import math |
import copy |
from random import random |
from typing import List, Union |
from tqdm.auto import tqdm |
from functools import partial, wraps |
from contextlib import contextmanager, nullcontext |
from collections import namedtuple |
from pathlib import Path |
import torch |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel |
from torch import nn, einsum |
from torch.cuda.amp import autocast |
from torch.special import expm1 |
import torchvision.transforms as T |
import kornia.augmentation as K |
from einops import rearrange, repeat, reduce |
from einops.layers.torch import Rearrange, Reduce |
from einops_exts import rearrange_many, repeat_many, check_shape |
from einops_exts.torch import EinopsToAndFrom |
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing import text, sequence |
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer |
from PD_pLMProbXDiff.UtilityPack import ( |
prepare_UNet_keys, modify_keys, params |
) |
from torchinfo import summary |
import json |
device = torch.device( |
"cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" |
) |
print('identify the device independently', device) |
def exists(val): |
return val is not None |
def identity(t, *args, **kwargs): |
return t |
def first(arr, d = None): |
if len(arr) == 0: |
return d |
return arr[0] |
def maybe(fn): |
@wraps(fn) |
def inner(x): |
if not exists(x): |
return x |
return fn(x) |
return inner |
def once(fn): |
called = False |
@wraps(fn) |
def inner(x): |
nonlocal called |
if called: |
return |
called = True |
return fn(x) |
return inner |
print_once = once(print) |
def default(val, d): |
if exists(val): |
return val |
return d() if callable(d) else d |
def cast_tuple(val, length = None): |
if isinstance(val, list): |
val = tuple(val) |
output = val if isinstance(val, tuple) else ((val,) * default(length, 1)) |
if exists(length): |
assert len(output) == length |
return output |
def is_float_dtype(dtype): |
return any([dtype == float_dtype for float_dtype in (torch.float64, torch.float32, torch.float16, torch.bfloat16)]) |
def cast_uint8_images_to_float(images): |
if not images.dtype == torch.uint8: |
return images |
return images / 255 |
def module_device(module): |
return next(module.parameters()).device |
def zero_init_(m): |
nn.init.zeros_(m.weight) |
if exists(m.bias): |
nn.init.zeros_(m.bias) |
def eval_decorator(fn): |
def inner(model, *args, **kwargs): |
was_training = model.training |
model.eval() |
out = fn(model, *args, **kwargs) |
model.train(was_training) |
return out |
return inner |
def pad_tuple_to_length(t, length, fillvalue = None): |
remain_length = length - len(t) |
if remain_length <= 0: |
return t |
return (*t, *((fillvalue,) * remain_length)) |
class Identity(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): |
super().__init__() |
def forward(self, x, *args, **kwargs): |
return x |
def log(t, eps: float = 1e-12): |
return torch.log(t.clamp(min = eps)) |
def l2norm(t): |
return F.normalize(t, dim = -1) |
def right_pad_dims_to(x, t): |
padding_dims = x.ndim - t.ndim |
if padding_dims <= 0: |
return t |
return t.view(*t.shape, *((1,) * padding_dims)) |
def masked_mean(t, *, dim, mask = None): |
if not exists(mask): |
return t.mean(dim = dim) |
denom = mask.sum(dim = dim, keepdim = True) |
mask = rearrange(mask, 'b n -> b n 1') |
masked_t = t.masked_fill(~mask, 0.) |
return masked_t.sum(dim = dim) / denom.clamp(min = 1e-5) |
def resize_image_to( |
image, |
target_image_size, |
clamp_range = None |
): |
orig_image_size = image.shape[-1] |
if orig_image_size == target_image_size: |
return image |
out = F.interpolate(image.float(), target_image_size, mode = 'linear', align_corners = True) |
return out |
def normalize_neg_one_to_one(img): |
return img * 2 - 1 |
def unnormalize_zero_to_one(normed_img): |
return (normed_img + 1) * 0.5 |
def prob_mask_like(shape, prob, device): |
if prob == 1: |
return torch.ones(shape, device = device, dtype = torch.bool) |
elif prob == 0: |
return torch.zeros(shape, device = device, dtype = torch.bool) |
else: |
return torch.zeros(shape, device = device).float().uniform_(0, 1) < prob |
@torch.jit.script |
def beta_linear_log_snr(t): |
return -torch.log(expm1(1e-4 + 10 * (t ** 2))) |
@torch.jit.script |
def alpha_cosine_log_snr(t, s: float = 0.008): |
return -log((torch.cos((t + s) / (1 + s) * math.pi * 0.5) ** -2) - 1, eps = 1e-5) |
def log_snr_to_alpha_sigma(log_snr): |
return torch.sqrt(torch.sigmoid(log_snr)), torch.sqrt(torch.sigmoid(-log_snr)) |
class GaussianDiffusionContinuousTimes(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, *, noise_schedule, timesteps = 1000): |
super().__init__() |
if noise_schedule == "linear": |
self.log_snr = beta_linear_log_snr |
elif noise_schedule == "cosine": |
self.log_snr = alpha_cosine_log_snr |
else: |
raise ValueError(f'invalid noise schedule {noise_schedule}') |
self.num_timesteps = timesteps |
def get_times(self, batch_size, noise_level, *, device): |
return torch.full((batch_size,), noise_level, device = device, dtype = torch.float32) |
def sample_random_times(self, batch_size, max_thres = 0.999, *, device): |
return torch.zeros((batch_size,), device = device).float().uniform_(0, max_thres) |
def get_condition(self, times): |
return maybe(self.log_snr)(times) |
def get_sampling_timesteps(self, batch, *, device): |
times = torch.linspace(1., 0., self.num_timesteps + 1, device = device) |
times = repeat(times, 't -> b t', b = batch) |
times = torch.stack((times[:, :-1], times[:, 1:]), dim = 0) |
times = times.unbind(dim = -1) |
return times |
def q_posterior(self, x_start, x_t, t, *, t_next = None): |
t_next = default(t_next, lambda: (t - 1. / self.num_timesteps).clamp(min = 0.)) |
""" https://openreview.net/attachment?id=2LdBqxc1Yv&name=supplementary_material """ |
log_snr = self.log_snr(t) |
log_snr_next = self.log_snr(t_next) |
log_snr, log_snr_next = map(partial(right_pad_dims_to, x_t), (log_snr, log_snr_next)) |
alpha, sigma = log_snr_to_alpha_sigma(log_snr) |
alpha_next, sigma_next = log_snr_to_alpha_sigma(log_snr_next) |
c = -expm1(log_snr - log_snr_next) |
posterior_mean = alpha_next * (x_t * (1 - c) / alpha + c * x_start) |
posterior_variance = (sigma_next ** 2) * c |
posterior_log_variance_clipped = log(posterior_variance, eps = 1e-20) |
return posterior_mean, posterior_variance, posterior_log_variance_clipped |
def q_sample(self, x_start, t, noise = None): |
dtype = x_start.dtype |
if isinstance(t, float): |
batch = x_start.shape[0] |
t = torch.full((batch,), t, device = x_start.device, dtype = dtype) |
noise = default(noise, lambda: torch.randn_like(x_start)) |
log_snr = self.log_snr(t).type(dtype) |
log_snr_padded_dim = right_pad_dims_to(x_start, log_snr) |
alpha, sigma = log_snr_to_alpha_sigma(log_snr_padded_dim) |
return alpha * x_start + sigma * noise, log_snr |
def q_sample_from_to(self, x_from, from_t, to_t, noise = None): |
shape, device, dtype = x_from.shape, x_from.device, x_from.dtype |
batch = shape[0] |
if isinstance(from_t, float): |
from_t = torch.full((batch,), from_t, device = device, dtype = dtype) |
if isinstance(to_t, float): |
to_t = torch.full((batch,), to_t, device = device, dtype = dtype) |
noise = default(noise, lambda: torch.randn_like(x_from)) |
log_snr = self.log_snr(from_t) |
log_snr_padded_dim = right_pad_dims_to(x_from, log_snr) |
alpha, sigma = log_snr_to_alpha_sigma(log_snr_padded_dim) |
log_snr_to = self.log_snr(to_t) |
log_snr_padded_dim_to = right_pad_dims_to(x_from, log_snr_to) |
alpha_to, sigma_to = log_snr_to_alpha_sigma(log_snr_padded_dim_to) |
return x_from * (alpha_to / alpha) + noise * (sigma_to * alpha - sigma * alpha_to) / alpha |
def predict_start_from_noise(self, x_t, t, noise): |
log_snr = self.log_snr(t) |
log_snr = right_pad_dims_to(x_t, log_snr) |
alpha, sigma = log_snr_to_alpha_sigma(log_snr) |
return (x_t - sigma * noise) / alpha.clamp(min = 1e-8) |
class LayerNorm(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, feats, stable = False, dim = -1): |
super().__init__() |
self.stable = stable |
self.dim = dim |
self.g = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(feats, *((1,) * (-dim - 1)))) |
def forward(self, x): |
dtype, dim = x.dtype, self.dim |
if self.stable: |
x = x / x.amax(dim = dim, keepdim = True).detach() |
eps = 1e-5 if x.dtype == torch.float32 else 1e-3 |
var = torch.var(x, dim = dim, unbiased = False, keepdim = True) |
mean = torch.mean(x, dim = dim, keepdim = True) |
return (x - mean) * (var + eps).rsqrt().type(dtype) * self.g.type(dtype) |
ChanLayerNorm = partial(LayerNorm, dim = -2) |
class Always(): |
def __init__(self, val): |
self.val = val |
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): |
return self.val |
class Residual(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, fn): |
super().__init__() |
self.fn = fn |
def forward(self, x, **kwargs): |
return self.fn(x, **kwargs) + x |
class Parallel(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, *fns): |
super().__init__() |
self.fns = nn.ModuleList(fns) |
def forward(self, x): |
outputs = [fn(x) for fn in self.fns] |
return sum(outputs) |
class PerceiverAttention(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
*, |
dim, |
dim_head = 64, |
heads = 8, |
cosine_sim_attn = False |
): |
super().__init__() |
self.scale = dim_head ** -0.5 if not cosine_sim_attn else 1 |
self.cosine_sim_attn = cosine_sim_attn |
self.cosine_sim_scale = 16 if cosine_sim_attn else 1 |
self.heads = heads |
inner_dim = dim_head * heads |
self.norm = nn.LayerNorm(dim) |
self.norm_latents = nn.LayerNorm(dim) |
self.to_q = nn.Linear(dim, inner_dim, bias = False) |
self.to_kv = nn.Linear(dim, inner_dim * 2, bias = False) |
self.to_out = nn.Sequential( |
nn.Linear(inner_dim, dim, bias = False), |
nn.LayerNorm(dim) |
) |
def forward(self, x, latents, mask = None): |
x = self.norm(x) |
latents = self.norm_latents(latents) |
b, h = x.shape[0], self.heads |
q = self.to_q(latents) |
kv_input = torch.cat((x, latents), dim = -2) |
k, v = self.to_kv(kv_input).chunk(2, dim = -1) |
q, k, v = rearrange_many((q, k, v), 'b n (h d) -> b h n d', h = h) |
q = q * self.scale |
if self.cosine_sim_attn: |
q, k = map(l2norm, (q, k)) |
sim = einsum('... i d, ... j d -> ... i j', q, k) * self.cosine_sim_scale |
if exists(mask): |
max_neg_value = -torch.finfo(sim.dtype).max |
mask = F.pad(mask, (0, latents.shape[-2]), value = True) |
mask = rearrange(mask, 'b j -> b 1 1 j') |
sim = sim.masked_fill(~mask, max_neg_value) |
attn = sim.softmax(dim = -1, dtype = torch.float32) |
attn = attn.to(sim.dtype) |
out = einsum('... i j, ... j d -> ... i d', attn, v) |
out = rearrange(out, 'b h n d -> b n (h d)', h = h) |
return self.to_out(out) |
class PerceiverResampler(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
*, |
dim, |
depth, |
dim_head = 64, |
heads = 8, |
num_latents = 64, |
num_latents_mean_pooled = 4, |
max_seq_len = 512, |
ff_mult = 4, |
cosine_sim_attn = False |
): |
super().__init__() |
self.pos_emb = nn.Embedding(max_seq_len, dim) |
self.latents = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(num_latents, dim)) |
self.to_latents_from_mean_pooled_seq = None |
if num_latents_mean_pooled > 0: |
self.to_latents_from_mean_pooled_seq = nn.Sequential( |
LayerNorm(dim), |
nn.Linear(dim, dim * num_latents_mean_pooled), |
Rearrange('b (n d) -> b n d', n = num_latents_mean_pooled) |
) |
self.layers = nn.ModuleList([]) |
for _ in range(depth): |
self.layers.append(nn.ModuleList([ |
PerceiverAttention(dim = dim, dim_head = dim_head, heads = heads, cosine_sim_attn = cosine_sim_attn), |
FeedForward(dim = dim, mult = ff_mult) |
])) |
def forward(self, x, mask = None): |
n, device = x.shape[1], x.device |
pos_emb = self.pos_emb(torch.arange(n, device = device)) |
x_with_pos = x + pos_emb |
latents = repeat(self.latents, 'n d -> b n d', b = x.shape[0]) |
if exists(self.to_latents_from_mean_pooled_seq): |
meanpooled_seq = masked_mean(x, dim = 1, mask = torch.ones(x.shape[:2], device = x.device, dtype = torch.bool)) |
meanpooled_latents = self.to_latents_from_mean_pooled_seq(meanpooled_seq) |
latents = torch.cat((meanpooled_latents, latents), dim = -2) |
for attn, ff in self.layers: |
latents = attn(x_with_pos, latents, mask = mask) + latents |
latents = ff(latents) + latents |
return latents |
class Attention(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
dim, |
*, |
dim_head = 64, |
heads = 8, |
context_dim = None, |
cosine_sim_attn = False |
): |
super().__init__() |
self.scale = dim_head ** -0.5 if not cosine_sim_attn else 1. |
self.cosine_sim_attn = cosine_sim_attn |
self.cosine_sim_scale = 16 if cosine_sim_attn else 1 |
self.heads = heads |
inner_dim = dim_head * heads |
self.norm = LayerNorm(dim) |
self.null_kv = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(2, dim_head)) |
self.to_q = nn.Linear(dim, inner_dim, bias = False) |
self.to_kv = nn.Linear(dim, dim_head * 2, bias = False) |
self.to_context = nn.Sequential(nn.LayerNorm(context_dim), nn.Linear(context_dim, dim_head * 2)) if exists(context_dim) else None |
self.to_out = nn.Sequential( |
nn.Linear(inner_dim, dim, bias = False), |
LayerNorm(dim) |
) |
def forward(self, x, context = None, mask = None, attn_bias = None): |
b, n, device = *x.shape[:2], x.device |
x = self.norm(x) |
q, k, v = (self.to_q(x), *self.to_kv(x).chunk(2, dim = -1)) |
q = rearrange(q, 'b n (h d) -> b h n d', h = self.heads) |
q = q * self.scale |
nk, nv = repeat_many(self.null_kv.unbind(dim = -2), 'd -> b 1 d', b = b) |
k = torch.cat((nk, k), dim = -2) |
v = torch.cat((nv, v), dim = -2) |
if exists(context): |
assert exists(self.to_context) |
ck, cv = self.to_context(context).chunk(2, dim = -1) |
k = torch.cat((ck, k), dim = -2) |
v = torch.cat((cv, v), dim = -2) |
if self.cosine_sim_attn: |
q, k = map(l2norm, (q, k)) |
sim = einsum('b h i d, b j d -> b h i j', q, k) * self.cosine_sim_scale |
if exists(attn_bias): |
sim = sim + attn_bias |
max_neg_value = -torch.finfo(sim.dtype).max |
if exists(mask): |
mask = F.pad(mask, (1, 0), value = True) |
mask = rearrange(mask, 'b j -> b 1 j') |
sim = sim.masked_fill(~mask, max_neg_value) |
attn = sim.softmax(dim = -1, dtype = torch.float32) |
attn = attn.to(sim.dtype) |
out = einsum('b h i j, b j d -> b h i d', attn, v) |
out = rearrange(out, 'b h n d -> b n (h d)') |
return self.to_out(out) |
def Upsample(dim, dim_out = None): |
dim_out = default(dim_out, dim) |
return nn.Sequential( |
nn.Upsample(scale_factor = 2, mode = 'nearest'), |
nn.Conv1d(dim, dim_out, 3, padding = 1) |
) |
class PixelShuffleUpsample(nn.Module): |
""" |
code shared by @MalumaDev at DALLE2-pytorch for addressing checkboard artifacts |
https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1707/1707.02937.pdf |
""" |
def __init__(self, dim, dim_out = None): |
super().__init__() |
dim_out = default(dim_out, dim) |
conv = nn.Conv1d(dim, dim_out * 4, 1) |
self.net = nn.Sequential( |
conv, |
nn.SiLU(), |
nn.PixelShuffle(2) |
) |
self.init_conv_(conv) |
def init_conv_(self, conv): |
o, i, h = conv.weight.shape |
conv_weight = torch.empty(o // 4, i, h ) |
nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(conv_weight) |
conv_weight = repeat(conv_weight, 'o ... -> (o 4) ...') |
conv.weight.data.copy_(conv_weight) |
nn.init.zeros_(conv.bias.data) |
def forward(self, x): |
return self.net(x) |
def Downsample(dim, dim_out = None): |
dim_out = default(dim_out, dim) |
return nn.Sequential( |
Rearrange('b c (h s1) -> b (c s1) h', s1 = 2), |
nn.Conv1d(dim * 2, dim_out, 1) |
) |
class SinusoidalPosEmb(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, dim): |
super().__init__() |
self.dim = dim |
def forward(self, x): |
half_dim = self.dim // 2 |
emb = math.log(10000) / (half_dim - 1) |
emb = torch.exp(torch.arange(half_dim, device = x.device) * -emb) |
emb = rearrange(x, 'i -> i 1') * rearrange(emb, 'j -> 1 j') |
return torch.cat((emb.sin(), emb.cos()), dim = -1) |
class LearnedSinusoidalPosEmb(nn.Module): |
""" following @crowsonkb 's lead with learned sinusoidal pos emb """ |
""" https://github.com/crowsonkb/v-diffusion-jax/blob/master/diffusion/models/danbooru_128.py#L8 """ |
def __init__(self, dim): |
super().__init__() |
assert (dim % 2) == 0 |
half_dim = dim // 2 |
self.weights = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(half_dim)) |
def forward(self, x): |
x = rearrange(x, 'b -> b 1') |
freqs = x * rearrange(self.weights, 'd -> 1 d') * 2 * math.pi |
fouriered = torch.cat((freqs.sin(), freqs.cos()), dim = -1) |
fouriered = torch.cat((x, fouriered), dim = -1) |
return fouriered |
class Block(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
dim, |
dim_out, |
groups = 8, |
norm = True |
): |
super().__init__() |
self.groupnorm = nn.GroupNorm(groups, dim) if norm else Identity() |
self.activation = nn.SiLU() |
self.project = nn.Conv1d(dim, dim_out, 3, padding = 1) |
def forward(self, x, scale_shift = None): |
