on the USB drive, and double-click setup.exe to run\nthe program.\n5. In the dialog window titled \u201cCalPod Thermal Characterization Data Install\nUtility,\u201d click \u201cI accept license terms...\u201d and wait for additional text to be\ndisplayed. This loads CalPod Temperature Characterization data in the\nPNA.\n6. When \u201cPNA restore archive complete\u201d is displayed at the bottom of the\nwindow, close the window.\n7. Remove the USB drive from the PNA.\n8. Repeat Step 6. for each CalPod to be used with the PNA.\nThe following process is required for 85531B, 85532B, 85541B, and \n85542B Cal Pods. It is not required for an 85530B or 85540B CalPod \nsince these models do not have Temperature Characterization data. \n 1-12\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\nFigure 1-1 \nUSB Drive Matches Serial Number on CalPod\nStep 7. Connect the LAN Cable\n\u2014 The following graphic shows the recommended configuration for the LAN \ncable. Information on an alternative configuration can be found at \n\u201cAlternative Configuration for the LAN Cable (Not recommended)\u201d on \npage 2-4. Although this alternative is not recommended, it can be used \nwhen the USB 2.0 to LAN adapter is not available.\n\u2014 85523B CalPod Controllers do not support DHCP networking.\n\u2014 The 85523B CalPod Controller is set to a static IP Address (default: \n192.168.0.100.)\nA LAN cable is required but is not included. Either a standard or cross-over \nLAN cable can be used. (A cross-over LAN cable is used to connect \ncomputing devices together directly where they would normally be \nconnected via a network switch, hub, or router.) \nSerial Number on USB Drive\n(ignore preceding letters)\nSerial Number on CalPod \n(ignore preceding letters)\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-13\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n\u2014 For additional information on making connections to the LAN using network \nswitches and network hubs, contact your network administrator. \n1. As shown in the graphic above, connect a LAN cable (not included) to the\nrear of the 85523B CalPod Controller and connect the other end to the\nUSB 2.0 to LAN adapter (part number 0960-2955).\n2. As shown in the graphic above, connect the USB 2.0 to LAN adapter to a\nUSB port on the PNA. (Typically this is on the rear of the PNA, but any USB\nport can be used.)\n3. Verify that AC line cords are connected to both the PNA and CalPod\nController and that they are powered on.\n4. Select File > Minimize Application.\n5. Run the CalPod LAN Config icon on the PNA desktop and select 2.\nUSB-to-LAN- Adapter.\n6. Follow the remaining prompts.\nStep 8. Confirm the Settings on the CalPod Controller\nUse either of the following methods to run the IP setup utility and confirm the \ndefault settings shown in the table below.\nMethod 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\n 1-14\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n\u2014 On the PNA, press CAL > [More] > [CalPod] > [CalPod]. \n\u2014 On the dialog window titled \u201cCalibration Module Refresh Configuration,\u201d \nclick [CalPod Setup].\n\u2014 On the dialog window titled \u201cCalPod Setup,\u201d click [IP Setup].\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\n\u2014 On the PNA, click Start > Programs > CalPod > API > IP Setup.\nIf the default settings are not correctly displayed, use the keypad to enter them \nin the IP Setup dialog window.\nThe default addresses for the 85523B CalPod Controller are shown in the \nfollowing table.\nFor additional information on making connections to the LAN using network \nswitches and network hubs, contact your network administrator.\nStep 9. Configure the CalPods\n1. Connect each CalPod to the CalPod controller, as shown in the following\ngraphic.\nFor CalPod drive cables, see \u201cStep 1. Inspect the Shipment\u201d on page 1-2. \n2. If not already active, start the PNA application.\nSetting\nDefault Address\nIP\n192.168.0.100\nNetwork mask\n255.255.255.0\nGateway\n192.168.0.1\nDNS\n0.0.0.0 (or leave \nblank)\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-15\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n3. Start the CalPod dialog window titled \u201cCalibration Refresh Module\nConfiguration\u201d using either method below.\nMethod 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\nPress CAL > [More] > [Calpod] > [Calpod]\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\nClick Response > Cal > Calpod > Calpod\n4. Select CalPod Setup on the Calibration Refresh Module Configuration\nwindow.\nIf a \u201cWindows Security Alert\u201d appears that is related to the etrak Api, select \n\u201cUnblock.\". \n 1-16\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n5. If using thermal CalPods, the serial numbers will automatically appear in\nthe CalPod Setup dialog window. However, if using standard CalPods,\nenter a CalPod serial number, omitting preceding letters, then click Add\nCalPod.\nIn the dialog window column \u201cCalPod Types:\u201d\n\u2014 \u201cSTANDARD\u201d refers to the 85530B 20 GHz CalPod and 85540B 40 \nGHz CalPod, and requires software Option 301 or 302. The list is \nlimited to four entries when Option 301 is the only option installed.\n\u2014 \u201cTHERMAL\u201d refers to the 85531/32B 20 GHz CalPod and 85541/42B \n40 GHz CalPod, and requires software Option 302. More than four \nentries can be listed with Option 302.\nIn order for a CalPod to be listed as \u201cTHERMAL,\u201d its Temperature \nCharacterization data must have been installed previously in \u201cStep 6. Load \nTemperature Characterization Data\u201d on page 1-11. Without its \nTemperature Characterization data loaded, each CalPod will be listed as a \n\u201cSTANDARD.\u201d\n6. Repeat the previous step for each standard CalPod you are using with the\nPNA.\n7. Using the CalPod Setup dialog window, highlight a CalPod serial number\nand click Test.\nEnter serial number\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-17\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nThe dialog window displays a list of one or more CalPod serial numbers.\n\u2014 If the Test Result dialog window shows \u201cPassed,\u201d the CalPod is \nfunctioning. The temperature displayed is the internal temperature \nof the CalPod microcircuit.\n\u2014 If Test Result shows \u201cFailed,\u201d and the window text contains the \nwords \u201cController @ .... :Failed\u201d\n\u2014 Check that the CalPod Controller is powered on and \nconnected to the PNA correctly. See \u201cStep 7. Connect the \nLAN Cable\u201d on page 1-12.\n\u2014 If all connections appear to be correct and the USB 2.0 to \nLAN Adapter is being used, set a static IP address on the \nPNA. See \u201cSetting a Static IP Address on the PNA (When \nUsing USB 2.0 to LAN Adapter)\u201d on page 2-3.\n\u2014 If Test Result shows Failed and the window text contains the words \n\u201csn .... :Failed,\u201d check that the CalPod is properly connected to the \nCalPod Controller.\n8. After each CalPod serial number has been highlighted and tested, click\nClose to return to the \u201cCalibration Refresh Module Configuration\u201d dialog\nmenu.\n9. Assign each CalPod to a PNA test port.\nHighlight the serial number and select Test\n 1-18\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\na. In the \u201cCalibration Refresh Module Configuration\u201d dialog window\nshown below, under the heading \u201cCalPod Assignments,\u201d assign a\nCalpod to each test port on the PNA. Note that Port 1, Port 2, Port 3,\nand Port 4 refer to the PNA test ports, and not the connector labels\non the 85523B CalPod controller.\nAs indicated in this example, CalPod serial number 50270102 has been \nassigned to PNA test port 1, and CalPod serial number 50270107 has been \nassigned to PNA test port 2.\nb. After each CalPod has been assigned to a test port on the PNA, click\nClose.\nStep 10. Configure the Hardware for a Calibration\nFigure 1-2 on page 1-19 shows a recommended, basic measurement \nhardware configuration for calibrating the PNA when measuring a 2-port DUT. \nFor more configuration options, visit: https://www.keysight.com/us/en/\nproducts/accessories/calibration-modules-kits.html#CalibrationPod.\nThe following items may be required, depending on your measurement \nhardware configuration. \n\u2014 RF Cables \u2013 required to connect each CalPod to a PNA port. CalPods work \nwell with cable losses (one- way loss from CalPod to PNA test port) up to 20 \ndB. CalPods will also work with cable losses greater than 20 dB, but the \nrecorrection performance may be degraded. Consult the 855xxA/B Series \nCalPod Performance Characteristics document (85523-90003) available \nat: https://www.keysight.com/us/en/assets/9921-01890/reference-\nguides/855xxA-B-Series-CalPods-and-85523-CalPod-Controller-\nPerformance-Characteristics.pdf\n\u2014 RF Adapters for the Device Under Test (DUT) \u2013 required if the DUT \nconnectors are not compatible with the CalPod RF2 (2.92 mm male) \nconnector.\n\u2014 Calibration Kit or ECal \u2013 compatible with DUT connectors.\nClicking Help in the dialog window displays CalPod information in the PNA \nSeries Network Analyzer Help System, stored in the PNA. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-19\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n\u2014 (Optional) CalPod Drive Cable Extensions \u2013 The standard CalPod drive \ncable is 2 meters in length. The 85554A CalPod drive cable extension \nprovides an additional 10 meter length. These CalPod drive cable \nextensions can be cascaded.\nFigure 1-2 \nBasic Measurement Hardware Configuration for Calibration (2-Port DUT)\nStep 11. Perform Initial 2-Port Calibration\nInformation\n\u2014 The instructions in this step assume that CalPods are connected to PNA \nPort 1 and Port 2, and that a 2-Port calibration is used.\n\u2014 Most PNA calibration types may be used with CalPods. For details, see \n\u201cCalibration Types Not Supported by CalPods\u201d on page 2-2.\nFigure 1-2 shows an ECal module with 3.5 mm f-f connectors. If using an \nECal module with 3.5 mm m-f connectors, the female connector on the \nECal module must be connected to each CalPod one-at-a-time. Follow the \nguided ECal calibration procedure on the PNA. Avoid using adapters \nbetween the ECal module and the CalPod connectors if possible. \n 1-20\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n\u2014 For information on PNA traces and channels, see the Quick Start section of \nthe PNA Series Network Analyzer Help System (available online and stored \nin the PNA).\n\u2014 Notes on the calibration:\n\u2014 An ECal or a mechanical calibration kit may be used to perform the \ncalibration. An ECal is preferred because the RF cables can remain \ntotally undisturbed during the calibration and initialization steps.\n\u2014 When an ECal is used and multiple connections are required, order \nthe steps such that the final step is an ECal \u201cThru\u201d state connection.\n\u2014 When a mechanical calibration kit is used, take precautions to \nminimize cable movement. Leave the final standards connected \nduring the initialization step in the following procedure.\n\u2014 When the ECal or calibration kit is a 2.4 mm connector type, use \nappropriate adapters on the CalPod RF1 and RF2 connectors (2.92 \nmm) during calibration.\nProcedure\n1. Connect the CalPods to the CalPod Controller.\n2. Power on the CalPod Controller.\n3. Start the CalPod dialog window titled \u201cCalibration Refresh Module\nConfiguration\u201d using either method below.\nMethod 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\nPress CAL > [More] > [Calpod] > [Calpod]\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\nClick Response > Cal > Calpod > Calpod\n4. Assign CalPods to PNA Port 1 and Port 2 or confirm that the appropriate\nassignments already exist. Click the down arrow to select from available\nCalPods for a given port.\n5. Close the CalPod dialog window.\n6. Configure the measurement hardware for the initial calibration.\nIf a \u201cWindows Security Alert\u201d appears that is related to the etrak Api, select \n\u201cUnblock.\u201d \nIt is important to activate the CalPod dialog window at this point to ensure \nthe CalPods are in the \u201cthru\u201d state.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-21\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nThe initial calibration consists of performing a normal calibration (typically \nwith an ECal module), and then transferring this correction array to the \nCalPods when the Initialize Channel command is performed in step 8.\nThe configuration for the initial ECal calibration and CalPod channel \ninitialization can be significantly different from the final measurement \nconfiguration. A short cable between the PNA test port and the CalPod \u2013 \nas shown in the following graphic \u2013 can be used for the initial calibration. \nFor the measurement, an entirely different cable with greater length and \nhigher loss can be substituted between the PNA test ports and the \nCalPods. Additionally, different adapters, and even switch matrices can be \nadded after the initial calibration to enable a measurement configuration.\n7. Set up the measurement parameters on the PNA.\n\u2014 Preset the PNA.\n\u2014 Set up a 2-port measurement channel with the desired parameters \nfor your DUT, including:\n\u2014 class (choose from S-parameters, source power cal and \nreceiver power calibrations, scalar and vector mixer \nmeasurements, gain compression for amplifiers and \nmixers, noise figure for amplifiers and mixers, noise figure \nfor amplifiers or mixers, IMD measurements for amplifiers \nor mixers, IMD spectrum mode)\n\u2014 start and stop frequencies (20 GHz CalPods are \ncharacterized from 100 MHz to 20 GHz; 40 GHz CalPods \nare characterized from 500 MHz to 40 GHz).\n\u2014 number of points\n 1-22\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n8. Use either of the following methods to perform a full 2-port calibration on\nthe PNA using an ECal module (for highest accuracy) or a mechanical\ncalibration kit.\n\u2014 Method 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\nPress Cal > [Start Cal] > [Cal Wizard].\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\nClick Response > Cal > Start Cal > Cal Wizard.\n\u2014 Follow the prompts in the calibration wizard to complete the \ncalibration\n\u2014 Select Save as User CalSet. Any file name that does not contain \n\u201ccalpod\u201d may be used.\nStep 12. Initialize the CalPods\nWithout disturbing any of the measurement hardware, use either of the \nfollowing methods to save the initial calibration into the CalPod correction \narray. This must be done immediately after completing the last step of the \ninitial calibration.\nMethod 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\nPress CAL > [More] > [Calpod] > [Initialize Channel]\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\nClick Response > Calpod > Initialize Channel\nFor best initial calibration results, use a 1 kHz or lower IF bandwidth with \nan averaging factor of eight. Sweep averaging is recommended. For the \nactual DUT measurements, the IF bandwidth and number of averages can \nvary. \nYou must select Save as User CalSet (rather than \u201cFinish\u201d), to save the \ncalibration in the channel 1 cal register. \nIMPORTANT: After completing the calibration, do not disturb any of the \nmeasurement hardware, until \u201cStep 12. Initialize the CalPods\u201d is \ncompleted, and the Initialize Channel operation has been performed on the \nCalPods. During this operation, the CalPods make a measurement \nrequiring the same measurement hardware to properly initialize the \nCalPod correction arrays. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-23\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nThe calibration correction array established by the initial calibration is \ntransferred to the CalPod correction array in this step. Any disturbances of the \nmeasurement hardware (such as cable movements) prior to performing the \nInitialize Channel step will affect the quality of the recorrection array.\nStep 13. Configure the Hardware for a Measurement\nAfter the Initialize Channel procedure is completed, as detailed in the previous \nstep, the measurement hardware can be reconfigured. For example, the short, \nstable cable between PNA port 1 and the CalPod can be replaced with a longer \ncable to reach a CalPod and DUT located inside a temperature or TVAC \nchamber. Other modifications in the path between the PNA and the CalPod \u2013 \nsuch as different adapters, and even switch matrices \u2013 can now be made. \nStep 14. Recorrect (Refresh) the CalPods\nWhen a calibration refresh is performed, the initial calibration is reestablished \nat the new location of the CalPods.\n1. Connect the CalPods to the DUT and recorrect the calibration using either\nof the following methods.\nMethod 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\nPress CAL > [More] > [Calpod] > [Recorrect Channel]\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\nClick Response > Cal > Calpod > Recorrect Channel\nThe system is now ready to make calibrated measurements on the DUT.\n2. When you want to reestablish the initial calibration, refresh the calibration\nusing either of the methods above.\nSome examples of situations that call for a calibration refresh:\n\u2014 Moving the location of the CalPods and DUT. For example, moving \nthem from close proximity with the PNA to inside a temperature or \nthermal-vacuum chamber.\n\u2014 Changing cables, cable lengths, or connectors in the path between \nthe PNA and the CalPod.\n\u2014 Adding a switch matrix or adaptors in the path between the PNA \nand the CalPod.\n\u2014 Changing switch positions in a switch matrix.\nIMPORTANT: Do not Initialize Channel at any future point in time, or the \nrecorrection array will be corrupted, causing improper recorrections and \ninaccurate measurement data. \n 1-24\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n\u2014 Changing temperatures inside of a temperature or thermal-vacuum \nchamber where the CalPod and DUT are located.\n\u2014 Moving or flexing the cables.\n\u2014 Wanting to be certain that a valid calibration is present at the \ncalibration plane.\nStep 15: Measure the DUT\nGather data from the PNA measurement of the DUT.\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n2\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information\nChapter Overview (Hyperlinks)\n\u2014 \u201c85523B Calpod Controller Dimensions and Weight\u201d on page 2-2\n\u2014 \u201cCalPod Operational Check\u201d on page 2-2\n\u2014 \u201cCalibration Types Not Supported by CalPods\u201d on page 2-2\n\u2014 \u201cSetting a Static IP Address on the PNA (When Using USB 2.0 to LAN \nAdapter)\u201d on page 2-3\n\u2014 \u201cAlternative Configuration for the LAN Cable (Not recommended)\u201d on \npage 2-4\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is 2 Meters or \nLess\u201d on page 2-6\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is More Than 2 \nMeters\u201d on page 2-7\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Using a 1 x 12 CalPod Cable Fan-Out Splitter for More \nThan Four CalPods\u201d on page 2-7\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and Splitter is Less Than 2\n Meters on page 2-8 \n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller\u201d on \npage 2-9\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller Over a \nLong Distance\u201d on page 2-10\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Long Distance Between Splitter and CalPod\u201d on page\n2-10\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Control Through a TVAC Chamber Wall\u201d on page 2-11\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n 2-1\n 2-2\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information\n2-\n85523B Calpod Controller Dimensions and Weight\n\u2014 Height: 89 mm\n\u2014 Width: 425 mm\n\u2014 Depth: 500 mm\n\u2014 Weight: 7.5 kg\n85523B CalPod Controller Front Panel Output Connectors \n\u2014 Connector type: LEMO USA ECG.2B.312.CLV (Keysight part number \n1254-1449)\n\u2014 Maximum output: +/- 15 VDC\nCalPod Operational Check\nA CalPod module may be tested using the CalPod Operational Check. For \ninstructions, refer to the CalPod portion of PNA Online Help at: \nhttp://na.support.keysight.com/pna/calpod/calpod_help.htm#OpCheck\nCalibration Types Not Supported by CalPods\nKeysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods support almost all PNA S-parameter \ncalibration types. The exceptions are calibration types that do not include a \nreturn loss portion for the port connected to the CalPod. An example of an \nunsupported calibration type is a Response Calibration.\nWhen an unsupported calibration type is used, the CalPod software reports an \nerror during \u201cInitialize Channel.\u201d\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 2-3\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information\nSetting a Static IP Address on the PNA (When Using USB 2.0 to LAN \nAdapter)\nWhen the CalPod Controller connects to the PNA via the USB 2.0 to LAN \nadapter, sometimes it is necessary to manually set a Static IP address on \nthe LAN interface. Multiple installations of the CalPod Software may require \nthis procedure.\n1. Minimize the PNA application to access the desktop.\n2. Click Start > Settings > Network Connections.\nThere should be two or more listings with the name \u201cLocal Area\nConnectionsN\u201d (where N may be blank or an arbitrary character).\n3. Right-click on the last item in the list and select Properties.\nThe listing under \u201cConnect using:\u201d should display \u201cASIX AX88772 USB2.0\nto Fast Ethernet.\u201d\nIf this text is not displayed, click Cancel and try another item in the list\nuntil this device is found.\n4. In the listing under \u201cThis connection uses the following items:\u201d, scroll\ndown the list and highlight \u201cInternet Protocol (TCP/IP).\u201d\n5. Click Properties or double-click the item on the list.\n6. Click \u201cUse the following IP address.\u201d\n7. Enter IP Address with a Subnet Mask of\n\u201cDefault Gateway\u201d can be left blank.\n8. Leave the DNS settings blank.\n9. Click OK as necessary to close the dialog windows. If you are presented\nwith a dialog window about entering a different IP address, click No.\n10.Return to \u201cStep 9. Configure the CalPods\u201d on page 1-14 and follow the\nsteps to test and verify that each CalPod is working.\n 2-4\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information\n2-\nAlternative Configuration for the LAN Cable (Not recommended)\nIf the USB 2.0 to LAN adapter is not available, the following LAN cable \nconfiguration can be used. However, this configuration is not recommended \nbecause it does not allow the PNA to communicate over the LAN with \ninstruments other than the controller.\n1. As shown in the graphic above, connect an appropriate type of LAN cable\n(not included) to the rear of the 85523B CalPod Controller.\n2. As shown in the graphic above, connect the other end of the LAN cable to\nthe PNA. (There is no network connector available for Web access.)\n3. Verify that AC line cords are connected to both the PNA and CalPod\nController and that they are powered on.\n4. Select File > Minimize Application.\nTA LAN cable is required but is not included. If your PNA model is an \nE836xC or N5230C, the LAN cable required is the cross-over type; for \nN524xA, see Figure 2-1 on page 2-5. Any LAN cable may be used with all \nother PNA models. (A cross-over LAN cable is used to connect computing \ndevices together directly where they would normally be connected via a \nnetwork switch, hub, or router.) \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 2-5\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information\n5. Run the CalPod LAN Config icon on the PNA desktop and select 1. Direct\nCable Connect. (This configures the PNA to a static IP address.)\n6. Follow remaining prompts.\nAs shown in the following graphic, if your N524xA has a removable hard drive, \nit can be connected to the 85523B CalPod Controller with any type of LAN \ncable. However, if the N524xA has a non-removable hard drive, it must use a \ncross-over LAN cable.\nFigure 2-1 \nLAN Cable Requirements for PNA-X N524xA Models\nTo return to DHCP on the built-in PNA LAN adapter when CalPod \noperation is no longer required, run the CalPod LAN Config icon again and \nselect option 3. \n 2-6\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\n2-\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\nThis section provides information on creating multiport CalPod configurations.\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is 2 Meters or \nLess\nWhen the distance between the 85523B CalPod controller and the CalPod unit \nis two meters or less, use the 85552A or 82553A CalPod drive cables \n(included with the CalPods) directly between them. \nCalPod drive cables vary, depending on the CalPod model. The cables have \nconnector alignment keys that allow only the proper cable to connect to the \nappropriate CalPod. This ensures that no mistake is made when connecting \nthe drive cable to the CalPod. Refer to page 1-4 for information on CalPod \ndrive cable compatibility.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 2-7\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is More Than \n2 Meters\nWhen the distance between the 85523B CalPod Controller and the CalPod unit \nis more than two meters, an 85554A extension cable for CalPod drive cables is \nrequired. This extension cable is 10 meters in length. The 12-pin male \nconnector joins with the 85523B CalPod controller, and the 12-pin female \nconnector joins with the 12-pin connector on the 85552/53A CalPod drive \ncable (2 meter length). The 9-pin male connector of the 85552/53A CalPod \ndrive cable joins with the CalPod.\nConfiguration: Using a 1 x 12 CalPod Cable Fan-Out Splitter for More \nThan Four CalPods\nAs shown in the following graphic, a Keysight 85556A 20 GHz and 40 GHz \nCalPod 1x12 fan-out splitter can be used to connect four or more 855xxA/B \nSeries CalPods to an 85523B CalPod Controller. \n 2-8\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\n2-\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and Splitter is Less Than \n2 Meters\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and Splitter is More Than \n2 Meters\nWhen the distance between the controller and the splitter is more than 2 \nmeters, both the 85554A CalPod drive extension cable and the 85555A splitter \ndrive cable are required.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 2-9\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\nConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller\nAs many as 48 CalPods can be controlled by one 85523B CalPod controller. \nEach of the four ports on the CalPod controller can drive an 85556A fan-out \ncable splitter which can each drive up to 12 CalPods. The drive cable between \nthe 85523B controller and the 85556A splitters requires either a 2 meter \n85555A splitter drive cable, or a combination of an 85554A 10 meter extension \ncable with a 2 meter 85555A splitter drive cable, as shown in \u201cConfiguration: \nUsing as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller Over a Long Distance\u201d on \npage 2-10. If additional distance is required, the extension cables can be \ncascaded.\n 2-10\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\n2-\nConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller Over \na Long Distance\nConfiguration: Long Distance Between Splitter and CalPod \nWhen there is a long distance required between the cable splitter and the \nCalPods, the 85554A CalPod drive extension cable can be used to provide \nadditional length as shown in the previous graphic.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 2-11\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\nConfiguration: Control Through a TVAC Chamber Wall\nThermal-vacuum testing requires controlling the CalPods inside of a TVAC \nchamber using an 85554A CalPod drive extension cable. This cable is cut to \nthe appropriate length, and the cable conductors soldered to an appropriate \nTVAC bulkhead connector to provide DC connections through the TVAC \nchamber wall. Alternatively, Pave Technology (www.pavetechnology.com) has \nan SP37/13-E-150-15-20-DSUB-DSUB connector that is used for TVAC \nbulkheads. The control voltages are +/-15 Vdc with 60 mA per cable \nconductor.\n 2-12\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\n2-\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n3\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nContacting Keysight\nAssistance with test and measurements needs and information on finding a local \nKeysight office are available at: www.keysight.com/find/assist\nIf you do not have access to the Internet, please contact your Keysight field \nengineer.\n In any correspondence or telephone conversation, refer to the Keysight \nproduct by its model number and full serial number. With this information, \nthe Keysight representative can determine whether your product is still \nwithin its warranty period.\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n 3-1\n 3-2\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nMaintenance\n3-\nMaintenance\nTo remove dirt or dust from the external case of the Keysight products, clean \nthe case using a dry or slightly-dampened cloth only.\nIf alcohol is used to clean the connectors, the power cord to the instrument \nmust be removed. All cleaning should take place in a well ventilated area. \nAllow adequate time for the fumes to disperse and moist alcohol to evaporate \nprior to energizing the instrument.\nShipment for Service \nContact Keysight Technologies for instructions on where to ship the Keysight \nproducts for service. Refer to \u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on page 3-1.\nShip the Keysight products using the original packaging materials. Shipping \nthe Keysight products in anything other than the original packaging may result \nin non-warranted damage. If returning a Keysight product for repair, attach a \ncomplete description of failure symptoms.\nTo prevent electrical shock, disconnect instrument from mains \nbefore cleaning. Use a dry cloth or one slightly dampened with \nwater to clean the external case parts. Do not attempt to clean \ninternally. \nKeep isopropyl alcohol away from heat, sparks, and flame. Store in a \ntightly closed container. It is extremely flammable. In case of fire, \nuse alcohol foam, dry chemical, or carbon dioxide; water may be \nineffective. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 3-3\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nSafety Symbols\nSafety Symbols \nThe following safety symbols are used throughout this manual. Familiarize \nyourself with each of the symbols and its meaning before operating this \ninstrument.\nCaution denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure that, if not \ncorrectly performed or adhered to, would result in damage to or \ndestruction of the product. Do not proceed beyond a caution note until the \nindicated conditions are fully understood and met.\nWarning denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure which, if \nnot correctly performed or adhered to, could result in injury or loss \nof life. Do not proceed beyond a warning note until the indicated \nconditions are fully understood and met. \n 3-4\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nGeneral Safety Considerations\n3-\nGeneral Safety Considerations \nSafety Earth Ground \nBefore Applying Power \nServicing \nThe Mains wiring and connectors shall be compatible with the connector \nused in the premise electrical system. Failure to ensure adequate earth \ngrounding by not using the correct components may cause product \ndamage and serious injury.\nIf this product is not used as specified, the protection provided by \nthe equipment could be impaired. This product must be used in a \nnormal condition (in which all means for protection are intact) only. \nThis instrument has autoranging line voltage input. Be sure the supply \nvoltage is within the specified range.\nThis product is designed for use in Installation Category II and Pollution \nDegree 2 per IEC standards.\nVentilation Requirements: When installing the instrument into a cabinet, \nconsideration shall be given to the convection flow into and out of the \ncabinet. Consideration shall also be given to the individual instruments to \navoid having the heated discharge of one instrument become the cooling \nintake air for another instrument. Another area of concern is verification \nthat the maximum ambient operating temperature of the instrument is not \nexceeded due to cabinet installation. Keysight recommends forced air \nconvection whenever an instrument is installed in a cabinet and further \nrecommends that the maximum operating temperature of the cabinet be \nreduced 10 \u00b0C lower than the maximum operating temperature of a single \ninstrument. If there are any concerns or special requirements, a Keysight \nField Engineer should be consulted to assure instrument temperature \ncompliance and performance.\nThese servicing instructions are for use by qualified personnel only. \nTo avoid electrical shock, do not perform any servicing unless you \nare qualified to do so. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 3-5\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nGeneral Safety Considerations\nNo operator serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified \npersonnel. To prevent electrical shock, do not remove covers. \nThe opening of covers or removal of parts may expose dangerous \nvoltages. Disconnect the instrument from all voltage sources while \nit is being opened. \nThe main power cord can be used as the system disconnecting \ndevice. It disconnects the mains circuits from the mains supply. \nThis is a Safety Class 1 Product (provided with a protective earthing \nground incorporated in the power cord). The mains plug shall only \nbe inserted in a socket outlet provided with a protective earth \ncontact. Any interruption of the protective conductor inside or \noutside of the product is likely to make the product dangerous. \nIntentional interruption is prohibited. \nFor continued protection against fire hazard, replace line fuse only \nwith same type and rating: Fuse 5A/250V, Part Number 2110-0709. \nThe use of other fuses, circuit breakers or materials is prohibited. \n 3-6\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nRegulatory Information\n3-\nRegulatory Information\nThis section contains information that is required by various government \nregulatory agencies. \nInstructions for Use\nThis product has been designed and tested in accordance with accepted \nindustry standards, and has been supplied in a safe condition. The \ndocumentation contains information and warnings that must be followed by \nthe user to ensure safe operation and to maintain the product in a safe \ncondition. \nInstall the instrument so that the detachable power cord is readily identifiable \nand is easily reached by the operator. \nThe detachable power cord is the instrument disconnecting device. It \ndisconnects the mains circuits from the mains supply before other parts of the \ninstrument. The front panel switch is only a standby and ON switch and is not a \nLINE switch (disconnecting device). \nAlternatively, an externally installed switch or circuit breaker (which is readily \nidentifiable and is easily reached by the operator) may be used as a \ndisconnecting device.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 3-7\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nRegulatory Information\nInstrument Markings \nTable 3-1 \nIP 2 0\nThe instruction documentation symbol. The product is marked with this symbol when it is \nnecessary for the user to refer to the instructions in the documentation.\nThe AC symbol indicates the required nature of the line module input power.\nThis symbol indicates separate collection for electrical and electronic equipment, \nmandated under EU law. All electric and electronic equipment are required to be separated \nfrom normal waste for disposal (Reference WEEE Directive). \nThis symbol indicates that the power line switch is ON.\nThis symbol indicates that the power line switch is in the STANDBY position.\nThis symbol indicates that the power line switch is in the OFF position.\nThis symbol is used to identify a terminal which is internally connected to the product frame or \nchassis.\nThe CE mark is a registered trademark of the European Community.\nThe Keysight email address is required by EU directives applicable to our product.\nThe CSA mark is a registered trademark of the CSA International. \nThis is a symbol of an Industrial Scientific and Medical Group 1 Class A product (CISPR 11, \nClause 5).\nThis is a marking to indicate product compliance with the Canadian Interference-Causing \nEquipment Standard (ICES-001). Cet appareil ISM est conforme \u00e0 la norme NMB du Canada. \nDirect Current.\nThe instrument has been designed to meet the requirements of IP 2 0 for egress and \noperational environment.\nThe RCM mark is a registered trademark of the Australian Communications and Media \nAuthority.\nIndicates the time period during which no hazardous or toxic substance elements are \nexpected to leak or deteriorate during normal use. Forty years is the expected useful life of \nthe product. \nThis symbol on all primary and secondary packaging indicates compliance to China standard \nGB 18455-2001.\nSouth Korean Certification (KC) mark; includes the marking's identifier code which follows the \nformat: MSIP-REM-YYY-ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.\nICES/NMB-001 \nccr.keysight@keysight.com\n 3-8\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nRegulatory Information\n3-\nCompliance Notices \nThis product has been designated and tested in accordance with accepted industry standards, and \nhas been supplied in a safe condition. The documentation contains information and warnings that \nmust be followed by the user to ensure safe operation and to maintain the product in a safe \ncondition.\nEMC and Safety Information\nEMC\nComplies with the essential requirements of the European EMC Directive as well as current editions \nof the following standards (dates and editions are cited in the Declaration of Conformity):\n\u2022\nIEC/EN 61326-1\n\u2022\nCISPR Pub 11 Group 1, class A\n\u2022\nAS/NZS CISPR 11\n\u2022\nICES/NMB-001\nThis ISM device complies with Canadian ICES-001.\nCet appareil ISM est conforme a la norme NMB-001 du Canada.000\nSafety Information \nEuropean Low Voltage Directive is not applicable for these products.\nDeclaration of Conformity\nA declaration of conformity for any of these ECal modules is available at \nhttp://www.keysight.com/go/conformity or by contacting Keysight - see \u201cContacting Keysight\u201d \non page 3-1.\nSouth Korean Class A EMC Declaration \nInformation to the user:\nThis equipment has been conformity assessed for use in business environments. In a residential \nenvironment, this equipment may cause radio interference. \n\u203b This EMC statement applies to the equipment only for use in a business environment.