from huggingface_hub import login, logout, get_token, whoami, repo_exists |
import os |
import sys |
import subprocess |
import glob |
import time |
oname = os.name |
if oname == 'nt': |
osclear = 'cls' |
osmv = 'move' |
osrmd = 'rmdir /s /q' |
oscp = 'copy' |
pyt = 'venv\\scripts\\python.exe' |
slsh = '\\' |
elif oname == 'posix': |
osclear = 'clear' |
osmv = 'mv' |
osrmd = 'rm -rf' |
oscp = 'cp' |
pyt = './venv/bin/python' |
slsh = '/' |
else: |
sys.exit('This script is not compatible with your machine.') |
def clear_screen(): |
os.system(osclear) |
if os.environ.get('HF_TOKEN', None) is not None: |
try: |
login(get_token()) |
except ValueError: |
print("You have an invalid token set in your environment variable HF_TOKEN. This will cause issues with this script\nRemove the variable or set it to a valid token.") |
sys.exit("Exiting...") |
if get_token() is not None: |
tfound = 'true' |
try: |
login(get_token()) |
except ValueError: |
tfound = 'false' |
try: |
login(input("API token is no longer valid. Enter your new HuggingFace token (empty to logout): ")) |
except: |
logout() |
print("Logging out... (Unable to access private or gated models)") |
tfound = 'false but logged out' |
time.sleep(3) |
else: |
tfound = "false" |
try: |
login(input("API token not detected. Enter your HuggingFace token (empty to skip): ")) |
except: |
print("Skipping login... (Unable to access private or gated models)") |
tfound = "false but skipped" |
time.sleep(3) |
clear_screen() |
repo_url = input("Enter unquantized model repository (User/Repo): ") |
if repo_exists(repo_url) == False: |
print(f"Model repo doesn't exist at https://huggingface.co/{repo_url}") |
sys.exit("Exiting...") |
model = repo_url.replace("/", "_") |
modelname = repo_url.split("/")[1] |
clear_screen() |
qmount = int(input("Enter the number of quants you want to create: ")) |
qmount += 1 |
clear_screen() |
print(f"Type the BPW for the following {qmount - 1} quants. Recommend staying over 2.4 BPW. Use the vram calculator to find the best BPW values: https://huggingface.co/spaces/NyxKrage/LLM-Model-VRAM-Calculator") |
qnum = {} |
for i in range(1, qmount): |
qnum[f"bpw{i}"] = float(input(f"Enter BPW for quant {i} (2.00-8.00): ")) |
clear_screen() |
bpwvalue = list(qnum.values()) |
bpwvalue.sort() |
delmodel = input("Do you want to delete the original model? (Won't delete if paused or failed) (y/N): ").lower() |
if delmodel == '': |
delmodel = 'n' |
while delmodel != 'y' and delmodel != 'n': |
delmodel = input("Please enter 'y' or 'n': ").lower() |
if delmodel == '': |
delmodel = 'n' |
if delmodel == 'y': |
print(f"Deleting dir models/{model} after quants are finished.") |
time.sleep(3) |
clear_screen() |
if not os.path.exists(f"models{slsh}{model}{slsh}converted-st"): |
result = subprocess.run(f"{pyt} download-model.py {repo_url}", shell=True) |
if result.returncode != 0: |
print("Download failed.") |
sys.exit("Exiting...") |
clear_screen() |
if not glob.glob(f"models/{model}/*.safetensors"): |
convertst = input("Couldn't find safetensors model, do you want to convert to safetensors? (y/n): ").lower() |
while convertst != 'y' and convertst != 'n': |
convertst = input("Please enter 'y' or 'n': ").lower() |
if convertst == 'y': |
convusebf16 = input("Would you like to use bf16 loading? Will reduce ram usage (y/n): ").lower() |
while convusebf16 != 'y' and convusebf16 != 'n': |
convusebf16 = input("Please enter 'y' or 'n': ").lower() |
if convusebf16 == 'y': |
usingbf16 = "--bf16" |
else: |
usingbf16 = "" |
if convertst == 'y': |
print("Converting weights to safetensors, please wait...") |
result = subprocess.run(f"{pyt} convert-to-safetensors.py models{slsh}{model} --output models{slsh}{model}-st {usingbf16}", shell=True) |
if result.returncode != 0: |
print("Converting failed. Please look for a safetensors model or convert model manually.") |
sys.exit("Exiting...") |
subprocess.run(f"{osrmd} models{slsh}{model}", shell=True) |
subprocess.run(f"{osmv} models{slsh}{model}-st models{slsh}{model}", shell=True) |
open(f"models{slsh}{model}{slsh}converted-st", 'w').close() |
print("Finished converting") |
else: |
sys.exit("Can't quantize a non-safetensors model. Exiting...") |
clear_screen() |
for bpw in bpwvalue: |
if os.path.exists(f"measurements{slsh}{model}-measure{slsh}measurement.json"): |
cmdir = False |
mskip = f" -m measurements{slsh}{model}-measure{slsh}measurement.json" |
else: |
cmdir = True |
mskip = "" |
print(f"Starting quantization for BPW {bpw}") |
os.makedirs(f"{model}-exl2-{bpw}bpw-WD", exist_ok=True) |
os.makedirs(f"{modelname}-exl2-quants{slsh}{modelname}-exl2-{bpw}bpw", exist_ok=True) |
subprocess.run(f"{oscp} models{slsh}{model}{slsh}config.json {model}-exl2-{bpw}bpw-WD", shell=True) |
result = subprocess.run(f"{pyt} exllamav2/convert.py -i models/{model} -o {model}-exl2-{bpw}bpw-WD -cf {modelname}-exl2-quants{slsh}{modelname}-exl2-{bpw}bpw -b {bpw}{mskip}", shell=True) |
if result.returncode != 0: |
print("Quantization failed.") |
sys.exit("Exiting...") |
if cmdir == True: |
os.makedirs(f"measurements{slsh}{model}-measure", exist_ok=True) |
subprocess.run(f"{oscp} {model}-exl2-{bpw}bpw-WD{slsh}measurement.json measurements{slsh}{model}-measure", shell=True) |
open(f"measurements{slsh}{model}-measure/Delete folder when no more quants are needed from this model", 'w').close() |
subprocess.run(f"{osrmd} {model}-exl2-{bpw}bpw-WD", shell=True) |
if delmodel == 'y': |
subprocess.run(f"{osrmd} models{slsh}{model}", shell=True) |
print(f"Deleted models/{model}") |
if tfound == 'false': |
print(f''' |
You are now logged in as {whoami().get('fullname', None)}. |
To logout, use the hf command line interface 'huggingface-cli logout' |
To view your active account, use 'huggingface-cli whoami' |
''') |
print("Finished quantizing. Exiting...") |