x = self.groupnorm(x) |
if exists(scale_shift): |
scale, shift = scale_shift |
x = x * (scale + 1) + shift |
x = self.activation(x) |
return self.project(x) |
class ResnetBlock(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
dim, |
dim_out, |
*, |
cond_dim = None, |
time_cond_dim = None, |
groups = 8, |
linear_attn = False, |
use_gca = False, |
squeeze_excite = False, |
**attn_kwargs |
): |
super().__init__() |
self.time_mlp = None |
if exists(time_cond_dim): |
self.time_mlp = nn.Sequential( |
nn.SiLU(), |
nn.Linear(time_cond_dim, dim_out * 2) |
) |
self.cross_attn = None |
if exists(cond_dim): |
attn_klass = CrossAttention if not linear_attn else LinearCrossAttention |
self.cross_attn = EinopsToAndFrom( |
'b c h ', |
'b h c', |
attn_klass( |
dim = dim_out, |
context_dim = cond_dim, |
**attn_kwargs |
) |
) |
self.block1 = Block(dim, dim_out, groups = groups) |
self.block2 = Block(dim_out, dim_out, groups = groups) |
self.gca = GlobalContext(dim_in = dim_out, dim_out = dim_out) if use_gca else Always(1) |
self.res_conv = nn.Conv1d(dim, dim_out, 1) if dim != dim_out else Identity() |
def forward(self, x, time_emb = None, cond = None): |
scale_shift = None |
if exists(self.time_mlp) and exists(time_emb): |
time_emb = self.time_mlp(time_emb) |
time_emb = rearrange(time_emb, 'b c -> b c 1') |
scale_shift = time_emb.chunk(2, dim = 1) |
h = self.block1(x) |
if exists(self.cross_attn): |
assert exists(cond) |
h = self.cross_attn(h, context = cond) + h |
h = self.block2(h, scale_shift = scale_shift) |
h = h * self.gca(h) |
return h + self.res_conv(x) |
class CrossAttention(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
dim, |
*, |
context_dim = None, |
dim_head = 64, |
heads = 8, |
norm_context = False, |
cosine_sim_attn = False |
): |
super().__init__() |
self.scale = dim_head ** -0.5 if not cosine_sim_attn else 1. |
self.cosine_sim_attn = cosine_sim_attn |
self.cosine_sim_scale = 16 if cosine_sim_attn else 1 |
self.heads = heads |
inner_dim = dim_head * heads |
context_dim = default(context_dim, dim) |
self.norm = LayerNorm(dim) |
self.norm_context = LayerNorm(context_dim) if norm_context else Identity() |
self.null_kv = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(2, dim_head)) |
self.to_q = nn.Linear(dim, inner_dim, bias = False) |
self.to_kv = nn.Linear(context_dim, inner_dim * 2, bias = False) |
self.to_out = nn.Sequential( |
nn.Linear(inner_dim, dim, bias = False), |
LayerNorm(dim) |
) |
def forward(self, x, context, mask = None): |
b, n, device = *x.shape[:2], x.device |
x = self.norm(x) |
context = self.norm_context(context) |
q, k, v = (self.to_q(x), *self.to_kv(context).chunk(2, dim = -1)) |
q, k, v = rearrange_many((q, k, v), 'b n (h d) -> b h n d', h = self.heads) |
nk, nv = repeat_many(self.null_kv.unbind(dim = -2), 'd -> b h 1 d', h = self.heads, b = b) |
k = torch.cat((nk, k), dim = -2) |
v = torch.cat((nv, v), dim = -2) |
q = q * self.scale |
if self.cosine_sim_attn: |
q, k = map(l2norm, (q, k)) |
sim = einsum('b h i d, b h j d -> b h i j', q, k) * self.cosine_sim_scale |
max_neg_value = -torch.finfo(sim.dtype).max |
if exists(mask): |
mask = F.pad(mask, (1, 0), value = True) |
mask = rearrange(mask, 'b j -> b 1 j') |
sim = sim.masked_fill(~mask, max_neg_value) |
attn = sim.softmax(dim = -1, dtype = torch.float32) |
attn = attn.to(sim.dtype) |
out = einsum('b h i j, b h j d -> b h i d', attn, v) |
out = rearrange(out, 'b h n d -> b n (h d)') |
return self.to_out(out) |
class LinearCrossAttention(CrossAttention): |
def forward(self, x, context, mask = None): |
b, n, device = *x.shape[:2], x.device |
x = self.norm(x) |
context = self.norm_context(context) |
q, k, v = (self.to_q(x), *self.to_kv(context).chunk(2, dim = -1)) |
q, k, v = rearrange_many((q, k, v), 'b n (h d) -> (b h) n d', h = self.heads) |
nk, nv = repeat_many(self.null_kv.unbind(dim = -2), 'd -> (b h) 1 d', h = self.heads, b = b) |
k = torch.cat((nk, k), dim = -2) |
v = torch.cat((nv, v), dim = -2) |
max_neg_value = -torch.finfo(x.dtype).max |
if exists(mask): |
mask = F.pad(mask, (1, 0), value = True) |
mask = rearrange(mask, 'b n -> b n 1') |
k = k.masked_fill(~mask, max_neg_value) |
v = v.masked_fill(~mask, 0.) |
q = q.softmax(dim = -1) |
k = k.softmax(dim = -2) |
q = q * self.scale |
context = einsum('b n d, b n e -> b d e', k, v) |
out = einsum('b n d, b d e -> b n e', q, context) |
out = rearrange(out, '(b h) n d -> b n (h d)', h = self.heads) |
return self.to_out(out) |
class LinearAttention(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
dim, |
dim_head = 32, |
heads = 8, |
dropout = 0.05, |
context_dim = None, |
**kwargs |
): |
super().__init__() |
self.scale = dim_head ** -0.5 |
self.heads = heads |
inner_dim = dim_head * heads |
self.norm = ChanLayerNorm(dim) |
self.nonlin = nn.SiLU() |
self.to_q = nn.Sequential( |
nn.Dropout(dropout), |
nn.Conv1d(dim, inner_dim, 1, bias = False), |
nn.Conv1d(inner_dim, inner_dim, 3, bias = False, padding = 1, groups = inner_dim) |
) |
self.to_k = nn.Sequential( |
nn.Dropout(dropout), |
nn.Conv1d(dim, inner_dim, 1, bias = False), |
nn.Conv1d(inner_dim, inner_dim, 3, bias = False, padding = 1, groups = inner_dim) |
) |
self.to_v = nn.Sequential( |
nn.Dropout(dropout), |
nn.Conv1d(dim, inner_dim, 1, bias = False), |
nn.Conv1d(inner_dim, inner_dim, 3, bias = False, padding = 1, groups = inner_dim) |
) |
self.to_context = nn.Sequential(nn.LayerNorm(context_dim), nn.Linear(context_dim, inner_dim * 2, bias = False)) if exists(context_dim) else None |
self.to_out = nn.Sequential( |
nn.Conv1d(inner_dim, dim, 1, bias = False), |
ChanLayerNorm(dim) |
) |
def forward(self, fmap, context = None): |
h, x, y = self.heads, *fmap.shape[-2:] |
fmap = self.norm(fmap) |
q, k, v = map(lambda fn: fn(fmap), (self.to_q, self.to_k, self.to_v)) |
q, k, v = rearrange_many((q, k, v), 'b (h c) x y -> (b h) (x y) c', h = h) |
if exists(context): |
assert exists(self.to_context) |
ck, cv = self.to_context(context).chunk(2, dim = -1) |
ck, cv = rearrange_many((ck, cv), 'b n (h d) -> (b h) n d', h = h) |
k = torch.cat((k, ck), dim = -2) |
v = torch.cat((v, cv), dim = -2) |
q = q.softmax(dim = -1) |
k = k.softmax(dim = -2) |
q = q * self.scale |
context = einsum('b n d, b n e -> b d e', k, v) |
out = einsum('b n d, b d e -> b n e', q, context) |
out = rearrange(out, '(b h) (x y) d -> b (h d) x y', h = h, x = x, y = y) |
out = self.nonlin(out) |
return self.to_out(out) |
class GlobalContext(nn.Module): |
""" basically a superior form of squeeze-excitation that is attention-esque """ |
def __init__( |
self, |
*, |
dim_in, |
dim_out |
): |
super().__init__() |
self.to_k = nn.Conv1d(dim_in, 1, 1) |
hidden_dim = max(3, dim_out // 2) |
self.net = nn.Sequential( |
nn.Conv1d(dim_in, hidden_dim, 1), |
nn.SiLU(), |
nn.Conv1d(hidden_dim, dim_out, 1), |
nn.Sigmoid() |
) |
def forward(self, x): |
context = self.to_k(x) |
x, context = rearrange_many((x, context), 'b n ... -> b n (...)') |
out = einsum('b i n, b c n -> b c i', context.softmax(dim = -1), x) |
return self.net(out) |
def FeedForward(dim, mult = 2): |
hidden_dim = int(dim * mult) |
return nn.Sequential( |
LayerNorm(dim), |
nn.Linear(dim, hidden_dim, bias = False), |
nn.GELU(), |
LayerNorm(hidden_dim), |
nn.Linear(hidden_dim, dim, bias = False) |
) |
def ChanFeedForward(dim, mult = 2): |
hidden_dim = int(dim * mult) |
return nn.Sequential( |
ChanLayerNorm(dim), |
nn.Conv1d(dim, hidden_dim, 1, bias = False), |
nn.GELU(), |
ChanLayerNorm(hidden_dim), |
nn.Conv1d(hidden_dim, dim, 1, bias = False) |
) |
class TransformerBlock(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
dim, |
*, |
depth = 1, |
heads = 8, |
dim_head = 32, |
ff_mult = 2, |
context_dim = None, |
cosine_sim_attn = False |
): |
super().__init__() |
self.layers = nn.ModuleList([]) |
for _ in range(depth): |
self.layers.append(nn.ModuleList([ |
EinopsToAndFrom('b c h', 'b h c', Attention(dim = dim, heads = heads, dim_head = dim_head, context_dim = context_dim, cosine_sim_attn = cosine_sim_attn)), |
ChanFeedForward(dim = dim, mult = ff_mult) |
])) |
def forward(self, x, context = None): |
for attn, ff in self.layers: |
x = attn(x, context = context) + x |
x = ff(x) + x |
return x |
class LinearAttentionTransformerBlock(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
dim, |
*, |
depth = 1, |
heads = 8, |
dim_head = 32, |
ff_mult = 2, |
context_dim = None, |
**kwargs |
): |
super().__init__() |
self.layers = nn.ModuleList([]) |
for _ in range(depth): |
self.layers.append(nn.ModuleList([ |
LinearAttention(dim = dim, heads = heads, dim_head = dim_head, context_dim = context_dim), |
ChanFeedForward(dim = dim, mult = ff_mult) |
])) |
def forward(self, x, context = None): |
for attn, ff in self.layers: |
x = attn(x, context = context) + x |
x = ff(x) + x |
return x |
class CrossEmbedLayer(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
dim_in, |
kernel_sizes, |
dim_out = None, |
stride = 2 |
): |
super().__init__() |
assert all([*map(lambda t: (t % 2) == (stride % 2), kernel_sizes)]) |
dim_out = default(dim_out, dim_in) |
kernel_sizes = sorted(kernel_sizes) |
num_scales = len(kernel_sizes) |
dim_scales = [int(dim_out / (2 ** i)) for i in range(1, num_scales)] |
dim_scales = [*dim_scales, dim_out - sum(dim_scales)] |
self.convs = nn.ModuleList([]) |
for kernel, dim_scale in zip(kernel_sizes, dim_scales): |
self.convs.append(nn.Conv1d(dim_in, dim_scale, kernel, stride = stride, padding = (kernel - stride) // 2)) |
def forward(self, x): |
fmaps = tuple(map(lambda conv: conv(x), self.convs)) |
return torch.cat(fmaps, dim = 1) |
class UpsampleCombiner(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
dim, |
*, |
enabled = False, |
dim_ins = tuple(), |
dim_outs = tuple() |
): |
super().__init__() |
dim_outs = cast_tuple(dim_outs, len(dim_ins)) |
assert len(dim_ins) == len(dim_outs) |
self.enabled = enabled |
if not self.enabled: |
self.dim_out = dim |
return |
self.fmap_convs = nn.ModuleList([Block(dim_in, dim_out) for dim_in, dim_out in zip(dim_ins, dim_outs)]) |
self.dim_out = dim + (sum(dim_outs) if len(dim_outs) > 0 else 0) |
def forward(self, x, fmaps = None): |
target_size = x.shape[-1] |
fmaps = default(fmaps, tuple()) |
if not self.enabled or len(fmaps) == 0 or len(self.fmap_convs) == 0: |
return x |
fmaps = [resize_image_to(fmap, target_size) for fmap in fmaps] |
outs = [conv(fmap) for fmap, conv in zip(fmaps, self.fmap_convs)] |
return torch.cat((x, *outs), dim = 1) |
class OneD_Unet(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
*, |
CKeys=None, |
PKeys=None, |
): |
super().__init__() |
self._locals = locals() |
self._locals.pop('self', None) |
self._locals.pop('__class__', None) |
if CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print(json.dumps(PKeys, indent=4)) |
dim = PKeys['dim'] |
text_embed_dim = default(PKeys['text_embed_dim'], 768) |
num_resnet_blocks = default(PKeys['num_resnet_blocks'], 1) |
cond_dim = default(PKeys['cond_dim'], None) |
num_image_tokens = default(PKeys['num_image_tokens'], 4) |
num_time_tokens = default(PKeys['num_time_tokens'], 2) |
learned_sinu_pos_emb_dim = default(PKeys['learned_sinu_pos_emb_dim'], 16) |
out_dim = default(PKeys['out_dim'], None) |
dim_mults = default(PKeys['dim_mults'], (1, 2, 4, 8)) |
cond_images_channels = default(PKeys['cond_images_channels'], 0) |
channels = default(PKeys['channels'], 3) |
channels_out = default(PKeys['channels_out'], None) |
attn_dim_head = default(PKeys['attn_dim_head'], 64) |
attn_heads = default(PKeys['attn_heads'], 8) |
ff_mult = default(PKeys['ff_mult'], 2.) |
lowres_cond = default(PKeys['lowres_cond'], False) |
layer_attns = default(PKeys['layer_attns'], True) |
layer_attns_depth = default(PKeys['layer_attns_depth'], 1) |
layer_attns_add_text_cond = default(PKeys['layer_attns_add_text_cond'], True) |
attend_at_middle = default(PKeys['attend_at_middle'], True) |
layer_cross_attns = default(PKeys['layer_cross_attns'], True) |
use_linear_attn = default(PKeys['use_linear_attn'], False) |
use_linear_cross_attn = default(PKeys['use_linear_cross_attn'], False) |
cond_on_text = default(PKeys['cond_on_text'], True) |
max_text_len = default(PKeys['max_text_len'], 256) |
init_dim = default(PKeys['init_dim'], None) |
resnet_groups = default(PKeys['resnet_groups'], 8) |
init_conv_kernel_size = default(PKeys['init_conv_kernel_size'], 7) |
init_cross_embed = default(PKeys['init_cross_embed'], False) |
init_cross_embed_kernel_sizes = default(PKeys['init_cross_embed_kernel_sizes'], (3, 7, 15)) |
cross_embed_downsample = default(PKeys['cross_embed_downsample'], False) |
cross_embed_downsample_kernel_sizes = default(PKeys['cross_embed_downsample_kernel_sizes'], (2,4)) |
attn_pool_text = default(PKeys['attn_pool_text'], True) |
attn_pool_num_latents = default(PKeys['attn_pool_num_latents'], 32) |
dropout = default(PKeys['dropout'], 0.) |
memory_efficient = default(PKeys['memory_efficient'], False) |
init_conv_to_final_conv_residual = default(PKeys['init_conv_to_final_conv_residual'], False) |
use_global_context_attn = default(PKeys['use_global_context_attn'], True) |
scale_skip_connection = default(PKeys['scale_skip_connection'], True) |
final_resnet_block = default(PKeys['final_resnet_block'], True) |
final_conv_kernel_size = default(PKeys['final_conv_kernel_size'], 3) |
cosine_sim_attn = default(PKeys['cosine_sim_attn'], False) |
self_cond = default(PKeys['self_cond'], False) |
combine_upsample_fmaps = default(PKeys['combine_upsample_fmaps'], False) |
pixel_shuffle_upsample = default(PKeys['pixel_shuffle_upsample'], False) |
beginning_and_final_conv_present = default(PKeys['beginning_and_final_conv_present'], True) |
self.CKeys=CKeys |
if CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("Check the inputs:") |
print(json.dumps(PKeys, indent=4)) |
assert attn_heads > 1, 'you need to have more than 1 attention head, ideally at least 4 or 8' |
if dim < 128: |
print_once('The base dimension of your u-net should ideally be no smaller than 128, as recommended by a professional DDPM trainer https://nonint.com/2022/05/04/friends-dont-let-friends-train-small-diffusion-models/') |
self.channels = channels |
self.channels_out = default(channels_out, channels) |
init_channels = channels * (1 + int(lowres_cond) + int(self_cond)) |
init_dim = default(init_dim, dim) |
self.self_cond = self_cond |
self.has_cond_image = cond_images_channels > 0 |
self.cond_images_channels = cond_images_channels |
init_channels += cond_images_channels |
self.beginning_and_final_conv_present=beginning_and_final_conv_present |
if self.beginning_and_final_conv_present: |
self.init_conv = CrossEmbedLayer( |
init_channels, dim_out = init_dim, |
kernel_sizes = init_cross_embed_kernel_sizes, |
stride = 1 |
) if init_cross_embed else nn.Conv1d( |
init_channels, init_dim, |
init_conv_kernel_size, |
padding = init_conv_kernel_size // 2) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1 and self.beginning_and_final_conv_present: |
print("On self.init_conv:") |
print(f"init_channels: {str(init_channels)}\n init_dim: {str(init_dim)}") |
print("On self.init_conv, batch#=1, init_ch=2*#seq_channel, seq_len=128") |
summary(self.init_conv, (1, init_channels, 128), verbose=1) |
dims = [init_dim, *map(lambda m: dim * m, dim_mults)] |
in_out = list(zip(dims[:-1], dims[1:])) |
cond_dim = default(cond_dim, dim) |
time_cond_dim = dim * 4 * (2 if lowres_cond else 1) |
sinu_pos_emb = LearnedSinusoidalPosEmb(learned_sinu_pos_emb_dim) |
sinu_pos_emb_input_dim = learned_sinu_pos_emb_dim + 1 |
self.to_time_hiddens = nn.Sequential( |
sinu_pos_emb, |
nn.Linear(sinu_pos_emb_input_dim, time_cond_dim), |
nn.SiLU() |
) |
self.to_time_cond = nn.Sequential( |
nn.Linear(time_cond_dim, time_cond_dim) |
) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print(" to_time_tokens") |
print(" in dim: ", time_cond_dim) |
print(" ou dim: ", num_time_tokens) |
self.to_time_tokens = nn.Sequential( |
nn.Linear(time_cond_dim, cond_dim * num_time_tokens), |
Rearrange('b (r d) -> b r d', r = num_time_tokens) |
) |
self.lowres_cond = lowres_cond |
if lowres_cond: |
self.to_lowres_time_hiddens = nn.Sequential( |
LearnedSinusoidalPosEmb(learned_sinu_pos_emb_dim), |
nn.Linear(learned_sinu_pos_emb_dim + 1, time_cond_dim), |
nn.SiLU() |
) |
self.to_lowres_time_cond = nn.Sequential( |
nn.Linear(time_cond_dim, time_cond_dim) |
) |
self.to_lowres_time_tokens = nn.Sequential( |
nn.Linear(time_cond_dim, cond_dim * num_time_tokens), |
Rearrange('b (r d) -> b r d', r = num_time_tokens) |
) |
self.norm_cond = nn.LayerNorm(cond_dim) |
self.text_to_cond = None |
if cond_on_text: |
assert exists(text_embed_dim), 'text_embed_dim must be given to the unet if cond_on_text is True' |
if text_embed_dim != cond_dim: |
self.text_to_cond = nn.Linear(text_embed_dim, cond_dim) |
self.text_cond_linear=True |
else: |
print ("Text conditioning is equatl to cond_dim - no linear layer used") |
self.text_cond_linear=False |