\n\uc0ac\uc6a9 \uc790 \uc548 \ub0b4 \ubb38\n\uc774\uae30\uae30\ub294 \uc5c5\ubb34\uc6a9 \ud658\uacbd\uc5d0\uc11c \uc0ac\uc6a9\ud560 \ubaa9\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc801\ud569\uc131\ud3c9\uac00\ub97c \ubc1b\uc740 \uae30\uae30\ub85c\uc11c\n\uac00\uc815\uc6a9 \ud658\uacbd\uc5d0\uc11c \uc0ac\uc6a9\ud558\ub294 \uacbd\uc6b0 \uc804\ud30c\uac04\uc12d\uc758 \uc6b0\ub824\uac00 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. \n\u203b \uc0ac\uc6a9\uc790 \uc548\ub0b4\ubb38\uc740 \u201c\uc5c5\ubb34\uc6a9 \ubc29\uc1a1\ud1b5\uc2e0\uae30\uc790\uc7ac\u201d\uc5d0\ub9cc \uc801\uc6a9\ud55c\ub2e4.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 3-9\nEnvironmental Information\nTable 3-2 \nEnvironmental Information \nParameter\nRequired Values/Ranges\nTemperature\nFor Indoor Use ONLY\nOperating\n0 \u00b0C to +55 \u00b0C\nStorage\n-40 \u00b0C to +70 \u00b0C\nAltitude (Operating)\n0 to 3,000 meters\nRelative humidity\nType tested, 0% to 95% at 40 \u00b0C, non-condensing\n 3-10\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\n3-\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nWarranty\nWarranty\nThe actual warranty on your instrument depends on the date it was ordered as \nwell as whether or not any warranty options were purchased at that time. To \ndetermine the exact warranty on your instrument, contact Keysight \nTechnologies with the model and serial number of your instrument. Refer to \n\u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on page 3-1.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 3-11\nThis information is subject to change \nwithout notice.\n\u00a9 Keysight Technologies 2013-2024\nPrint Date: June 2024\nSupersedes: January 2023\nwww.keysight.com\n\n\nQuestion: How does the integration of Keysight CalPods impact the efficiency and accuracy of calibration processes in high-frequency testing environments, particularly in comparison to traditional calibration methods?\n\nAnswer:", "completion": " 1. Automation and Speed - Streamlined Processes: CalPods are designed for automation, which reduces the manual effort involved in calibration. Traditional methods often require substantial manual setup and adjustments, leading to longer calibration times. - Rapid Calibration: The automated nature of CalPods allows for faster calibration cycles, enabling testers to quickly prepare equipment for high-frequency measurements. This is particularly important in industries where time-to-market is critical. 2. Consistency and Repeatability - Reduced Human Error: By minimizing manual intervention, CalPods decrease the likelihood of human error that can occur in traditional calibration processes. This leads to more consistent results across multiple calibration cycles. - Standardized Procedures: CalPods follow predefined procedures and protocols, ensuring that every calibration is performed under the same conditions, enhancing repeatability. 3. Enhanced Accuracy - Precision Calibration: Keysight CalPods are engineered to provide precise calibration standards, which are crucial for high-frequency applications where even minor inaccuracies can lead to significant measurement errors. - Real-Time Feedback: Many CalPods provide real-time data and feedback during the calibration process, allowing for immediate adjustments and corrections, which is less feasible in traditional methods. 4. Improved Measurement Confidence - Traceability: CalPods often come with built-in traceability to national and international standards, ensuring that calibrations are compliant and reliable. Traditional methods might lack this level of traceability, leading to doubts about measurement integrity. - High-Frequency Capability: Designed specifically for high-frequency applications, CalPods can handle the unique challenges posed by such environments, including signal integrity and impedance matching, more effectively than traditional methods. " }, { "prompt": "Extracted text: 855xxA/B Series CalPods and \n85523B CalPod Controller\nThis document provides information on 855xxA/B Series CalPods, explaining how to set up all software and \nhardware, how to confirm operation, and how to use with a PNA Microwave Network Analyzer.\nOPERATIONS AND SERVICE GUIDE\nNotices\n\u00a9 Keysight Technologies, Inc. \n2013-2024\nNo part of this manual may be \nreproduced in any form or by any \nmeans (including electronic storage \nand retrieval or translation into a \nforeign language) without prior \nagreement and written consent from \nKeysight Technologies, Inc. as \ngoverned by United States and \ninternational copyright laws.\nTrademark Acknowledgments\nManual Part Number\n85523-90005\nEdition\nPrint Date: June 2024\nSupersedes: January 2023\nPrinted in USA/Malaysia\nPublished by:\nKeysight Technologies\n1400 Fountaingrove Parkway Santa \nRosa, CA 95403\nWarranty\nTHE MATERIAL CONTAINED IN \nTHIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED \u201cAS \nIS,\u201d AND IS SUBJECT TO BEING \nCHANGED, WITHOUT NOTICE, IN \nFUTURE EDITIONS. FURTHER, TO \nTHE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED \nBY APPLICABLE LAW, KEYSIGHT \nDISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, \nEITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WITH \nREGARD TO THIS MANUAL AND \nANY INFORMATION CONTAINED \nHEREIN, INCLUDING BUT NOT \nLIMITED TO THE IMPLIED \nWARRANTIES OF \nMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS \nFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. \nKEYSIGHT SHALL NOT BE LIABLE \nFOR ERRORS OR FOR INCIDENTAL \nOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN \nCONNECTION WITH THE \nFURNISHING, USE, OR \nPERFORMANCE OF THIS \nDOCUMENT OR ANY INFORMATION \nCONTAINED HEREIN. SHOULD \nKEYSIGHT AND THE USER HAVE A \nSEPARATE WRITTEN AGREEMENT \nWITH WARRANTY TERMS \nCOVERING THE MATERIAL IN THIS \nDOCUMENT THAT CONFLICT WITH \nTHESE TERMS, THE WARRANTY \nTERMS IN THE SEPARATE \nAGREEMENT WILL CONTROL.\nTechnology Licenses\nThe hardware and/or software \ndescribed in this document are \nfurnished under a license and may be \nused or copied only in accordance \nwith the terms of such license.\nU.S. Government Rights\nThe Software is \u201ccommercial \ncomputer software,\u201d as defined \nby Federal Acquisition Regulation \n(\u201cFAR\u201d) 2.101. Pursuant to FAR \n12.212 and 27.405-3 and \nDepartment of Defense FAR \nSupplement (\u201cDFARS\u201d) 227.7202, \nthe U.S. government acquires \ncommercial computer software \nunder the same terms by which \nthe software is customarily \nprovided to the public. \nAccordingly, Keysight provides \nthe Software to U.S. government \ncustomers under its standard \ncommercial license, which is \nembodied in its End User License \nAgreement (EULA), a copy of \nwhich can be found at \nhttp://www.keysight.com/find/sweula \nThe license set forth in the EULA \nrepresents the exclusive authority \nby which the U.S. government \nmay use, modify, distribute, or \ndisclose the Software. The EULA \nand the license set forth therein, \ndoes not require or permit, \namong other things, that \nKeysight: (1) Furnish technical \ninformation related to \ncommercial computer software \nor commercial computer \nsoftware documentation that is \nnot customarily provided to the \npublic; or (2) Relinquish to, or \notherwise provide, the \ngovernment rights in excess of \nthese rights customarily provided \nto the public to use, modify, \nreproduce, release, perform, \ndisplay, or disclose commercial \ncomputer software or \ncommercial computer software \ndocumentation. No additional \ngovernment requirements \nbeyond those set forth in the \nEULA shall apply, except to the \nextent that those terms, rights, or \nlicenses are explicitly required \nfrom all providers of commercial \ncomputer software pursuant to \nthe FAR and the DFARS and are \nset forth specifically in writing \nelsewhere in the EULA. Keysight \nshall be under no obligation to \nupdate, revise or otherwise \nmodify the Software. With \nrespect to any technical data as \ndefined by FAR 2.101, pursuant \nto FAR 12.211 and 27.404.2 and \nDFARS 227.7102, the U.S. \ngovernment acquires no greater \nthan Limited Rights as defined in \nFAR 27.401 or DFAR 227.7103-5 \n(c), as applicable in any technical \ndata.\nSafety Notices\nA CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. It \ncalls attention to an operating \nprocedure, practice, or the like that, \nif not correctly performed or adhered \nto, could result in damage to the \nproduct or loss of important data. Do \nnot proceed beyond a CAUTION \nnotice until the indicated conditions \nare fully understood and met. \nA WARNING notice denotes a hazard. \nIt calls attention to an operating \nprocedure, practice, or the like that, \nif not correctly performed or adhered \nto, could result in personal injury or \ndeath. Do not proceed beyond a \nWARNING notice until the indicated \nconditions are fully understood and \nmet.\nContents\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n1\nTable of Contents\n1.\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1\nChapter Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1\nStep 1. Inspect the Shipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2\nStep 2. Meet Electrical and Environmental Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6\nStep 3. Download the CalPod Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7\nStep 4. A Model PNA/PNA-L/PNA-X and E836xC Instruments Only \n (B Models Ignore This Step): Enable the CalPod Firmware License \n (Option 301 or 302) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9\nStep 5. Confirm the PNA Model, Firmware Revision, and Installed Options . . . . . . . . . 1-9\nStep 6. Load Temperature Characterization Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11\nStep 7. Connect the LAN Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12\nStep 8. Confirm the Settings on the CalPod Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13\nStep 9. Configure the CalPods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14\nStep 10. Configure the Hardware for a Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-18\nStep 11. Perform Initial 2-Port Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-19\nStep 12. Initialize the CalPods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-22\nStep 13. Configure the Hardware for a Measurement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-23\nStep 14. Recorrect (Refresh) the CalPods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-23\nStep 15: Measure the DUT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-24\n2.\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1\nChapter Overview (Hyperlinks). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1\n85523B Calpod Controller Dimensions and Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2\n85523B CalPod Controller Front Panel Output Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2\nCalPod Operational Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2\nCalibration Types Not Supported by CalPods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2\nSetting a Static IP Address on the PNA (When Using USB 2.0 to LAN Adapter). . . . . . 2-3\nAlternative Configuration for the LAN Cable (Not recommended) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is 2 Meters or Less . . . . . . . . 2-6\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is More Than 2 Meters . . . . . 2-7\nConfiguration: Using a 1 x 12 CalPod Cable Fan-Out Splitter for \nMore Than Four CalPods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and Splitter is Less Than 2 Meters. . . . . . 2-8\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and Splitter is More Than 2 Meters . . . . . 2-8\nConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9\n2 \n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nContents\n2-10\nConfiguration: Long Distance Between Splitter and CalPod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10\nConfiguration: Control Through a TVAC Chamber Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11\n3.\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nContacting Keysight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1\nMaintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2\nShipment for Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2\nSafety Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3\nGeneral Safety Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4\nSafety Earth Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4\nBefore Applying Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4\nServicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4\nRegulatory Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6\nInstructions for Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6\nInstrument Markings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7\nCompliance Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8\nEnvironmental Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10\nWarranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10\nConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller \nOver a Long Distance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n1\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nTo get the most out of your purchase, it is recommended that this User\u2019s Guide \nbe read carefully and completely. \nThis document provides information on 855xxA/B Series CalPods, explaining \nhow to set up all software and hardware, how to confirm operation, and how to \nuse with a PNA Microwave Network Analyzer.\n855xxA/B Series CalPods eliminate errors due to cable or test system \ninstability. CalPods simplify the process of recalibrating the PNA by not \nrequiring the removal of the Device Under Test (DUT) or the physical \nconnection of standards. This allows recalibrating from a remote location, such \nas when the DUT is used with very long cables in a temperature chamber or \nTVAC (thermal-vacuum) chamber.\n855xxA/B Series CalPod Models:\n\u2014 85530B 20 GHz CalPod (Standard)\n\u2014 85531B 20 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)\n\u2014 85532B 20 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)\n\u2014 85540B 40 GHz CalPod (Standard)\n\u2014 85541B 40 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)\n\u2014 85542B 40 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)\nEach 855xxA/B Series CalPod is controlled with the 85523B CalPod Controller.\nChapter Overview\n\u2014 \u201cStep 1. Inspect the Shipment\u201d on page 1-2\n\u2014 \u201cStep 2. Meet Electrical and Environmental Requirements\u201d on page 1-6\n\u2014 \u201cStep 3. Download the CalPod Software\u201d on page 1-7\n\u2014 \u201cStep 4. A Model PNA/PNA-L/PNA-X and E836xC Instruments Only (B \nModels Ignore This Step): Enable the CalPod Firmware License (Option \n301 or 302)\u201d on page 1-9\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n 1-1\n 1-2\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n\u2014 \u201cStep 5. Confirm the PNA Model, Firmware Revision, and Installed \nOptions\u201d on page 1-9\n\u2014 \u201cStep 6. Load Temperature Characterization Data\u201d on page 1-11\n\u2014 \u201cStep 7. Connect the LAN Cable\u201d on page 1-12\n\u2014 \u201cStep 8. Confirm the Settings on the CalPod Controller\u201d on page 1-13\n\u2014 \u201cStep 9. Configure the CalPods\u201d on page 1-14\n\u2014 \u201cStep 10. Configure the Hardware for a Calibration\u201d on page 1-18\n\u2014 \u201cStep 11. Perform Initial 2-Port Calibration\u201d on page 1-19\n\u2014 \u201cStep 12. Initialize the CalPods\u201d on page 1-22\n\u2014 \u201cStep 13. Configure the Hardware for a Measurement\u201d on page 1-23\n\u2014 \u201cStep 14. Recorrect (Refresh) the CalPods\u201d on page 1-23\n\u2014 \u201cStep 15: Measure the DUT\u201d on page 1-24\nStep 1. Inspect the Shipment\n1. Unpack the contents of the shipping container. Keep the container and\npackaging material in case the contents needs to be returned to the\nfactory.\n2. Use the Contents List in the shipping container to verify the completeness\nof your shipment. If not complete, refer to \u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on\npage 3-1.\n3. Carefully inspect each item in your shipment to make sure it was not\ndamaged during shipment. If damaged, refer to \u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on\npage 3-1.\nThe following pages list items that may be included in your shipment, \ndepending on what you purchased. Your shipment may not contain all \nitems shown. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-3\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nTable 1-1 \nShipment Items\n85530B 100 MHz to 20 GHz CalPod (Standard)1, or \n85540B 500 MHz to 40 GHz CalPod (Standard)1, 2\n85531B 100 MHz to 20 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)1, or \n85541B 500 MHz to 40 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)1, 2\nNOTE\nAs shown in the graphic below, each temperature characterized CalPod comes with a USB \ndrive that has a matching serial number. Each USB drive contains temperature \ncharacterization data that is unique to each 85531B 20 GHz CalPod or 85541B 40 GHz \nCalPod.\n85532B 100 MHz to 20 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)1, or \n85542B 500 MHz to 40 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)1, 2 \nPhotos of the 85532B 20 GHz CalPod and the 85542B 40 GHz CalPod are not available. However, these CalPod \nmodels look the same as the 85531A 20 GHz CalPod shown above, except for the label.\nRF2 Connector \n2.92 mm (m)\nRF1 Connector \n2.92 mm (f)\nCTRL Connector \n9 Pin\nCalPod\nUSB Drive\n 1-4\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n85523B CalPod Controller1\n0960-2955 USB 2.0 to LAN Adapter, 7.5 inch3\n85553A CalPod Drive Cable (2 meter, 28 AWG) included with:\n\u2014 85530B 20 GHz CalPod (Standard)\n\u2014 85531B 20 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)\n\u2014 85532B 20 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)\n\u2014 85540B 40 GHz CalPod (Standard)\n\u2014 85541B 40 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)\n\u2014 85542B 40 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)\nTable 1-1 \nShipment Items\nConnects only to \n85330/31/32B and \n85540/41/42A/B CalPods \n(9-pin male connector)\nConnects to 85523B \nCalPod controller or \n85554A 10 meter CalPod \ndrive cable extension \n(12-pin male connector)\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-5\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nNOTE\nCalPod drive cables vary, depending on the CalPod model. The cables have connector \nalignment keys that allow only the proper cable to connect to the appropriate CalPod. This \nensures that no mistake is made when connecting the drive cable to the CalPod. \nA CalPod drive cable with two alignment keys (shown below) is used with the \n85530/31/32B 20 GHz CalPods as well as the 85540/41/42A/B 40 GHz CalPods. The \nolder 85530/31/32A CalPods use the drive cable with only one alignment key (shown \nbelow).\n85554A 20 GHz and 40 GHz CalPod Drive Cable Extension4 (10 meter, 22 AWG)\n85555A Splitter Drive Cable (2 meter, 22 AWG) included with 85556A 1x12 Fan-Out Cable Splitter\nTable 1-1 \nShipment Items\n 1-6\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\nStep 2. Meet Electrical and Environmental Requirements\n1. Ensure the available AC power source meets the following requirements:\n\u2014 Frequency\n\u2014 50/60 Hz\n\u2014 Voltage\n\u2014 100/120/220/240 VAC\n\u2014 Power (maximum consumed)\n\u2014 350 W \n2. Ensure the operating environment meets the requirements found in\n\u201cEnvironmental Information\u201d on page 3-9.\n85556A 1x12 Fan-Out Cable Splitter\nThe 85556A 1x12 fan-out cable splitter is used to drive up to 12 CalPods from a single port on the 85523B CalPod \ncontroller.\nFor information on connecting more than four CalPods in a measurement hardware configuration, refer to \n\u201cConfiguration: Using a 1 x 12 CalPod Cable Fan-Out Splitter for More Than Four CalPods\u201d on \npage 2-7.\n1. For CalPod drive cables, see Table 1-1 on page 1-3.\n2. Although the 85540B, 85541B, and the 85542B 40 GHz CalPods are only characterized from 500 MHz to 40 GHz, they can \nfunction from 100 MHz to 40 GHz.\n3. The device driver software for the USB 2.0 to LAN Adapter is installed during the procedure \u201cStep 3. Download the\nCalPod Software\u201d on page 1-7.\n4. CalPod drive cable extensions may be used with either the 85552A 20 GHz CalPod drive cable or the 85553A 40 GHz \nCalPod drive cable.\nThis instrument has autoranging line voltage input. Be sure the supply \nvoltage is within the specified range.\nTable 1-1 \nShipment Items\nThe instrument can operate with mains supply voltage fluctuations up to \n+/- 10% of the nominal voltage. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-7\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n3. Verify that the AC power cable is not damaged, and that the power-source\noutlet provides a protective earth contact.\nStep 3. Download the CalPod Software\nThe CalPod Software includes all software required for full \nCalPod operation. \n1. On the PNA, select File > Minimize Application.\n2. Connect a LAN cable to the PNA for access to the Internet.\n3. Select an applicable browser (typically Microsoft Edge or Google\nChrome).\n4. From the Keysight.com home page, search for \"CalPod Software\" or go\nto https://www.keysight.com/us/en/lib/software-detail/instrument-\nfirmware-software/calpod-software.html\n5. Note the message on the CalPod Software front page that reads\n\"Install this application software on a PNA running (firmware version\nnumber) firmware or above.\" See example below.\nEnsure you have the minimum or greater version of the firmware \nneeded. If a firmware update is needed on your PNA, go to \nhttps://www.keysight.com/us/en/lib/software-detail/instrument-\nfirmware-software/n52xxb-pna-series-network-analyzer-\nfirmware.html and download the latest version.\nUse the Keysight supplied power cord or one with the same or better \nelectrical rating. Failure to ensure adequate earth grounding by not using \nthis cord may cause personal injury or product damage.\nThe following steps assume that the CalPod Software has not previously \nbeen installed on the PNA. By default, the B-Model PNAs will already \nhave CalPod software installed (CalPod 2.0).\n 1-8\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n6. Once the firmware version has been verified, or a new version has been\ndownloaded and installed, download the CalPod Software and follow\nthe InstallShield Wizard prompts.\n7. Wait for an InstallShield Wizard screen with a \u201cFinish\u201d button. When it\nappears, select Finish.\n8. Select Exit.\n9. In the newly created \"CalPod API\" folder on the C: drive, you'll find the\napplication \"PXI_CalPod_Utilities.\" Opening the application will present\nyou with the following screen:\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-9\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nStep 4. A Model PNA/PNA-L/PNA-X and E836xC Instruments Only\n (B Models Ignore This Step): Enable the CalPod Firmware\n License (Option 301 or 302)\nTo use the CalPod Software package that was downloaded in \u201cStep 3. \nDownload the CalPod Software\u201d on page 1-7, the CalPod firmware license \noption (301 or 302) has to be enabled using a keyword that is specific for your \nPNA model and serial number. This keyword was sent to you by Keysight. Use \nthe following instructions to enter the keyword in the PNA using the PNA \nfront panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\n1. On the PNA, press SYSTEM > [Service] > [Option Enable].\n2. In the Option Enable dialog box, use the pull-down menu to select the\nCalPod firmware option you bought with your initial purchase. If you don\u2019t\nknow which option was purchased, refer to the papers in the shipment\ncontainer.\n3. Enter the keyword.\n4. Select Permanent > Enable.\n5. Click Yes to restart the PNA and enable the new firmware.\n6. Click Exit.\nStep 5. Confirm the PNA Model, Firmware Revision, and Installed \nOptions\n1. If not already active, start the PNA application.\n2. Select the Help pull down menu.\n3. Select About Network Analyzer and note the following:\na. PNA model.\nb. PNA firmware (application code) version.\nc. PNA option 301 or 302 is installed.\n4. Compare the information you just noted with the information in Table 1-2.\nIf your PNA is not compatible with your CalPods, or if Option 301 or 302 is\nnot installed, contact Keysight. Refer to \u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on\npage 3-1. If you have an old version of PNA firmware, go to\nhttps://www.keysight.com/us/en/lib/software-detail/instrument-\nfirmware-software/n52xxb-pna-series-network-analyzer-firmware.html\nand download the latest version.\nFor A model PNA/PNA-X/PNA-L\u2019s and E8456xC instruments, if you have do \nnot have Option 301 or 302 installed, contact Keysight. Refer to \n\u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on page 3-1. See also, Table 1-2 on page 1-10.\n 1-10\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n5. Select OK.\n6. Select the File pull down menu and select Minimize Application.\nPNA Options for CalPod Firmware\nPNA firmware option 301 is used for ambient temperature operation of \nCalPods and provides accurate recorrection capabilities over the temperature \nrange +20 to +30 \u00b0C. A maximum of only four CalPods can be controlled with \noption 301. The temperature compensated and thermal-vacuum environment \nCalPods can be used with firmware option 301, but they will not have \ntemperature compensation capabilities.\nPNA firmware option 302 is used for temperature compensated and \nthermal-vacuum CalPods, and provides accurate recorrection capabilities over \nthe temperature range \u201330 to +80 \u00b0C. With firmware option 302, up to 48 \nCalPods can be controlled, but only four CalPods at a time can be recorrected.\nTable 1-2 \nPNA Models, Firmware, Firmware Options Required for 855xxA/B Series \nCalPods\nPNA Models\nPNA Firmware \nVersion\nPNA Options (CalPod \nFirmware License)\n855xxA/B CalPod Modules\nN524xB PNA-X\nA.13.25.04 or later\nNo options. \n(Firmware includes Option \n301/302.)\n85530B 20 GHz CalPod \n85540B 40 GHz CalPod \n85531B 20 GHz CalPod \n85532B 20 GHz CalPod \n85542B 40 GHz CalPod\nN522xB PNA\nN523xB PNA-L\nN524xA PNA-X\nA.09.33.05 or later\nOption 301\n85530B 20 GHz CalPod\nN522xA PNA\n85540B 40 GHz CalPod\nN523xA PNA-L\nOption 302\n85531B 20 GHz CalPod\nN5230C PNA-L\n85532B 20 GHz CalPod\nE836xC PNA\nA.09.85.07 or earlier\n85541B 40 GHz CalPod\n85542B 40 GHz CalPod\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-11\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nStep 6. Load Temperature Characterization Data\nIf your CalPod model is an 85531B, 85532B, 85541B, or 85542B, it is \ntemperature compensated, and was shipped with a USB drive that has a \nmatching serial number \u2013 refer to Figure 1-1 on page 1-12. The USB drive \ncontains Temperature Characterization data that must be loaded into the PNA. \nTo do so, use the following procedure.\n1. Insert the USB drive into any USB port on the PNA.\n2. To access the Windows desktop when the PNA application is active, select\nFile > Minimize Application.\n3. Right-click on Start. and select Explore.\n4. Navigate to the files on the USB drive, and double-click setup.exe to run\nthe program.\n5. In the dialog window titled \u201cCalPod Thermal Characterization Data Install\nUtility,\u201d click \u201cI accept license terms...\u201d and wait for additional text to be\ndisplayed. This loads CalPod Temperature Characterization data in the\nPNA.\n6. When \u201cPNA restore archive complete\u201d is displayed at the bottom of the\nwindow, close the window.\n7. Remove the USB drive from the PNA.\n8. Repeat Step 6. for each CalPod to be used with the PNA.\nThe following process is required for 85531B, 85532B, 85541B, and \n85542B Cal Pods. It is not required for an 85530B or 85540B CalPod \nsince these models do not have Temperature Characterization data. \n 1-12\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\nFigure 1-1 \nUSB Drive Matches Serial Number on CalPod\nStep 7. Connect the LAN Cable\n\u2014 The following graphic shows the recommended configuration for the LAN \ncable. Information on an alternative configuration can be found at \n\u201cAlternative Configuration for the LAN Cable (Not recommended)\u201d on \npage 2-4. Although this alternative is not recommended, it can be used \nwhen the USB 2.0 to LAN adapter is not available.\n\u2014 85523B CalPod Controllers do not support DHCP networking.\n\u2014 The 85523B CalPod Controller is set to a static IP Address (default: \n192.168.0.100.)\nA LAN cable is required but is not included. Either a standard or cross-over \nLAN cable can be used. (A cross-over LAN cable is used to connect \ncomputing devices together directly where they would normally be \nconnected via a network switch, hub, or router.) \nSerial Number on USB Drive\n(ignore preceding letters)\nSerial Number on CalPod \n(ignore preceding letters)\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-13\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n\u2014 For additional information on making connections to the LAN using network \nswitches and network hubs, contact your network administrator. \n1. As shown in the graphic above, connect a LAN cable (not included) to the\nrear of the 85523B CalPod Controller and connect the other end to the\nUSB 2.0 to LAN adapter (part number 0960-2955).\n2. As shown in the graphic above, connect the USB 2.0 to LAN adapter to a\nUSB port on the PNA. (Typically this is on the rear of the PNA, but any USB\nport can be used.)\n3. Verify that AC line cords are connected to both the PNA and CalPod\nController and that they are powered on.\n4. Select File > Minimize Application.\n5. Run the CalPod LAN Config icon on the PNA desktop and select 2.\nUSB-to-LAN- Adapter.\n6. Follow the remaining prompts.\nStep 8. Confirm the Settings on the CalPod Controller\nUse either of the following methods to run the IP setup utility and confirm the \ndefault settings shown in the table below.\nMethod 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\n 1-14\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n\u2014 On the PNA, press CAL > [More] > [CalPod] > [CalPod]. \n\u2014 On the dialog window titled \u201cCalibration Module Refresh Configuration,\u201d \nclick [CalPod Setup].\n\u2014 On the dialog window titled \u201cCalPod Setup,\u201d click [IP Setup].\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\n\u2014 On the PNA, click Start > Programs > CalPod > API > IP Setup.\nIf the default settings are not correctly displayed, use the keypad to enter them \nin the IP Setup dialog window.\nThe default addresses for the 85523B CalPod Controller are shown in the \nfollowing table.\nFor additional information on making connections to the LAN using network \nswitches and network hubs, contact your network administrator.\nStep 9. Configure the CalPods\n1. Connect each CalPod to the CalPod controller, as shown in the following\ngraphic.\nFor CalPod drive cables, see \u201cStep 1. Inspect the Shipment\u201d on page 1-2. \n2. If not already active, start the PNA application.\nSetting\nDefault Address\nIP\n192.168.0.100\nNetwork mask\n255.255.255.0\nGateway\n192.168.0.1\nDNS\n0.0.0.0 (or leave \nblank)\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-15\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n3. Start the CalPod dialog window titled \u201cCalibration Refresh Module\nConfiguration\u201d using either method below.\nMethod 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\nPress CAL > [More] > [Calpod] > [Calpod]\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\nClick Response > Cal > Calpod > Calpod\n4. Select CalPod Setup on the Calibration Refresh Module Configuration\nwindow.\nIf a \u201cWindows Security Alert\u201d appears that is related to the etrak Api, select \n\u201cUnblock.\". \n 1-16\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n5. If using thermal CalPods, the serial numbers will automatically appear in\nthe CalPod Setup dialog window. However, if using standard CalPods,\nenter a CalPod serial number, omitting preceding letters, then click Add\nCalPod.\nIn the dialog window column \u201cCalPod Types:\u201d\n\u2014 \u201cSTANDARD\u201d refers to the 85530B 20 GHz CalPod and 85540B 40 \nGHz CalPod, and requires software Option 301 or 302. The list is \nlimited to four entries when Option 301 is the only option installed.\n\u2014 \u201cTHERMAL\u201d refers to the 85531/32B 20 GHz CalPod and 85541/42B \n40 GHz CalPod, and requires software Option 302. More than four \nentries can be listed with Option 302.\nIn order for a CalPod to be listed as \u201cTHERMAL,\u201d its Temperature \nCharacterization data must have been installed previously in \u201cStep 6. Load \nTemperature Characterization Data\u201d on page 1-11. Without its \nTemperature Characterization data loaded, each CalPod will be listed as a \n\u201cSTANDARD.\u201d\n6. Repeat the previous step for each standard CalPod you are using with the\nPNA.\n7. Using the CalPod Setup dialog window, highlight a CalPod serial number\nand click Test.\nEnter serial number\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-17\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nThe dialog window displays a list of one or more CalPod serial numbers.\n\u2014 If the Test Result dialog window shows \u201cPassed,\u201d the CalPod is \nfunctioning. The temperature displayed is the internal temperature \nof the CalPod microcircuit.\n\u2014 If Test Result shows \u201cFailed,\u201d and the window text contains the \nwords \u201cController @ .... :Failed\u201d\n\u2014 Check that the CalPod Controller is powered on and \nconnected to the PNA correctly. See \u201cStep 7. Connect the \nLAN Cable\u201d on page 1-12.\n\u2014 If all connections appear to be correct and the USB 2.0 to \nLAN Adapter is being used, set a static IP address on the \nPNA. See \u201cSetting a Static IP Address on the PNA (When \nUsing USB 2.0 to LAN Adapter)\u201d on page 2-3.\n\u2014 If Test Result shows Failed and the window text contains the words \n\u201csn .... :Failed,\u201d check that the CalPod is properly connected to the \nCalPod Controller.\n8. After each CalPod serial number has been highlighted and tested, click\nClose to return to the \u201cCalibration Refresh Module Configuration\u201d dialog\nmenu.\n9. Assign each CalPod to a PNA test port.\nHighlight the serial number and select Test\n 1-18\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\na. In the \u201cCalibration Refresh Module Configuration\u201d dialog window\nshown below, under the heading \u201cCalPod Assignments,\u201d assign a\nCalpod to each test port on the PNA. Note that Port 1, Port 2, Port 3,\nand Port 4 refer to the PNA test ports, and not the connector labels\non the 85523B CalPod controller.\nAs indicated in this example, CalPod serial number 50270102 has been \nassigned to PNA test port 1, and CalPod serial number 50270107 has been \nassigned to PNA test port 2.\nb. After each CalPod has been assigned to a test port on the PNA, click\nClose.\nStep 10. Configure the Hardware for a Calibration\nFigure 1-2 on page 1-19 shows a recommended, basic measurement \nhardware configuration for calibrating the PNA when measuring a 2-port DUT. \nFor more configuration options, visit: https://www.keysight.com/us/en/\nproducts/accessories/calibration-modules-kits.html#CalibrationPod.\nThe following items may be required, depending on your measurement \nhardware configuration. \n\u2014 RF Cables \u2013 required to connect each CalPod to a PNA port. CalPods work \nwell with cable losses (one- way loss from CalPod to PNA test port) up to 20 \ndB. CalPods will also work with cable losses greater than 20 dB, but the \nrecorrection performance may be degraded. Consult the 855xxA/B Series \nCalPod Performance Characteristics document (85523-90003) available \nat: https://www.keysight.com/us/en/assets/9921-01890/reference-\nguides/855xxA-B-Series-CalPods-and-85523-CalPod-Controller-\nPerformance-Characteristics.pdf\n\u2014 RF Adapters for the Device Under Test (DUT) \u2013 required if the DUT \nconnectors are not compatible with the CalPod RF2 (2.92 mm male) \nconnector.\n\u2014 Calibration Kit or ECal \u2013 compatible with DUT connectors.\nClicking Help in the dialog window displays CalPod information in the PNA \nSeries Network Analyzer Help System, stored in the PNA. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-19\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n\u2014 (Optional) CalPod Drive Cable Extensions \u2013 The standard CalPod drive \ncable is 2 meters in length. The 85554A CalPod drive cable extension \nprovides an additional 10 meter length. These CalPod drive cable \nextensions can be cascaded.\nFigure 1-2 \nBasic Measurement Hardware Configuration for Calibration (2-Port DUT)\nStep 11. Perform Initial 2-Port Calibration\nInformation\n\u2014 The instructions in this step assume that CalPods are connected to PNA \nPort 1 and Port 2, and that a 2-Port calibration is used.\n\u2014 Most PNA calibration types may be used with CalPods. For details, see \n\u201cCalibration Types Not Supported by CalPods\u201d on page 2-2.\nFigure 1-2 shows an ECal module with 3.5 mm f-f connectors. If using an \nECal module with 3.5 mm m-f connectors, the female connector on the \nECal module must be connected to each CalPod one-at-a-time. Follow the \nguided ECal calibration procedure on the PNA. Avoid using adapters \nbetween the ECal module and the CalPod connectors if possible. \n 1-20\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n\u2014 For information on PNA traces and channels, see the Quick Start section of \nthe PNA Series Network Analyzer Help System (available online and stored \nin the PNA).\n\u2014 Notes on the calibration:\n\u2014 An ECal or a mechanical calibration kit may be used to perform the \ncalibration. An ECal is preferred because the RF cables can remain \ntotally undisturbed during the calibration and initialization steps.\n\u2014 When an ECal is used and multiple connections are required, order \nthe steps such that the final step is an ECal \u201cThru\u201d state connection.\n\u2014 When a mechanical calibration kit is used, take precautions to \nminimize cable movement. Leave the final standards connected \nduring the initialization step in the following procedure.\n\u2014 When the ECal or calibration kit is a 2.4 mm connector type, use \nappropriate adapters on the CalPod RF1 and RF2 connectors (2.92 \nmm) during calibration.\nProcedure\n1. Connect the CalPods to the CalPod Controller.\n2. Power on the CalPod Controller.\n3. Start the CalPod dialog window titled \u201cCalibration Refresh Module\nConfiguration\u201d using either method below.