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* Modified from NVIDIA [TRT-LLM](
* Copyright (c) 2022-2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
title={AWQ: Activation-aware Weight Quantization for LLM Compression and Acceleration},
author={Lin, Ji and Tang, Jiaming and Tang, Haotian and Yang, Shang and Dang, Xingyu and Han, Song},
#include <cuda_fp16.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <torch/extension.h>
#include "gemv_cuda.h"
#include "../dequantize.cuh"
#define PACK_FACTOR 8
#define WARP_SIZE 32
#define MEM_ACCESS_SIZE 128
static inline __device__ float to_float(half src)
return __half2float(src);
static inline __device__ float to_float(float src)
return src;
static inline __device__ half to_half(float src)
return __float2half(src);
static inline __device__ half to_half(half src)
return src;
// Reduce sum within the warp using the tree reduction algorithm.
template <int Num, int WarpSize>
__device__ __forceinline__ static void warp_reduce(half* psum, float (*out_smem)[Num * 4])
// kInterleave = 4
float fpsum[Num];
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < Num; ++i)
fpsum[i] = to_float(psum[i]);
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < Num; ++i)
// T0 + T1 + T8 + T9 + T16 + T17 + T24 + T25 (kInterleave = 4)
fpsum[i] += __shfl_xor_sync(~0, fpsum[i], 16);
fpsum[i] += __shfl_xor_sync(~0, fpsum[i], 8);
fpsum[i] += __shfl_xor_sync(~0, fpsum[i], 1);
int warp = threadIdx.x / WarpSize, lane = threadIdx.x % WarpSize;
if (lane == 0 || lane == 2 || lane == 4 || lane == 6)
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < Num; ++i)
out_smem[warp][i * 4 + lane / 2] = fpsum[i];
__device__ __forceinline__ int make_divisible(int c, int divisor){
return (c + divisor - 1) / divisor;
template <int NPerBlock, int Batch, int BlockSize, int GroupSize>
__global__ void gemv_kernel(
const half* inputs, const uint32_t* weight, const half* scales, const half* zeros, half* outputs,
const int IC, const int OC)
const int kStride = 64;
const int kElemsPerThread = MEM_ACCESS_SIZE / 4;
const int kThreadsNumPerTile = kStride / kElemsPerThread;
// assert(MEM_ACCESS_SIZE == 128);
static constexpr int kShuffleSize = 32;
static constexpr int kShuffleBasicTile = 2;
static constexpr int kShuffleContinous = 4;
static constexpr int kShuffleStrided = 4;
constexpr int Num = NPerBlock * Batch;
constexpr int kInterleave = 4;
half local_inputs[kElemsPerThread];
uint32_t local_qweights[MEM_ACCESS_SIZE / 32];
half half_weight_buffer[kElemsPerThread];
half dequantized_weight[kElemsPerThread * NPerBlock];
half local_scale[NPerBlock];
half local_scaled_zeros[NPerBlock];
half psum[Num];
for (int i = 0; i < Num; ++i)
psum[i] = to_half(0.f);
extern __shared__ uint8_t shmem[];
float(*out_smem)[Num * kInterleave] = reinterpret_cast<float(*)[Num * kInterleave]>(shmem);
const int blk_row_offset = blockIdx.x * NPerBlock * kInterleave;
const int thd_row_offset = (threadIdx.x / kThreadsNumPerTile) % kInterleave;
const int act_k_offset = threadIdx.x / (kThreadsNumPerTile * kInterleave) * kStride
+ (threadIdx.x % kThreadsNumPerTile) * kElemsPerThread;
const int group_offset = act_k_offset / GroupSize;
// TODO: use make_divisible
const uint32_t* blk_weight_ptr = weight + blk_row_offset * IC / PACK_FACTOR;
const half* scale_ptr = scales + blk_row_offset + thd_row_offset + group_offset * OC;
const half* zeros_ptr = zeros + blk_row_offset + thd_row_offset + group_offset * OC;
const half* inputs_ptr = inputs + act_k_offset;
const int act_forward_step = BlockSize * kElemsPerThread / kInterleave;
const int scale_forward_step = act_forward_step / GroupSize * OC;
// Main loop iteration, each block completes the outputs for several OCs
for (int kk = threadIdx.x * kElemsPerThread; kk < IC * kInterleave; kk += BlockSize * kElemsPerThread)
// Load qweight, scales and scaled_zeros
#pragma unroll
for (int idx = 0; idx < NPerBlock; ++idx)
// use float4 to load weights, each thread load 32 int4 numbers (1 x float4, 128 bit)
*((float4*)(local_qweights)) =
*((float4*)(blk_weight_ptr + (idx * kInterleave * IC + kk)/ PACK_FACTOR));
local_scale[idx] = *(scale_ptr + idx * kInterleave);
local_scaled_zeros[idx] = *(zeros_ptr + idx * kInterleave);
// Map int4 qweight to fp format
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < MEM_ACCESS_SIZE / 32; ++i)
// Converts 32 bits (8 x int4) to 8 fp16
dequantize_s4_to_fp16x2(*reinterpret_cast<half2 *>(local_qweights + i), reinterpret_cast<uint4 *>(half_weight_buffer + i * PACK_FACTOR));
// Dequantize (apply s/z) and shuffle elements to match the weight packing format
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < kShuffleContinous; ++i)
#pragma unroll
for (int j = 0; j < kShuffleStrided; ++j)
half2 w =
half_weight_buffer + (i + j * kShuffleContinous)* kShuffleBasicTile
w = __hfma2(w, __half2half2(local_scale[idx]), __half2half2(local_scaled_zeros[idx]));
dequantized_weight[((i * kShuffleStrided + j) * kShuffleBasicTile + 0)
* NPerBlock + idx]
= w.x;
dequantized_weight[((i * kShuffleStrided + j) * kShuffleBasicTile + 1)
* NPerBlock + idx]
= w.y;
#pragma unroll
for (int batch_idx = 0; batch_idx < Batch; ++batch_idx)
const half* local_inputs_ptr = inputs_ptr + batch_idx * IC;
#pragma unroll
for (int idx = 0; idx < kElemsPerThread / 8; ++idx)
// load activation, 8 halves (128 bits) / step.