self.cond_on_text = cond_on_text |
self.attn_pool = PerceiverResampler(dim = cond_dim, depth = 2, |
dim_head = attn_dim_head, heads = attn_heads, |
num_latents = attn_pool_num_latents, |
cosine_sim_attn = cosine_sim_attn) if attn_pool_text else None |
self.max_text_len = max_text_len |
self.null_text_embed = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, max_text_len, cond_dim)) |
self.null_text_hidden = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, time_cond_dim)) |
self.to_text_non_attn_cond = None |
if cond_on_text: |
self.to_text_non_attn_cond = nn.Sequential( |
nn.LayerNorm(cond_dim), |
nn.Linear(cond_dim, time_cond_dim), |
nn.SiLU(), |
nn.Linear(time_cond_dim, time_cond_dim) |
) |
attn_kwargs = dict(heads = attn_heads, dim_head = attn_dim_head, cosine_sim_attn = cosine_sim_attn) |
num_layers = len(in_out) |
num_resnet_blocks = cast_tuple(num_resnet_blocks, num_layers) |
resnet_groups = cast_tuple(resnet_groups, num_layers) |
resnet_klass = partial(ResnetBlock, **attn_kwargs) |
layer_attns = cast_tuple(layer_attns, num_layers) |
layer_attns_depth = cast_tuple(layer_attns_depth, num_layers) |
layer_cross_attns = cast_tuple(layer_cross_attns, num_layers) |
use_linear_attn = cast_tuple(use_linear_attn, num_layers) |
use_linear_cross_attn = cast_tuple(use_linear_cross_attn, num_layers) |
assert all([layers == num_layers for layers in list(map(len, (resnet_groups, layer_attns, layer_cross_attns)))]) |
downsample_klass = Downsample |
if cross_embed_downsample: |
downsample_klass = partial(CrossEmbedLayer, kernel_sizes = cross_embed_downsample_kernel_sizes) |
self.init_resnet_block = resnet_klass(init_dim, init_dim, time_cond_dim = time_cond_dim, groups = resnet_groups[0], use_gca = use_global_context_attn) if memory_efficient else None |
self.skip_connect_scale = 1. if not scale_skip_connection else (2 ** -0.5) |
self.downs = nn.ModuleList([]) |
self.ups = nn.ModuleList([]) |
num_resolutions = len(in_out) |
layer_params = [num_resnet_blocks, resnet_groups, layer_attns, layer_attns_depth, layer_cross_attns, use_linear_attn, use_linear_cross_attn] |
reversed_layer_params = list(map(reversed, layer_params)) |
skip_connect_dims = [] |
for ind, ((dim_in, dim_out), layer_num_resnet_blocks, groups, layer_attn, layer_attn_depth, layer_cross_attn, layer_use_linear_attn, layer_use_linear_cross_attn) in enumerate(zip(in_out, *layer_params)): |
is_last = ind >= (num_resolutions - 1) |
layer_cond_dim = cond_dim if layer_cross_attn or layer_use_linear_cross_attn else None |
if layer_attn: |
transformer_block_klass = TransformerBlock |
elif layer_use_linear_attn: |
transformer_block_klass = LinearAttentionTransformerBlock |
else: |
transformer_block_klass = Identity |
current_dim = dim_in |
pre_downsample = None |
if memory_efficient: |
pre_downsample = downsample_klass(dim_in, dim_out) |
current_dim = dim_out |
skip_connect_dims.append(current_dim) |
post_downsample = None |
if not memory_efficient: |
post_downsample = downsample_klass(current_dim, dim_out) if not is_last else Parallel(nn.Conv1d(dim_in, dim_out, 3, padding = 1), nn.Conv1d(dim_in, dim_out, 1)) |
self.downs.append( |
nn.ModuleList([ |
pre_downsample, |
resnet_klass( |
current_dim, current_dim, |
cond_dim = layer_cond_dim, |
linear_attn = layer_use_linear_cross_attn, |
time_cond_dim = time_cond_dim, groups = groups |
), |
nn.ModuleList([ |
ResnetBlock( |
current_dim, current_dim, |
time_cond_dim = time_cond_dim, |
groups = groups, |
use_gca = use_global_context_attn |
) for _ in range(layer_num_resnet_blocks)]), |
transformer_block_klass( |
dim = current_dim, |
depth = layer_attn_depth, |
ff_mult = ff_mult, |
context_dim = cond_dim, |
**attn_kwargs), |
post_downsample |
]) |
) |
mid_dim = dims[-1] |
self.mid_block1 = ResnetBlock(mid_dim, mid_dim, cond_dim = cond_dim, time_cond_dim = time_cond_dim, groups = resnet_groups[-1]) |
self.mid_attn = EinopsToAndFrom('b c h', 'b h c', Residual(Attention(mid_dim, **attn_kwargs))) if attend_at_middle else None |
self.mid_block2 = ResnetBlock(mid_dim, mid_dim, cond_dim = cond_dim, time_cond_dim = time_cond_dim, groups = resnet_groups[-1]) |
upsample_klass = Upsample if not pixel_shuffle_upsample else PixelShuffleUpsample |
upsample_fmap_dims = [] |
for ind, ((dim_in, dim_out), layer_num_resnet_blocks, groups, layer_attn, layer_attn_depth, layer_cross_attn, layer_use_linear_attn, layer_use_linear_cross_attn) in enumerate(zip(reversed(in_out), *reversed_layer_params)): |
is_last = ind == (len(in_out) - 1) |
layer_cond_dim = cond_dim if layer_cross_attn or layer_use_linear_cross_attn else None |
if layer_attn: |
transformer_block_klass = TransformerBlock |
elif layer_use_linear_attn: |
transformer_block_klass = LinearAttentionTransformerBlock |
else: |
transformer_block_klass = Identity |
skip_connect_dim = skip_connect_dims.pop() |
upsample_fmap_dims.append(dim_out) |
self.ups.append(nn.ModuleList([ |
resnet_klass(dim_out + skip_connect_dim, dim_out, cond_dim = layer_cond_dim, linear_attn = layer_use_linear_cross_attn, time_cond_dim = time_cond_dim, groups = groups), |
nn.ModuleList([ResnetBlock(dim_out + skip_connect_dim, dim_out, time_cond_dim = time_cond_dim, groups = groups, use_gca = use_global_context_attn) for _ in range(layer_num_resnet_blocks)]), |
transformer_block_klass(dim = dim_out, depth = layer_attn_depth, ff_mult = ff_mult, context_dim = cond_dim, **attn_kwargs), |
upsample_klass(dim_out, dim_in) if not is_last or memory_efficient else Identity() |
])) |
self.upsample_combiner = UpsampleCombiner( |
dim = dim, |
enabled = combine_upsample_fmaps, |
dim_ins = upsample_fmap_dims, |
dim_outs = dim |
) |
self.init_conv_to_final_conv_residual = init_conv_to_final_conv_residual |
final_conv_dim = self.upsample_combiner.dim_out + (dim if init_conv_to_final_conv_residual else 0) |
self.final_res_block = ResnetBlock(final_conv_dim, dim, time_cond_dim = time_cond_dim, groups = resnet_groups[0], use_gca = True) if final_resnet_block else None |
final_conv_dim_in = dim if final_resnet_block else final_conv_dim |
final_conv_dim_in += (channels if lowres_cond else 0) |
if self.beginning_and_final_conv_present: |
print (final_conv_dim_in, self.channels_out) |
self.final_conv = nn.Conv1d(final_conv_dim_in, self.channels_out, final_conv_kernel_size, padding = final_conv_kernel_size // 2) |
if self.beginning_and_final_conv_present: |
zero_init_(self.final_conv) |
def cast_model_parameters( |
self, |
*, |
lowres_cond, |
text_embed_dim, |
channels, |
channels_out, |
cond_on_text |
): |
if lowres_cond == self.lowres_cond and \ |
channels == self.channels and \ |
cond_on_text == self.cond_on_text and \ |
text_embed_dim == self._locals['PKeys']['text_embed_dim'] and \ |
channels_out == self.channels_out: |
return self |
write_key=dict( |
lowres_cond = lowres_cond, |
text_embed_dim = text_embed_dim, |
channels = channels, |
channels_out = channels_out, |
cond_on_text = cond_on_text |
) |
old_PKeys=self._locals['PKeys'] |
this_PKeys=modify_keys(old_PKeys, write_key) |
updated_kwargs = dict( |
CKeys=self.CKeys, |
PKeys=this_PKeys, |
) |
return self.__class__(**{**self._locals, **updated_kwargs}) |
def to_config_and_state_dict(self): |
return self._locals, self.state_dict() |
@classmethod |
def from_config_and_state_dict(klass, config, state_dict): |
unet = klass(**config) |
unet.load_state_dict(state_dict) |
return unet |
def persist_to_file(self, path): |
path = Path(path) |
path.parents[0].mkdir(exist_ok = True, parents = True) |
config, state_dict = self.to_config_and_state_dict() |
pkg = dict(config = config, state_dict = state_dict) |
torch.save(pkg, str(path)) |
@classmethod |
def hydrate_from_file(klass, path): |
path = Path(path) |
assert path.exists() |
pkg = torch.load(str(path)) |
assert 'config' in pkg and 'state_dict' in pkg |
config, state_dict = pkg['config'], pkg['state_dict'] |
return Unet.from_config_and_state_dict(config, state_dict) |
def forward_with_cond_scale( |
self, |
*args, |
cond_scale = 1., |
**kwargs |
): |
logits = self.forward(*args, **kwargs) |
if cond_scale == 1: |
return logits |
null_logits = self.forward(*args, cond_drop_prob = 1., **kwargs) |
return null_logits + (logits - null_logits) * cond_scale |
def forward( |
self, |
x, |
time, |
*, |
lowres_cond_img = None, |
lowres_noise_times = None, |
text_embeds = None, |
text_mask = None, |
cond_images = None, |
self_cond = None, |
cond_drop_prob = 0. |
): |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("========================================") |
print("Here are OneD_Unet:forward") |
ii=0 |
batch_size, device = x.shape[0], x.device |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("Check inputs: ") |
print(" x-0 .dim: ", x.shape, f"[batch, {str(self.channels)}, seq_len]") |
print(" time .dim: ", time.shape, "batch") |
if lowres_cond_img==None: |
print(" lowres_cond_img: None") |
else: |
print(" lowres_cond_img.dim: ", lowres_cond_img.shape) |
if lowres_noise_times==None: |
print(" lowres_noise_times: None") |
else: |
print(" lowres_noise_times.dim: ", lowres_noise_times.shape) |
if cond_images==None: |
print(" cond_images dim: None") |
else: |
print(" cond_images dim: ", cond_images.shape, f"[batch, {str(self.cond_images_channels)}, seq_len]") |
if text_embeds==None: |
print(" text_embeds.dim: None") |
else: |
print(" text_embeds.dim: ", text_embeds.shape) |
if self_cond==None: |
print(" self_cond: None") |
else: |
print(" self_cond.dim: ", self_cond.shape) |
print("\n\n") |
if self.self_cond: |
self_cond = default(self_cond, lambda: torch.zeros_like(x)) |
x = torch.cat((x, self_cond), dim = 1) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(ii) |
print("self_cond dim: ", self_cond.shape) |
print("After cat(x, self_cond)-> x. dim: ", x.shape) |
assert not (self.lowres_cond and not exists(lowres_cond_img)), 'low resolution conditioning image must be present' |
assert not (self.lowres_cond and not exists(lowres_noise_times)), 'low resolution conditioning noise time must be present' |
if exists(lowres_cond_img): |
x = torch.cat((x, lowres_cond_img), dim = 1) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(ii) |
print("lowres_cond_img dim: ", lowres_cond_img.shape) |
print("After cat(x, lowres_cond_img) dim: ", x.shape) |
assert not (self.has_cond_image ^ exists(cond_images)), 'you either requested to condition on an image on the unet, but the conditioning image is not supplied, or vice versa' |
if exists(cond_images): |
assert cond_images.shape[1] == self.cond_images_channels, 'the number of channels on the conditioning image you are passing in does not match what you specified on initialiation of the unet' |
cond_images = resize_image_to(cond_images, x.shape[-1]) |
x = torch.cat((cond_images.to(device), x.to(device)), dim = 1) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(ii) |
print("cond_images dim: ", cond_images.shape, f"[batch, {str(self.cond_images_channels)}, max_seq_len]") |
print("After cat(cond_images, x), x dim: ", x.shape, "[batch, cond_images_channels+images_channels, max_seq_len]") |
if self.beginning_and_final_conv_present: |
x = self.init_conv(x) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(ii) |
print("After self.init_conv(x)-> x dim: ", x.shape, "[batch, UNet:dim, max_seq_len]") |
if self.init_conv_to_final_conv_residual: |
init_conv_residual = x.clone() |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(ii) |
print("x.clone()->init_conv_resi, dim: ", init_conv_residual.shape) |
time_hiddens = self.to_time_hiddens(time) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(ii) |
print("time dim: ", time.shape, "[batch]") |
print("self.to_time_hiddens(time)-> time_hiddens .dim: ", time_hiddens.shape, "[batch, 4xUNet:dim]") |
time_tokens = self.to_time_tokens(time_hiddens) |
t = self.to_time_cond(time_hiddens) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(ii) |
print("self.to_time_tokens(time_hiddens)-> time_tokens dim: ", time_tokens.shape, "[batch, num_time_tokens,4xdim/num_time_tokens]") |
print("self.to_time_cond(time_hiddens)-> t dim: ", t.shape, "[batch, 4xUNet:dim]") |
if self.lowres_cond: |
lowres_time_hiddens = self.to_lowres_time_hiddens(lowres_noise_times) |
lowres_time_tokens = self.to_lowres_time_tokens(lowres_time_hiddens) |
lowres_t = self.to_lowres_time_cond(lowres_time_hiddens) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(ii) |
print("self.to_lowres_time_hiddens(lowres_noise_times)-> lowres_time_hiddens .dim: ", lowres_time_hiddens.shape) |
print("self.to_lowres_time_tokens(lowres_time_hiddens)-> lowres_time_tokens .dim: ", lowres_time_tokens.shape) |
print("self.to_lowres_time_cond(lowres_time_hiddens)-> lowres_t.dim: ", lowres_t.shape) |
t = t + lowres_t |
time_tokens = torch.cat((time_tokens, lowres_time_tokens), dim = -2) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii +=1 |
print(ii) |
print("After cat(time_tokens, lowres_time_tokens)-> time_tokens dim: ", time_tokens.shape) |
text_tokens = None |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("UNet.cond_on_text: ", self.cond_on_text) |
if exists(text_embeds) and self.cond_on_text: |
text_keep_mask = prob_mask_like((batch_size,), 1 - cond_drop_prob, device = device) |
text_keep_mask_embed = rearrange(text_keep_mask, 'b -> b 1 1') |
text_keep_mask_hidden = rearrange(text_keep_mask, 'b -> b 1') |
if self.text_cond_linear: |
text_tokens = self.text_to_cond(text_embeds) |
else: |
text_tokens=text_embeds |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("On text conditioning part...") |
ii +=1 |
print(ii) |
print("text_embeds->text_tokens.dim: ", text_tokens.shape) |
text_tokens = text_tokens[:, :self.max_text_len] |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii +=1 |
print(ii) |
print("text_tokens[:,:max_text_len]-> text_tokens.dim: ", text_tokens.shape) |
print("do the same for text_mask") |
if exists(text_mask): |
text_mask = text_mask[:, :self.max_text_len] |
text_tokens_len = text_tokens.shape[1] |
remainder = self.max_text_len - text_tokens_len |
if remainder > 0: |
text_tokens = F.pad(text_tokens, (0, 0, 0, remainder)) |
if exists(text_mask): |
if remainder > 0: |
text_mask = F.pad(text_mask, (0, remainder), value = False) |
text_mask = rearrange(text_mask, 'b n -> b n 1') |
text_keep_mask_embed = text_mask & text_keep_mask_embed |
null_text_embed = self.null_text_embed.to(text_tokens.dtype) |
text_tokens = torch.where( |
text_keep_mask_embed, |
text_tokens, |
null_text_embed |
) |
if exists(self.attn_pool): |
text_tokens = self.attn_pool(text_tokens) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii+=1 |
print(ii) |
print("self.attn_pool(text_tokens)->text_tokens.dim: ", text_tokens.shape) |
mean_pooled_text_tokens = text_tokens.mean(dim = -2) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii +=1 |
print(ii) |
print("text_tokens.mean(dim=-2)->mean_pooled_text_tokens.dim: ", mean_pooled_text_tokens.shape) |
text_hiddens = self.to_text_non_attn_cond(mean_pooled_text_tokens) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii +=1 |
print(ii) |
print("self.to_text_non_attn_cond(mean_pooled_text_tokens)->text_hiddens.dim: ",text_hiddens.shape) |
null_text_hidden = self.null_text_hidden.to(t.dtype) |
text_hiddens = torch.where( |
text_keep_mask_hidden, |
text_hiddens, |
null_text_hidden |
) |
t = t + text_hiddens |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii +=1 |
print(ii) |
print("t+text_hiddens.dim: ", t.shape) |
c = time_tokens if not exists(text_tokens) else torch.cat((time_tokens, text_tokens), dim = -2) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(ii) |
print("cat(time_tokens, text_tokens)-> c dim: ", c.shape) |
c = self.norm_cond(c) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(ii) |
print("self.norm_cond(c)->c dim:", c.shape) |
if exists(self.init_resnet_block): |
x = self.init_resnet_block(x, t) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(ii) |
print("self.init_resnet_block(x,t)-> x dim: ", x.shape) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("Before unet, down and up, ") |
print(" x dim: ", x.shape) |
print(" t dim: ", t.shape) |
print(" c dim: ", c.shape) |
hiddens = [] |
for pre_downsample, init_block, resnet_blocks, attn_block, post_downsample in self.downs: |
if exists(pre_downsample): |
x = pre_downsample(x) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, pre_downsample(x)=>x dim: ", x.shape) |
x = init_block(x, t, c) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, init_block(x,t,c)=>x dim: ", x.shape) |
for resnet_block in resnet_blocks: |
x = resnet_block(x, t) |
hiddens.append(x) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, resnet_block(x,t)=> x dim: ", x.shape) |
x = attn_block(x, c) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, attn_block(x,c)=> x dim: ", x.shape) |
hiddens.append(x) |
if exists(post_downsample): |
