+ "
You appear to be running in JupyterLab (or JavaScript failed to load for some other reason). You need to install the 3dmol extension:
+ " jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol
+ "
+ ""
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {}
+ },
+ {
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "text": [
+ "For None or [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.\n",
+ " 0. 0. 0. 12.19242241 53.37946793\n",
+ " 92.09319415 92.96407444 86.15452982 83.33297166 98.02396343\n",
+ " 102.84178273 57.16583267 63.16509003 85.28402227 82.09203555\n",
+ " 66.08209293 97.72897455 110.51335667 129.24520657 142.67275424\n",
+ " 153.93610596 190.65009747 146.85652655 110.14438518 93.98027684\n",
+ " 113.26618295 130.32051743 115.21384005 109.95814935 111.50363362\n",
+ " 112.12047879 110.6379971 139.25401676 147.61078685 144.61681044\n",
+ " 135.93508952 133.8414882 112.20370803 105.51703962 126.78428185\n",
+ " 115.69128733 114.14739412 86.50069256 97.78519682 137.55264183\n",
+ " 161.15336059 169.76223629 154.79631037 136.03060112 129.56109911\n",
+ " 159.6066976 159.01942819 156.89666416 140.6024269 145.42806336\n",
+ " 136.13430188 133.84294094 130.63544912 126.44938608 125.60422528\n",
+ " 139.85916623 153.52631933 157.29334918 166.96625393 163.38836786\n",
+ " 146.11630993 156.10143063 169.23123586 157.99337498 162.88871136\n",
+ " 142.62287141 156.99899748 176.13464122 163.78415271 164.45332481\n",
+ " 189.85552387 195.0109843 195.37009694 189.6662509 189.36861348\n",
+ " 214.00427838 213.70498551 233.86747303 236.059855 238.31386515\n",
+ " 263.50758182 255.58019414 242.30366399 269.54060652 264.16919869\n",
+ "================================================\n",
+ "foldproteins: True\n",
+ "Writing FASTA file: /content/working_results/4_test_individual_cases/fasta_in_100.fasta\n",
+ "Now run OmegaFold.... on device=cuda:0\n",
+ "INFO:root:Loading weights from /root/.cache/omegafold_ckpt/model.pt\n",
+ "INFO:root:Constructing OmegaFold\n",
+ "INFO:root:Reading /content/working_results/4_test_individual_cases/fasta_in_100.fasta\n",
+ "INFO:root:Predicting 1th chain in /content/working_results/4_test_individual_cases/fasta_in_100.fasta\n",
+ "INFO:root:99 residues in this chain.\n",
+ "INFO:root:Finished prediction in 10.67 seconds.\n",
+ "INFO:root:Saving prediction to /content/working_results/4_test_individual_cases/temp_100.pdb\n",
+ "INFO:root:Saved\n",
+ "INFO:root:Done!\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Done OmegaFold\n",
+ "Resulting PDB file...: /content/working_results/4_test_individual_cases/temp_100.pdb\n",
+ "Properly named PDB file produced: /content/working_results/4_test_individual_cases/DN_1_CondS_No_0_Val_1.0_epo_100_step_100.pdb\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "output_type": "display_data",
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "