Update model
Browse files- README.md +106 -0
- config.json +22 -0
- confusion_matrix.png +0 -0
- model.pkl +3 -0
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
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library_name: sklearn
3 |
4 |
- sklearn
5 |
- skops
6 |
- tabular-classification
7 |
model_file: model.pkl
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
- lathem
12 |
- meer
13 |
- slaen
14 |
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# Model description
17 |
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Middle Dutch NER with PassiveAgressiveClassifier
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## Intended uses & limitations
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This model is not ready to be used in production.
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## Training Procedure
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### Hyperparameters
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The model is trained with below hyperparameters.
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<summary> Click to expand </summary>
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| Hyperparameter | Value |
36 |
37 |
| memory | |
38 |
| steps | [('vectorizer', CountVectorizer()), ('classifier', MultinomialNB())] |
39 |
| verbose | False |
40 |
| vectorizer | CountVectorizer() |
41 |
| classifier | MultinomialNB() |
42 |
| vectorizer__analyzer | word |
43 |
| vectorizer__binary | False |
44 |
| vectorizer__decode_error | strict |
45 |
| vectorizer__dtype | <class 'numpy.int64'> |
46 |
| vectorizer__encoding | utf-8 |
47 |
| vectorizer__input | content |
48 |
| vectorizer__lowercase | True |
49 |
| vectorizer__max_df | 1.0 |
50 |
| vectorizer__max_features | |
51 |
| vectorizer__min_df | 1 |
52 |
| vectorizer__ngram_range | (1, 1) |
53 |
| vectorizer__preprocessor | |
54 |
| vectorizer__stop_words | |
55 |
| vectorizer__strip_accents | |
56 |
| vectorizer__token_pattern | (?u)\b\w\w+\b |
57 |
| vectorizer__tokenizer | |
58 |
| vectorizer__vocabulary | |
59 |
| classifier__alpha | 1.0 |
60 |
| classifier__class_prior | |
61 |
| classifier__fit_prior | True |
62 |
63 |
64 |
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### Model Plot
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67 |
The model plot is below.
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<style>#sk-container-id-1 {color: black;background-color: white;}#sk-container-id-1 pre{padding: 0;}#sk-container-id-1 div.sk-toggleable {background-color: white;}#sk-container-id-1 label.sk-toggleable__label {cursor: pointer;display: block;width: 100%;margin-bottom: 0;padding: 0.3em;box-sizing: border-box;text-align: center;}#sk-container-id-1 label.sk-toggleable__label-arrow:before {content: "▸";float: left;margin-right: 0.25em;color: #696969;}#sk-container-id-1 label.sk-toggleable__label-arrow:hover:before {color: black;}#sk-container-id-1 div.sk-estimator:hover label.sk-toggleable__label-arrow:before {color: black;}#sk-container-id-1 div.sk-toggleable__content {max-height: 0;max-width: 0;overflow: hidden;text-align: left;background-color: #f0f8ff;}#sk-container-id-1 div.sk-toggleable__content pre {margin: 0.2em;color: black;border-radius: 0.25em;background-color: #f0f8ff;}#sk-container-id-1 input.sk-toggleable__control:checked~div.sk-toggleable__content {max-height: 200px;max-width: 100%;overflow: auto;}#sk-container-id-1 input.sk-toggleable__control:checked~label.sk-toggleable__label-arrow:before {content: "▾";}#sk-container-id-1 div.sk-estimator input.sk-toggleable__control:checked~label.sk-toggleable__label {background-color: #d4ebff;}#sk-container-id-1 div.sk-label input.sk-toggleable__control:checked~label.sk-toggleable__label {background-color: #d4ebff;}#sk-container-id-1 input.sk-hidden--visually {border: 0;clip: rect(1px 1px 1px 1px);clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);height: 1px;margin: -1px;overflow: hidden;padding: 0;position: absolute;width: 1px;}#sk-container-id-1 div.sk-estimator {font-family: monospace;background-color: #f0f8ff;border: 1px dotted black;border-radius: 0.25em;box-sizing: border-box;margin-bottom: 0.5em;}#sk-container-id-1 div.sk-estimator:hover {background-color: #d4ebff;}#sk-container-id-1 div.sk-parallel-item::after {content: "";width: 100%;border-bottom: 1px solid gray;flex-grow: 1;}#sk-container-id-1 div.sk-label:hover label.sk-toggleable__label {background-color: #d4ebff;}#sk-container-id-1 div.sk-serial::before {content: "";position: absolute;border-left: 1px solid gray;box-sizing: border-box;top: 0;bottom: 0;left: 50%;z-index: 0;}#sk-container-id-1 div.sk-serial {display: flex;flex-direction: column;align-items: center;background-color: white;padding-right: 0.2em;padding-left: 0.2em;position: relative;}#sk-container-id-1 div.sk-item {position: relative;z-index: 1;}#sk-container-id-1 div.sk-parallel {display: flex;align-items: stretch;justify-content: center;background-color: white;position: relative;}#sk-container-id-1 div.sk-item::before, #sk-container-id-1 div.sk-parallel-item::before {content: "";position: absolute;border-left: 1px solid gray;box-sizing: border-box;top: 0;bottom: 0;left: 50%;z-index: -1;}#sk-container-id-1 div.sk-parallel-item {display: flex;flex-direction: column;z-index: 1;position: relative;background-color: white;}#sk-container-id-1 div.sk-parallel-item:first-child::after {align-self: flex-end;width: 50%;}#sk-container-id-1 div.sk-parallel-item:last-child::after {align-self: flex-start;width: 50%;}#sk-container-id-1 div.sk-parallel-item:only-child::after {width: 0;}#sk-container-id-1 div.sk-dashed-wrapped {border: 1px dashed gray;margin: 0 0.4em 0.5em 0.4em;box-sizing: border-box;padding-bottom: 0.4em;background-color: white;}#sk-container-id-1 div.sk-label label {font-family: monospace;font-weight: bold;display: inline-block;line-height: 1.2em;}#sk-container-id-1 div.sk-label-container {text-align: center;}#sk-container-id-1 div.sk-container {/* jupyter's `normalize.less` sets `[hidden] { display: none; }` but bootstrap.min.css set `[hidden] { display: none !important; }` so we also need the `!important` here to be able to override the default hidden behavior on the sphinx rendered scikit-learn.org. See: https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/21755 */display: inline-block !important;position: relative;}#sk-container-id-1 div.sk-text-repr-fallback {display: none;}</style><div id="sk-container-id-1" class="sk-top-container" style="overflow: auto;"><div class="sk-text-repr-fallback"><pre>Pipeline(steps=[('vectorizer', CountVectorizer()),('classifier', MultinomialNB())])</pre><b>In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook. <br />On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with nbviewer.org.</b></div><div class="sk-container" hidden><div class="sk-item sk-dashed-wrapped"><div class="sk-label-container"><div class="sk-label sk-toggleable"><input class="sk-toggleable__control sk-hidden--visually" id="sk-estimator-id-1" type="checkbox" ><label for="sk-estimator-id-1" class="sk-toggleable__label sk-toggleable__label-arrow">Pipeline</label><div class="sk-toggleable__content"><pre>Pipeline(steps=[('vectorizer', CountVectorizer()),('classifier', MultinomialNB())])</pre></div></div></div><div class="sk-serial"><div class="sk-item"><div class="sk-estimator sk-toggleable"><input class="sk-toggleable__control sk-hidden--visually" id="sk-estimator-id-2" type="checkbox" ><label for="sk-estimator-id-2" class="sk-toggleable__label sk-toggleable__label-arrow">CountVectorizer</label><div class="sk-toggleable__content"><pre>CountVectorizer()</pre></div></div></div><div class="sk-item"><div class="sk-estimator sk-toggleable"><input class="sk-toggleable__control sk-hidden--visually" id="sk-estimator-id-3" type="checkbox" ><label for="sk-estimator-id-3" class="sk-toggleable__label sk-toggleable__label-arrow">MultinomialNB</label><div class="sk-toggleable__content"><pre>MultinomialNB()</pre></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
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## Evaluation Results
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You can find the details about evaluation process and the evaluation results.
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| Metric | Value |
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| accuracy including 'O' | 0.905322 |
78 |
| f1 score including 'O | 0.905322 |
79 |
| precision excluding 'O' | 0.892857 |
80 |
| recall excluding 'O' | 0.404732 |
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| f1 excluding 'O' | 0.556984 |
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### Confusion Matrix
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# How to Get Started with the Model
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[More Information Needed]
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# Model Card Authors
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Alassea TEST
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# Model Card Contact
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You can contact the model card authors through following channels:
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[More Information Needed]
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# Citation
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@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
1 |
2 |
"sklearn": {
3 |
"columns": [
4 |
5 |
6 |
"environment": [
7 |
8 |
9 |
"example_input": {
10 |
"word": [
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
"model": {
17 |
"file": "model.pkl"
18 |
19 |
"model_format": "pickle",
20 |
"task": "tabular-classification"
21 |
22 |
![]() |
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
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oid sha256:a75348eb1531248a0d2c352dee87b6cf592a5d22ba52d208589e7b694d499423
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size 836005