x = post_downsample(x) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, post_downsample(x)=> x dim: ", x.shape) |
x = self.mid_block1(x, t, c) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, mid_block_1(x,t,c)=> x dim: ", x.shape) |
if exists(self.mid_attn): |
x = self.mid_attn(x) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, mid_attn(x)=> x dim: ", x.shape) |
x = self.mid_block2(x, t, c) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, mid_block_2(x,t,c)=> x dim: ", x.shape) |
add_skip_connection = lambda x: torch.cat((x, hiddens.pop() * self.skip_connect_scale), dim = 1) |
up_hiddens = [] |
for init_block, resnet_blocks, attn_block, upsample in self.ups: |
x = add_skip_connection(x) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, add_skip_connection(x)=> x dim: ", x.shape) |
x = init_block(x, t, c) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, init_block(x,t,c)=> x dim: ", x.shape) |
for resnet_block in resnet_blocks: |
x = add_skip_connection(x) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, add_skip_connection(x)=> x dim: ", x.shape) |
x = resnet_block(x, t) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, resnet_block(x,t)=> x dim: ", x.shape) |
x = attn_block(x, c) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, attn_block(x,c)=> x dim: ", x.shape) |
up_hiddens.append(x.contiguous()) |
x = upsample(x) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, upsample(x)=> x dim: ", x.shape) |
x = self.upsample_combiner(x, up_hiddens) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, upsample_combiner(x,up_hiddens)=> x dim: ", x.shape) |
if self.init_conv_to_final_conv_residual: |
x = torch.cat((x, init_conv_residual), dim = 1) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, cat(x,init_conv_residual)=> x dim: ", x.shape) |
if exists(self.final_res_block): |
x = self.final_res_block(x, t) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, final_res_block(x,t)=> x dim: ", x.shape) |
if exists(lowres_cond_img): |
x = torch.cat((x, lowres_cond_img), dim = 1) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, cat(x,lowres_cond_img)=> x dim: ", x.shape) |
if self.beginning_and_final_conv_present: |
x=self.final_conv(x) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, final_conv(x)=> x dim: ", x.shape) |
return x |
class OneD_Unet_Old(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
*, |
dim, |
text_embed_dim = 768, |
num_resnet_blocks = 1, |
cond_dim = None, |
num_image_tokens = 4, |
num_time_tokens = 2, |
learned_sinu_pos_emb_dim = 16, |
out_dim = None, |
dim_mults=(1, 2, 4, 8), |
cond_images_channels = 0, |
channels = 3, |
channels_out = None, |
attn_dim_head = 64, |
attn_heads = 8, |
ff_mult = 2., |
lowres_cond = False, |
layer_attns = True, |
layer_attns_depth = 1, |
layer_attns_add_text_cond = True, |
attend_at_middle = True, |
layer_cross_attns = True, |
use_linear_attn = False, |
use_linear_cross_attn = False, |
cond_on_text = True, |
max_text_len = 256, |
init_dim = None, |
resnet_groups = 8, |
init_conv_kernel_size = 7, |
init_cross_embed = False, |
init_cross_embed_kernel_sizes = (3, 7, 15), |
cross_embed_downsample = False, |
cross_embed_downsample_kernel_sizes = (2, 4), |
attn_pool_text = True, |
attn_pool_num_latents = 32, |
dropout = 0., |
memory_efficient = False, |
init_conv_to_final_conv_residual = False, |
use_global_context_attn = True, |
scale_skip_connection = True, |
final_resnet_block = True, |
final_conv_kernel_size = 3, |
cosine_sim_attn = False, |
self_cond = False, |
combine_upsample_fmaps = False, |
pixel_shuffle_upsample = False , |
beginning_and_final_conv_present = True , |
CKeys=None, |
): |
super().__init__() |
self.CKeys=CKeys |
assert attn_heads > 1, 'you need to have more than 1 attention head, ideally at least 4 or 8' |
if dim < 128: |
print_once('The base dimension of your u-net should ideally be no smaller than 128, as recommended by a professional DDPM trainer https://nonint.com/2022/05/04/friends-dont-let-friends-train-small-diffusion-models/') |
self._locals = locals() |
self._locals.pop('self', None) |
self._locals.pop('__class__', None) |
if CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("Showing the input:") |
print(json.dumps(self._locals, indent=4)) |
self.channels = channels |
self.channels_out = default(channels_out, channels) |
init_channels = channels * (1 + int(lowres_cond) + int(self_cond)) |
init_dim = default(init_dim, dim) |
self.self_cond = self_cond |
self.has_cond_image = cond_images_channels > 0 |
self.cond_images_channels = cond_images_channels |
init_channels += cond_images_channels |
self.beginning_and_final_conv_present=beginning_and_final_conv_present |
if self.beginning_and_final_conv_present: |
self.init_conv = CrossEmbedLayer( |
init_channels, dim_out = init_dim, |
kernel_sizes = init_cross_embed_kernel_sizes, |
stride = 1 |
) if init_cross_embed else nn.Conv1d( |
init_channels, init_dim, |
init_conv_kernel_size, |
padding = init_conv_kernel_size // 2) |
dims = [init_dim, *map(lambda m: dim * m, dim_mults)] |
in_out = list(zip(dims[:-1], dims[1:])) |
cond_dim = default(cond_dim, dim) |
time_cond_dim = dim * 4 * (2 if lowres_cond else 1) |
sinu_pos_emb = LearnedSinusoidalPosEmb(learned_sinu_pos_emb_dim) |
sinu_pos_emb_input_dim = learned_sinu_pos_emb_dim + 1 |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print(" to_time_hiddens") |
print(" ou dim: ", time_cond_dim) |
self.to_time_hiddens = nn.Sequential( |
sinu_pos_emb, |
nn.Linear(sinu_pos_emb_input_dim, time_cond_dim), |
nn.SiLU() |
) |
self.to_time_cond = nn.Sequential( |
nn.Linear(time_cond_dim, time_cond_dim) |
) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print(" to_time_tokens") |
print(" in dim: ", time_cond_dim) |
print(" ou dim: ", num_time_tokens) |
self.to_time_tokens = nn.Sequential( |
nn.Linear(time_cond_dim, cond_dim * num_time_tokens), |
Rearrange('b (r d) -> b r d', r = num_time_tokens) |
) |
self.lowres_cond = lowres_cond |
if lowres_cond: |
self.to_lowres_time_hiddens = nn.Sequential( |
LearnedSinusoidalPosEmb(learned_sinu_pos_emb_dim), |
nn.Linear(learned_sinu_pos_emb_dim + 1, time_cond_dim), |
nn.SiLU() |
) |
self.to_lowres_time_cond = nn.Sequential( |
nn.Linear(time_cond_dim, time_cond_dim) |
) |
self.to_lowres_time_tokens = nn.Sequential( |
nn.Linear(time_cond_dim, cond_dim * num_time_tokens), |
Rearrange('b (r d) -> b r d', r = num_time_tokens) |
) |
self.norm_cond = nn.LayerNorm(cond_dim) |
self.text_to_cond = None |
if cond_on_text: |
assert exists(text_embed_dim), 'text_embed_dim must be given to the unet if cond_on_text is True' |
if text_embed_dim != cond_dim: |
self.text_to_cond = nn.Linear(text_embed_dim, cond_dim) |
self.text_cond_linear=True |
else: |
print ("Text conditioning is equatl to cond_dim - no linear layer used") |
self.text_cond_linear=False |
self.cond_on_text = cond_on_text |
self.attn_pool = PerceiverResampler(dim = cond_dim, depth = 2, |
dim_head = attn_dim_head, heads = attn_heads, |
num_latents = attn_pool_num_latents, |
cosine_sim_attn = cosine_sim_attn) if attn_pool_text else None |
self.max_text_len = max_text_len |
self.null_text_embed = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, max_text_len, cond_dim)) |
self.null_text_hidden = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, time_cond_dim)) |
self.to_text_non_attn_cond = None |
if cond_on_text: |
self.to_text_non_attn_cond = nn.Sequential( |
nn.LayerNorm(cond_dim), |
nn.Linear(cond_dim, time_cond_dim), |
nn.SiLU(), |
nn.Linear(time_cond_dim, time_cond_dim) |
) |
attn_kwargs = dict(heads = attn_heads, dim_head = attn_dim_head, cosine_sim_attn = cosine_sim_attn) |
num_layers = len(in_out) |
num_resnet_blocks = cast_tuple(num_resnet_blocks, num_layers) |
resnet_groups = cast_tuple(resnet_groups, num_layers) |
resnet_klass = partial(ResnetBlock, **attn_kwargs) |
layer_attns = cast_tuple(layer_attns, num_layers) |
layer_attns_depth = cast_tuple(layer_attns_depth, num_layers) |
layer_cross_attns = cast_tuple(layer_cross_attns, num_layers) |
use_linear_attn = cast_tuple(use_linear_attn, num_layers) |
use_linear_cross_attn = cast_tuple(use_linear_cross_attn, num_layers) |
assert all([layers == num_layers for layers in list(map(len, (resnet_groups, layer_attns, layer_cross_attns)))]) |
downsample_klass = Downsample |
if cross_embed_downsample: |
downsample_klass = partial(CrossEmbedLayer, kernel_sizes = cross_embed_downsample_kernel_sizes) |
self.init_resnet_block = resnet_klass(init_dim, init_dim, time_cond_dim = time_cond_dim, groups = resnet_groups[0], use_gca = use_global_context_attn) if memory_efficient else None |
self.skip_connect_scale = 1. if not scale_skip_connection else (2 ** -0.5) |
self.downs = nn.ModuleList([]) |
self.ups = nn.ModuleList([]) |
num_resolutions = len(in_out) |
layer_params = [num_resnet_blocks, resnet_groups, layer_attns, layer_attns_depth, layer_cross_attns, use_linear_attn, use_linear_cross_attn] |
reversed_layer_params = list(map(reversed, layer_params)) |
skip_connect_dims = [] |
for ind, ((dim_in, dim_out), layer_num_resnet_blocks, groups, layer_attn, layer_attn_depth, layer_cross_attn, layer_use_linear_attn, layer_use_linear_cross_attn) in enumerate(zip(in_out, *layer_params)): |
is_last = ind >= (num_resolutions - 1) |
layer_cond_dim = cond_dim if layer_cross_attn or layer_use_linear_cross_attn else None |
if layer_attn: |
transformer_block_klass = TransformerBlock |
elif layer_use_linear_attn: |
transformer_block_klass = LinearAttentionTransformerBlock |
else: |
transformer_block_klass = Identity |
current_dim = dim_in |
pre_downsample = None |
if memory_efficient: |
pre_downsample = downsample_klass(dim_in, dim_out) |
current_dim = dim_out |
skip_connect_dims.append(current_dim) |
post_downsample = None |
if not memory_efficient: |
post_downsample = downsample_klass(current_dim, dim_out) if not is_last else Parallel(nn.Conv1d(dim_in, dim_out, 3, padding = 1), nn.Conv1d(dim_in, dim_out, 1)) |
self.downs.append( |
nn.ModuleList([ |
pre_downsample, |
resnet_klass( |
current_dim, current_dim, |
cond_dim = layer_cond_dim, |
linear_attn = layer_use_linear_cross_attn, |
time_cond_dim = time_cond_dim, groups = groups |
), |
nn.ModuleList([ |
ResnetBlock( |
current_dim, current_dim, |
time_cond_dim = time_cond_dim, |
groups = groups, |
use_gca = use_global_context_attn |
) for _ in range(layer_num_resnet_blocks)]), |
transformer_block_klass( |
dim = current_dim, |
depth = layer_attn_depth, |
ff_mult = ff_mult, |
context_dim = cond_dim, |
**attn_kwargs), |
post_downsample |
]) |
) |
mid_dim = dims[-1] |
self.mid_block1 = ResnetBlock(mid_dim, mid_dim, cond_dim = cond_dim, time_cond_dim = time_cond_dim, groups = resnet_groups[-1]) |
self.mid_attn = EinopsToAndFrom('b c h', 'b h c', Residual(Attention(mid_dim, **attn_kwargs))) if attend_at_middle else None |
self.mid_block2 = ResnetBlock(mid_dim, mid_dim, cond_dim = cond_dim, time_cond_dim = time_cond_dim, groups = resnet_groups[-1]) |
upsample_klass = Upsample if not pixel_shuffle_upsample else PixelShuffleUpsample |
upsample_fmap_dims = [] |
for ind, ((dim_in, dim_out), layer_num_resnet_blocks, groups, layer_attn, layer_attn_depth, layer_cross_attn, layer_use_linear_attn, layer_use_linear_cross_attn) in enumerate(zip(reversed(in_out), *reversed_layer_params)): |
is_last = ind == (len(in_out) - 1) |
layer_cond_dim = cond_dim if layer_cross_attn or layer_use_linear_cross_attn else None |
if layer_attn: |
transformer_block_klass = TransformerBlock |
elif layer_use_linear_attn: |
transformer_block_klass = LinearAttentionTransformerBlock |
else: |
transformer_block_klass = Identity |
skip_connect_dim = skip_connect_dims.pop() |
upsample_fmap_dims.append(dim_out) |
self.ups.append(nn.ModuleList([ |
resnet_klass(dim_out + skip_connect_dim, dim_out, cond_dim = layer_cond_dim, linear_attn = layer_use_linear_cross_attn, time_cond_dim = time_cond_dim, groups = groups), |
nn.ModuleList([ResnetBlock(dim_out + skip_connect_dim, dim_out, time_cond_dim = time_cond_dim, groups = groups, use_gca = use_global_context_attn) for _ in range(layer_num_resnet_blocks)]), |
transformer_block_klass(dim = dim_out, depth = layer_attn_depth, ff_mult = ff_mult, context_dim = cond_dim, **attn_kwargs), |
upsample_klass(dim_out, dim_in) if not is_last or memory_efficient else Identity() |
])) |
self.upsample_combiner = UpsampleCombiner( |
dim = dim, |
enabled = combine_upsample_fmaps, |
dim_ins = upsample_fmap_dims, |
dim_outs = dim |
) |
self.init_conv_to_final_conv_residual = init_conv_to_final_conv_residual |
final_conv_dim = self.upsample_combiner.dim_out + (dim if init_conv_to_final_conv_residual else 0) |
self.final_res_block = ResnetBlock(final_conv_dim, dim, time_cond_dim = time_cond_dim, groups = resnet_groups[0], use_gca = True) if final_resnet_block else None |
final_conv_dim_in = dim if final_resnet_block else final_conv_dim |
final_conv_dim_in += (channels if lowres_cond else 0) |
if self.beginning_and_final_conv_present: |
print (final_conv_dim_in, self.channels_out) |
self.final_conv = nn.Conv1d(final_conv_dim_in, self.channels_out, final_conv_kernel_size, padding = final_conv_kernel_size // 2) |
if self.beginning_and_final_conv_present: |
zero_init_(self.final_conv) |
def cast_model_parameters( |
self, |
*, |
lowres_cond, |
text_embed_dim, |
channels, |
channels_out, |
cond_on_text |
): |
if lowres_cond == self.lowres_cond and \ |
channels == self.channels and \ |
cond_on_text == self.cond_on_text and \ |
text_embed_dim == self._locals['text_embed_dim'] and \ |
channels_out == self.channels_out: |
return self |
updated_kwargs = dict( |
lowres_cond = lowres_cond, |
text_embed_dim = text_embed_dim, |
channels = channels, |
channels_out = channels_out, |
cond_on_text = cond_on_text |
) |
return self.__class__(**{**self._locals, **updated_kwargs}) |
def to_config_and_state_dict(self): |
return self._locals, self.state_dict() |
@classmethod |
def from_config_and_state_dict(klass, config, state_dict): |
unet = klass(**config) |
unet.load_state_dict(state_dict) |
return unet |
def persist_to_file(self, path): |
path = Path(path) |
path.parents[0].mkdir(exist_ok = True, parents = True) |
config, state_dict = self.to_config_and_state_dict() |
pkg = dict(config = config, state_dict = state_dict) |
torch.save(pkg, str(path)) |
@classmethod |
def hydrate_from_file(klass, path): |
path = Path(path) |
assert path.exists() |
pkg = torch.load(str(path)) |
assert 'config' in pkg and 'state_dict' in pkg |
config, state_dict = pkg['config'], pkg['state_dict'] |
return Unet.from_config_and_state_dict(config, state_dict) |
def forward_with_cond_scale( |
self, |
*args, |
cond_scale = 1., |
**kwargs |
): |
logits = self.forward(*args, **kwargs) |
if cond_scale == 1: |
return logits |
null_logits = self.forward(*args, cond_drop_prob = 1., **kwargs) |
return null_logits + (logits - null_logits) * cond_scale |
def forward( |
self, |
x, |
time, |
*, |
lowres_cond_img = None, |
lowres_noise_times = None, |
text_embeds = None, |
text_mask = None, |
cond_images = None, |
self_cond = None, |
cond_drop_prob = 0. |
): |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("========================================") |
print("Here are OneD_Unet:forward") |
batch_size, device = x.shape[0], x.device |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("Check inputs: ") |
print(" x-0 dim: ", x.shape, "[batch, 1, seq_len]") |
print(" time dim: ", time.shape, "") |
print(" cond_images dim: ", cond_images.shape, "") |
if self.self_cond: |
self_cond = default(self_cond, lambda: torch.zeros_like(x)) |
x = torch.cat((x, self_cond), dim = 1) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("After self_cond x dim: ", x.shape) |
assert not (self.lowres_cond and not exists(lowres_cond_img)), 'low resolution conditioning image must be present' |
assert not (self.lowres_cond and not exists(lowres_noise_times)), 'low resolution conditioning noise time must be present' |
if exists(lowres_cond_img): |
x = torch.cat((x, lowres_cond_img), dim = 1) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("After lowres_cond_img x dim: ", x.shape) |
assert not (self.has_cond_image ^ exists(cond_images)), 'you either requested to condition on an image on the unet, but the conditioning image is not supplied, or vice versa' |
if exists(cond_images): |
assert cond_images.shape[1] == self.cond_images_channels, 'the number of channels on the conditioning image you are passing in does not match what you specified on initialiation of the unet' |
cond_images = resize_image_to(cond_images, x.shape[-1]) |
x = torch.cat((cond_images.to(device), x.to(device)), dim = 1) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("cond_images dim: ", cond_images.shape, "[batch, 1, max_seq_len]") |
print("After cond_images, x dim: ", x.shape, "[batch, 2, max_seq_len]") |
if self.beginning_and_final_conv_present: |
