""" |
TensorImageNoised class, and corresponding transforms. |
This class exists so autoencoder inputs can be subjected to augmentation transforms without the outputs being affected when using fastai dataloaders. |
""" |
from fastai import * |
from fastai.vision.all import * |
class PILImageNoised(PILImage): pass |
class TensorImageNoised(TensorImage): pass |
PILImageNoised._tensor_cls = TensorImageNoised |
class AddNoiseTransform(Transform): |
"Add noise to image" |
split_idx=0 |
order = 11 |
def __init__(self, noise_factor=0.3): self.noise_factor = noise_factor |
def encodes(self, o:TensorImageNoised): return o + (self.noise_factor * torch.randn(*o.shape).to(o.device)) |
class RandomErasingTransform(RandTransform): |
"Randomly selects a rectangle region in an image and randomizes its pixels." |
order = 100 |
def __init__(self, |
p:float=0.5, |
sl:float=0., |
sh:float=0.3, |
min_aspect:float=0.3, |
max_count:int=1 |
): |
store_attr() |
super().__init__(p=p) |
self.log_ratio = (math.log(min_aspect), math.log(1/min_aspect)) |
def _bounds(self, area, img_h, img_w): |
r_area = random.uniform(self.sl,self.sh) * area |
aspect = math.exp(random.uniform(*self.log_ratio)) |
return self._slice(r_area*aspect, img_h) + self._slice(r_area/aspect, img_w) |
def _slice(self, area, sz): |
bound = int(round(math.sqrt(area))) |
loc = random.randint(0, max(sz-bound, 0)) |
return loc,loc+bound |
def cutout_gaussian(self, |
x:TensorImageNoised, |
areas:list |
): |
"Replace all `areas` in `x` with N(0,1) noise" |
chan,img_h,img_w = x.shape[-3:] |
for rl,rh,cl,ch in areas: x[..., rl:rh, cl:ch].normal_() |
return x |
def encodes(self,x:TensorImageNoised): |
count = random.randint(1, self.max_count) |
_,img_h,img_w = x.shape[-3:] |
area = img_h*img_w/count |
areas = [self._bounds(area, img_h, img_w) for _ in range(count)] |
return self.cutout_gaussian(x, areas) |