\nMethod 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\nPress CAL > [More] > [Calpod] > [Calpod]\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\nClick Response > Cal > Calpod > Calpod\n4. Assign CalPods to PNA Port 1 and Port 2 or confirm that the appropriate\nassignments already exist. Click the down arrow to select from available\nCalPods for a given port.\n5. Close the CalPod dialog window.\n6. Configure the measurement hardware for the initial calibration.\nIf a \u201cWindows Security Alert\u201d appears that is related to the etrak Api, select \n\u201cUnblock.\u201d \nIt is important to activate the CalPod dialog window at this point to ensure \nthe CalPods are in the \u201cthru\u201d state.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-21\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nThe initial calibration consists of performing a normal calibration (typically \nwith an ECal module), and then transferring this correction array to the \nCalPods when the Initialize Channel command is performed in step 8.\nThe configuration for the initial ECal calibration and CalPod channel \ninitialization can be significantly different from the final measurement \nconfiguration. A short cable between the PNA test port and the CalPod \u2013 \nas shown in the following graphic \u2013 can be used for the initial calibration. \nFor the measurement, an entirely different cable with greater length and \nhigher loss can be substituted between the PNA test ports and the \nCalPods. Additionally, different adapters, and even switch matrices can be \nadded after the initial calibration to enable a measurement configuration.\n7. Set up the measurement parameters on the PNA.\n\u2014 Preset the PNA.\n\u2014 Set up a 2-port measurement channel with the desired parameters \nfor your DUT, including:\n\u2014 class (choose from S-parameters, source power cal and \nreceiver power calibrations, scalar and vector mixer \nmeasurements, gain compression for amplifiers and \nmixers, noise figure for amplifiers and mixers, noise figure \nfor amplifiers or mixers, IMD measurements for amplifiers \nor mixers, IMD spectrum mode)\n\u2014 start and stop frequencies (20 GHz CalPods are \ncharacterized from 100 MHz to 20 GHz; 40 GHz CalPods \nare characterized from 500 MHz to 40 GHz).\n\u2014 number of points\n 1-22\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n8. Use either of the following methods to perform a full 2-port calibration on\nthe PNA using an ECal module (for highest accuracy) or a mechanical\ncalibration kit.\n\u2014 Method 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\nPress Cal > [Start Cal] > [Cal Wizard].\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\nClick Response > Cal > Start Cal > Cal Wizard.\n\u2014 Follow the prompts in the calibration wizard to complete the \ncalibration\n\u2014 Select Save as User CalSet. Any file name that does not contain \n\u201ccalpod\u201d may be used.\nStep 12. Initialize the CalPods\nWithout disturbing any of the measurement hardware, use either of the \nfollowing methods to save the initial calibration into the CalPod correction \narray. This must be done immediately after completing the last step of the \ninitial calibration.\nMethod 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\nPress CAL > [More] > [Calpod] > [Initialize Channel]\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\nClick Response > Calpod > Initialize Channel\nFor best initial calibration results, use a 1 kHz or lower IF bandwidth with \nan averaging factor of eight. Sweep averaging is recommended. For the \nactual DUT measurements, the IF bandwidth and number of averages can \nvary. \nYou must select Save as User CalSet (rather than \u201cFinish\u201d), to save the \ncalibration in the channel 1 cal register. \nIMPORTANT: After completing the calibration, do not disturb any of the \nmeasurement hardware, until \u201cStep 12. Initialize the CalPods\u201d is \ncompleted, and the Initialize Channel operation has been performed on the \nCalPods. During this operation, the CalPods make a measurement \nrequiring the same measurement hardware to properly initialize the \nCalPod correction arrays. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-23\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nThe calibration correction array established by the initial calibration is \ntransferred to the CalPod correction array in this step. Any disturbances of the \nmeasurement hardware (such as cable movements) prior to performing the \nInitialize Channel step will affect the quality of the recorrection array.\nStep 13. Configure the Hardware for a Measurement\nAfter the Initialize Channel procedure is completed, as detailed in the previous \nstep, the measurement hardware can be reconfigured. For example, the short, \nstable cable between PNA port 1 and the CalPod can be replaced with a longer \ncable to reach a CalPod and DUT located inside a temperature or TVAC \nchamber. Other modifications in the path between the PNA and the CalPod \u2013 \nsuch as different adapters, and even switch matrices \u2013 can now be made. \nStep 14. Recorrect (Refresh) the CalPods\nWhen a calibration refresh is performed, the initial calibration is reestablished \nat the new location of the CalPods.\n1. Connect the CalPods to the DUT and recorrect the calibration using either\nof the following methods.\nMethod 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\nPress CAL > [More] > [Calpod] > [Recorrect Channel]\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\nClick Response > Cal > Calpod > Recorrect Channel\nThe system is now ready to make calibrated measurements on the DUT.\n2. When you want to reestablish the initial calibration, refresh the calibration\nusing either of the methods above.\nSome examples of situations that call for a calibration refresh:\n\u2014 Moving the location of the CalPods and DUT. For example, moving \nthem from close proximity with the PNA to inside a temperature or \nthermal-vacuum chamber.\n\u2014 Changing cables, cable lengths, or connectors in the path between \nthe PNA and the CalPod.\n\u2014 Adding a switch matrix or adaptors in the path between the PNA \nand the CalPod.\n\u2014 Changing switch positions in a switch matrix.\nIMPORTANT: Do not Initialize Channel at any future point in time, or the \nrecorrection array will be corrupted, causing improper recorrections and \ninaccurate measurement data. \n 1-24\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n\u2014 Changing temperatures inside of a temperature or thermal-vacuum \nchamber where the CalPod and DUT are located.\n\u2014 Moving or flexing the cables.\n\u2014 Wanting to be certain that a valid calibration is present at the \ncalibration plane.\nStep 15: Measure the DUT\nGather data from the PNA measurement of the DUT.\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n2\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information\nChapter Overview (Hyperlinks)\n\u2014 \u201c85523B Calpod Controller Dimensions and Weight\u201d on page 2-2\n\u2014 \u201cCalPod Operational Check\u201d on page 2-2\n\u2014 \u201cCalibration Types Not Supported by CalPods\u201d on page 2-2\n\u2014 \u201cSetting a Static IP Address on the PNA (When Using USB 2.0 to LAN \nAdapter)\u201d on page 2-3\n\u2014 \u201cAlternative Configuration for the LAN Cable (Not recommended)\u201d on \npage 2-4\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is 2 Meters or \nLess\u201d on page 2-6\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is More Than 2 \nMeters\u201d on page 2-7\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Using a 1 x 12 CalPod Cable Fan-Out Splitter for More \nThan Four CalPods\u201d on page 2-7\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and Splitter is Less Than 2\n Meters on page 2-8 \n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller\u201d on \npage 2-9\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller Over a \nLong Distance\u201d on page 2-10\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Long Distance Between Splitter and CalPod\u201d on page\n2-10\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Control Through a TVAC Chamber Wall\u201d on page 2-11\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n 2-1\n 2-2\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information\n2-\n85523B Calpod Controller Dimensions and Weight\n\u2014 Height: 89 mm\n\u2014 Width: 425 mm\n\u2014 Depth: 500 mm\n\u2014 Weight: 7.5 kg\n85523B CalPod Controller Front Panel Output Connectors \n\u2014 Connector type: LEMO USA ECG.2B.312.CLV (Keysight part number \n1254-1449)\n\u2014 Maximum output: +/- 15 VDC\nCalPod Operational Check\nA CalPod module may be tested using the CalPod Operational Check. For \ninstructions, refer to the CalPod portion of PNA Online Help at: \nhttp://na.support.keysight.com/pna/calpod/calpod_help.htm#OpCheck\nCalibration Types Not Supported by CalPods\nKeysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods support almost all PNA S-parameter \ncalibration types. The exceptions are calibration types that do not include a \nreturn loss portion for the port connected to the CalPod. An example of an \nunsupported calibration type is a Response Calibration.\nWhen an unsupported calibration type is used, the CalPod software reports an \nerror during \u201cInitialize Channel.\u201d\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 2-3\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information\nSetting a Static IP Address on the PNA (When Using USB 2.0 to LAN \nAdapter)\nWhen the CalPod Controller connects to the PNA via the USB 2.0 to LAN \nadapter, sometimes it is necessary to manually set a Static IP address on \nthe LAN interface. Multiple installations of the CalPod Software may require \nthis procedure.\n1. Minimize the PNA application to access the desktop.\n2. Click Start > Settings > Network Connections.\nThere should be two or more listings with the name \u201cLocal Area\nConnectionsN\u201d (where N may be blank or an arbitrary character).\n3. Right-click on the last item in the list and select Properties.\nThe listing under \u201cConnect using:\u201d should display \u201cASIX AX88772 USB2.0\nto Fast Ethernet.\u201d\nIf this text is not displayed, click Cancel and try another item in the list\nuntil this device is found.\n4. In the listing under \u201cThis connection uses the following items:\u201d, scroll\ndown the list and highlight \u201cInternet Protocol (TCP/IP).\u201d\n5. Click Properties or double-click the item on the list.\n6. Click \u201cUse the following IP address.\u201d\n7. Enter IP Address with a Subnet Mask of\n\u201cDefault Gateway\u201d can be left blank.\n8. Leave the DNS settings blank.\n9. Click OK as necessary to close the dialog windows. If you are presented\nwith a dialog window about entering a different IP address, click No.\n10.Return to \u201cStep 9. Configure the CalPods\u201d on page 1-14 and follow the\nsteps to test and verify that each CalPod is working.\n 2-4\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information\n2-\nAlternative Configuration for the LAN Cable (Not recommended)\nIf the USB 2.0 to LAN adapter is not available, the following LAN cable \nconfiguration can be used. However, this configuration is not recommended \nbecause it does not allow the PNA to communicate over the LAN with \ninstruments other than the controller.\n1. As shown in the graphic above, connect an appropriate type of LAN cable\n(not included) to the rear of the 85523B CalPod Controller.\n2. As shown in the graphic above, connect the other end of the LAN cable to\nthe PNA. (There is no network connector available for Web access.)\n3. Verify that AC line cords are connected to both the PNA and CalPod\nController and that they are powered on.\n4. Select File > Minimize Application.\nTA LAN cable is required but is not included. If your PNA model is an \nE836xC or N5230C, the LAN cable required is the cross-over type; for \nN524xA, see Figure 2-1 on page 2-5. Any LAN cable may be used with all \nother PNA models. (A cross-over LAN cable is used to connect computing \ndevices together directly where they would normally be connected via a \nnetwork switch, hub, or router.) \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 2-5\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information\n5. Run the CalPod LAN Config icon on the PNA desktop and select 1. Direct\nCable Connect. (This configures the PNA to a static IP address.)\n6. Follow remaining prompts.\nAs shown in the following graphic, if your N524xA has a removable hard drive, \nit can be connected to the 85523B CalPod Controller with any type of LAN \ncable. However, if the N524xA has a non-removable hard drive, it must use a \ncross-over LAN cable.\nFigure 2-1 \nLAN Cable Requirements for PNA-X N524xA Models\nTo return to DHCP on the built-in PNA LAN adapter when CalPod \noperation is no longer required, run the CalPod LAN Config icon again and \nselect option 3. \n 2-6\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\n2-\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\nThis section provides information on creating multiport CalPod configurations.\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is 2 Meters or \nLess\nWhen the distance between the 85523B CalPod controller and the CalPod unit \nis two meters or less, use the 85552A or 82553A CalPod drive cables \n(included with the CalPods) directly between them. \nCalPod drive cables vary, depending on the CalPod model. The cables have \nconnector alignment keys that allow only the proper cable to connect to the \nappropriate CalPod. This ensures that no mistake is made when connecting \nthe drive cable to the CalPod. Refer to page 1-4 for information on CalPod \ndrive cable compatibility.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 2-7\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is More Than \n2 Meters\nWhen the distance between the 85523B CalPod Controller and the CalPod unit \nis more than two meters, an 85554A extension cable for CalPod drive cables is \nrequired. This extension cable is 10 meters in length. The 12-pin male \nconnector joins with the 85523B CalPod controller, and the 12-pin female \nconnector joins with the 12-pin connector on the 85552/53A CalPod drive \ncable (2 meter length). The 9-pin male connector of the 85552/53A CalPod \ndrive cable joins with the CalPod.\nConfiguration: Using a 1 x 12 CalPod Cable Fan-Out Splitter for More \nThan Four CalPods\nAs shown in the following graphic, a Keysight 85556A 20 GHz and 40 GHz \nCalPod 1x12 fan-out splitter can be used to connect four or more 855xxA/B \nSeries CalPods to an 85523B CalPod Controller. \n 2-8\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\n2-\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and Splitter is Less Than \n2 Meters\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and Splitter is More Than \n2 Meters\nWhen the distance between the controller and the splitter is more than 2 \nmeters, both the 85554A CalPod drive extension cable and the 85555A splitter \ndrive cable are required.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 2-9\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\nConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller\nAs many as 48 CalPods can be controlled by one 85523B CalPod controller. \nEach of the four ports on the CalPod controller can drive an 85556A fan-out \ncable splitter which can each drive up to 12 CalPods. The drive cable between \nthe 85523B controller and the 85556A splitters requires either a 2 meter \n85555A splitter drive cable, or a combination of an 85554A 10 meter extension \ncable with a 2 meter 85555A splitter drive cable, as shown in \u201cConfiguration: \nUsing as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller Over a Long Distance\u201d on \npage 2-10. If additional distance is required, the extension cables can be \ncascaded.\n 2-10\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\n2-\nConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller Over \na Long Distance\nConfiguration: Long Distance Between Splitter and CalPod \nWhen there is a long distance required between the cable splitter and the \nCalPods, the 85554A CalPod drive extension cable can be used to provide \nadditional length as shown in the previous graphic.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 2-11\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\nConfiguration: Control Through a TVAC Chamber Wall\nThermal-vacuum testing requires controlling the CalPods inside of a TVAC \nchamber using an 85554A CalPod drive extension cable. This cable is cut to \nthe appropriate length, and the cable conductors soldered to an appropriate \nTVAC bulkhead connector to provide DC connections through the TVAC \nchamber wall. Alternatively, Pave Technology (www.pavetechnology.com) has \nan SP37/13-E-150-15-20-DSUB-DSUB connector that is used for TVAC \nbulkheads. The control voltages are +/-15 Vdc with 60 mA per cable \nconductor.\n 2-12\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\n2-\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n3\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nContacting Keysight\nAssistance with test and measurements needs and information on finding a local \nKeysight office are available at: www.keysight.com/find/assist\nIf you do not have access to the Internet, please contact your Keysight field \nengineer.\n In any correspondence or telephone conversation, refer to the Keysight \nproduct by its model number and full serial number. With this information, \nthe Keysight representative can determine whether your product is still \nwithin its warranty period.\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n 3-1\n 3-2\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nMaintenance\n3-\nMaintenance\nTo remove dirt or dust from the external case of the Keysight products, clean \nthe case using a dry or slightly-dampened cloth only.\nIf alcohol is used to clean the connectors, the power cord to the instrument \nmust be removed. All cleaning should take place in a well ventilated area. \nAllow adequate time for the fumes to disperse and moist alcohol to evaporate \nprior to energizing the instrument.\nShipment for Service \nContact Keysight Technologies for instructions on where to ship the Keysight \nproducts for service. Refer to \u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on page 3-1.\nShip the Keysight products using the original packaging materials. Shipping \nthe Keysight products in anything other than the original packaging may result \nin non-warranted damage. If returning a Keysight product for repair, attach a \ncomplete description of failure symptoms.\nTo prevent electrical shock, disconnect instrument from mains \nbefore cleaning. Use a dry cloth or one slightly dampened with \nwater to clean the external case parts. Do not attempt to clean \ninternally. \nKeep isopropyl alcohol away from heat, sparks, and flame. Store in a \ntightly closed container. It is extremely flammable. In case of fire, \nuse alcohol foam, dry chemical, or carbon dioxide; water may be \nineffective. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 3-3\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nSafety Symbols\nSafety Symbols \nThe following safety symbols are used throughout this manual. Familiarize \nyourself with each of the symbols and its meaning before operating this \ninstrument.\nCaution denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure that, if not \ncorrectly performed or adhered to, would result in damage to or \ndestruction of the product. Do not proceed beyond a caution note until the \nindicated conditions are fully understood and met.\nWarning denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure which, if \nnot correctly performed or adhered to, could result in injury or loss \nof life. Do not proceed beyond a warning note until the indicated \nconditions are fully understood and met. \n 3-4\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nGeneral Safety Considerations\n3-\nGeneral Safety Considerations \nSafety Earth Ground \nBefore Applying Power \nServicing \nThe Mains wiring and connectors shall be compatible with the connector \nused in the premise electrical system. Failure to ensure adequate earth \ngrounding by not using the correct components may cause product \ndamage and serious injury.\nIf this product is not used as specified, the protection provided by \nthe equipment could be impaired. This product must be used in a \nnormal condition (in which all means for protection are intact) only. \nThis instrument has autoranging line voltage input. Be sure the supply \nvoltage is within the specified range.\nThis product is designed for use in Installation Category II and Pollution \nDegree 2 per IEC standards.\nVentilation Requirements: When installing the instrument into a cabinet, \nconsideration shall be given to the convection flow into and out of the \ncabinet. Consideration shall also be given to the individual instruments to \navoid having the heated discharge of one instrument become the cooling \nintake air for another instrument. Another area of concern is verification \nthat the maximum ambient operating temperature of the instrument is not \nexceeded due to cabinet installation. Keysight recommends forced air \nconvection whenever an instrument is installed in a cabinet and further \nrecommends that the maximum operating temperature of the cabinet be \nreduced 10 \u00b0C lower than the maximum operating temperature of a single \ninstrument. If there are any concerns or special requirements, a Keysight \nField Engineer should be consulted to assure instrument temperature \ncompliance and performance.\nThese servicing instructions are for use by qualified personnel only. \nTo avoid electrical shock, do not perform any servicing unless you \nare qualified to do so. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 3-5\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nGeneral Safety Considerations\nNo operator serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified \npersonnel. To prevent electrical shock, do not remove covers. \nThe opening of covers or removal of parts may expose dangerous \nvoltages. Disconnect the instrument from all voltage sources while \nit is being opened. \nThe main power cord can be used as the system disconnecting \ndevice. It disconnects the mains circuits from the mains supply. \nThis is a Safety Class 1 Product (provided with a protective earthing \nground incorporated in the power cord). The mains plug shall only \nbe inserted in a socket outlet provided with a protective earth \ncontact. Any interruption of the protective conductor inside or \noutside of the product is likely to make the product dangerous. \nIntentional interruption is prohibited. \nFor continued protection against fire hazard, replace line fuse only \nwith same type and rating: Fuse 5A/250V, Part Number 2110-0709. \nThe use of other fuses, circuit breakers or materials is prohibited. \n 3-6\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nRegulatory Information\n3-\nRegulatory Information\nThis section contains information that is required by various government \nregulatory agencies. \nInstructions for Use\nThis product has been designed and tested in accordance with accepted \nindustry standards, and has been supplied in a safe condition. The \ndocumentation contains information and warnings that must be followed by \nthe user to ensure safe operation and to maintain the product in a safe \ncondition. \nInstall the instrument so that the detachable power cord is readily identifiable \nand is easily reached by the operator. \nThe detachable power cord is the instrument disconnecting device. It \ndisconnects the mains circuits from the mains supply before other parts of the \ninstrument. The front panel switch is only a standby and ON switch and is not a \nLINE switch (disconnecting device). \nAlternatively, an externally installed switch or circuit breaker (which is readily \nidentifiable and is easily reached by the operator) may be used as a \ndisconnecting device.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 3-7\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nRegulatory Information\nInstrument Markings \nTable 3-1 \nIP 2 0\nThe instruction documentation symbol. The product is marked with this symbol when it is \nnecessary for the user to refer to the instructions in the documentation.\nThe AC symbol indicates the required nature of the line module input power.\nThis symbol indicates separate collection for electrical and electronic equipment, \nmandated under EU law. All electric and electronic equipment are required to be separated \nfrom normal waste for disposal (Reference WEEE Directive). \nThis symbol indicates that the power line switch is ON.\nThis symbol indicates that the power line switch is in the STANDBY position.\nThis symbol indicates that the power line switch is in the OFF position.\nThis symbol is used to identify a terminal which is internally connected to the product frame or \nchassis.\nThe CE mark is a registered trademark of the European Community.\nThe Keysight email address is required by EU directives applicable to our product.\nThe CSA mark is a registered trademark of the CSA International. \nThis is a symbol of an Industrial Scientific and Medical Group 1 Class A product (CISPR 11, \nClause 5).\nThis is a marking to indicate product compliance with the Canadian Interference-Causing \nEquipment Standard (ICES-001). Cet appareil ISM est conforme \u00e0 la norme NMB du Canada. \nDirect Current.\nThe instrument has been designed to meet the requirements of IP 2 0 for egress and \noperational environment.\nThe RCM mark is a registered trademark of the Australian Communications and Media \nAuthority.\nIndicates the time period during which no hazardous or toxic substance elements are \nexpected to leak or deteriorate during normal use. Forty years is the expected useful life of \nthe product. \nThis symbol on all primary and secondary packaging indicates compliance to China standard \nGB 18455-2001.\nSouth Korean Certification (KC) mark; includes the marking's identifier code which follows the \nformat: MSIP-REM-YYY-ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.\nICES/NMB-001 \nccr.keysight@keysight.com\n 3-8\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nRegulatory Information\n3-\nCompliance Notices \nThis product has been designated and tested in accordance with accepted industry standards, and \nhas been supplied in a safe condition. The documentation contains information and warnings that \nmust be followed by the user to ensure safe operation and to maintain the product in a safe \ncondition.\nEMC and Safety Information\nEMC\nComplies with the essential requirements of the European EMC Directive as well as current editions \nof the following standards (dates and editions are cited in the Declaration of Conformity):\n\u2022\nIEC/EN 61326-1\n\u2022\nCISPR Pub 11 Group 1, class A\n\u2022\nAS/NZS CISPR 11\n\u2022\nICES/NMB-001\nThis ISM device complies with Canadian ICES-001.\nCet appareil ISM est conforme a la norme NMB-001 du Canada.000\nSafety Information \nEuropean Low Voltage Directive is not applicable for these products.\nDeclaration of Conformity\nA declaration of conformity for any of these ECal modules is available at \nhttp://www.keysight.com/go/conformity or by contacting Keysight - see \u201cContacting Keysight\u201d \non page 3-1.\nSouth Korean Class A EMC Declaration \nInformation to the user:\nThis equipment has been conformity assessed for use in business environments. In a residential \nenvironment, this equipment may cause radio interference. \n\u203b This EMC statement applies to the equipment only for use in a business environment.\n\uc0ac\uc6a9 \uc790 \uc548 \ub0b4 \ubb38\n\uc774\uae30\uae30\ub294 \uc5c5\ubb34\uc6a9 \ud658\uacbd\uc5d0\uc11c \uc0ac\uc6a9\ud560 \ubaa9\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc801\ud569\uc131\ud3c9\uac00\ub97c \ubc1b\uc740 \uae30\uae30\ub85c\uc11c\n\uac00\uc815\uc6a9 \ud658\uacbd\uc5d0\uc11c \uc0ac\uc6a9\ud558\ub294 \uacbd\uc6b0 \uc804\ud30c\uac04\uc12d\uc758 \uc6b0\ub824\uac00 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. \n\u203b \uc0ac\uc6a9\uc790 \uc548\ub0b4\ubb38\uc740 \u201c\uc5c5\ubb34\uc6a9 \ubc29\uc1a1\ud1b5\uc2e0\uae30\uc790\uc7ac\u201d\uc5d0\ub9cc \uc801\uc6a9\ud55c\ub2e4.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 3-9\nEnvironmental Information\nTable 3-2 \nEnvironmental Information \nParameter\nRequired Values/Ranges\nTemperature\nFor Indoor Use ONLY\nOperating\n0 \u00b0C to +55 \u00b0C\nStorage\n-40 \u00b0C to +70 \u00b0C\nAltitude (Operating)\n0 to 3,000 meters\nRelative humidity\nType tested, 0% to 95% at 40 \u00b0C, non-condensing\n 3-10\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\n3-\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nWarranty\nWarranty\nThe actual warranty on your instrument depends on the date it was ordered as \nwell as whether or not any warranty options were purchased at that time. To \ndetermine the exact warranty on your instrument, contact Keysight \nTechnologies with the model and serial number of your instrument. Refer to \n\u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on page 3-1.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 3-11\nThis information is subject to change \nwithout notice.\n\u00a9 Keysight Technologies 2013-2024\nPrint Date: June 2024\nSupersedes: January 2023\nwww.keysight.com\n\n\nQuestion: Can you describe an alternative LAN cable configuration and its limitations?\n\nAnswer:", "completion": " An alternative, though not recommended, configuration directly connects the LAN cable from the CalPod Controller to the PNA's LAN port. However, this method prevents the PNA from communicating with other network devices except for the CalPod Controller. . Cost Effectiveness - Reduced Downtime: Faster calibration processes mean less equipment downtime, which can lead to increased overall productivity. This is a significant advantage over traditional methods that may require lengthy calibration periods. - Long-Term Cost Savings: Although there may be a higher initial investment in CalPods, the long-term savings from improved efficiency, reduced errors, and faster turnaround can justify the cost. 6. Data Management and Integration - Digital Integration: CalPods can often integrate with other digital tools and software for data management, allowing for better tracking, reporting, and analysis of calibration data. Traditional methods may rely on manual records, which are more prone to errors and harder to analyze. - Enhanced Reporting: Automated systems can generate detailed calibration reports, which are important for compliance and quality assurance, making it easier to maintain records compared to traditional paper-based methods. Conclusion In summary, the integration of Keysight CalPods into high-frequency testing environments transforms the calibration process by making it faster, more accurate, and less prone to errors. This advancement not only improves the measurement quality but also boosts operational efficiency and productivity compared to traditional calibration methods. Organizations can achieve better results in high-frequency environments, ensuring reliable performance in critical applications. " }, { "prompt": "Extracted text: 855xxA/B Series CalPods and \n85523B CalPod Controller\nThis document provides information on 855xxA/B Series CalPods, explaining how to set up all software and \nhardware, how to confirm operation, and how to use with a PNA Microwave Network Analyzer.\nOPERATIONS AND SERVICE GUIDE\nNotices\n\u00a9 Keysight Technologies, Inc. \n2013-2024\nNo part of this manual may be \nreproduced in any form or by any \nmeans (including electronic storage \nand retrieval or translation into a \nforeign language) without prior \nagreement and written consent from \nKeysight Technologies, Inc. as \ngoverned by United States and \ninternational copyright laws.\nTrademark Acknowledgments\nManual Part Number\n85523-90005\nEdition\nPrint Date: June 2024\nSupersedes: January 2023\nPrinted in USA/Malaysia\nPublished by:\nKeysight Technologies\n1400 Fountaingrove Parkway Santa \nRosa, CA 95403\nWarranty\nTHE MATERIAL CONTAINED IN \nTHIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED \u201cAS \nIS,\u201d AND IS SUBJECT TO BEING \nCHANGED, WITHOUT NOTICE, IN \nFUTURE EDITIONS. FURTHER, TO \nTHE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED \nBY APPLICABLE LAW, KEYSIGHT \nDISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, \nEITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WITH \nREGARD TO THIS MANUAL AND \nANY INFORMATION CONTAINED \nHEREIN, INCLUDING BUT NOT \nLIMITED TO THE IMPLIED \nWARRANTIES OF \nMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS \nFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. \nKEYSIGHT SHALL NOT BE LIABLE \nFOR ERRORS OR FOR INCIDENTAL \nOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN \nCONNECTION WITH THE \nFURNISHING, USE, OR \nPERFORMANCE OF THIS \nDOCUMENT OR ANY INFORMATION \nCONTAINED HEREIN. SHOULD \nKEYSIGHT AND THE USER HAVE A \nSEPARATE WRITTEN AGREEMENT \nWITH WARRANTY TERMS \nCOVERING THE MATERIAL IN THIS \nDOCUMENT THAT CONFLICT WITH \nTHESE TERMS, THE WARRANTY \nTERMS IN THE SEPARATE \nAGREEMENT WILL CONTROL.\nTechnology Licenses\nThe hardware and/or software \ndescribed in this document are \nfurnished under a license and may be \nused or copied only in accordance \nwith the terms of such license.\nU.S. Government Rights\nThe Software is \u201ccommercial \ncomputer software,\u201d as defined \nby Federal Acquisition Regulation \n(\u201cFAR\u201d) 2.101. Pursuant to FAR \n12.212 and 27.405-3 and \nDepartment of Defense FAR \nSupplement (\u201cDFARS\u201d) 227.7202, \nthe U.S. government acquires \ncommercial computer software \nunder the same terms by which \nthe software is customarily \nprovided to the public. \nAccordingly, Keysight provides \nthe Software to U.S. government \ncustomers under its standard \ncommercial license, which is \nembodied in its End User License \nAgreement (EULA), a copy of \nwhich can be found at \nhttp://www.keysight.com/find/sweula \nThe license set forth in the EULA \nrepresents the exclusive authority \nby which the U.S. government \nmay use, modify, distribute, or \ndisclose the Software. The EULA \nand the license set forth therein, \ndoes not require or permit, \namong other things, that \nKeysight: (1) Furnish technical \ninformation related to \ncommercial computer software \nor commercial computer \nsoftware documentation that is \nnot customarily provided to the \npublic; or (2) Relinquish to, or \notherwise provide, the \ngovernment rights in excess of \nthese rights customarily provided \nto the public to use, modify, \nreproduce, release, perform, \ndisplay, or disclose commercial \ncomputer software or \ncommercial computer software \ndocumentation. No additional \ngovernment requirements \nbeyond those set forth in the \nEULA shall apply, except to the \nextent that those terms, rights, or \nlicenses are explicitly required \nfrom all providers of commercial \ncomputer software pursuant to \nthe FAR and the DFARS and are \nset forth specifically in writing \nelsewhere in the EULA. Keysight \nshall be under no obligation to \nupdate, revise or otherwise \nmodify the Software. With \nrespect to any technical data as \ndefined by FAR 2.101, pursuant \nto FAR 12.211 and 27.404.2 and \nDFARS 227.7102, the U.S. \ngovernment acquires no greater \nthan Limited Rights as defined in \nFAR 27.401 or DFAR 227.7103-5 \n(c), as applicable in any technical \ndata.\nSafety Notices\nA CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. It \ncalls attention to an operating \nprocedure, practice, or the like that, \nif not correctly performed or adhered \nto, could result in damage to the \nproduct or loss of important data. Do \nnot proceed beyond a CAUTION \nnotice until the indicated conditions \nare fully understood and met. \nA WARNING notice denotes a hazard. \nIt calls attention to an operating \nprocedure, practice, or the like that, \nif not correctly performed or adhered \nto, could result in personal injury or \ndeath. Do not proceed beyond a \nWARNING notice until the indicated \nconditions are fully understood and \nmet.\nContents\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n1\nTable of Contents\n1.\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1\nChapter Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1\nStep 1. Inspect the Shipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2\nStep 2. Meet Electrical and Environmental Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6\nStep 3. Download the CalPod Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7\nStep 4. A Model PNA/PNA-L/PNA-X and E836xC Instruments Only \n (B Models Ignore This Step): Enable the CalPod Firmware License \n (Option 301 or 302) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9\nStep 5. Confirm the PNA Model, Firmware Revision, and Installed Options . . . . . . . . . 1-9\nStep 6. Load Temperature Characterization Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11\nStep 7. Connect the LAN Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12\nStep 8. Confirm the Settings on the CalPod Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13\nStep 9. Configure the CalPods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14\nStep 10. Configure the Hardware for a Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-18\nStep 11. Perform Initial 2-Port Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-19\nStep 12. Initialize the CalPods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-22\nStep 13. Configure the Hardware for a Measurement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-23\nStep 14. Recorrect (Refresh) the CalPods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-23\nStep 15: Measure the DUT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-24\n2.\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1\nChapter Overview (Hyperlinks). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1\n85523B Calpod Controller Dimensions and Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2\n85523B CalPod Controller Front Panel Output Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2\nCalPod Operational Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2\nCalibration Types Not Supported by CalPods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2\nSetting a Static IP Address on the PNA (When Using USB 2.0 to LAN Adapter). . . . . . 2-3\nAlternative Configuration for the LAN Cable (Not recommended) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is 2 Meters or Less . . . . . . . . 2-6\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is More Than 2 Meters . . . . . 2-7\nConfiguration: Using a 1 x 12 CalPod Cable Fan-Out Splitter for \nMore Than Four CalPods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and Splitter is Less Than 2 Meters. . . . . . 2-8\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and Splitter is More Than 2 Meters . . . . . 2-8\nConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9\n2 \n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nContents\n2-10\nConfiguration: Long Distance Between Splitter and CalPod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10\nConfiguration: Control Through a TVAC Chamber Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11\n3.