x = self.init_conv(x) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("After init_conv, x dim: ", x.shape, "[batch, UNet:dim, max_seq_len]") |
if self.init_conv_to_final_conv_residual: |
init_conv_residual = x.clone() |
time_hiddens = self.to_time_hiddens(time) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("time dim: ", time.shape, "[batch]") |
print("after, time_hiddens dim: ", time_hiddens.shape, "[batch, 4xUNet:dim]") |
time_tokens = self.to_time_tokens(time_hiddens) |
t = self.to_time_cond(time_hiddens) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("time_tokens dim: ", time_tokens.shape, "[batch, num_time_tokens,4xdim/num_time_tokens]") |
print("after to_time_cond t dim: ", t.shape, "[batch, 4xUNet:dim]") |
if self.lowres_cond: |
lowres_time_hiddens = self.to_lowres_time_hiddens(lowres_noise_times) |
lowres_time_tokens = self.to_lowres_time_tokens(lowres_time_hiddens) |
lowres_t = self.to_lowres_time_cond(lowres_time_hiddens) |
t = t + lowres_t |
time_tokens = torch.cat((time_tokens, lowres_time_tokens), dim = -2) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("After lowres_cond, time_tokens dim: ", time_tokens.shape) |
text_tokens = None |
if exists(text_embeds) and self.cond_on_text: |
text_keep_mask = prob_mask_like((batch_size,), 1 - cond_drop_prob, device = device) |
text_keep_mask_embed = rearrange(text_keep_mask, 'b -> b 1 1') |
text_keep_mask_hidden = rearrange(text_keep_mask, 'b -> b 1') |
if self.text_cond_linear: |
text_tokens = self.text_to_cond(text_embeds) |
else: |
text_tokens=text_embeds |
text_tokens = text_tokens[:, :self.max_text_len] |
if exists(text_mask): |
text_mask = text_mask[:, :self.max_text_len] |
text_tokens_len = text_tokens.shape[1] |
remainder = self.max_text_len - text_tokens_len |
if remainder > 0: |
text_tokens = F.pad(text_tokens, (0, 0, 0, remainder)) |
if exists(text_mask): |
if remainder > 0: |
text_mask = F.pad(text_mask, (0, remainder), value = False) |
text_mask = rearrange(text_mask, 'b n -> b n 1') |
text_keep_mask_embed = text_mask & text_keep_mask_embed |
null_text_embed = self.null_text_embed.to(text_tokens.dtype) |
text_tokens = torch.where( |
text_keep_mask_embed, |
text_tokens, |
null_text_embed |
) |
if exists(self.attn_pool): |
text_tokens = self.attn_pool(text_tokens) |
mean_pooled_text_tokens = text_tokens.mean(dim = -2) |
text_hiddens = self.to_text_non_attn_cond(mean_pooled_text_tokens) |
null_text_hidden = self.null_text_hidden.to(t.dtype) |
text_hiddens = torch.where( |
text_keep_mask_hidden, |
text_hiddens, |
null_text_hidden |
) |
t = t + text_hiddens |
c = time_tokens if not exists(text_tokens) else torch.cat((time_tokens, text_tokens), dim = -2) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("Merge time and text tokens, c dim: ", c.shape) |
c = self.norm_cond(c) |
if exists(self.init_resnet_block): |
x = self.init_resnet_block(x, t) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("Before unet, down and up, ") |
print("x dim: ", x.shape) |
print("t dim: ", t.shape) |
print("c dim: ", c.shape) |
ii=0 |
hiddens = [] |
for pre_downsample, init_block, resnet_blocks, attn_block, post_downsample in self.downs: |
if exists(pre_downsample): |
x = pre_downsample(x) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, after pre_downsample x dim: ", x.shape) |
x = init_block(x, t, c) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, after init_block(x,t,c) x dim: ", x.shape) |
for resnet_block in resnet_blocks: |
x = resnet_block(x, t) |
hiddens.append(x) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, after resnet_block x dim: ", x.shape) |
x = attn_block(x, c) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, after attn_block x dim: ", x.shape) |
hiddens.append(x) |
if exists(post_downsample): |
x = post_downsample(x) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, after post_downsample x dim: ", x.shape) |
x = self.mid_block1(x, t, c) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, after mid_block_1 x dim: ", x.shape) |
if exists(self.mid_attn): |
x = self.mid_attn(x) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, after mid_attn x dim: ", x.shape) |
x = self.mid_block2(x, t, c) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, after mid_block_2 x dim: ", x.shape) |
add_skip_connection = lambda x: torch.cat((x, hiddens.pop() * self.skip_connect_scale), dim = 1) |
up_hiddens = [] |
for init_block, resnet_blocks, attn_block, upsample in self.ups: |
x = add_skip_connection(x) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, after add_skip_connection x dim: ", x.shape) |
x = init_block(x, t, c) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, after init_block(x,t,c) x dim: ", x.shape) |
for resnet_block in resnet_blocks: |
x = add_skip_connection(x) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, after add_skip_connection x dim: ", x.shape) |
x = resnet_block(x, t) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, after resnet_block(x,t) x dim: ", x.shape) |
x = attn_block(x, c) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, after attn_block(x,c) x dim: ", x.shape) |
up_hiddens.append(x.contiguous()) |
x = upsample(x) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, after upsample(x) x dim: ", x.shape) |
x = self.upsample_combiner(x, up_hiddens) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, after upsample_combiner(x,..) x dim: ", x.shape) |
if self.init_conv_to_final_conv_residual: |
x = torch.cat((x, init_conv_residual), dim = 1) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, after cat_init_conv_resi x dim: ", x.shape) |
if exists(self.final_res_block): |
x = self.final_res_block(x, t) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, after final_res_block(x,t) x dim: ", x.shape) |
if exists(lowres_cond_img): |
x = torch.cat((x, lowres_cond_img), dim = 1) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, after cat_x_lowres_cond_img x dim: ", x.shape) |
if self.beginning_and_final_conv_present: |
x=self.final_conv(x) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
ii += 1 |
print(F" {str(ii)}, after final_conv(x) x dim: ", x.shape) |
return x |
class NullUnet(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): |
super().__init__() |
self.lowres_cond = False |
self.dummy_paramcast_model_parameterseter = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor([0.])) |
def cast_model_parameters(self, *args, **kwargs): |
return self |
def forward(self, x, *args, **kwargs): |
return x |
class Unet(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): |
super().__init__() |
self.lowres_cond = False |
self.dummy_parameter = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor([0.])) |
def cast_model_parameters(self, *args, **kwargs): |
return self |
def forward(self, x, *args, **kwargs): |
return x |
from math import sqrt |
Hparams_fields = [ |
'num_sample_steps', |
'sigma_min', |
'sigma_max', |
'sigma_data', |
'rho', |
'P_mean', |
'P_std', |
'S_churn', |
'S_tmin', |
'S_tmax', |
'S_noise' |
] |
Hparams = namedtuple('Hparams', Hparams_fields) |
def log(t, eps = 1e-20): |
return torch.log(t.clamp(min = eps)) |
class ElucidatedImagen(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
unets, |
*, |
image_sizes, |
text_encoder_name = '', |
text_embed_dim = None, |
channels = 3, |
channels_out=3, |
cond_drop_prob = 0.1, |
random_crop_sizes = None, |
lowres_sample_noise_level = 0.2, |
per_sample_random_aug_noise_level = False, |
condition_on_text = True, |
auto_normalize_img = True, |
dynamic_thresholding = True, |
dynamic_thresholding_percentile = 0.95, |
only_train_unet_number = None, |
lowres_noise_schedule = 'linear', |
num_sample_steps = 32, |
sigma_min = 0.002, |
sigma_max = 80, |
sigma_data = 0.5, |
rho = 7, |
P_mean = -1.2, |
P_std = 1.2, |
S_churn = 80, |
S_tmin = 0.05, |
S_tmax = 50, |
S_noise = 1.003, |
loss_type=0, |
categorical_loss_ignore=None, |
CKeys=None, |
PKeys=None, |
): |
super().__init__() |
self.CKeys=CKeys |
self.PKeys=PKeys |
self.only_train_unet_number = only_train_unet_number |
self.condition_on_text = condition_on_text |
self.unconditional = not condition_on_text |
self.loss_type=loss_type |
if self.loss_type>0: |
self.categorical_loss=True |
self.m = nn.LogSoftmax(dim=1) |
else: |
self.categorical_loss=False |
print("Loss type: ", self.loss_type) |
self.categorical_loss_ignore=categorical_loss_ignore |
self.channels = channels |
self.channels_out = channels_out |
unets = cast_tuple(unets) |
num_unets = len(unets) |
self.random_crop_sizes = cast_tuple(random_crop_sizes, num_unets) |
assert not exists(first(self.random_crop_sizes)), 'you should not need to randomly crop image during training for base unet, only for upsamplers - so pass in `random_crop_sizes = (None, 128, 256)` as example' |
self.lowres_noise_schedule = GaussianDiffusionContinuousTimes(noise_schedule = lowres_noise_schedule) |
self.text_embed_dim =text_embed_dim |
self.unets = nn.ModuleList([]) |
self.unet_being_trained_index = -1 |
print (f"Channels in={self.channels}, channels out={self.channels_out}") |
for ind, one_unet in enumerate(unets): |
is_first = ind == 0 |
print("Test on cast_model_parameters...") |
print(not is_first) |
print(self.condition_on_text) |
print(self.text_embed_dim if self.condition_on_text else None) |
print(self.channels) |
print(self.channels_out) |
one_unet = one_unet.cast_model_parameters( |
lowres_cond = not is_first, |
cond_on_text = self.condition_on_text, |
text_embed_dim = self.text_embed_dim if self.condition_on_text else None, |
channels = self.channels, |
channels_out = self.channels_out |
) |
self.unets.append(one_unet) |
is_video = False |
self.is_video = is_video |
self.right_pad_dims_to_datatype = partial(rearrange, pattern = ('b -> b 1 1' if not is_video else 'b -> b 1 1 1')) |
self.resize_to = resize_video_to if is_video else resize_image_to |
self.image_sizes = image_sizes |
assert num_unets == len(self.image_sizes), f'you did not supply the correct number of u-nets ({len(self.unets)}) for resolutions {self.image_sizes}' |
self.sample_channels = cast_tuple(self.channels, num_unets) |
lowres_conditions = tuple(map(lambda t: t.lowres_cond, self.unets)) |
assert lowres_conditions == (False, *((True,) * (num_unets - 1))), 'the first unet must be unconditioned (by low resolution image), and the rest of the unets must have `lowres_cond` set to True' |
self.lowres_sample_noise_level = lowres_sample_noise_level |
self.per_sample_random_aug_noise_level = per_sample_random_aug_noise_level |
self.cond_drop_prob = cond_drop_prob |
self.can_classifier_guidance = cond_drop_prob > 0. |
self.normalize_img = normalize_neg_one_to_one if auto_normalize_img else identity |
self.unnormalize_img = unnormalize_zero_to_one if auto_normalize_img else identity |
self.input_image_range = (0. if auto_normalize_img else -1., 1.) |
self.dynamic_thresholding = cast_tuple(dynamic_thresholding, num_unets) |
self.dynamic_thresholding_percentile = dynamic_thresholding_percentile |
hparams = [ |
num_sample_steps, |
sigma_min, |
sigma_max, |
sigma_data, |
rho, |
P_mean, |
P_std, |
S_churn, |
S_tmin, |
S_tmax, |
S_noise, |
] |
hparams = [cast_tuple(hp, num_unets) for hp in hparams] |
self.hparams = [Hparams(*unet_hp) for unet_hp in zip(*hparams)] |
self.register_buffer('_temp', torch.tensor([0.]), persistent = False) |
self.to(next(self.unets.parameters()).device) |
print(next(self.unets.parameters()).device) |
def force_unconditional_(self): |
self.condition_on_text = False |
self.unconditional = True |
for unet in self.unets: |
unet.cond_on_text = False |
@property |
def device(self): |
return self._temp.device |
def get_unet(self, unet_number): |
assert 0 < unet_number <= len(self.unets) |
index = unet_number - 1 |
if isinstance(self.unets, nn.ModuleList): |
unets_list = [unet for unet in self.unets] |
delattr(self, 'unets') |
self.unets = unets_list |
if index != self.unet_being_trained_index: |
for unet_index, unet in enumerate(self.unets): |
unet.to(self.device if unet_index == index else 'cpu') |
self.unet_being_trained_index = index |
return self.unets[index] |
def reset_unets_all_one_device(self, device = None): |
device = default(device, self.device) |
self.unets = nn.ModuleList([*self.unets]) |
self.unets.to(device) |
self.unet_being_trained_index = -1 |
@contextmanager |
def one_unet_in_gpu(self, unet_number = None, unet = None): |
assert exists(unet_number) ^ exists(unet) |
if exists(unet_number): |
unet = self.unets[unet_number - 1] |
devices = [module_device(unet) for unet in self.unets] |
self.unets.cpu() |
unet.to(self.device) |
yield |
for unet, device in zip(self.unets, devices): |
unet.to(device) |
def state_dict(self, *args, **kwargs): |
self.reset_unets_all_one_device() |
return super().state_dict(*args, **kwargs) |
def load_state_dict(self, *args, **kwargs): |
self.reset_unets_all_one_device() |
return super().load_state_dict(*args, **kwargs) |
def threshold_x_start(self, x_start, dynamic_threshold = True): |
if not dynamic_threshold: |
return x_start.clamp(-1., 1.) |
s = torch.quantile( |
rearrange(x_start, 'b ... -> b (...)').abs(), |
self.dynamic_thresholding_percentile, |
dim = -1 |
) |
s.clamp_(min = 1.) |
s = right_pad_dims_to(x_start, s) |
return x_start.clamp(-s, s) / s |
def c_skip(self, sigma_data, sigma): |
return (sigma_data ** 2) / (sigma ** 2 + sigma_data ** 2) |
def c_out(self, sigma_data, sigma): |
return sigma * sigma_data * (sigma_data ** 2 + sigma ** 2) ** -0.5 |
def c_in(self, sigma_data, sigma): |
return 1 * (sigma ** 2 + sigma_data ** 2) ** -0.5 |
def c_noise(self, sigma): |
return log(sigma) * 0.25 |
def preconditioned_network_forward( |
self, |
unet_forward, |
noised_images, |
sigma, |
*, |
sigma_data, |
clamp = False, |
dynamic_threshold = True, |
**kwargs |
): |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("========================================") |
print("ElucidatedImagen: preconditioned_network_forward") |
batch, device = noised_images.shape[0], noised_images.device |
if isinstance(sigma, float): |
sigma = torch.full((batch,), sigma, device = device) |
padded_sigma = self.right_pad_dims_to_datatype(sigma) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("unet_forward: ") |
print("arg_0: ", noised_images.shape) |
print("arg_1: ", sigma.shape) |
print("other arg: ", kwargs) |
net_out = unet_forward( |
self.c_in(sigma_data, padded_sigma) * noised_images, |
self.c_noise(sigma), |
**kwargs |
) |
out = self.c_skip(sigma_data, padded_sigma) * noised_images + self.c_out(sigma_data, padded_sigma) * net_out |
if not clamp: |
return out |
return self.threshold_x_start(out, dynamic_threshold) |
def sample_schedule( |
self, |
num_sample_steps, |
rho, |
sigma_min, |
sigma_max |
): |
N = num_sample_steps |
inv_rho = 1 / rho |
steps = torch.arange(num_sample_steps, device = self.device, dtype = torch.float32) |
sigmas = (sigma_max ** inv_rho + steps / (N - 1) * (sigma_min ** inv_rho - sigma_max ** inv_rho)) ** rho |
sigmas = F.pad(sigmas, (0, 1), value = 0.) |
return sigmas |
@torch.no_grad() |
def one_unet_sample( |
self, |
unet, |
shape, |
*, |
unet_number, |
clamp = True, |
dynamic_threshold = True, |
cond_scale = 1., |
use_tqdm = True, |
inpaint_images = None, |
inpaint_masks = None, |
inpaint_resample_times = 5, |
init_images = None, |
skip_steps = None, |
sigma_min = None, |
sigma_max = None, |
**kwargs |
): |
hp = self.hparams[unet_number - 1] |
sigma_min = default(sigma_min, hp.sigma_min) |
sigma_max = default(sigma_max, hp.sigma_max) |
sigmas = self.sample_schedule(hp.num_sample_steps, hp.rho, sigma_min, sigma_max) |
gammas = torch.where( |
(sigmas >= hp.S_tmin) & (sigmas <= hp.S_tmax), |
min(hp.S_churn / hp.num_sample_steps, sqrt(2) - 1), |
0. |
) |
sigmas_and_gammas = list(zip(sigmas[:-1], sigmas[1:], gammas[:-1])) |
init_sigma = sigmas[0] |
images = init_sigma * torch.randn(shape, device = self.device) |
if exists(init_images): |
images += init_images |
x_start = None |
has_inpainting = exists(inpaint_images) and exists(inpaint_masks) |
resample_times = inpaint_resample_times if has_inpainting else 1 |
if has_inpainting: |
inpaint_images = self.normalize_img(inpaint_images) |
inpaint_images = self.resize_to(inpaint_images, shape[-1]) |
inpaint_masks = self.resize_to(rearrange(inpaint_masks, 'b ... -> b 1 ...').float(), shape[-1]).bool() |
unet_kwargs = dict( |
sigma_data = hp.sigma_data, |
clamp = clamp, |
dynamic_threshold = dynamic_threshold, |
cond_scale = cond_scale, |
**kwargs |
) |
initial_step = default(skip_steps, 0) |
sigmas_and_gammas = sigmas_and_gammas[initial_step:] |
total_steps = len(sigmas_and_gammas) |
for ind, (sigma, sigma_next, gamma) in tqdm(enumerate(sigmas_and_gammas), total = total_steps, desc = 'sampling time step', disable = not use_tqdm): |
is_last_timestep = ind == (total_steps - 1) |
sigma, sigma_next, gamma = map(lambda t: t.item(), (sigma, sigma_next, gamma)) |