*((float4*)(local_inputs + idx * 8)) = *((float4*)(local_inputs_ptr + idx * 8));
// Perform the MACs
#pragma unroll
for (int x = 0; x < NPerBlock / 2; ++x)
#pragma unroll
for (int y = 0; y < kElemsPerThread; ++y)
*reinterpret_cast<half2*>(psum + batch_idx * NPerBlock + x * 2)
= __hfma2(*reinterpret_cast<half2*>(dequantized_weight + y * NPerBlock + x * 2),
*reinterpret_cast<half2*>(psum + batch_idx * NPerBlock + x * 2));
inputs_ptr += act_forward_step;
scale_ptr += scale_forward_step;
zeros_ptr += scale_forward_step;
warp_reduce<Num, WARP_SIZE>(psum, out_smem);
// Num * Interleave = batch * NPerBlock * Interleave -> 1 thread_block write back num
for (int i = threadIdx.x; i < Num * kInterleave; i += BlockSize)
int batch_idx = i / (NPerBlock * kInterleave);
int oc_idx = i % (NPerBlock * kInterleave);
float acc = 0.f;
for (int j = 0; j < BlockSize / WARP_SIZE; ++j)
acc += out_smem[j][i];
outputs[batch_idx * OC + blk_row_offset + oc_idx] = to_half(acc);
Computes GEMV (PyTorch interface).
_in_feats: tensor of shape [B, IC];
_kernel: int tensor of shape [OC, IC // 8];
_zeros: int tensor of shape [OC, IC // G // 8];
_scaling_factors: tensor of shape [OC, IC // G];
blockDim_x: size of thread block, dimension x, where blockDim_x * workload_per_thread = IC;
blockDim_y: size of thread block, dimension y, where blockDim_y * gridDim_y = OC;
out_feats: tensor of shape [B, OC];
torch::Tensor gemv_forward_cuda_decode(
torch::Tensor _in_feats,
torch::Tensor _kernel,
torch::Tensor _scaling_factors,
torch::Tensor _zeros,
int m,
int n,
int k,
int group_size)
std::vector<int64_t> output_shape = _in_feats.sizes().vec();
output_shape.back() = n;
auto in_feats = reinterpret_cast<half*>(_in_feats.data_ptr<at::Half>());
auto kernel = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(_kernel.data_ptr());
auto zeros = reinterpret_cast<half*>(_zeros.data_ptr<at::Half>());
auto scaling_factors = reinterpret_cast<half*>(_scaling_factors.data_ptr<at::Half>());
auto options = torch::TensorOptions().dtype(_in_feats.dtype()).device(_in_feats.device());
at::Tensor _out_feats = torch::empty(output_shape, options);
half * out_feats = reinterpret_cast<half *>(_out_feats.data_ptr());
static constexpr int N_PER_BLOCK = 2;
static constexpr int K_INTERLEAVE = 4;
static constexpr int BLOCK_SIZE = 256;
dim3 num_blocks(n / N_PER_BLOCK / K_INTERLEAVE);
dim3 num_threads(BLOCK_SIZE);
// if (group_size == 64)
// {
// gemv_kernel_g64<<<num_blocks, num_threads>>>(
// // pointers
// in_feats, kernel, zeros, scaling_factors, out_feats,
// // constants
// num_in_channels, num_out_channels
// );
// }
if (group_size == 128)
switch (m)
case 1:
gemv_kernel<N_PER_BLOCK, 1, BLOCK_SIZE, 128><<<num_blocks, num_threads>>>(
in_feats, kernel, scaling_factors, zeros, out_feats, k, n
case 2:
gemv_kernel<N_PER_BLOCK, 2, BLOCK_SIZE, 128><<<num_blocks, num_threads>>>(
in_feats, kernel, scaling_factors, zeros, out_feats, k, n
case 3:
gemv_kernel<N_PER_BLOCK, 3, BLOCK_SIZE, 128><<<num_blocks, num_threads>>>(
in_feats, kernel, scaling_factors, zeros, out_feats, k, n
case 4:
gemv_kernel<N_PER_BLOCK, 4, BLOCK_SIZE, 128><<<num_blocks, num_threads>>>(
in_feats, kernel, scaling_factors, zeros, out_feats, k, n
case 5:
gemv_kernel<N_PER_BLOCK, 5, BLOCK_SIZE, 128><<<num_blocks, num_threads>>>(
in_feats, kernel, scaling_factors, zeros, out_feats, k, n
case 6:
gemv_kernel<N_PER_BLOCK, 6, BLOCK_SIZE, 128><<<num_blocks, num_threads>>>(
in_feats, kernel, scaling_factors, zeros, out_feats, k, n
case 7:
gemv_kernel<N_PER_BLOCK, 7, BLOCK_SIZE, 128><<<num_blocks, num_threads>>>(
in_feats, kernel, scaling_factors, zeros, out_feats, k, n
throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported batch size for gemv kernel.\n");
throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported group size for gemv kernel.\n");
return _out_feats;