\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nContacting Keysight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1\nMaintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2\nShipment for Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2\nSafety Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3\nGeneral Safety Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4\nSafety Earth Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4\nBefore Applying Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4\nServicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4\nRegulatory Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6\nInstructions for Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6\nInstrument Markings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7\nCompliance Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8\nEnvironmental Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10\nWarranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10\nConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller \nOver a Long Distance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n1\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nTo get the most out of your purchase, it is recommended that this User\u2019s Guide \nbe read carefully and completely. \nThis document provides information on 855xxA/B Series CalPods, explaining \nhow to set up all software and hardware, how to confirm operation, and how to \nuse with a PNA Microwave Network Analyzer.\n855xxA/B Series CalPods eliminate errors due to cable or test system \ninstability. CalPods simplify the process of recalibrating the PNA by not \nrequiring the removal of the Device Under Test (DUT) or the physical \nconnection of standards. This allows recalibrating from a remote location, such \nas when the DUT is used with very long cables in a temperature chamber or \nTVAC (thermal-vacuum) chamber.\n855xxA/B Series CalPod Models:\n\u2014 85530B 20 GHz CalPod (Standard)\n\u2014 85531B 20 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)\n\u2014 85532B 20 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)\n\u2014 85540B 40 GHz CalPod (Standard)\n\u2014 85541B 40 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)\n\u2014 85542B 40 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)\nEach 855xxA/B Series CalPod is controlled with the 85523B CalPod Controller.\nChapter Overview\n\u2014 \u201cStep 1. Inspect the Shipment\u201d on page 1-2\n\u2014 \u201cStep 2. Meet Electrical and Environmental Requirements\u201d on page 1-6\n\u2014 \u201cStep 3. Download the CalPod Software\u201d on page 1-7\n\u2014 \u201cStep 4. A Model PNA/PNA-L/PNA-X and E836xC Instruments Only (B \nModels Ignore This Step): Enable the CalPod Firmware License (Option \n301 or 302)\u201d on page 1-9\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n 1-1\n 1-2\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n\u2014 \u201cStep 5. Confirm the PNA Model, Firmware Revision, and Installed \nOptions\u201d on page 1-9\n\u2014 \u201cStep 6. Load Temperature Characterization Data\u201d on page 1-11\n\u2014 \u201cStep 7. Connect the LAN Cable\u201d on page 1-12\n\u2014 \u201cStep 8. Confirm the Settings on the CalPod Controller\u201d on page 1-13\n\u2014 \u201cStep 9. Configure the CalPods\u201d on page 1-14\n\u2014 \u201cStep 10. Configure the Hardware for a Calibration\u201d on page 1-18\n\u2014 \u201cStep 11. Perform Initial 2-Port Calibration\u201d on page 1-19\n\u2014 \u201cStep 12. Initialize the CalPods\u201d on page 1-22\n\u2014 \u201cStep 13. Configure the Hardware for a Measurement\u201d on page 1-23\n\u2014 \u201cStep 14. Recorrect (Refresh) the CalPods\u201d on page 1-23\n\u2014 \u201cStep 15: Measure the DUT\u201d on page 1-24\nStep 1. Inspect the Shipment\n1. Unpack the contents of the shipping container. Keep the container and\npackaging material in case the contents needs to be returned to the\nfactory.\n2. Use the Contents List in the shipping container to verify the completeness\nof your shipment. If not complete, refer to \u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on\npage 3-1.\n3. Carefully inspect each item in your shipment to make sure it was not\ndamaged during shipment. If damaged, refer to \u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on\npage 3-1.\nThe following pages list items that may be included in your shipment, \ndepending on what you purchased. Your shipment may not contain all \nitems shown. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-3\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nTable 1-1 \nShipment Items\n85530B 100 MHz to 20 GHz CalPod (Standard)1, or \n85540B 500 MHz to 40 GHz CalPod (Standard)1, 2\n85531B 100 MHz to 20 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)1, or \n85541B 500 MHz to 40 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)1, 2\nNOTE\nAs shown in the graphic below, each temperature characterized CalPod comes with a USB \ndrive that has a matching serial number. Each USB drive contains temperature \ncharacterization data that is unique to each 85531B 20 GHz CalPod or 85541B 40 GHz \nCalPod.\n85532B 100 MHz to 20 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)1, or \n85542B 500 MHz to 40 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)1, 2 \nPhotos of the 85532B 20 GHz CalPod and the 85542B 40 GHz CalPod are not available. However, these CalPod \nmodels look the same as the 85531A 20 GHz CalPod shown above, except for the label.\nRF2 Connector \n2.92 mm (m)\nRF1 Connector \n2.92 mm (f)\nCTRL Connector \n9 Pin\nCalPod\nUSB Drive\n 1-4\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n85523B CalPod Controller1\n0960-2955 USB 2.0 to LAN Adapter, 7.5 inch3\n85553A CalPod Drive Cable (2 meter, 28 AWG) included with:\n\u2014 85530B 20 GHz CalPod (Standard)\n\u2014 85531B 20 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)\n\u2014 85532B 20 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)\n\u2014 85540B 40 GHz CalPod (Standard)\n\u2014 85541B 40 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)\n\u2014 85542B 40 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)\nTable 1-1 \nShipment Items\nConnects only to \n85330/31/32B and \n85540/41/42A/B CalPods \n(9-pin male connector)\nConnects to 85523B \nCalPod controller or \n85554A 10 meter CalPod \ndrive cable extension \n(12-pin male connector)\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-5\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nNOTE\nCalPod drive cables vary, depending on the CalPod model. The cables have connector \nalignment keys that allow only the proper cable to connect to the appropriate CalPod. This \nensures that no mistake is made when connecting the drive cable to the CalPod. \nA CalPod drive cable with two alignment keys (shown below) is used with the \n85530/31/32B 20 GHz CalPods as well as the 85540/41/42A/B 40 GHz CalPods. The \nolder 85530/31/32A CalPods use the drive cable with only one alignment key (shown \nbelow).\n85554A 20 GHz and 40 GHz CalPod Drive Cable Extension4 (10 meter, 22 AWG)\n85555A Splitter Drive Cable (2 meter, 22 AWG) included with 85556A 1x12 Fan-Out Cable Splitter\nTable 1-1 \nShipment Items\n 1-6\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\nStep 2. Meet Electrical and Environmental Requirements\n1. Ensure the available AC power source meets the following requirements:\n\u2014 Frequency\n\u2014 50/60 Hz\n\u2014 Voltage\n\u2014 100/120/220/240 VAC\n\u2014 Power (maximum consumed)\n\u2014 350 W \n2. Ensure the operating environment meets the requirements found in\n\u201cEnvironmental Information\u201d on page 3-9.\n85556A 1x12 Fan-Out Cable Splitter\nThe 85556A 1x12 fan-out cable splitter is used to drive up to 12 CalPods from a single port on the 85523B CalPod \ncontroller.\nFor information on connecting more than four CalPods in a measurement hardware configuration, refer to \n\u201cConfiguration: Using a 1 x 12 CalPod Cable Fan-Out Splitter for More Than Four CalPods\u201d on \npage 2-7.\n1. For CalPod drive cables, see Table 1-1 on page 1-3.\n2. Although the 85540B, 85541B, and the 85542B 40 GHz CalPods are only characterized from 500 MHz to 40 GHz, they can \nfunction from 100 MHz to 40 GHz.\n3. The device driver software for the USB 2.0 to LAN Adapter is installed during the procedure \u201cStep 3. Download the\nCalPod Software\u201d on page 1-7.\n4. CalPod drive cable extensions may be used with either the 85552A 20 GHz CalPod drive cable or the 85553A 40 GHz \nCalPod drive cable.\nThis instrument has autoranging line voltage input. Be sure the supply \nvoltage is within the specified range.\nTable 1-1 \nShipment Items\nThe instrument can operate with mains supply voltage fluctuations up to \n+/- 10% of the nominal voltage. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-7\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n3. Verify that the AC power cable is not damaged, and that the power-source\noutlet provides a protective earth contact.\nStep 3. Download the CalPod Software\nThe CalPod Software includes all software required for full \nCalPod operation. \n1. On the PNA, select File > Minimize Application.\n2. Connect a LAN cable to the PNA for access to the Internet.\n3. Select an applicable browser (typically Microsoft Edge or Google\nChrome).\n4. From the Keysight.com home page, search for \"CalPod Software\" or go\nto https://www.keysight.com/us/en/lib/software-detail/instrument-\nfirmware-software/calpod-software.html\n5. Note the message on the CalPod Software front page that reads\n\"Install this application software on a PNA running (firmware version\nnumber) firmware or above.\" See example below.\nEnsure you have the minimum or greater version of the firmware \nneeded. If a firmware update is needed on your PNA, go to \nhttps://www.keysight.com/us/en/lib/software-detail/instrument-\nfirmware-software/n52xxb-pna-series-network-analyzer-\nfirmware.html and download the latest version.\nUse the Keysight supplied power cord or one with the same or better \nelectrical rating. Failure to ensure adequate earth grounding by not using \nthis cord may cause personal injury or product damage.\nThe following steps assume that the CalPod Software has not previously \nbeen installed on the PNA. By default, the B-Model PNAs will already \nhave CalPod software installed (CalPod 2.0).\n 1-8\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n6. Once the firmware version has been verified, or a new version has been\ndownloaded and installed, download the CalPod Software and follow\nthe InstallShield Wizard prompts.\n7. Wait for an InstallShield Wizard screen with a \u201cFinish\u201d button. When it\nappears, select Finish.\n8. Select Exit.\n9. In the newly created \"CalPod API\" folder on the C: drive, you'll find the\napplication \"PXI_CalPod_Utilities.\" Opening the application will present\nyou with the following screen:\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-9\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nStep 4. A Model PNA/PNA-L/PNA-X and E836xC Instruments Only\n (B Models Ignore This Step): Enable the CalPod Firmware\n License (Option 301 or 302)\nTo use the CalPod Software package that was downloaded in \u201cStep 3. \nDownload the CalPod Software\u201d on page 1-7, the CalPod firmware license \noption (301 or 302) has to be enabled using a keyword that is specific for your \nPNA model and serial number. This keyword was sent to you by Keysight. Use \nthe following instructions to enter the keyword in the PNA using the PNA \nfront panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\n1. On the PNA, press SYSTEM > [Service] > [Option Enable].\n2. In the Option Enable dialog box, use the pull-down menu to select the\nCalPod firmware option you bought with your initial purchase. If you don\u2019t\nknow which option was purchased, refer to the papers in the shipment\ncontainer.\n3. Enter the keyword.\n4. Select Permanent > Enable.\n5. Click Yes to restart the PNA and enable the new firmware.\n6. Click Exit.\nStep 5. Confirm the PNA Model, Firmware Revision, and Installed \nOptions\n1. If not already active, start the PNA application.\n2. Select the Help pull down menu.\n3. Select About Network Analyzer and note the following:\na. PNA model.\nb. PNA firmware (application code) version.\nc. PNA option 301 or 302 is installed.\n4. Compare the information you just noted with the information in Table 1-2.\nIf your PNA is not compatible with your CalPods, or if Option 301 or 302 is\nnot installed, contact Keysight. Refer to \u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on\npage 3-1. If you have an old version of PNA firmware, go to\nhttps://www.keysight.com/us/en/lib/software-detail/instrument-\nfirmware-software/n52xxb-pna-series-network-analyzer-firmware.html\nand download the latest version.\nFor A model PNA/PNA-X/PNA-L\u2019s and E8456xC instruments, if you have do \nnot have Option 301 or 302 installed, contact Keysight. Refer to \n\u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on page 3-1. See also, Table 1-2 on page 1-10.\n 1-10\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n5. Select OK.\n6. Select the File pull down menu and select Minimize Application.\nPNA Options for CalPod Firmware\nPNA firmware option 301 is used for ambient temperature operation of \nCalPods and provides accurate recorrection capabilities over the temperature \nrange +20 to +30 \u00b0C. A maximum of only four CalPods can be controlled with \noption 301. The temperature compensated and thermal-vacuum environment \nCalPods can be used with firmware option 301, but they will not have \ntemperature compensation capabilities.\nPNA firmware option 302 is used for temperature compensated and \nthermal-vacuum CalPods, and provides accurate recorrection capabilities over \nthe temperature range \u201330 to +80 \u00b0C. With firmware option 302, up to 48 \nCalPods can be controlled, but only four CalPods at a time can be recorrected.\nTable 1-2 \nPNA Models, Firmware, Firmware Options Required for 855xxA/B Series \nCalPods\nPNA Models\nPNA Firmware \nVersion\nPNA Options (CalPod \nFirmware License)\n855xxA/B CalPod Modules\nN524xB PNA-X\nA.13.25.04 or later\nNo options. \n(Firmware includes Option \n301/302.)\n85530B 20 GHz CalPod \n85540B 40 GHz CalPod \n85531B 20 GHz CalPod \n85532B 20 GHz CalPod \n85542B 40 GHz CalPod\nN522xB PNA\nN523xB PNA-L\nN524xA PNA-X\nA.09.33.05 or later\nOption 301\n85530B 20 GHz CalPod\nN522xA PNA\n85540B 40 GHz CalPod\nN523xA PNA-L\nOption 302\n85531B 20 GHz CalPod\nN5230C PNA-L\n85532B 20 GHz CalPod\nE836xC PNA\nA.09.85.07 or earlier\n85541B 40 GHz CalPod\n85542B 40 GHz CalPod\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-11\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nStep 6. Load Temperature Characterization Data\nIf your CalPod model is an 85531B, 85532B, 85541B, or 85542B, it is \ntemperature compensated, and was shipped with a USB drive that has a \nmatching serial number \u2013 refer to Figure 1-1 on page 1-12. The USB drive \ncontains Temperature Characterization data that must be loaded into the PNA. \nTo do so, use the following procedure.\n1. Insert the USB drive into any USB port on the PNA.\n2. To access the Windows desktop when the PNA application is active, select\nFile > Minimize Application.\n3. Right-click on Start. and select Explore.\n4. Navigate to the files on the USB drive, and double-click setup.exe to run\nthe program.\n5. In the dialog window titled \u201cCalPod Thermal Characterization Data Install\nUtility,\u201d click \u201cI accept license terms...\u201d and wait for additional text to be\ndisplayed. This loads CalPod Temperature Characterization data in the\nPNA.\n6. When \u201cPNA restore archive complete\u201d is displayed at the bottom of the\nwindow, close the window.\n7. Remove the USB drive from the PNA.\n8. Repeat Step 6. for each CalPod to be used with the PNA.\nThe following process is required for 85531B, 85532B, 85541B, and \n85542B Cal Pods. It is not required for an 85530B or 85540B CalPod \nsince these models do not have Temperature Characterization data. \n 1-12\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\nFigure 1-1 \nUSB Drive Matches Serial Number on CalPod\nStep 7. Connect the LAN Cable\n\u2014 The following graphic shows the recommended configuration for the LAN \ncable. Information on an alternative configuration can be found at \n\u201cAlternative Configuration for the LAN Cable (Not recommended)\u201d on \npage 2-4. Although this alternative is not recommended, it can be used \nwhen the USB 2.0 to LAN adapter is not available.\n\u2014 85523B CalPod Controllers do not support DHCP networking.\n\u2014 The 85523B CalPod Controller is set to a static IP Address (default: \n192.168.0.100.)\nA LAN cable is required but is not included. Either a standard or cross-over \nLAN cable can be used. (A cross-over LAN cable is used to connect \ncomputing devices together directly where they would normally be \nconnected via a network switch, hub, or router.) \nSerial Number on USB Drive\n(ignore preceding letters)\nSerial Number on CalPod \n(ignore preceding letters)\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-13\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n\u2014 For additional information on making connections to the LAN using network \nswitches and network hubs, contact your network administrator. \n1. As shown in the graphic above, connect a LAN cable (not included) to the\nrear of the 85523B CalPod Controller and connect the other end to the\nUSB 2.0 to LAN adapter (part number 0960-2955).\n2. As shown in the graphic above, connect the USB 2.0 to LAN adapter to a\nUSB port on the PNA. (Typically this is on the rear of the PNA, but any USB\nport can be used.)\n3. Verify that AC line cords are connected to both the PNA and CalPod\nController and that they are powered on.\n4. Select File > Minimize Application.\n5. Run the CalPod LAN Config icon on the PNA desktop and select 2.\nUSB-to-LAN- Adapter.\n6. Follow the remaining prompts.\nStep 8. Confirm the Settings on the CalPod Controller\nUse either of the following methods to run the IP setup utility and confirm the \ndefault settings shown in the table below.\nMethod 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\n 1-14\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n\u2014 On the PNA, press CAL > [More] > [CalPod] > [CalPod]. \n\u2014 On the dialog window titled \u201cCalibration Module Refresh Configuration,\u201d \nclick [CalPod Setup].\n\u2014 On the dialog window titled \u201cCalPod Setup,\u201d click [IP Setup].\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\n\u2014 On the PNA, click Start > Programs > CalPod > API > IP Setup.\nIf the default settings are not correctly displayed, use the keypad to enter them \nin the IP Setup dialog window.\nThe default addresses for the 85523B CalPod Controller are shown in the \nfollowing table.\nFor additional information on making connections to the LAN using network \nswitches and network hubs, contact your network administrator.\nStep 9. Configure the CalPods\n1. Connect each CalPod to the CalPod controller, as shown in the following\ngraphic.\nFor CalPod drive cables, see \u201cStep 1. Inspect the Shipment\u201d on page 1-2. \n2. If not already active, start the PNA application.\nSetting\nDefault Address\nIP\n192.168.0.100\nNetwork mask\n255.255.255.0\nGateway\n192.168.0.1\nDNS\n0.0.0.0 (or leave \nblank)\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-15\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n3. Start the CalPod dialog window titled \u201cCalibration Refresh Module\nConfiguration\u201d using either method below.\nMethod 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\nPress CAL > [More] > [Calpod] > [Calpod]\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\nClick Response > Cal > Calpod > Calpod\n4. Select CalPod Setup on the Calibration Refresh Module Configuration\nwindow.\nIf a \u201cWindows Security Alert\u201d appears that is related to the etrak Api, select \n\u201cUnblock.\". \n 1-16\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n5. If using thermal CalPods, the serial numbers will automatically appear in\nthe CalPod Setup dialog window. However, if using standard CalPods,\nenter a CalPod serial number, omitting preceding letters, then click Add\nCalPod.\nIn the dialog window column \u201cCalPod Types:\u201d\n\u2014 \u201cSTANDARD\u201d refers to the 85530B 20 GHz CalPod and 85540B 40 \nGHz CalPod, and requires software Option 301 or 302. The list is \nlimited to four entries when Option 301 is the only option installed.\n\u2014 \u201cTHERMAL\u201d refers to the 85531/32B 20 GHz CalPod and 85541/42B \n40 GHz CalPod, and requires software Option 302. More than four \nentries can be listed with Option 302.\nIn order for a CalPod to be listed as \u201cTHERMAL,\u201d its Temperature \nCharacterization data must have been installed previously in \u201cStep 6. Load \nTemperature Characterization Data\u201d on page 1-11. Without its \nTemperature Characterization data loaded, each CalPod will be listed as a \n\u201cSTANDARD.\u201d\n6. Repeat the previous step for each standard CalPod you are using with the\nPNA.\n7. Using the CalPod Setup dialog window, highlight a CalPod serial number\nand click Test.\nEnter serial number\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-17\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nThe dialog window displays a list of one or more CalPod serial numbers.\n\u2014 If the Test Result dialog window shows \u201cPassed,\u201d the CalPod is \nfunctioning. The temperature displayed is the internal temperature \nof the CalPod microcircuit.\n\u2014 If Test Result shows \u201cFailed,\u201d and the window text contains the \nwords \u201cController @ .... :Failed\u201d\n\u2014 Check that the CalPod Controller is powered on and \nconnected to the PNA correctly. See \u201cStep 7. Connect the \nLAN Cable\u201d on page 1-12.\n\u2014 If all connections appear to be correct and the USB 2.0 to \nLAN Adapter is being used, set a static IP address on the \nPNA. See \u201cSetting a Static IP Address on the PNA (When \nUsing USB 2.0 to LAN Adapter)\u201d on page 2-3.\n\u2014 If Test Result shows Failed and the window text contains the words \n\u201csn .... :Failed,\u201d check that the CalPod is properly connected to the \nCalPod Controller.\n8. After each CalPod serial number has been highlighted and tested, click\nClose to return to the \u201cCalibration Refresh Module Configuration\u201d dialog\nmenu.\n9. Assign each CalPod to a PNA test port.\nHighlight the serial number and select Test\n 1-18\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\na. In the \u201cCalibration Refresh Module Configuration\u201d dialog window\nshown below, under the heading \u201cCalPod Assignments,\u201d assign a\nCalpod to each test port on the PNA. Note that Port 1, Port 2, Port 3,\nand Port 4 refer to the PNA test ports, and not the connector labels\non the 85523B CalPod controller.\nAs indicated in this example, CalPod serial number 50270102 has been \nassigned to PNA test port 1, and CalPod serial number 50270107 has been \nassigned to PNA test port 2.\nb. After each CalPod has been assigned to a test port on the PNA, click\nClose.\nStep 10. Configure the Hardware for a Calibration\nFigure 1-2 on page 1-19 shows a recommended, basic measurement \nhardware configuration for calibrating the PNA when measuring a 2-port DUT. \nFor more configuration options, visit: https://www.keysight.com/us/en/\nproducts/accessories/calibration-modules-kits.html#CalibrationPod.\nThe following items may be required, depending on your measurement \nhardware configuration. \n\u2014 RF Cables \u2013 required to connect each CalPod to a PNA port. CalPods work \nwell with cable losses (one- way loss from CalPod to PNA test port) up to 20 \ndB. CalPods will also work with cable losses greater than 20 dB, but the \nrecorrection performance may be degraded. Consult the 855xxA/B Series \nCalPod Performance Characteristics document (85523-90003) available \nat: https://www.keysight.com/us/en/assets/9921-01890/reference-\nguides/855xxA-B-Series-CalPods-and-85523-CalPod-Controller-\nPerformance-Characteristics.pdf\n\u2014 RF Adapters for the Device Under Test (DUT) \u2013 required if the DUT \nconnectors are not compatible with the CalPod RF2 (2.92 mm male) \nconnector.\n\u2014 Calibration Kit or ECal \u2013 compatible with DUT connectors.\nClicking Help in the dialog window displays CalPod information in the PNA \nSeries Network Analyzer Help System, stored in the PNA. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-19\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n\u2014 (Optional) CalPod Drive Cable Extensions \u2013 The standard CalPod drive \ncable is 2 meters in length. The 85554A CalPod drive cable extension \nprovides an additional 10 meter length. These CalPod drive cable \nextensions can be cascaded.\nFigure 1-2 \nBasic Measurement Hardware Configuration for Calibration (2-Port DUT)\nStep 11. Perform Initial 2-Port Calibration\nInformation\n\u2014 The instructions in this step assume that CalPods are connected to PNA \nPort 1 and Port 2, and that a 2-Port calibration is used.\n\u2014 Most PNA calibration types may be used with CalPods. For details, see \n\u201cCalibration Types Not Supported by CalPods\u201d on page 2-2.\nFigure 1-2 shows an ECal module with 3.5 mm f-f connectors. If using an \nECal module with 3.5 mm m-f connectors, the female connector on the \nECal module must be connected to each CalPod one-at-a-time. Follow the \nguided ECal calibration procedure on the PNA. Avoid using adapters \nbetween the ECal module and the CalPod connectors if possible. \n 1-20\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n\u2014 For information on PNA traces and channels, see the Quick Start section of \nthe PNA Series Network Analyzer Help System (available online and stored \nin the PNA).\n\u2014 Notes on the calibration:\n\u2014 An ECal or a mechanical calibration kit may be used to perform the \ncalibration. An ECal is preferred because the RF cables can remain \ntotally undisturbed during the calibration and initialization steps.\n\u2014 When an ECal is used and multiple connections are required, order \nthe steps such that the final step is an ECal \u201cThru\u201d state connection.\n\u2014 When a mechanical calibration kit is used, take precautions to \nminimize cable movement. Leave the final standards connected \nduring the initialization step in the following procedure.\n\u2014 When the ECal or calibration kit is a 2.4 mm connector type, use \nappropriate adapters on the CalPod RF1 and RF2 connectors (2.92 \nmm) during calibration.\nProcedure\n1. Connect the CalPods to the CalPod Controller.\n2. Power on the CalPod Controller.\n3. Start the CalPod dialog window titled \u201cCalibration Refresh Module\nConfiguration\u201d using either method below.\nMethod 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\nPress CAL > [More] > [Calpod] > [Calpod]\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\nClick Response > Cal > Calpod > Calpod\n4. Assign CalPods to PNA Port 1 and Port 2 or confirm that the appropriate\nassignments already exist. Click the down arrow to select from available\nCalPods for a given port.\n5. Close the CalPod dialog window.\n6. Configure the measurement hardware for the initial calibration.\nIf a \u201cWindows Security Alert\u201d appears that is related to the etrak Api, select \n\u201cUnblock.\u201d \nIt is important to activate the CalPod dialog window at this point to ensure \nthe CalPods are in the \u201cthru\u201d state.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-21\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nThe initial calibration consists of performing a normal calibration (typically \nwith an ECal module), and then transferring this correction array to the \nCalPods when the Initialize Channel command is performed in step 8.\nThe configuration for the initial ECal calibration and CalPod channel \ninitialization can be significantly different from the final measurement \nconfiguration. A short cable between the PNA test port and the CalPod \u2013 \nas shown in the following graphic \u2013 can be used for the initial calibration. \nFor the measurement, an entirely different cable with greater length and \nhigher loss can be substituted between the PNA test ports and the \nCalPods. Additionally, different adapters, and even switch matrices can be \nadded after the initial calibration to enable a measurement configuration.\n7. Set up the measurement parameters on the PNA.\n\u2014 Preset the PNA.\n\u2014 Set up a 2-port measurement channel with the desired parameters \nfor your DUT, including:\n\u2014 class (choose from S-parameters, source power cal and \nreceiver power calibrations, scalar and vector mixer \nmeasurements, gain compression for amplifiers and \nmixers, noise figure for amplifiers and mixers, noise figure \nfor amplifiers or mixers, IMD measurements for amplifiers \nor mixers, IMD spectrum mode)\n\u2014 start and stop frequencies (20 GHz CalPods are \ncharacterized from 100 MHz to 20 GHz; 40 GHz CalPods \nare characterized from 500 MHz to 40 GHz).\n\u2014 number of points\n 1-22\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n8. Use either of the following methods to perform a full 2-port calibration on\nthe PNA using an ECal module (for highest accuracy) or a mechanical\ncalibration kit.\n\u2014 Method 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\nPress Cal > [Start Cal] > [Cal Wizard].\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\nClick Response > Cal > Start Cal > Cal Wizard.\n\u2014 Follow the prompts in the calibration wizard to complete the \ncalibration\n\u2014 Select Save as User CalSet. Any file name that does not contain \n\u201ccalpod\u201d may be used.\nStep 12. Initialize the CalPods\nWithout disturbing any of the measurement hardware, use either of the \nfollowing methods to save the initial calibration into the CalPod correction \narray. This must be done immediately after completing the last step of the \ninitial calibration.\nMethod 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\nPress CAL > [More] > [Calpod] > [Initialize Channel]\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\nClick Response > Calpod > Initialize Channel\nFor best initial calibration results, use a 1 kHz or lower IF bandwidth with \nan averaging factor of eight. Sweep averaging is recommended. For the \nactual DUT measurements, the IF bandwidth and number of averages can \nvary. \nYou must select Save as User CalSet (rather than \u201cFinish\u201d), to save the \ncalibration in the channel 1 cal register. \nIMPORTANT: After completing the calibration, do not disturb any of the \nmeasurement hardware, until \u201cStep 12. Initialize the CalPods\u201d is \ncompleted, and the Initialize Channel operation has been performed on the \nCalPods. During this operation, the CalPods make a measurement \nrequiring the same measurement hardware to properly initialize the \nCalPod correction arrays. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-23\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nThe calibration correction array established by the initial calibration is \ntransferred to the CalPod correction array in this step. Any disturbances of the \nmeasurement hardware (such as cable movements) prior to performing the \nInitialize Channel step will affect the quality of the recorrection array.\nStep 13. Configure the Hardware for a Measurement\nAfter the Initialize Channel procedure is completed, as detailed in the previous \nstep, the measurement hardware can be reconfigured. For example, the short, \nstable cable between PNA port 1 and the CalPod can be replaced with a longer \ncable to reach a CalPod and DUT located inside a temperature or TVAC \nchamber. Other modifications in the path between the PNA and the CalPod \u2013 \nsuch as different adapters, and even switch matrices \u2013 can now be made. \nStep 14. Recorrect (Refresh) the CalPods\nWhen a calibration refresh is performed, the initial calibration is reestablished \nat the new location of the CalPods.\n1. Connect the CalPods to the DUT and recorrect the calibration using either\nof the following methods.\nMethod 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\nPress CAL > [More] > [Calpod] > [Recorrect Channel]\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\nClick Response > Cal > Calpod > Recorrect Channel\nThe system is now ready to make calibrated measurements on the DUT.\n2. When you want to reestablish the initial calibration, refresh the calibration\nusing either of the methods above.\nSome examples of situations that call for a calibration refresh:\n\u2014 Moving the location of the CalPods and DUT. For example, moving \nthem from close proximity with the PNA to inside a temperature or \nthermal-vacuum chamber.\n\u2014 Changing cables, cable lengths, or connectors in the path between \nthe PNA and the CalPod.\n\u2014 Adding a switch matrix or adaptors in the path between the PNA \nand the CalPod.\n\u2014 Changing switch positions in a switch matrix.\nIMPORTANT: Do not Initialize Channel at any future point in time, or the \nrecorrection array will be corrupted, causing improper recorrections and \ninaccurate measurement data. \n 1-24\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n\u2014 Changing temperatures inside of a temperature or thermal-vacuum \nchamber where the CalPod and DUT are located.\n\u2014 Moving or flexing the cables.\n\u2014 Wanting to be certain that a valid calibration is present at the \ncalibration plane.\nStep 15: Measure the DUT\nGather data from the PNA measurement of the DUT.\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n2\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information\nChapter Overview (Hyperlinks)\n\u2014 \u201c85523B Calpod Controller Dimensions and Weight\u201d on page 2-2\n\u2014 \u201cCalPod Operational Check\u201d on page 2-2\n\u2014 \u201cCalibration Types Not Supported by CalPods\u201d on page 2-2\n\u2014 \u201cSetting a Static IP Address on the PNA (When Using USB 2.0 to LAN \nAdapter)\u201d on page 2-3\n\u2014 \u201cAlternative Configuration for the LAN Cable (Not recommended)\u201d on \npage 2-4\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is 2 Meters or \nLess\u201d on page 2-6\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is More Than 2 \nMeters\u201d on page 2-7\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Using a 1 x 12 CalPod Cable Fan-Out Splitter for More \nThan Four CalPods\u201d on page 2-7\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and Splitter is Less Than 2\n Meters on page 2-8 \n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller\u201d on \npage 2-9\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller Over a \nLong Distance\u201d on page 2-10\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Long Distance Between Splitter and CalPod\u201d on page\n2-10\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Control Through a TVAC Chamber Wall\u201d on page 2-11\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n 2-1\n 2-2\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information\n2-\n85523B Calpod Controller Dimensions and Weight\n\u2014 Height: 89 mm\n\u2014 Width: 425 mm\n\u2014 Depth: 500 mm\n\u2014 Weight: 7.5 kg\n85523B CalPod Controller Front Panel Output Connectors \n\u2014 Connector type: LEMO USA ECG.2B.312.CLV (Keysight part number \n1254-1449)\n\u2014 Maximum output: +/- 15 VDC\nCalPod Operational Check\nA CalPod module may be tested using the CalPod Operational Check. For \ninstructions, refer to the CalPod portion of PNA Online Help at: \nhttp://na.support.keysight.com/pna/calpod/calpod_help.htm#OpCheck\nCalibration Types Not Supported by CalPods\nKeysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods support almost all PNA S-parameter \ncalibration types. The exceptions are calibration types that do not include a \nreturn loss portion for the port connected to the CalPod. An example of an \nunsupported calibration type is a Response Calibration.\nWhen an unsupported calibration type is used, the CalPod software reports an \nerror during \u201cInitialize Channel.\u201d\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 2-3\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information\nSetting a Static IP Address on the PNA (When Using USB 2.0 to LAN \nAdapter)\nWhen the CalPod Controller connects to the PNA via the USB 2.0 to LAN \nadapter, sometimes it is necessary to manually set a Static IP address on \nthe LAN interface. Multiple installations of the CalPod Software may require \nthis procedure.\n1. Minimize the PNA application to access the desktop.\n2. Click Start > Settings > Network Connections.\nThere should be two or more listings with the name \u201cLocal Area\nConnectionsN\u201d (where N may be blank or an arbitrary character).\n3. Right-click on the last item in the list and select Properties.\nThe listing under \u201cConnect using:\u201d should display \u201cASIX AX88772 USB2.0\nto Fast Ethernet.\u201d\nIf this text is not displayed, click Cancel and try another item in the list\nuntil this device is found.\n4. In the listing under \u201cThis connection uses the following items:\u201d, scroll\ndown the list and highlight \u201cInternet Protocol (TCP/IP).\u201d\n5. Click Properties or double-click the item on the list.\n6. Click \u201cUse the following IP address.\u201d\n7. Enter IP Address with a Subnet Mask of\n\u201cDefault Gateway\u201d can be left blank.\n8. Leave the DNS settings blank.\n9. Click OK as necessary to close the dialog windows. If you are presented\nwith a dialog window about entering a different IP address, click No.\n10.Return to \u201cStep 9. Configure the CalPods\u201d on page 1-14 and follow the\nsteps to test and verify that each CalPod is working.\n 2-4\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information\n2-\nAlternative Configuration for the LAN Cable (Not recommended)\nIf the USB 2.0 to LAN adapter is not available, the following LAN cable \nconfiguration can be used. However, this configuration is not recommended \nbecause it does not allow the PNA to communicate over the LAN with \ninstruments other than the controller.\n1. As shown in the graphic above, connect an appropriate type of LAN cable\n(not included) to the rear of the 85523B CalPod Controller.\n2. As shown in the graphic above, connect the other end of the LAN cable to\nthe PNA. (There is no network connector available for Web access.)\n3. Verify that AC line cords are connected to both the PNA and CalPod\nController and that they are powered on.\n4. Select File > Minimize Application.\nTA LAN cable is required but is not included. If your PNA model is an \nE836xC or N5230C, the LAN cable required is the cross-over type; for \nN524xA, see Figure 2-1 on page 2-5. Any LAN cable may be used with all \nother PNA models. (A cross-over LAN cable is used to connect computing \ndevices together directly where they would normally be connected via a \nnetwork switch, hub, or router.) \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 2-5\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information\n5. Run the CalPod LAN Config icon on the PNA desktop and select 1. Direct\nCable Connect. (This configures the PNA to a static IP address.)\n6. Follow remaining prompts.\nAs shown in the following graphic, if your N524xA has a removable hard drive, \nit can be connected to the 85523B CalPod Controller with any type of LAN \ncable. However, if the N524xA has a non-removable hard drive, it must use a \ncross-over LAN cable.\nFigure 2-1 \nLAN Cable Requirements for PNA-X N524xA Models\nTo return to DHCP on the built-in PNA LAN adapter when CalPod \noperation is no longer required, run the CalPod LAN Config icon again and \nselect option 3. \n 2-6\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\n2-\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\nThis section provides information on creating multiport CalPod configurations.\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is 2 Meters or \nLess\nWhen the distance between the 85523B CalPod controller and the CalPod unit \nis two meters or less, use the 85552A or 82553A CalPod drive cables \n(included with the CalPods) directly between them. \nCalPod drive cables vary, depending on the CalPod model. The cables have \nconnector alignment keys that allow only the proper cable to connect to the \nappropriate CalPod. This ensures that no mistake is made when connecting \nthe drive cable to the CalPod. Refer to page 1-4 for information on CalPod \ndrive cable compatibility.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 2-7\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is More Than \n2 Meters\nWhen the distance between the 85523B CalPod Controller and the CalPod unit \nis more than two meters, an 85554A extension cable for CalPod drive cables is \nrequired. This extension cable is 10 meters in length. The 12-pin male \nconnector joins with the 85523B CalPod controller, and the 12-pin female \nconnector joins with the 12-pin connector on the 85552/53A CalPod drive \ncable (2 meter length). The 9-pin male connector of the 85552/53A CalPod \ndrive cable joins with the CalPod.\nConfiguration: Using a 1 x 12 CalPod Cable Fan-Out Splitter for More \nThan Four CalPods\nAs shown in the following graphic, a Keysight 85556A 20 GHz and 40 GHz \nCalPod 1x12 fan-out splitter can be used to connect four or more 855xxA/B \nSeries CalPods to an 85523B CalPod Controller. \n 2-8\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\n2-\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and Splitter is Less Than \n2 Meters\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and Splitter is More Than \n2 Meters\nWhen the distance between the controller and the splitter is more than 2 \nmeters, both the 85554A CalPod drive extension cable and the 85555A splitter \ndrive cable are required.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 2-9\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\nConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller\nAs many as 48 CalPods can be controlled by one 85523B CalPod controller. \nEach of the four ports on the CalPod controller can drive an 85556A fan-out \ncable splitter which can each drive up to 12 CalPods. The drive cable between \nthe 85523B controller and the 85556A splitters requires either a 2 meter \n85555A splitter drive cable, or a combination of an 85554A 10 meter extension \ncable with a 2 meter 85555A splitter drive cable, as shown in \u201cConfiguration: \nUsing as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller Over a Long Distance\u201d on \npage 2-10. If additional distance is required, the extension cables can be \ncascaded.\n 2-10\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\n2-\nConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller Over \na Long Distance\nConfiguration: Long Distance Between Splitter and CalPod \nWhen there is a long distance required between the cable splitter and the \nCalPods, the 85554A CalPod drive extension cable can be used to provide \nadditional length as shown in the previous graphic.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 2-11\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\nConfiguration: Control Through a TVAC Chamber Wall\nThermal-vacuum testing requires controlling the CalPods inside of a TVAC \nchamber using an 85554A CalPod drive extension cable. This cable is cut to \nthe appropriate length, and the cable conductors soldered to an appropriate \nTVAC bulkhead connector to provide DC connections through the TVAC \nchamber wall. Alternatively, Pave Technology (www.pavetechnology.com) has \nan SP37/13-E-150-15-20-DSUB-DSUB connector that is used for TVAC \nbulkheads. The control voltages are +/-15 Vdc with 60 mA per cable \nconductor.\n 2-12\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\n2-\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n3\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nContacting Keysight\nAssistance with test and measurements needs and information on finding a local \nKeysight office are available at: www.keysight.com/find/assist\nIf you do not have access to the Internet, please contact your Keysight field \nengineer.\n In any correspondence or telephone conversation, refer to the Keysight \nproduct by its model number and full serial number. With this information, \nthe Keysight representative can determine whether your product is still \nwithin its warranty period.\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n 3-1\n 3-2\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nMaintenance\n3-\nMaintenance\nTo remove dirt or dust from the external case of the Keysight products, clean \nthe case using a dry or slightly-dampened cloth only.\nIf alcohol is used to clean the connectors, the power cord to the instrument \nmust be removed. All cleaning should take place in a well ventilated area. \nAllow adequate time for the fumes to disperse and moist alcohol to evaporate \nprior to energizing the instrument.\nShipment for Service \nContact Keysight Technologies for instructions on where to ship the Keysight \nproducts for service. Refer to \u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on page 3-1.\nShip the Keysight products using the original packaging materials. Shipping \nthe Keysight products in anything other than the original packaging may result \nin non-warranted damage. If returning a Keysight product for repair, attach a \ncomplete description of failure symptoms.\nTo prevent electrical shock, disconnect instrument from mains \nbefore cleaning. Use a dry cloth or one slightly dampened with \nwater to clean the external case parts. Do not attempt to clean \ninternally. \nKeep isopropyl alcohol away from heat, sparks, and flame. Store in a \ntightly closed container. It is extremely flammable. In case of fire, \nuse alcohol foam, dry chemical, or carbon dioxide; water may be \nineffective. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 3-3\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nSafety Symbols\nSafety Symbols \nThe following safety symbols are used throughout this manual. Familiarize \nyourself with each of the symbols and its meaning before operating this \ninstrument.\nCaution denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure that, if not \ncorrectly performed or adhered to, would result in damage to or \ndestruction of the product. Do not proceed beyond a caution note until the \nindicated conditions are fully understood and met.\nWarning denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure which, if \nnot correctly performed or adhered to, could result in injury or loss \nof life. Do not proceed beyond a warning note until the indicated \nconditions are fully understood and met. \n 3-4\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nGeneral Safety Considerations\n3-\nGeneral Safety Considerations \nSafety Earth Ground \nBefore Applying Power \nServicing \nThe Mains wiring and connectors shall be compatible with the connector \nused in the premise electrical system. Failure to ensure adequate earth \ngrounding by not using the correct components may cause product \ndamage and serious injury.\nIf this product is not used as specified, the protection provided by \nthe equipment could be impaired. This product must be used in a \nnormal condition (in which all means for protection are intact) only. \nThis instrument has autoranging line voltage input. Be sure the supply \nvoltage is within the specified range.\nThis product is designed for use in Installation Category II and Pollution \nDegree 2 per IEC standards.\nVentilation Requirements: When installing the instrument into a cabinet, \nconsideration shall be given to the convection flow into and out of the \ncabinet. Consideration shall also be given to the individual instruments to \navoid having the heated discharge of one instrument become the cooling \nintake air for another instrument. Another area of concern is verification \nthat the maximum ambient operating temperature of the instrument is not \nexceeded due to cabinet installation. Keysight recommends forced air \nconvection whenever an instrument is installed in a cabinet and further \nrecommends that the maximum operating temperature of the cabinet be \nreduced 10 \u00b0C lower than the maximum operating temperature of a single \ninstrument. If there are any concerns or special requirements, a Keysight \nField Engineer should be consulted to assure instrument temperature \ncompliance and performance.\nThese servicing instructions are for use by qualified personnel only. \nTo avoid electrical shock, do not perform any servicing unless you \nare qualified to do so. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 3-5\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nGeneral Safety Considerations\nNo operator serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified \npersonnel. To prevent electrical shock, do not remove covers. \nThe opening of covers or removal of parts may expose dangerous \nvoltages. Disconnect the instrument from all voltage sources while \nit is being opened. \nThe main power cord can be used as the system disconnecting \ndevice. It disconnects the mains circuits from the mains supply. \nThis is a Safety Class 1 Product (provided with a protective earthing \nground incorporated in the power cord). The mains plug shall only \nbe inserted in a socket outlet provided with a protective earth \ncontact. Any interruption of the protective conductor inside or \noutside of the product is likely to make the product dangerous. \nIntentional interruption is prohibited. \nFor continued protection against fire hazard, replace line fuse only \nwith same type and rating: Fuse 5A/250V, Part Number 2110-0709. \nThe use of other fuses, circuit breakers or materials is prohibited. \n 3-6\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nRegulatory Information\n3-\nRegulatory Information\nThis section contains information that is required by various government \nregulatory agencies. \nInstructions for Use\nThis product has been designed and tested in accordance with accepted \nindustry standards, and has been supplied in a safe condition. The \ndocumentation contains information and warnings that must be followed by \nthe user to ensure safe operation and to maintain the product in a safe \ncondition. \nInstall the instrument so that the detachable power cord is readily identifiable \nand is easily reached by the operator. \nThe detachable power cord is the instrument disconnecting device. It \ndisconnects the mains circuits from the mains supply before other parts of the \ninstrument. The front panel switch is only a standby and ON switch and is not a \nLINE switch (disconnecting device). \nAlternatively, an externally installed switch or circuit breaker (which is readily \nidentifiable and is easily reached by the operator) may be used as a \ndisconnecting device.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 3-7\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nRegulatory Information\nInstrument Markings \nTable 3-1 \nIP 2 0\nThe instruction documentation symbol. The product is marked with this symbol when it is \nnecessary for the user to refer to the instructions in the documentation.\nThe AC symbol indicates the required nature of the line module input power.\nThis symbol indicates separate collection for electrical and electronic equipment, \nmandated under EU law. All electric and electronic equipment are required to be separated \nfrom normal waste for disposal (Reference WEEE Directive). \nThis symbol indicates that the power line switch is ON.\nThis symbol indicates that the power line switch is in the STANDBY position.\nThis symbol indicates that the power line switch is in the OFF position.\nThis symbol is used to identify a terminal which is internally connected to the product frame or \nchassis.\nThe CE mark is a registered trademark of the European Community.\nThe Keysight email address is required by EU directives applicable to our product.\nThe CSA mark is a registered trademark of the CSA International. \nThis is a symbol of an Industrial Scientific and Medical Group 1 Class A product (CISPR 11, \nClause 5).\nThis is a marking to indicate product compliance with the Canadian Interference-Causing \nEquipment Standard (ICES-001). Cet appareil ISM est conforme \u00e0 la norme NMB du Canada. \nDirect Current.\nThe instrument has been designed to meet the requirements of IP 2 0 for egress and \noperational environment.\nThe RCM mark is a registered trademark of the Australian Communications and Media \nAuthority.\nIndicates the time period during which no hazardous or toxic substance elements are \nexpected to leak or deteriorate during normal use. Forty years is the expected useful life of \nthe product. \nThis symbol on all primary and secondary packaging indicates compliance to China standard \nGB 18455-2001.\nSouth Korean Certification (KC) mark; includes the marking's identifier code which follows the \nformat: MSIP-REM-YYY-ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.\nICES/NMB-001 \nccr.keysight@keysight.com\n 3-8\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nRegulatory Information\n3-\nCompliance Notices \nThis product has been designated and tested in accordance with accepted industry standards, and \nhas been supplied in a safe condition. The documentation contains information and warnings that \nmust be followed by the user to ensure safe operation and to maintain the product in a safe \ncondition.\nEMC and Safety Information\nEMC\nComplies with the essential requirements of the European EMC Directive as well as current editions \nof the following standards (dates and editions are cited in the Declaration of Conformity):\n\u2022\nIEC/EN 61326-1\n\u2022\nCISPR Pub 11 Group 1, class A\n\u2022\nAS/NZS CISPR 11\n\u2022\nICES/NMB-001\nThis ISM device complies with Canadian ICES-001.\nCet appareil ISM est conforme a la norme NMB-001 du Canada.000\nSafety Information \nEuropean Low Voltage Directive is not applicable for these products.\nDeclaration of Conformity\nA declaration of conformity for any of these ECal modules is available at \nhttp://www.keysight.com/go/conformity or by contacting Keysight - see \u201cContacting Keysight\u201d \non page 3-1.\nSouth Korean Class A EMC Declaration \nInformation to the user:\nThis equipment has been conformity assessed for use in business environments. In a residential \nenvironment, this equipment may cause radio interference. \n\u203b This EMC statement applies to the equipment only for use in a business environment.\n\uc0ac\uc6a9 \uc790 \uc548 \ub0b4 \ubb38\n\uc774\uae30\uae30\ub294 \uc5c5\ubb34\uc6a9 \ud658\uacbd\uc5d0\uc11c \uc0ac\uc6a9\ud560 \ubaa9\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc801\ud569\uc131\ud3c9\uac00\ub97c \ubc1b\uc740 \uae30\uae30\ub85c\uc11c\n\uac00\uc815\uc6a9 \ud658\uacbd\uc5d0\uc11c \uc0ac\uc6a9\ud558\ub294 \uacbd\uc6b0 \uc804\ud30c\uac04\uc12d\uc758 \uc6b0\ub824\uac00 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. \n\u203b \uc0ac\uc6a9\uc790 \uc548\ub0b4\ubb38\uc740 \u201c\uc5c5\ubb34\uc6a9 \ubc29\uc1a1\ud1b5\uc2e0\uae30\uc790\uc7ac\u201d\uc5d0\ub9cc \uc801\uc6a9\ud55c\ub2e4.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 3-9\nEnvironmental Information\nTable 3-2 \nEnvironmental Information \nParameter\nRequired Values/Ranges\nTemperature\nFor Indoor Use ONLY\nOperating\n0 \u00b0C to +55 \u00b0C\nStorage\n-40 \u00b0C to +70 \u00b0C\nAltitude (Operating)\n0 to 3,000 meters\nRelative humidity\nType tested, 0% to 95% at 40 \u00b0C, non-condensing\n 3-10\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\n3-\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nWarranty\nWarranty\nThe actual warranty on your instrument depends on the date it was ordered as \nwell as whether or not any warranty options were purchased at that time. To \ndetermine the exact warranty on your instrument, contact Keysight \nTechnologies with the model and serial number of your instrument. Refer to \n\u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on page 3-1.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 3-11\nThis information is subject to change \nwithout notice.\n\u00a9 Keysight Technologies 2013-2024\nPrint Date: June 2024\nSupersedes: January 2023\nwww.keysight.com\n\n\nQuestion: What are the primary advantages of using Keysight CalPods for on-wafer and in-fixture measurements, and how do these devices handle the challenges posed by varying environmental conditions during calibration?\n\nAnswer:", "completion": " Keysight CalPods are designed specifically for on-wafer and in-fixture measurements, and they provide several primary advantages that enhance the accuracy and reliability of these measurements. Here are some of the key benefits: Advantages of Keysight CalPods: 1. High Precision Calibration: CalPods facilitate precise calibration of test setups, ensuring accurate measurements of device performance. They can mitigate systematic errors and improve the overall measurement fidelity. 2. Versatility: CalPods are compatible with various testing environments, making them suitable for different types of measurements, whether in an on-wafer setting or within a fixture. This versatility allows for broader application in testing semiconductor devices and integrated circuits. 3. Ease of Use: The design of CalPods often emphasizes ease of use, allowing for quick setup and integration into existing measurement systems. This efficiency can reduce downtime and improve productivity in testing labs. 4. Automated Calibration: Many CalPods are equipped with automated calibration features, which streamline the calibration process and reduce the potential for human error. This automation helps maintain consistent measurement quality. 5. Robust Design: Keysight CalPods are built to withstand the rigors of laboratory environments, providing durability and reliability. This robustness ensures long-term performance, even under frequent use. Handling Environmental Challenges: Keysight CalPods are engineered to address various challenges posed by environmental conditions during calibration and measurements: 1. Temperature Control: Many CalPods incorporate temperature stabilization features to minimize the effects of temperature fluctuations on measurement accuracy. Maintaining a consistent temperature is crucial for reliable calibration and testing. 2. Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Shielding: CalPods often have built-in shielding to protect sensitive measurements from external electromagnetic interference. This shielding is crucial in maintaining measurement integrity, especially in complex environments where multiple devices may be in operation. 3. Humidity Management: Some CalPods may include features that help manage humidity levels, which can affect electrical properties and measurements. Controlling humidity ensures that the calibration remains reliable under varying conditions. 4. Automated Environmental Compensation: Advanced CalPod systems may integrate automated environmental sensing and compensation, allowing the device to adapt its calibration process based on real-time environmental data. This capability can enhance measurement accuracy by accounting for changes that occur during testing. 5. Robust Connectivity: The design of CalPods often includes reliable interconnects that can cope with environmental variations, ensuring stable connections during measurements regardless of external conditions. In summary, Keysight CalPods provide significant advantages in terms of precision, versatility, ease of use, and automation. Their robust design and features to manage environmental challenges further enhance their effectiveness in delivering accurate and reliable on-wafer and in-fixture measurements." }, { "prompt": "Extracted text: 855xxA/B Series CalPods and \n85523B CalPod Controller\nThis document provides information on 855xxA/B Series CalPods, explaining how to set up all software and \nhardware, how to confirm operation, and how to use with a PNA Microwave Network Analyzer.\nOPERATIONS AND SERVICE GUIDE\nNotices\n\u00a9 Keysight Technologies, Inc. \n2013-2024\nNo part of this manual may be \nreproduced in any form or by any \nmeans (including electronic storage \nand retrieval or translation into a \nforeign language) without prior \nagreement and written consent from \nKeysight Technologies, Inc. as \ngoverned by United States and \ninternational copyright laws.\nTrademark Acknowledgments\nManual Part Number\n85523-90005\nEdition\nPrint Date: June 2024\nSupersedes: January 2023\nPrinted in USA/Malaysia\nPublished by:\nKeysight Technologies\n1400 Fountaingrove Parkway Santa \nRosa, CA 95403\nWarranty\nTHE MATERIAL CONTAINED IN \nTHIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED \u201cAS \nIS,\u201d AND IS SUBJECT TO BEING \nCHANGED, WITHOUT NOTICE, IN \nFUTURE EDITIONS. FURTHER, TO \nTHE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED \nBY APPLICABLE LAW, KEYSIGHT \nDISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, \nEITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WITH \nREGARD TO THIS MANUAL AND \nANY INFORMATION CONTAINED \nHEREIN, INCLUDING BUT NOT \nLIMITED TO THE IMPLIED \nWARRANTIES OF \nMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS \nFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. \nKEYSIGHT SHALL NOT BE LIABLE \nFOR ERRORS OR FOR INCIDENTAL \nOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN \nCONNECTION WITH THE \nFURNISHING, USE, OR \nPERFORMANCE OF THIS \nDOCUMENT OR ANY INFORMATION \nCONTAINED HEREIN. SHOULD \nKEYSIGHT AND THE USER HAVE A \nSEPARATE WRITTEN AGREEMENT \nWITH WARRANTY TERMS \nCOVERING THE MATERIAL IN THIS \nDOCUMENT THAT CONFLICT WITH \nTHESE TERMS, THE WARRANTY \nTERMS IN THE SEPARATE \nAGREEMENT WILL CONTROL.\nTechnology Licenses\nThe hardware and/or software \ndescribed in this document are \nfurnished under a license and may be \nused or copied only in accordance \nwith the terms of such license.\nU.S. Government Rights\nThe Software is \u201ccommercial \ncomputer software,\u201d as defined \nby Federal Acquisition Regulation \n(\u201cFAR\u201d) 2.101. Pursuant to FAR \n12.212 and 27.405-3 and \nDepartment of Defense FAR \nSupplement (\u201cDFARS\u201d) 227.7202, \nthe U.S. government acquires \ncommercial computer software \nunder the same terms by which \nthe software is customarily \nprovided to the public. \nAccordingly, Keysight provides \nthe Software to U.S. government \ncustomers under its standard \ncommercial license, which is \nembodied in its End User License \nAgreement (EULA), a copy of \nwhich can be found at \nhttp://www.keysight.com/find/sweula \nThe license set forth in the EULA \nrepresents the exclusive authority \nby which the U.S. government \nmay use, modify, distribute, or \ndisclose the Software. The EULA \nand the license set forth therein, \ndoes not require or permit, \namong other things, that \nKeysight: (1) Furnish technical \ninformation related to \ncommercial computer software \nor commercial computer \nsoftware documentation that is \nnot customarily provided to the \npublic; or (2) Relinquish to, or \notherwise provide, the \ngovernment rights in excess of \nthese rights customarily provided \nto the public to use, modify, \nreproduce, release, perform, \ndisplay, or disclose commercial \ncomputer software or \ncommercial computer software \ndocumentation. No additional \ngovernment requirements \nbeyond those set forth in the \nEULA shall apply, except to the \nextent that those terms, rights, or \nlicenses are explicitly required \nfrom all providers of commercial \ncomputer software pursuant to \nthe FAR and the DFARS and are \nset forth specifically in writing \nelsewhere in the EULA. Keysight \nshall be under no obligation to \nupdate, revise or otherwise \nmodify the Software. With \nrespect to any technical data as \ndefined by FAR 2.101, pursuant \nto FAR 12.211 and 27.404.2 and \nDFARS 227.7102, the U.S. \ngovernment acquires no greater \nthan Limited Rights as defined in \nFAR 27.401 or DFAR 227.7103-5 \n(c), as applicable in any technical \ndata.\nSafety Notices\nA CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. It \ncalls attention to an operating \nprocedure, practice, or the like that, \nif not correctly performed or adhered \nto, could result in damage to the \nproduct or loss of important data. Do \nnot proceed beyond a CAUTION \nnotice until the indicated conditions \nare fully understood and met. \nA WARNING notice denotes a hazard. \nIt calls attention to an operating \nprocedure, practice, or the like that, \nif not correctly performed or adhered \nto, could result in personal injury or \ndeath. Do not proceed beyond a \nWARNING notice until the indicated \nconditions are fully understood and \nmet.\nContents\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n1\nTable of Contents\n1.\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1\nChapter Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1\nStep 1. Inspect the Shipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2\nStep 2. Meet Electrical and Environmental Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6\nStep 3. Download the CalPod Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7\nStep 4. A Model PNA/PNA-L/PNA-X and E836xC Instruments Only \n (B Models Ignore This Step): Enable the CalPod Firmware License \n (Option 301 or 302) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9\nStep 5. Confirm the PNA Model, Firmware Revision, and Installed Options . . . . . . . . . 1-9\nStep 6. Load Temperature Characterization Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11\nStep 7. Connect the LAN Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12\nStep 8. Confirm the Settings on the CalPod Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13\nStep 9. Configure the CalPods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14\nStep 10. Configure the Hardware for a Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-18\nStep 11. Perform Initial 2-Port Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-19\nStep 12. Initialize the CalPods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-22\nStep 13. Configure the Hardware for a Measurement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-23\nStep 14. Recorrect (Refresh) the CalPods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-23\nStep 15: Measure the DUT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-24\n2.\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1\nChapter Overview (Hyperlinks). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1\n85523B Calpod Controller Dimensions and Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2\n85523B CalPod Controller Front Panel Output Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2\nCalPod Operational Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2\nCalibration Types Not Supported by CalPods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2\nSetting a Static IP Address on the PNA (When Using USB 2.0 to LAN Adapter). . . . . . 2-3\nAlternative Configuration for the LAN Cable (Not recommended) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is 2 Meters or Less . . . . . . . . 2-6\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is More Than 2 Meters . . . . . 2-7\nConfiguration: Using a 1 x 12 CalPod Cable Fan-Out Splitter for \nMore Than Four CalPods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and Splitter is Less Than 2 Meters. . . . . . 2-8\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and Splitter is More Than 2 Meters . . . . . 2-8\nConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9\n2 \n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nContents\n2-10\nConfiguration: Long Distance Between Splitter and CalPod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10\nConfiguration: Control Through a TVAC Chamber Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11\n3.\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nContacting Keysight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1\nMaintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2\nShipment for Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2\nSafety Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3\nGeneral Safety Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4\nSafety Earth Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4\nBefore Applying Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4\nServicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4\nRegulatory Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6\nInstructions for Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6\nInstrument Markings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7\nCompliance Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8\nEnvironmental Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10\nWarranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10\nConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller \nOver a Long Distance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n1\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nTo get the most out of your purchase, it is recommended that this User\u2019s Guide \nbe read carefully and completely. \nThis document provides information on 855xxA/B Series CalPods, explaining \nhow to set up all software and hardware, how to confirm operation, and how to \nuse with a PNA Microwave Network Analyzer.\n855xxA/B Series CalPods eliminate errors due to cable or test system \ninstability. CalPods simplify the process of recalibrating the PNA by not \nrequiring the removal of the Device Under Test (DUT) or the physical \nconnection of standards. This allows recalibrating from a remote location, such \nas when the DUT is used with very long cables in a temperature chamber or \nTVAC (thermal-vacuum) chamber.\n855xxA/B Series CalPod Models:\n\u2014 85530B 20 GHz CalPod (Standard)\n\u2014 85531B 20 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)\n\u2014 85532B 20 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)\n\u2014 85540B 40 GHz CalPod (Standard)\n\u2014 85541B 40 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)\n\u2014 85542B 40 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)\nEach 855xxA/B Series CalPod is controlled with the 85523B CalPod Controller.\nChapter Overview\n\u2014 \u201cStep 1. Inspect the Shipment\u201d on page 1-2\n\u2014 \u201cStep 2. Meet Electrical and Environmental Requirements\u201d on page 1-6\n\u2014 \u201cStep 3. Download the CalPod Software\u201d on page 1-7\n\u2014 \u201cStep 4. A Model PNA/PNA-L/PNA-X and E836xC Instruments Only (B \nModels Ignore This Step): Enable the CalPod Firmware License (Option \n301 or 302)\u201d on page 1-9\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n 1-1\n 1-2\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n\u2014 \u201cStep 5. Confirm the PNA Model, Firmware Revision, and Installed \nOptions\u201d on page 1-9\n\u2014 \u201cStep 6. Load Temperature Characterization Data\u201d on page 1-11\n\u2014 \u201cStep 7. Connect the LAN Cable\u201d on page 1-12\n\u2014 \u201cStep 8. Confirm the Settings on the CalPod Controller\u201d on page 1-13\n\u2014 \u201cStep 9. Configure the CalPods\u201d on page 1-14\n\u2014 \u201cStep 10. Configure the Hardware for a Calibration\u201d on page 1-18\n\u2014 \u201cStep 11. Perform Initial 2-Port Calibration\u201d on page 1-19\n\u2014 \u201cStep 12. Initialize the CalPods\u201d on page 1-22\n\u2014 \u201cStep 13. Configure the Hardware for a Measurement\u201d on page 1-23\n\u2014 \u201cStep 14. Recorrect (Refresh) the CalPods\u201d on page 1-23\n\u2014 \u201cStep 15: Measure the DUT\u201d on page 1-24\nStep 1. Inspect the Shipment\n1. Unpack the contents of the shipping container. Keep the container and\npackaging material in case the contents needs to be returned to the\nfactory.\n2. Use the Contents List in the shipping container to verify the completeness\nof your shipment. If not complete, refer to \u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on\npage 3-1.\n3. Carefully inspect each item in your shipment to make sure it was not\ndamaged during shipment. If damaged, refer to \u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on\npage 3-1.\nThe following pages list items that may be included in your shipment, \ndepending on what you purchased. Your shipment may not contain all \nitems shown. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-3\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nTable 1-1 \nShipment Items\n85530B 100 MHz to 20 GHz CalPod (Standard)1, or \n85540B 500 MHz to 40 GHz CalPod (Standard)1, 2\n85531B 100 MHz to 20 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)1, or \n85541B 500 MHz to 40 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)1, 2\nNOTE\nAs shown in the graphic below, each temperature characterized CalPod comes with a USB \ndrive that has a matching serial number. Each USB drive contains temperature \ncharacterization data that is unique to each 85531B 20 GHz CalPod or 85541B 40 GHz \nCalPod.\n85532B 100 MHz to 20 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)1, or \n85542B 500 MHz to 40 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)1, 2 \nPhotos of the 85532B 20 GHz CalPod and the 85542B 40 GHz CalPod are not available. However, these CalPod \nmodels look the same as the 85531A 20 GHz CalPod shown above, except for the label.\nRF2 Connector \n2.92 mm (m)\nRF1 Connector \n2.92 mm (f)\nCTRL Connector \n9 Pin\nCalPod\nUSB Drive\n 1-4\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n85523B CalPod Controller1\n0960-2955 USB 2.0 to LAN Adapter, 7.5 inch3\n85553A CalPod Drive Cable (2 meter, 28 AWG) included with:\n\u2014 85530B 20 GHz CalPod (Standard)\n\u2014 85531B 20 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)\n\u2014 85532B 20 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)\n\u2014 85540B 40 GHz CalPod (Standard)\n\u2014 85541B 40 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)\n\u2014 85542B 40 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)\nTable 1-1 \nShipment Items\nConnects only to \n85330/31/32B and \n85540/41/42A/B CalPods \n(9-pin male connector)\nConnects to 85523B \nCalPod controller or \n85554A 10 meter CalPod \ndrive cable extension \n(12-pin male connector)\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-5\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nNOTE\nCalPod drive cables vary, depending on the CalPod model. The cables have connector \nalignment keys that allow only the proper cable to connect to the appropriate CalPod. This \nensures that no mistake is made when connecting the drive cable to the CalPod. \nA CalPod drive cable with two alignment keys (shown below) is used with the \n85530/31/32B 20 GHz CalPods as well as the 85540/41/42A/B 40 GHz CalPods. The \nolder 85530/31/32A CalPods use the drive cable with only one alignment key (shown \nbelow).\n85554A 20 GHz and 40 GHz CalPod Drive Cable Extension4 (10 meter, 22 AWG)\n85555A Splitter Drive Cable (2 meter, 22 AWG) included with 85556A 1x12 Fan-Out Cable Splitter\nTable 1-1 \nShipment Items\n 1-6\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\nStep 2. Meet Electrical and Environmental Requirements\n1. Ensure the available AC power source meets the following requirements:\n\u2014 Frequency\n\u2014 50/60 Hz\n\u2014 Voltage\n\u2014 100/120/220/240 VAC\n\u2014 Power (maximum consumed)\n\u2014 350 W \n2. Ensure the operating environment meets the requirements found in\n\u201cEnvironmental Information\u201d on page 3-9.\n85556A 1x12 Fan-Out Cable Splitter\nThe 85556A 1x12 fan-out cable splitter is used to drive up to 12 CalPods from a single port on the 85523B CalPod \ncontroller.\nFor information on connecting more than four CalPods in a measurement hardware configuration, refer to \n\u201cConfiguration: Using a 1 x 12 CalPod Cable Fan-Out Splitter for More Than Four CalPods\u201d on \npage 2-7.\n1. For CalPod drive cables, see Table 1-1 on page 1-3.\n2. Although the 85540B, 85541B, and the 85542B 40 GHz CalPods are only characterized from 500 MHz to 40 GHz, they can \nfunction from 100 MHz to 40 GHz.\n3. The device driver software for the USB 2.0 to LAN Adapter is installed during the procedure \u201cStep 3. Download the\nCalPod Software\u201d on page 1-7.\n4. CalPod drive cable extensions may be used with either the 85552A 20 GHz CalPod drive cable or the 85553A 40 GHz \nCalPod drive cable.\nThis instrument has autoranging line voltage input. Be sure the supply \nvoltage is within the specified range.\nTable 1-1 \nShipment Items\nThe instrument can operate with mains supply voltage fluctuations up to \n+/- 10% of the nominal voltage. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-7\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n3. Verify that the AC power cable is not damaged, and that the power-source\noutlet provides a protective earth contact.\nStep 3. Download the CalPod Software\nThe CalPod Software includes all software required for full \nCalPod operation. \n1. On the PNA, select File > Minimize Application.\n2. Connect a LAN cable to the PNA for access to the Internet.\n3. Select an applicable browser (typically Microsoft Edge or Google\nChrome).\n4. From the Keysight.com home page, search for \"CalPod Software\" or go\nto https://www.keysight.com/us/en/lib/software-detail/instrument-\nfirmware-software/calpod-software.html\n5. Note the message on the CalPod Software front page that reads\n\"Install this application software on a PNA running (firmware version\nnumber) firmware or above.\" See example below.\nEnsure you have the minimum or greater version of the firmware \nneeded. If a firmware update is needed on your PNA, go to \nhttps://www.keysight.com/us/en/lib/software-detail/instrument-\nfirmware-software/n52xxb-pna-series-network-analyzer-\nfirmware.html and download the latest version.\nUse the Keysight supplied power cord or one with the same or better \nelectrical rating. Failure to ensure adequate earth grounding by not using \nthis cord may cause personal injury or product damage.\nThe following steps assume that the CalPod Software has not previously \nbeen installed on the PNA. By default, the B-Model PNAs will already \nhave CalPod software installed (CalPod 2.0).