for r in reversed(range(resample_times)): |
is_last_resample_step = r == 0 |
eps = hp.S_noise * torch.randn(shape, device = self.device) |
sigma_hat = sigma + gamma * sigma |
added_noise = sqrt(sigma_hat ** 2 - sigma ** 2) * eps |
images_hat = images + added_noise |
self_cond = x_start if unet.self_cond else None |
if has_inpainting: |
images_hat = images_hat * ~inpaint_masks + (inpaint_images + added_noise) * inpaint_masks |
model_output = self.preconditioned_network_forward( |
unet.forward_with_cond_scale, |
images_hat, |
sigma_hat, |
self_cond = self_cond, |
**unet_kwargs |
) |
denoised_over_sigma = (images_hat - model_output) / sigma_hat |
images_next = images_hat + (sigma_next - sigma_hat) * denoised_over_sigma |
if sigma_next != 0: |
self_cond = model_output if unet.self_cond else None |
model_output_next = self.preconditioned_network_forward( |
unet.forward_with_cond_scale, |
images_next, |
sigma_next, |
self_cond = self_cond, |
**unet_kwargs |
) |
denoised_prime_over_sigma = (images_next - model_output_next) / sigma_next |
images_next = images_hat + 0.5 * (sigma_next - sigma_hat) * (denoised_over_sigma + denoised_prime_over_sigma) |
images = images_next |
if has_inpainting and not (is_last_resample_step or is_last_timestep): |
repaint_noise = torch.randn(shape, device = self.device) |
images = images + (sigma - sigma_next) * repaint_noise |
x_start = model_output |
if has_inpainting: |
images = images * ~inpaint_masks + inpaint_images * inpaint_masks |
return images |
@torch.no_grad() |
@eval_decorator |
def sample( |
self, |
texts: List[str] = None, |
text_masks = None, |
text_embeds = None, |
cond_images = None, |
inpaint_images = None, |
inpaint_masks = None, |
inpaint_resample_times = 5, |
init_images = None, |
skip_steps = None, |
sigma_min = None, |
sigma_max = None, |
video_frames = None, |
batch_size = 1, |
cond_scale = 1., |
lowres_sample_noise_level = None, |
start_at_unet_number = 1, |
start_image_or_video = None, |
stop_at_unet_number = None, |
return_all_unet_outputs = False, |
return_pil_images = False, |
use_tqdm = True, |
device = None, |
): |
device = default(device, self.device) |
self.reset_unets_all_one_device(device = device) |
cond_images = maybe(cast_uint8_images_to_float)(cond_images) |
if exists(texts) and not exists(text_embeds) and not self.unconditional: |
assert all([*map(len, texts)]), 'text cannot be empty' |
with autocast(enabled = False): |
text_embeds, text_masks = self.encode_text(texts, return_attn_mask = True) |
text_embeds, text_masks = map(lambda t: t.to(device), (text_embeds, text_masks)) |
if not self.unconditional: |
assert exists(text_embeds), 'text must be passed in if the network was not trained without text `condition_on_text` must be set to `False` when training' |
text_masks = default(text_masks, lambda: torch.any(text_embeds != 0., dim = -1)) |
batch_size = text_embeds.shape[0] |
if exists(inpaint_images): |
if self.unconditional: |
if batch_size == 1: |
batch_size = inpaint_images.shape[0] |
assert inpaint_images.shape[0] == batch_size, 'number of inpainting images must be equal to the specified batch size on sample `sample(batch_size=<int>)``' |
assert not (self.condition_on_text and inpaint_images.shape[0] != text_embeds.shape[0]), 'number of inpainting images must be equal to the number of text to be conditioned on' |
assert not (self.condition_on_text and not exists(text_embeds)), 'text or text encodings must be passed into imagen if specified' |
assert not (not self.condition_on_text and exists(text_embeds)), 'imagen specified not to be conditioned on text, yet it is presented' |
assert not (exists(text_embeds) and text_embeds.shape[-1] != self.text_embed_dim), f'invalid text embedding dimension being passed in (should be {self.text_embed_dim})' |
assert not (exists(inpaint_images) ^ exists(inpaint_masks)), 'inpaint images and masks must be both passed in to do inpainting' |
outputs = [] |
is_cuda = next(self.parameters()).is_cuda |
device = next(self.parameters()).device |
lowres_sample_noise_level = default(lowres_sample_noise_level, self.lowres_sample_noise_level) |
num_unets = len(self.unets) |
cond_scale = cast_tuple(cond_scale, num_unets) |
assert not (self.is_video and not exists(video_frames)), 'video_frames must be passed in on sample time if training on video' |
frame_dims = (video_frames,) if self.is_video else tuple() |
init_images = cast_tuple(init_images, num_unets) |
init_images = [maybe(self.normalize_img)(init_image) for init_image in init_images] |
skip_steps = cast_tuple(skip_steps, num_unets) |
sigma_min = cast_tuple(sigma_min, num_unets) |
sigma_max = cast_tuple(sigma_max, num_unets) |
if start_at_unet_number > 1: |
assert start_at_unet_number <= num_unets, 'must start a unet that is less than the total number of unets' |
assert not exists(stop_at_unet_number) or start_at_unet_number <= stop_at_unet_number |
assert exists(start_image_or_video), 'starting image or video must be supplied if only doing upscaling' |
prev_image_size = self.image_sizes[start_at_unet_number - 2] |
img = self.resize_to(start_image_or_video, prev_image_size) |
for unet_number, unet, channel, image_size, unet_hparam, dynamic_threshold, unet_cond_scale, unet_init_images, unet_skip_steps, unet_sigma_min, unet_sigma_max in tqdm(zip(range(1, num_unets + 1), self.unets, self.sample_channels, self.image_sizes, self.hparams, self.dynamic_thresholding, cond_scale, init_images, skip_steps, sigma_min, sigma_max), disable = not use_tqdm): |
if unet_number < start_at_unet_number: |
continue |
assert not isinstance(unet, NullUnet), 'cannot sample from null unet' |
context = self.one_unet_in_gpu(unet = unet) if is_cuda else nullcontext() |
with context: |
lowres_cond_img = lowres_noise_times = None |
shape = (batch_size, channel, *frame_dims, image_size ) |
if unet.lowres_cond: |
lowres_noise_times = self.lowres_noise_schedule.get_times(batch_size, lowres_sample_noise_level, device = device) |
lowres_cond_img = self.resize_to(img, image_size) |
lowres_cond_img = self.normalize_img(lowres_cond_img.float()) |
lowres_cond_img, _ = self.lowres_noise_schedule.q_sample( |
x_start = lowres_cond_img.float(), |
t = lowres_noise_times, |
noise = torch.randn_like(lowres_cond_img.float()) |
) |
if exists(unet_init_images): |
unet_init_images = self.resize_to(unet_init_images, image_size) |
shape = (batch_size, self.channels, *frame_dims, image_size) |
img = self.one_unet_sample( |
unet, |
shape, |
unet_number = unet_number, |
text_embeds = text_embeds, |
text_mask =text_masks, |
cond_images = cond_images, |
inpaint_images = inpaint_images, |
inpaint_masks = inpaint_masks, |
inpaint_resample_times = inpaint_resample_times, |
init_images = unet_init_images, |
skip_steps = unet_skip_steps, |
sigma_min = unet_sigma_min, |
sigma_max = unet_sigma_max, |
cond_scale = unet_cond_scale, |
lowres_cond_img = lowres_cond_img, |
lowres_noise_times = lowres_noise_times, |
dynamic_threshold = dynamic_threshold, |
use_tqdm = use_tqdm |
) |
if self.categorical_loss: |
img=self.m(img) |
outputs.append(img) |
if exists(stop_at_unet_number) and stop_at_unet_number == unet_number: |
break |
output_index = -1 if not return_all_unet_outputs else slice(None) |
if not return_all_unet_outputs: |
outputs = outputs[-1:] |
assert not self.is_video, 'automatically converting video tensor to video file for saving is not built yet' |
if self.categorical_loss: |
return torch.argmax(outputs[output_index], dim=1).unsqueeze (1) |
else: |
return outputs[output_index] |
def loss_weight(self, sigma_data, sigma): |
return (sigma ** 2 + sigma_data ** 2) * (sigma * sigma_data) ** -2 |
def noise_distribution(self, P_mean, P_std, batch_size): |
return (P_mean + P_std * torch.randn((batch_size,), device = self.device)).exp() |
def forward( |
self, |
images, |
unet: Union[ NullUnet, DistributedDataParallel] = None, |
texts: List[str] = None, |
text_embeds = None, |
text_masks = None, |
unet_number = None, |
cond_images = None, |
): |
assert not (len(self.unets) > 1 and not exists(unet_number)), f'you must specify which unet you want trained, from a range of 1 to {len(self.unets)}, if you are training cascading DDPM (multiple unets)' |
unet_number = default(unet_number, 1) |
assert not exists(self.only_train_unet_number) or self.only_train_unet_number == unet_number, 'you can only train on unet #{self.only_train_unet_number}' |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
if cond_images!=None: |
print("cond_images type: ", cond_images.dtype) |
else: |
print("cond_images type: None") |
cond_images = maybe(cast_uint8_images_to_float)(cond_images) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
if cond_images!=None: |
print("cond_images type: ", cond_images.dtype) |
else: |
print("cond_images type: None") |
if self.categorical_loss==False: |
assert is_float_dtype(images.dtype), f'images tensor needs to be floats but {images.dtype} dtype found instead' |
unet_index = unet_number - 1 |
unet = default(unet, lambda: self.get_unet(unet_number)) |
assert not isinstance(unet, NullUnet), 'null unet cannot and should not be trained' |
target_image_size = self.image_sizes[unet_index] |
random_crop_size = self.random_crop_sizes[unet_index] |
prev_image_size = self.image_sizes[unet_index - 1] if unet_index > 0 else None |
hp = self.hparams[unet_index] |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("target_image_size: ", target_image_size) |
print("prev_image_size: ", prev_image_size) |
print("random_crop_size: ", random_crop_size) |
batch_size, c, *_, h, device, is_video = *images.shape, images.device, (images.ndim == 4) |
frames = images.shape[2] if is_video else None |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("frames: ", frames) |
check_shape(images, 'b c ...', c = self.channels) |
assert h >= target_image_size |
if exists(texts) and not exists(text_embeds) and not self.unconditional: |
assert all([*map(len, texts)]), 'text cannot be empty' |
assert len(texts) == len(images), 'number of text captions does not match up with the number of images given' |
with autocast(enabled = False): |
text_embeds, text_masks = self.encode_text(texts, return_attn_mask = True) |
text_embeds, text_masks = map(lambda t: t.to(images.device), (text_embeds, text_masks)) |
if not self.unconditional: |
text_masks = default(text_masks, lambda: torch.any(text_embeds != 0., dim = -1)) |
assert not (self.condition_on_text and not exists(text_embeds)), 'text or text encodings must be passed into decoder if specified' |
assert not (not self.condition_on_text and exists(text_embeds)), 'decoder specified not to be conditioned on text, yet it is presented' |
assert not (exists(text_embeds) and text_embeds.shape[-1] != self.text_embed_dim), f'invalid text embedding dimension being passed in (should be {self.text_embed_dim})' |
lowres_cond_img = lowres_aug_times = None |
if exists(prev_image_size): |
lowres_cond_img = self.resize_to(images, prev_image_size, clamp_range = self.input_image_range) |
lowres_cond_img = self.resize_to(lowres_cond_img, target_image_size, clamp_range = self.input_image_range) |
if self.per_sample_random_aug_noise_level: |
lowres_aug_times = self.lowres_noise_schedule.sample_random_times(batch_size, device = device) |
else: |
lowres_aug_time = self.lowres_noise_schedule.sample_random_times(1, device = device) |
lowres_aug_times = repeat(lowres_aug_time, '1 -> b', b = batch_size) |
if exists(random_crop_size): |
aug = K.RandomCrop((random_crop_size, random_crop_size), p = 1.) |
if is_video: |
images, lowres_cond_img = rearrange_many((images, lowres_cond_img), 'b c f h -> (b f) c h') |
images = aug(images) |
lowres_cond_img = aug(lowres_cond_img, params = aug._params) |
if is_video: |
images, lowres_cond_img = rearrange_many((images, lowres_cond_img), '(b f) c h -> b c f h', f = frames) |
lowres_cond_img_noisy = None |
if exists(lowres_cond_img): |
lowres_cond_img_noisy, _ = self.lowres_noise_schedule.q_sample( |
x_start = lowres_cond_img, |
t = lowres_aug_times, |
noise = torch.randn_like(lowres_cond_img.float()) |
) |
sigmas = self.noise_distribution( |
hp.P_mean, |
hp.P_std, |
batch_size |
).to(device) |
padded_sigmas = self.right_pad_dims_to_datatype(sigmas).to(device) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print('sigmas dim: ', sigmas.shape, 'should = batch_size') |
print('sigmas[0..3]: ', sigmas[:3]) |
print('padded_sigmas dim: ', padded_sigmas.shape) |
noise = torch.randn_like(images.float()).to(device) |
noised_images = images + padded_sigmas * noise |
unet_kwargs = dict( |
sigma_data = hp.sigma_data, |
text_embeds = text_embeds, |
text_mask =text_masks, |
cond_images = cond_images, |
lowres_noise_times = self.lowres_noise_schedule.get_condition(lowres_aug_times), |
lowres_cond_img = lowres_cond_img_noisy, |
cond_drop_prob = self.cond_drop_prob, |
) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("lowres_noise_times: ", unet_kwargs['lowres_noise_times']) |
print("lowres_cond_img_noisy: ", unet_kwargs['lowres_cond_img']) |
print("unet_kwargs: \n", unet_kwargs) |
self_cond = unet.module.self_cond if isinstance(unet, DistributedDataParallel) else unet |
if self_cond and random() < 0.5: |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("=========added self_cond.============") |
with torch.no_grad(): |
pred_x0 = self.preconditioned_network_forward( |
unet.forward, |
noised_images, |
sigmas, |
**unet_kwargs |
).detach() |
unet_kwargs = {**unet_kwargs, 'self_cond': pred_x0} |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("after self-condition, random < 0.5 .......") |
print("unet_kwargs: \n", unet_kwargs) |
denoised_images = self.preconditioned_network_forward( |
unet.forward, |
noised_images, |
sigmas, |
**unet_kwargs |
) |
if self.loss_type==0: |
losses = F.mse_loss(denoised_images, images, reduction = 'none') |
losses = reduce(losses, 'b ... -> b', 'mean') |
losses = losses * self.loss_weight(hp.sigma_data, sigmas) |
losses=losses.mean() |
return losses |
class ProteinDesigner_B(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, |
unet, |
CKeys=None, |
PKeys=None, |
): |
super(ProteinDesigner_B, self).__init__() |
timesteps =default(PKeys['timesteps'], 10) |
dim =default(PKeys['dim'], 32) |
pred_dim =default(PKeys['pred_dim'], 25) |
loss_type =default(PKeys['loss_type'], 0) |
elucidated =default(PKeys['elucidated'], True) |
padding_idx =default(PKeys['padding_idx'], 0) |
cond_dim =default(PKeys['cond_dim'], 512) |
text_embed_dim =default(PKeys['text_embed_dim'], 512) |
input_tokens =default(PKeys['input_tokens'], 25) |
sequence_embed =default(PKeys['sequence_embed'], False) |
embed_dim_position =default(PKeys['embed_dim_position'], 32) |
max_text_len =default(PKeys['max_text_len'], 16) |
cond_images_channels=default(PKeys['cond_images_channels'], 0) |
max_length =default(PKeys['max_length'], 64) |
device =default(PKeys['device'], None) |
print ("Model B: Generative protein diffusion model, residue-based") |
print ("Using condition as the initial sequence") |
self.pred_dim=pred_dim |
self.loss_type=loss_type |
self.CKeys=CKeys |
self.PKeys=PKeys |
self.max_length = max_length |
assert loss_type == 0, "Losses other than MSE not implemented" |
self.fc_embed1 = nn.Linear( 8, max_length) |
self.fc_embed2 = nn.Linear( 1, text_embed_dim) |
self.max_text_len=max_text_len |
self.pos_emb_x = nn.Embedding(max_text_len+1, embed_dim_position) |
text_embed_dim=text_embed_dim+embed_dim_position |
self.pos_matrix_i = torch.zeros (max_text_len, dtype=torch.long) |
for i in range (max_text_len): |
self.pos_matrix_i [i]=i +1 |
condition_on_text=True |
self.cond_images_channels=cond_images_channels |
if self.cond_images_channels>0: |
condition_on_text = False |
if self.cond_images_channels>0: |
print ("Use conditioning image during training....") |
assert elucidated , "Only elucidated model implemented...." |
self.is_elucidated=elucidated |
if elucidated: |
self.imagen = ElucidatedImagen( |
unets = (unet), |
channels=self.pred_dim, |
channels_out=self.pred_dim , |
loss_type=loss_type, |
condition_on_text = condition_on_text, |
text_embed_dim = text_embed_dim, |
image_sizes = ( [max_length ]), |
cond_drop_prob = 0.1, |
auto_normalize_img = False, |
num_sample_steps = timesteps, |
sigma_min = 0.002, |
sigma_max = 160, |
sigma_data = 0.5, |
rho = 7, |
P_mean = -1.2, |
P_std = 1.2, |
S_churn = 40, |
S_tmin = 0.05, |
S_tmax = 50, |
S_noise = 1.003, |
CKeys=self.CKeys, |
PKeys=self.PKeys, |
).to(device) |
else: |
print ("Not implemented.") |
def forward(self, |
output, |
x=None, |
cond_images = None, |
unet_number=1, |
): |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("on Model B:forward") |
print("inputs:") |
print(' output: ', output.shape) |
print(' x: ', x) |
print(' cond_img: ', cond_images.shape) |
print(' unet_num: ', unet_number) |
if x != None: |
x_in=torch.zeros( (x.shape[0], self.max_length) ).to(device) |
