#import required functions import os from huggingface_hub import login, get_token, whoami, HfApi, create_repo, repo_exists, list_repo_refs, create_branch #define clear screen function oname = os.name if oname == 'nt': osclear = 'cls' elif oname == 'posix': osclear = 'clear' else: osclear = '' def clear_screen(): os.system(osclear) #clear before starting clear_screen() #get token if os.environ.get('KAGGLE_KERNEL_RUN_TYPE', None) is not None: #check if user in kaggle from kaggle_secrets import UserSecretsClient from kaggle_web_client import BackendError try: login(UserSecretsClient().get_secret("HF_TOKEN")) #login if token secret found except BackendError: print(''' When using Kaggle, make sure to use the secret key HF_TOKEN with a 'WRITE' token. This will prevent the need to login every time you run the script. Set your secrets with the secrets add-on on the top of the screen. ''') if get_token() is not None: #if the token is found then log in: login(get_token()) tfound = "Where are my doritos?" #doesn't matter what this is, only false is used else: #if the token is not found then prompt user to provide it: login(input("API token not detected. Enter your HuggingFace (WRITE) token: ")) tfound = "false" #if the token is read only then prompt user to provide a write token: while True: if whoami().get('auth', {}).get('accessToken', {}).get('role', None) != 'write': clear_screen() if os.environ.get('HF_TOKEN', None) is not None: #if environ finds HF_TOKEN as read-only then display following text and exit: print(''' You have the environment variable HF_TOKEN set. You cannot log in. Either set the environment variable to a 'WRITE' token or remove it. ''') input("Press enter to continue.") exit() if os.environ.get('COLAB_BACKEND_VERSION', None) is not None: #read-only colab secret key found print(''' Your Colab secret key is read-only Please switch your key to 'write' or disable notebook access on the left. For now, you are stuck in a loop ''') elif os.environ.get('KAGGLE_KERNEL_RUN_TYPE', None) is not None: #read-only kaggle secret key found print(''' Your Kaggle secret key is read-only Please switch your key to 'write' or unattach from notebook in add-ons at the top. Having a read-only key attched will require login every time. ''') print("You do not have write access to this repository. Please use a valid token with (WRITE) access.") login(input("Enter your HuggingFace (WRITE) token: ")) continue break clear_screen() #store actions into variables #upload directory up_dir = input("Enter the directory you want to upload: ") clear_screen() #name of affected repository repo = input("Repository name (User/Repo): ") clear_screen() #type of huggingface repository (restricted) while True: r_type = input("Repo type (model) (dataset) (space): ").lower() if r_type not in ['model', 'dataset', 'space', 'm', 'd', 's']: clear_screen() print("Please choose one of the following three options.") continue if r_type == 'm': r_type = 'model' elif r_type == 'd': r_type = 'dataset' elif r_type == 's': r_type = 'space' break clear_screen() #if new, ask to create private priv = "nothing yet" new_r = False if repo_exists(repo, repo_type=r_type) == False: new_r = True while True: priv = input(f"No existing repo found, create private repository? (y/N): ").lower() if priv == '': priv = 'n' elif priv == 'yes': priv = 'y' elif priv == 'no': priv = 'n' break else: if priv not in ['y', 'n']: clear_screen() print("Please choose one of the following two options.") continue break clear_screen() #ask for optional commit message c_mes = input("Commit message (optional): ") if c_mes == "": c_mes = "Uploaded files with huggingface_hub" clear_screen() #ask for optional branch name rev = input("Branch name (empty for main): ") if rev == "": rev = "main" clear_screen() #if branch doesn't exist, ask to create it if not any(branch.name == rev for branch in list_repo_refs(repo, repo_type=r_type).branches): while True: c_rev = input(f"No existing branch '{rev}' found, create new branch? (Y/n): ").lower() if c_rev == '': c_rev = 'y' elif c_rev == 'yes': c_rev = 'y' elif c_rev == 'no': c_rev = 'n' break else: if c_rev not in ['y', 'n']: clear_screen() print("Please choose one of the following two options.") continue break if c_rev == 'n': exit() else: create_branch(repo, branch=rev, repo_type=r_type) clear_screen() #ask for optional path in repo r_path = input("Path in repo (empty for root): ") if r_path == "": r_path = "." #upload the folder, create the repo if new if priv == "y": create_repo(repo, repo_type=r_type, private=True) #if private chosen, create private repo first else: if new_r == True: create_repo(repo, repo_type=r_type, private=False) #if public chosen, create public repo first HfApi().upload_folder(folder_path=up_dir, repo_id=repo, repo_type=r_type, commit_message=c_mes, revision=rev, path_in_repo=r_path) #Show user new repo if new_r == True: if r_type == 'model': print(f"Repository created at https://huggingface.co/{repo}") elif r_type == 'dataset': print(f"Repository created at https://huggingface.co/datasets/{repo}") elif r_type == 'space': print(f"Repository created at https://huggingface.co/spaces/{repo}") #if token wasn't found, (new log in) show user's name. if tfound == 'false': print(f''' You are now logged in as {whoami().get('fullname', None)}. To logout, use the hf command line interface 'huggingface-cli logout' To view your active account, use 'huggingface-cli whoami' ''') input("Press enter to continue.")