\n 1-8\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n6. Once the firmware version has been verified, or a new version has been\ndownloaded and installed, download the CalPod Software and follow\nthe InstallShield Wizard prompts.\n7. Wait for an InstallShield Wizard screen with a \u201cFinish\u201d button. When it\nappears, select Finish.\n8. Select Exit.\n9. In the newly created \"CalPod API\" folder on the C: drive, you'll find the\napplication \"PXI_CalPod_Utilities.\" Opening the application will present\nyou with the following screen:\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-9\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nStep 4. A Model PNA/PNA-L/PNA-X and E836xC Instruments Only\n (B Models Ignore This Step): Enable the CalPod Firmware\n License (Option 301 or 302)\nTo use the CalPod Software package that was downloaded in \u201cStep 3. \nDownload the CalPod Software\u201d on page 1-7, the CalPod firmware license \noption (301 or 302) has to be enabled using a keyword that is specific for your \nPNA model and serial number. This keyword was sent to you by Keysight. Use \nthe following instructions to enter the keyword in the PNA using the PNA \nfront panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\n1. On the PNA, press SYSTEM > [Service] > [Option Enable].\n2. In the Option Enable dialog box, use the pull-down menu to select the\nCalPod firmware option you bought with your initial purchase. If you don\u2019t\nknow which option was purchased, refer to the papers in the shipment\ncontainer.\n3. Enter the keyword.\n4. Select Permanent > Enable.\n5. Click Yes to restart the PNA and enable the new firmware.\n6. Click Exit.\nStep 5. Confirm the PNA Model, Firmware Revision, and Installed \nOptions\n1. If not already active, start the PNA application.\n2. Select the Help pull down menu.\n3. Select About Network Analyzer and note the following:\na. PNA model.\nb. PNA firmware (application code) version.\nc. PNA option 301 or 302 is installed.\n4. Compare the information you just noted with the information in Table 1-2.\nIf your PNA is not compatible with your CalPods, or if Option 301 or 302 is\nnot installed, contact Keysight. Refer to \u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on\npage 3-1. If you have an old version of PNA firmware, go to\nhttps://www.keysight.com/us/en/lib/software-detail/instrument-\nfirmware-software/n52xxb-pna-series-network-analyzer-firmware.html\nand download the latest version.\nFor A model PNA/PNA-X/PNA-L\u2019s and E8456xC instruments, if you have do \nnot have Option 301 or 302 installed, contact Keysight. Refer to \n\u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on page 3-1. See also, Table 1-2 on page 1-10.\n 1-10\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n5. Select OK.\n6. Select the File pull down menu and select Minimize Application.\nPNA Options for CalPod Firmware\nPNA firmware option 301 is used for ambient temperature operation of \nCalPods and provides accurate recorrection capabilities over the temperature \nrange +20 to +30 \u00b0C. A maximum of only four CalPods can be controlled with \noption 301. The temperature compensated and thermal-vacuum environment \nCalPods can be used with firmware option 301, but they will not have \ntemperature compensation capabilities.\nPNA firmware option 302 is used for temperature compensated and \nthermal-vacuum CalPods, and provides accurate recorrection capabilities over \nthe temperature range \u201330 to +80 \u00b0C. With firmware option 302, up to 48 \nCalPods can be controlled, but only four CalPods at a time can be recorrected.\nTable 1-2 \nPNA Models, Firmware, Firmware Options Required for 855xxA/B Series \nCalPods\nPNA Models\nPNA Firmware \nVersion\nPNA Options (CalPod \nFirmware License)\n855xxA/B CalPod Modules\nN524xB PNA-X\nA.13.25.04 or later\nNo options. \n(Firmware includes Option \n301/302.)\n85530B 20 GHz CalPod \n85540B 40 GHz CalPod \n85531B 20 GHz CalPod \n85532B 20 GHz CalPod \n85542B 40 GHz CalPod\nN522xB PNA\nN523xB PNA-L\nN524xA PNA-X\nA.09.33.05 or later\nOption 301\n85530B 20 GHz CalPod\nN522xA PNA\n85540B 40 GHz CalPod\nN523xA PNA-L\nOption 302\n85531B 20 GHz CalPod\nN5230C PNA-L\n85532B 20 GHz CalPod\nE836xC PNA\nA.09.85.07 or earlier\n85541B 40 GHz CalPod\n85542B 40 GHz CalPod\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-11\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nStep 6. Load Temperature Characterization Data\nIf your CalPod model is an 85531B, 85532B, 85541B, or 85542B, it is \ntemperature compensated, and was shipped with a USB drive that has a \nmatching serial number \u2013 refer to Figure 1-1 on page 1-12. The USB drive \ncontains Temperature Characterization data that must be loaded into the PNA. \nTo do so, use the following procedure.\n1. Insert the USB drive into any USB port on the PNA.\n2. To access the Windows desktop when the PNA application is active, select\nFile > Minimize Application.\n3. Right-click on Start. and select Explore.\n4. Navigate to the files on the USB drive, and double-click setup.exe to run\nthe program.\n5. In the dialog window titled \u201cCalPod Thermal Characterization Data Install\nUtility,\u201d click \u201cI accept license terms...\u201d and wait for additional text to be\ndisplayed. This loads CalPod Temperature Characterization data in the\nPNA.\n6. When \u201cPNA restore archive complete\u201d is displayed at the bottom of the\nwindow, close the window.\n7. Remove the USB drive from the PNA.\n8. Repeat Step 6. for each CalPod to be used with the PNA.\nThe following process is required for 85531B, 85532B, 85541B, and \n85542B Cal Pods. It is not required for an 85530B or 85540B CalPod \nsince these models do not have Temperature Characterization data. \n 1-12\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\nFigure 1-1 \nUSB Drive Matches Serial Number on CalPod\nStep 7. Connect the LAN Cable\n\u2014 The following graphic shows the recommended configuration for the LAN \ncable. Information on an alternative configuration can be found at \n\u201cAlternative Configuration for the LAN Cable (Not recommended)\u201d on \npage 2-4. Although this alternative is not recommended, it can be used \nwhen the USB 2.0 to LAN adapter is not available.\n\u2014 85523B CalPod Controllers do not support DHCP networking.\n\u2014 The 85523B CalPod Controller is set to a static IP Address (default: \n192.168.0.100.)\nA LAN cable is required but is not included. Either a standard or cross-over \nLAN cable can be used. (A cross-over LAN cable is used to connect \ncomputing devices together directly where they would normally be \nconnected via a network switch, hub, or router.) \nSerial Number on USB Drive\n(ignore preceding letters)\nSerial Number on CalPod \n(ignore preceding letters)\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-13\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n\u2014 For additional information on making connections to the LAN using network \nswitches and network hubs, contact your network administrator. \n1. As shown in the graphic above, connect a LAN cable (not included) to the\nrear of the 85523B CalPod Controller and connect the other end to the\nUSB 2.0 to LAN adapter (part number 0960-2955).\n2. As shown in the graphic above, connect the USB 2.0 to LAN adapter to a\nUSB port on the PNA. (Typically this is on the rear of the PNA, but any USB\nport can be used.)\n3. Verify that AC line cords are connected to both the PNA and CalPod\nController and that they are powered on.\n4. Select File > Minimize Application.\n5. Run the CalPod LAN Config icon on the PNA desktop and select 2.\nUSB-to-LAN- Adapter.\n6. Follow the remaining prompts.\nStep 8. Confirm the Settings on the CalPod Controller\nUse either of the following methods to run the IP setup utility and confirm the \ndefault settings shown in the table below.\nMethod 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\n 1-14\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n\u2014 On the PNA, press CAL > [More] > [CalPod] > [CalPod]. \n\u2014 On the dialog window titled \u201cCalibration Module Refresh Configuration,\u201d \nclick [CalPod Setup].\n\u2014 On the dialog window titled \u201cCalPod Setup,\u201d click [IP Setup].\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\n\u2014 On the PNA, click Start > Programs > CalPod > API > IP Setup.\nIf the default settings are not correctly displayed, use the keypad to enter them \nin the IP Setup dialog window.\nThe default addresses for the 85523B CalPod Controller are shown in the \nfollowing table.\nFor additional information on making connections to the LAN using network \nswitches and network hubs, contact your network administrator.\nStep 9. Configure the CalPods\n1. Connect each CalPod to the CalPod controller, as shown in the following\ngraphic.\nFor CalPod drive cables, see \u201cStep 1. Inspect the Shipment\u201d on page 1-2. \n2. If not already active, start the PNA application.\nSetting\nDefault Address\nIP\n192.168.0.100\nNetwork mask\n255.255.255.0\nGateway\n192.168.0.1\nDNS\n0.0.0.0 (or leave \nblank)\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-15\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n3. Start the CalPod dialog window titled \u201cCalibration Refresh Module\nConfiguration\u201d using either method below.\nMethod 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\nPress CAL > [More] > [Calpod] > [Calpod]\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\nClick Response > Cal > Calpod > Calpod\n4. Select CalPod Setup on the Calibration Refresh Module Configuration\nwindow.\nIf a \u201cWindows Security Alert\u201d appears that is related to the etrak Api, select \n\u201cUnblock.\". \n 1-16\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n5. If using thermal CalPods, the serial numbers will automatically appear in\nthe CalPod Setup dialog window. However, if using standard CalPods,\nenter a CalPod serial number, omitting preceding letters, then click Add\nCalPod.\nIn the dialog window column \u201cCalPod Types:\u201d\n\u2014 \u201cSTANDARD\u201d refers to the 85530B 20 GHz CalPod and 85540B 40 \nGHz CalPod, and requires software Option 301 or 302. The list is \nlimited to four entries when Option 301 is the only option installed.\n\u2014 \u201cTHERMAL\u201d refers to the 85531/32B 20 GHz CalPod and 85541/42B \n40 GHz CalPod, and requires software Option 302. More than four \nentries can be listed with Option 302.\nIn order for a CalPod to be listed as \u201cTHERMAL,\u201d its Temperature \nCharacterization data must have been installed previously in \u201cStep 6. Load \nTemperature Characterization Data\u201d on page 1-11. Without its \nTemperature Characterization data loaded, each CalPod will be listed as a \n\u201cSTANDARD.\u201d\n6. Repeat the previous step for each standard CalPod you are using with the\nPNA.\n7. Using the CalPod Setup dialog window, highlight a CalPod serial number\nand click Test.\nEnter serial number\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-17\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nThe dialog window displays a list of one or more CalPod serial numbers.\n\u2014 If the Test Result dialog window shows \u201cPassed,\u201d the CalPod is \nfunctioning. The temperature displayed is the internal temperature \nof the CalPod microcircuit.\n\u2014 If Test Result shows \u201cFailed,\u201d and the window text contains the \nwords \u201cController @ .... :Failed\u201d\n\u2014 Check that the CalPod Controller is powered on and \nconnected to the PNA correctly. See \u201cStep 7. Connect the \nLAN Cable\u201d on page 1-12.\n\u2014 If all connections appear to be correct and the USB 2.0 to \nLAN Adapter is being used, set a static IP address on the \nPNA. See \u201cSetting a Static IP Address on the PNA (When \nUsing USB 2.0 to LAN Adapter)\u201d on page 2-3.\n\u2014 If Test Result shows Failed and the window text contains the words \n\u201csn .... :Failed,\u201d check that the CalPod is properly connected to the \nCalPod Controller.\n8. After each CalPod serial number has been highlighted and tested, click\nClose to return to the \u201cCalibration Refresh Module Configuration\u201d dialog\nmenu.\n9. Assign each CalPod to a PNA test port.\nHighlight the serial number and select Test\n 1-18\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\na. In the \u201cCalibration Refresh Module Configuration\u201d dialog window\nshown below, under the heading \u201cCalPod Assignments,\u201d assign a\nCalpod to each test port on the PNA. Note that Port 1, Port 2, Port 3,\nand Port 4 refer to the PNA test ports, and not the connector labels\non the 85523B CalPod controller.\nAs indicated in this example, CalPod serial number 50270102 has been \nassigned to PNA test port 1, and CalPod serial number 50270107 has been \nassigned to PNA test port 2.\nb. After each CalPod has been assigned to a test port on the PNA, click\nClose.\nStep 10. Configure the Hardware for a Calibration\nFigure 1-2 on page 1-19 shows a recommended, basic measurement \nhardware configuration for calibrating the PNA when measuring a 2-port DUT. \nFor more configuration options, visit: https://www.keysight.com/us/en/\nproducts/accessories/calibration-modules-kits.html#CalibrationPod.\nThe following items may be required, depending on your measurement \nhardware configuration. \n\u2014 RF Cables \u2013 required to connect each CalPod to a PNA port. CalPods work \nwell with cable losses (one- way loss from CalPod to PNA test port) up to 20 \ndB. CalPods will also work with cable losses greater than 20 dB, but the \nrecorrection performance may be degraded. Consult the 855xxA/B Series \nCalPod Performance Characteristics document (85523-90003) available \nat: https://www.keysight.com/us/en/assets/9921-01890/reference-\nguides/855xxA-B-Series-CalPods-and-85523-CalPod-Controller-\nPerformance-Characteristics.pdf\n\u2014 RF Adapters for the Device Under Test (DUT) \u2013 required if the DUT \nconnectors are not compatible with the CalPod RF2 (2.92 mm male) \nconnector.\n\u2014 Calibration Kit or ECal \u2013 compatible with DUT connectors.\nClicking Help in the dialog window displays CalPod information in the PNA \nSeries Network Analyzer Help System, stored in the PNA. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-19\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n\u2014 (Optional) CalPod Drive Cable Extensions \u2013 The standard CalPod drive \ncable is 2 meters in length. The 85554A CalPod drive cable extension \nprovides an additional 10 meter length. These CalPod drive cable \nextensions can be cascaded.\nFigure 1-2 \nBasic Measurement Hardware Configuration for Calibration (2-Port DUT)\nStep 11. Perform Initial 2-Port Calibration\nInformation\n\u2014 The instructions in this step assume that CalPods are connected to PNA \nPort 1 and Port 2, and that a 2-Port calibration is used.\n\u2014 Most PNA calibration types may be used with CalPods. For details, see \n\u201cCalibration Types Not Supported by CalPods\u201d on page 2-2.\nFigure 1-2 shows an ECal module with 3.5 mm f-f connectors. If using an \nECal module with 3.5 mm m-f connectors, the female connector on the \nECal module must be connected to each CalPod one-at-a-time. Follow the \nguided ECal calibration procedure on the PNA. Avoid using adapters \nbetween the ECal module and the CalPod connectors if possible. \n 1-20\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n\u2014 For information on PNA traces and channels, see the Quick Start section of \nthe PNA Series Network Analyzer Help System (available online and stored \nin the PNA).\n\u2014 Notes on the calibration:\n\u2014 An ECal or a mechanical calibration kit may be used to perform the \ncalibration. An ECal is preferred because the RF cables can remain \ntotally undisturbed during the calibration and initialization steps.\n\u2014 When an ECal is used and multiple connections are required, order \nthe steps such that the final step is an ECal \u201cThru\u201d state connection.\n\u2014 When a mechanical calibration kit is used, take precautions to \nminimize cable movement. Leave the final standards connected \nduring the initialization step in the following procedure.\n\u2014 When the ECal or calibration kit is a 2.4 mm connector type, use \nappropriate adapters on the CalPod RF1 and RF2 connectors (2.92 \nmm) during calibration.\nProcedure\n1. Connect the CalPods to the CalPod Controller.\n2. Power on the CalPod Controller.\n3. Start the CalPod dialog window titled \u201cCalibration Refresh Module\nConfiguration\u201d using either method below.\nMethod 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\nPress CAL > [More] > [Calpod] > [Calpod]\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\nClick Response > Cal > Calpod > Calpod\n4. Assign CalPods to PNA Port 1 and Port 2 or confirm that the appropriate\nassignments already exist. Click the down arrow to select from available\nCalPods for a given port.\n5. Close the CalPod dialog window.\n6. Configure the measurement hardware for the initial calibration.\nIf a \u201cWindows Security Alert\u201d appears that is related to the etrak Api, select \n\u201cUnblock.\u201d \nIt is important to activate the CalPod dialog window at this point to ensure \nthe CalPods are in the \u201cthru\u201d state.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-21\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nThe initial calibration consists of performing a normal calibration (typically \nwith an ECal module), and then transferring this correction array to the \nCalPods when the Initialize Channel command is performed in step 8.\nThe configuration for the initial ECal calibration and CalPod channel \ninitialization can be significantly different from the final measurement \nconfiguration. A short cable between the PNA test port and the CalPod \u2013 \nas shown in the following graphic \u2013 can be used for the initial calibration. \nFor the measurement, an entirely different cable with greater length and \nhigher loss can be substituted between the PNA test ports and the \nCalPods. Additionally, different adapters, and even switch matrices can be \nadded after the initial calibration to enable a measurement configuration.\n7. Set up the measurement parameters on the PNA.\n\u2014 Preset the PNA.\n\u2014 Set up a 2-port measurement channel with the desired parameters \nfor your DUT, including:\n\u2014 class (choose from S-parameters, source power cal and \nreceiver power calibrations, scalar and vector mixer \nmeasurements, gain compression for amplifiers and \nmixers, noise figure for amplifiers and mixers, noise figure \nfor amplifiers or mixers, IMD measurements for amplifiers \nor mixers, IMD spectrum mode)\n\u2014 start and stop frequencies (20 GHz CalPods are \ncharacterized from 100 MHz to 20 GHz; 40 GHz CalPods \nare characterized from 500 MHz to 40 GHz).\n\u2014 number of points\n 1-22\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n8. Use either of the following methods to perform a full 2-port calibration on\nthe PNA using an ECal module (for highest accuracy) or a mechanical\ncalibration kit.\n\u2014 Method 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\nPress Cal > [Start Cal] > [Cal Wizard].\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\nClick Response > Cal > Start Cal > Cal Wizard.\n\u2014 Follow the prompts in the calibration wizard to complete the \ncalibration\n\u2014 Select Save as User CalSet. Any file name that does not contain \n\u201ccalpod\u201d may be used.\nStep 12. Initialize the CalPods\nWithout disturbing any of the measurement hardware, use either of the \nfollowing methods to save the initial calibration into the CalPod correction \narray. This must be done immediately after completing the last step of the \ninitial calibration.\nMethod 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\nPress CAL > [More] > [Calpod] > [Initialize Channel]\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\nClick Response > Calpod > Initialize Channel\nFor best initial calibration results, use a 1 kHz or lower IF bandwidth with \nan averaging factor of eight. Sweep averaging is recommended. For the \nactual DUT measurements, the IF bandwidth and number of averages can \nvary. \nYou must select Save as User CalSet (rather than \u201cFinish\u201d), to save the \ncalibration in the channel 1 cal register. \nIMPORTANT: After completing the calibration, do not disturb any of the \nmeasurement hardware, until \u201cStep 12. Initialize the CalPods\u201d is \ncompleted, and the Initialize Channel operation has been performed on the \nCalPods. During this operation, the CalPods make a measurement \nrequiring the same measurement hardware to properly initialize the \nCalPod correction arrays. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-23\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nThe calibration correction array established by the initial calibration is \ntransferred to the CalPod correction array in this step. Any disturbances of the \nmeasurement hardware (such as cable movements) prior to performing the \nInitialize Channel step will affect the quality of the recorrection array.\nStep 13. Configure the Hardware for a Measurement\nAfter the Initialize Channel procedure is completed, as detailed in the previous \nstep, the measurement hardware can be reconfigured. For example, the short, \nstable cable between PNA port 1 and the CalPod can be replaced with a longer \ncable to reach a CalPod and DUT located inside a temperature or TVAC \nchamber. Other modifications in the path between the PNA and the CalPod \u2013 \nsuch as different adapters, and even switch matrices \u2013 can now be made. \nStep 14. Recorrect (Refresh) the CalPods\nWhen a calibration refresh is performed, the initial calibration is reestablished \nat the new location of the CalPods.\n1. Connect the CalPods to the DUT and recorrect the calibration using either\nof the following methods.\nMethod 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\nPress CAL > [More] > [Calpod] > [Recorrect Channel]\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\nClick Response > Cal > Calpod > Recorrect Channel\nThe system is now ready to make calibrated measurements on the DUT.\n2. When you want to reestablish the initial calibration, refresh the calibration\nusing either of the methods above.\nSome examples of situations that call for a calibration refresh:\n\u2014 Moving the location of the CalPods and DUT. For example, moving \nthem from close proximity with the PNA to inside a temperature or \nthermal-vacuum chamber.\n\u2014 Changing cables, cable lengths, or connectors in the path between \nthe PNA and the CalPod.\n\u2014 Adding a switch matrix or adaptors in the path between the PNA \nand the CalPod.\n\u2014 Changing switch positions in a switch matrix.\nIMPORTANT: Do not Initialize Channel at any future point in time, or the \nrecorrection array will be corrupted, causing improper recorrections and \ninaccurate measurement data. \n 1-24\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n\u2014 Changing temperatures inside of a temperature or thermal-vacuum \nchamber where the CalPod and DUT are located.\n\u2014 Moving or flexing the cables.\n\u2014 Wanting to be certain that a valid calibration is present at the \ncalibration plane.\nStep 15: Measure the DUT\nGather data from the PNA measurement of the DUT.\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n2\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information\nChapter Overview (Hyperlinks)\n\u2014 \u201c85523B Calpod Controller Dimensions and Weight\u201d on page 2-2\n\u2014 \u201cCalPod Operational Check\u201d on page 2-2\n\u2014 \u201cCalibration Types Not Supported by CalPods\u201d on page 2-2\n\u2014 \u201cSetting a Static IP Address on the PNA (When Using USB 2.0 to LAN \nAdapter)\u201d on page 2-3\n\u2014 \u201cAlternative Configuration for the LAN Cable (Not recommended)\u201d on \npage 2-4\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is 2 Meters or \nLess\u201d on page 2-6\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is More Than 2 \nMeters\u201d on page 2-7\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Using a 1 x 12 CalPod Cable Fan-Out Splitter for More \nThan Four CalPods\u201d on page 2-7\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and Splitter is Less Than 2\n Meters on page 2-8 \n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller\u201d on \npage 2-9\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller Over a \nLong Distance\u201d on page 2-10\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Long Distance Between Splitter and CalPod\u201d on page\n2-10\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Control Through a TVAC Chamber Wall\u201d on page 2-11\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n 2-1\n 2-2\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information\n2-\n85523B Calpod Controller Dimensions and Weight\n\u2014 Height: 89 mm\n\u2014 Width: 425 mm\n\u2014 Depth: 500 mm\n\u2014 Weight: 7.5 kg\n85523B CalPod Controller Front Panel Output Connectors \n\u2014 Connector type: LEMO USA ECG.2B.312.CLV (Keysight part number \n1254-1449)\n\u2014 Maximum output: +/- 15 VDC\nCalPod Operational Check\nA CalPod module may be tested using the CalPod Operational Check. For \ninstructions, refer to the CalPod portion of PNA Online Help at: \nhttp://na.support.keysight.com/pna/calpod/calpod_help.htm#OpCheck\nCalibration Types Not Supported by CalPods\nKeysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods support almost all PNA S-parameter \ncalibration types. The exceptions are calibration types that do not include a \nreturn loss portion for the port connected to the CalPod. An example of an \nunsupported calibration type is a Response Calibration.\nWhen an unsupported calibration type is used, the CalPod software reports an \nerror during \u201cInitialize Channel.\u201d\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 2-3\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information\nSetting a Static IP Address on the PNA (When Using USB 2.0 to LAN \nAdapter)\nWhen the CalPod Controller connects to the PNA via the USB 2.0 to LAN \nadapter, sometimes it is necessary to manually set a Static IP address on \nthe LAN interface. Multiple installations of the CalPod Software may require \nthis procedure.\n1. Minimize the PNA application to access the desktop.\n2. Click Start > Settings > Network Connections.\nThere should be two or more listings with the name \u201cLocal Area\nConnectionsN\u201d (where N may be blank or an arbitrary character).\n3. Right-click on the last item in the list and select Properties.\nThe listing under \u201cConnect using:\u201d should display \u201cASIX AX88772 USB2.0\nto Fast Ethernet.\u201d\nIf this text is not displayed, click Cancel and try another item in the list\nuntil this device is found.\n4. In the listing under \u201cThis connection uses the following items:\u201d, scroll\ndown the list and highlight \u201cInternet Protocol (TCP/IP).\u201d\n5. Click Properties or double-click the item on the list.\n6. Click \u201cUse the following IP address.\u201d\n7. Enter IP Address with a Subnet Mask of\n\u201cDefault Gateway\u201d can be left blank.\n8. Leave the DNS settings blank.\n9. Click OK as necessary to close the dialog windows. If you are presented\nwith a dialog window about entering a different IP address, click No.\n10.Return to \u201cStep 9. Configure the CalPods\u201d on page 1-14 and follow the\nsteps to test and verify that each CalPod is working.\n 2-4\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information\n2-\nAlternative Configuration for the LAN Cable (Not recommended)\nIf the USB 2.0 to LAN adapter is not available, the following LAN cable \nconfiguration can be used. However, this configuration is not recommended \nbecause it does not allow the PNA to communicate over the LAN with \ninstruments other than the controller.\n1. As shown in the graphic above, connect an appropriate type of LAN cable\n(not included) to the rear of the 85523B CalPod Controller.\n2. As shown in the graphic above, connect the other end of the LAN cable to\nthe PNA. (There is no network connector available for Web access.)\n3. Verify that AC line cords are connected to both the PNA and CalPod\nController and that they are powered on.\n4. Select File > Minimize Application.\nTA LAN cable is required but is not included. If your PNA model is an \nE836xC or N5230C, the LAN cable required is the cross-over type; for \nN524xA, see Figure 2-1 on page 2-5. Any LAN cable may be used with all \nother PNA models. (A cross-over LAN cable is used to connect computing \ndevices together directly where they would normally be connected via a \nnetwork switch, hub, or router.) \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 2-5\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information\n5. Run the CalPod LAN Config icon on the PNA desktop and select 1. Direct\nCable Connect. (This configures the PNA to a static IP address.)\n6. Follow remaining prompts.\nAs shown in the following graphic, if your N524xA has a removable hard drive, \nit can be connected to the 85523B CalPod Controller with any type of LAN \ncable. However, if the N524xA has a non-removable hard drive, it must use a \ncross-over LAN cable.\nFigure 2-1 \nLAN Cable Requirements for PNA-X N524xA Models\nTo return to DHCP on the built-in PNA LAN adapter when CalPod \noperation is no longer required, run the CalPod LAN Config icon again and \nselect option 3. \n 2-6\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\n2-\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\nThis section provides information on creating multiport CalPod configurations.\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is 2 Meters or \nLess\nWhen the distance between the 85523B CalPod controller and the CalPod unit \nis two meters or less, use the 85552A or 82553A CalPod drive cables \n(included with the CalPods) directly between them. \nCalPod drive cables vary, depending on the CalPod model. The cables have \nconnector alignment keys that allow only the proper cable to connect to the \nappropriate CalPod. This ensures that no mistake is made when connecting \nthe drive cable to the CalPod. Refer to page 1-4 for information on CalPod \ndrive cable compatibility.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 2-7\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is More Than \n2 Meters\nWhen the distance between the 85523B CalPod Controller and the CalPod unit \nis more than two meters, an 85554A extension cable for CalPod drive cables is \nrequired. This extension cable is 10 meters in length. The 12-pin male \nconnector joins with the 85523B CalPod controller, and the 12-pin female \nconnector joins with the 12-pin connector on the 85552/53A CalPod drive \ncable (2 meter length). The 9-pin male connector of the 85552/53A CalPod \ndrive cable joins with the CalPod.\nConfiguration: Using a 1 x 12 CalPod Cable Fan-Out Splitter for More \nThan Four CalPods\nAs shown in the following graphic, a Keysight 85556A 20 GHz and 40 GHz \nCalPod 1x12 fan-out splitter can be used to connect four or more 855xxA/B \nSeries CalPods to an 85523B CalPod Controller. \n 2-8\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\n2-\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and Splitter is Less Than \n2 Meters\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and Splitter is More Than \n2 Meters\nWhen the distance between the controller and the splitter is more than 2 \nmeters, both the 85554A CalPod drive extension cable and the 85555A splitter \ndrive cable are required.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 2-9\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\nConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller\nAs many as 48 CalPods can be controlled by one 85523B CalPod controller. \nEach of the four ports on the CalPod controller can drive an 85556A fan-out \ncable splitter which can each drive up to 12 CalPods. The drive cable between \nthe 85523B controller and the 85556A splitters requires either a 2 meter \n85555A splitter drive cable, or a combination of an 85554A 10 meter extension \ncable with a 2 meter 85555A splitter drive cable, as shown in \u201cConfiguration: \nUsing as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller Over a Long Distance\u201d on \npage 2-10. If additional distance is required, the extension cables can be \ncascaded.\n 2-10\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\n2-\nConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller Over \na Long Distance\nConfiguration: Long Distance Between Splitter and CalPod \nWhen there is a long distance required between the cable splitter and the \nCalPods, the 85554A CalPod drive extension cable can be used to provide \nadditional length as shown in the previous graphic.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 2-11\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\nConfiguration: Control Through a TVAC Chamber Wall\nThermal-vacuum testing requires controlling the CalPods inside of a TVAC \nchamber using an 85554A CalPod drive extension cable. This cable is cut to \nthe appropriate length, and the cable conductors soldered to an appropriate \nTVAC bulkhead connector to provide DC connections through the TVAC \nchamber wall. Alternatively, Pave Technology (www.pavetechnology.com) has \nan SP37/13-E-150-15-20-DSUB-DSUB connector that is used for TVAC \nbulkheads. The control voltages are +/-15 Vdc with 60 mA per cable \nconductor.\n 2-12\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\n2-\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n3\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nContacting Keysight\nAssistance with test and measurements needs and information on finding a local \nKeysight office are available at: www.keysight.com/find/assist\nIf you do not have access to the Internet, please contact your Keysight field \nengineer.\n In any correspondence or telephone conversation, refer to the Keysight \nproduct by its model number and full serial number. With this information, \nthe Keysight representative can determine whether your product is still \nwithin its warranty period.\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n 3-1\n 3-2\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nMaintenance\n3-\nMaintenance\nTo remove dirt or dust from the external case of the Keysight products, clean \nthe case using a dry or slightly-dampened cloth only.\nIf alcohol is used to clean the connectors, the power cord to the instrument \nmust be removed. All cleaning should take place in a well ventilated area. \nAllow adequate time for the fumes to disperse and moist alcohol to evaporate \nprior to energizing the instrument.\nShipment for Service \nContact Keysight Technologies for instructions on where to ship the Keysight \nproducts for service. Refer to \u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on page 3-1.\nShip the Keysight products using the original packaging materials. Shipping \nthe Keysight products in anything other than the original packaging may result \nin non-warranted damage. If returning a Keysight product for repair, attach a \ncomplete description of failure symptoms.\nTo prevent electrical shock, disconnect instrument from mains \nbefore cleaning. Use a dry cloth or one slightly dampened with \nwater to clean the external case parts. Do not attempt to clean \ninternally. \nKeep isopropyl alcohol away from heat, sparks, and flame. Store in a \ntightly closed container. It is extremely flammable. In case of fire, \nuse alcohol foam, dry chemical, or carbon dioxide; water may be \nineffective. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 3-3\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nSafety Symbols\nSafety Symbols \nThe following safety symbols are used throughout this manual. Familiarize \nyourself with each of the symbols and its meaning before operating this \ninstrument.\nCaution denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure that, if not \ncorrectly performed or adhered to, would result in damage to or \ndestruction of the product. Do not proceed beyond a caution note until the \nindicated conditions are fully understood and met.\nWarning denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure which, if \nnot correctly performed or adhered to, could result in injury or loss \nof life. Do not proceed beyond a warning note until the indicated \nconditions are fully understood and met. \n 3-4\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nGeneral Safety Considerations\n3-\nGeneral Safety Considerations \nSafety Earth Ground \nBefore Applying Power \nServicing \nThe Mains wiring and connectors shall be compatible with the connector \nused in the premise electrical system. Failure to ensure adequate earth \ngrounding by not using the correct components may cause product \ndamage and serious injury.\nIf this product is not used as specified, the protection provided by \nthe equipment could be impaired. This product must be used in a \nnormal condition (in which all means for protection are intact) only. \nThis instrument has autoranging line voltage input. Be sure the supply \nvoltage is within the specified range.\nThis product is designed for use in Installation Category II and Pollution \nDegree 2 per IEC standards.\nVentilation Requirements: When installing the instrument into a cabinet, \nconsideration shall be given to the convection flow into and out of the \ncabinet. Consideration shall also be given to the individual instruments to \navoid having the heated discharge of one instrument become the cooling \nintake air for another instrument. Another area of concern is verification \nthat the maximum ambient operating temperature of the instrument is not \nexceeded due to cabinet installation. Keysight recommends forced air \nconvection whenever an instrument is installed in a cabinet and further \nrecommends that the maximum operating temperature of the cabinet be \nreduced 10 \u00b0C lower than the maximum operating temperature of a single \ninstrument. If there are any concerns or special requirements, a Keysight \nField Engineer should be consulted to assure instrument temperature \ncompliance and performance.\nThese servicing instructions are for use by qualified personnel only. \nTo avoid electrical shock, do not perform any servicing unless you \nare qualified to do so. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 3-5\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nGeneral Safety Considerations\nNo operator serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified \npersonnel. To prevent electrical shock, do not remove covers. \nThe opening of covers or removal of parts may expose dangerous \nvoltages. Disconnect the instrument from all voltage sources while \nit is being opened. \nThe main power cord can be used as the system disconnecting \ndevice. It disconnects the mains circuits from the mains supply. \nThis is a Safety Class 1 Product (provided with a protective earthing \nground incorporated in the power cord). The mains plug shall only \nbe inserted in a socket outlet provided with a protective earth \ncontact. Any interruption of the protective conductor inside or \noutside of the product is likely to make the product dangerous. \nIntentional interruption is prohibited. \nFor continued protection against fire hazard, replace line fuse only \nwith same type and rating: Fuse 5A/250V, Part Number 2110-0709. \nThe use of other fuses, circuit breakers or materials is prohibited. \n 3-6\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nRegulatory Information\n3-\nRegulatory Information\nThis section contains information that is required by various government \nregulatory agencies. \nInstructions for Use\nThis product has been designed and tested in accordance with accepted \nindustry standards, and has been supplied in a safe condition. The \ndocumentation contains information and warnings that must be followed by \nthe user to ensure safe operation and to maintain the product in a safe \ncondition. \nInstall the instrument so that the detachable power cord is readily identifiable \nand is easily reached by the operator. \nThe detachable power cord is the instrument disconnecting device. It \ndisconnects the mains circuits from the mains supply before other parts of the \ninstrument. The front panel switch is only a standby and ON switch and is not a \nLINE switch (disconnecting device). \nAlternatively, an externally installed switch or circuit breaker (which is readily \nidentifiable and is easily reached by the operator) may be used as a \ndisconnecting device.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 3-7\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nRegulatory Information\nInstrument Markings \nTable 3-1 \nIP 2 0\nThe instruction documentation symbol. The product is marked with this symbol when it is \nnecessary for the user to refer to the instructions in the documentation.\nThe AC symbol indicates the required nature of the line module input power.\nThis symbol indicates separate collection for electrical and electronic equipment, \nmandated under EU law. All electric and electronic equipment are required to be separated \nfrom normal waste for disposal (Reference WEEE Directive). \nThis symbol indicates that the power line switch is ON.\nThis symbol indicates that the power line switch is in the STANDBY position.\nThis symbol indicates that the power line switch is in the OFF position.\nThis symbol is used to identify a terminal which is internally connected to the product frame or \nchassis.\nThe CE mark is a registered trademark of the European Community.\nThe Keysight email address is required by EU directives applicable to our product.\nThe CSA mark is a registered trademark of the CSA International. \nThis is a symbol of an Industrial Scientific and Medical Group 1 Class A product (CISPR 11, \nClause 5).\nThis is a marking to indicate product compliance with the Canadian Interference-Causing \nEquipment Standard (ICES-001). Cet appareil ISM est conforme \u00e0 la norme NMB du Canada. \nDirect Current.\nThe instrument has been designed to meet the requirements of IP 2 0 for egress and \noperational environment.\nThe RCM mark is a registered trademark of the Australian Communications and Media \nAuthority.\nIndicates the time period during which no hazardous or toxic substance elements are \nexpected to leak or deteriorate during normal use. Forty years is the expected useful life of \nthe product. \nThis symbol on all primary and secondary packaging indicates compliance to China standard \nGB 18455-2001.\nSouth Korean Certification (KC) mark; includes the marking's identifier code which follows the \nformat: MSIP-REM-YYY-ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.\nICES/NMB-001 \nccr.keysight@keysight.com\n 3-8\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nRegulatory Information\n3-\nCompliance Notices \nThis product has been designated and tested in accordance with accepted industry standards, and \nhas been supplied in a safe condition. The documentation contains information and warnings that \nmust be followed by the user to ensure safe operation and to maintain the product in a safe \ncondition.\nEMC and Safety Information\nEMC\nComplies with the essential requirements of the European EMC Directive as well as current editions \nof the following standards (dates and editions are cited in the Declaration of Conformity):\n\u2022\nIEC/EN 61326-1\n\u2022\nCISPR Pub 11 Group 1, class A\n\u2022\nAS/NZS CISPR 11\n\u2022\nICES/NMB-001\nThis ISM device complies with Canadian ICES-001.\nCet appareil ISM est conforme a la norme NMB-001 du Canada.000\nSafety Information \nEuropean Low Voltage Directive is not applicable for these products.\nDeclaration of Conformity\nA declaration of conformity for any of these ECal modules is available at \nhttp://www.keysight.com/go/conformity or by contacting Keysight - see \u201cContacting Keysight\u201d \non page 3-1.\nSouth Korean Class A EMC Declaration \nInformation to the user:\nThis equipment has been conformity assessed for use in business environments. In a residential \nenvironment, this equipment may cause radio interference. \n\u203b This EMC statement applies to the equipment only for use in a business environment.\n\uc0ac\uc6a9 \uc790 \uc548 \ub0b4 \ubb38\n\uc774\uae30\uae30\ub294 \uc5c5\ubb34\uc6a9 \ud658\uacbd\uc5d0\uc11c \uc0ac\uc6a9\ud560 \ubaa9\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc801\ud569\uc131\ud3c9\uac00\ub97c \ubc1b\uc740 \uae30\uae30\ub85c\uc11c\n\uac00\uc815\uc6a9 \ud658\uacbd\uc5d0\uc11c \uc0ac\uc6a9\ud558\ub294 \uacbd\uc6b0 \uc804\ud30c\uac04\uc12d\uc758 \uc6b0\ub824\uac00 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. \n\u203b \uc0ac\uc6a9\uc790 \uc548\ub0b4\ubb38\uc740 \u201c\uc5c5\ubb34\uc6a9 \ubc29\uc1a1\ud1b5\uc2e0\uae30\uc790\uc7ac\u201d\uc5d0\ub9cc \uc801\uc6a9\ud55c\ub2e4.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 3-9\nEnvironmental Information\nTable 3-2 \nEnvironmental Information \nParameter\nRequired Values/Ranges\nTemperature\nFor Indoor Use ONLY\nOperating\n0 \u00b0C to +55 \u00b0C\nStorage\n-40 \u00b0C to +70 \u00b0C\nAltitude (Operating)\n0 to 3,000 meters\nRelative humidity\nType tested, 0% to 95% at 40 \u00b0C, non-condensing\n 3-10\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\n3-\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nWarranty\nWarranty\nThe actual warranty on your instrument depends on the date it was ordered as \nwell as whether or not any warranty options were purchased at that time. To \ndetermine the exact warranty on your instrument, contact Keysight \nTechnologies with the model and serial number of your instrument. Refer to \n\u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on page 3-1.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 3-11\nThis information is subject to change \nwithout notice.\n\u00a9 Keysight Technologies 2013-2024\nPrint Date: June 2024\nSupersedes: January 2023\nwww.keysight.com\n\n\nQuestion: With CalPods allowing in-situ calibration, how does the system manage drift over time and what are the key benefits for long-duration tests or measurements under fluctuating thermal and mechanical conditions?\n\nAnswer:", "completion": " CalPods, or Calibration Pods, are designed to facilitate in-situ calibration of measurement systems, which is particularly beneficial for long-duration tests or measurements in environments with fluctuating thermal and mechanical conditions. Here\u2019s how the system manages drift over time and the key benefits it offers: Managing Drift Over Time 1. Continuous Monitoring: CalPods typically integrate sensors that continuously monitor the performance of the measurement system. This allows for real-time detection of any drift or deviations from expected behavior. 2. In-Situ Calibration: By enabling in-situ calibration, the system can recalibrate itself periodically or when necessary without needing to remove measurement devices from the test environment. This helps in correcting any drift that occurs over time due to environmental conditions. 3. Automated Calibration Routines: Some CalPods may feature automated routines that can trigger recalibration based on pre-defined thresholds of drift or changes in conditions. This minimizes manual intervention and ensures timely corrections. 4. Data Logging and Analysis: The system can log data over time, allowing for analysis of drift patterns. This historical data can be used to predict when recalibration might be necessary, improving planning for long-duration tests. Key Benefits for Long-Duration Tests 1. Improved Accuracy: Regular recalibration helps maintain measurement accuracy over extended periods, which is crucial for reliable data collection in long-duration experiments. 2. Reduced Downtime: In-situ calibration reduces the need to stop experiments to recalibrate equipment, thus minimizing downtime and maintaining the continuity of data collection. 3. Adaptability to Environmental Changes: The ability to calibrate in response to fluctuating thermal and mechanical conditions allows the system to adapt to changes that could otherwise introduce significant measurement errors. 4. Enhanced Reliability: The ongoing management of drift enhances the overall reliability of the measurement system, ensuring that the data collected is trustworthy and valid for analysis. 5. Cost Efficiency: By reducing the need for extensive manual recalibration processes and minimizing equipment downtime, CalPods can lead to cost savings in terms of both labor and time. 6. Long-term Data Integrity: For long-term experiments, maintaining data integrity is crucial. In-situ calibration helps ensure that the data remains consistent and reliable throughout the duration of the test. In summary, CalPods effectively manage drift through continuous monitoring and in-situ calibration, thereby enhancing measurement accuracy, reliability, and efficiency for long-duration tests under varying conditions." }, { "prompt": "Extracted text: 855xxA/B Series CalPods and \n85523B CalPod Controller\nThis document provides information on 855xxA/B Series CalPods, explaining how to set up all software and \nhardware, how to confirm operation, and how to use with a PNA Microwave Network Analyzer.\nOPERATIONS AND SERVICE GUIDE\nNotices\n\u00a9 Keysight Technologies, Inc. \n2013-2024\nNo part of this manual may be \nreproduced in any form or by any \nmeans (including electronic storage \nand retrieval or translation into a \nforeign language) without prior \nagreement and written consent from \nKeysight Technologies, Inc. as \ngoverned by United States and \ninternational copyright laws.\nTrademark Acknowledgments\nManual Part Number\n85523-90005\nEdition\nPrint Date: June 2024\nSupersedes: January 2023\nPrinted in USA/Malaysia\nPublished by:\nKeysight Technologies\n1400 Fountaingrove Parkway Santa \nRosa, CA 95403\nWarranty\nTHE MATERIAL CONTAINED IN \nTHIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED \u201cAS \nIS,\u201d AND IS SUBJECT TO BEING \nCHANGED, WITHOUT NOTICE, IN \nFUTURE EDITIONS. FURTHER, TO \nTHE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED \nBY APPLICABLE LAW, KEYSIGHT \nDISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, \nEITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WITH \nREGARD TO THIS MANUAL AND \nANY INFORMATION CONTAINED \nHEREIN, INCLUDING BUT NOT \nLIMITED TO THE IMPLIED \nWARRANTIES OF \nMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS \nFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. \nKEYSIGHT SHALL NOT BE LIABLE \nFOR ERRORS OR FOR INCIDENTAL \nOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN \nCONNECTION WITH THE \nFURNISHING, USE, OR \nPERFORMANCE OF THIS \nDOCUMENT OR ANY INFORMATION \nCONTAINED HEREIN. SHOULD \nKEYSIGHT AND THE USER HAVE A \nSEPARATE WRITTEN AGREEMENT \nWITH WARRANTY TERMS \nCOVERING THE MATERIAL IN THIS \nDOCUMENT THAT CONFLICT WITH \nTHESE TERMS, THE WARRANTY \nTERMS IN THE SEPARATE \nAGREEMENT WILL CONTROL.\nTechnology Licenses\nThe hardware and/or software \ndescribed in this document are \nfurnished under a license and may be \nused or copied only in accordance \nwith the terms of such license.\nU.S. Government Rights\nThe Software is \u201ccommercial \ncomputer software,\u201d as defined \nby Federal Acquisition Regulation \n(\u201cFAR\u201d) 2.101. Pursuant to FAR \n12.212 and 27.405-3 and \nDepartment of Defense FAR \nSupplement (\u201cDFARS\u201d) 227.7202, \nthe U.S. government acquires \ncommercial computer software \nunder the same terms by which \nthe software is customarily \nprovided to the public. \nAccordingly, Keysight provides \nthe Software to U.S. government \ncustomers under its standard \ncommercial license, which is \nembodied in its End User License \nAgreement (EULA), a copy of \nwhich can be found at \nhttp://www.keysight.com/find/sweula \nThe license set forth in the EULA \nrepresents the exclusive authority \nby which the U.S. government \nmay use, modify, distribute, or \ndisclose the Software. The EULA \nand the license set forth therein, \ndoes not require or permit, \namong other things, that \nKeysight: (1) Furnish technical \ninformation related to \ncommercial computer software \nor commercial computer \nsoftware documentation that is \nnot customarily provided to the \npublic; or (2) Relinquish to, or \notherwise provide, the \ngovernment rights in excess of \nthese rights customarily provided \nto the public to use, modify, \nreproduce, release, perform, \ndisplay, or disclose commercial \ncomputer software or \ncommercial computer software \ndocumentation. No additional \ngovernment requirements \nbeyond those set forth in the \nEULA shall apply, except to the \nextent that those terms, rights, or \nlicenses are explicitly required \nfrom all providers of commercial \ncomputer software pursuant to \nthe FAR and the DFARS and are \nset forth specifically in writing \nelsewhere in the EULA. Keysight \nshall be under no obligation to \nupdate, revise or otherwise \nmodify the Software. With \nrespect to any technical data as \ndefined by FAR 2.101, pursuant \nto FAR 12.211 and 27.404.2 and \nDFARS 227.7102, the U.S. \ngovernment acquires no greater \nthan Limited Rights as defined in \nFAR 27.401 or DFAR 227.7103-5 \n(c), as applicable in any technical \ndata.\nSafety Notices\nA CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. It \ncalls attention to an operating \nprocedure, practice, or the like that, \nif not correctly performed or adhered \nto, could result in damage to the \nproduct or loss of important data. Do \nnot proceed beyond a CAUTION \nnotice until the indicated conditions \nare fully understood and met. \nA WARNING notice denotes a hazard. \nIt calls attention to an operating \nprocedure, practice, or the like that, \nif not correctly performed or adhered \nto, could result in personal injury or \ndeath. Do not proceed beyond a \nWARNING notice until the indicated \nconditions are fully understood and \nmet.\nContents\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n1\nTable of Contents\n1.\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1\nChapter Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1\nStep 1. Inspect the Shipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2\nStep 2. Meet Electrical and Environmental Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6\nStep 3. Download the CalPod Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7\nStep 4. A Model PNA/PNA-L/PNA-X and E836xC Instruments Only \n (B Models Ignore This Step): Enable the CalPod Firmware License \n (Option 301 or 302) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9\nStep 5. Confirm the PNA Model, Firmware Revision, and Installed Options . . . . . . . . . 1-9\nStep 6. Load Temperature Characterization Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11\nStep 7. Connect the LAN Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12\nStep 8. Confirm the Settings on the CalPod Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13\nStep 9. Configure the CalPods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14\nStep 10. Configure the Hardware for a Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-18\nStep 11. Perform Initial 2-Port Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-19\nStep 12. Initialize the CalPods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-22\nStep 13. Configure the Hardware for a Measurement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-23\nStep 14. Recorrect (Refresh) the CalPods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-23\nStep 15: Measure the DUT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-24\n2.\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1\nChapter Overview (Hyperlinks). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1\n85523B Calpod Controller Dimensions and Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2\n85523B CalPod Controller Front Panel Output Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2\nCalPod Operational Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2\nCalibration Types Not Supported by CalPods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2\nSetting a Static IP Address on the PNA (When Using USB 2.0 to LAN Adapter). . . . . . 2-3\nAlternative Configuration for the LAN Cable (Not recommended) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is 2 Meters or Less . . . . . . . . 2-6\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is More Than 2 Meters . . . . . 2-7\nConfiguration: Using a 1 x 12 CalPod Cable Fan-Out Splitter for \nMore Than Four CalPods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and Splitter is Less Than 2 Meters. . . . . . 2-8\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and Splitter is More Than 2 Meters . . . . . 2-8\nConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9\n2 \n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nContents\n2-10\nConfiguration: Long Distance Between Splitter and CalPod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10\nConfiguration: Control Through a TVAC Chamber Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11\n3.\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nContacting Keysight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1\nMaintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2\nShipment for Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2\nSafety Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3\nGeneral Safety Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4\nSafety Earth Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4\nBefore Applying Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4\nServicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4\nRegulatory Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6\nInstructions for Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6\nInstrument Markings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7\nCompliance Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8\nEnvironmental Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10\nWarranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10\nConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller \nOver a Long Distance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n1\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nTo get the most out of your purchase, it is recommended that this User\u2019s Guide \nbe read carefully and completely. \nThis document provides information on 855xxA/B Series CalPods, explaining \nhow to set up all software and hardware, how to confirm operation, and how to \nuse with a PNA Microwave Network Analyzer.\n855xxA/B Series CalPods eliminate errors due to cable or test system \ninstability. CalPods simplify the process of recalibrating the PNA by not \nrequiring the removal of the Device Under Test (DUT) or the physical \nconnection of standards. This allows recalibrating from a remote location, such \nas when the DUT is used with very long cables in a temperature chamber or \nTVAC (thermal-vacuum) chamber.\n855xxA/B Series CalPod Models:\n\u2014 85530B 20 GHz CalPod (Standard)\n\u2014 85531B 20 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)\n\u2014 85532B 20 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)\n\u2014 85540B 40 GHz CalPod (Standard)\n\u2014 85541B 40 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)\n\u2014 85542B 40 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)\nEach 855xxA/B Series CalPod is controlled with the 85523B CalPod Controller.\nChapter Overview\n\u2014 \u201cStep 1. Inspect the Shipment\u201d on page 1-2\n\u2014 \u201cStep 2. Meet Electrical and Environmental Requirements\u201d on page 1-6\n\u2014 \u201cStep 3. Download the CalPod Software\u201d on page 1-7\n\u2014 \u201cStep 4. A Model PNA/PNA-L/PNA-X and E836xC Instruments Only (B \nModels Ignore This Step): Enable the CalPod Firmware License (Option \n301 or 302)\u201d on page 1-9\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n 1-1\n 1-2\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n\u2014 \u201cStep 5. Confirm the PNA Model, Firmware Revision, and Installed \nOptions\u201d on page 1-9\n\u2014 \u201cStep 6. Load Temperature Characterization Data\u201d on page 1-11\n\u2014 \u201cStep 7. Connect the LAN Cable\u201d on page 1-12\n\u2014 \u201cStep 8. Confirm the Settings on the CalPod Controller\u201d on page 1-13\n\u2014 \u201cStep 9. Configure the CalPods\u201d on page 1-14\n\u2014 \u201cStep 10. Configure the Hardware for a Calibration\u201d on page 1-18\n\u2014 \u201cStep 11. Perform Initial 2-Port Calibration\u201d on page 1-19\n\u2014 \u201cStep 12. Initialize the CalPods\u201d on page 1-22\n\u2014 \u201cStep 13. Configure the Hardware for a Measurement\u201d on page 1-23\n\u2014 \u201cStep 14. Recorrect (Refresh) the CalPods\u201d on page 1-23\n\u2014 \u201cStep 15: Measure the DUT\u201d on page 1-24\nStep 1. Inspect the Shipment\n1. Unpack the contents of the shipping container. Keep the container and\npackaging material in case the contents needs to be returned to the\nfactory.\n2. Use the Contents List in the shipping container to verify the completeness\nof your shipment. If not complete, refer to \u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on\npage 3-1.\n3. Carefully inspect each item in your shipment to make sure it was not\ndamaged during shipment. If damaged, refer to \u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on\npage 3-1.\nThe following pages list items that may be included in your shipment, \ndepending on what you purchased. Your shipment may not contain all \nitems shown. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-3\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nTable 1-1 \nShipment Items\n85530B 100 MHz to 20 GHz CalPod (Standard)1, or \n85540B 500 MHz to 40 GHz CalPod (Standard)1, 2\n85531B 100 MHz to 20 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)1, or \n85541B 500 MHz to 40 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)1, 2\nNOTE\nAs shown in the graphic below, each temperature characterized CalPod comes with a USB \ndrive that has a matching serial number. Each USB drive contains temperature \ncharacterization data that is unique to each 85531B 20 GHz CalPod or 85541B 40 GHz \nCalPod.\n85532B 100 MHz to 20 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)1, or \n85542B 500 MHz to 40 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)1, 2 \nPhotos of the 85532B 20 GHz CalPod and the 85542B 40 GHz CalPod are not available. However, these CalPod \nmodels look the same as the 85531A 20 GHz CalPod shown above, except for the label.\nRF2 Connector \n2.92 mm (m)\nRF1 Connector \n2.92 mm (f)\nCTRL Connector \n9 Pin\nCalPod\nUSB Drive\n 1-4\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n85523B CalPod Controller1\n0960-2955 USB 2.0 to LAN Adapter, 7.5 inch3\n85553A CalPod Drive Cable (2 meter, 28 AWG) included with:\n\u2014 85530B 20 GHz CalPod (Standard)\n\u2014 85531B 20 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)\n\u2014 85532B 20 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)\n\u2014 85540B 40 GHz CalPod (Standard)\n\u2014 85541B 40 GHz CalPod (Temperature Characterized)\n\u2014 85542B 40 GHz CalPod (Thermal-Vacuum Environments)\nTable 1-1 \nShipment Items\nConnects only to \n85330/31/32B and \n85540/41/42A/B CalPods \n(9-pin male connector)\nConnects to 85523B \nCalPod controller or \n85554A 10 meter CalPod \ndrive cable extension \n(12-pin male connector)\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-5\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nNOTE\nCalPod drive cables vary, depending on the CalPod model. The cables have connector \nalignment keys that allow only the proper cable to connect to the appropriate CalPod. This \nensures that no mistake is made when connecting the drive cable to the CalPod. \nA CalPod drive cable with two alignment keys (shown below) is used with the \n85530/31/32B 20 GHz CalPods as well as the 85540/41/42A/B 40 GHz CalPods. The \nolder 85530/31/32A CalPods use the drive cable with only one alignment key (shown \nbelow).\n85554A 20 GHz and 40 GHz CalPod Drive Cable Extension4 (10 meter, 22 AWG)\n85555A Splitter Drive Cable (2 meter, 22 AWG) included with 85556A 1x12 Fan-Out Cable Splitter\nTable 1-1 \nShipment Items\n 1-6\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\nStep 2. Meet Electrical and Environmental Requirements\n1. Ensure the available AC power source meets the following requirements:\n\u2014 Frequency\n\u2014 50/60 Hz\n\u2014 Voltage\n\u2014 100/120/220/240 VAC\n\u2014 Power (maximum consumed)\n\u2014 350 W \n2. Ensure the operating environment meets the requirements found in\n\u201cEnvironmental Information\u201d on page 3-9.\n85556A 1x12 Fan-Out Cable Splitter\nThe 85556A 1x12 fan-out cable splitter is used to drive up to 12 CalPods from a single port on the 85523B CalPod \ncontroller.\nFor information on connecting more than four CalPods in a measurement hardware configuration, refer to \n\u201cConfiguration: Using a 1 x 12 CalPod Cable Fan-Out Splitter for More Than Four CalPods\u201d on \npage 2-7.\n1. For CalPod drive cables, see Table 1-1 on page 1-3.\n2. Although the 85540B, 85541B, and the 85542B 40 GHz CalPods are only characterized from 500 MHz to 40 GHz, they can \nfunction from 100 MHz to 40 GHz.\n3. The device driver software for the USB 2.0 to LAN Adapter is installed during the procedure \u201cStep 3. Download the\nCalPod Software\u201d on page 1-7.\n4. CalPod drive cable extensions may be used with either the 85552A 20 GHz CalPod drive cable or the 85553A 40 GHz \nCalPod drive cable.\nThis instrument has autoranging line voltage input. Be sure the supply \nvoltage is within the specified range.\nTable 1-1 \nShipment Items\nThe instrument can operate with mains supply voltage fluctuations up to \n+/- 10% of the nominal voltage. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-7\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n3. Verify that the AC power cable is not damaged, and that the power-source\noutlet provides a protective earth contact.\nStep 3. Download the CalPod Software\nThe CalPod Software includes all software required for full \nCalPod operation. \n1. On the PNA, select File > Minimize Application.\n2. Connect a LAN cable to the PNA for access to the Internet.\n3. Select an applicable browser (typically Microsoft Edge or Google\nChrome).\n4. From the Keysight.com home page, search for \"CalPod Software\" or go\nto https://www.keysight.com/us/en/lib/software-detail/instrument-\nfirmware-software/calpod-software.html\n5. Note the message on the CalPod Software front page that reads\n\"Install this application software on a PNA running (firmware version\nnumber) firmware or above.\" See example below.\nEnsure you have the minimum or greater version of the firmware \nneeded. If a firmware update is needed on your PNA, go to \nhttps://www.keysight.com/us/en/lib/software-detail/instrument-\nfirmware-software/n52xxb-pna-series-network-analyzer-\nfirmware.html and download the latest version.\nUse the Keysight supplied power cord or one with the same or better \nelectrical rating. Failure to ensure adequate earth grounding by not using \nthis cord may cause personal injury or product damage.\nThe following steps assume that the CalPod Software has not previously \nbeen installed on the PNA. By default, the B-Model PNAs will already \nhave CalPod software installed (CalPod 2.0).\n 1-8\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n6. Once the firmware version has been verified, or a new version has been\ndownloaded and installed, download the CalPod Software and follow\nthe InstallShield Wizard prompts.\n7. Wait for an InstallShield Wizard screen with a \u201cFinish\u201d button. When it\nappears, select Finish.\n8. Select Exit.\n9. In the newly created \"CalPod API\" folder on the C: drive, you'll find the\napplication \"PXI_CalPod_Utilities.\" Opening the application will present\nyou with the following screen:\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-9\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nStep 4. A Model PNA/PNA-L/PNA-X and E836xC Instruments Only\n (B Models Ignore This Step): Enable the CalPod Firmware\n License (Option 301 or 302)\nTo use the CalPod Software package that was downloaded in \u201cStep 3. \nDownload the CalPod Software\u201d on page 1-7, the CalPod firmware license \noption (301 or 302) has to be enabled using a keyword that is specific for your \nPNA model and serial number. This keyword was sent to you by Keysight. Use \nthe following instructions to enter the keyword in the PNA using the PNA \nfront panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\n1. On the PNA, press SYSTEM > [Service] > [Option Enable].\n2. In the Option Enable dialog box, use the pull-down menu to select the\nCalPod firmware option you bought with your initial purchase. If you don\u2019t\nknow which option was purchased, refer to the papers in the shipment\ncontainer.\n3. Enter the keyword.\n4. Select Permanent > Enable.\n5. Click Yes to restart the PNA and enable the new firmware.\n6. Click Exit.\nStep 5. Confirm the PNA Model, Firmware Revision, and Installed \nOptions\n1. If not already active, start the PNA application.\n2. Select the Help pull down menu.\n3. Select About Network Analyzer and note the following:\na. PNA model.\nb. PNA firmware (application code) version.\nc. PNA option 301 or 302 is installed.\n4. Compare the information you just noted with the information in Table 1-2.\nIf your PNA is not compatible with your CalPods, or if Option 301 or 302 is\nnot installed, contact Keysight. Refer to \u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on\npage 3-1. If you have an old version of PNA firmware, go to\nhttps://www.keysight.com/us/en/lib/software-detail/instrument-\nfirmware-software/n52xxb-pna-series-network-analyzer-firmware.html\nand download the latest version.\nFor A model PNA/PNA-X/PNA-L\u2019s and E8456xC instruments, if you have do \nnot have Option 301 or 302 installed, contact Keysight. Refer to \n\u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on page 3-1. See also, Table 1-2 on page 1-10.\n 1-10\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n5. Select OK.\n6. Select the File pull down menu and select Minimize Application.\nPNA Options for CalPod Firmware\nPNA firmware option 301 is used for ambient temperature operation of \nCalPods and provides accurate recorrection capabilities over the temperature \nrange +20 to +30 \u00b0C. A maximum of only four CalPods can be controlled with \noption 301. The temperature compensated and thermal-vacuum environment \nCalPods can be used with firmware option 301, but they will not have \ntemperature compensation capabilities.\nPNA firmware option 302 is used for temperature compensated and \nthermal-vacuum CalPods, and provides accurate recorrection capabilities over \nthe temperature range \u201330 to +80 \u00b0C. With firmware option 302, up to 48 \nCalPods can be controlled, but only four CalPods at a time can be recorrected.\nTable 1-2 \nPNA Models, Firmware, Firmware Options Required for 855xxA/B Series \nCalPods\nPNA Models\nPNA Firmware \nVersion\nPNA Options (CalPod \nFirmware License)\n855xxA/B CalPod Modules\nN524xB PNA-X\nA.13.25.04 or later\nNo options. \n(Firmware includes Option \n301/302.)\n85530B 20 GHz CalPod \n85540B 40 GHz CalPod \n85531B 20 GHz CalPod \n85532B 20 GHz CalPod \n85542B 40 GHz CalPod\nN522xB PNA\nN523xB PNA-L\nN524xA PNA-X\nA.09.33.05 or later\nOption 301\n85530B 20 GHz CalPod\nN522xA PNA\n85540B 40 GHz CalPod\nN523xA PNA-L\nOption 302\n85531B 20 GHz CalPod\nN5230C PNA-L\n85532B 20 GHz CalPod\nE836xC PNA\nA.09.85.07 or earlier\n85541B 40 GHz CalPod\n85542B 40 GHz CalPod\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-11\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nStep 6. Load Temperature Characterization Data\nIf your CalPod model is an 85531B, 85532B, 85541B, or 85542B, it is \ntemperature compensated, and was shipped with a USB drive that has a \nmatching serial number \u2013 refer to Figure 1-1 on page 1-12. The USB drive \ncontains Temperature Characterization data that must be loaded into the PNA. \nTo do so, use the following procedure.\n1. Insert the USB drive into any USB port on the PNA.\n2. To access the Windows desktop when the PNA application is active, select\nFile > Minimize Application.\n3. Right-click on Start. and select Explore.\n4. Navigate to the files on the USB drive, and double-click setup.exe to run\nthe program.\n5. In the dialog window titled \u201cCalPod Thermal Characterization Data Install\nUtility,\u201d click \u201cI accept license terms...\u201d and wait for additional text to be\ndisplayed. This loads CalPod Temperature Characterization data in the\nPNA.\n6. When \u201cPNA restore archive complete\u201d is displayed at the bottom of the\nwindow, close the window.\n7. Remove the USB drive from the PNA.\n8. Repeat Step 6. for each CalPod to be used with the PNA.\nThe following process is required for 85531B, 85532B, 85541B, and \n85542B Cal Pods. It is not required for an 85530B or 85540B CalPod \nsince these models do not have Temperature Characterization data. \n 1-12\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\nFigure 1-1 \nUSB Drive Matches Serial Number on CalPod\nStep 7. Connect the LAN Cable\n\u2014 The following graphic shows the recommended configuration for the LAN \ncable. Information on an alternative configuration can be found at \n\u201cAlternative Configuration for the LAN Cable (Not recommended)\u201d on \npage 2-4. Although this alternative is not recommended, it can be used \nwhen the USB 2.0 to LAN adapter is not available.\n\u2014 85523B CalPod Controllers do not support DHCP networking.\n\u2014 The 85523B CalPod Controller is set to a static IP Address (default: \n192.168.0.100.)\nA LAN cable is required but is not included. Either a standard or cross-over \nLAN cable can be used. (A cross-over LAN cable is used to connect \ncomputing devices together directly where they would normally be \nconnected via a network switch, hub, or router.) \nSerial Number on USB Drive\n(ignore preceding letters)\nSerial Number on CalPod \n(ignore preceding letters)\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-13\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n\u2014 For additional information on making connections to the LAN using network \nswitches and network hubs, contact your network administrator. \n1. As shown in the graphic above, connect a LAN cable (not included) to the\nrear of the 85523B CalPod Controller and connect the other end to the\nUSB 2.0 to LAN adapter (part number 0960-2955).\n2. As shown in the graphic above, connect the USB 2.0 to LAN adapter to a\nUSB port on the PNA. (Typically this is on the rear of the PNA, but any USB\nport can be used.)\n3. Verify that AC line cords are connected to both the PNA and CalPod\nController and that they are powered on.\n4. Select File > Minimize Application.\n5. Run the CalPod LAN Config icon on the PNA desktop and select 2.\nUSB-to-LAN- Adapter.\n6. Follow the remaining prompts.\nStep 8. Confirm the Settings on the CalPod Controller\nUse either of the following methods to run the IP setup utility and confirm the \ndefault settings shown in the table below.\nMethod 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\n 1-14\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n\u2014 On the PNA, press CAL > [More] > [CalPod] > [CalPod]. \n\u2014 On the dialog window titled \u201cCalibration Module Refresh Configuration,\u201d \nclick [CalPod Setup].\n\u2014 On the dialog window titled \u201cCalPod Setup,\u201d click [IP Setup].\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\n\u2014 On the PNA, click Start > Programs > CalPod > API > IP Setup.\nIf the default settings are not correctly displayed, use the keypad to enter them \nin the IP Setup dialog window.\nThe default addresses for the 85523B CalPod Controller are shown in the \nfollowing table.\nFor additional information on making connections to the LAN using network \nswitches and network hubs, contact your network administrator.\nStep 9. Configure the CalPods\n1. Connect each CalPod to the CalPod controller, as shown in the following\ngraphic.\nFor CalPod drive cables, see \u201cStep 1. Inspect the Shipment\u201d on page 1-2. \n2. If not already active, start the PNA application.\nSetting\nDefault Address\nIP\n192.168.0.100\nNetwork mask\n255.255.255.0\nGateway\n192.168.0.1\nDNS\n0.0.0.0 (or leave \nblank)\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-15\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n3. Start the CalPod dialog window titled \u201cCalibration Refresh Module\nConfiguration\u201d using either method below.\nMethod 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\nPress CAL > [More] > [Calpod] > [Calpod]\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\nClick Response > Cal > Calpod > Calpod\n4. Select CalPod Setup on the Calibration Refresh Module Configuration\nwindow.\nIf a \u201cWindows Security Alert\u201d appears that is related to the etrak Api, select \n\u201cUnblock.\". \n 1-16\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n5. If using thermal CalPods, the serial numbers will automatically appear in\nthe CalPod Setup dialog window. However, if using standard CalPods,\nenter a CalPod serial number, omitting preceding letters, then click Add\nCalPod.\nIn the dialog window column \u201cCalPod Types:\u201d\n\u2014 \u201cSTANDARD\u201d refers to the 85530B 20 GHz CalPod and 85540B 40 \nGHz CalPod, and requires software Option 301 or 302. The list is \nlimited to four entries when Option 301 is the only option installed.\n\u2014 \u201cTHERMAL\u201d refers to the 85531/32B 20 GHz CalPod and 85541/42B \n40 GHz CalPod, and requires software Option 302. More than four \nentries can be listed with Option 302.\nIn order for a CalPod to be listed as \u201cTHERMAL,\u201d its Temperature \nCharacterization data must have been installed previously in \u201cStep 6. Load \nTemperature Characterization Data\u201d on page 1-11. Without its \nTemperature Characterization data loaded, each CalPod will be listed as a \n\u201cSTANDARD.\u201d\n6. Repeat the previous step for each standard CalPod you are using with the\nPNA.