x_in[:,:x.shape[1]]=x |
x=x_in |
x=x.unsqueeze (2) |
x= self.fc_embed2(x) |
pos_matrix_i_=self.pos_matrix_i.repeat(x.shape[0], 1).to(device) |
pos_emb_x = self.pos_emb_x( pos_matrix_i_) |
pos_emb_x = torch.squeeze(pos_emb_x, 1) |
x= torch.cat( (x, pos_emb_x ), 2) |
if cond_images!=None: |
this_cond_images=cond_images.to(device) |
else: |
this_cond_images=cond_images |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print('x with pos_emb_x: ', x) |
print("into self.imagen...") |
loss = self.imagen( |
output, |
text_embeds = x, |
cond_images=this_cond_images, |
unet_number = unet_number, |
) |
return loss |
def sample ( |
self, |
x=None, |
stop_at_unet_number=1 , |
cond_scale=7.5, |
x_data=None, |
skip_steps=None, |
inpaint_images = None, |
inpaint_masks = None, |
inpaint_resample_times = 5, |
init_images = None, |
x_data_tokenized=None, |
device=None, |
tokenizer_X=None, |
Xnormfac=1., |
max_length=1., |
): |
batch_size=1 |
if x_data != None: |
print ("Conditioning target sequence provided via ori x_data ...", x_data) |
x_data = tokenizer_X.texts_to_sequences(x_data) |
x_data_0 = [] |
for this_x_data in x_data: |
x_data_0.append([0]+this_x_data) |
x_data = sequence.pad_sequences( |
x_data_0, maxlen=max_length, |
padding='post', truncating='post', |
) |
x_data = torch.from_numpy(x_data).float().to(device) |
x_data = x_data/Xnormfac |
x_data=x_data.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1,self.pred_dim,1) |
print ("After channel expansion, x_data from target sequence=", x_data, x_data.shape) |
batch_size=x_data.shape[0] |
if x_data_tokenized != None: |
print ("Conditioning target sequence provided via x_data_tokenized ...", x_data_tokenized, x_data_tokenized.shape) |
x_data=x_data_tokenized.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1,self.pred_dim,1) .to(device) |
print ("x_data.dim provided from x_data_tokenized: ", x_data.shape) |
batch_size=x_data.shape[0] |
if init_images != None: |
print ("Init sequence provided...", init_images) |
init_images = tokenizer_y.texts_to_sequences(init_images) |
init_images= sequence.pad_sequences(init_images, maxlen=max_length, padding='post', truncating='post') |
init_images= torch.from_numpy(init_images).float().to(device)/ynormfac |
print ("init_images=", init_images) |
if inpaint_images != None: |
print ("Inpaint sequence provided...", inpaint_images) |
print ("Mask: ", inpaint_masks) |
inpaint_images = tokenizer_y.texts_to_sequences(inpaint_images) |
inpaint_images= sequence.pad_sequences(inpaint_images, maxlen=max_length, padding='post', truncating='post') |
inpaint_images= torch.from_numpy(inpaint_images).float().to(device)/ynormfac |
print ("in_paint images=", inpaint_images) |
if x !=None: |
x_in=torch.zeros( (x.shape[0],max_length) ).to(device) |
x_in[:,:x.shape[1]]=x |
x=x_in |
x=x.unsqueeze (2) |
x= self.fc_embed2(x) |
pos_matrix_i_=self.pos_matrix_i.repeat(x.shape[0], 1).to(device) |
pos_emb_x = self.pos_emb_x( pos_matrix_i_) |
pos_emb_x = torch.squeeze(pos_emb_x, 1) |
x= torch.cat( (x, pos_emb_x ), 2) |
batch_size=x.shape[0] |
output = self.imagen.sample( |
text_embeds= x, |
cond_scale = cond_scale, |
stop_at_unet_number=stop_at_unet_number, |
cond_images=x_data, |
skip_steps=skip_steps, |
inpaint_images = inpaint_images, |
inpaint_masks = inpaint_masks, |
inpaint_resample_times = inpaint_resample_times, |
init_images = init_images, |
batch_size=batch_size, |
device=device, |
) |
return output |
class ProteinPredictor_B(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, |
unet, |
CKeys=None, |
PKeys=None, |
): |
super(ProteinPredictor_B, self).__init__() |
timesteps =default(PKeys['timesteps'], 10) |
dim =default(PKeys['dim'], 32) |
pred_dim =default(PKeys['pred_dim'], 25) |
loss_type =default(PKeys['loss_type'], 0) |
elucidated =default(PKeys['elucidated'], True) |
padding_idx =default(PKeys['padding_idx'], 0) |
cond_dim =default(PKeys['cond_dim'], 512) |
text_embed_dim =default(PKeys['text_embed_dim'], 512) |
input_tokens =default(PKeys['input_tokens'], 25) |
sequence_embed =default(PKeys['sequence_embed'], False) |
embed_dim_position =default(PKeys['embed_dim_position'], 32) |
max_text_len =default(PKeys['max_text_len'], 16) |
cond_images_channels=default(PKeys['cond_images_channels'], 0) |
max_length =default(PKeys['max_length'], 64) |
device =default(PKeys['device'], None) |
print ("Model B: Predictive protein diffusion model, residue-based") |
print ("Using condition as the initial sequence") |
self.pred_dim=pred_dim |
self.loss_type=loss_type |
self.CKeys=CKeys |
self.PKeys=PKeys |
self.max_length = max_length |
assert loss_type == 0, "Losses other than MSE not implemented" |
self.fc_embed1 = nn.Linear( 8, max_length) |
self.fc_embed2 = nn.Linear( 1, text_embed_dim) |
self.max_text_len=max_text_len |
self.pos_emb_x = nn.Embedding(max_text_len+1, embed_dim_position) |
text_embed_dim=text_embed_dim+embed_dim_position |
self.pos_matrix_i = torch.zeros (max_text_len, dtype=torch.long) |
for i in range (max_text_len): |
self.pos_matrix_i [i]=i +1 |
condition_on_text=True |
self.cond_images_channels=cond_images_channels |
if self.cond_images_channels>0: |
condition_on_text = False |
if self.cond_images_channels>0: |
print ("Use conditioning image during training....") |
assert elucidated , "Only elucidated model implemented...." |
self.is_elucidated=elucidated |
if elucidated: |
self.imagen = ElucidatedImagen( |
unets = (unet), |
channels=self.pred_dim, |
channels_out=self.pred_dim , |
loss_type=loss_type, |
condition_on_text = condition_on_text, |
text_embed_dim = text_embed_dim, |
image_sizes = ( [max_length ]), |
cond_drop_prob = 0.1, |
auto_normalize_img = False, |
num_sample_steps = timesteps, |
sigma_min = 0.002, |
sigma_max = 160, |
sigma_data = 0.5, |
rho = 7, |
P_mean = -1.2, |
P_std = 1.2, |
S_churn = 40, |
S_tmin = 0.05, |
S_tmax = 50, |
S_noise = 1.003, |
CKeys=self.CKeys, |
PKeys=self.PKeys, |
).to(device) |
else: |
print ("Not implemented.") |
def forward(self, |
output, |
x=None, |
cond_images = None, |
unet_number=1, |
): |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("on Model B:forward") |
print("inputs:") |
print(' output: ', output.shape) |
print(' x: ', x) |
print(' cond_img: ', cond_images.shape) |
print(' unet_num: ', unet_number) |
if x != None: |
x_in=torch.zeros( (x.shape[0], self.max_length) ).to(device) |
x_in[:,:x.shape[1]]=x |
x=x_in |
x=x.unsqueeze (2) |
x= self.fc_embed2(x) |
pos_matrix_i_=self.pos_matrix_i.repeat(x.shape[0], 1).to(device) |
pos_emb_x = self.pos_emb_x( pos_matrix_i_) |
pos_emb_x = torch.squeeze(pos_emb_x, 1) |
x= torch.cat( (x, pos_emb_x ), 2) |
if cond_images!=None: |
this_cond_images=cond_images.to(device) |
else: |
this_cond_images=cond_images |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print('x with pos_emb_x: ', x) |
print("into self.imagen...") |
loss = self.imagen( |
output, |
text_embeds = x, |
cond_images=this_cond_images, |
unet_number = unet_number, |
) |
return loss |
def sample ( |
self, |
x=None, |
stop_at_unet_number=1 , |
cond_scale=7.5, |
x_data=None, |
skip_steps=None, |
inpaint_images = None, |
inpaint_masks = None, |
inpaint_resample_times = 5, |
init_images = None, |
x_data_tokenized=None, |
device=None, |
tokenizer_X=None, |
Xnormfac=1., |
max_length=1., |
pLM_Model_Name=None, |
pLM_Model=None, |
pLM_alphabet=None, |
esm_layer=None, |
): |
batch_size=1 |
if x_data != None: |
print ("Conditioning target sequence provided via ori x_data ...", x_data) |
print(f"use pLM model {pLM_Model_Name}") |
if pLM_Model_Name=='trivial': |
x_data = tokenizer_X.texts_to_sequences(x_data) |
x_data = sequence.pad_sequences( |
x_data, maxlen=max_length-1, |
padding='post', truncating='post', |
value=0.0, |
) |
x_data = sequence.pad_sequences( |
x_data, maxlen=max_length, |
padding='pre', truncating='pre', |
value=0.0, |
) |
x_data=x_data.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1,self.pred_dim,1) .to(device) |
x_data = x_data/Xnormfac |
else: |
print("pLM Model: ", pLM_Model_Name) |
esm_batch_converter = pLM_alphabet.get_batch_converter( |
truncation_seq_length=max_length-2 |
) |
seqs_ext=[] |
for i in range(len(x_data)): |
seqs_ext.append( |
(" ", x_data[i]) |
) |
_, x_strs, x_data = esm_batch_converter(seqs_ext) |
x_strs_lens = (x_data != pLM_alphabet.padding_idx).sum(1) |
current_seq_len = x_data.shape[1] |
print("current seq batch len: ", current_seq_len) |
missing_num_pad = max_length-current_seq_len |
if missing_num_pad>0: |
print("extra padding is added to match the target seq input length...") |
x_data = F.pad( |
x_data, |
(0, missing_num_pad), |
"constant", pLM_alphabet.padding_idx |
) |
else: |
print("No extra padding is needed") |
x_data = x_data.to(device) |
with torch.no_grad(): |
results = pLM_Model( |
x_data, |
repr_layers=[esm_layer], |
return_contacts=False, |
) |
x_data=results["representations"][esm_layer] |
x_data=rearrange( |
x_data, |
'b l c -> b c l' |
) |
print ("x_data.dim: ", x_data.shape) |
print ("x_data.type: ", x_data.type) |
batch_size=x_data.shape[0] |
if x_data_tokenized != None: |
print ( |
"Conditioning target output via provided AA tokens sequence...", |
x_data_tokenized, |
x_data_tokenized.shape, |
) |
if pLM_Model_Name=='trivial': |
x_data=x_data_tokenized.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1,self.pred_dim,1) .to(device) |
else: |
with torch.no_grad(): |
results = pLM_Model( |
x_data_tokenized, |
repr_layers=[esm_layer], |
return_contacts=False, |
) |
x_data=results["representations"][esm_layer] |
x_data=rearrange( |
x_data, |
'b l c -> b c l' |
) |
x_data = x_data.to(device) |
batch_size=x_data.shape[0] |
print ("x_data.dim provided from x_data_tokenized: ", x_data.shape) |
if init_images != None: |
print ("Init sequence provided...", init_images) |
init_images = tokenizer_y.texts_to_sequences(init_images) |
init_images= sequence.pad_sequences(init_images, maxlen=max_length, padding='post', truncating='post') |
init_images= torch.from_numpy(init_images).float().to(device)/ynormfac |
print ("init_images=", init_images) |
if inpaint_images != None: |
print ("Inpaint sequence provided...", inpaint_images) |
print ("Mask: ", inpaint_masks) |
inpaint_images = tokenizer_y.texts_to_sequences(inpaint_images) |
inpaint_images= sequence.pad_sequences(inpaint_images, maxlen=max_length, padding='post', truncating='post') |
inpaint_images= torch.from_numpy(inpaint_images).float().to(device)/ynormfac |
print ("in_paint images=", inpaint_images) |
if x !=None: |
x_in=torch.zeros( (x.shape[0],max_length) ).to(device) |
x_in[:,:x.shape[1]]=x |
x=x_in |
x=x.unsqueeze (2) |
x= self.fc_embed2(x) |
pos_matrix_i_=self.pos_matrix_i.repeat(x.shape[0], 1).to(device) |
pos_emb_x = self.pos_emb_x( pos_matrix_i_) |
pos_emb_x = torch.squeeze(pos_emb_x, 1) |
x= torch.cat( (x, pos_emb_x ), 2) |
batch_size=x.shape[0] |
output = self.imagen.sample( |
text_embeds= x, |
cond_scale = cond_scale, |
stop_at_unet_number=stop_at_unet_number, |
cond_images=x_data, |
skip_steps=skip_steps, |
inpaint_images = inpaint_images, |
inpaint_masks = inpaint_masks, |
inpaint_resample_times = inpaint_resample_times, |
init_images = init_images, |
batch_size=batch_size, |
device=device, |
) |
return output |
class ProteinDesigner_B_Old(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, |
unet, |
timesteps=10 , |
dim=32, |
pred_dim=25, |
loss_type=0, |
elucidated=True, |
padding_idx=0, |
cond_dim = 512, |
text_embed_dim = 512, |
input_tokens=25, |
sequence_embed=False, |
embed_dim_position=32, |
max_text_len=16, |
cond_images_channels=0, |
max_length=1, |
device=None, |
CKeys=None, |
PKeys=None, |
): |
super(ProteinDesigner_B_Old, self).__init__() |
print ("Model B: Generative protein diffusion model, residue-based") |
print ("Using condition as the initial sequence") |
self.pred_dim=pred_dim |
self.loss_type=loss_type |
self.CKeys=CKeys |
self.PKeys=PKeys |
self.max_length = max_length |
assert loss_type == 0, "Losses other than MSE not implemented" |
self.fc_embed1 = nn.Linear( 8, max_length) |
self.fc_embed2 = nn.Linear( 1, text_embed_dim) |
self.max_text_len=max_text_len |
self.pos_emb_x = nn.Embedding(max_text_len+1, embed_dim_position) |
text_embed_dim=text_embed_dim+embed_dim_position |
self.pos_matrix_i = torch.zeros (max_text_len, dtype=torch.long) |
for i in range (max_text_len): |
self.pos_matrix_i [i]=i +1 |
condition_on_text=True |
self.cond_images_channels=cond_images_channels |
if self.cond_images_channels>0: |
condition_on_text = False |
if self.cond_images_channels>0: |
print ("Use conditioning image during training....") |
assert elucidated , "Only elucidated model implemented...." |
self.is_elucidated=elucidated |
if elucidated: |
self.imagen = ElucidatedImagen( |
unets = (unet), |
channels=self.pred_dim, |
channels_out=self.pred_dim , |
loss_type=loss_type, |
condition_on_text = condition_on_text, |
text_embed_dim = text_embed_dim, |
image_sizes = ( [max_length ]), |
cond_drop_prob = 0.1, |
auto_normalize_img = False, |
num_sample_steps = timesteps, |
sigma_min = 0.002, |
sigma_max = 160, |
sigma_data = 0.5, |
rho = 7, |
P_mean = -1.2, |
P_std = 1.2, |
S_churn = 40, |
S_tmin = 0.05, |
S_tmax = 50, |
S_noise = 1.003, |
CKeys=self.CKeys, |
PKeys=self.PKeys, |
).to(device) |
else: |
print ("Not implemented.") |
def forward(self, |
output, |
x=None, |
cond_images = None, |
unet_number=1, |
): |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print('output: ', output.shape) |
print('x: ', x) |
print('cond_img: ', cond_images) |
print('unet_num: ', unet_number) |
if x != None: |
x_in=torch.zeros( (x.shape[0], self.max_length) ).to(device) |
x_in[:,:x.shape[1]]=x |
x=x_in |
x=x.unsqueeze (2) |
x= self.fc_embed2(x) |
pos_matrix_i_=self.pos_matrix_i.repeat(x.shape[0], 1).to(device) |
pos_emb_x = self.pos_emb_x( pos_matrix_i_) |
pos_emb_x = torch.squeeze(pos_emb_x, 1) |
x= torch.cat( (x, pos_emb_x ), 2) |
if cond_images!=None: |
this_cond_images=cond_images.to(device) |
else: |
this_cond_images=cond_images |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print('x with pos_emb_x: ', x) |
loss = self.imagen( |
output, |
text_embeds = x, |
cond_images=this_cond_images, |
unet_number = unet_number, |
) |
return loss |
def sample ( |
self, |
x=None, |
stop_at_unet_number=1 , |
cond_scale=7.5, |
x_data=None, |
skip_steps=None, |
inpaint_images = None, |
inpaint_masks = None, |
inpaint_resample_times = 5, |
init_images = None, |
x_data_tokenized=None, |
device=None, |
tokenizer_X=None, |
Xnormfac=1., |
ynormfac=1., |
max_length=1., |
): |
batch_size=1 |
if x_data != None: |
print ("Conditioning target sequence provided via x_data ...", x_data) |
x_data = tokenizer_X.texts_to_sequences(x_data) |
x_data= sequence.pad_sequences(x_data, maxlen=max_length, padding='post', truncating='post') |
x_data= torch.from_numpy(x_data).float().to(device) |
x_data = x_data/Xnormfac |
x_data=x_data.unsqueeze (2) |
x_data=torch.permute(x_data, (0,2,1) ) |
print ("x_data from target sequence=", x_data, x_data.shape) |
batch_size=x_data.shape[0] |
if x_data_tokenized != None: |
print ("Conditioning target sequence provided via x_data_tokenized ...", x_data_tokenized, x_data_tokenized.shape) |
x_data=x_data_tokenized.unsqueeze (2) |
x_data=torch.permute(x_data, (0,2,1) ).to(device) |
print ("Data provided from x_data_tokenized: ", x_data.shape) |
batch_size=x_data.shape[0] |
if init_images != None: |
print ("Init sequence provided...", init_images) |
init_images = tokenizer_y.texts_to_sequences(init_images) |
init_images= sequence.pad_sequences(init_images, maxlen=max_length, padding='post', truncating='post') |
init_images= torch.from_numpy(init_images).float().to(device)/ynormfac |
print ("init_images=", init_images) |
if inpaint_images != None: |
print ("Inpaint sequence provided...", inpaint_images) |
print ("Mask: ", inpaint_masks) |
inpaint_images = tokenizer_y.texts_to_sequences(inpaint_images) |
inpaint_images= sequence.pad_sequences(inpaint_images, maxlen=max_length, padding='post', truncating='post') |
inpaint_images= torch.from_numpy(inpaint_images).float().to(device)/ynormfac |
print ("in_paint images=", inpaint_images) |
if x !=None: |
x_in=torch.zeros( (x.shape[0],max_length) ).to(device) |
x_in[:,:x.shape[1]]=x |
x=x_in |
x=x.unsqueeze (2) |
x= self.fc_embed2(x) |
pos_matrix_i_=self.pos_matrix_i.repeat(x.shape[0], 1).to(device) |
pos_emb_x = self.pos_emb_x( pos_matrix_i_) |
pos_emb_x = torch.squeeze(pos_emb_x, 1) |
x= torch.cat( (x, pos_emb_x ), 2) |
batch_size=x.shape[0] |
output = self.imagen.sample( |
text_embeds= x, |
cond_scale = cond_scale, |
stop_at_unet_number=stop_at_unet_number, |
cond_images=x_data, |
skip_steps=skip_steps, |
inpaint_images = inpaint_images, |
inpaint_masks = inpaint_masks, |
inpaint_resample_times = inpaint_resample_times, |
init_images = init_images, |
batch_size=batch_size, |