\n7. Using the CalPod Setup dialog window, highlight a CalPod serial number\nand click Test.\nEnter serial number\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-17\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nThe dialog window displays a list of one or more CalPod serial numbers.\n\u2014 If the Test Result dialog window shows \u201cPassed,\u201d the CalPod is \nfunctioning. The temperature displayed is the internal temperature \nof the CalPod microcircuit.\n\u2014 If Test Result shows \u201cFailed,\u201d and the window text contains the \nwords \u201cController @ .... :Failed\u201d\n\u2014 Check that the CalPod Controller is powered on and \nconnected to the PNA correctly. See \u201cStep 7. Connect the \nLAN Cable\u201d on page 1-12.\n\u2014 If all connections appear to be correct and the USB 2.0 to \nLAN Adapter is being used, set a static IP address on the \nPNA. See \u201cSetting a Static IP Address on the PNA (When \nUsing USB 2.0 to LAN Adapter)\u201d on page 2-3.\n\u2014 If Test Result shows Failed and the window text contains the words \n\u201csn .... :Failed,\u201d check that the CalPod is properly connected to the \nCalPod Controller.\n8. After each CalPod serial number has been highlighted and tested, click\nClose to return to the \u201cCalibration Refresh Module Configuration\u201d dialog\nmenu.\n9. Assign each CalPod to a PNA test port.\nHighlight the serial number and select Test\n 1-18\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\na. In the \u201cCalibration Refresh Module Configuration\u201d dialog window\nshown below, under the heading \u201cCalPod Assignments,\u201d assign a\nCalpod to each test port on the PNA. Note that Port 1, Port 2, Port 3,\nand Port 4 refer to the PNA test ports, and not the connector labels\non the 85523B CalPod controller.\nAs indicated in this example, CalPod serial number 50270102 has been \nassigned to PNA test port 1, and CalPod serial number 50270107 has been \nassigned to PNA test port 2.\nb. After each CalPod has been assigned to a test port on the PNA, click\nClose.\nStep 10. Configure the Hardware for a Calibration\nFigure 1-2 on page 1-19 shows a recommended, basic measurement \nhardware configuration for calibrating the PNA when measuring a 2-port DUT. \nFor more configuration options, visit: https://www.keysight.com/us/en/\nproducts/accessories/calibration-modules-kits.html#CalibrationPod.\nThe following items may be required, depending on your measurement \nhardware configuration. \n\u2014 RF Cables \u2013 required to connect each CalPod to a PNA port. CalPods work \nwell with cable losses (one- way loss from CalPod to PNA test port) up to 20 \ndB. CalPods will also work with cable losses greater than 20 dB, but the \nrecorrection performance may be degraded. Consult the 855xxA/B Series \nCalPod Performance Characteristics document (85523-90003) available \nat: https://www.keysight.com/us/en/assets/9921-01890/reference-\nguides/855xxA-B-Series-CalPods-and-85523-CalPod-Controller-\nPerformance-Characteristics.pdf\n\u2014 RF Adapters for the Device Under Test (DUT) \u2013 required if the DUT \nconnectors are not compatible with the CalPod RF2 (2.92 mm male) \nconnector.\n\u2014 Calibration Kit or ECal \u2013 compatible with DUT connectors.\nClicking Help in the dialog window displays CalPod information in the PNA \nSeries Network Analyzer Help System, stored in the PNA. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-19\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n\u2014 (Optional) CalPod Drive Cable Extensions \u2013 The standard CalPod drive \ncable is 2 meters in length. The 85554A CalPod drive cable extension \nprovides an additional 10 meter length. These CalPod drive cable \nextensions can be cascaded.\nFigure 1-2 \nBasic Measurement Hardware Configuration for Calibration (2-Port DUT)\nStep 11. Perform Initial 2-Port Calibration\nInformation\n\u2014 The instructions in this step assume that CalPods are connected to PNA \nPort 1 and Port 2, and that a 2-Port calibration is used.\n\u2014 Most PNA calibration types may be used with CalPods. For details, see \n\u201cCalibration Types Not Supported by CalPods\u201d on page 2-2.\nFigure 1-2 shows an ECal module with 3.5 mm f-f connectors. If using an \nECal module with 3.5 mm m-f connectors, the female connector on the \nECal module must be connected to each CalPod one-at-a-time. Follow the \nguided ECal calibration procedure on the PNA. Avoid using adapters \nbetween the ECal module and the CalPod connectors if possible. \n 1-20\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n\u2014 For information on PNA traces and channels, see the Quick Start section of \nthe PNA Series Network Analyzer Help System (available online and stored \nin the PNA).\n\u2014 Notes on the calibration:\n\u2014 An ECal or a mechanical calibration kit may be used to perform the \ncalibration. An ECal is preferred because the RF cables can remain \ntotally undisturbed during the calibration and initialization steps.\n\u2014 When an ECal is used and multiple connections are required, order \nthe steps such that the final step is an ECal \u201cThru\u201d state connection.\n\u2014 When a mechanical calibration kit is used, take precautions to \nminimize cable movement. Leave the final standards connected \nduring the initialization step in the following procedure.\n\u2014 When the ECal or calibration kit is a 2.4 mm connector type, use \nappropriate adapters on the CalPod RF1 and RF2 connectors (2.92 \nmm) during calibration.\nProcedure\n1. Connect the CalPods to the CalPod Controller.\n2. Power on the CalPod Controller.\n3. Start the CalPod dialog window titled \u201cCalibration Refresh Module\nConfiguration\u201d using either method below.\nMethod 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\nPress CAL > [More] > [Calpod] > [Calpod]\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\nClick Response > Cal > Calpod > Calpod\n4. Assign CalPods to PNA Port 1 and Port 2 or confirm that the appropriate\nassignments already exist. Click the down arrow to select from available\nCalPods for a given port.\n5. Close the CalPod dialog window.\n6. Configure the measurement hardware for the initial calibration.\nIf a \u201cWindows Security Alert\u201d appears that is related to the etrak Api, select \n\u201cUnblock.\u201d \nIt is important to activate the CalPod dialog window at this point to ensure \nthe CalPods are in the \u201cthru\u201d state.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-21\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nThe initial calibration consists of performing a normal calibration (typically \nwith an ECal module), and then transferring this correction array to the \nCalPods when the Initialize Channel command is performed in step 8.\nThe configuration for the initial ECal calibration and CalPod channel \ninitialization can be significantly different from the final measurement \nconfiguration. A short cable between the PNA test port and the CalPod \u2013 \nas shown in the following graphic \u2013 can be used for the initial calibration. \nFor the measurement, an entirely different cable with greater length and \nhigher loss can be substituted between the PNA test ports and the \nCalPods. Additionally, different adapters, and even switch matrices can be \nadded after the initial calibration to enable a measurement configuration.\n7. Set up the measurement parameters on the PNA.\n\u2014 Preset the PNA.\n\u2014 Set up a 2-port measurement channel with the desired parameters \nfor your DUT, including:\n\u2014 class (choose from S-parameters, source power cal and \nreceiver power calibrations, scalar and vector mixer \nmeasurements, gain compression for amplifiers and \nmixers, noise figure for amplifiers and mixers, noise figure \nfor amplifiers or mixers, IMD measurements for amplifiers \nor mixers, IMD spectrum mode)\n\u2014 start and stop frequencies (20 GHz CalPods are \ncharacterized from 100 MHz to 20 GHz; 40 GHz CalPods \nare characterized from 500 MHz to 40 GHz).\n\u2014 number of points\n 1-22\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n8. Use either of the following methods to perform a full 2-port calibration on\nthe PNA using an ECal module (for highest accuracy) or a mechanical\ncalibration kit.\n\u2014 Method 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\nPress Cal > [Start Cal] > [Cal Wizard].\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\nClick Response > Cal > Start Cal > Cal Wizard.\n\u2014 Follow the prompts in the calibration wizard to complete the \ncalibration\n\u2014 Select Save as User CalSet. Any file name that does not contain \n\u201ccalpod\u201d may be used.\nStep 12. Initialize the CalPods\nWithout disturbing any of the measurement hardware, use either of the \nfollowing methods to save the initial calibration into the CalPod correction \narray. This must be done immediately after completing the last step of the \ninitial calibration.\nMethod 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\nPress CAL > [More] > [Calpod] > [Initialize Channel]\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\nClick Response > Calpod > Initialize Channel\nFor best initial calibration results, use a 1 kHz or lower IF bandwidth with \nan averaging factor of eight. Sweep averaging is recommended. For the \nactual DUT measurements, the IF bandwidth and number of averages can \nvary. \nYou must select Save as User CalSet (rather than \u201cFinish\u201d), to save the \ncalibration in the channel 1 cal register. \nIMPORTANT: After completing the calibration, do not disturb any of the \nmeasurement hardware, until \u201cStep 12. Initialize the CalPods\u201d is \ncompleted, and the Initialize Channel operation has been performed on the \nCalPods. During this operation, the CalPods make a measurement \nrequiring the same measurement hardware to properly initialize the \nCalPod correction arrays. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 1-23\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\nThe calibration correction array established by the initial calibration is \ntransferred to the CalPod correction array in this step. Any disturbances of the \nmeasurement hardware (such as cable movements) prior to performing the \nInitialize Channel step will affect the quality of the recorrection array.\nStep 13. Configure the Hardware for a Measurement\nAfter the Initialize Channel procedure is completed, as detailed in the previous \nstep, the measurement hardware can be reconfigured. For example, the short, \nstable cable between PNA port 1 and the CalPod can be replaced with a longer \ncable to reach a CalPod and DUT located inside a temperature or TVAC \nchamber. Other modifications in the path between the PNA and the CalPod \u2013 \nsuch as different adapters, and even switch matrices \u2013 can now be made. \nStep 14. Recorrect (Refresh) the CalPods\nWhen a calibration refresh is performed, the initial calibration is reestablished \nat the new location of the CalPods.\n1. Connect the CalPods to the DUT and recorrect the calibration using either\nof the following methods.\nMethod 1: Using the PNA front panel HARDKEYs and [softkeys].\nPress CAL > [More] > [Calpod] > [Recorrect Channel]\nMethod 2: Using the mouse and the PNA pull-down menus.\nClick Response > Cal > Calpod > Recorrect Channel\nThe system is now ready to make calibrated measurements on the DUT.\n2. When you want to reestablish the initial calibration, refresh the calibration\nusing either of the methods above.\nSome examples of situations that call for a calibration refresh:\n\u2014 Moving the location of the CalPods and DUT. For example, moving \nthem from close proximity with the PNA to inside a temperature or \nthermal-vacuum chamber.\n\u2014 Changing cables, cable lengths, or connectors in the path between \nthe PNA and the CalPod.\n\u2014 Adding a switch matrix or adaptors in the path between the PNA \nand the CalPod.\n\u2014 Changing switch positions in a switch matrix.\nIMPORTANT: Do not Initialize Channel at any future point in time, or the \nrecorrection array will be corrupted, causing improper recorrections and \ninaccurate measurement data. \n 1-24\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nUsage Information\nSetup and Use of Keysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods\n1-\n\u2014 Changing temperatures inside of a temperature or thermal-vacuum \nchamber where the CalPod and DUT are located.\n\u2014 Moving or flexing the cables.\n\u2014 Wanting to be certain that a valid calibration is present at the \ncalibration plane.\nStep 15: Measure the DUT\nGather data from the PNA measurement of the DUT.\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n2\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information\nChapter Overview (Hyperlinks)\n\u2014 \u201c85523B Calpod Controller Dimensions and Weight\u201d on page 2-2\n\u2014 \u201cCalPod Operational Check\u201d on page 2-2\n\u2014 \u201cCalibration Types Not Supported by CalPods\u201d on page 2-2\n\u2014 \u201cSetting a Static IP Address on the PNA (When Using USB 2.0 to LAN \nAdapter)\u201d on page 2-3\n\u2014 \u201cAlternative Configuration for the LAN Cable (Not recommended)\u201d on \npage 2-4\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is 2 Meters or \nLess\u201d on page 2-6\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is More Than 2 \nMeters\u201d on page 2-7\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Using a 1 x 12 CalPod Cable Fan-Out Splitter for More \nThan Four CalPods\u201d on page 2-7\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and Splitter is Less Than 2\n Meters on page 2-8 \n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller\u201d on \npage 2-9\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller Over a \nLong Distance\u201d on page 2-10\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Long Distance Between Splitter and CalPod\u201d on page\n2-10\n\u2014 \u201cConfiguration: Control Through a TVAC Chamber Wall\u201d on page 2-11\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n 2-1\n 2-2\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information\n2-\n85523B Calpod Controller Dimensions and Weight\n\u2014 Height: 89 mm\n\u2014 Width: 425 mm\n\u2014 Depth: 500 mm\n\u2014 Weight: 7.5 kg\n85523B CalPod Controller Front Panel Output Connectors \n\u2014 Connector type: LEMO USA ECG.2B.312.CLV (Keysight part number \n1254-1449)\n\u2014 Maximum output: +/- 15 VDC\nCalPod Operational Check\nA CalPod module may be tested using the CalPod Operational Check. For \ninstructions, refer to the CalPod portion of PNA Online Help at: \nhttp://na.support.keysight.com/pna/calpod/calpod_help.htm#OpCheck\nCalibration Types Not Supported by CalPods\nKeysight 855xxA/B Series CalPods support almost all PNA S-parameter \ncalibration types. The exceptions are calibration types that do not include a \nreturn loss portion for the port connected to the CalPod. An example of an \nunsupported calibration type is a Response Calibration.\nWhen an unsupported calibration type is used, the CalPod software reports an \nerror during \u201cInitialize Channel.\u201d\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 2-3\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information\nSetting a Static IP Address on the PNA (When Using USB 2.0 to LAN \nAdapter)\nWhen the CalPod Controller connects to the PNA via the USB 2.0 to LAN \nadapter, sometimes it is necessary to manually set a Static IP address on \nthe LAN interface. Multiple installations of the CalPod Software may require \nthis procedure.\n1. Minimize the PNA application to access the desktop.\n2. Click Start > Settings > Network Connections.\nThere should be two or more listings with the name \u201cLocal Area\nConnectionsN\u201d (where N may be blank or an arbitrary character).\n3. Right-click on the last item in the list and select Properties.\nThe listing under \u201cConnect using:\u201d should display \u201cASIX AX88772 USB2.0\nto Fast Ethernet.\u201d\nIf this text is not displayed, click Cancel and try another item in the list\nuntil this device is found.\n4. In the listing under \u201cThis connection uses the following items:\u201d, scroll\ndown the list and highlight \u201cInternet Protocol (TCP/IP).\u201d\n5. Click Properties or double-click the item on the list.\n6. Click \u201cUse the following IP address.\u201d\n7. Enter IP Address with a Subnet Mask of\n\u201cDefault Gateway\u201d can be left blank.\n8. Leave the DNS settings blank.\n9. Click OK as necessary to close the dialog windows. If you are presented\nwith a dialog window about entering a different IP address, click No.\n10.Return to \u201cStep 9. Configure the CalPods\u201d on page 1-14 and follow the\nsteps to test and verify that each CalPod is working.\n 2-4\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information\n2-\nAlternative Configuration for the LAN Cable (Not recommended)\nIf the USB 2.0 to LAN adapter is not available, the following LAN cable \nconfiguration can be used. However, this configuration is not recommended \nbecause it does not allow the PNA to communicate over the LAN with \ninstruments other than the controller.\n1. As shown in the graphic above, connect an appropriate type of LAN cable\n(not included) to the rear of the 85523B CalPod Controller.\n2. As shown in the graphic above, connect the other end of the LAN cable to\nthe PNA. (There is no network connector available for Web access.)\n3. Verify that AC line cords are connected to both the PNA and CalPod\nController and that they are powered on.\n4. Select File > Minimize Application.\nTA LAN cable is required but is not included. If your PNA model is an \nE836xC or N5230C, the LAN cable required is the cross-over type; for \nN524xA, see Figure 2-1 on page 2-5. Any LAN cable may be used with all \nother PNA models. (A cross-over LAN cable is used to connect computing \ndevices together directly where they would normally be connected via a \nnetwork switch, hub, or router.) \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 2-5\nReference Information\nMiscellaneous Reference Information\n5. Run the CalPod LAN Config icon on the PNA desktop and select 1. Direct\nCable Connect. (This configures the PNA to a static IP address.)\n6. Follow remaining prompts.\nAs shown in the following graphic, if your N524xA has a removable hard drive, \nit can be connected to the 85523B CalPod Controller with any type of LAN \ncable. However, if the N524xA has a non-removable hard drive, it must use a \ncross-over LAN cable.\nFigure 2-1 \nLAN Cable Requirements for PNA-X N524xA Models\nTo return to DHCP on the built-in PNA LAN adapter when CalPod \noperation is no longer required, run the CalPod LAN Config icon again and \nselect option 3. \n 2-6\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\n2-\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\nThis section provides information on creating multiport CalPod configurations.\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is 2 Meters or \nLess\nWhen the distance between the 85523B CalPod controller and the CalPod unit \nis two meters or less, use the 85552A or 82553A CalPod drive cables \n(included with the CalPods) directly between them. \nCalPod drive cables vary, depending on the CalPod model. The cables have \nconnector alignment keys that allow only the proper cable to connect to the \nappropriate CalPod. This ensures that no mistake is made when connecting \nthe drive cable to the CalPod. Refer to page 1-4 for information on CalPod \ndrive cable compatibility.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 2-7\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and CalPod is More Than \n2 Meters\nWhen the distance between the 85523B CalPod Controller and the CalPod unit \nis more than two meters, an 85554A extension cable for CalPod drive cables is \nrequired. This extension cable is 10 meters in length. The 12-pin male \nconnector joins with the 85523B CalPod controller, and the 12-pin female \nconnector joins with the 12-pin connector on the 85552/53A CalPod drive \ncable (2 meter length). The 9-pin male connector of the 85552/53A CalPod \ndrive cable joins with the CalPod.\nConfiguration: Using a 1 x 12 CalPod Cable Fan-Out Splitter for More \nThan Four CalPods\nAs shown in the following graphic, a Keysight 85556A 20 GHz and 40 GHz \nCalPod 1x12 fan-out splitter can be used to connect four or more 855xxA/B \nSeries CalPods to an 85523B CalPod Controller. \n 2-8\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\n2-\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and Splitter is Less Than \n2 Meters\nConfiguration: Distance Between Controller and Splitter is More Than \n2 Meters\nWhen the distance between the controller and the splitter is more than 2 \nmeters, both the 85554A CalPod drive extension cable and the 85555A splitter \ndrive cable are required.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 2-9\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\nConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller\nAs many as 48 CalPods can be controlled by one 85523B CalPod controller. \nEach of the four ports on the CalPod controller can drive an 85556A fan-out \ncable splitter which can each drive up to 12 CalPods. The drive cable between \nthe 85523B controller and the 85556A splitters requires either a 2 meter \n85555A splitter drive cable, or a combination of an 85554A 10 meter extension \ncable with a 2 meter 85555A splitter drive cable, as shown in \u201cConfiguration: \nUsing as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller Over a Long Distance\u201d on \npage 2-10. If additional distance is required, the extension cables can be \ncascaded.\n 2-10\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\n2-\nConfiguration: Using as Many as 48 CalPods with One Controller Over \na Long Distance\nConfiguration: Long Distance Between Splitter and CalPod \nWhen there is a long distance required between the cable splitter and the \nCalPods, the 85554A CalPod drive extension cable can be used to provide \nadditional length as shown in the previous graphic.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 2-11\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\nConfiguration: Control Through a TVAC Chamber Wall\nThermal-vacuum testing requires controlling the CalPods inside of a TVAC \nchamber using an 85554A CalPod drive extension cable. This cable is cut to \nthe appropriate length, and the cable conductors soldered to an appropriate \nTVAC bulkhead connector to provide DC connections through the TVAC \nchamber wall. Alternatively, Pave Technology (www.pavetechnology.com) has \nan SP37/13-E-150-15-20-DSUB-DSUB connector that is used for TVAC \nbulkheads. The control voltages are +/-15 Vdc with 60 mA per cable \nconductor.\n 2-12\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nReference Information\nAdvanced Multiport CalPod Configurations\n2-\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n3\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nContacting Keysight\nAssistance with test and measurements needs and information on finding a local \nKeysight office are available at: www.keysight.com/find/assist\nIf you do not have access to the Internet, please contact your Keysight field \nengineer.\n In any correspondence or telephone conversation, refer to the Keysight \nproduct by its model number and full serial number. With this information, \nthe Keysight representative can determine whether your product is still \nwithin its warranty period.\nKeysight Series CalPods and CalPodController\n855xxA/B and 85523B\nOperating and Service Guide\n 3-1\n 3-2\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nMaintenance\n3-\nMaintenance\nTo remove dirt or dust from the external case of the Keysight products, clean \nthe case using a dry or slightly-dampened cloth only.\nIf alcohol is used to clean the connectors, the power cord to the instrument \nmust be removed. All cleaning should take place in a well ventilated area. \nAllow adequate time for the fumes to disperse and moist alcohol to evaporate \nprior to energizing the instrument.\nShipment for Service \nContact Keysight Technologies for instructions on where to ship the Keysight \nproducts for service. Refer to \u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on page 3-1.\nShip the Keysight products using the original packaging materials. Shipping \nthe Keysight products in anything other than the original packaging may result \nin non-warranted damage. If returning a Keysight product for repair, attach a \ncomplete description of failure symptoms.\nTo prevent electrical shock, disconnect instrument from mains \nbefore cleaning. Use a dry cloth or one slightly dampened with \nwater to clean the external case parts. Do not attempt to clean \ninternally. \nKeep isopropyl alcohol away from heat, sparks, and flame. Store in a \ntightly closed container. It is extremely flammable. In case of fire, \nuse alcohol foam, dry chemical, or carbon dioxide; water may be \nineffective. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 3-3\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nSafety Symbols\nSafety Symbols \nThe following safety symbols are used throughout this manual. Familiarize \nyourself with each of the symbols and its meaning before operating this \ninstrument.\nCaution denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure that, if not \ncorrectly performed or adhered to, would result in damage to or \ndestruction of the product. Do not proceed beyond a caution note until the \nindicated conditions are fully understood and met.\nWarning denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure which, if \nnot correctly performed or adhered to, could result in injury or loss \nof life. Do not proceed beyond a warning note until the indicated \nconditions are fully understood and met. \n 3-4\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nGeneral Safety Considerations\n3-\nGeneral Safety Considerations \nSafety Earth Ground \nBefore Applying Power \nServicing \nThe Mains wiring and connectors shall be compatible with the connector \nused in the premise electrical system. Failure to ensure adequate earth \ngrounding by not using the correct components may cause product \ndamage and serious injury.\nIf this product is not used as specified, the protection provided by \nthe equipment could be impaired. This product must be used in a \nnormal condition (in which all means for protection are intact) only. \nThis instrument has autoranging line voltage input. Be sure the supply \nvoltage is within the specified range.\nThis product is designed for use in Installation Category II and Pollution \nDegree 2 per IEC standards.\nVentilation Requirements: When installing the instrument into a cabinet, \nconsideration shall be given to the convection flow into and out of the \ncabinet. Consideration shall also be given to the individual instruments to \navoid having the heated discharge of one instrument become the cooling \nintake air for another instrument. Another area of concern is verification \nthat the maximum ambient operating temperature of the instrument is not \nexceeded due to cabinet installation. Keysight recommends forced air \nconvection whenever an instrument is installed in a cabinet and further \nrecommends that the maximum operating temperature of the cabinet be \nreduced 10 \u00b0C lower than the maximum operating temperature of a single \ninstrument. If there are any concerns or special requirements, a Keysight \nField Engineer should be consulted to assure instrument temperature \ncompliance and performance.\nThese servicing instructions are for use by qualified personnel only. \nTo avoid electrical shock, do not perform any servicing unless you \nare qualified to do so. \n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 3-5\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nGeneral Safety Considerations\nNo operator serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified \npersonnel. To prevent electrical shock, do not remove covers. \nThe opening of covers or removal of parts may expose dangerous \nvoltages. Disconnect the instrument from all voltage sources while \nit is being opened. \nThe main power cord can be used as the system disconnecting \ndevice. It disconnects the mains circuits from the mains supply. \nThis is a Safety Class 1 Product (provided with a protective earthing \nground incorporated in the power cord). The mains plug shall only \nbe inserted in a socket outlet provided with a protective earth \ncontact. Any interruption of the protective conductor inside or \noutside of the product is likely to make the product dangerous. \nIntentional interruption is prohibited. \nFor continued protection against fire hazard, replace line fuse only \nwith same type and rating: Fuse 5A/250V, Part Number 2110-0709. \nThe use of other fuses, circuit breakers or materials is prohibited. \n 3-6\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nRegulatory Information\n3-\nRegulatory Information\nThis section contains information that is required by various government \nregulatory agencies. \nInstructions for Use\nThis product has been designed and tested in accordance with accepted \nindustry standards, and has been supplied in a safe condition. The \ndocumentation contains information and warnings that must be followed by \nthe user to ensure safe operation and to maintain the product in a safe \ncondition. \nInstall the instrument so that the detachable power cord is readily identifiable \nand is easily reached by the operator. \nThe detachable power cord is the instrument disconnecting device. It \ndisconnects the mains circuits from the mains supply before other parts of the \ninstrument. The front panel switch is only a standby and ON switch and is not a \nLINE switch (disconnecting device). \nAlternatively, an externally installed switch or circuit breaker (which is readily \nidentifiable and is easily reached by the operator) may be used as a \ndisconnecting device.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 3-7\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nRegulatory Information\nInstrument Markings \nTable 3-1 \nIP 2 0\nThe instruction documentation symbol. The product is marked with this symbol when it is \nnecessary for the user to refer to the instructions in the documentation.\nThe AC symbol indicates the required nature of the line module input power.\nThis symbol indicates separate collection for electrical and electronic equipment, \nmandated under EU law. All electric and electronic equipment are required to be separated \nfrom normal waste for disposal (Reference WEEE Directive). \nThis symbol indicates that the power line switch is ON.\nThis symbol indicates that the power line switch is in the STANDBY position.\nThis symbol indicates that the power line switch is in the OFF position.\nThis symbol is used to identify a terminal which is internally connected to the product frame or \nchassis.\nThe CE mark is a registered trademark of the European Community.\nThe Keysight email address is required by EU directives applicable to our product.\nThe CSA mark is a registered trademark of the CSA International. \nThis is a symbol of an Industrial Scientific and Medical Group 1 Class A product (CISPR 11, \nClause 5).\nThis is a marking to indicate product compliance with the Canadian Interference-Causing \nEquipment Standard (ICES-001). Cet appareil ISM est conforme \u00e0 la norme NMB du Canada. \nDirect Current.\nThe instrument has been designed to meet the requirements of IP 2 0 for egress and \noperational environment.\nThe RCM mark is a registered trademark of the Australian Communications and Media \nAuthority.\nIndicates the time period during which no hazardous or toxic substance elements are \nexpected to leak or deteriorate during normal use. Forty years is the expected useful life of \nthe product. \nThis symbol on all primary and secondary packaging indicates compliance to China standard \nGB 18455-2001.\nSouth Korean Certification (KC) mark; includes the marking's identifier code which follows the \nformat: MSIP-REM-YYY-ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.\nICES/NMB-001 \nccr.keysight@keysight.com\n 3-8\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nRegulatory Information\n3-\nCompliance Notices \nThis product has been designated and tested in accordance with accepted industry standards, and \nhas been supplied in a safe condition. The documentation contains information and warnings that \nmust be followed by the user to ensure safe operation and to maintain the product in a safe \ncondition.\nEMC and Safety Information\nEMC\nComplies with the essential requirements of the European EMC Directive as well as current editions \nof the following standards (dates and editions are cited in the Declaration of Conformity):\n\u2022\nIEC/EN 61326-1\n\u2022\nCISPR Pub 11 Group 1, class A\n\u2022\nAS/NZS CISPR 11\n\u2022\nICES/NMB-001\nThis ISM device complies with Canadian ICES-001.\nCet appareil ISM est conforme a la norme NMB-001 du Canada.000\nSafety Information \nEuropean Low Voltage Directive is not applicable for these products.\nDeclaration of Conformity\nA declaration of conformity for any of these ECal modules is available at \nhttp://www.keysight.com/go/conformity or by contacting Keysight - see \u201cContacting Keysight\u201d \non page 3-1.\nSouth Korean Class A EMC Declaration \nInformation to the user:\nThis equipment has been conformity assessed for use in business environments. In a residential \nenvironment, this equipment may cause radio interference. \n\u203b This EMC statement applies to the equipment only for use in a business environment.\n\uc0ac\uc6a9 \uc790 \uc548 \ub0b4 \ubb38\n\uc774\uae30\uae30\ub294 \uc5c5\ubb34\uc6a9 \ud658\uacbd\uc5d0\uc11c \uc0ac\uc6a9\ud560 \ubaa9\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc801\ud569\uc131\ud3c9\uac00\ub97c \ubc1b\uc740 \uae30\uae30\ub85c\uc11c\n\uac00\uc815\uc6a9 \ud658\uacbd\uc5d0\uc11c \uc0ac\uc6a9\ud558\ub294 \uacbd\uc6b0 \uc804\ud30c\uac04\uc12d\uc758 \uc6b0\ub824\uac00 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. \n\u203b \uc0ac\uc6a9\uc790 \uc548\ub0b4\ubb38\uc740 \u201c\uc5c5\ubb34\uc6a9 \ubc29\uc1a1\ud1b5\uc2e0\uae30\uc790\uc7ac\u201d\uc5d0\ub9cc \uc801\uc6a9\ud55c\ub2e4.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 3-9\nEnvironmental Information\nTable 3-2 \nEnvironmental Information \nParameter\nRequired Values/Ranges\nTemperature\nFor Indoor Use ONLY\nOperating\n0 \u00b0C to +55 \u00b0C\nStorage\n-40 \u00b0C to +70 \u00b0C\nAltitude (Operating)\n0 to 3,000 meters\nRelative humidity\nType tested, 0% to 95% at 40 \u00b0C, non-condensing\n 3-10\n 85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide\n3-\nSafety and Regulatory Information\nWarranty\nWarranty\nThe actual warranty on your instrument depends on the date it was ordered as \nwell as whether or not any warranty options were purchased at that time. To \ndetermine the exact warranty on your instrument, contact Keysight \nTechnologies with the model and serial number of your instrument. Refer to \n\u201cContacting Keysight\u201d on page 3-1.\n85523-90005 Operation & Service Guide \n 3-11\nThis information is subject to change \nwithout notice.\n\u00a9 Keysight Technologies 2013-2024\nPrint Date: June 2024\nSupersedes: January 2023\nwww.keysight.com\n\n\nQuestion: How scalable is the CalPod solution when applied to multi-port network analyzers or complex multi-device test setups, and what considerations are required to maintain calibration consistency across all ports or devices?\n\nAnswer:", "completion": " The CalPod solution is designed to enhance the calibration process in various test setups, including multi-port network analyzers and complex multi-device configurations. Scalability, in this context, refers to how well the CalPod solution can be expanded to accommodate additional ports, devices, or more complex configurations without compromising performance or accuracy. Scalability of CalPod Solution 1. Modular Design: CalPod's modular nature allows it to be integrated into multi-port network analyzers easily. Each port can potentially be calibrated using its own CalPod unit, which maintains the integrity and accuracy of the calibration across multiple channels. 2. Networked Calibration: If the CalPod solution supports networked calibration, it can manage multiple devices simultaneously, allowing for centralized control and operation. This can significantly enhance the efficiency of calibration processes in multi-port systems. 3. Automation: The solution can be automated to handle multiple devices or ports in a sequential or parallel manner. Automation reduces the chances of human error and speeds up the calibration process, making it more scalable. 4. Interoperability: The ability of CalPod to work with various test instruments and standards ensures that it can scale across different types of equipment, which is crucial for complex test setups. 5. Data Management: As more devices and ports are added, managing calibration data becomes essential. The CalPod solution should have robust data management capabilities to handle calibration records, results, and reports efficiently. Considerations for Calibration Consistency 1. Traceability: Ensure that all calibration references are traceable to national or international standards. This establishes a baseline for accuracy across all devices and ports. 2. Environmental Conditions: Calibration can be sensitive to environmental factors (temperature, humidity, etc.). Maintaining consistent environmental conditions across all ports and devices during calibration is vital for accuracy. 3. Frequency Response: Each port or device could have a different frequency response. Calibration should account for these differences to maintain consistency across all channels. 4. Regular Calibration Schedule: Establishing a regular calibration schedule helps ensure that all devices and ports remain within their specified accuracy limits over time. 5. Cross-Calibration: For multi-port devices, consider using cross-calibration techniques, where one port\u2019s calibration can help inform or adjust another port\u2019s calibration, thus maintaining consistency. 6. Documentation: Comprehensive documentation of calibration procedures, settings, and results is essential. This documentation should be consistent across all ports and devices to facilitate troubleshooting and future calibrations. 7. Training and Protocols: Ensure that personnel involved in the calibration process are well-trained and follow standardized protocols. Consistency in procedure execution is crucial for maintaining calibration integrity. Conclusion The CalPod solution is scalable for multi-port network analyzers and complex test setups, provided that the necessary infrastructure and protocols are in place. Maintaining calibration consistency requires careful planning, adherence to standards, environmental control, and regular checks. By addressing these considerations, organizations can effectively leverage the CalPod solution across an expanding range of devices and ports while ensuring high accuracy and reliability in their measurements." } ] ]