device=device, |
) |
return output |
class ProteinDesigner_A_II(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
unet1, |
CKeys=None, |
PKeys=None, |
): |
super(ProteinDesigner_A_II, self).__init__() |
timesteps =default(PKeys['timesteps'], 10) |
dim =default(PKeys['dim'], 32) |
pred_dim =default(PKeys['pred_dim'], 25) |
loss_type =default(PKeys['loss_type'], 0) |
elucidated =default(PKeys['elucidated'], True) |
padding_idx =default(PKeys['padding_idx'], 0) |
cond_dim =default(PKeys['cond_dim'], 512) |
text_embed_dim =default(PKeys['text_embed_dim'], 512) |
input_tokens =default(PKeys['input_tokens'], 25) |
sequence_embed =default(PKeys['sequence_embed'], False) |
embed_dim_position =default(PKeys['embed_dim_position'], 32) |
max_text_len =default(PKeys['max_text_len'], 16) |
cond_images_channels=default(PKeys['cond_images_channels'], 0) |
max_length =default(PKeys['max_length'], 64) |
device =default(PKeys['device'], 'cuda:0') |
self.pred_dim=pred_dim |
self.loss_type=loss_type |
self.CKeys=CKeys |
self.PKeys=PKeys |
self.device=device |
assert (loss_type==0), "Loss other than MSE not implemented" |
self.fc_embed1 = nn.Linear( 8, max_length) |
self.fc_embed2 = nn.Linear( 1, text_embed_dim) |
self.max_text_len=max_text_len |
self.pos_emb_x = nn.Embedding(max_text_len+1, embed_dim_position) |
text_embed_dim=text_embed_dim+embed_dim_position |
self.pos_matrix_i = torch.zeros (max_text_len, dtype=torch.long) |
for i in range (max_text_len): |
self.pos_matrix_i [i]=i +1 |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("ModelA.pos_matrix_i: ", self.pos_matrix_i) |
assert elucidated , "Only elucidated model implemented...." |
self.is_elucidated=elucidated |
if elucidated: |
self.imagen = ElucidatedImagen( |
unets = (unet1), |
channels=self.pred_dim, |
channels_out=self.pred_dim , |
loss_type=loss_type, |
text_embed_dim = text_embed_dim, |
image_sizes = [max_length], |
cond_drop_prob = 0.2, |
auto_normalize_img = False, |
num_sample_steps = timesteps, |
sigma_min = 0.002, |
sigma_max = 160, |
sigma_data = 0.5, |
rho = 7, |
P_mean = -1.2, |
P_std = 1.2, |
S_churn = 40, |
S_tmin = 0.05, |
S_tmax = 50, |
S_noise = 1.003, |
CKeys=self.CKeys, |
PKeys=self.PKeys, |
).to (self.device) |
if CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("Check on EImagen:") |
print("channels: ", self.pred_dim) |
print("loss_type: ", loss_type) |
print("text_embed_dim: ",text_embed_dim) |
print("image_sizes: ", max_length) |
print("num_sample_steps: ", timesteps) |
print("Measure imagen:") |
params( self.imagen) |
print("Measure fc_embed2") |
params( self.fc_embed2) |
print("Measure pos_emb_x") |
params( self.pos_emb_x) |
else: |
print ("Not implemented.") |
def forward( |
self, |
output, |
x=None, |
cond_images=None, |
unet_number=1, |
): |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("on Model A:forward") |
print("inputs:") |
print(' output.dim : ', output.shape) |
print(' x: ', x) |
print(' x.dim: ', x.shape) |
if cond_images==None: |
print(' cond_img: None ') |
else: |
print(' cond_img: ', cond_images.shape) |
print(' unet_num: ', unet_number) |
x=x.unsqueeze (2) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("After x.unsqueeze(2), x.dim: ", x.shape) |
x= self.fc_embed2(x) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("After fc_embed2(x), x.dim: ", x.shape) |
print() |
pos_matrix_i_=self.pos_matrix_i.repeat(x.shape[0], 1).to (self.device) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("pos_matrix_i_.dim: ", pos_matrix_i_.shape) |
print("pos_matrix_i_: ", pos_matrix_i_) |
print() |
pos_emb_x = self.pos_emb_x( pos_matrix_i_) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("After pos_emb_x(pos_matrix_i_), pos_emb_x.dim: ", pos_emb_x.shape) |
print("pos_emb_x: ", pos_emb_x) |
print() |
pos_emb_x = torch.squeeze(pos_emb_x, 1) |
pos_emb_x[:,x.shape[1]:,:]=0 |
pos_emb_x=pos_emb_x[:,:x.shape[1],:] |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("after operations, pos_emb_x.dim: ", pos_emb_x.shape) |
print("pos_emb_x: ", pos_emb_x) |
print() |
x= torch.cat( (x, pos_emb_x ), 2) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("after cat((x,pos_emb_x),2)=>x dim: ", x.shape, "Batch x max_text_len x (text_embed_dim+embed_dim_position)") |
print() |
print("Now, get into self.imagen part...") |
loss = self.imagen( |
output, |
text_embeds = x, |
unet_number = unet_number, |
) |
return loss |
def sample ( |
self, |
x=None, |
stop_at_unet_number=1, |
cond_scale=7.5, |
x_data=None, |
skip_steps=None, |
inpaint_images = None, |
inpaint_masks = None, |
inpaint_resample_times = 5, |
init_images = None, |
x_data_tokenized=None, |
tokenizer_X=None, |
Xnormfac=None, |
device=None, |
max_length=None, |
max_text_len=None, |
): |
if x_data != None: |
print ("Conditioning target sequence provided via sequence/image in x_data ...", x_data) |
x_data = tokenizer_X.texts_to_sequences(x_data) |
x_data= sequence.pad_sequences(x_data, maxlen=max_length, padding='post', truncating='post') |
x_data= torch.from_numpy(x_data).float().to(self.device) |
x_data = x_data/Xnormfac |
x_data=x_data.unsqueeze (2) |
x_data=torch.permute(x_data, (0,2,1) ) |
print ("x_data from target sequence=", x_data, x_data.shape) |
batch_size=x_data.shape[0] |
if x_data_tokenized != None: |
print ("Conditioning target sequence provided via processed sequence/image in x_data_tokenized ...", x_data_tokenized, x_data_tokenized.shape) |
x_data=x_data_tokenized.unsqueeze (2) |
x_data=torch.permute(x_data, (0,2,1) ).to(self.device) |
print ("Data provided from x_data_tokenized: ", x_data.shape) |
batch_size=x_data.shape[0] |
if init_images != None: |
print ("Init sequence provided...", init_images) |
init_images = tokenizer_y.texts_to_sequences(init_images) |
init_images= sequence.pad_sequences(init_images, maxlen=max_length, padding='post', truncating='post') |
init_images= torch.from_numpy(init_images).float().to(self.device)/ynormfac |
print ("init_images=", init_images) |
if inpaint_images != None: |
print ("Inpaint sequence provided...", inpaint_images) |
print ("Mask: ", inpaint_masks) |
inpaint_images = tokenizer_y.texts_to_sequences(inpaint_images) |
inpaint_images= sequence.pad_sequences(inpaint_images, maxlen=max_length, padding='post', truncating='post') |
inpaint_images= torch.from_numpy(inpaint_images).float().to(self.device)/ynormfac |
print ("in_paint images=", inpaint_images) |
if x !=None: |
print ("Conditioning target sequence via tokenized text in x ...", x) |
if self.CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("x.dim: ", x.shape) |
print("max_text_len: ", max_text_len) |
print("self.device: ",self.device) |
x_in=torch.zeros( (x.shape[0],max_text_len) ).to(self.device) |
x_in[:,:x.shape[1]]=x |
x=x_in |
x=x.unsqueeze (2) |
x= self.fc_embed2(x) |
pos_matrix_i_=self.pos_matrix_i.repeat(x.shape[0], 1).to(self.device) |
pos_emb_x = self.pos_emb_x( pos_matrix_i_) |
pos_emb_x = torch.squeeze(pos_emb_x, 1) |
pos_emb_x[:,x.shape[1]:,:]=0 |
pos_emb_x=pos_emb_x[:,:x.shape[1],:] |
x= torch.cat( (x, pos_emb_x ), 2) |
batch_size=x.shape[0] |
output = self.imagen.sample( |
text_embeds= x, |
cond_scale= cond_scale, |
stop_at_unet_number=stop_at_unet_number, |
cond_images=x_data, |
skip_steps=skip_steps, |
inpaint_images = inpaint_images, |
inpaint_masks = inpaint_masks, |
inpaint_resample_times = inpaint_resample_times, |
init_images = init_images, |
batch_size=batch_size, |
device=self.device, |
) |
return output |
class ProteinDesigner_A_I(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
CKeys=None, |
PKeys=None, |
): |
super(ProteinDesigner_A_I, self).__init__() |
timesteps =default(PKeys['timesteps'], 10) |
dim =default(PKeys['dim'], 32) |
pred_dim =default(PKeys['pred_dim'], 25) |
loss_type =default(PKeys['loss_type'], 0) |
elucidated =default(PKeys['elucidated'], True) |
padding_idx =default(PKeys['padding_idx'], 0) |
cond_dim =default(PKeys['cond_dim'], 512) |
text_embed_dim =default(PKeys['text_embed_dim'], 512) |
input_tokens =default(PKeys['input_tokens'], 25) |
sequence_embed =default(PKeys['sequence_embed'], False) |
embed_dim_position =default(PKeys['embed_dim_position'], 32) |
max_text_len =default(PKeys['max_text_len'], 16) |
cond_images_channels=default(PKeys['cond_images_channels'], 0) |
max_length =default(PKeys['max_length'], 64) |
device =default(PKeys['device'], 'cuda:0') |
self.CKeys=CKeys |
self.PKeys=PKeys |
self.device=device |
self.pred_dim=pred_dim |
self.loss_type=loss_type |
self.fc_embed1 = nn.Linear( 8, max_length) |
self.fc_embed2 = nn.Linear( 1, text_embed_dim) |
self.max_text_len=max_text_len |
self.pos_emb_x = nn.Embedding(max_text_len+1, embed_dim_position) |
text_embed_dim=text_embed_dim+embed_dim_position |
self.pos_matrix_i = torch.zeros (max_text_len, dtype=torch.long) |
for i in range (max_text_len): |
self.pos_matrix_i [i]=i +1 |
assert (loss_type==0), "Loss other than MSE not implemented" |
write_PK_UNet=dict() |
write_PK_UNet['dim']=dim |
write_PK_UNet['text_embed_dim']=text_embed_dim |
write_PK_UNet['cond_dim']=cond_dim |
write_PK_UNet['dim_mults']=(1, 2, 4, 8) |
write_PK_UNet['num_resnet_blocks']=1 |
write_PK_UNet['layer_attns']=(False, True, True, False) |
write_PK_UNet['layer_cross_attns']=(False, True, True, False) |
write_PK_UNet['channels']=pred_dim |
write_PK_UNet['channels_out']=pred_dim |
write_PK_UNet['attn_dim_head']=64 |
write_PK_UNet['attn_heads']=8 |
write_PK_UNet['ff_mult']=2. |
write_PK_UNet['lowres_cond']=False |
write_PK_UNet['layer_attns_depth']=1 |
write_PK_UNet['layer_attns_add_text_cond']=True |
write_PK_UNet['attend_at_middle']=True |
write_PK_UNet['use_linear_attn']=False |
write_PK_UNet['use_linear_cross_attn']=False |
write_PK_UNet['cond_on_text'] = True |
write_PK_UNet['max_text_len'] = max_length |
write_PK_UNet['init_dim'] = None |
write_PK_UNet['resnet_groups'] = 8 |
write_PK_UNet['init_conv_kernel_size'] =7 |
write_PK_UNet['init_cross_embed'] = False |
write_PK_UNet['init_cross_embed_kernel_sizes'] = (3, 7, 15) |
write_PK_UNet['cross_embed_downsample'] = False |
write_PK_UNet['cross_embed_downsample_kernel_sizes'] = (2, 4) |
write_PK_UNet['attn_pool_text'] = True |
write_PK_UNet['attn_pool_num_latents'] = 32 |
write_PK_UNet['dropout'] = 0. |
write_PK_UNet['memory_efficient'] = False |
write_PK_UNet['init_conv_to_final_conv_residual'] = False |
write_PK_UNet['use_global_context_attn'] = True |
write_PK_UNet['scale_skip_connection'] = True |
write_PK_UNet['final_resnet_block'] = True |
write_PK_UNet['final_conv_kernel_size'] = 3 |
write_PK_UNet['cosine_sim_attn'] = True |
write_PK_UNet['self_cond'] = False |
write_PK_UNet['combine_upsample_fmaps'] = True |
write_PK_UNet['pixel_shuffle_upsample'] = False |
Unet_PKeys=prepare_UNet_keys(write_PK_UNet) |
unet1 = OneD_Unet( |
CKeys=CKeys, |
PKeys=Unet_PKeys, |
).to (self.device) |
if CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print('Check unet generated...') |
params(unet1) |
assert elucidated , "Only elucidated model implemented...." |
self.is_elucidated=elucidated |
if elucidated: |
self.imagen = ElucidatedImagen( |
unets = (unet1), |
channels=self.pred_dim, |
channels_out=self.pred_dim , |
loss_type=loss_type, |
text_embed_dim = text_embed_dim, |
image_sizes = [max_length], |
cond_drop_prob = 0.2, |
auto_normalize_img = False, |
num_sample_steps = timesteps, |
sigma_min = 0.002, |
sigma_max = 160, |
sigma_data = 0.5, |
rho = 7, |
P_mean = -1.2, |
P_std = 1.2, |
S_churn = 40, |
S_tmin = 0.05, |
S_tmax = 50, |
S_noise = 1.003, |
CKeys=self.CKeys, |
PKeys=self.PKeys, |
).to (self.device) |
else: |
print ("Not implemented.") |
def forward(self, x, output, unet_number=1): |
x=x.unsqueeze (2) |
x= self.fc_embed2(x) |
pos_matrix_i_=self.pos_matrix_i.repeat(x.shape[0], 1).to (self.device) |
pos_emb_x = self.pos_emb_x( pos_matrix_i_) |
pos_emb_x = torch.squeeze(pos_emb_x, 1) |
pos_emb_x[:,x.shape[1]:,:]=0 |
pos_emb_x=pos_emb_x[:,:x.shape[1],:] |
x= torch.cat( (x, pos_emb_x ), 2) |
loss = self.imagen( |
output, |
text_embeds = x, |
unet_number = unet_number, |
) |
return loss |
def sample (self, x, stop_at_unet_number=1 ,cond_scale=7.5,): |
x=x.unsqueeze (2) |
x= self.fc_embed2(x) |
pos_matrix_i_=self.pos_matrix_i.repeat(x.shape[0], 1).to (self.device) |
pos_emb_x = self.pos_emb_x( pos_matrix_i_) |
pos_emb_x = torch.squeeze(pos_emb_x, 1) |
pos_emb_x[:,x.shape[1]:,:]=0 |
pos_emb_x=pos_emb_x[:,:x.shape[1],:] |
x= torch.cat( (x, pos_emb_x ), 2) |
output = self.imagen.sample(text_embeds= x, cond_scale = cond_scale, stop_at_unet_number=stop_at_unet_number) |
return output |
class ProteinDesigner_A_Old(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
timesteps=10 , |
dim=32, |
pred_dim=25, |
loss_type=0, |
elucidated=False, |
padding_idx=0, |
cond_dim = 512, |
text_embed_dim = 512, |
input_tokens=25, |
sequence_embed=False, |
embed_dim_position=32, |
max_text_len=16, |
device='cuda:0', |
max_length=64, |
CKeys=None, |
PKeys=None, |
): |
super(ProteinDesigner_A_Old, self).__init__() |
self.CKeys=CKeys |
self.PKeys=PKeys |
self.device=device |
self.pred_dim=pred_dim |
self.loss_type=loss_type |
self.fc_embed1 = nn.Linear( 8, max_length) |
self.fc_embed2 = nn.Linear( 1, text_embed_dim) |
self.max_text_len=max_text_len |
self.pos_emb_x = nn.Embedding(max_text_len+1, embed_dim_position) |
text_embed_dim=text_embed_dim+embed_dim_position |
self.pos_matrix_i = torch.zeros (max_text_len, dtype=torch.long) |
for i in range (max_text_len): |
self.pos_matrix_i [i]=i +1 |
assert (loss_type==0), "Loss other than MSE not implemented" |
unet1 = OneD_Unet_Old( |
dim = dim, |
text_embed_dim = text_embed_dim, |
cond_dim = cond_dim, |
dim_mults = (1, 2, 4, 8), |
num_resnet_blocks = 1, |
layer_attns = (False, True, True, False), |
layer_cross_attns = (False, True, True, False), |
channels=self.pred_dim, |
channels_out=self.pred_dim , |
attn_dim_head = 64, |
attn_heads = 8, |
ff_mult = 2., |
lowres_cond = False, |
layer_attns_depth =1, |
layer_attns_add_text_cond = True, |
attend_at_middle = True, |
use_linear_attn = False, |
use_linear_cross_attn = False, |
cond_on_text = True, |
max_text_len = max_length, |
init_dim = None, |
resnet_groups = 8, |
init_conv_kernel_size =7, |
init_cross_embed = False, |
init_cross_embed_kernel_sizes = (3, 7, 15), |
cross_embed_downsample = False, |
cross_embed_downsample_kernel_sizes = (2, 4), |
attn_pool_text = True, |
attn_pool_num_latents = 32, |
dropout = 0., |
memory_efficient = False, |
init_conv_to_final_conv_residual = False, |
use_global_context_attn = True, |
scale_skip_connection = True, |
final_resnet_block = True, |
final_conv_kernel_size = 3, |
cosine_sim_attn = True, |
self_cond = False, |
combine_upsample_fmaps = True, |
pixel_shuffle_upsample = False , |
CKeys=CKeys, |
).to (self.device) |
if CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("Check NUnet...") |
params( unet1) |
assert elucidated , "Only elucidated model implemented...." |
self.is_elucidated=elucidated |
if elucidated: |
self.imagen = ElucidatedImagen( |
unets = (unet1), |
channels=self.pred_dim, |
channels_out=self.pred_dim , |
loss_type=loss_type, |
text_embed_dim = text_embed_dim, |
image_sizes = [max_length], |
cond_drop_prob = 0.2, |
auto_normalize_img = False, |
num_sample_steps = timesteps, |
sigma_min = 0.002, |
sigma_max = 160, |
sigma_data = 0.5, |
rho = 7, |
P_mean = -1.2, |
P_std = 1.2, |
S_churn = 40, |
S_tmin = 0.05, |
S_tmax = 50, |
S_noise = 1.003, |
CKeys=self.CKeys, |
PKeys=self.PKeys, |
).to (self.device) |
if CKeys['Debug_ModelPack']==1: |
print("Check on EImagen:") |
print("channels: ", self.pred_dim) |
print("loss_type: ", loss_type) |
print("text_embed_dim: ",text_embed_dim) |
print("image_sizes: ", max_length) |
print("num_sample_steps: ", timesteps) |
print("Measure imagen:") |
params( self.imagen) |
print("Measure fc_embed2") |
params( self.fc_embed2) |
print("Measure pos_emb_x") |
params( self.pos_emb_x) |
else: |
print ("Not implemented.") |
def forward(self, x, output, unet_number=1): |
x=x.unsqueeze (2) |
x= self.fc_embed2(x) |
pos_matrix_i_=self.pos_matrix_i.repeat(x.shape[0], 1).to (self.device) |
pos_emb_x = self.pos_emb_x( pos_matrix_i_) |
pos_emb_x = torch.squeeze(pos_emb_x, 1) |
pos_emb_x[:,x.shape[1]:,:]=0 |
pos_emb_x=pos_emb_x[:,:x.shape[1],:] |
x= torch.cat( (x, pos_emb_x ), 2) |
loss = self.imagen( |
output, |
text_embeds = x, |
unet_number = unet_number, |
) |
return loss |
def sample (self, x, stop_at_unet_number=1 ,cond_scale=7.5,): |
x=x.unsqueeze (2) |
x= self.fc_embed2(x) |
pos_matrix_i_=self.pos_matrix_i.repeat(x.shape[0], 1).to (self.device) |
pos_emb_x = self.pos_emb_x( pos_matrix_i_) |
pos_emb_x = torch.squeeze(pos_emb_x, 1) |
pos_emb_x[:,x.shape[1]:,:]=0 |
pos_emb_x=pos_emb_x[:,:x.shape[1],:] |
x= torch.cat( (x, pos_emb_x ), 2) |
output = self.imagen.sample(text_embeds= x, cond_scale = cond_scale, stop_at_unet_number=stop_at_unet_number) |
return output |